• Published 26th May 2017
  • 699 Views, 5 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Magic: The Numeric War - moviemaster8510

The members of Lamss return to Equestria right as a mysterious organization is hunting for the mysterious and powerful Numbers cards.

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Chapter 52: The Profit From Our Victory

Author's Note:

This chapter's featured card: Number C200: Adligo Hope Dragon

Xyz Monster Rank: 10 ATK: 4500 DEF: 4500 Attribute: LIGHT Type: Dragon

4 Level 10 Monsters

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If your Life Points are below 1000, you can Xyz Summon this card by using a "Number 200: Adligo - Dragon of Harmony" you control as the Xyz Material (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card). This card's effect is determined by the number of Xyz Materials detached from this card until the End Phase.
● 1+: This card gains ATK equal to the ATK of the detached Xyz Materials.
● 4+: This card's ATK is multiplied by the number of Xyz Materials detached from this card.
● 6+: This card's ATK becomes ∞.

Cont. from Eli, Alex, and Ryan vs. Inverz

Eli’s Turn: Eli activates the spell Elements of Harmony, adding Elemental Guardian Celutera from his deck to his hand and negating the activation of effects of all cards currently on the field until the end phase. This effect cannot be negated. Eli special summons Elemental Guardian Celutera, as he has a WIND (Koa’ki Meiru Maximus), WATER (discarded Koa’ki Meiru Sea Panther), EARTH (Koa’ki Meiru Urnight), and FIRE (Koa’ki Meiru Gravirose) monster in his graveyard (ATK: 3500 DEF: 3500). Ryan overlays Elemental Guardian Celutera, Nero, the Dragon Warlord, and T.G. Blade Blaster to xyz summon Number 200: Adligo – Dragon of Harmony (ATK: 4500 DEF: 4500).

Eli activates Elemental Guardian Celutera’s other effect, detaching itself as xyz material from an xyz monster to attach 1 WIND, WATER, EARTH, and FIRE monster from his graveyard onto that xyz monster as xyz materials. Eli overlays Number 200: Adligo – Dragon of Harmony to chaos xyz summon Number C200: Adligo Hope Dragon (ATK: 4500 DEF: 4500). Eli activates Number C200: Adligo Hope Dragon’s effect. If Eli detaches 6 or more xyz materials from Number C200: Adligo Hope Dragon, Number C200: Adligo Hope Dragon’s ATK becomes ∞ (ATK: 4500 -> ∞). Number C200: Adligo Hope Dragon cannot be destroyed by battle. Eli attacks Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse with Number C200: Adligo Hope Dragon. Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse is removed from the field, so Inverz loses the duel.

Eli, Alex, and Ryan win.

Inverz’ draconic form exploded from the massive attack, bringing the bright, blue sky back. The force was enough to knock some ponies and people on their feet. But it was good. Eli had saved Equestria. The blast, however, destroyed the disk Eli, Alex, and Ryan were standing on, causing them to plummet to the ground. Eli used his newfound powers to cause the falling humans and pieces of rock to levitate in the air. Eli then set them all down gently, leaving no one injured.

A plethora of cards then made its way into Eli’s hand. Eli could sense that all the Numbers were now gathered in his hand. The cards converged into the a single, sparkling gold card. Alex and Ryan got up and ran to their friends, giving them hugs all around. Eli then walked to the crowd, prompting everyone, including the humans out of sheer respect, to bow. Eli motioned for Sammy to continue standing. She then ran towards him and hugged him, crying into his chest.

“I told you not to worry me like that,” she sobbed.

“And I told you no promises,” responded Eli.

“I have to say though; you look damn fine in armor.”

“Not that I need it to get a wonderful woman like you.”

Eli and Sammy kissed to the applause and cheers of the people he saved. As they kissed, Eli’s armor faded from his body, turning back into the six dusty wisps which formed back into the elements on their respective owners.

Rainbow Dash then broke them up and held Eli’s hand in the air. “Let’s all give three cheers for Eli!”

The ponies formed around Eli, tossing him into the air with each cheer.

“Hip-hip hooray!” Eli felt as if the world had slowed down, letting him savor this wonderful moment.

“Hip-hip hooray!” He had finally achieved what he had been destined and had worked for his entire life: to be the Guardian of Equestria.

“Hip-hip hooray!” A single tear rolled down Eli’s face and flew off his nose as he fell from the ponies’ toss.

They all set him down on the ground and continued to congratulate him. Eli then turned around as he heard the sound of rubble falling. He thought that a piece of rock might have hit someone, but was surprised to see Inverz, now mortal and wounded, weakly getting up off the ground, blood streaming from his mouth.

“Motherfucker!” yelled Eli. “Why won’t you die?”

Inverz laughed. “I will not die until I have all the Numbers in my hand. So what will it be, Eli?”

Eli gave the golden card to Princess Celestia for safe keeping. “Fuck you, and the horse you rode in as.”

Inverz just laughed nostalgically at his memories as a unicorn.

“Then fuck you all,” he said.

He pulled a detonator out of his pocket. Zelda looked at the detonator, remembering the dynamite that the Bureau had at their headquarters. Everyone winced, expecting something bad. Inverz pushed on the plunger.


Everyone looked around, expecting something to have happened. Inverz was amused, and then angry. “What happened? Where’s the explosion?”

“Where’s the kaboom?” asked Eli, mocking Inverz with a mock Marvin the Martain voice. “There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!”

Zelda knew what happened.


Once Zelda and Sammy killed off the soldiers Inverz set to spring Alex and his friends when they got to the station, Zelda noticed a passageway. She looked inside, expecting more soldiers. However what she saw was much more troubling.

“Holy shit!” she yelled.

“What is it?” asked Sammy.

She looked inside too. “Holy shit!” she said.

Inside the passageway was a large cavern directly underneath the entire city. There were hundreds of crates of dynamite wired all inside the cave. Zelda then immediately went to defuse them.


“It’s too bad that we found the passageway,” said Zelda, “or you would have really blown us all to smithereens. Too bad for you that we foiled you… again.”

“Well too bad for you,” said Inverz, “because there’s always a plan B.”

As if on cue, a bullet shot out and whizzed by Zelda’s ear. She turned around to see Mark from the far right door struggling to aim his gun, still weakened by the wound she caused him earlier.

“You asshole,” muttered Ryan.

“Follow my lead,” shouted Shining Armor, his horn glowing.

The two then charged at Mark. Mark tried to shoot at them, but Shining Armor deflected each bullet as they came. When Mark’s gun began to click, Ryan used the opportunity to dropkick him into the room.

Ryan then talked to Shining Armor. “You, find everyone inside the city and evacuate them. I don’t want to take any second chances.”

“Got it.” Ryan then stayed to finish the fight with his old boss.

Zelda ran to the underground station to make sure no one was there. When she entered the passageway, she found Diana trying to reconnect the dynamite and destroy the city. Zelda kicked her away and cut the wires with the scalpel to prevent her from doing anything more. Diana got up and pulled her arm up, trying to shoot another duel anchor at her, but found that her D-Pad was damaged from the last duel. Zelda slashed at her arm with the scalpel and then stabbed her in the throat. When Diana finally lied motionless, Zelda decided to evacuate with the others, feeling that they were safe… for now, that is.


Inverz had used Mark’s shot and the confusion that followed as his chance to try to escape, but Eli went to catch up with him. He turned his duel disk back into his sword, making sure he didn’t get far behind. As Eli ran through the palace chambers to find him, he made his way to the royal ballroom, where he saw him enter. He ran to the center and searched around him to find his assailant. Eli heard the sounds of metal dragging on stone, and turned to see Inverz wielding a sword. He swung, and Eli deflected.


Princess Celestia and the others made it far away from the city limits. Charley and Maddie even found Big Macintosh bleeding on the ground. His breathing was slowed, but Charley was convinced he would make it. Had he not been laying on the yoke he always wore that stopped circulation of blood from causing him to bleed out, he surely would have been dead. Thankfully, he was all too fortunate.

“Big Mac!” yelled Applejack upon seeing her brother.

“Sis?” he weakly said.

“It’s me Applejack. Just hang in there. Charley and Maddie are gonna fix you up real good.”

He laid his head down to let Charley do her magic.

“Where’s Ryan and Eli?” asked Alex.

“Ryan’s fighting Mark and Eli went to chase Inverz.”

Alex felt a pang of nervousness.


Ryan and Mark made a decent number of blows towards each other. Ryan was in his top condition, as he didn’t have a massive gash on his arm.

“How does it feel that you’re going to die a traitor?” asked Mark.

“Funny,” he responded, “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

They continued to fight.


Eli and Inverz’ swordplay had spilled out over to the balcony of the ballroom. Despite Eli’s experience in combat, Inverz was more or less his equal with a blade. Eli still managed to hold his own, but hoped to get out before anyone else could try and detonate the dynamite. Inverz then brought a sword down on Eli with enough force to make him fall on his back. Like a ninja, Inverz crouched over his enemy, savoring the kill.


Mark made a low sweep that brought enough force to make Ryan hear a pop in his left ankle, followed by searing pain. Mark stood over the wounded Ryan, knelt closer to him, and began to choke him.


Diana woke up in pain. She knew that with the cutting tool in her throat she didn’t have much longer. She then pulled a flare out of her jacket, and lit it. She was hoping to reactivate the dynamite and be able to escape somehow, but knew that it had to come to this. She threw the flare at one of the boxes of dynamite.



The explosions flew all throughout the cavern, filling every space with fire and energy, breaking every pillar supporting the city above them. Diana’s actions would cause the city to see at most three minutes before it was gone forever.


Inverz was about to slit Eli’s throat with his sword, but he was distracted by the rumbling and shifting beneath him that caused him to falter. Eli leaned forward, grabbed Inverz by the front of his coat, and placed his foot on his chest. Eli then leaned backwards for a backwards summersault, pulling in Inverz with him. At the right angle, Eli pushed his foot out, launching Inverz into the air and over the banister with a thousand-foot drop awaiting him. Eli caught himself on the banister, but he looked behind him to see Inverz shouting as he plummeted to his death. Eli let out a few whooping laughs in victory. Suddenly, the balcony shifted again, causing the banister he was leaning on to give way and making Eli fall. Eli speared the ledge with his sword and held on for dear life.


Ryan was being choked by Mark, but he made a huge mistake: his arms were unprotected. Eli squeezed at his arms hoping that he would be touching Mark’s wound. Mark’s painful cries were enough of an indicator. Mark loosened his grip, allowing Ryan to use his good foot to push Mark off, knocking him on his back. The explosions hit. A piece of the ceiling fell over Mark’s head. Before Mark could get up, the rock hit him with a sickening crunch. Ryan had no time to feel anything, because he knew that if he didn’t escape soon, he’d arrive at the same fate. Ignoring the agony, he ran on both legs as the room behind him began to crumble.


Eli was practically holding on to his sword by his fingernails. Eli was content though as he closed his eyes. He died for a noble cause, and no one could take that away from him. He slipped for a final time, but he felt an arm around his wrist. He looked to see Ryan pulling him in, but he saw in his strained face that he would eventually give out. Eli tried to grab his sword to pull himself back up, but the sword slid out of the ledge. Also, Ryan’s pain became unbearable, causing him to slip into the gap in the balcony, and the both began to fall off the castle. They then landed on something soft. Eli and Ryan looked down to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna carrying them on their backs.

“We got you,” said Princess Celestia. “Let’s go.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watched as the mighty city of Canterlot fell beneath them. Back outside the city, everyone was overjoyed to see Eli and Ryan alive and well, but Eli and Ryan decided looked at the destruction of Canterlot. First, the city sunk into the caves that Canterlot was formed over, and then the buildings leaned outside of the canyon, causing them to fall a thousand feet onto the ground below. Princess Celestia looked over the destruction, turning her head and letting tears fall from her face.

A young photographer pony took the picture of it out of impulse. The image would remain as one of Equestria’s most prolific photographs of all time. There was much comforting to be done, but now, they needed to address the citizens of the neighboring towns and cities that everyone, including the princesses, were alright. After Spike sent multiple letters out, everyone began their long trek to their new temporary home in Ponyville.

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