• Member Since 13th Apr, 2015
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Typist Gray

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Comments ( 77 )

Looks good so far. Cann't wait to see what she goes when she goes to the school house or the orphanage. Maybe a scene with Pip or Scoots.

Keep up the good work!

i am so damn excited for the next chapter!! keep up the excellent work :D

is there a way you can do this, like, without the vore?

Yes! I was waiting for this to come out. Thanks!

I accept that this won't ever be popular, but I'm just happy to please the few, eager fans of this sort of thing.

Not really into too much of the stuff here, I'm just here to say my stories also have a rare combination of fetishes that don't appeal to too many people.

It's a tough road we walk, but walk it we must.

This is getting already interesting I can't wait to see what other perversions that Twilight has developed with her friends and the rest of Ponyville in her experimentation with then. It was interesting to see that Mrs.Cake was there and I hope to see him again wonder if their will be more of him later in the story. I also wonder if Twilight might have also seemed some of the mares in Ponyville. Looking forward to the next chapter.

I apparently enjoyed the first one, even though I don't remember reading it. Time to re-read!

It was an interesting chapter, delving in the strange mind of what now definitely is a villain Twilight. Of course, she doesn't realize that. Is she as much of a prey of Dominance as the others, or has naturally come to believe the spell is right?

I won't continue reading this, because the story makes me wat to punch the alicorns in the face repeatedly. But I don't want to insult you or anything, just letting you know.

It's a great story, just not my type.

You think this is bad, just go read Tarnished Silver and its sequels. You'll never look at Rarity the same again.

I'm not saying it's bad, just that I don't like it.

No thank you; I like the way I see Rarity now.

Story good so far, you do well with writing good story, me Crunk!:pinkiehappy:

Do keep up the good work, there is not enough fics with Princesses abusing thier power. :pinkiecrazy:

Okay, so at least Twilight seems to be trying to be less cruel than her forebears. Doesn't change the fact that she and the others are in desperate need of a visit from the Culexus Temple. I am seriously hoping that there is some kind of comeuppance before this is over.

Not sure if you accept suggestions but... Did you think about Twilight or Cadence using Dominance in Flurry after she try to rebel or try to take what is not from her to educate her?

This is mainly a suggestion. If you don't like it, just ignore it.

The story's already been planned out, so such a course would not be possible. Thanks for the suggestion, anyway.

"He loved being filled and Twilight knew this. She knew it because it made her happy, which meant Mr. Cake... was all too happy to do whatever it took to please her."

This line does a lot for me x3

Not in this case. Twilight is an alicorn, which, in her mind, is something completely different from a pony.

What's the schedule for more chapters?

I don't know how I stumbled on this. Incredibly out of the comfort zone, and yet... curious to see where the story leads.

The vore is an integral part of this story, and really shows off to the reader that the princesses view ponies as nothing more than objects.

you can do that with just rape and sex you know. you don't have to eat them.

Nice, I am expecting ponies to have suddenly a lot of foals for the coming years, now I wonder if Twilight will take that into account to have the necessary infrastructure to accommodate them and make sure that the parents can afford to raise them. I wonder what the foals educations will be like in Twilight's lab playground and how to max out the best out of them and to those that don't make the cut.

Was wondering when you'd put out another chapter of this.

Attempting to inject plot elements & character development into this kind of story is so ridiculous that circles all the way back around to awesome.

Just wait and see what's coming.

On point sir. *finger guns* Looking forward to more chapters.

when can we expect the next chapter?

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