• Published 20th Apr 2020
  • 3,718 Views, 197 Comments

Ranger's Destiny (Undergoing Edited) - TasteDaRainbow

Rangers find themselves in a world full of colorful talking ponies and an adventure awaits them. A war is taking place on Equestria. How can they survive through all of this? And the most important thing is, will they ever get back home? God help us.

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Prologue [Edited]

Author's Note:

Hey!! Sorry for the bad grammar 'cause this is my first story ever since I read hundreds of Fimfictions here. And English is not my main language. SO BEAR WITH ME!! And please add your comments so I can fix my grammar and continue the story well and I WILL FINISH THIS STORY FOR GOOD


A wise King never seeks out war.

– Thor Ragnarok

It all happened so fast, the sound of ponies screaming for help and running to save their lives was heard from every direction, the smell of the smoke came from the fire stung her nose, she tried her best to told everypony to go to the train station. Her vision was blurry, she could barely see through the smoke but she did her best to escort the rest of the ponies to the train station with her filly in her grasp. She and the rest of the ponies and a few guards were galloping across the street that ones filled with crowd of ponies smiling and laughing together, but now it all turned into a massive chaos.

The buildings were on fire, dead ponies lying everywhere. Seeing this only made a massive hole inside her heart, it's like being destroyed by a wrecking ball. She couldn't save them but she already tried her best to get all the ponies to get out of whatever hell they were in.

When they almost arrived at the gate that led to the train station, suddenly a unicorn — with a black armor — ambushed from the left and tackled the pink alicorn to the ground. His horn was glowing a dark red as he was ready to attack his target. But before he could do it, he suddenly got kicked from the left side of his and he slammed to a wall as a result.

"Come on!", Shining yelled and help her to get to her hooves and started to gallop again, "We gotta get out of here!!"

With Flurry still in her grasp crying uncontrollably, they finally arrived at the train station and immediately got into the train that was waiting at the station. Well at least the train arrived just in time according to the schedule. Making sure that there wass no pony left outside and a nod from Shining, the conductor started the train and left the station with full speed. Fear clearly expressed his face.

Meanwhile, in one of the cabins, Cadance was laying with Flurry on one of the cushion while hushing her little filly. After what felt like hours, Flurry let her exhaustion took over and went to sleep. Exhausted after the attack at the Crystal Empire, Cadance decided to sink herself to the bed. Shining stood in front of her with a worried expression and put a hoof on her filly's mane and stroke it gently.

"He... He did it," he said in a limp but slightly angry tone, "He managed to conquer the empire, and it's all my fault." He sighed and sat on the cushion.

"It wasn't your fault love," Cadance assured him by giving him a gentle and a warm smile, though she was trying not to smack him in the face just because he blamed himself for what had happened to the Empire. "All of Equestria doesn't know that he's alive yet. You tried your best Shiny, take some rest while I'm keeping an eye for our little filly here."


"No buts Shining, go and have some sleep."

"We have to inform Twilight first."

"Once we get to Ponyville first, Shining," Cadance gave him another smile, "Please go and take some rest, you have done more than enough for saving the citizens."

Finally, exhaustion took the best of him and his eyes became heavier. With a final sigh, he laid on his cushion — facing Cadance — and closed his eyes.

While her husband was sleeping, Cadance couldn't hold herself anymore. A single tear made its way on her left cheek. Seeing those ponies that she couldn't save made her feel the worst princess ever. How could this even happen? He should be dead... Scratch that, banished by now, or was he? Is he going to conquer all of Equestria? She must tell this news as fast as she could to other princesses. Equestria is in the biggest danger she have ever seen.

Before she could lost in deep thoughts, a single and long yawn escaped from her mouth. "Wow, I never felt this tired before," she glanced at the window and saw the trees were passing by in such high speed. "Maybe I should take some rest." After closing her eyes about five minutes, she drifted off to sleep while one word kept dangling in her mind.


Cadance shot her eyes open as she heard a loud screech. Rubbing her eyes with one hoof, she felt the train came to a full stop.

"How's our little filly doing?" Shining said, hopping from the cushion and stood next to Cadance.

"She's still sleeping," replied Cadance with a smile to her little sweetheart, "Where are we?" She forced herself to sit, shaking her head lightly to shrug the dizziness off of her head.

Shining looked at the window and said, "I assume we're at Ponyville now. Come on, we have to find Twilight and tell her what had happened to the Empire." With that said, he turned to face the door and opened it using his magic.

Carefully not to wake Flurry up, Cadance brought the filly to her grasp and followed her husband out of the train. The conductor himself came out from the train and ran to the royal family.

After taking a few deep breaths, he asked frantically, "What in Equestria is going on Prince Shining?"

"He's back." Shining hesitated to reply the answer further.

"Who's back?" Shining shot a glare at him and the conductor immediately understood that this wasn't the time to talk about that.

"We have to go now," Cadance interrupted, "Let's go Shining, we don't have much time."

Shining nodded and before the three of them teleported to Twilights' castle, Shining gave a final duty to all of the Crystal Guards. "Make sure that everypony get some shelter and food. Inform both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about this!"

A bright flash emerged from the two of them, seconds later they were gone and the train made its way for the next stop, Canterlot.

Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's faithful student and the Princess of Friendship was very busy organizing her books with her assistants, Spike and Owlicious, when she heard a knocking sound from the main door. The purple alicorn let out a groan as she levitated a book to her sight.

"Spike!" Twilight called for her number one assistant and the dragon immediately rushed to her.

Spike dropped what he was doing as soon as he heard his name and ran to Twilight. "What is it Twilight?"

"Can you open the door for me please?" She said with an annoyed tone. "I'm not done with these books yet and this is the tenth time today that somepony knocked at my door and asking questions about whatever it is they had in mind. Every single day!" She levitated the book to its place and let out a groan. "Tell them I am busy at the moment and wishes to not be interrupted. At least for now."

"Right on it, Princess!" Spike replied with a salute. That eased the mood a bit as Twilight just giggled at him, to be honest he somewhat knew how to cheer her at the time like this.

Spike ran through the hallway and onto the main door. A few more knocks could be heard again as if the visitor was very eager for an answer.


After a few seconds of his little jog, Spike immediately took the handle and opened it, to reveal a certain pink pony with poofy mane and a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Spiky! Is Twilight in there?" Pinkie asked while bouncing on her spot.

Spike put his palm on his face, saying, "Pinkie, you know Twilight's been very busy lately right?"

"I know!" Replied the pink pony, who was still jumping up and down. "That's why I made this for her." She pulled out a plate of cupcakes from her poofy mane and gave it to the little dragon.

"Wow," Spike said, holding the plate full of various flavours of cupcakes, "Thanks Pinkie, Twilight sure need this. And me of course." He smiled sheepishly.

"No problem!" Pinkie replied with her smile and still bouncing and not leaving.

"Aren't you gonna go somewhere?"

"Ooh yeah right, I'll see you later Spike!" She left the castle to... Celestia knew where she was heading to and still bouncing.

"Finally." Spike muttered.

He closed the door and turned around. Just as he was about to give the cupcakes for the busy purple mare, a knock came from the door. Again.

Spike groaned in annoyance. He knew now why Twilight was so frustrated by the knocks from the door. He turned around and immediately opened the door with quite force.

"Pinkie. I told you, Twilight is-" His eyes widened as he looked at the stallion and alicorn along with their filly still asleep were standing in front of him. "...busy. Prince Shining, Princess Cadance! I'm so sorry for-"

"No need to apologize, Spike." Shining said. His face and tone was cold and Spike realized this.

"Right," Spike chuckled a bit, "So what brings you two here?"

"Is Twilight inside?" Cadance asked with a worried look. "We need to talk to her right now."

"Yeah, she's inside organizing the library. Come in!"

They both followed Spike as Shining closed the door behind them. They walk through the hallway and into the library where they saw the purple alicorn was adjusting all of her books to their right place.

"Twilight, we have a visitor." Spike said while putting the cupcakes to the table.

"Spike, I already told you-" She said as she turned around to face him but then her eyes widened as she saw his brother, sister-in-law and her niece in her library. A smile slowly formed on her face. "Shining! Cadance!" She ran towards them and hugged them both with a giggle.

"Heheyy Twily," Shining chuckled as he and Cadance returned the hug warmly, "How's your day been?"

"It's been a lot busier than usual." Twilight said before breaking the hug. She was about to do the usual greetings whenever she and Cadance met but sadly, Cadance cut her off.

"Sorry for the sudden visit, Twilight," Cadance said, making Twilight tilted her head in confusion, "We've come here with a really important information." She looked at her husband, and Shining looked back to her, and then to Twilight.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked, aware on the expression from both of their faces. She could see the desperation, fear, anger, doubts and loss in their eyes. And she just realized how worn out they were.

Shining closed here while taking a deep breath before he answered, "Crystal Empire has been taken, and by mean taken, I mean conquered."

Twilight gasped in shock. "I'll go get my friends and send a letter to Princess Celestia." She immediately trotted to Spike and told him to send a letter. He recognized her expression and Spike was aware with this. The situation couldn't be good and what he heard next, shocked him beyond his thoughts. He wrote the letter with his trembling claws but he wrote — nonetheless — until Twilight stopped talking. After the letter was done, he tied it and burned it with his fire. Twilight and the others watched as the scroll turned to ashes flew through thin air and through out the window within the green smoke.

"Owlicious!" Twilight called for her second assistant and the owl immediately landed in front of her. "Tell all of my friends to meet me here, now! This is emergency!" The owl responded with a 'hoot' before flew away through the open window, sending her message to her friends. Twilight then trotted back to her brother. "What happened?"

"Well..." Shining rub the back of his head with one hoof.

Twilight was having none of it. "Shining, what happened back there?" She raised her tone, making Flurry squirmed a bit. "Oh sorry. Shining, tell me what happened?"

"He's back... Twilight..."

"Who's back?"

Shining sighed and looked away, horror plastered on his face as he remembered his recent duel with the leader of the army that attacked Crystal Empire. He still couldn't believe how the Crystal Heart failed to imprisoned him.

"Shining." Twilight pleaded.

Cadance sighed while levitating a cupcake to her mouth. "Sombra has returned."