• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 639 Views, 48 Comments

Neocros 2: Light and Dark - Samuel-Neocros

Neocros now lives with Rainbow Dash, and life resumes as normal. It's his friend's birthday, and the couple decide to throw a party for him.

  • ...

4: Sudden Circumstances

”Sudden Circumstances”


It was after noon, and Neo was more urgent than normal. Rainbow was concerned, and asked him a few minutes ago. He replied with “I have something important to tell you.”

Neocros looked around, his face showing noticeable concern. He begun going around the house, shutting all the windows and doors. He also put the blinds down, while glancing around cautiously. Rainbow Dash watched him do this at a rather impressive pace.

"Neo? What's wrong? No pony's going to hear us." She reasoned, but Neocros was determined to shut and cover every opening in the building. He felt his heart going a million miles per hour. Although what he's about to do is Encrypted, he still felt exposed. So he is shutting and covering all openings. After doing so, the room was dim. Neo sighed, before walking up to Dashie.

The way he walked towards her was rather unnerving, to say the least. Rainbow anxiously waited for him to spill the beans... but after a few seconds, he still remained silent. Then he looked at his hands.

“Sigh... well.. here goes.” He muttered under his breath. Neo glanced over to Dash. “Rainbow...”


“What I--err.. well. I want to demonstrate a new ability.” He announced, with a shaky voice. Rainbow Dash’s eyes lid up. She had no clue what this new ability was, it has to involve water, right?

“Really? What does it do?”

“It works like this--” He walked up to her. Since she was hovering, he didn’t have to crouch. He reached out and placed his hands on both sides of her head. The index and middle fingers on each hand gently dug into her temples. Rainbow was confused, but then her eyes lit up. Suddenly everything was blue, and the only thing that stood out were Neocros and herself. Outside of their thoughts, a blue bubble formed around them, though it was transparent for the outside viewers.

“Can you hear me?”

Rainbow heard his voice inside her mind. She blinked, completely surprised by this.

“Wait.. Are you speaking in my head!?”

“Yes.” He nodded, and smiled. “It worked. No pony can hear what we’re saying or thinking. I’ve encrypted our thoughts within a bubble--that’s why everything is blue. So, I discovered this ability yesterday. I asked Mom for guidance, and she told me to use it wisely, and only use it when you demand answers.”

Rainbow locked eyes with Neo. His eyes glowed with the cyan color of the sky, and his body had a glowing outline. Dash asked him why he was doing this, in which he responded with a rather disappointed look.

“The reason why I can’t get laid with you, is because... well, Have you ever wondered why--or how did Green happen to be there at the crash sight of that Comet? Of course none of you questioned it, but I’m sure it must’ve came to your mind at least once. Basically Sam and I weren’t there when it crashed, nor did it hit us. We were from the comet, we came from a far away world, or rather dimension.” Neocros explained.

Rainbow Dash almost couldn’t believe what he said at the end of that sentence.

“Woah! Are you serious!? You came from ANOTHER WORLD!?”

“Yes, Earth is not a land, it’s a planet. Of course it may come as a surprise, but I’m not done. In order for us to get to Equestria, we had to follow some rules--now I know that may seem funny, but rest assured, we thought the same back then. So anyway, the rules basically prevented us from doing anything sexual, but it did welcome make outs, and kissing.” He explained further. Rainbow Dash felt like she was hit with bombshell after bombshell. So Neocros was from another world!? She thought that it was another land, but apparently Saverna and Sam weren’t being honest. She just stared at him with wide eyes, and mouth agape.

“Woah...” Was all Rainbow could mutter out. Neo sighed, and continued.

“If we do anything sexual--or anything that’s against the rules a total of Three times, we’ll disappear--making us return to our world. I don’t want to go there... It’s horrible from where I’m from. Anyway, I’m going to let go now, and when I do--please agree with anything I say. Don’t say anything like “Oh we totally didn’t talk about you people” or anything like that, they aren’t dumb. They would put two and two together if they find your words suspicious. Now not to freak you out, but they’re always watching me--but only when an Episodic storm comes to town. You won’t be able to see that storm, nor is it dangerous--in fact, they’re harmless, and you won’t even know it’s there unless you have my eyes. Now then, do I need to repeat anything?”

“N-no...” she replied. Neocros smiled.

“Thanks. So as far as I know, they’ll only watch me when an Episodic storm hits. So thankfully they’re not ALWAYS watching me.”

Rainbow Dash wondered what these episodic storms were. She guessed that they were just normal ones.“Oh.. okay, Just leave the storms to me, I’ll take em out--”

“You can’t. They are impossible to stop.” He said, with a chilling voice. “But if I remember correctly, the storms will stop after a few years. The rules applied to me is said to expire in a year or two. So once that happens, we’ll be free to do the act whenever we want. Also, I believe the storms only appear during Saturdays, and sometimes on Sundays. Maybe try asking me on Tuesdays, and Wednesdays?”

The last part excited Rainbow, but she was still mystified by most of what he told her.

“I’ll just say, that I also feel scared of doing it. Like what if something goes wrong, but I guess there’s only one way to find out.” He said. “Alright... I’m letting go now, don’t give them any ideas of what we said here. Just agree with everything I say, okay?”


After he released her, he put a happy face.

“So what did you think? I have telepathy!” He lied.

“Yeah! That was so cool!” She outstretched a hoof, and the two of them bro hoofed. Neocros smiled, and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, with the other hand on his hip.

“Crazy, huh? Now then, let’s have some lunch.” He said. Rainbow Dash nodded, and the two then proceeded with their morning...

After Rainbow Dash went to the School of Friendship, Neocros decided to take a pleasant stroll through a nearby forest. It wasn’t the everfree, but it was one that fit with his mood. The woods were full of the sounds of different animals. He heard some birds chirping, and the occasional woodpecker. Sometimes he’d hear some of the brush moving, only to reveal it was a rabbit or any other critter.

It felt like music to his ears, hearing this natural environment. The dragon kept his gaze on the path, not wanting to trip on anything. Last time he had lost himself to the sounds, he nearly tripped when he mistook a knock for gun fire. Simply put, he was a natural.

After a little bit of walking, he realized that he had traveled a long way through the woods. He was about to turn back, or at least considering it, when he felt this strong urge to keep going. He felt almost obligated to keep going. He decided to not argue with his feelings, and kept going. He managed to walk a decent few meters, before he felt a sensation. It was an odd, and somewhat anxious feeling. At first he thought the feelings from before were back, but this was different. It almost feels as if somepony, or even himself, was in danger!

The path up ahead seemed to get darker, and darker. The path also had some roots sprouting on the sides of the road. It felt as though whatever he’s feeling, was warning him not to go any further.

He turned his head down the path he came from, and looked in front of him. He gave a double take for a second, before he felt something in his chest, causing him to look down. He saw his chest glowing!

“Huh? What’s going on?” He asked himself. The light was giving a heartbeat sound, and soon he lifted his head. Suddenly, he felt a reflex in his spine, that forced him to lean his head back. He flung his head back with soft force, and he felt something exit his chest, like a ball falling out of his mouth. After that, he’s given a wave of... relief? He looked, and saw a hovering, white orb in front of him. His chest was also no longer glowing.

The orb was the size of a beach ball, but it wasn’t too big, just the right size. Neocros blinked, and wondered what this was. He reached fourth, with both hands. He hovered his hands under it, with open palms. The Light seemed to change, and a symbol appeared on it.

It took him a second, before he realized what it was.

“A... Yin and Yang symbol?” He thought. He forgot what the real name it was, so he ended up saying such. The light lowered into his hands, and the orb changed form again. The orb shrunk, and became a small disc shaped crystal. It was about a size smaller than his palms, and it had some interesting details.

What intrigued him the most, was what looked to be his face in the center. It didn’t look like him color-wise, and it felt... empty, as if the face is meant to be the grey between black and white. Suddenly, he felt the anxiety again, and turned back to the path he came from. He sprinted back, and was heading out of the forest.

Meanwhile, in an abandoned building...

The room was littered with fallen bricks, which were from the ceiling. The building appeared to have been in ruin for possibly ages, looking to date back since the founders of the region. The floor was made of stone, and some rotting wood planks. Moss and overgrowth was taking over the building from the outside. Grass and dead flowers were peaking through the cracks in the ground. There was also vines hanging from the ceiling, and small, tiny patches of light shining through. Despite the light, the room had a vary dark and foreboding presence.

Suddenly, two figures manifested in the center. They were a few feet apart, with one facing the other’s back. The other was facing a broken wall, which had some scribbles and writing in black ink. The two entities had no visible features, with the exception of a few details. The one facing the wall had a vary dark red color, almost too dark to be any normal red. The other was mostly a black color.

“Maddom.” The black one started. His voice had a vary off tune to it. It’s smooth at first, but has a unsettling aura.

“Yes?” The red one replied. It’s voice was female, and sounded vary old, yet it didn’t seem elderly. It, too, had a vary unsettling aura to it.

“It seems that Rainbow Dash and Applejack had failed to be good teachers...” The black one replied. Maddom turned her head, and met her servant with glowing, pupil-less, glaring red eyes.

“Now is the time. You may execute them.” Maddom confirmed. But it then lifted a finger, which was long and pointy. “The master has told me, that their disappearances will have no impact whatsoever. In fact, it might even help him rise to power...”

The black one nodded it’s head. “Understood. I will lead a hand full to capture them at once.”

The servant nodded once more, before it them turned around, and turned invisible from the head down. Maddom turned back to the wall, where it read the plans it and it’s master had. The scribbles showed two ponies being hanged on a guillotine, along with tall stick figures around it. Maddom then formed a nasty grin, eager to see if it’s plan will work.

Near Cloudominium

Rainbow Dash was returning home to chillax. She and Applejack had finished arguing, and were returning to their own places. Thankfully, after the cool off, they’ll be friends again. Rainbow Dash was feeling a bit eager to see Neocros, and him possibly being home. Of course, he wouldn’t always stay at the house, but he’d always come to her whenever they are around each other.

Judging from a distance, it seemed like Neocros wasn’t home, but he is known for having the lights off. She was flying over to Cloudominium, when she suddenly saw a shadow over herself. She blinked, before she looked up. Rainbow hadn’t expected what happened next. What was above her, was a shadowy creature, with a weird net in it’s arms! The creature suddenly snagged her, without her having a chance to fight back!

“Woah! Hey!!” She tried to struggle, as the net was wrapped around her, like a spider’s cocoon. Suddenly, another creature came underneath her, with a grey sack this time, instead of a net. The one below, held the bag open, while the one that had her in the net, dropped her into said bag. The two trapped her with their combined speed and strength, and began dragging her quickly to the ground!

As they were doing this, Neocros was sitting at the kitchen table. He was waiting for Rainbow to arrive, when he felt his heart beat fast. Neo thought he was going to have a heart attack, when he felt the urge to step out. He quickly stood up, and swiftly opened the front door, just in time to see them start flying down below. The two kidnappers landed on the grass, with Rainbow laying upside down inside the double bag.

Neocros gasped, deeply, and quickly sprinted towards them. Due to the adrenaline rush, he didn’t even shoot water to keep himself from getting hurt on the way down. When he landed on the ground, he felt the impact in his legs, but he didn’t care, all that mattered was to Save his Rainbow Dash!

~ ~ ~

During this time, Applejack was bucking some trees, only to hear something far away. She stopped her bucking, and turned to the sound. It sounded like it was coming from the barn. She guessed that maybe somepony or something has intruded inside. She began trotting to the wooden building, but soon began galloping towards it, as the noises got louder and louder. The noises themselves sounded like claws scrapping against metal or a board.

When Applejack entered the barn, it became quiet almost instantly. AJ saw something move in the far back, which prompted her to head towards it. But then her vision goes black when a sack covers her face. She felt somepony push her towards it, which she instantly tried to kick, but it felt as though she was kicking nothing. The bag was going downwards, so she ended up falling into the sack. She instantly fought and kicked around in the most violent way. Her struggles and shouts to be released, seem to go unnoticed as the thugs quickly take her to the intended location.

As Neocros chased the perks that took his girl, he was finding it hard to keep up with them. They were moving in an almost unorthodox speed. It was insane at how fast they were moving, Neocros could barely keep up. The chase had lead them into the same forest he visited earlier. They were going on the same path as he did, and it seemed they were going far past the point he stopped at. As he remained hot on their tail, he forest seemed to get more and more haunting and foreboding. The road transitioned from the traditional dirt path, to cracked, mossy cobblestone.

It’s here, Neocros saw something up ahead. It appeared to be a gate, which had two humanoid creatures holding the gate doors open, and the doors seemed to be made of tree logs. The ones that entrapped Rainbow Dash came through, and the gate began closing behind them. Neocros could hear Rainbow’s thoughts, using his telepathy.

“Neo! Help!!”

“Rainbow! I’m coming! Hang ON!!” He shouted. He didn’t want to hurt her mind, so he used his mouth instead. The gates closed, just when he was there. They slammed on his face, making him smack against it. He fell backward, and got up to bang on the doors. He roared with anguish to whomever took her, but it seemed the captors didn’t care what he said.

He then saw something at the corner of his eye, and turned to his left. Another group with a sack came towards the side of the walls. Neocros sprinted towards them, and saw that there was a tree log door into the building. Before he could make it though, it slammed on him. He jiggled the doorknob around, and banged on the entrance, but nothing worked. The area looked to have been made of dead trees, and seemed to have some stones to make the walls stronger. The building had a outer walls, which was where Neo was. He slammed his fists on the stone, feeling his heart race out of control. But then a weird thought came to his mind.

When he felt anxious earlier, was that indicating that he was near this place? Probably so. He was so distracted by his own thoughts, that he hadn’t noticed something.

Behind him, The crystal that came from his chest, suddenly appeared. He turned around, and saw it. He looked to the building, and back to the crystal. He stuck his hand out, and allowed it to rest in his palm. Suddenly, it began to materialize into something!

He gasped, as it transformed before his vary eyes! The device seemed to be the size of a human foot. It glowed briefly, before it stopped shining. Neocros felt something within him, and he instinctively said it’s name. “Dual Spark.”

It hovered above his palm for a few seconds, before Neocros gripped the device in his hand, and turned towards the door, glaring and frowning harshly.

“Light, don’t fail me now!” He said thought.

Rainbow Dash was blinded, she couldn’t see anything. She felt disoriented, and could feel hands all over her. “Ngh.. Whoever you are, you’re gonna get it!”

They ignored her muffled threats, and took her to the ceremony.

When they finally lifted the bag, Rainbow Dash opened her eyes. She saw two tall humanoid creatures restraining her with their arms. They had hooded masks on them, thus, she couldn’t see their faces. One thing for sure though, is that she couldn’t tell if they had eyes, or were they restraining her with their eyes covered. They tried to tie her front limbs up, as well as her back legs, but Dash wouldn’t give up, and kept fighting. There was roughly six of them tying her up.

Rainbow also heard some struggles, and a familiar voice to her right. She turned her head briefly, and saw Applejack struggling the same as her. Only for her, there was about eight of them on her! Rainbow Dash couldn’t focus on her friend, and needed to escape, but unfortunately they already had her back hooves tied together. Finally, they strapped a muzzle on her face. She growled as they did so, while they also forced her to stand on her back legs.

As the process was happening, some members were leaving, thus the crowd began to get smaller and smaller. Once the dust was settled, There was only two for each prisoner. Rainbow Dash made eye contact with Applejack, who was also hiding her fear. Rainbow took in her surroundings, and was now starting to show her fear.

They were on top of a wooden platform. It seemed to not be vary stable for that there were several places were planks seemed to have collapsed under somepony’s weight. The area around the platform, appeared to be some sort of open ruins. Cracked, mossy cobblestone were scattered across the mostly grassy earth. In front of them, soemwhat further away, was the ruins of an old house. The walls of the structure had huge holes in them, and the infrastructure of the building looked as though it’s crumbling apart, and being overtaken by the forest around.

Sun beams were peaking through the trees, as the duo look at each other briefly, before they quickly tried to struggle more. However, the men holding them kept them still.

That’s when a third member came onto the stage they were on. The hooded man began pulling something above them. When Rainbow and Applejack looked up, that’s when they saw something that nearly made their hearts stop. There was rope hanging above each of them, with a circle in each one. Both of them instantly knew what these were.

It was evident that the worst will happen...


Rainbow Dash heard a voice in her head, it was one all too familiar.

“Shh... Dashie... everything will be okay, I’m on my way...” He whispered. Rainbow’s eyes widened.

“Neocros!? NEOCROS!!” She tried talking to him through her head, but she heard no reply, which made her body stiff. As she and Applejack look around, looking for any possible way to escape. Thankfully, the hangman didn’t make any moves to put them over their necks, but it only made the duo even more desperate to escape their binds.

The members that were on the ground in front of them, began to move, and line themselves up. They made a path in between themselves, which they split in two lines. It seemed like somepony or somecreature was going to come to them.

Sure enough, a hooded figure came walking towards them. It looked the same as the others, making our Heroines wonder if this was their cult leader. The leader walked up to them, and shifted their head up to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. They wore a mask, much like the others, however, unlike them, this figure had piercing red eyes.

“At last, your punishment has come. You are charged with exposing students to hazardous situations, and endangering them and yourselves in the process. Your sentence is... a one way ticket to purgatory.” The creature seemed to be a male. The hooded entity jerked his head to face the hangman. “Prepare for execution, make no moves until I say so.”

The hangman nodded.

~ ~ ~

Neocros held the Dual Spark’s grip tightly, before he brought up next to his neck, to where it was a few centimeters away. He pressed the blue button, which activated the transformation. He held the spark close to his chest, as the clear part on top of the Dual Spark lights up in a royal blue color. The Neocros face in the center also lights up, and it’s eyes flared the same blue. It became white in color, the hair became a light brown, and the horns became silver in color.

Neocros begins slowly moving the spark in a certain way, as if he was doing Tai chi. He brought the spark downward in an arc motion, and closed his eyes, briefly. He felt something within, which somehow made him motivated. He opened his eyes, and said...

“I embrace darkness, to become Light!” He announced, at the same time as he points the spark to the sky. Suddenly, his body was enveloped in light, which, even in broad daylight, was enough to catch some eyes. He lowered his arm, and his body began to morph and change. As this was happening, he stepped back, and jumped into the air. His arms allowing him to soar.

As the cult member was about to lower the rope for Rainbow Dash and Applejack, a light began to shine from behind the wall. Soon they witness the light flying over the wall! He spread his wings, and swooped in for Rainbow Dash and Applejack. He grabbed them, and cut the ropes above them!

The light flew, and landed a few meters away from the area. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had their eyes closed, due to the light. But thankfully, the light wasn’t eye burning. When the light subsided, Rainbow and AJ opened their eyes, and saw a pure white dragon above them. He had a royal blue ring in the center of his chest, which glowed softly. When they saw his face, they were shocked and astonished.

Neocros’ bright brown hair swayed from the breeze. His dorsal fins changed colors, to be that of the same color as the heart ring. His horns were now a bright but not shiny silver.

He opened his eyes, revealing beautiful deep blue eyes. He stood up, and turned to his foes. His eyes aiming at the creatures like lazer beams.

“Tho shall not pass, demons from below.” He cursed. The monsters backed away, visibly intimidated by the ghostly white dragon boy. The cut leader hissed, and snarled.

“Bullsgar! ATTACK!!” The cult leader commanded. Neocros turned to the goons in front of him.

“Huh, so you’re called Bullsgar, eh?” He commented. “Well, I’ll just have you know.”

Suddenly, Neocros lifts his arms, which were now large, bat-like wings! They were huge, and were tipped with blades on each finger for each wing. Now Neocros looked more like a Wyvern than his old self. Rainbow’s eyes widened like dinner plates when she saw this. Neocros turned around, and quickly took the muzzle off Dash, he also used his claws to rip the rope off her front hooves. With her hooves and face now free, she took off her back leg’s binds, and then went to work with Applejack.

“Untie her, I’ll take care of the Bullsgar!” For some reason, Neo sounded oddly scottish near the end of that phrase, but he was only doing so to taunt his enemies. “Hey, here’s a little Lesson; Don’t tamper with my girl’s emotional state!”

He let out a battle cry, before he charged at them! He stretched his arms out, allowing his wings to shine light at the monsters. The Bullsgar screech, and covered their eyes, which seemed to be sensitive to light. Despite the fact that it’s kinda daylight out. Perhaps Neocros’ light is special, in that it has the power to burn darkness? He wasn’t sure, and he wasn’t complaining. With his enemy blind, he took the chance to twirl in place, allowing his blade wings to slash the monsters across their faces. The front row quickly recoiled from the attack, and they began running away. The ones in the back enter combat with Neocros.

One held a spear, which he then tried to stab Neocros with. But Neocros stepped to the left, and grabbed the spear with his wing hand, and used his right leg to kick the Bullsgar in the thigh. The monster groaned, backed away and touched it’s thigh. Neocros didn’t allow himself to get distracted, for that another was coming towards his right, which he abruptly swings his blade towards. The blade made contact with the Bullsgar’s eyes, causing sparks to fly out. The Bullsgar fell to the ground, easily knocked out by that slash.

Neocros sensed one behind him, and swiftly stepped to the left again. The Bullsgar tried to stab him in the back with it’s Claymore, but Neo dodged it, he also turned around, and grabbed the monster’s head. He shoved the minion to the ground, causing the Bullsgar to hit the back of it’s head on the stone, resulting in an instant K.O. Neocros glanced behind him, and saw another swing it’s sword horizontally at his gut. Neocros covered his belly and chest with his wing, before the blade hit his arm. But nothing happened. The Bullsgar tilted it’s head, in confusion.

The sword didn't even leave a cut in Neocros' arm. He realized in the moment that his wings were actually tough enough to withstand it!

Neocros smirked, and chuckled, before he forced the minion’s blade upwards, making the enemy’s arms get flung upwards, leaving it completely defenseless. Neocros took this chance to swiftly strike the monster’s gut with his wing blade. The monster squealed like a hog, and fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash got done untying Applejack, and the two face two Bullsgar looming over them. Neocros sensed this, and immediately sprinted over to them. He jumped, and cut their backs with his blades in a cutting motion. This caused them to screech, and fall to the ground.

“You okay?” Neo asked.

“Yeah, we’re good.” Rainbow assured. “How did you get that form!?”

“Uh... maybe this is not the right time.”

Applejack got up, and looked at the remaining enemies.

“There’s too many of em”!” She said. Indeed there were. The Bullsgars faced them, and so did their cult leader.

“Well, guess we have no choice but to run.” Neocros said. He then got down to Rainbow and AJ’s level. He whispered. “I’ll flash them with some light, and as I do so, we’re both just gonna book it. kay’?”

They both nod, before Neocros stood up. He opened his wings again, and shined his wings brightly. However, this time, he felt another instinct, which gave him a new option; a finisher.

He smirked, and readied himself, as the trio ran. The Bullsgar were blinded, and so was the leader. As the trio got to the gate, Neocros was readying his finisher. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked, and noticed that the gate was being held shut by a huge tree log. They began to push it aside, with the help of Neocros, of course. Once the log was moved aside, they turned, and faced their enemies.

“Alright, I’m gonna blow! I’ll be using my finisher against these clowns!” He warned, before his wings glowed a fiery orange.

“SUNBURST!!!” The fire within his wings, combined with the charging power in his dorsal fins, all went into his mouth, before he opened his jaws, and out came a huge, absurdly large fire ball, which began to build up in front of his jaws. He then fired the sunburst at his foes, which then exploded the Bullsgar. Neocros had taken note of the dead wood earlier, and swiftly crossed his arms, before violently swinging his arms outward.

The result was a huge gust of wind, that was too powerful for the flames to take, causing the leftovers of the Sunburst to quickly turn to nothingness. All that was left, was smoke. Neocros turned around, and the trio made a run for it..

~ ~ ~

After they made it out of the forest, they were huffing and puffing from how long they’ve ran. It seemed like throughout that ordeal, the sun was only now setting. Neocro rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. Rainbow Dash looked at Neocros, as she hovered above ground with her wings. She wanted to thank him for saving her and AJ. “Neocros, thank you so much for saving us! We would’ve been goners if you hadn’t come!”

“I was so worried.. thank Celestia you’re alive!” He replied. Applejack trotted up, and tipped her hat.

“I owe you one, Suger cube.”

Neocros nodded, in appreciation. Rainbow Dash still had the begging question in her mind.

“How did you get this way?” She asked, reaching out, and lifting his arm up. He smirked.

“Oh uh... how I got this way? Well... It’s kinda weird, but hey, it’s somethin’. I found a crystal during one of my walks, and later it somehow returned to me, when I was locked outside that gate. I touched it, and it transformed into this--.” He pulled out the Dual Spark. He then powered down, to allow himself some fresh air. After transforming back into his base form, he looked at Dash. “So uh... I have wings now. Although I’ve seemingly managed to fly once, probably thanks to feeling a rush of power, I still don’t completely understand this ability. I may ask, care to teach me how to fly?”

Rainbow Dash smiled, and nodded. “Sure thing, I’ve taught Twilight Sparkle before, so you should be easy-peasy!”

He smiled. “Alright, let’s go home...”

Applejack looked concerned.

“But Neocros, those monsters are still out there!” She warned. “Who knows what they might do to us!”

Neocros looked at the forest, before he returned to Applejack. “I believe they weren’t expecting me to gain this new ability of mine. Perhaps they’ll go back into hiding, but before the day sets, we’ll inform the others of what happened.”

The two mares nodded, before they went to go tell the others...

Author's Note:

So anyways, that was one of a few fights Neo will have to face. But anyways, saw the finale for Season 9 and... I was alright with the first two parts, but I feel they REALLY dropped the ball with the epilogue episode.

I won’t spoil it for you guys, but let’s just say: I only saw the beginning, and I was pretty much depressed by what they did, and it left me feeling hopeless about the future. Not only that, but I saw the leaks, and whatnot, so I have a basic idea on what it’s about.

In a way, I feel like they have effectively killed any Fanfiction, or any potential I or others had... :raritycry:
I know I sound like I’m whining, but then again, wouldn’t you feel the same way? I’ll give my full thoughts once I work up the courage to see the rest of the episode tomorrow. I’ll be going to bed now, and I’ll end up seeing the episode...

By the way, I’ll briefly say right now. Originally the part with Rainbow Dash and Applejack being captured by the monsters, it was meant to go on longer than it did. However, due to the rating, I decided to cut it short, since it was kinda dark. It involved nooses, which I feel would’ve bumped up the rating, or warranted a dark tag. Since I want my story to be as accessible as possible, I decided to cut those parts out, and only imply them. Hopefully this chapter isn’t enough to warrant anything...