• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Lonely Fanboy48



The Rainbooms including Human Twilight went out of town because their on tour to show off their band. Sunset talks to Princess Twilight that she going to be away for a couple weeks. She also thought of a way of her princess friend to meet more people she didn't met when she was gone. When Twilight accepts Sunset's advice, Starlight and Spike will take over her job as co principles in the School Of Friendship while Twilight enters the Mirror World and straight to the beach thanks to Sunset giving her the map.

Thanks to Daniyel099 for editing the final two chapters.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 12 )

Just how differentt (or similar) is this to 'Princess Twilight Meets New Friends'?

Is the same just with a different title. I want to make sure my old stories can somewhat be submitted again.

Okay. I didn't think fimfiction allowed you to submit the same story again. And I'm not sure what that says about the author if they do.

Well so far nothing has happen right now, I’m just trying to get my account back to normal.

I SOOOO wish Princess Twilight would visit the human world again already.

“I think that’s a piece of its own egg,” Twilight said, “you whatever is, he’s still Splinter.”

“Alright,” Twi said, before she took her next turn. “Okay. That one’s Leatherhead.”

Hah! :rainbowlaugh: A TMNT reference

The Rainbooms including Human Twilight went out of town because their on tour to show off their band. Sunset talks to Princess Twilight that she going to be away for a couple weeks. She also thought of a way of her princess friend to meet more people she didn't met when she was gone. When Twilight accepts Sunset's advice, Starlight and Spike will take over her job as co principles in the School Of Friendship while Twilight enters the Mirror World and straight to the beach thanks to Sunset giving her the map.

...Where do I even begin...?
1) "The Rainbooms, including the human Twilight"
2) "because they're on tour"
3) "that she is going to be away"
4) "a way for her princess friend"
5) "more people she hadn't met before"
6) "her job as co-principals at the School"

...Basically, this entire blurb/summary needs an urgent editing and re-write to fix grammatical errors and awkward phrasing - blurbs with these two problems generally don't make stories all that enticing, since it suggests the actual story will be of similar poor quality, even if the story actually isn't.
Sometimes you can "judge a book by its cover", if the cover is noticeably flawed.

This story was resubmitted last year, I didn’t have the original description so I had to start all over again. And I’m sorry but I can’t handle this problem, it’s giving me more stress and the fact you said you can judge a book by it’s cover only makes it unappreciated to at least read the chapters.

“Here’s the truth,” Lemon Zest began explaining, “We’re not really complete friends with the Rainbooms. We kind of...well...We’re not enemies, but we keep each other at arm’s length.”

Talk about putting it lightly before cadence took over everyone knew that Crystal prep was a shark tank waiting for Chum to be thrown in, everyone would have sooner eating each other than let anyone go first in their chance to get to the top

Coulda sworn this had a cover picture...

Oh boy sounds like temper spruce and flash sentry are going to wind up having a dick measuring contest

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