• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 19,241 Views, 359 Comments

Fragments - Phoenix_Dragon

A lost and injured pegasus seeks out his forgotten past, hinted at in his dreams.

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Sky trotted happily along the street, snow crunching softly beneath his hooves. It was one of the few times he was tempted to revert to using his pegasus guise; fur was rather more comfortable than bare chitin in the cold weather. Instead, he carried on as a point of pride, quite happy to endure a bit of cold to maintain his form. It was who he was. Besides, it was what he, and all the other ponies in town, were used to.

The months since his revealing had made quite a difference. Most residents of Ponyville were quite used to seeing the familiar changeling wandering the streets or flying overhead. A few still felt wary of him, but there had been no incidents, and many were quite friendly, giving greetings as they passed in the street.

He stomped his hooves a few times on the porch to dislodge the snow from his hooves and the holes in his legs, then pushed open the door to step inside. His house wasn't a large one, but it was plenty big enough for him and the occasional friend. He didn't own it, of course, merely making payments on it. Between his weather patrol pay in these busy months and the stipend for his role as the "Counselor on Changeling Affairs" -- which he felt was a rather pretentious title for "that changeling that shows up in Canterlot every month or so" -- he could easily afford such a place, or even more. He was, to be honest, a bit unsure of what to do with the bits he earned. He didn't have much taste for luxuries, and even though he had let Rarity talk him into designing a few more outfits, he rarely wore more than one single, simple adornment; a fine silver torc with another of the cloud-shaped blue sapphires.

Through the months, his friends, both old and new, had helped out immensely. Rainbow Dash still seemed a bit conflicted about him, but was mostly back to normal. They worked together, with Sky doing his best to be one of the hardest-working members of the team, and they had eventually gotten back to spending their off-time together on occasion. Sadly, she still seemed to get a little odd and uneasy any time things started to feel more relaxed. Every time she got to the point of starting to tease him again -- as frustrating as that had been before -- she'd swing back to feeling uneasy again. Even being able to sense her emotions, something that he had gotten much more used to over the months, that mare was still confusing. He knew there was something bothering her. Still, she was a friend, and he wouldn't push the issue if she didn't want it to be. Even if he would sneak the occasional longing glance.

More significantly, he had been spending more and more time with Fluttershy. It had started with the occasional visit, him wanting to thank her for all she had done during his difficult times, and they spent several evenings together, talking. Eventually the topic of his dreams had come up, and while he was reluctant to speak of the darker, more terrifying creations of his mind, she had eventually convinced him to do so. She had seemed horrified at first, and he had worried that he had frightened her by the dark stories, but that hadn't been the case. No, Fluttershy was worried about him, and how he had to deal with such nightmares on his own.

Soon they had begun talking about them more regularly, her giving a fresh outlook and a sympathetic ear. A month later he had been amused to realize that the dreams had lost their sting. The flames, the hordes of hostile changelings, that dark queen, they were still terrifying on those increasingly-infrequent nights that they intruded upon his dreams, but they no longer carried any lasting horror once he woke. Even without the frequent nightmares to discuss, he still visited her frequently, only now they usually had more happy topics to discuss.

A knock at the door drew his attention back to the present. Returning, he opened it to find a brown unicorn mare standing there, a pony he didn't recognize from around town. She looked incredibly nervous, and had been glancing around anxiously when the door opened, her large, green eyes now fixed squarely on him.

"Hello?" he asked politely, giving a little smile -- careful to not show off his teeth. She seemed uneasy enough already.

He could feel the fearful nervousness coming off her as she cast another glance back at the street, then back to him. "I... heard that there was a changeling living here, in the open..."

Ah. He had come to think of this as another part of his job. Upon news that there was a friendly changeling living in Ponyville, many ponies had come to see for themselves. A few had expected to find a monster worth hating, while most were simply curious. Some of them, like this pony, were nervous at coming face-to-face with a real, live changeling. The numbers had dwindled over time and with the colder weather, but occasionally another curious visitor would show up.

In any case, regardless of the visitors' motivations, he dealt with them the same way; with kindness. "Would you like to come in?" he asked, stepping out of the doorway so she could enter. She cast a nervous glance back, and he quickly realized unnerving the offer might be. Most visitors came in small groups, but she was on her own. "Or I could come out, if you'd rather."

"No, no," she quickly said, and stepped in, pausing to tap the snow from her hooves. "It's... much more comfortable in here."

He smiled again. "My name's Sky. Would you like anything to drink?"

She nodded, though without offering a name in return. He turned and trotted off into the kitchen. She hadn't said what she wanted, so he considered his options. Hot chocolate seemed the perfect choice, given the weather.

Returning with a pair of steaming cups levitating ahead of him, he found her still fidgeting uneasily. She politely took the offered cup, though she didn't yet drink.

Always best to smooth things along with conversation, he thought. "So where are you from? I hope it wasn't too long of a trip."

"Oh. I guess Hoofington originally, but I really just travel around. I don't really stay in one place. I, um, had kind of thought about staying here. In Ponyville." She spoke quietly, looking around the place. In fact, she barely even looked at him. She looked as if she had expected to find something different. Perhaps a monstrous lair, not a fairly tidy little home.

Moving on. "Well then... I'm guessing you must have questions, to have brought you this far."

She hesitated, conflicted feelings rising up. Eventually she set down her cup. "How did you do... this?" She gestured a foreleg around.

He tilted his head, not quite understanding the question. "I'm sorry?"

"You... you're a changeling," she said, stating the obvious. "But you're living among ponies. And they know it. And... How?"

"Well, it's a long story," he said. It was a familiar question, one he'd answered many times. "The simple version? Well, basically I started by just... showing them who I was."

She just stared at him for several second. "You... just showed them?"

He nodded, with a smile. "It wasn't easy, and I have to admit I was scared at first, but that's how it started."

She looked away, emotions twisting and churning. She took a half-step back, fear growing stronger by the moment. Then she looked back to him, determination and near-panic suddenly surging to the front.

Sky flinched at the green flame that flashed across the unicorn. In her place stood a male changeling. Sky felt fear leap up in him for an instant, to be immediately replaced by guilt at having the same reaction that he had found so distasteful in others. The other changeling was very much like him, although with a carapace marred by a few scars that told of a hard life. A faint tremble went through him as he stared fearfully back at Sky.

The other changeling was full of fear, and anxiety, and... hope.

They stared at each other for several long seconds before the other changeling spoke, quiet and nervously. "Then... what comes next?"

"Next," Sky echoed, and his mind finally slipped back into gear, finally registering just what was happening. Slowly, he smiled. "...Next, I think we should talk to Pinkie Pie about arranging a welcome party."