• Published 26th May 2017
  • 699 Views, 5 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Magic: The Numeric War - moviemaster8510

The members of Lamss return to Equestria right as a mysterious organization is hunting for the mysterious and powerful Numbers cards.

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Chapter 31: The Guardian's Prize

Cont. from Derpy Hooves and Little Strongheart vs. Alex and Eli

Eli’s Turn: Eli activates Number 164: Crystalline Chimera’s effect (ATK: 2700 DEF: 1200). By detaching 1 xyz material from it, he can destroy all spell and trap cards on the field. Eli then banishes an Iron Core of Koa’ki Meiru from his hand to special summon Koa’ki Meiru Maximus (ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500). Eli attacks Derpy Hooves’ Number 145: Hercules Warrior Beetle with Number 164: Crystalline Chimera.

Derpy Hooves and Little Strongheart’s Life Points: 2700 -> 2500

Eli attacks Derpy Hooves and Little Strongheart directly with Koa’ki Meiru Maximus.

Derpy Hooves and Little Strongheart’s Life Points: 2500 -> 0

Alex and Eli win.

Derpy Hooves knew of Alex’s summoning of Adligo two years ago, so she knew that there was no need to test if he was suitable for using Numbers; she just wanted to duel him for fun. She found it surprising how from the beginning of the day, she was hard, cold, and merciless, and now, 24 hours later, she made a lot of new friends and allies. She and Little Strongheart made their way back to the castle to finally get some sleep. Alex and Eli laid on the grass next to each other and looked at each other.

“We did it man,” said Eli.

“Yep,” replied Alex. “We sure did.”

They then clasped hands together, celebrating each other over all that they had done together.


Midnight, after what felt like an eternity, finally rung. All of the nearby ponies tiredly went to their homes for bed. It was a bittersweet sight. On one part, it was nice to see that these ponies could finally go to bed and get some well-deserved sleep. On the other hand, Alex and Eli knew that most, if not, all of these ponies had no chance of seeing their names on the tournament bracket despite having stayed up for so long. Alex and Eli knew that they should also make for the theater as well. When Eli and Alex got inside, Alex pulled out a couple of cold beers from their fridge and tossed one to Eli. They twisted the tops off the bottles, clinked them, and took a swig. Charley and Maddie were the next to enter.

“Beer?” asked Maddie. “At this time of night?”

“Hell yeah,” said Alex.

“Asshole, give me one.”

“Do you have any of my wine?” asked Charley.

Alex tossed Maddie a beer while he took a bottle of pinot noir from their cabinet and poured a glass for Charley. Alex called cheers and clinked his bottle with Maddie’s bottle and Charley’s glass. Scott and Zelda came next.

“Hey man!” called Alex.

“Beer?” Scott held an open hand, into which Alex tossed another bottle.

“Got anything stiff?” asked Zelda impatiently.

“We got some whiskey.”

“Perfect. I’ll make it myself.”

Alex handed her the bottle and reached into the fridge for some lemon-lime soda. He was too late however, as Zelda had finished chugging about a quarter of the bottle.

“Jesus,” commented Alex. “Those Vegas bastards must have really done you guys in.”

“Not quite,” said Scott. “But they don’t seem to take kindly to ex-Vegas agents with bounties on their head.”

Behind Scott, Zelda flipped Scott off.

“Yeah,” said Eli. “We’re in a world of shit, but we’re alive.”

“I heard that,” said Scott as he went over, clinked his bottle with Eli’s and took another swig.


Orion and Helena came in through the door.

“Another one?” asked Alex to Eli.

“That will be your third beer.”

“I’m sorry officer,” said Eli, starting to become inebriated, “do I need to show you my card? And the last I checked, Zelda just drank about half the whiskey in Ireland.”

Eli dodged an empty beer bottle thrown by Zelda as it hit the wall behind him, shattering into thousands of pieces. Zelda also gave Eli the one finger salute.

“Okay,” said Alex. “Last one.”

“Thank you!”

Orion had poured him and Helena a glass of Charley’s wine with her permission. Sammy was the last to walk through the doors.

“Sam Dog. Arf arf!” called Eli.

Sammy could already tell he was drunk and scoffed at him.

“Orion,” called Sammy. “Beer me!”

Orion tossed Sammy a beer from the fridge. Sammy then looked for a place to sit, but the only place she could sit without being too far from her friends was next to Eli. Sammy began to approach Eli.

“Hey, there,” greeted Eli. “Where were you while the party was… missing the party?”

“First off, I was taking Spike to Twilight’s house, and second, how much have you drunk?”

“Just three of those pilsners from Creeky Cheeks-”

“You mean Ecruteak?”

“Geshundheit. Anyways… yeah, that’s about it.”

Seriously? Three beers and you’re already plastered?”

Eli shrugged.

“Damn, you lightweight.”

“Hey well, I bet you didn’t win nearly as many duels as me.”

“Try me.”

“We won all 25 duels we played.”

“32 out of 32.”

“Dude, fuckin’ A!”

Sammy laughed a little at that response. “So,” she began. “How is working with my brother?”

“He’s great. I didn’t know that someone as talented as he is on the guitar could be such a good duelist.”

“Well, we did only get into duel monsters after we thought our careers as musicians wouldn’t pan out, and he taught me what I know.”

“You should be lucky to have a brother like him, and he should be lucky to have such a great sister like you.”

Sammy’s interest was now perked. “Me? Oh please, I’m not that great.”

“What? Are you kidding? You’re a kick-ass bassist and an even kick-assier duelist. Hell, I don’t think I would have been nearly as good last night without your help that one time.”


“And, you’re pretty, you’re tough, you’re super smart. In the 40 some years of my life, I wish I could have found a woman as attractive, smart, AND talented as you.”

Sammy couldn’t take it. He may be 40 years old, but he looks 28, and he’s the first man who actually seems interested in me. When will I have another chance?

She then grabbed his face and began kissing it. Eli was too drunk to be surprised, but sober enough to know what he was doing. He began returning her kisses as they exchanged tongues. Alex looked on with bewilderment, but he seemed passive about it. In the 24 hours he spent with him, the silly, but protective Eli seemed like the perfect match for the serious and stoic Sammy.

Perhaps you have found someone after all, he thought.


The next morning, around 9 AM, the roosters sounded really loud. But knowing that the animals were as sentient as the ponies, it was very likely that this was for the announcement of the finals. Sammy was up first, but she noticed something amiss: her mouth tasted different, like she had kissed someone.

“Oh God, please,” whined Sammy.

She pulled the covers over to find an empty space. She sighed with relief.

“Hey,” said a voice. Eli was standing at the doorway when Sammy rushed over to him. “What the hell happened last night?”

“Well, if my hangover left me any clues, I’d say that we talked and then you kissed me.”

“I… kissed you?”

“Like a beast too.”


Eli’s cheek stung as Sammy closed the door on him. “Jesus,” said Eli in mild surprise. “And I’m the lightweight?”


Everyone was dressed in casual clothes when they made their way to the Ponyville Town Hall Pavilion. Sammy wanted to stay as far away from Eli as possible right now.

“Sammy,” asked Alex. “What’s wrong.” Sammy pulled Alex aside away from everybody. “Is this about you and Eli last night.”

“What the f- how did you know? Eli, that big-”

“I saw you two last night.”

“You did?” Sammy was really embarrassed now. “Well, who kissed who first?”

“I’m not sure what that has to do with anything, but from the way I saw it, you were jumping all over him.”

“I must have drunk too much.”

“You were a quarter of the way on your first beer.”

“Well, he is the proclaimed Guardian-”

“That’s not it either. There’s something else.”

“Alright, fine! I really like him. He’s witty, he’s strong, he’s smart, and he actually seems to care about me and my wellbeing. Plus… he’s incredibly hot.”

“I hope that’s not the main reason.”

Suddenly Alex and Sammy heard rustling behind them. They turned to see Eli with his shirt lifted up and stroking his pecs with his hand in a circular motion while singing the main beat and chorus from LMFAO's Sexy and I Know It. Sammy laughed.

“No,” she said to Alex, “that’s the reason.”

Alex watched as Sammy walked to Eli as they walked back to the crowd together.


The large group of ponies stood at the town hall awaiting the announcement from Princess Celestia. 10 AM came and Princess Celestia stood on a pedestal with the results.

“Fillies and gentlecolts. You have all fought valiantly over the course of 24 hours, but only eight teams have emerged victoriously. And here are the teams.”

The crowd was tensing up to hear the results.

“The first team, no surprise here, is Sammy and Spike.”

The crowd cheered as Sammy and Spike made their way to the stage to represent themselves.

“Next up, once again big surprise, is Alex and Eli.”

More applause from the audience as Alex and Eli went on the stage. Eli even tried to hold Sammy’s hand, but was batted away.

“Please,” said Sammy, “not here.”

Eli kept his hands at his side.

“Next up, is Chase and Diana.”

As names were read, the teams made their way onstage while the audience continued cheering.

“Mark and Ryan. Rarity and Braeburn. Orion and Helena. Scott and Zelda. And lastly, Rainbow Dash and Gilda.”

Everything was now said and done.

“Thank you all for participating. The finals will be held tomorrow in the Canterlot coliseum at 9 AM. Escorts will be provided for the teams competing. Once again, thank you all everypony, we will see you then.”

The crowd cheered again as Princess Celestia flew away before they dispersed.


Back at the theater, Sammy and Spike were having a practice duel with Orion and Helena, and Eli was examining his deck and looking at any old cards he should take out and new cards that he should add. Then, there was a knock on the door. Alex got up and answered it. It was Twilight and Zecora. Zecora had a heavy looking bundle on her back. Upon opening the door, Zecora let herself in.

“What’s going on?” asked Alex.

“Where’s Eli?”

“He’s here.”

Zecora approached Eli and dropped the bundle in front of him.

“Woah,” said Eli. “What’s this?”

“You are the guardian, are you not?” chanted Zecora. “Then please take my lot.”

Eli unwrapped the bundle and saw two large golden gauntlets. What surprised Eli was that there were four fingers and a thumb on each gauntlet.

“Wait, this is a human gauntlet. How come you ponies have human artifacts?”

Twilight spoke on Zecora’s behalf. “These gauntlets are the seventh Element of Harmony: the Element of Bravery."

"Wait, aren't there only six Elements of Harmony?"

"I know, I was surprised too. I'm not too familiar with the legends of the Equestria that Eli was supposed to save, but Zecora told me that a seventh Element was created for the guardian for his inevitable return when darkness would attempt to rule the land. The day you arrived and the Equestrias melded, Zecora found these gauntlets in her home. She told me that she remembered that she was to give these gauntlets to the guardian when that time came.”

It must be like how Princess Celestia’s memories of both worlds remain with her, thought Twilight.

“An era of darkness is drawing nigh,” said Zecora. “You must be the one to save us, Eli. These gauntlets I give here are for you, and I shall tell you what they do. These gauntlets can maintain any form, from a spear to a sword, but be warned. When you choose your weapon, be clever, for once a choice is made, the gauntlet’s form stays forever.”

“So let me get this straight,” said Eli. “The gauntlets can become anything I want it to be, but they stay in the form that I choose.”

“More or less,” confirmed Twilight.

Eli tried thinking of a useful weapon. I could use a pair of handguns that never have to be reloaded like Dante in Devil May Cry. No, too cliché. I could make it into Cloud’s buster sword, that would be cool. Not so cool if I can’t carry it.

Eli continued to think when he saw Helena’s gauntlet duel disk. He was always very fond of how it looked, and speculated what he’d look like with one.

“I got it,” said Eli.

“What? Already?” said Twilight. "Did I not make the whole element’s form is permanent thing clear?”

“Crystal. Now please.”

Eli slipped the massive gauntlets onto his hands. He thought about how his weapon would look. After he was done thinking it through, he began to make the Element of Bravery transform into his personal weapon of choice. Sammy and Spike stopped their duel with Orion and Helena to see this.

The gauntlets were now glowing orbs of white. Eli then swung his arms out, and the light disappeared. On Eli’s left arm was another gauntlet, gold in color. It was much more slender and fitting than the gauntlets Zecora gave to Eli. There was also an empty wrist dealer on the left side of the wrist. In Eli’s right hand he held a medium sized sword with a gold handle and a silver blade.

“A gauntlet and sword?” asked Alex. “How original.”

Eli just smirked as he threw the sword into the air. The sword twisted and turned like a Rubik’s cube until it morphed into a long, silver rhombus with gold borders and 5 sapphire-blue zones on them with slots on the right side of each of the zones. There was also a slot on the right end of the rhombus. The blade then caught itself on Eli’s gauntlet. Eli now had his own gauntlet duel disk.

“Really?” asked Twilight incredulously. “A duel disk? Was your D-Pad not enough?”

Suddenly a light emitted from the wrist dealer. Eli reached inside it and pulled out two cards. One of them was an effect monster that he had never seen before, and the other one was Number 200: Adligo – Dragon of Harmony.

“It seems the element liked your pick,” said Zecora. “Those new cards it gave you are, how do they say, quite sick?”

Alex looked at his deck box and found that Adligo wasn’t there anymore.

“Why did Adligo go with Eli?” “He is now one of the Elements of Harmony,” said Twilight. “It seems Adligo found a new master to serve.”

But what about this new card? thought Eli.

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