• Published 18th Sep 2019
  • 509 Views, 14 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Forbidden Symphony - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Octavia attempts to play the forbidden 'Symphony for Moon and Sun' at the Grand Galloping Gala. An unfinished piece said to be cursed.

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Chapter 7

The Forbidden Symphony
Chapter 7
by Rixizu

The flower ponies cried out in terror as Lyra split their flower selling cart in half. The three had been hiding behind it before Lyra had interrupted them. The Cygnus Ranger groaned and got back to her hooves.

“Sorry about your cart.” Lyra rubbed her chest. This new monster hit like a runaway train.

“It’s a total disaster! I just renewed my lease and my rent went up!” A flower pony replied. Lyra couldn’t remember which one. She’d never been able to get their names straight. The flower pony held a broken rose as tears gathering at her eyelids.

“Sorry.” Lyra hung her head. These monster fights always made life difficult for Ponyville citizenship. “I’ll buy some flowers to make up for it.” Bons always liked getting petunias and she was feeling peckish.

"It's fine." Another flower pony rolled her eyes. "It only went up 5 bits.”

“It’s still another day of lost sales!” The first flower pony shot back. The mares entered an intense glaring contest with neither side backing down.

“Guys, I’m pretty sure we can salvage most of these flowers!” The last flower pony said trying to mediate before more bickering happened.

“Watch out!”

Lyra pushed the three flower ponies aside as the monster jumped towards them spike fist raised and almost didn’t get them to safety in time. The flower ponies scattered as the monster sent its other spiked fist towards Lyra. She grimaced in pain as her whole body rattled when the blow connected throwing her off her hooves. The damn monster was so fast and Lyra couldn’t match it. Her eyes widened as it blurred and appeared right above her ready to smash her to pieces.

She grunted using her bow to block the spiked ball, but the creature’s tremendous strength pushed her back with ease. With a simple twist of its spiked ball, it threw her weapon aside leaving Lyra vulnerable.

“Nova Crasher!” Carrot Top charged and crashed her shield into the monster. The creature toppled over momentarily, only to rise and slapped the yellow ranger aside like she weighed nothing.

Can anything stop this thing? Lyra shot several arrows into the monster after retrieving her weapon. It barely seemed to notice her attacks. Lyra spewed several curses. What was this thing made of? None of their attacks did much damage.

“Don’t worry guys, I’m coming!” Twilight teleported into view already wearing her white armor.

She appeared behind the monster shooting her twin guns into its back. Much to Lyra’s surprise, the creature staggered in obvious pain. A twinge of jealousy hit Lyra’s heart. Why the hay was she the weakest, most useless member of their group? Even after hours of personal training, against bears no less, and still she trailed behind the others. Lyra shook her head. What was she thinking? There wasn't time for self-pity!

Twilight yelped as the creature spun smashing a spiky fist into her face at remarkable speed giving her no opportunity to react and teleport to safety. The White Ranger went flying, only to disappear and reappear next to Lyra.

“Ouch. What is that thing?” Twilight asked rubbing her sore head.

"No clue, it just jumped me," Lyra replied.

“We can hurt it.” Carrot Top joined them. “It can’t be invincible.”

“Let’s combine our powers!”

Carrot Top leaped shield ready and pounded the monster with the blunt end. The creature staggered and swung its spiked ball towards the Ranger. Lyra and Twilight shot into the creature and it stumbled before it got the chance to retaliate. The Scorpio Ranger kept on the offensive slamming her shield into the creature's face while Lyra and Twilight bombarded it from a distance. Despite its apparent invulnerability, they made some headway and did some damage. With a powerful strike to the leg from Carrot's shield, the creature fell to one knee and a small crack formed on its left leg.

In response to their overwhelming attack, the creature’s body glowed red, energy seeping from its armor. With unimaginable speed, the creature extended its chains and swung its spiked balls in an unpredictable pattern. The attacked connected so quickly they never even got the chance to cry out in surprise. Sparks flew as the attack connected throwing them off their hooves. They struggled to stand as the monster stomped towards them.

"It's too strong!" Lyra’s body refused to respond, too injured to fight.

Carrot Top pounded her shield into the ground in frustration creating a deep crack. “It’s not over yet!” She charged and threw aside a thrown spiked ball with her shield and knocked the monster back with an incredible body blow. It stumbled, but the Scorpio Ranger gave it no opportunity to recover and pressed a button on her morpher.

“Nova Crasher!” The attack smashed into the vulnerable crack in its leg shattering it to pieces. The monster fell unable to hold its weight and bulk with one leg. At first, Lyra thought the creature was bleeding as a dark red substance oozed from the wound. Instead of flowing like blood, it writhed and disappeared back inside burned by the light. The monster threw a spiked ball towards Carrot Top, but she jumped back and joined her friends.

“Let’s finish this!” Carrot Top pressed a button on her morpher. Twilight and Lyra did the same.

“Unyielding Judgment!”

“Omega Arrow Crusher!”

“Nova Crasher!”

Galaxy Finish: Omega Nova Destructor!

Time slowed down as they unleashed their ultimate attacks. Lyra and Twilight shot a giant burst of rainbow energy from their weapons. Carrot Top rode the energy propelling herself forward at unbelievable ferocity and speed. The mare held her shield forward and her entire body disappeared turning red hot with blue flames following behind her. The monster attempted rolling to safety, but it might as well be a statue. It exploded as Carrot Top collided with it and the mare spun her shield in a victory pose.

“What was that thing?” Carrot Top unmorphed. “It must be another one of Corona’s monsters!”

“I’m not so sure.” Twilight stroked her chin. “It didn’t seem like one hers somehow. Besides, isn’t she reformed?”

Carrot Top snorted. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

“Hey, she seems sincere; you hang around Trixie too much.”

Lyra considered the facts as her two friends argued. Was it one of Corona's monsters? Corona's monsters were full of personality with random bizarre gimmicks and powers. This thing seemed more manufactured, robotic. It was single-minded in its goal for destruction. Besides, it shunned the light. A strange condition for something made by Celestia Princess of the Sun.

“Whatever the case, next time we need to be ready for anything.” Lyra rubbed her sore limbs. She’d taken a beating during that fight. Even the simple act of moving was difficult.


Octavia checked her pack making sure it contained everything necessary for tonight’s mission. Everything was in place and she pulled the black catsuit from her closet sitting it on her bed. It was a good thing the local spy store had one available in her size. The store had been useful in procuring equipment necessary for tonight’s mission. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She’d done more than enough spying in her time, but she’d attempted nothing this bold before. Despite the dangers, her professional pride wouldn’t allow her to report to Greengrass without discovering Crimson Shade’s identity. She’d found the name in one of Princess Luna’s letters which connected it to Project Ranger Killer. The princess had foalishly left her office unlocked giving her the perfect opportunity to snoop.

Speaking of the ex-duke, she’d found it strange he still hadn’t asked for a report on her progress. She hadn't seen hide nor hair of him since their first meeting. A knot formed in her stomach and she feared he might renege on their deal seeking retribution against her student. She didn't buy for a second he wasn't plotting against the Rangers. Greengrass was evil and cold-blooded as ponies came.

Nevermind, Greengrass will show himself eventually. She put the wretched stallion out of her thoughts and glanced out the window. It was approaching midday, almost time for lunch. Octavia remembered a new restaurant that just opened downtown. Rumor told it already received five hooves from Zesty Gourmand. With such a high rating, the food must be amazing. Zesty Gourmand was a pony of refined and cultured taste and always knew the best eating places in Canterlot. Her ears perked as the doorbell rang.

Octavia looked through the peephole and groaned finding Lyra at the other end. Octavia was still angry about her student running off on her at the tea shop the other day. Lyra could not get it through her thick head she couldn’t help her. Octavia was reasonably sure her ending to the Symphony was the most perfect possible. Her genius had outdone itself creating a true work of art far beyond anything attempted before. From Lyra’s expression, it was obvious the mare wanted to persuade her again into accepting help on finishing the symphony.

Indignant, she trotted back to her room and stuffed the catsuit into the pack and threw it over her back. The doorbell rang again, but she ignored it and walked out her backdoor slipping into the busy Canterlot crowds. The city was bustling with ponies from all over Equestria and beyond. This year’s Gala was attracting more ponies than usual because Princess Celestia attending this year. Everypony wanted to meet the redeemed princess. It’s been the talk of the town for months.

“Octavia!” Lyra cried out waving a hoof, but Octavia pretended not to hear her over the roar of the crowd. She slipped into a rush of ponies going about their day.

Lyra cried out her name again, but it was moving further away just as Octavia planned. Moments later, her student was nowhere in sight. Octavia took several twists and turns until she was sure nopony was following her. It was a pity she couldn’t eat at that new restaurant, but she was confident she knew a place Lyra didn't know about. Afterward, Octavia would find something to occupy her time until nightfall where she could begin her mission. With any luck, she wouldn’t see her annoying pestering student all day.


The day proved more stressful than Octavia had anticipated. Despite knowing many quiet places to lie low and relax in Canterlot, Lyra doggedly hunted her down. Octavia never realized how relentless her student could be. Why didn’t she put this energy towards more worthwhile tasks, like her music? It had taken hours, but Lyra finally relented and retreated to her hotel. This ridiculous cat-and-mouse game had driven Octavia into almost complete exhaustion, her condition meant that her stamina was limited.

Still, Octavia was more than happy to begin her mission and snuck through the shadows in her catsuit towards her destination. It was a place Princess Luna mentioned in one of her clandestine meetings, an old toy factory unused for almost a decade. Despite its inauspicious appearance, the sight of some rough-looking ponies caught the eye. They lingered outside ready to accost anypony who got too close.

Octavia snuck around trying to locate the best path inside. Ponies guarded every entrance. Sneaking in wouldn't be an easy task and she had no desire to fight her way in. Who was she, Trixie? She’d almost given up hope until a certain alicorn flew into view.

"Look at this. Has somepony walked into the wrong part of town?" The first stallion stood up straight trying to intimidate Princess Luna. He wore a leering expression on his face.

“You idiot! What are you doing? That’s the princess!” The other guard said.

“So what?” The first guard replied. “A pretty thing like her should realize she shouldn’t walk into the wrong neighborhood. You should have brought your guards, sweet pea. Bad things happen to ladies who walk at night alone.”

The princess, the other guard, and Octavia gave him incredulous looks, not sure they’d heard him right. Didn’t Princess Luna own the night, literally? The first guard continued leering at the princess and the second guard facehoofed.

"I'm sorry Princess, uh, he's don't represent the rest of us!" The second guard began to sweat and his voice squeaked. "Don't mind us; we're just milling about minding our own business. Nothing worth concerning the likes of you, princess!"

The princess opened her mouth to reply, but the first guard interrupted her. “Look, princess. This here is private property. Get lost, or it will get messy.”

“Great, now she knows we’re doing something illegal!” The second guard said. “You basically admitted it!”

The first guard drew a knife. "That’s if she gets back to the castle alive.”

“She’s the princess!” The second guard gave Luna several quick glances of worry. “She could crush you with her mind!”

The first guard snorted. “Whatever, her magic ain’t scaring me!”

“She raises the sun and moon!” The second guard waved his hooves frantically. This statement didn’t impress the other guard. From Luna’s expression, the princess had lost her patience with the situation.

“What’s going on here?” Vicereine Puissance’s sharp voice said. She walked out of the warehouse with a peeved expression.

“Boss, thank goodness!” The second guard almost broke into tears.

“A troublemaker showed up at our door.” The first guard said. “Want me to get rid of her?”

“Princess! She’s the Princess!” The second guard exclaimed.

"You guards seem unaware of who's truly in charge here." Luna glared at Puissance. "These, these foals are blocking my way."

Puissance rubbed at her temple. “Princess, I thought we agreed you wouldn’t show up here. Our alliance is of the utmost secrecy, remember? I’ve sent you the relevant data.”

“You’re telling me where I can, and cannot go?” Luna said, ice in her voice.

Puissance visibly began to sweat. “Of course not, princess. I only thought it would be best if as few ponies as possible knew about our alliance.”

Luna snorted. “It matters not what you think. I wish to see our creation with my own eyes. If that’s not a problem?” From the princess’s expression, it was clear refusal was not an option.

“Right this way.” Puissance gestured towards the door. The princess gave the guards disdainful glares before entering. The second guard bowed terrified Luna might do something to him.

“I still think I could have taken her.” The first guard mumbled.

“Give it a rest already.”

The first guard snarled and got into the second guard’s face. “Shut up! It’s your fault I looked bad before the boss!”

“You did that yourself.”

“Why you!” The first guard grabbed the second by the collar. While they bickered and fought amongst themselves, Octavia used the opportunity to sneak by them. She wasn’t sure how she’d leave, but she’d work that out later.

Where does Puissance hire these people?

Octavia found herself in a high tech lab full of equipment she had no name for. Whatever they did was beyond her. Ponies in lab coats milled about working with the equipment doing who knows what. Octavia slipped behind some machinery unseen, ears ready to pick up anything useful.

"You've failed me." Princess Luna said. "The Rangers defeated your ultimate weapon! I saw the whole fight on my crystal ball! I want an explanation."

While remaining confident, there was an edge to the Vicereine’s voice. “It’s a prototype princess, the finished model will be more powerful. Besides, it proved more than a match for the Galaxy Rangers. It took three of their powers combined to stop it.”

“Excuses!” Princess Luna stomped a hoof and the whole building shook almost giving Octavia a heart attack. Test tubes and samples crashed to the ground and scientist ponies scrambled to save their research.

“Don’t you understand?” Princess Luna passed around the room. “The Grand Galloping Gala is tomorrow! I can’t wait! I suspect that’s when my sister will enact her evil master plan! I can’t count on the Rangers. Already her lies have corrupted their hearts! Even my student! When I accused Celestia of being the mastermind behind the changeling invasion, she took Celestia’s side over mine! Mine! After all our years together! This proves my sister can tempt anypony to her side!”

“This was the reason I created the Ranger Killer project in the first place, so I don’t need the Rangers to protect Equestria again. I need an army loyal to me and me alone following my orders without question! I gave you my own DNA for this purpose, Vicereine Puissance!”

"And I will do just that Princess," Puissance said trying to placate the enraged alicorn, "I might not have time to perfect our Crimson Shade, but I have a compromise that will please you.”

“It better.” Princess Luna’s voice was cold enough to freeze the entire room. She had no patience for any foalishness.

“Right this way.” Puissance guided Princess Luna further into the facility with Octavia following close behind.

Octavia timed her movement avoiding detection. Nopony even glimpsed her and she found a nice hiding spot behind the staircase well out of sight of prying eyes. There were in a dark room full of strange equipment and more glass tubes than she could count. Inside each was a figure, but the dark liquid inside hid them from view. Puissance pressed a button on a console and every tube lit up to reveal a strange bipedal figure within.

“While we weren’t able to complete our ultimate creation, we could mass-produce it. Each one contains the same power as the prototype and loyal only to you, your majesty. I trust this will be satisfactory?” Puissance’s voice was equal parts pride and eagerness.

“You have done well.” Princess Luna said with unmediated glee. “An ultimate army will do nicely! Soon Equestria, no the world, will know its true master!” She threw her head back and laughed.

Well, blast.

Author's Note:

Note: I am renaming Carrot Top's ultimate attack from Omega Crusher to Nova Crasher. I'd forgotten Lyra already had an attack with Omega in it. Silly me. No idea how that slipped my notice before...