• Published 19th May 2018
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The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora - MetalBrony823

After the final defeat of Ganondorf in Equestria, Link and Colin face a new threat in the land where they defeated him, with the help of their friends

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Old Reunion

In Hyrule, everything was as it should be. Peaceful, and happy among the many races who inhabited the land within. Link, the young hero, who has saved the world of Hyrule, and Equestria from Ganondorf and his horse of monsters, was out sparring with Colin, his little brother figure.

Killing Ganondorf for the final time was really a memory worth remembering in his life. It would be also something that young Colin would remember in his life as well, for he was brainwashed by the Now-fallen demon king.

It was at least a month since Link saves Hyrule and Equestria at the same time. Now Link was not a hero for just one world, but a hero for another one. More fans, more respect from a lot of creatures and people he loved, and more. While sparring, both he and Colin were having a really good sparring match with their swords.

Deep down however, Link and Colin both missed their new friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Lyra, Bon Bon, And other new faces that they met in Ponyville and Canterlotk even though they will see them all again.

“Come on, Colin!” Said Link. “I know you can do better than that!” And he landed a blow with his sword on Colin’s new shield: the shield the Hero Of Time had given to him as a present when he was a boy.

“Think fast, Link!” Said Colin confidentially. He swung his Ordon sword at Link’s shield with a loud clang heard. He swung it again, but Link, being nimble and quick, rolled to the side to evade the swing, and swung the sword close to Colin’s head. It looked like he was going to decapitate him, it he would never do was just giving a demonstration to Colin.

“Not bad, but don’t let your guard down. Now, I know you won’t, because you never let me down before.” Said Link. “Now come on, ket’s take a little break and get some pumpkin juice.”

“Good idea.” Said Colin. They went back into Ordon Village for some Pumpkin Juice from Rusl and Uli.

It was so good and delicious for they were feeling a little tired from all that sparring together. "How's that new shield working for you?" Asked Rusl

"It's doing great, dad! This shield is so powerful and indestructible to anything that can hit it."

"Wonderful." Said Uli, feeding the baby sister. "I just hope you boys are not playing that rough. The last thing I want is for one of you to suffer from bad cuts."

"Oh mom." Colin groaned mildly.

Link chuckled before saying "don't worry Uli. You know I would never hurt Colin on purpose. He's one of a kind with that sword."

"Yeah." Colin smiled. "Link, I wonder, you ever want your own sword besides this? I always thought that the Master Sword would be perfect as your weapon of choice."

"The sword may be held by any worthy hero of Hyrule like me, but it doesn't make it my weapon indefinitely. As a weapon to repel evil, it belongs to the sages and Hyrule itself. But don't worry, Zelda said she was going to make me a special sword that is just as powerful as the Master Sword."

"Well honestly, I don't think there is a sword as powerful as the Master sword." Said Rusl. "Only that sword was powerful enough to destroy Ganondorf for good."

"Especially the way it turned into a gold and green color when you were fighting him in Equestria." Colin reminded.

"I know. I honestly didn't expect the sword to change like that. Still, it was only for a short time."


"So Link, you said that the princess is going to make more talks with the Bulblins, and the Darknuts, right?" Asked Uli.

"Yep. They changed and are no longer the monsters we fear. Still, King Bulblin can be a little... unpredictable."

"True, especially the way he kidnapped our son and the other children." Said Rusl. "I thought I would have lost our boy forever."

"Dad." Colin groaned in embarrassment.

"I know. It's embarrassing." Uli chuckled. "But you are our son, and we love you."

"I love you too, guys." And he looked at his brother figure. "So Link, when do you think we will come back and visit Equestria again?"

Thinking in his lead, Link said "I honestly don't know. Princess Celestia and Luna said that we'll come back someday. We just need to wait. Probably something like a very terrible situation over there."

"Right. I just miss our new friends over there."

"Beloeve me, buddy, I miss them all just as much as you: Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, I miss all of them too. Still, we just need to be patient."

"I know."

Taking a sip of his juice m, Link them asked "Colin, when you saw Midna, was she humanoid?"

"Of course. I told you about her already like countless times, remember?"

"I know, I know. I just miss her." Link admitted.

"I know you miss your girlfriend."

Then Link choked on his juice and spat it out, coughing. "Girlfriend? Ack! That's stupid. She's not my girlfriend! She's.... a good friend to me is all. She helped me with so much through my adventures. I just miss her."

"She misses you too." Colin remarked. "And I was just kidding with you. You know that right?"

The Hero of Hyrule smirked and said "yeah I know. Come here, you." And he gently ruffled his friend's blond hair.

They both continued having a decent lunch that consisted of buffalo meat and ordon goat cheese on the side.

After they were both finished, Link saw a runaway goat from the ranch charging out on the path and Link promptly stopped it bu grabbing it's horns and throwing him on the ground like he would normally handle them when they are startled like this.

Link and Colin helped him back up and gently patted it's soft fur. The goat forgive him for pushing it down like that, and bloated with it's silly face.

Fado came running down the road to the ranch and tended to the goat. "Oh Muriel. Why must you be so fussy?"

"Muriel?" Link asked. "I thought I recognized this one. "You're such a first goat, aren't ya?"

The goat bloated happily again in reply. "Thanks fer taking care of my little problem old pal, Muriel is always an escape artist."

"No problem. Just because I'm a hero, doesn't mean I still can't help out at the ranch.

"Ho ho, thank Farore for that." Fado chuckled. "Yep, I'm sure as heck lucky to have you here." Then he went back to the ranch, escorting the mischievous Ordon goat back where she belongs.

"Say Colin, you wanna come with me to horseback riding lessons? It'll be fun."

"Sure. I always wanted to learn how to attack while on a horse."

A while back, Epona had a foal with Telma'a horse, and Link named Storm. He was called that because of his lightning speed, and it's white patches over his brown fur.

All of a sudden, Link remembered something and blurted "The key! Oh my god, I almost forgot about the key. The one Celestia gave us before we departed back here in Hyrule."

Colin suddenly remembered what Link meant, and he did remember seeing the princess giving Link a key before heading back home with him and Epona. "Oh yeah." He said. "We can use it to visit Equestria again. You still have it in your house, right?"

"Yep. We'll visit later. But first I wanna get on with this horseback riding lesson."

"That's okay." said Colin. "I would like to have some more exercise."

"Good. Come on. "We'll go to Hyrule Castle Town and fetch Storm for you. He'll be more than happy to see you again."

"I bet he will." Colin agreed with his surrogate brother. Link called out Epona with his whistle, and his noble steed came into the city, whinnying in excitement. If there was one thing Epona loved more than anything in the world, it would be Link riding on her wherever she would go. They both got on the saddle and rode off into the world of Hyrule outside of the village.

It was a mildly dangerous journey, considering the fact that there were a few Bokoblins and Lizalfos skulking around in the fields. Nothing they could handle, for they were good at killing any bad guys with their swords. They went through Kakariko village and then the infamous Eldin Bridge from their destination.

When they finally made it to the Castle Town, it was as busy as ever with all the shopping patrons in the marketplace, and many citizens walking about the streets. Both and Colin went into the stables and got Storm out of his pen from the person running it. The foal was very happy to see Colin and nuzzled his face against Colin's arm.

"Oh, it's good to see you too, Storm." the boy said while being licked all over his face from the foal. "Okay, come on, boy." Then they both went back outside the city, where Epona was. When the mare saw her own son, she was more than happy to see him, and happily embraced him like any other mother would do for their child. It was a really heartwarming sight to see for both Link and Colin, for nothing is more precious than a mother's love for her own child.

"Okay, hop on, Colin. We're gonna have a great time with this lesson." Link instructed. He got on Epona, and Colin got on Storm, for he was a perfect choice as his own noble steed. They both roamed around Hyrule on their horses, and Link was teaching Colin how to dodge many obstacles like fences and small stone walls near the bridge of Eldin.

"Concentrate, Colin." Link said. "Ready your horse when the time is right."

At a lone stone fence, Colin spurred Storm, and the foal made a small whinny. He was running at great speed, but when he was about to jump over the stone structure, he immediately stopped in his tracks, and threw Colin back.

Link panicked, and immediately got off of epona, and ran to his aid. He knelt down and gently picked up a groaning Colin. "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Ow. That hurt." said the boy, doing his head to ease the soreness of the impact. “I’m fine, but I think I bumped my head.” Link helped him back up on his feet, and he added “I don’t understand. Storm was doing fine, but then.. he just stopped and threw me off like that” the goal looked back and licked his face again. “What happened?”

“Storm’s still just a foal, like you are a kid. He just needs more practice, that’s all. As a matter of fact, why don’t we take a little break from this and head back to the village?”

“Good idea.”

They both hopped on their mounts again and rode back to Ordon Village. A couple of kargaroks gave them a little bit of trouble, but they were okay, and managed to kill the monstrous birds before they could hurt them.

Arriving back, Link and Colin were about to relax and spend time with their horses together. It was just then the postman came sprinting to the Hylian hero. “Ah, Mr Link, one of my regulars. I was told to give you this from the princess herself.’ And he handed him an envelope with the color of pink and the Royal family’s insignia on the center. “You certainly do know ow to have a way with the princess, don’t you?”

“I guess I do. Thanks, buddy.”

“Always a pleasure.” Said the postman before parting ways.

Link opened the letter and it read out:


Forgive me for intruding on whatever it is your are doing in your free time, but I have completed the sword for you, and I sense a disturbance. I had a vision of Equestria, the world you saved besides Hyrule, and a terrible, wicked omen that will approach the land. I just need you to go to Equestria and see if my words are true and if the land is in terrible danger. Please Link, I am counting on you. And one more thing, you might need the Master Sword once again


Princess Zelda

Link folded the letter back and looked at Colin. “Well, That doesn’t sound good. Zelda sensed danger to first time, and she was correct.”

“You think maybe she is correct about this one?” Colin asked.

“Only one way to find out. Maybe this could be a big threat to Hyrule too.” Link speculated. “But first thing’s first. First I need the trusted Master Sword on my back again.”

“Right. And we should tell my parents and friends about this before we go. The last thing I want is for them to be worried about me.”

“Don’t worry Colin.” Link chuckled. “We’ll tell them.

After Link acquired his trusted weapon, the villagers told them to be careful in trying to unravel this mystery.

“We’ll be back. Me and acolin have the key to come back here whenever we want to.”

“I know, Link.” Said Mayor Bo. “Just please come back to us alive.”

“Yes, mister mayor.” He looked at Colin, for he was taking the boy with him on the adventure. The door they would be going through is the Mayor’s door, and when Link unlocked it with the magic key, the portal to Equestria was opened.

“Link, do be careful.” Said Illia. She ran up to Link and gave him a big kiss on his lips to bid him good luck.”

“Thanks Illia. I’ll be back.” Said Link. “Come on, Colin.”

“Right behind you.” The two brought Epona and Storm with them through the portal, and they felt so happy to be back on Equestrian soil after all this time. Epona was back in her pony form again, and Storm was a little confused by what just happened.

“Did... we just come to a different world?” Asked Storm. He gasped in realization when he heard himself use actual speech for the first time. “I... I can talk?”

Epona chuckled and said “Yes sweetie, don’t worry, everything will be as right as rain,’

“Link? Colin? Epona?” Said a very familiar voice. The three recognized that sweet, soothing voice well, and they turned to see Fluttershy, Twilight, Lyra, Bon Bon, Spike, And the rest of their closest Equestrian friends.

“Fluttershy! Guys!” Link exclaimed with joy. They all ran up to him and embraced for a big hug to show how much they missed him so much. “It’s good to see you all again.”

“Oh Link. We missed you!” Fluttershy Said.

“Welcome back to Equestria.” Lyra remarked.

“And Colin, you haven’t changed a bit, Sugarcube.” Said Applejack. “You still got that nice shield on ya, and that sword to fight as much monsters as you can.”

“Oh ho yes.” Rarity agreed. “You look as adorable as ever.”

Colin flushed at what Rarity just said. “Thank you. I’m still a kid.”

“A cool, awesome kid.” Said Spike. There was something different about him, and Colin realized he had a new feature on his back.

Gasping, Colin Said and pointed “Spike, are those wings?”

“Yep. I just got them. Now I can fly!” Said the baby dragon.

“Wow, That is wonderful.” Said Epona. “Must be growing up already.”

“You can say that.”

“Fought any bad guys lately, Link?” Said Rainbow. “Ah, i’m Sure you have. I never forget how you swing your sword at opponents.”

“Of course. Evil never sleeps.”

“We missed you guys so much.” Said Fluttershy. Then she noticed Colin mildly grunting in pain. “Oh my, what’a Wrong, Colin?”

“Ah! Nothing. I was just having a horseback lesson with my new companion, Storm, who three me off in full gallop.”

“My goodness.” Said Twilight. “Are you injured? You need a cast for any of your body parts?”

“No, i’m Alright. Just a little sore.”

Storm went up to him, and had a guilty look on his face before sayin: “I’m so sorry, Colin. I was just scared and... I panicked and didn’t know what to do.”

“It’s alright, Storm.” Colin reassured, gently stroking his nose. “It’s what Link Said, you’re like me, a kid.”

“I’ll try and be more braver next time. I promise.” Said Storm.

“Well, why don’t you all sit with us? We have so much to discuss.”

“Great idea, Pip.” Link agreed. He, Colin, and the two ponified horses sat with them in a small picnic together. “Guys, i’m Sorry we didn’t come to sooner, I kinda forgot about the key for a second there.” He looked embarrassed and uncomfortable at first, and rubbed the back of his head.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. We all forget things. Besides, it was only for a month.” Said Fluttershy. “What matters is that you’re here with us now.”

“Yeah, So now that you’re back, we can have some more fun!” Pinkie bounced with excitement.

“Maybe later, but first, I need to check out something that might happen here, and Princess Zelda told me to go check it out. She said there would be some trouble brewing here and I just wanted to investigate.”

“Well I can assure you that there’s nothing to worry about.” Said Twilight. “Everything’s been going great, especially for the new school of friendship we just opened.”

“School Of Friendship, huh?” Colin asked. “That sounds interesting.”

“Yeah, you should totally come and see it for yourself.” Said Lyra. “It’s amazing.”

“Well, did Zelda tell you what was happening?”

“No, and I didn’t ask her.” Link sighed. “But i’ll Figure something out. Maybe when me and Colin get back home to Hyrule, we can ask her what kind of trouble there is, or what’s to come. All she said would as she had a terrible vision.”

“Hmm, That sounds fishy.” Said Applejack.

“No, if it was fishy, we would all be underwater.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“But why don’t we make up for lost time?” Link suggested.

“Good idea.” Said Fluttershy.