• Published 16th Aug 2017
  • 1,401 Views, 22 Comments

Spiders and Destiny: The Fall of Wolf-Spider - Funnel Web

Thrilled by his experience with the Arch Goblin, Midnight Wolf returns home to live with his Girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle. Under the watchful eye of his teacher, Princess Celestia, Midnight starts to embrace his newfound identity as Wolf-Spider.

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Chapter 12 Wolf-Spider's Legacy

Three days later, a funeral took place at the center of Ponyville. Everypony in town was there. Even the Mane Six. It was raining and there was the old statue of Wolf-Spider from a few years ago. It was his proper grave. Twilight didn’t even say a word. All she can do is watch as her true love being laid to rest. She put her flowers on his grave and left.

After the funeral, Twilight went home. Just...sitting there. All of a sudden, Twilight’s mother enters the treehouse with a sorry look on her face. She walks up to her daughter and asks her “Hi, Twilight...how are you holding up”? Twilight doesn’t answer and Twilight’s mother hugs her daughter.

“Look, Twilight….Midnight wanted to show you this if something like this happened” Twilight’s mother hands a mysterious letter to Twilight and leaves.

Twilight takes the letter and starts reading it.

Dear Twilight,
By the time you read this, it means I’m already dead. But it’s okay. It’s easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today. But there will be dark days ahead of us, too. There will be days where we feel all alone. And that’s when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope. Keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. My wish to you is to become hope. Ponies need that. And even if we fail, what better way is there to live? As we look around here today, at all of the ponies who helped make us who we are. I know it feels like we’re saying goodbye. But we will carry a piece of each other into everything we do next. To remind us of who we are and if we were meant to be. I’ve had the great years with you. I’ll miss you very much. So...I made a song for you. Here’s the tape. Plus...if you ever wanted...to carry on my legacy….Here is a sample of my blood. All I can say is….always do the right thing. No matter what the cost or risk. I love you, Twilight. And you will always be….my little Twily.
Midnight Wolf”.

Twilight finds the blood sample and the tape and she plays it. When she played it, she can hear Midnight’s voice as he sings.

Do you know what’s worth fighting for when it’s not worth dying for? Does it take your breath away and you feel yourself suffocating? Does the pain weigh out the pride and you look for a place to hide? Did somepony break your heart inside? You’re in ruins.

One, twenty one guns lay down your arms. Give up the fight. One, twenty one guns throw up your arms into the sky. you and I.

When you’re at the end of the road and you lost all self of control. And your thoughts have taken their toll. When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul. Your faith walks on broken glass and the hangover doesn’t pass. Nothing’s ever built to last. You’re in ruins.

One, twenty one guns lay down your arms. Give up the fight. One, twenty one guns throw up your arms into the sky. you and I.

Did you try to live on your own when you burned down the house and home? Did you stand too close to the fire like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?

When it’s time to live and let die, and you can’t get another try, something inside this heart has died. You’re in ruins.

One, twenty one guns lay down your arms. Give up the fight. One, twenty one guns throw up your arms into the sky. One, twenty one guns lay down your arms. Give up the fight. One, twenty one guns throw up your arms into the sky. you and I”.

When the song was over, Twilight had lost of words. Midnight’s voice was beautiful and those words were really understandable. She knew Midnight didn’t want her to act like this. She looks at the blood sample, put some thought and thought maybe she can carry on his legacy. Without a Wolf-Spider to protect Equestria, it will be chaos. Criminals and supervillains will run amoke. So, she’ll do it for him. She takes the blood sample and injects herself with it. Equestria needs a hero. So she’ll do it. She’ll be Equestria’s hero that it needs. She knows the same lesson that Midnight’s mother taught him. “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”. So, she’ll it just for him and for Equestria. Twilight finds his old costume and starts working on a new one. It took a few hours but it was worth it. Later on, Twilight visits Celestia and aks her for training. Celestia knows the path that Twilight is going to and she accepts. Luna and Celestia began to train her in the art of combat and in a few short years, she mastered it. Now she’s ready. Twilight knows what’s right and she will always do the right thing.

“Alright, Equestria. Here comes Spider-Twi”!

Meanwhile inside the Canterlot Castle, there was a type of mirror in the treasure room. Something happens to that mirror as the scene leads inside the mirror. On the other side of the mirror, it was a messy room. There were papers everywhere and someone put a piece of paper on the wall. One of those papers had a spider symbol on it and another had a few figures dressed in spider costumes. There were red wires on each paper and they were all pointing at what appears to be a school. The mysterious person reveals herself to be…..Twilight Sparkle? And in the background, there was a dog that looked a lot like Spike and it barked at Twilight. In the way back of the room, there’s what appears to be a spider inside a canister.

“No doubt about it, Spike. There’s definitely something strange going on at that school”.


End Credit Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaLWrX2d6Q8



Author's Note:

First picture credit goes to Alvaxerox.

That's it. The end of the story, find out what happens to the rest of the series in Alvaxerox's "Spiders and Magic: Equestria Girls"

Comments ( 9 )

Holy snap, you made a prequal to my story.

yup. It all adds up.

Well... i have an idea... since wolf spider is done. You can work on pony spider twi's story. I'm working on human spider-twi

yeah. I was planning on her taking over as the new Wolf-Spider in "The Deadly Wolf-Spider 3" and it taking place in the first Equestria Girls Movie where she needs to stop Sunset Shimmer and the Midnight from that time doesn't have his powers yet

Is that the request or...is that just a piece of it?

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