• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 951 Views, 3 Comments

Your Greatest Fears - Cinnamon Clover

Sweetie Belle is lost in a land of her greatest fears and the only way out is to conquer them.

  • ...

Chapter One

Your Greatest Fears

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Hasbro), Sweetie Belle (Hasbro) or Rarity (Hasbro). All I own is this story, my OCs and the song I wrote for this story.

Summary: Nightmares. They haunt her. One day she stumbles upon a magic mirror. Upon looking into it she finds herself in a land of her most terrifying dreams. She can't wake up from this though. She is lost inside her subconscious and the only way out is to face her three greatest fears.


Bravery doesn’t mean you’re not scared. Bravery is doing what you’re afraid to do.

Powerpuff Girls Season One Episode Nine: Boogie Frights

"No... no..." a snow white filly murmured in her sleep.

Sweetie Belle tossed and turned in her bed. The pink and purple maned unicorn had been having nightmares every night this week.

"AHHH!!!" she shrieked as she popped out of bed.

Rarity rushed over to her sister's room.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" the elder of the two asked.

"I had a nightmare." Sweetie Belle whimpered softly.

The purple maned unicorn approached her sister's bed.

"You need your rest for your magic tutoring session with Twilight tomorrow. Would you like me to sing you a lullaby?" the fashionista asked.

The crusader simply nodded.

"Ok, why don't I sing you that song Mother sang to you were a baby?" Rarity suggested, "How did it go again? Oh yes!"

The adult unicorn cleared her throat before starting to sing.

"Hush now, quiet now. It's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now. It's time to go to bed." she softly sang as her hoof gently caressed her sister's mane, "Hush now, quiet now 'cause it's time to lay your sleepy head. I said hush now, quiet now 'cause it's time to go to bed."

Her voice was smooth and gentle like a wave. Sweetie Belle sighed with content and dozed back again into the realm of the sleeping. Before leaving the room, Rarity leaned over and kissed the sleeping filly on the forehead.

"Goodnight Sweetie." she said softly to the young filly as she left the room.

She left the door open ajar in case her sister needed anything.

End of Prologue

(The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic theme song starts playing)

My Little Pony, My Little Pony
(Ah Ah Ah Ah... My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me
Big adventure
Tons of fun
A beautiful heart
Faithful and strong
Sharing kindness
It's an easy feat
And magic makes it all complete
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

Chapter One

Books are a uniquely portable magic.

-Stephen King

"Remember to thank Twilight for giving you lessons in magic. I would do it myself but I have a large order of dresses to fill by tomorrow afternoon." Rarity reminded her sister as they walked up the path to the Ponyville Library.

The older sibling lightly knocked on the door. After a moment or two, Spike opened the door.

"H-hi Rarity" he greeted her with a blush before noticing Sweetie Belle was standing next to his crush, "Come on in, Sweetie Belle. Twi should be ready for you in a minute or two."

After a few minutes, Twilight came down to the library's main floor.

"Good morning, Sweetie Belle. Are you ready for today's exercise?" the purple unicorn asked her pupil.

"Yes, Twilight, I practiced really hard over the weekend!" Sweetie Belle replied excitedly

"Ok then." Twilight started, "Today you get to practice casting a spell on yourself using a magic mirror."

"Which spell should I try, Twilight?" the young filly asked her mentor.

"Hmm... How 'bout the raincloud spell. It should make a light drizzle over your head and only lasts about a minute." the tutor replied.

Sweetie Belle began to charge energy into her horn to cast the spell. A lot of energy. It wouldn't have been as big as a deal had she gotten enough sleep the night before but she had barely slept a wink. A green power surge emanated from the point of her horn, hitting the mirror and going straight towards her. It hit her with a lightning bolt and the world around her faded into darkness as she let out a blood curdling scream.

Twilight, ever quick on her feet, quickly scooped up her own faithful student and cantered as hooves could carry her to Ponyville Hospital, careful not to drop the unconcious filly in the process.

As she sped across town only one question was on her mind: will Sweetie Belle be all right?

"Twilight, what happened to Sweetie?" Rarity asked as she sped through the doors to the waiting room about ten minutes later.

She looked rather disheveled. Strands of hair were out of place and her cheeks were still moist from fresh tears. The purple unicorn had never seen her friend in such a state.

"She- she accidentally used to much power on a raincloud spell and got struck by lightning." Twilight stumbled over her words, "They think she'll be ok but she'll be stuck here for a while. After she get's out they think she might have to use a wheelchair for a while because the lightning also could have caused some nerve damage to her legs."

"But what about now?" the local fashionista asked.

"She's still unconscious and in the intensive care unit but she'll be moved to her own room tomorrow." her companion replied.

"So... we just wait?" the bearer of the element of generosity asked.

The bearer of the element of magic just nodded.

Sweetie Belle opened her eyes and slowly got to her hooves. After a quick glance she realized she wasn't in the library anymore.

There was nothing but darkness save a sign saying 'Welcome To The Land Of Your Greatest Fears' pointing to a path that was next to it and another sign reading 'Exit' pointing to the same path.

"H-hello?" Sweetie Belle called out nervously.

"Welcome, Sweetie Belle, we've been expecting you." a devious voice said from her behind.

She shakily turned in the direction the voice was coming from. The creature of the voice was one of the feared in all of Equestria. The god of chaos himself, Discord.

Comments ( 3 )

Hmm, this definately looks like it's going to be an interesting story, I've read another story with a slightly similar premise so I'm especially interested in how you will handle the story. But I wonder what Sweetie Belle's fears are....

915838 (Motion Paradox)

Already planned that out!

I was actually thinking of abandoning this story in favor of a songfic about her greatest fear coming true but I think I'll keep with it for now. Don't expect updates soon though. I have Girl Scout camp next week and a family roadtrip after that.

Story does seem interesting. I'm tracking this. I prefer the chapters to be a little longer though. Not saying you HAVE to. Here's a thumbs up.

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