• Published 20th Jul 2012
  • 16,165 Views, 1,430 Comments

The Conquering of Love - Littlecolt

Twilight finds she and her friends are trapped in their own minds and must escape.

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Twilight Sparkle Ch 1 - Worst Case Scenario

The Conquering of Love

By Littlecolt

My sincerest thanks to everyone who helped make this story possible.
adecoy95 - For his amazing video that inspired this all.
Atnezau - For the cocoon vector in the video.
ZuTheSkunk - For the Chrysalis face that also appeared in adecoy95’s video.
Zoarvek - For being more inspirational than he knows, and for being a big fan!

And to everyone who volunteered to help edit this.
FreeqAxel - who put forth an amazing amount of effort in helping to polish this story's first book.
NightmareMoon - for proofreading.
Lord Frigus - for proofreading.
Anubis3k - who stuck it out and put up with my slow updates.
Thardoc - Came out of the blue, and has been a big help!
TastelessAvocado - for proofreading.
Servant Phoenix - What would I do without you?
Dogman15 - For his honest critique and help with proofreading.

And special thanks to
Friend of Bronies - For always being so enthusiastic.
Thewookie1 - For analyzing my story and coming up with theories. You make me feel like I'm writing something worthwhile!

And to all my followers and commenters, you're the heart that keeps the blood pumping through this story. Celestia knows I might have given up a couple of times if not for you all.

Book One: Twilight Sparkle

Chapter One - Worst Case Scenario


Darkness was all Twilight Sparkle could see. This green-tinted darkness accompanied a sense of being unable to breathe. She found herself hanging upside-down. She struggled to free herself from whatever was holding her in place, but found that she could barely move. As her eyes adjusted, she could make out dim lights in the distance. Then, a streak of lightning illuminated her surroundings for a split second, and she took in the horror of the situation she was in.

As clearly as day, she saw the throne room in Canterlot Palace. Her friends, and countless other ponies, all hung from the ceiling, trapped inside cocoons. All of them were emanating some sort of green stream of energy. And there, sitting upon the throne, was the detestable changeling who had impersonated her friend, Cadence, and fooled her brother and the entire kingdom – Chrysalis! The streams of green were pouring into her, and her eyes were glowing a bright green.

But wait, Twilight thought, this doesn’t make sense. Chrysalis was defeated by Cadence and Shining Armor’s love! She couldn’t possibly be here!

Twilight racked her brain, thinking back to the events of the previous day. She and the others had bolted from the castle's main ballroom to get the Elements of Harmony, and had to face an army of changeling drones on the way. When they arrived at the Chamber of the Elements, they found even more drones waiting for them, and then...

And then... we were captured and brought back to the ballroom, where Cadence and Shining Armor eventually sent Chrysalis flying–right? Twilight thought.

As she searched her memories, things started to unravel. The wedding party, the wedding, Shining Armor getting his powers back, the escort back from the Chamber to the ballroom, even arriving at the Chamber itself. Everything started to burn away. The memories developed a strange glow, and a transparency, as if they were just an illusion.

With this realization, Twilight's thoughts began to race. What are the real memories then? What really happened yesterday?

As she thought that, her horn began to glow, and the false memories were ripped from her mind, replaced by images of what led to this terrible predicament. With a flash, she remembered everything.

“Rarity!” Twilight and the others yelled as they raced from the ballroom. They had to go as fast as they could to get the Elements of Harmony and defeat Chrysalis. As they raced along the street, the hordes of drones outside the force field broke through, shattering the barrier that kept them at bay. Like a swarm of insects, they descended. A black cloud, endless numbers of their kind poured into Canterlot, causing the ponies to stop in their tracks.

“We’ll have ta fight ‘em!” yelled Applejack. Everyone nodded in agreement. But how could they possibly win against such a mass of enemies? Before any of them had a chance to even collect their thoughts, the swarm advanced, pinning the ponies to the ground, stabbing their black, crooked horns into them.

Twilight snapped back to reality, gasping for breath, but unable to breathe. The cocoon was filled with a viscous fluid that somehow kept her alive despite the lack of air.

We were beaten! And impaled! How am I still alive? she wondered, and glanced around in a panic.

She could make out some of her friends in the pods around her. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike were to her immediate sides, packed in pretty tightly. Their eyes were wide open and glowing green, streams of energy being leeched out.

And then, there was another flash of lightning, and Twilight found a set of eyes staring directly into her own. Chrysalis smiled and waved at her.

“So, you’re awake, are you? I thought you might be a problem. A magical prodigy, indeed, to break free from my-- ehm-- conditioning,” she said with a grin spanning from ear to ear on her face. Twilight froze and stared back, her eyes trembling with fear.

“Wondering how you’re still alive? There’s no harm in telling you, believe me. My minions pack quite a punch when they sting,” said the changeling. “You were paralyzed within seconds of receiving their horns. After that, it was a simple task. Without anyone able to stand up to me, Canterlot fell.” She paced around the room, inspecting the other cocoons.

“With Canterlot in my control, I can disseminate information to the rest of Equestria as I please, posing as Princess Celestia. Even as we speak, my army of drones has infiltrated Cloudsdale, Fillydelphia, and yes, even your precious Ponyville. Posing as other ponies, of course. The time will soon be right to strike, and then all of Equestria will bow before me.”

Why is she doing this, though? Twilight wondered.

Chrysalis walked back over to Twilight and laughed, looking directly into her eyes.

“Revenge. I know you must be wondering what I get out of this. Really, it’s revenge, but all of this power... a girl could really get used to this,” she sneered. She struck Twilight’s cocoon, sending it swinging back and forth.

“If you think there’s any hope left for the ponies of Equestria, you can think again! Now I think it’s high time you went back to sleep, dear Twilight Sparkle! I need all the power I can get, and so you need to go back to your dream world!”

Dream world? thought Twilight. What’s she talking about?

“Without love, I can not survive. Tragic, don’t you think?” Chrysalis snarled with disgust. “No one could ever love me like this! It’s like the world is playing a big joke on me! To live and gain power, I must feed upon love, and yet in my true form, I could never have any!”

Twilight’s eyes closed as she thought about this. What a terrible fate. If only she had met Chrysalis sooner, maybe she could have become her friend. Maybe she could have taught her about friendship and love, just like she had been learning, herself. She looked back at Chrysalis, her eyes glowing with compassion, even for this contemptible creature that stood before her.

“Do you pity me, Twilight Sparkle?” spat Chrysalis. “Well you can save it! I don’t want your pity, and I don’t want your understanding! I only need you to understand one thing, and that is this: you will go back into your dream world, just like all of your pathetic little friends here. Within that world, you will experience the happiness you once knew. You’ll join your friends, who are creating an endless supply of love for me to feast upon!”

With that, Chrysalis fired a beam of energy into Twilight’s cocoon. Twilight tried to fight back, but didn’t have the strength to resist the spell. She felt her mind drifting off to sleep as the spell’s energy washed over her like a surging wave.

“You’re just food!” Chrysalis yelled as Twilight’s eyes closed, and she fell into a stream of unconsciousness.

Twilight awoke in her bed in Ponyville. She blinked groggily, rolled over, and glanced at Spike’s bed. He was fast asleep, but she had so much on her mind she couldn’t sleep any longer. She hopped up out of bed and walked downstairs.

She saw the sun rising as she glanced out the window, still way too early for most of the townsponies to be out and about.

“I can’t believe my big brother is married... Ugh, I need to clear my head. I guess now’s as good a time as any to hit the books,” she said, and walked over to one of her many bookshelves. She began to pull books off the shelf and stack them on the ground. As she slid a rather large tome from the shelf, a small yellow-colored gemstone fell to the ground. She levitated it with her magic and glanced at it curiously.

I don’t remember this. Maybe Rarity left it here. It seems like the kind of thing she’d use for one of her designs, she thought, spinning the gem in the air.

“It’s certainly not Spike’s,” she decided aloud. “He would have eaten it by now, knowing him. I’ll just take this to Rarity later on.”

“What about Rarity?” yelled Spike from upstairs.

“Never mind,” answered Twilight. “Go back to sleep, lover-boy, she’ll still be there when you wake up.”

Only a snore came in response. Twilight smiled. “He’s got such a one-track mind, but I guess that’s one of his endearing qualities,” she laughed.

With that laugh, she felt a twinge of pain in her chest. She cringed slightly, but it quickly passed.

“What was that?” she wondered, but shrugged and decided it was nothing to worry about.

Probably just the effects of not having gotten enough sleep, she thought. However, her tummy grumbled next, and she definitely knew what that meant.

“As Pinkie Sense would dictate, that means I’m hungry. I guess I should probably eat something. I’ll take this gemstone to Rarity afterward,” she said to herself as she slipped a set of saddlebags over her midsection and deposited the gem within. With that, she headed out the door and made her way towards downtown Ponyville. She hummed a tune as she walked along.

“Maybe I do have some sort of Pinkie Sense. I feel like something good is going to happen today!” she thought to herself.

Twilight trotted onward, unaware of the stream of green energy flowing from her body and into the sky.

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