• Published 15th Aug 2019
  • 1,623 Views, 11 Comments

Recall Memories of Midnight - Tangerine Blast

Six prequel short stories to Spark Visions of Twilight

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Rarity was exhausted.

Of course, no one would be able to tell by looking at her. Rarity took pride in not letting her emotions affect her appearance and for always maintaining an image of calm control. Her mane was still curled perfectly and her makeup was immaculate. She smiled radiantly at anyone she spoke to and stood up straight and tall.

No, not one soul could tell she wanted to collapse to the ground at any moment.

She had been working on preparing the Summer Sun Celebration all week. She was in charge of it this year and she couldn’t have been more honored. Her. In charge of a town-wide celebration. In charge when Princess Celestia herself would come to town. She could just scream from excitement.

But she had been running herself ragged trying to make sure everything was perfect. From the food, to the venue, to the music. Everything had to be just so or she was sure it would ruin Ponyville’s, and her, reputation for all time.

But it would all be worth it in a few moments. The mayor would make the announcement, Rarity would pull back the curtain, and Princess Celestia would be standing right next to her.

And then Rarity could sneak out early and have a nice long bath. She was going to be standing only hoof lengths away from the Princess during the sunrise, she didn’t think she needed to stick around for the after party.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed and a spotlight illuminated the mayor, standing on the stage below. “Fillies and Gentlecolts!” She called out as the crowd quickly quieted, ready for the celebration to begin, “It is my pleasure to announce at this thousandth year Summer Sun Celebration, the radiant Princess Celestia!”

Rarity smiled once more to the town gathered below as her magic pulled the curtain back. There were trumpets and fanfare right on cue and a cheer rose up from the crowd.

But all that quickly pittered out. The trumpets died with a flat note and the cheers quickly turned to gasps and murmurs.

Rarity turned and stared at the empty spot the Princess was supposed to occupy. She wasn’t there. She wasn’t hidden behind the curtain or waiting just out of sight, missing her cue. She was well and truly… “Gone,” Rarity couldn’t help but gasp, “She’s gone.

The murmuring increased but Rarity ignored it as she took a few steps further into the backstage, foolishly hoping that Celestia was just hiding behind a stage prop or playing an odd prank.

Even though no Princess appeared, something did emerge from the dark. Rarity didn’t notice it at first, it just seemed like a shadow dancing on the back wall, but soon she realized there was nothing that could be casting it. It was just, for all purposes, an untethered shadow. A shadow which grew until it took up the whole room and, in one swift movement, surged forward, rushing towards Rarity.

Rarity yelped and stumbled back as the shadow flowed onto the stage proper. It barely missed her and didn't even seem to realize she was there as it headed to the edge of the balcony and joined into one large mass.

An Alicorn figure emerged from the twisting darkness. Large wings and a sharp gleaming horn solidifying out of the smoke. Rarity would have thought it was Celestia in some costume if not for the cruel laughter that accompanied the appearance.

“Ah, my beloved subjects,” The Alicorn purred when she had fully formed. The laughter had stopped but a hungry smile was still on the midnight-black face. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious little sun-loving faces.”

Everypony went deadly silent at the strange Alicorn’s arrival. Rarity herself had frozen in a corner just inches away from the terrifying new pony. She could have touched her without having to even step forward.

“Do you not know who I am?” The Alicorn continued. “Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

There was some very low whispering from the crowd. The initial shock was wearing off and now the natural curiosity of the ponies emerged, trying to riddle out her strange speech.

“No one?” The Alicorn sneered. “Not one of you knows why I am here?”

The crowd shifted uncomfortably. But the fear was lessening so the crowd resembled a group of scolded children more than a terrified populous. Ponies avoided eye contact even as the Alicorn’s own narrowed with disdain.

“Fine,” The Alicorn snarled, her eyes glowing teal blue and her flowing mane expanding in size. “Than I will show you pathetic mortals who I am!”

Mayor Mare, thankfully, seemed to have regained her wits about the situation and shouted at the surrounding guards. “Seize her! She knows where the Princess is!”

The dark Alicorn just laughed again as the Pegasi guards rushed her. Lightning crackled from her horns and with deadly precision hit each guard squarely in the chest, knocking them out of the sky.

The lighting didn’t stop there, however. More and more shot out from the Alicorn, punching holes in the walls and lighting the decorations on fire. Ponies screamed and the acrid scent of panic filled the air. The crowd scattered, trying to dodge the lighting and the fires. Some headed for the exits but most just ran for the sake of panic.

Rarity knees shook as terror mixed with exhaustion and almost drove her to collapse on the spot. None of the lightning was hitting the balcony where she and the Alicorn stood but that didn’t stop the trembling running down Rarity’s spine as she watched days of work go up in blazing flames.

And then the Alicorn turned to her.

Slitted blue eyes bore into hers with dark cruelty and glee. A scream jammed in Rarity’s thoat that threatened to choke her.

“I think they’re all a tad too busy to listen now,” The Alicorn purred, like the two were sharing some insightful secret, “You seem like a responsible young mare. Could you give them a message for me?” Her mane curled around Rarity’s chin, cupping it and forcing her to make eye contact. “Tell them that the country is under new management. Tell all of Equestria that their rightful ruler, Nightmare Moon, has returned. And most of all, tell them that the night shall last forever!

The last word was a triumphant roar that turned into more cackling. Nightmare Moon collapsed back into living shadow and flowed out one of the smashed windows. Gone just as quickly as she appeared.

Rarity let out a shaky breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding through the encounter. It quickly turned into a shriek, however, as the balcony she stood on lurched forward. The structure supporting it was being consumed by the raging fires below, ruining its structural integrity and making Rarity’s eyes water from the heat.

In a desperate attempt for safety, she launched herself towards the backstage area just as the platform collapsed beneath her. She’ll never know if she would have made the leap, however, as just at that moment two strong white hooves wrapped around her barrel and she was suspended in midair, gently buzzing towards an open window.

She glanced up and let out a relieved sigh, trying to maintain her composure even with the tears running down her face. “Th-thank you Bulk. Did… did everyone make it out alright?”

Bulk Biceps took a glance behind him as they exited the building and gave Rarity a small, timid, nod. “Yeah…”

Rarity sagged in his grip, grateful that no one was trapped in the crumbling town hall. Now with no immediate danger, her mind quickly turned back to the deranged dark Alicorn. Rarity’s mind whirled with thoughts of the task she had been given. How would she explain to all of Ponyville what had happened? To all of Equestria?

And what was going to happen now?

Author's Note:

Gonna update this every other day to give some breathing room. But have the first two at once because Twilight's was so short!