• Published 30th Jan 2018
  • 5,684 Views, 8 Comments

Spike's Night Of Break - MoonaKnight13

A week has passed since the incident with Daybreaker happened and Luna decides to pay Spike a visit

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Comments ( 8 )


I see you everywhere, I think we have the same taste

Care to explain this relationship with Spike and Chrysalis?

Man... You have my interest...
Great history and narrative...
I love the cunning and Evil Spike... Pls keep going!

Spike sighed and shook his head “No, I don’t want you killing anyone. I’m still not happy with you about the wedding, you literally sucked the life out of Twilight’s brother just before he got married to the most beautiful mare.” He snarled at her “You’re just lucky that I don’t have the heart to kill you.”

Wait, does that mean shinings dead?

I honestly made it like that because I didn't like him.

Yay, best bughorse is here!

Not like Shining contributed a lot to the show anyway.

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