• Published 1st Jul 2017
  • 26,723 Views, 2,388 Comments

Necromancy For Foals - Queen Sanguine Dreams

Far from Canterlot and forced to work in gem mines for cruel Diamond Dogs, a young unicorn named Bone Marrow's pursuit of his cutiemark reveals a unique talent: raising the dead.

  • ...

Scenic Sights

The door to the filly's house slammed shut and presented Bone Marrow with a sight unlike he had previously encountered. Roads of cobblestone lay under his hooves with moss and grass binding the rocks together in a way that made Bone smile. There were flowerpots with bouquets of all colors growing that lined the houses and shops along the street, mixing with detailed signage chipped from wood into fancy cursive script. A tavern combined with an Inn, a town hall that dwarfed the one he had grown used to in Scoria and a fountain in the center of the square.

Ponies of all kinds bustled and bartered nearby, concerned with their daily lives and happy to go about their routines while chatting with passerby's. Smiles, friendly faces and lighthearted interaction were plenty, and Bone breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't seen a single poster of him yet. Nopony in the town seemed too worried about life unlike the other places he had been recently. It was idyllic, peaceful and untouched by the battles being fought between the Knights of the Sun and the Bright Moon.

"Come on slowpoke," The filly reminded him, "We've got a lake to see!"

Being pulled along by his right fore-hoof, Bone took the time to let his body do its own thing as he thought about his situation. There were no posters, no royal guard, and nopony was upset. The thought of the mare galloping to the royal guard to report him seemed less likely now, as he had been expecting a poster on every surface that would hold it in every town in Equestria. Bone decided he was possibly too far out from Canterlot for the Guard or Knights to place a poster here.

The Pegasus pulled the young necromancer through the streets of her town, swinging around market stalls and slipping through cheerful alleyways towards her destination. After long, Bone wrested his hoof from her grasp and followed along of his own will. After all, if there was no threat, why would he have to slip out of town?

Taking in the sights and sounds of the town, Bone was pleased to find a lack of dust or dirt practically anywhere that might get onto his freshly cleaned body. He had been wandering the land in filth for what seemed like years to him that being finally clean was a liberating experience that he didn't want to lose. His tail no longer clumped together like a dried paint brush, his mane flowed freely under his hood from the wind and he could tell his own muzzle from the ground once again.

"You don't talk much, do you?" The filly asked from over her shoulder as the pair rounded another street corner. "You're the least talkative pony I've ever met, and I've met a lot of talkative ponies."

"Just enjoying the sights is all," Bone replied sincerely. "I haven't seen anyplace this pretty before."

"What's your name, by the way? I don't think mom or I asked you."

Bone considered that he hadn't seen any posters thus far, so there would be little harm in telling the truth for once. "Bone Marrow, strange colt found in the Everfree."

"Bone Marrow, huh?" She stopped in the alleyway they now occupied, nary a window in sight. "That's a strange name for a pony."

"Oh yeah?" Bone challenged, "What's your name?"

She placed a proud hoof to her puffed out chest, wing feathers ruffling behind her. "My glorious name," She replied with an overly dramatic voice, "Is Scenic Sights. Daughter of the weather patrol mare, explorer of cool things and discoverer of strange ponies!"

Bone raised an eyebrow that couldn't be seen from behind his hood. "I'm a strange pony, huh?"

"Covered head to hoof in blood, muck and ash in the middle of the scariest forest in Equestria without a scratch on you, without ever having seen anything green in your life and overly fond of hiding your super-cool skull-eyes." She added with a wink, "Yeah, I think you're strange."

The young necromancer decided to play the fool. "What, nopony else has cool eyes?"

Scenic playfully poked Bone in his chest with her hoof. "Nopony has as many skulls on them as you do, and nopony looks at a town like it's going to eat them at any moment." She then scratched her chin and added, "Now that I think about it, I haven't seen anypony with skulls on them."

Bone was now becoming a bit worried again. Would she suspect something was bad about him because of what she had noticed?

She batted a hoof at the air, shrugging. "Nah, you're probably a good pony. Skulls are... decorative in some places, right? I remember reading about some tribes that lived in the jungle that liked bones and skulls a lot. You'd probably get along well!"

Bone's head tilted with interest for a moment, before realizing that he really didn't have the time to go on a wild chase for ponies in the middle of nowhere. He was lost enough as it was without hunting for legends in a book from who-knows-where.

Scenic gave a flat smile as reply to Bone's silence for the past minute. "You really don't talk a lot. Some ponies might find the constant thoughtful staring to be kind of creepy, but I think it just makes you more mysterious and cool."

"Um... you wanted to show me a lake?" Bone offered with some embarrassment. He realized that she was entirely correct as most of his replies had been from his thoughts, and nothing made it to his mouth. From her point of view he mostly stood behind a hood and stared at her while she spoke.

"Right, the lake!" Scenic cheered with renewed enthusiasm. "Follow me, quiet pony!"

Bone followed Scenic Sights through a few more roads and street corners before the two were at what could only be described as a half-completed dock. The logs were rotten from a lack of care and a single boat floated at the side of the pier.

"Ponies made weird houses to float across the water?" Bone asked while pointing to the boat in question. "Why would anypony want to live way out there? It'd be really hard to get food without wings..."

"It's not a house, silly, It's a boat! you steer it out with the paddles and you can go fishing." Scenic replied, her hoof arcing gently across the landscape at the vast amount of water and green trees that surrounded the lake. "Watch the birds, look at the town without wandering into the forest, you know, cool stuff that ponies can't do without wings! Not every pony can fly, ya know."

Bone nodded, being a unicorn he was well aware of that fact. "Just seems dangerous to me. What if you fall in the water?"

"Then... you swim back to the boat?" Scenic countered with a lilt of obviousness in her voice. "Do you... wait, you said you've never seen a lake before, so there's no way you know how to swim, is there?"

Bone's muzzle raised with confusion as he stared at Scenic. "Swim?"

Face swiftly met hoof with a sigh of defeat. "Of course you don't know how to swim." Looking to the sky melodramatically she added, "My plans, foiled!"

The unicorn pointed to the water, "Can you show me what swimming is?"

Her wings shot out to her sides, the pegasus looking ready to pounce on the water. "Sure thing! Just don't drown, okay? Bad things happen when you breathe too much water."

With a flap of wings the pony launched themself into the water with a filly-sized splash spraying onto Bone Marrow. Shielding his face proved somewhat pointless as droplets from the lake landed all over him. Looking up, he saw Scenic paddling with her hooves in a small circle, a wide smile on her face.

Scenic beckoned to Bone, "Come on in! It's not too bad when you're starting out if you stay close to the dock."

Bone peered off the edge of the dock with suspicion, unable to see the bottom of the lake through the water. "I don't know... It doesn't look that safe."

Don't trust strangers, Bone's mind swiftly reminded him. What if there was some kind of monster in the water that would react to him? He shook his head, staring into the lake from the safety of the pier. If there was a monster, it would've eaten Scenic Sights first. She seemed like she had been here all the time from how casual she was about everything, and she wasn't behaving oddly. The filly was simply friendly with zero malice. Did she count as a friend, rather than a stranger?

"It's okay if ya don't want to swim, Bone." Scenic called out while swimming closer to the dock, "Just thought it might be a bit of fun since you seem so serious all the time."

"Eh..." Bone Marrow half-heartedly replied, "I haven't met many good ponies, I guess."

Scenic smirked as she pulled herself from the lake, dripping water everywhere and shaking her body vigorously. Droplets flew in every direction as Bone once again shielded his face from the threat of moisture. "What-" the filly smirked, "I don't count as a good pony?"

Bone's nervous smile was visible from beneath his hood as he nodded his head, "Yeah, you're a good pony! I didn't mean to say that you weren't a good pony, it's just, you know, I'm not used to it is all."

Scenic tapped her hoof on Bone's muzzle in reply, adjusting what few feathers had moved out of place on her wings afterward. "Don't get so worked up all the time, life's not that stressful!"

Bone immediately recalled the numerous times that he had been killed and replied, "Well, maybe for you." Turning around he gestured to the town as a whole. "This place is like paradise to me. Nopony getting hurt, no Diamond Dogs, no guards wandering around and nothing threatening."

"No guards?" Scenic replied with interest. "Why don't you like the guards?" Her eyes then went wide with excitement, "Are you a thief? Oh, that would make so much sense! That's so cool; A colt that's a thief!"

"I'm not a-" Bone immediately countered before remembering that technically, seeing as the cloak he was wearing wasn't his, he was a thief. Sighing with defeat he conceded, "All right, I'm a thief. That's not bad, is it?"

"Hey," Scenic announced with a raised hoof, "As long as you don't steal from me or my mom, I'm cool with you being a thief pony. Besides, you apparently have to eat meat or something crazy like that? I can't imagine that's very easy to come by."

Bone's stomach chose that moment to loudly grumble. "Yeah... meat."

The two walked away from the dock in conversation, heading back into the town. "So," Scenic questioned, "Do you eat roadkill or something? Like when a chariot runs over a squirrel on accident?"

The young necromancer hadn't considered that line of meat acquisition before, but he threw the idea away as being an unreliable means of sustaining himself. How often had he seen a carriage in his life; once?

The Pegasus poked Bone's shoulder to get his attention. "You okay there, Bone?"

He now realized that since he had shared his actual name, anypony that was older may have heard it in passing at that it would spike their interest. Especially if they had a friend with the royal guard, and even more-so if they were a visiting noble, seeing that carriages passed by often enough for squirrels to be trampled from Scenic's account of life in the town.

"Would you mind not using my name in town?" Bone asked suddenly, unintentionally interrupting the next thing that Scenic was about to say.

"Oh," She replied with a conspiratorial grin, "Because you're a thief, right?"

The necromancer looked to the ground, his face further concealed from his hood. "Yeah, that."

The young pony's return through the town was uneventful, save for the few conversations that veered too close to the truth. The sun had begun to set in the distance and ponies had started to close their stores for the coming night, a few brave stalls still calling out their wares for fruits or vegetables and bread. This helped Bone's stomach none, and only reminded him of his need for meat as time went on.

Scenic was chatty as ever, pointing out the history of the town, interesting landmarks and the ponies that she knew as they happened by. She was also getting used to Bone's lack of input with her observations and quickly took over speaking for both of them as they wandered through the town with the aim of returning to Scenic's home and spoke with passing ponies.

Approaching the door, Bone placed a hoof on Scenic's side to get her attention. "Hey, when we go inside, can you not mention anything we talked about to your mom?"

Her ears folded at that, her smile deflated. "Aw, but you're so weird and interesting! What am I gonna tell mom; that we wandered around town, stared at a lake and that was it?"

Bone bit his lip that he was asking his new possible friend to lie for him to her parents when he already felt sick from the lying he had done in a single day. With a sigh he replied with a firm, "Yes."

Scenic took a moment to turn away from Bone before knocking on the door. A moment later the two foals heard Scenic's mother yell for them to come inside and the door pushed inward easily.

A new pony sat at the dinner table of house. Bone lifted his head a bit for a better look from beneath his hood to notice that this wasn't a regular pony. Golden armor, a halberd with sharpened steel and a helmet adorned with a blue insignia atop of it. His heartbeat quickened as he moved backwards towards the door.

All too suddenly for Bone to react, the door slammed shut with a field of golden magic. The Royal Guard unicorn looked from the latched bolt locks to the small foal in front of him as Scenic took a step to the side with confusion.

"Mom?" She asked, looking between the guard and her mother, "What's going on?"

Never trust strangers kept running through Bone's thoughts as he focused his fearful gaze on the nearby halberd.

"Calm down, everypony." The guard stated with a soothing voice. "No need to get excited now. We're just going to have a talk with the Necromancer here is all."

There had been no posters, Bone protested in his mind, No way of anypony knowing who he was!

"You're a Necromancer?" Scenic gasped with awe, "That's so much cooler than I could've even imagined!"

Bone glanced with confusion at Scenic before re-focusing on the guard. He mustn't get distracted now, or this could end very badly for every pony involved.

The guard gestured towards a can of something sitting on the table in front of him. "Have a seat, Bone Marrow. Let's talk this through."

He knows my name!

"I don't want to risk hurting you, so please, calm down." The guard added, his hooves lowering as a gesture of good will. "We both know what happens when you're killed, and nopony wants that to happen here."

"W-what do you want, then?" Bone stuttered, his anxiety letting up just enough for him to eek out a few words. He was still inching his way to the door, thinking about how he would unlock it and make for an escape.

"I'd like for you to sit down and eat some meat, for starters." The guard calmly replied. "I can explain everything so long as we all simmer down."

Bone shook his head. "No way."

The guard huffed with agitation, his horn glowing and lifting the can of meat into the air. "I don't want to hurt you, okay? I'm not your enemy here." The can began to slowly float towards Bone, and the young necromancer's stomach gave him pause.

Looking into the opened can he saw chunks of cold meat that had been diced into small cubes. Keeping his attention partially on the guard and on the meat, He focused his own magic on the can.

Alright, just have to... do something to this meat, and then everything will be a bit better than before. How did I 'eat' this stuff again? Bone thought to himself, his body ready to spring away at any moment. I can't close my eyes this time or I'll leave myself open to the guard. Maybe I can do it with my eyes open if I think hard enough?

Focusing his effort on the meat in the can and paying rapt attention to the guard, he focused his thoughts on a singular word. Consume

A horrible screeching came from the can, startling Bone Marrow as he dropped it to the floor with a tinny clink. The meat had dissipated almost instantaneously, and the outer edges of the can had become rusted as the label was partially peeled and decayed.

Scenic stared with wide eyes at the can before looking at Bone Marrow. The mother covered her mouth with her hooves in shock, and the guard sat back in his seat. Even Bone marrow was surprised with what had happened, now understanding further why ponies were so afraid of Necromancers. He could only imagine what would occur if he had thought that of a pony instead of a can of meat.

"That was awesome." Scenic declared, breaking the tense silence. "Can you do it again?"

"Scenic, not now." Her mother scolded. "Get away from him, dear!"

The filly looked up at her mother and the guard before turning to face Bone Marrow. The hooded colt glanced in her direction once more, but the filly couldn't be sure if he could see her. Taking a few steps, she soon stood right next to Bone Marrow and wrapped a hoof over his back.

"Bone Marrow is my friend, mom. Even if he's a super dangerous Necromancer, I've been with him all day and he was scared for his life for nearly all of it!" She poked Bone's side and caused him to flinch from the unexpected action, "He doesn't even know how to swim. I don't think he wants to hurt anypony, even if he can totally destroy a can of meat in less than a second."

The mother was now more distressed at her daughter. "Scenic, please listen to me and get away from him!"

The guard raised both of his hooves, one to the mother and the other to Bone Marrow. "Everypony calm down, alright? If we all stay calm I'm sure nothing bad will happen."

She took a deep breath and conceded for the moment, her attention focused entirely on the threat of Bone Marrow and her daughter's proximity to him.

"Where are the other guards?" Bone asked, mistrust and suspicion obvious in his tone. "Is this a distraction while you wait for your friends to surround the house?"

The guard shook his head. "Nothing like that, Bone Marrow." His hooves went slowly for his helm, and he placed it gently on the table in front of him. "Please, take a seat so I can explain everything."

Never trust strangers.

Bone inched towards the seat, his own rules reminding him of what he was now breaking and that he was putting the lives of every pony in the town in danger. His eyes never left their lock with the Royal Guard, the glowing blue skulls just barely peeking from under his cloak's hood. Pulling the chair back with his magic and giving the pegasus mother a moment of fright upon seeing the glow of his magic, Bone pulled himself into the seat directly across from the guard.

The two held a tense staring competition as the guard thought of what to say and Bone thought of ways to escape without getting injured.

Finally, the guard spoke up. "Bone Marrow, I have a request."

The young necromancer looked up even more at this, his face now visible in full to the guard.

"I am the only royal guard in this town," the stallion began, "From what the filly's mother has told me, she found you in the Everfree forest and helped you get back on your hooves. We both know that you lied to her and her daughter here, but that isn't a crime. I'm not here to arrest you."

Bone's head turned slightly with increasing suspicion. "Then what do you want?"

"From where she found you in the Everfree, I am guessing that a bandit camp was nearby and you strayed too close to it." The guard explained further, moving his helmet to the side in order to move the decorative top of the headgear from sight to give him a better view of the small colt in front of him. "I need your help in removing the threat that the camp presents this town."

Bone Marrow didn't like where this was going. "What do you want me to do, kill them all?"

The guard shook his head. "I know that you're a Necromancer and that by all rights I should be attempting to arrest you, but we both know how likely that is to succeed. You could kill me with a thought, and I would leave behind a family. Judging from the filly's account of your personality, you don't want to hurt anypony, let alone kill them."

"So..." Bone replied, "What do you want?"

The guard took a moment to answer, as if marshaling the courage within to pose the question. "I want you to go to the town's graveyard, raise an army and scare off the bandits."

Bone Marrow could only blink with disbelief at what he was hearing. The mother was now even more horrified at the guard than she was at Bone, and Scenic's smile grew into a grin as the guard explained.

"I don't have the forces to counteract a bandit camp, and you do. Well, you can at any given moment." The guard edged his helmet a bit forward with a nervous hoof before taking a calming breath to continue. "I know of the twenty thousand gold bounty for your capture, and I don't intend to betray you for gold. The way I see it, is that it's far better to have you as an ally that I can trust than an enemy that could eradicate the town in a few hour's time."

The guard offered a gold plated hoof across the table to Bone Marrow. "Can I trust you?"

Never trust strangers.

Bone reached out a hoof of his own, and shook hooves with the guard. "I'm not going to kill anypony."

The royal smirked at Bone's reply. "I'm grateful for that, Bone Marrow."

Author's Note:

Another chapter already!? Holy Celestia!

I seem to be on a roll with this story. Let me know what you think in the comments because I love reading every single one of them. What'd you like about the chapter, did you like the characters? Let me know!

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