• Published 26th May 2017
  • 699 Views, 5 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Magic: The Numeric War - moviemaster8510

The members of Lamss return to Equestria right as a mysterious organization is hunting for the mysterious and powerful Numbers cards.

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Chapter 42: The Siege of Vegas

Author's Note:

This chapter's featured card: Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mach

Xyz Monster Rank: 5 ATK: 2400 DEF: 1500 Attribute: LIGHT Type: Machine

2 Level 5 Monsters

This card can only be destroyed by battle with another "Number" monster. When a monster's ATK is changed: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; inflict damage to your opponent equal to the difference between the higher ATK and the lower ATK after ATK is changed.

It was dark when Eli and Zelda saw sight of the building outside of Dodge. They were surprised when they didn’t see much in the way of resistance on their way there. They then rode slowly up to the building until someone would stop them. They didn’t have to wait long.

“Stop!” called a loud, amplified voice through the darkness. “Who goes there?”

Ryan got out of his car, turned his car into his D-Pad tablet, put it down his shirt for safekeeping, and held up his hands. He then motioned for Zelda to do the same. Not much longer than they made their surrender, a large black van rode up to their vehicles. Two men, each in black suits got out.

“Well, well,” said one of them. “If it isn’t the two traitors themselves.”

“We have come to return the Numbers in return for concessions.”

“What? How about you give us the Numbers and I’ll make you and your friend's death here as painless as possible.”

Ryan then took off his deck box, held it up, and put a lighter under the box.

“How about this. Let us in, or your Numbers will turn to ash.”

When neither of the two agents responded, Ryan flicked the wheel and began to hold the flame over the box.

“Okay fine,” one of them said. “Get in the van. Let’s go. Besides, I’m sure Mark would love to see the great Ryan Gosling risen from the grave.”

Ryan and Zelda were handcuffed and escorted to the back of the van and were about to enter the Equestrian Vegas Headquarters. So far, so good.


The van pulled into a garage. Ryan and Zelda were led out of the car and into the headquarters. The inside looked exactly like the headquarters in Seattle where Ryan (and Zelda) used to work. They were led to an interrogation room in the prison section in the west wing. If this is where the prisoners are kept, thought Ryan, then surely those ponies shouldn’t be far away. What shocked Ryan and Zelda was how empty the place looked.

“Not nearly as empty as I remember,” said Ryan.

“Yeah, well, apparently your friends down in Ponyville are organizing some kind of army down there, so most of our men are giving Inverz reinforcements.”

Shit, thought Ryan. They know about that?

This might complicate his “concessions” speech. Time for Plan B.

Once Ryan and Zelda were in the room, one agent held Zelda, while the one holding Ryan let go momentarily to close the door. Ryan and Zelda used this distraction to their advantage. Seemingly at the same time, Ryan and Zelda attacked. Ryan did a high jumping kick to the bottom of one of the agent’s jaws. The agent fell down in pain, and Ryan stomped his head twice for good measure. Zelda kneed the other in the testicles, causing him to double over in pain. Zelda turned around, and wrung his neck with her hands literally behind her back. Zelda then sat down to rummage for the keys that were on the dead agent’s jacket. Zelda undid hers first, and then she undid Ryan’s. After Ryan put his D-Pad back together, Zelda and Ryan both grabbed a gun from their victims’ holsters.

“I’ll go left,” said Zelda, grabbing the agent’s keys.

And they both did just that.

As Ryan made his way looking for his friends down the inner end of the west wing hallway on the second floor, he saw something that he hoped not to see. It was his old comrade, Chase, standing in front of him. Ryan and Chase both pulled their guns, fired at the same time, causing their guns to be shot out of their hands. Chase then landed a black duel anchor on Ryan, trapping him.

“Don’t even think of escaping, dickhead. Mark and the others will be back on their way soon.”


Zelda looked cautiously in each window of the third and top level of the building. After a short search, she looked through a window to see four familiar ponies standing, scared. But where are the other two? Zelda’s answer came in the form of seeing Twilight Sparkle and Applejack, frozen in what looked like carbonite from Star Wars. They were lowered down into another floor, for what purpose, Zelda didn’t know.

Then she saw two agents try to get Fluttershy and Rarity. Rarity tried defending herself with magic, but one of the agents poked her with a cattle prod, knocking her out cold. The agent placed her into a box shaped glass mechanism. Fluttershy looked absolutely frightened, a look that broke Zelda’s heart. The agent grabbed her by the tail and mane to throw her into the mechanism, Fluttershy kicking and screaming all the while. She could see Fluttershy banging her glass prison, screaming and crying. Then, the agents turned on a machine causing flashing lights from inside the containers. When the lights eventually stopped flashing, Fluttershy and Rarity were frozen just like Twilight and Applejack. Zelda had no more time to speculate a plan. She needed to save the last two now.


Ten other Vegas agents came to Chase’s aid with guns in hand.

“No,” said Chase. “Leave him to me. Get the girl; she shouldn’t be far.”

The agents did as they were told and went after Zelda. Seeing no other option for a quicker escape or assistance to Zelda, Ryan activated his duel disk. Chase did the same with his. They each drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL!” they yelled.

Chase vs. Ryan

Chase’s Turn: Chase summons Chronomaly Golden Jet (ATK: 1300 DEF: 1400). Chase activates Palenque Sarcophagus, drawing 2 cards when he controls a Chronomaly monster. Next, Chase special summons Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem, as he activated a normal spell card this turn (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1000). Chase activates the effect of Chronomaly Golden Jet, increasing the level of all Chronomaly monsters by 1 (Lvl.: 4 -> 5) (Lvl.: 4 -> 5). Chase overlays Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem and Chronomaly Golden Jet to xyz summon Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mach (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1500).

Chase places 2 cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2


As Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were about to be thrown into their next container, the agents heard the door unlock and open. One agent went outside with gun in hand while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were held at gunpoint by the other. As the agent looked behind the door, he was surprised to hear a click of a trigger behind him. Zelda’s bullet painted the door with the agent’s blood.

The other agent ran out to see what happened, but without Rainbow Dash in custody anymore, she bucked the agent off of the walkway with her quick speed onto the floor two stories below, his head cracking like an eggshell. Zelda saw Rainbow Dash as she looked at her, and Pinkie Pie ran out to see who their hero was. Upon seeing Zelda’s face, she cried and ran to her open arms, Rainbow joining in the hug.

“I’m sorry,” said Zelda. “I wish I had come sooner.”

“What was that stuff that they took our friends in?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I’ll explain later. Let’s go now. They have to be after us now.”

Zelda then headed for the end of the wing with her rescued friends.


Ryan’s Turn: Ryan summons T.G. Cyber Magician (ATK: 0 DEF: 0). Ryan activates T.G. Cyber Magician’s effect, allowing Ryan to use T.G. monsters in his hand as the non-tuner synchro material for a synchro summon. Ryan tunes T.G. Rush Rhino in his hand with T.G. Cyber Magician to synchro summon T.G. Hyper Librarian (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1800). Ryan activates Monster Reborn, special summoning T.G. Cyber Magician from his graveyard. Ryan activates T.G. Cyber Magician’s effect again, tuning another T.G. Rush Rhino in his hand with T.G. Cyber Magician to synchro summon T.G. Wonder Magician (ATK: 1900 DEF: 0).

When a monster is synchro summoned, with T.G. Hyper Librarian’s effect, Ryan can draw 1 card. When T.G. Wonder Magician is synchro summoned, Ryan can destroy 1 spell or trap on the field, choosing 1 of Chase’s face down cards. Ryan tunes T.G. Hyper Librarian with T.G. Wonder Magician to accel synchro summon T.G. Blade Blaster (ATK: 3300 DEF: 2200). Ryan attacks Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech. Since Numbers can only be destroyed in battle with other Numbers, Number 33: OOPArts Super Weapon – Machu Mech isn’t destroyed. Battle damage is still applied.

Chase’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3100

Ryan places 2 cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2


Zelda, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie ran into the weapons room from the south third floor entrance. There were south and north doors on every floor, plus three large walkthrough entrances/exits to the west wing in the center of each floor which Zelda compared to the entrances of stores in shopping malls.

“Woah, woah, woah,” said Rainbow Dash, looking at all of the weapons. “Are you seriously going to try and kill those people?”

Zelda grabbed an M16 off of a rack with one hand and grabbed a full clip with the other.

“If it comes to that, yes.” Zelda put the clip into the rifle and went to guard them. “Wait here,” she said going to the second level.


Chase’s Turn: Chase activates Graceful Charity, drawing 3 cards and discarding 2. Chase activates Chronomaly Pyramid Eye Tablet, having all Chronomaly monsters gain 800 ATK (ATK: 2400 -> 3200). Chase then actives Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mach’s effect. When a monster’s ATK changes, Chase can detach 1 xyz material from it and inflict damage equal to the difference between the higher ATK and the lower ATK (800).

Ryan’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3200

Chase summons Chronomaly Cabrera’s Trebuchet in defense position.

Chase places 1 card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3100 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

The 10 agents arrived outside the entrance to the weapons room.

“Zelda! We know you’re in there. It’s over. Come out immediately.”

Zelda hid behind a wall. In her left hand she held two grenades while squeezing both handles. Two fingers of her right hand were holding the pins.

“Fuck you, asshole,” she said, trying to mimic Arnold.

She pulled them, waited about three seconds and quickly threw them in the direction of her assailants. With her three second delay, the agents had no time to react. Both grendades exploded about ten feet from the group before they even hit the ground. The blast killed half of them instantly, while the others were seriously injured. Zelda then picked up the armed M16 rifle and began shooting the agents who were still alive. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had never seen her, or anyone for that matter, unleash so much carnage. Pinkie could tell from Zelda’s past that she was a hardened killer, but it was much different seeing it up close.


Chase and Ryan heard the blast. “What the hell,” asked Chase.

Ryan smirked. “It looks like I have the upper hand.”

Chase then pulled out a phone from his pocket, making an announcement through the intercom. “This is your temporary Mr. Ace speaking. Would all 10s in the building make your way to the weapons room immediately. Come armed.”

Ryan watched as about twenty more agents came from the east wing to fight Zelda. They were about as armed as the previous ten, but they knew what they were dealing with now.


Ryan’s Turn: Ryan summons T.G. Drill Fish (ATK: 100 DEF: 800). When Ryan controls a T.G. monster, Ryan can special summon T.G. Gear Zombie from his hand (ATK: 600 DEF: 0). Ryan tunes T.G. Drill Fish with T.G Gear Zombie to synchro summon T.G. Recipro Dragonfly (ATK: 300 DEF: 300). Ryan activates T.G. Recipro Dragonfly’s effect. Once per turn, Ryan can send a T.G. synchro monster he controls to the graveyard to special summon any synchro material monsters involved with the summoning of the sent T.G. monster from the graveyard, special summoning T.G. Hyper Librarian and T.G. Wonder Magician. Ryan tunes T.G. Hyper Librarian and T.G. Recipro Dragonfly with T.G. Wonder Magician to delta accel synchro summon T.G. Halberd Cannon (ATK: 4000 DEF: 4000).

Ryan attacks Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mach with T.G. Halberd Cannon, but Chase activates Stonehenge Shield, negating T.G. Halberd Cannon’s attack, reducing its ATK to 0 (ATK: 4000 -> 0), and negating its effect. Chase then actives Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech’s effect, detaching 1 xyz material from it when a monster’s ATK changes and inflicts damage equal to the difference between the higher ATK and the lower ATK (4000). Ryan activates Damage Diet, halving the damage he takes this turn.

Ryan’s Life Points: 3200 -> 1200

Ryan ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1


Zelda had already begun shutting and locking the doors to the weapons room to prevent any access. She then closed the garage door on the first floor. She then noticed a large crate that said T.N.T. on it. Then she remembered the conversation between the two agents they killed earlier.


“Yeah, well, apparently your friends down in Ponyville are organizing some kind of army down there, so most of our men are giving Inverz reinforcements.”


Are these the reinforcements he was referring to? thought Zelda.

She assumed that it would be used to destroy the train tracks that ran along the mountainous edges by Canterlot. She would have to warn her friends about that later. Now, she had another plan.


Chase’s Turn: Chase tributes Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech to summon Chronomaly Sol Monolith (ATK: 600 DEF: 600) When Chronomaly Sol Monolith is normal summoned, Mark can make the level of an Chronomaly monster he controls 6, choosing Chronomaly Cabrera’s Trebuchet (Lvl.: 4 -> 6). Chase overlays Chronomaly Cabrera’s Trebuchet and Chronomaly Sol Monolith to xyz summon Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis (ATK: 2600 DEF: 3000) (ATK: 2600 -> 3400).

When Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis is xyz summoned, Chase can equip a Number monster to it and have Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis gain ATK equal to half of the Number’s ATK, choosing Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech (ATK: 3400 -> 4600). Chase activates Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis’s effect. By detaching 1 xyz material from it and sending an equip card equipped to it by its own effect to the graveyard (ATK: 4600 -> 3400), Chase can halve Ryan’s life points.

Ryan’s Life Points: 1200 -> 600

Chase ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3100 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1


The agents knew that Zelda couldn’t stay in there for long, so they resorted to waiting outside the door and just wait for more agents to come from their trip to Canterlot for extra hands on deck. Zelda had asked Pinkie Pie and Zelda to take many of the sticks of the dynamite from the crate and place them at the foot of the large, center interior doors on each of the three floors leading to the west wing. Zelda then took a container of gasoline rations and poured them to each box, forming a chain of gasoline to each pile of dynamite. Zelda then found a box of matches.

“Now guys,” she said. “When I count to three, we run as fast as we possibly can. Don’t wait for me, just go. Got it?”

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie both did the motions of a Pinkie promise. Zelda, convinced, slowly and quietly unlocked the door to the third floor right side entrance.

“Alright,” said Zelda. “One.” Zelda took a match out of the box. “Two.” She lit it. “Three!”

She threw the match in the air, opened the door and ran like hell. The match hit the gasoline starting a chain of fire to each stack of dynamite. The agents were startled by Zelda’s “break and run” tactic but they raised their guns, aimed-

The fire hit all three stacks almost simultaneously. Each of the twenty agents were killed instantly in the blast as shards of metal and fire engulfed them. Zelda was thrown off her feet and crashed into the wall. She angled herself just in time to cushion the blow with her hip. She was in tremendous pain, but she knew that she had to get her friends to safety before she would even think about resting. She then ran as fast as she could to try and catch up with her friends.


The blast of the dynamite was felt clearly by Chase and Ryan. Chase just assumed that she must have accidentally blew up the crate of dynamite along with herself in an effort to escape.

“Oops,” said Chase unsympathetically.

Ryan was holding back his tears until two familiar voices called him.

“Ryan!” called Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie together.

“No,” said Chase. He then resolved to find his gun.

“Where’s Zelda?” asked Ryan to confirm the welfare of his comrade.

Chase picked his gun up and aimed it at the two ponies. Unfortunately, upon aiming his gun at them, he saw Zelda aiming her gun at him.

“She’s just fine,” she said.

He tried to reposition his aim, but Zelda shot him in his heart before he could pull the trigger.

“Finish your duel,” said Zelda. “We haven’t got all night.”

Chase, with life still in him, resolved to try and defend himself until his dying breath, which looked to be soon.


Ryan’s Turn: Ryan activates Pot of Greed, drawing 2 cards. Ryan activates De-Synchro, returning T.G. Halberd Cannon to his extra deck to special summon the synchro materials from his graveyard, special summoning T.G. Hyper Librarian, T.G. Wonder Magician, and T.G. Recipro Dragonfly. Ryan summons T.G. Jet Falcon (ATK: 1400 DEF: 1200). Ryan tunes T.G. Recipro Dragonfly with T.G. Jet Falcon to synchro summon T.G. Power Gladiator (ATK: 2300 DEF: 1000). Ryan draws 1 card due to T.G. Hyper Librarian’s effect. When T.G. Jet Falcon is used for synchro summon, Ryan inflicts 500 points of damage to his opponent.

Chase’s Life Points: 3100 -> 2600

Ryan activates Heavy Storm, destroying all spell and trap cards on the field, including Chronomaly Pyramid Eye Tablet (ATK: 3400 -> 2600). Ryan overlays T.G. Hyper Librarian, T.G. Wonder Magician, and T.G. Power Gladiator to xyz summon Number 160: Cannon Android – Rocket Rocky. Ryan activates Number 160: Cannon Android – Rocket Rocky’s effect. By detaching 2 xyz materials from it, Ryan can destroy 1 monster on the field and inflict damage equal to the monster’s original ATK, choosing Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis.

Chase’s Life Points: 2600 -> 0

Ryan wins.

With the final damage, Chase slumped to the floor, dead. Rainbow Dash flew to Ryan and hugged him.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said crying. “That was awesome.”

“I’m glad to see you too, Rainbow Dash, but we don’t have much time. Let’s get out of here.”

“What about our friends?”

“Yes, about that,” said Zelda. “That stuff they sealed your friends in is what we call a cryofoam. The bureau uses it to imprison creatures that would easily escape if held in a regular cell. In other words, they’re alive, but there’s nothing we can do about that right now. But now, we NEED to leave, or we’re going to die.”

Rainbow Dash, despite feeling guilty about leaving her friends, knew that if they were to live long enough to save her friends in the near future, she would need to follow Zelda’s orders and leave. The two humans and ponies left the Vegas Headquarters to return to Ponyville.

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