• Published 19th May 2018
  • 2,155 Views, 44 Comments

The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora - MetalBrony823

After the final defeat of Ganondorf in Equestria, Link and Colin face a new threat in the land where they defeated him, with the help of their friends

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Underwater Discovery

Still heading go Eleena, Link and the whole gang were. It far from the eland city now, and they were getting closer with every step of the way, and the best part was there were not as much enemies to fight as before. Well, not as much enemies until now. A couple of dodongos were guarding a nearby, gigantic lake with glistening waters shining under the sun, and a number of fish seen hopping and breaching as they touched the surface of the waters.

“Uh-oh. Dodongos.” Said Colin.

“Here, i’ll Help out with that.” Link ouleld out his sword and was ready to slice at those gigantic lizard’s Tails like branches from a tree.

Fluttershy stopped the hero from continuing by placing her arm in front of him. “Wait. I will handle this.” She Said

The yellow Pegasus mare hovered and gave those little monsters her own stare. Immediately, the dodongos fell obedient to her in an instant. As a matter of fact, one of them made a gulp of fear and bowed it’s head as it felt completely below her.

“Now, please do not hurt us. Go away, or you will suffer the consequences.”

Before they knew it, the dodongos were fleeing in a very fast run so they wouldn’t have to face her wrath or be punished severely.

Fluttershy smiled, and she said: “Those are good dodongos.” Then the others were about to continue onwards, but then, three chu worms appeared from the bottom of this lake and attacked them all in gigantic liquid bubbles.

“Ah great.” Link muttered. “not These guys again.”

All three of these insect-like monsters made chittering and screeching sounds that sounded a little bit like squealing pigs, and charge at them all. Luckily, Spike used his fire breath to make one of the bubbles evaporate into gas, and Colin killed it in one slice.

Link pulled out one of his claw shots and fired at the second one, pulling it out of it’s bubble like he did with these pests before in the Lakebed temple, and sliced it about three times before disappearing into black and purple dust of magic.

Finally, the third one was being punched repeatedly by Thorax and Twilight finished the job in that one, “where did those guys come from?” Asked Adewale.

Twilight was wondering that herself and a thought came in her head. “Wait, What ifnthere is a mask shard in that lake?”

“Come on,” Said Big Mac. “How can we find a mask shard in a lake or a river?”

“This is no ordinary lake.” Said Zecora. “What you all see is lake Kivu, and it is one of the main attractions for my home.”

"Oh yes." Adewale added. "Kivu is a home to a wide variety of fish and creatures that dwell in it. Be warned, the waters around the coastline are beautiful, but it can be deadly as well if you are not careful or cautious."


"Wait, what if there is a mask shard in the Lake?" Asked Colin. He pulled out the Keaton mask to call upon a friend to give him and the others some clues.

In just a few seconds, Kit returned in his entrance, popping from underground. "Ah. You guys are all making excellent progress in finding the shards of the Fierce Deity's mask. Ho ho ho, I am so happy."

"Well. I hate to say it, Kit." Said Link "but, this is far from over, and we want to know if there is a mask shard in Lake Kivu next to us."

The Keaton looked next to his right and gazed at the lake with his tails slowly moving from the wind blowing. "Hmm. I sense.... a powerful force...... yes! It is down in the lake somewhere."

"That explains why a bunch of monsters from Hyrule came and attacked us just seconds ago."

"Yes. They were out looking for the shard and trying to destroy it so you would never assemble it together." Kit said. "Good thing you are all good swimmers."

"Yes, but, lake Kivu is a rather deep lake about hundreds of feet deep below sea level." Adewale pointed. "We would all have to have gills to sustain for a long time to look for a shard below the waters."

An idea popped into Link's head. He knew what he had to do. "That's not a problem. Because, I've got...." he pulled put his Zora Armor. "This."

"Oh yeah. You got that swimsuit outfit." Said Rainbow Dash, remembering seeing Link in that getup before.

"Zora armor." Fluttershy corrected her.


"You all might want to turn around because I am going to change and.... you know."

"Not to worry dear. We understand." Said Rarity.

"Go ahead, Link." Said Fluttershy. "We won't look at all."

Everyone turned around to give the hero some privacy and they heard the sounds of him changing to his zora clothes.

It took a little bit more than three minutes, but when Link was done he announced to everyone: "okay, now you can all look."

As he told them, they all turned around to see Link in his Zora outfit. "It still fits me." Then he tucked his outfit down.

"Stunning as ever, darling." Rarity remarked.

"Do you need us to come with you in case something very dangerous happens?" Asked Twilight.

"No. I'll be fine, Twilight." Link remarked. "In the meantime, you all stay up here on the surface. If anything goes wrong, come and find me."

"I'll do it." Said Thorax. "Thanks Tommy shapeshifting abilities, I can transform to any animal I want." Then he transformed himself into a mudskipper, then a seal, then a killer whale to show his examples and meaning.

"Why don't you come with me, Thorax?" Link suggested. "I can always use some extra help. Maybe if there is something too dangerous, you can transform into a sea monster to help me thwart out the bad guys."

"I've never did that before. What sea monster should I look like?"

"Anything that's scary and powerful."

"Umm... I don't know. I never did anything like that before." the changeling king looked rather nervous. He was even pawing his hoof on the soil with a look if doubt written all over his face.

"Aw come on, buddy." Said Spikex trying to encourage him. “You can do it. I know you can, Thorax. Just be more brave and believe in yourself.”

“Yeah. You have helped us in the fight against Chrysalis And Ganondorf when they were attacking Canterlot.” Mathayus added. “You can help us again in the fight against Majora.”

Thinking abint this a little more, Thorax ultimately said at last: “Okay, i’ll Do it for all you guys.” Then he turned into a bunyip, an aquatic monster that had a fearsome reputation of eating ponies alive in lakes and rivers. “Alright, Link. On your go.”

“Nice.” Link Then readied his mask by covering his mouth snd nose with it, and dove into the waters and Thorax came swimming after him below the surface.

While searching for the mask, Link saw so many beauties and wonders as he was swimming and Swimming for an extended period of time. One of the. Was a large variety of fish swimming around him and Thorax, and a couple of crocodiles he had to kill if any of them tried to mess with him or his friend.

While not necessarily monsters, these crocodiles were rather intimidating and not one to enderestimate, especially if it is only one crocodile.

“Wow. Look at this.” Link looked around. “Look at all these fish.”

A school of rainbow eels came passing by, swimming in a colorful grace and beauty.

“Whoa. How are we gonna find the shard in this lake?” Asked Thorax.

“I’ll know if when I see it. Just stay with me.” The next thing he did was pull out his iron boots, and he was sinking below the lake to look for this shard. Thorax followed after him and he looked cautiously for any dangerous animals.p such as sharks or any more crocodiles, or hippos that would try and stop them from continuing with the mission.

So far, there was no sign of the mask shard to find, and this could take a while to search for it below the lake.

“I hope we find it in this place.” Link remarked. “This lake is huge.”

“I know. Still, we can't give up now. Every piece of the mask helps in using it against Majora.” Thorax pointed. “That mask can be our last hope if your sword doesn’t kill that monster.”

Link let out a small sigh before replying: “I know. Still, I have more than one sword on me now.”

“No argument there. That purple and green sword looks like it can kill your opponents with one hit from each swing or thrust.”

A small gust of purple was glowing not too far, and Link had to cut down a bunch of kelp to get a closer look and a better view of what that glowing thing was. It was another mask shard and it looked ripe for the picking.

However, before Link could touch it, a pair of terrible, flaming yellow eyes appeared out of nowhere. A gigantic octopus appeared from the shadows and it let out a screeching sound. From the looks of this monster, it had the shard on his forehead, right between his eyes.

“Oh god.” Link Said in disbelief. He could hardly believe at what he was beholding right now.