• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
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For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!


This story is a sequel to The Prodigal Daughter

Part of the Wibblyverse Continuity.
Previous Story: The Clock with Three Faces
Next Story: Silent Night
(This story takes place during earlier story 'The Clock with Three Faces'. It's not absolutely necessary to read that first, but it will explain why Trixie and Sunset borrowed the TARDIS.)
Trixie and Sunset have gotten lost in space and time, crashing into strange adventures and characters along the way. Join them as they encounter bickering gods, Starswirl the Bearded's secret lover, frozen cities, rebellious griffons, and haunted houses in space while they prove friendship is magic across all timelines!

Other characters appearing in this piece but not in the tags: Anubis, Ba'ast, and Discord.

Death tag applies to the following stories:
Covenant of the Ark
The House on the Rock

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 35 )

Ooh... A Doctor Who story. You have my interest.

Been reading through these and definitely having a good time. I don't even know much about Dr. Who, but I'm following it pretty well. I'm liking the slow relationship buildup for the duo and look forward to seeing how that all turns out.

As I mentioned last week, my schedule's been too busy to update this story, but I thought I might try to deliver you some fresh content anyway.
Scrapped original first chapters

The Trixie/Discord dynamic is something I find utterly fascinating within ponydom. The mind of a trickster against the madness of chaos always leads to delightful encounters.

Let's hope this version of Trixie is up to the task.

Trixie's surprise was... surprisingly lame. At least Discord appreciated it.

And who knew the snake would get a good ending?

Sunset and Trixie make a good duo. A good mixture of brains and power between the both of them. It's going to be a little wistful seeing their adventures end at least.

I'll see it to the end!

Magnificent. Great adventures, intriguing mysteries, fantastic comedy, and a good reminder that asexual need not mean aromantic. And if Catshepsut is a reference to what I think it is, then I'm flattered. Thank you for this. Onward!

I had intended to just log this for later reading. I was being very good. I had the very best of intentions.

The very. Best. Of intentions.

And your story, more-or-less as usual, sucked me in. :facehoof:

Oops. :twilightblush:

Anyway. Stellar as always. And Sunset taking up the mantle of Ra in any fashion is more awesome than words can say.

“Clearly, your talent exceeds even your beauty, Shimmer.”

Aw. :twilightsmile:

Then, reading about squicking, and Trixie’s reaction...

“Jeez, testy,”

Oh, you probably just forgot to say thank you. :raritywink:

One small nitpick:

barrier fr the magician

Such a good chapter. I loved the crosstime shenanigans, and the mares’ developing friendship!

That is the question, isn’t it?

Also, I am so using this plot in a D&D game...

And there are many, many kinds of desire, Sunset.

“Probably before the first camel civilization, maybe a little after the zebras started up, and that’s a conservative guess. Maybe older even than that.”

:heart:World Prehistory:heart:

“Meh. Trixie was kind of expecting it at this point.”

Oh, Trixie, how I do love thee. :twilightsmile:

Poor Anubis, he certainly doesn’t handle grief well. Or, well... any number of other things.
And poor Ba’ast, especially.

But, man, I love where this leaves our heroes. :pinkiesmile:

That was beautiful. I especially loved your taking the Haunted House idea and turning it inside out like you did. On multiple levels simultaneously.

And yes, even now, Sunny is only beginning to grasp the power she has.

And I also also love the progression of S&T’s relationship! My face right now: :twilightsmile:

(Having slept on it and returned, I keep wanting to comment more specifically on the things I loved about this chapter... but anything I commented on would be a spoiler. Every twist was perfectly timed, and every little detail (and the attention to those details that you showed, especially dealing with the old legends that inspired the story) was a joy. So rather than have an entire comment full of blacked out text, I’ll have one that’s completely parenthetical. Oh, well. Life is full of these little trade-offs.)

Thank you. Honestly, I still have no idea how I wrote this chapter. It was never meant to be this long, but it was one of the times where the story, in a way, wrote itself. I think the muse was just with me for this one. But thank you for your high praise.

Bandersnatches and jub-jub birds...

Aaaa! Shun! Shunnnnnn! :pinkiegasp:

“Trixie cannot be held responsible for the actions others take over her hot bod.”

And just like that, my day is made. :rainbowlaugh:

I am so feeling for Starswirl in this. Hopefully Her Nibs will wise up and chill out, without deaths erupting all over the place...

Torch listened attentively. He was good at that. Druids were trained to listen for the faintest changes in the winds, the rustle of a munching caterpillar, the growth of trees. Compared to that, almost everything was interesting, though he did still find himself tuning out during budget meetings.

You have a gift for making the reader care about newly-introduced characters almost instantly.

Also: Torch Wood. Because of course. :raritywink:

Also also: Trixie and Sunny are possibly the cutest couple ever. I love how you ultimately got them together.

She didn’t know where this relationship would go. There were endless scenarios that might lead to disaster. Her mind conjured them up, one by one, but they popped like bubbles with Trixie’s soft breaths.

I love that description.

Every paragraph of this chapter has been a delight. :twilightsmile:

Thank you! It was an absolute delight to write as well.

“Trixie is not going to bring down the roof,” the magician scoffed. “Trixie....(has).... forgotten more about pyrotechnics than you could ever hope to know.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and lit her horn. A little red point of light appeared right in front of Moggy’s face. Her eyes snapped open and she watched it move back and forth and back and forth. She slapped her paw over it, only t....(to).... find that it was now resting on the back of her arm. She tried to put her other paw over it, only to watch it scoot right out the elevator door. She all but dove for it, scampering and tripping over herself to catch the Red Dot, screeching up a storm.

Sunset threw back her head and screamed every obscenity she could think of.

I'll take that as a "no" :trixieshiftleft:

Billie broke into a wide grin. “Why, my dear ladies! My dear ladies! My dear ladies, let me welcome you to The House On the Rock, the largest, greatest, and most frightening spook house known to Equestrian (Equestria).”

Trixie brought her hooves together and set down the scroll, whole once again. “Illusion, with....(no)..... magic whatsoever,” she said, satisfied.

“Alright, look,” Sunset said. “I wasn’t sure about this before, because it’s really not something I’m used to, but Trixie, I’m pretty sure I love you.”

Trixie removed the mask. “Trixie never said it was a good surprise.” The draconequus stood absolutely still. Trixie shuffled her hooves a little. This had seemed like such a good idea when there had been a wall of magical force between her and Discord…

ICR which one of the Disc World novels that's from. I THINK it was The Thief Of Time, but couldn't swear to it

You know, I was going to comment about Sutekh, and whole Pyramids of Mars thing and the Tenth Doctor's Titan Comics run and all that, but then:

“Begone, Thoth,” Sutekh set, his eyes flashing red.

And all seriousness drained away. I am legit impressed that someone managed to pull that off without looking incredibly forced.


my mother is a master gardener and I could have sworn that hemlock is highly poisonous

‘Z of the Z Continuum

ok, picard

I remember reading this back on ao3! I loved Sunset and Trixie's dynamic and how fleshed out all the other characters were. It's a little complex, as there are just so many elements, and you did an absolutely wonderful job tying everything together. Definitely one of my favorite adventure stories.

You had to say her name in a Celestia free book. Damn it.

Being the Judge for Gods.

A fun start.

Friendship ahoy!

Nice use of time looping...in stopped time.

There's more to Lust than Sexuality
Lust for Knowledge etc.

Ya old coot.

Delicious LORE

“And if you hadn’t thought that, you would’ve fallen for Trixie?”

Clover thought about that. “I guess? I mean, I can’t exactly afford to be, um… Well, that is to say...”

Trixie pursed her lips. “Trixie will just take that as a ‘yes,’ ‘kay?”

Clover chuckled. “Okay.”

“Yes!” Trixie pumped a hoof. “Still got it.”

What a Trixie.

God i love these two's relationship.
A great adventure.

I need more.

Fantastic series you got here.

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