• Published 19th May 2018
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The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora - MetalBrony823

After the final defeat of Ganondorf in Equestria, Link and Colin face a new threat in the land where they defeated him, with the help of their friends

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Majora's True Form

Despite how greatly they were fighting, the heroes were facing more enemies that were appearing out of nowhere from Majora and Zelda's magic. It seemed like no end to many enemies being summoned and there would be hundreds of them being summoned by either these two powerful figures.

Colin transformed into his wolf form and bit one lizalfos in the throat to suffocate it and keep it from breathing. For a pup, the wolf form of Colin sure had sharp teeth and he was biting as hard as he could on the neck.

After about thirty seconds, the Lizalfos eventually died from lack of air and disappeared into purple dust.

Colin then pounced on the keese knocked it to the ground, ripping it's face apart.

He did the same thing with six more keese and even killed two kargaroks by biting on their throats like he did with the Lizalfos. When he was done, he transformed back into his Hylian form and looked around to see if any of his friends needed his help or not. So far, they were all doing okay on their own. Without warning, a gigantic Iron Knuckle with gold and silver armor and a gigantic, sharp double-bladed ax was walking in front of him and stopped when he was about a few feet away from him.

"This is the end of the line from you, little boy." said the Iron Knuckle. He began swinging his ax at him vertically, and Colin was really gripping his sword tighter than before, and he had to really grip it tight because that ax was ridiculously large and it could knock the blade off Colin's hands if not held enough.

The boy began slashing and slicing at the knight-like creature with all his might, and managed to slice his right hand off, making him scream in agony and pain. Despite how painful it was for him, he managed to make a small recovery, and he was madder than before, and more determined to slice Colin into little tiny pieces. Hand gone or not, he can still hold his ax with one hand.

Despite being madder than before, Colin was not afraid of him, and he did a side-roll out of the way before the blade could decapitate his head off of his neck. "Whew, that was close." he muttered. All of a sudden, he saw the ax swing to the right, and Colin raised the Hero's shield just in time to block it. Alas, the swing was powerful enough to knock the boy into the dirt. Link saw this and immediately went to his aid, more than happy to fight alongside his little friend.

Despite how hard the ax hit him, Colin slowly got back up. "You okay?" Link asked him.

"Just fine, Thank you." Said Colin. "This guy's tough."

"Need a little help?"

"That would be a good idea."

"We'll take him together." Link and Colin charged at the Iron Knuckle with full zeal and courage against him.

Colin sliced at the monster's back with his Ordon sword after jumping over him. Link sliced at him on the chest three times and the armor immediately came off of. And our meant that this monsters was going to be faster than before now that the weight of the armor was off of him.

"Now you've mad me mad!" said the knight-like thing. He began running now that the armor was off of him, similar to how the Darknuts armor that Link fought before, had become faster in movement than before. "I'll gut you both like a pair of Hylian loaches!"

Despite his scary threat, Colin and Link readied themselves for another team attack together. Link took the left flank, and Colin took the right. Dodging as much swings and attacks from the Iron Knuckle.

Colin did a side-roll, and he sliced at the knight's back, almost knocking him down. The iron knuckle swung as fast as he could with his weapon and almost decapitated Colin again, but, being quick and nimble as he was, Colin slides on his knees, going right under the enemy.

Link saw this as a perfect opportunity to jump up in midair, and give him the help splitter across his face. With that, it was a killing blow on him and the Iron knuckle fell on his belly, flat like a pancake, and a rumble was emitted like a small earthquake after he had fallen.

These two were a perfect team together as one. Epona and Storm were both bravely bucking and kicking at many types if enemies, and the colt even kicked a fire wizzrobe in the face countless times, and tackled a blue one down.

"You are doing so well, Storm." Said Epona. "I knew you had the courage in you. I'm very proud of you and your strengths."

Storm smiled, and he said: "thanks, mom. I'm sorry if I was such a coward before."

"Oh don't be." Epona brushed off. "We all have our feelings of doubt and uneasiness. We just need to learn how to get past them."

They both continued fighting and Pip had a hoof in this too. He grabbed hold of one kargarok after it swooped down on him and ride on it's back. Pip was using it to his advantage by running over some enemies in midair while he was riding on the monstrous bird.

After ramming a total of fifty enemies in front of it, he jumped off of it, and Mathayus was the one who caught him before he could hit the ground. "Very nicely done, Pip. A rather clever trick to pull off."

"Thanks. I may be small, but I am very capable." said the colt.

While taking out a moblin in the face, Colin heard a really calming voice from behind him. "Colin," it was a female voice and he turned around to see Zelda.

She had a melancholy look on her face and she was slowly walking up to him "P-princess " Colin said, slowly backing away from her as she was still coming towards him.

“Sweetie, why do you fight like this?” Said Zelda. “There is no need for any more if this, you know.”

“Princess, please.” Colin begged. “This is not you. I know it’s not. Can’t you see what you are doing? You’re helping a demon who’s brainwashed you under his control.”

“Nonsense.” Said Zelda. “I a perfectly in control of myself.” She didn’t stop walking up to him, and finally, Colin stopped when he hit a house behind him. He readied his sword and shield for in case she tried to attack or hurt him.

“Do not make me hurt you. I... Don’t want to fight you, but, I will if I have to.” He Freud so hard to be at his bravest, but, deep down, he was feeling scared sinceZelda was more powerful than any other foe than he would fight. “Please, I do not want to hurt you.”

“Come on, Colin.” Zelda looked at hum with a sad loo on her voice. She bent down and tried to reach out to his shoulders. “If you would just listen and give in, you will be just fine, the feeling is... incredible.”

“Please don’t hurt me.” Colin softly begged. “You wouldn’t kill me.”

“Of course not. Just think about it. I will ask Lord Majora to spare you your life and when you join us, you can have whatever you want and more. You want to be part of something greater. She slowly circled around him. “You want to make your parents proud of you for being one of the finest swordsmen in all of Hyrule.”

These words were slowly getting to Colin. “Well, I do want that. But-“

“And you are more than welcome to join my ranks after we are done helping my lord conquer Equestria.” She gently laid her hands on his shoulders. “Please Colin. Join me, and we can rule Hyrule and Equestria together. In return, your rewards will be so great and so magnificent, you will be glad to have joined us.”

Colin was silent and he didn’t know what to say. It sounded like she was trying to fight the evil controlling her and reasoning with Colin with this offer.

“No, Colin!” Link called out, running to his aid. “Don’t listen to her! She’s just tricking you.”

Zelda gave him an irritated look, and she said: “You can be quite annoying in Majora’s affairs, you know that, Link?”

“Zelda, leave Colin out of this. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Oh, do not worry.” said the brainwashed princess in a cunning voice. “I wouldn’t dream of killing him. “Just join me, Colin.” She said to the boy again. “Everything will be just fine, and just let go of your fear.”

“Fear?” Colin Asked. “No, i’m Brave like Link and... i’m Not a weakling anymore.”

“It’s okay to be scared sometimes, Colin.” Said Link. “But, don’t let her fool you.” He looked at the princess again. “Zelda, please. Let me help you.”

“It is far too late for that.” Zelda snarled. She was grabbing Colin’s shoulders and she was trying to put him unconscious by squeezing near his larynx and wind pipe so he couldn’t breath and pass out.

Despite almost falling on the ground, Colin managed to slip away and went next to his brother figure. “Don’t worry, Princess. We’ll save you from this evil controlling you.”

“Hahahaha. Do not think you can compete against me, Colin,” Said Zelda. She pulled out her rapier sword and charged at the two. Things did not look good for them both, fighting off one of their own brisnwashed friends. Still, they had no choice, they had to fight her and fend her off to take down Majora.

“Give it up, Link.” Said Zelda. “You!re sword skills are no match for mine.”

“We’ll see.”

“You wouldn’t dare hurt your own friend, would you Link?” Asked Majora, Who was watching this little fight. “How can you possibly kill your own friend like this? What kind of hero would you be if you do that?”

“Shut up!!” Link shouted, charging at him again. He pulled out his Great Fairy Sword and shot a dozen sword beams at him from the blade. The rays of electricity were stinging Majora all over his body and he was twitching.

“Lord Majora!” Zelda shouted in horror. “Here, let me help you.” She blasted Link away with her magic, and gave some of her own magic to her new master.

Something odd was happening. A light was forming around Majora, and he was changing into something different. “At last.” Said The evil, mask. Let me show you all my true form!” His voice echoed for many miles like a strong storm.

A blinding light flashed and when it was gone, Majora looked absolutely different. He no longer looked like a walking mask, but something entirely different. He was hulking and huge, he had a long line of white fur going down his body like a shaggy dog or a Yak, almost touching the ground below. His face was certainly dragon-like, and he was standing on all fours. Another shocking and terrifying feature he had on him was; black eyes that looked menacing and rows of sharp teeth protruding from his mouth. One fang was protruding downward from his lower jaw on both sides of his mouth, and a protruding fang that was next to the one coming out of the upper jaw on both sides of the mouth.

He had scaly legs and long claws that could slice through metal or rock. Majora had a headpiece on him that looked like a brooch or a crown with some curvy spikes spread out. On his back and his long tail, an armor was covering it with two protruding spikes on each row. His size was much bigger than a man or a Hylian when he or she is a full-fledged adult, probably up to ten feet tall at the shoulder or somewhere around that number

This behemoth was supposed to be Majora in his true form. He lifted and pointed his ends in the sky, and let out a demonic, and ear-piercing roar from his throat that mare the ground rumble slightly under his feet.

The heroes looked absolutely stunned by Majora’s true form and how he looked his way. He looked completely terrfying with this kind of appearance.

“Finally, I am back.” Majora Said with an evil grin. “At long last, I am reborn."

The brainwashed Zelda knelt down before him in respect like he was her god.

"Thank you, princess Zelda. I owe it to you to restore me to my true self."

"I am pleased to help you, my lord." said Zelda with an evil smile.

Link himself was stunned for a second, and he tried not to show some fear in himself. "So, Majora, this is your true form?"

"That it is Link." said Majora. He teleported and appeared in front of him. The hero of Hyrule stood his ground and bashed his face with his shield three times, hitting his nose, and throwing the dragon-like monster off-balance. He sliced the master sword dozens of times, and it looked like it really hurt Majora, and his right front leg was sliced with a deep cut.

Majora roared in pain after feeling the pain, and he retaliated by swiping at Link with his left arm. It felt like Link was hit by a wrecking ball and he crashed into an orange stall with the sound of wood and rubble crashing on the ground.

"Link!" his friends shouted in shock.

Twilight got angry and rushed to shoot at Majora with his magic from her horn in the form of bolts and beams. She even tried to launch a fireball the size of a gigantic beach ball at him, but to no avail. "Stay out of my way, princess Twilight!" said Majora. He retaliated by blasting a gigantic beam of magic himself, making Twilight fly off like the swiftness of an arrow, and hitting a dozen market stalls, leaving some cuts and bruises.

Majora laughed at the way she flew off like that from the power of his own magic.

"You will pay for this!" said Lyra.

"Now you are a real monster, on the inside and the outside!" Zecora added

The monster made a small chuckle before saying: "Guilty as charged Zecora, and proud of it." With a small snap of his finger, Majora conjured even more monsters under his command.

"Oh come on!" Rainbow exclaimed in exasperation.

"There's too many of them. We can't fight them all at once!" Fluttershy added

"We'll need a miracle." said Thorax, panting after killing three bokoblins by turning into a manticore.

"Then how about us?" said a bold, confident, and deep African voice. Link recovered from the fall, but looked a little sore and some parts of his skins looked scraped. He looked and saw what appears to be a small army in front of him, an army of about a few hundred eland, buffalo, changelings, griffons, yaks, hippogriffs, dragons and some ponies from Appleoosa, Cloudsdale, and a few other pony cities. Adewale, Goende, Gilda, Pharynx (Thorax's elder brother), King Imari of the elands, Prince Rutherford, Ember, King Zuma of the zebras, and Queen Novo. "Sorry we were all late." said Adewale. "We were a little sidetracked."

"Brother!" Zecora exclaimed with joy.

"We are here to help you guys!" said Ember boldly.

"So glad you came here, big brother." Thorax remarked to Pharynx.

"Glad to be here. Came in the nick of time." said the sibling

“No we have more help on our side!” Spike Said with joy. “Alright Majora, now your time is up!” He shouted to the dragon-like monster.

The beast let out a laugh. “Oh please. Do you really think honk an army of creatures will stop me? Bah! I am more powerful than you all.”

“Perhaps, But with Zaire and his power on our side,” Said Imari. “We will defeat you and your evil, Majora.”

“Heh. We’ll see about that.” And in a bark, Majora ordered “Kill them all!!” Then another major battle in Ponyville began.

“Wait, i’ll Be right back!” Said The Master Of Chaos Before disappearing with the snap of his finger.

"Discord, you get back here this minute, mister!" Fluttershy scolded. Usually that always works for her, but. For some reason, Discord didn't come back. "Discord!!" Flutterhsy shouted again

"Forget 'em." Said Big Mac. "We need to help our friends. They need us."

"You're- you're right." Fluttershy said, trying to sound bold. She and Big Mac went into battle, and it became a small warzone between good and evil again. Sounds of swords clashing and sounds of flesh being hit were heard all around, but, that was when Discord came back with some backup. It was King Bulblin and his troops, along with some darknuts from Mahtayus' tribe.

"Sorry I was late." said the master of chaos. "And you all didn't think that I left you all behind, did you?"

"Oh. Good thinking, Discord." Fluttershy commented. "Sorry I thought you abandoned us."

"No, it's perfectly alright. I am unpredictable after all." Discord said.

"Here we go again, men." said King Bulblin. "Attaaaaacck!!!!!" His soldiers and followers all charged at Ponyville, along with the dakrnut soldiers under Mathayus' brother, Cedric, who was ahead of them all.

"Grr. So, we have more meddlers, I see." said Majora in annoyance. "Many of you take out those freaks!" he ordered many monsters.

"Draw them out of Ponyville!" Cedric ordered the Darknuts that were following him. Like that, the bulblins and darknuts led many monsters and creatures under Majora's command out of Ponyville so there wouldn't be any collateral damage and no more houses would be destroyed.

Link saw this as a perfect opportunity to pull out his Great Fairy Sword again, and use two swords instead of one. He yelled and charged at the dragon Majora, slicing at many charging wizzrobes, bokoblins, lizalfos, and some other monsters that were on the dragon-like creature's side. One thing he had to be careful of; were the bombchus, and if he hit them, they would all explode, thanks to the bombs attached to their tails. For that, he pulled out his boomerang and threw it at a couple of enemies and bombchus so he wouldn't have to waste a lot of arrows.

Still, that didn't stop him from pulling out his bow and arrow at some flying enemies. He even pulled out his slingshot on some bombchus as a farther distance if needed.

Some freezards were conjured by Majora and Zelda as their "big guns", and the dragons instantly knew what this meant. Spike, Ember, Smolder, and other dragons breathed fired on any icy enemies, melting them into water. "Always fun melting ice." said Ember. "Spike, look out!"

"What?" a kargarok with a bokoblin riding on it was charging at Spike like a missile, but, being quick as she was, Ember shot some fire breath on them, making them scream in pain as they were being lit on fire like matchwood, and the monstrous bird came crashing down on the ground like a meteorite. "Whew, thanks Ember."

"Don't mention it, buddy." Ember said with a wink. "Be more careful."

"Incoming guays." said Thorax, who was fighting alongside his two best friends. He used the magic from his horn like a machine gun, blasting lots of these birds. "Have a taste of this, foul birds!" Thorax shouted boldly.

"Go get 'em, Thorax!" Ember cheered on.

Back on the ground, Link killed about five moblins with his two swords, and he turned his attention to Majora. "Okay, I have had enough of this." He put on the Fierce Deity's Mask, and calmly walked up to him like a boss. "Majora!" he called. "This ends now."

Zelda stopped in front of him, and had her rapier. "Going somewhere?" she asked with her evil grin

"Stand aside, Zelda." Link said to her calmly. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."

"I will never let you hurt lord Majora!" said the brainwashed princess. She slashed her sword and tried to slice the hero with it. One thing that caught her off-guard was: "Link grasped her sword with his right hand, and threw a magical wave at her, knocking her out cold. "I'm sorry." he muttered. He continued walking to Majora, and he tried slicing at him.

The dragon-like beast sneered and swiped his sharp claws at him dozens of times. Link was fast and he jumped in a great jump and sliced at his face with his gigantic sword, making him howl in pain. Majora wasn't going to give up so easily and he readied his mouth like he was about to breath fire. However, it was purple instead of yellow or orange.

He began shooting gigantic balls of fire when they were big enough, probably the size of a small house, but Link was more powerful than ever, and he deflected the first ball into space.

"What?!" Majora shouted.

"You can never defeat me Majora." Link said to him calmly while on a house.

Angry, Majora shot more gigantic balls of purple fire at him. Link would either deflect or evade them like they were just mere balls in dodge ball.

Now, things have gotten a little more interesting.