• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 639 Views, 48 Comments

Neocros 2: Light and Dark - Samuel-Neocros

Neocros now lives with Rainbow Dash, and life resumes as normal. It's his friend's birthday, and the couple decide to throw a party for him.

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1: School Laze

“School Laze”


After the two were finished napping, they decided to take a small walk, near Rainbow’s home. Neocros closed his eyes, and smelled the air. He also listened to the waterfalls near the place, and the birds flying above. Since the blue dragon didn’t have wings, it was mostly his idea to take daily walks.

It was spring, which was always Neo’s favorite season. He walked down the road, taking in the beautiful scenery. The flowers were blooming from the sunlight, and the water shined with pride. The water was clear, much to Neocros’ pleasure. He would always enjoy swimming there--whenever nopony’s looking of course. The feeling of the cool water always helped him forget his worries. It was like therapy to him, whenever Rainbow Dash would be away doing something else.

He looked over to his love, wondering what she was thinking. Rainbow caught his gaze, and asked what was up.


“Uh... nothin’. Just wondering what you were doing...” He trailed off near the end there. Rainbow Dash was flying next to him, looking up ahead of them. As they continued their stroll, and feeling the cool breeze flow past them, Neocros could help but think of somepony he knew of.

Rainbow Dash glanced over to him, and noticed his rather saddened look. Rainbow Dash felt the depressing aura coming off the look, and wanted to know why.

“Hey... what’s wrong, big guy?”

“Sigh... it’s Sam. He hasn’t returned, let alone been seen that often. He’s been rather quiet, ever since you and I got together. I fear that I hurt his feelings by getting together with you...” Neocros kept his head low, and eyes staring at the ground. “I love you, but I feel guilty, since Sam was the first to somehow show his feelings.”

Rainbow Dash understood exactly what he meant, and she had to admit, she was reluctant on Neocros’ crush on her, but then again, she felt almost reluctant to be with Sam too. She just couldn’t show it, since they were under attack during that time, so Dash didn’t have time to fully chew the idea of Sam AND Neocros loving her. What’s more though, was that, she always considered Sam as a friend, and she never thought of love being on the table.

Back when she and the two were friends, Neocros and Sam displayed some kind of rivalry between each other. After becoming friends with Neocros, the earth pony decided to leave Earth to ‘go on a mission’ as he puts it. He’s been on more missions this year, than even being around the two. Rainbow could see why her dragon would feel guilty, in some way, over this.

“Uhm... ” Rainbow starts. “...I probably would be a bit careful about this, y’know, to not offend Sam?”

Neocros kept his head low.

“I guess so.” He replied. Rainbow Dash kept flying side by side with Neo, where they then heard the birds chirping. Neocros looked up, just in time to spot some birds flying over. He wasn’t sure what kind they were, but he didn’t care. Rainbow Dash watched the birds fly away, before she glanced at the grassy ground below.

“Well... I do understand how you’re feelin’, Neo. I’ve been kinda worried about Sam as well. Honestly, I hope he’s okay.” Dash said, worriedly. She had asked Dark a few days ago, if Sam was mad at them, and unfortunately, Dark replied with a maybe. Rainbow didn’t want to say this, in fear of hurting Neocros even more. But she also knew that she felt bad at the thought of Sam being angry at her for choosing Neo over him.

Neocros could sense Rainbow’s feelings, so he decided to speak.

“Though... I was thinking of... somehow, making him smile.. at least once...” He explained. “I know that... his birthday is... coming soon...”

Rainbow Dash was surprised.

“Wait.. his birthday? When?” She asked. Neocros seemed reluctant. He had lied about his birthday coming soon, it was actually a few months ago. However, Sam hadn’t been talking to Neocros so... you couldn’t exactly blame Neocros fully, without blaming Sam for not telling when to do it.

“I... I believe it was a day or so from now...” Neocros lied. “I was thinking that maybe... we would celebrate his birthday... and say sorry perhaps...?”

Rainbow Dash took a moment to process what he was saying, before she responded.

“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea...” She replied. “Perhaps we can start it now?”

Neocros thought for a second, then nodded.

“Eah, but how do we start, exactly?”

“Well,” Rainbow Dash glanced up ahead of them. “Maybe we should invite Sam over to our place?”

Neocros agreed, and they began heading back to the mansion...

After a bit of thinking, Rainbow and Neocros had made some plans on how the party would be handled. Pinkie Pie would make the cake, but the party would solely have just Neo, Dash, and Sam. Neocros had pointed out that Sam hates loud parties, or a generally ‘too much birthday’ type scenario.

“Hmn... Could you go and ask Pinkie Pie to make uh... Cookie Cakes are a thing... right?” Neo asked. Rainbow Dash wondered, which made Neocros rather anxious. Sam loved cookie cakes, but this is Equestria, a far different culture than Earth.

“Uh.. yeah? You’ve been to SugarCube Corner, have you?” She replied, teasingly.

“Oh uh... yes but.. I didn’t know they had those kinds of things...”

“They could make a custom cake, and Pinkie Pie would make it just for Sam!” Rainbow Dash said. Neocros nodded.

“Okay, while you go and get the cake, I’ll set up the area..” Neocros said. Rainbow felt like he should go with her, since Neo knows Sam’s needs and all.

“Why not come with me?”

“Uh... I guess that could work. I was thinking of going anyway, since you might get confused along the way?” Neocros nervously responded. Rainbow laughed, and gestured to him to come with her back outside...

At the school of friendship, Dark and Slaughter were doing some janitor work in the library room. Voss was tasked by Saverna to go do something, so Dark had to take over for a day. Dark had a mop and bucket in hand, as he cleaned the floor with the mop. Slaughter was nearby, reading a book. It was a novel that Sam had written not long after ‘defeating’ Sorsirina. Admittedly, Slaughter was only a few chapters in, and he found himself getting disinterested. Dark would occasionally glance at his fellow partner, and mutter to himself about the centipede slacking off.

Dark tried to focus on cleaning the floor, but he was distracted by Slaughter’s presence. Slaughter noticed Dark looking at him, at the corner of his eye, and rotated his eyes like a mantis to look back at Dark. Dark always found it unsettling that the green centipede ghost was able to do that!

Of course, Slaughter had Rarity make him a new suit, after losing it back then. The new suit resembled his old one, but with a brighter color scheme, and was very clean looking. Silver had helped with the functions in making the skeleton of the suit, since Slaughter was a ghost--he needed bones after all!

Slaughter and Dark were somewhat good friends, but can be very rival driven at times. Ever since their group disbanded somewhat, although they still meet with Voss every now and then, and meet Sam every once in a while.

“What, doc?” Slaughter broke the silence between the two. Dark rolled his eyes, and face palmed.

“Are you EVER gonna work?” Dark asked, rather impatiently. Slaughter was thinking for only a few seconds, before he said his answer.

“Ehhh....” Slaughter pretended to act stupid. “...Maybe?”

Dark groaned, and Slaughter laughed.

“Whadda expect from me, Dragon man!” Slaughter cackled. “I ain't a mindless drone!”

“You really aren't cut out for this.” That seemed to get a reaction out of Slaughter, with Dark being annoyed by his partner.

“Ooh, sorry bud. I’m just... kinda bored... that’s all?”

“Rruugh... why’re you always like this? I’ve only seen you on the job once, and a extra second.” Dark groaned. Slaughter was very immature in Dark’s eyes, but perhaps if...

His thoughts were interrupted, when a student entered the room. It was Yuna, but Dark had the suspicion that it was somepony else. Dark was about to say something, when he decided that it wasn’t his job to ask. He knew it was Ocellus in Yak’s skin. Dark found himself kinda relating to her slightly, in being a bit shy... or at least, that’s what ponies give the impression of. He found it weird that recently, she’s been spying on Slaughter a lot. Dark would always notice her ‘observing’ his janitor buddy. Dark grew more and more weary of her, since now Slaughter’s noticing her a bit more.

Slaughter found it odd that Ocellus was hiding her true self, but then again he couldn’t call her out, for that he felt like a hypocrite. He hides his true self, in having the costume on, but hiding his ghost form. He had heard somepony calling him a Hollow Man once, but he wasn’t sure what they meant. As much as he plays himself up as the local clown, he did it as a distraction. But even he didn’t want to accept that fact.

Then, another pony walked into the room. It was Sam. Slaughter and Dark were surprised to see him, to say the least.

“Yo! Sam!” Dark said. Sam looked like he hadn’t had a shower in days, and he also looked to haven’t gotten any sleep. Slaughter got off his chair, and slithered over to him.

“What’cha doing?”

“Eh... what?” Sam blankly replied. Slaughter looked around, before facing him.

“You seem upset, have you gotten in somethin’?” He asked. Sam rolled his eyes, and sighed.

“Nah. I’ve just been... tired of it all...” Sam trailed off. Slaughter could sense the depression within the earth pony, and felt rather saddened, seeing his former foe in such a restless state. “I.. guess I’m under the weather.”

“Huh... no kidding. Well, uh...” Slaughter rubbed the side of his head, with his wrist. Dark approached the two, completely forgetting that Yuna... or Ocellus, was in the room.

“Perhaps It is best that you go get some rest?” Dark advised, unsure what to do. Sam seemed to not be surprised by Dark’s advice. As the trio were talking, a familiar shadow creature entered the room, and noticed Sam. Voss floated up to him, and was about to tell him something, when Slaughter and Dark gasped. “Oh, hey Voss!”

“Ey. Sorry that took so long, I’ve come with a message to Sam.” When Voss said that, Sam instantly lifted his head, almost forgetting that his mind was kind of on shutdown.

“What? What’s the situation?”

“Neocros needs you at Rainbow’s Mansion. He told me to let you know that he needs you.” Voss explained. Sam blinked, why would his partner need him there? He didn’t question it any further. He nodded, and quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, dashed out of the room, and was presumably heading over to Rainbow’s Place. Voss and the other two were left wondering how Sam went from zero to a hundred, but were wondering why Neo would ask Sam to go to the skies....

Author's Note:

I know it’s not the strongest start, and I feel as though I didn’t do enough to make it stronger. I’ve been having some pretty bad weeks, recently. Hopefully this is somewhat presentable...

Also, I might not detail how Rainbow and Neocros setting up the party, since I’m feeling lazy unfortunately...