• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 1,844 Views, 11 Comments

Spiders and Destiny: Rise of Wolf-Spider - Funnel Web

This is basically a what if Equestria had it's own Spider-Man. If you're a fan of both, then follow Midnight Wolf on this adventure as you head into the like of the Deadly Wolf-Spider. He'll face lots of enemies so be prepared for some excitement.

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Chapter 8 Wolf-Spider VS Nightmare Moon Part III.

Twilight wakes up, having a major headache. When she looks straight, she saw the elements of harmony shattered into pieces with Nightmare Moon on top of them. Nightmare Moon just laughs.

“You little foal, thinking you could defeat ME?! Now you will never see your princess or your sun. The night….will last…..FOREVER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”.

When Twilight was about to believe that she lost, she heard her friends heading her way. Twilight realizes it after all of this time. The answers were right in front of her all along. She saw the spark when she realized the answer. She turns back around to Nightmare Moon.

“You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you’re wrong. Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony...are right HERE! Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt…..represents the spirit of HONESTY! Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion….represents the spirit of KINDNESS! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger….represents the spirit of LAUGHTER! Rarity, who came to a sorrowful servant with a meaningful gift….represents the spirit of GENEROSITY! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandoned her friends for her own heart’s desire….represents the spirit of LOYALTY! The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!”

The shattered pieces of the Elements of Harmony started to float around the five ponies. Nightmare Moon was getting worried. She didn’t knew what to do. Midnight saw the ponies and saw that all six had become something special.

“You still don’t have the sixth element. The spark didn’t work!” Nightmare Moon said, with fear in her voice.

“Oh, but it did. A different kind of spark” Twilight replied, with realization in her voice. “I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me, when I realized that you all….are my friends!”

Suddenly, a spark ignited from the ceiling. It was the sixth element! It shined on everything around it. As soon as Twilight realized the answers were right in front of her, she knew what was the sixth element.

Midnight walked in front of Twilight, with his game face on. “You see, Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the…….the spark, that resides in the heart of us all. It creates the sixth element. The element of….MAGIC!” Midnight said, pointing at Twilight.

Just at that moment, the shattered pieces of the elements forged into different necklaces for each of the five ponies. The sixth element transformed as well, but into a crown instead. Each of the elements had the girl’s cutie mark on them. Just then, a huge rainbow flows on top of the girls and hits Nightmare Moon.


Midnight saw the rainbow around Nightmare Moon. With his final words for Nightmare Moon, “Flame on, kid”. He thought it would be the perfect time to say that. All of a sudden, a huge explosion happened and when Midnight got up, he saw that it was finally over. Midnight ran to go check on Twilight.

“Twilight, are you okay?’.

Twilight used all of her pony strength to get up. “Yeah, nothing but a good headache won’t fix”.

Everypony else looked okay as well. Rarity saw that she grew a new tail and was more pretty than it was before. She seriously went gaga over it. But when she looked down on her chest, she saw that she had a necklace on and it looked like her cutie mark. The other five ponies had necklaces as well. Well, except for Twilight and Midnight. Twilight had a crown and Midnight didn’t get anything at all but he didn’t care if he got something or not. They heard a voice from a distance. When they looked at a window, they saw that the sun came up. A spark appeared from the sun and landed right on front of the ponies. The spark disappeared, revealing….PRINCESS CELESTIA! Everypony bowed before Celestia. Twilight was shocked and happy at the same time.

“(gasp) Princess Celestia!”

“Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it”.

“But….you told me it was all an old ponytale”

“I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. But you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well”.

Celestia walks up to the remains of Nightmare Moon that revealed Princess Luna. Luna wakes up from from that explosion. “Princess Luna, it has been a thousand years since I’ve seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister”.
Everypony got confused when Celestia said “sister”. But they’ve figured it out a few seconds later. “Will you accept my friendship?” Celestia offers Luna. Luna rand to Celestia, hugging her at the process.

“I’m so sorry. I’ve missed you so much, big sister” Luna said, with happy tears in her eyes.

Celestia replied “I’ve missed you too”, shedding a few happy tears in the process as well.

Pinkie started bursting out millions of tears. Rarity walked behind Midnight and asked him “Excuse me, mister. I believe that you might need this” offering Midnight his mask. Midnight took his mask with a smile on his face and told her to just call him Midnight.

“You know, Twilight couldn’t have done it without you, Midnight” Celestia said behind Midnight’s back.

“Yeah, all in a day’s work I guess” Midnight replied.

“She still needs you. Go to her”.


Celestia nodded yes and Midnight ran to Twilight. Twilight turned around to face Midnight and they were already blushing. Both of them felt embarrassed but their friends didn’t care. There was no need to feel embarrassed at all. They were perfectly okay with it.

“I guess we did it, huh?” Midnight asked, while his face turned pink.

“Yeah, I guess we did” Twilight replied, with her face turning pink as well.

“You know, I was wondering...do you wanna...you know...catch a movie or something?”

“I’d love to”.

Twilight leaned closer to Midnight and pressed her lips against his. Midnight leaned in further into the kiss. Both of them might have been different in many ways, but they didn’t care anymore. As long as they had each other, nothing else mattered. When they departed from the kiss, they saw that all of their friends smiled. They were all proud of both of them, even Celestia and Luna were proud of them. Midnight walked over to Luna.

“Hey, um...sorry about the whole....you know...me fighting you and all of that” Midnight said.

“All is forgiven. You’ve done what you thought was right and that’s all that mattered. I forgive you” Luna replied.

Everything was right with the world. Nightmare Moon was gone, Celestia was reunited with her sister, Equestria was saved, Midnight and Twilight are now dating. Also, Rarity got to fix Midnight’s suit. Equestria is safe….for now.
Meanwhile somewhere else in Equestria, the pony-like creature was in his lair, upgrading his suit in the shadows. But Something catches his attention. A type of scent catches his attention. He smells out the scent.

“Mmmmm. Smells good. I love it!”

The creature just laughs at the scent. Looks like he’s ready to head to Ponyville. He needs to track down that scent. He justs laughs at the fact that he might finally get a challenge. He laughs like a maniac as the lights remaining shut down. There was no light left, except the red eyes of the creature with an evil smile on his face.

To Be Continued.....