• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 7,408 Views, 1,023 Comments

Harmonics - ezra09

Years after the events of Discordant, Scootaloo is hired as an assistant flight instructor.

  • ...

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“Well, not to break this awkward silence thing here, but I’ll be heading home now. Unless you need anything else, of course,” Thistleroot said.

“Uh, no. I’ll see you tomorrow at lunch then?”

“Yeah, see you.” He nodded at Applebloom on the way out. “Nice to meet you, miss.”

“You too,” she said, before returning her gaze to Scootaloo.

“Come on in.” Scootaloo backed away from the door to let her old friend in. She waited for Applebloom to shut it before saying, “So, uh, long time no see.”


The two fell into another awkward silence for a few moments.

“You want something to drink? There’s some juice in the fridge.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

Scootaloo led Applebloom into the kitchen and got them both drinks. She sipped her juice in silence, waiting for the other to talk.

“Nice place y'all have here.”

“Yeah. Being a wonderbolt pays pretty well.”

Applebloom stood quietly for another few seconds before setting her glass down. “Ah’ve been thinking, two years is a long time not to talk to each other.”

Scootaloo nodded.

“Ah don’t think we can just decide that everything’ll be alright between us, but I’d be willing to work at it, if ya want.”

Scootaloo smiled nervously as she answered, “Yeah. I missed talking to you.”

Applebloom gave a relieved smile of her own. “Well, maybe we can talk tomorrow. Ah should get going before it gets too late.”

“Where are you staying?”

Applebloom glanced away without answering.


“Honestly, Ah don’t know yet. Ah was thinking of asking Sweetie Belle or Twilight if I could stay over.”

“Oh.” Scootaloo bit her lip in thought for a moment before saying, “You could stay here. Dash wouldn’t mind.”

“Are ya sure?” Applebloom asked.

“Yeah. I can put out a blanket and pillow on the couch for you.”

“The couch, right,” Applebloom said with a mix of relief and disappointment, neither of which were missed by Scootaloo.

“Is everything ok at home?” she called back as she went to the closet in the hall.

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

She shrugged, coming back and tossing a pillow to Applebloom. “You just seem worn out.”

“Well...” Applebloom pawed nervously at the ground again. “Nopony’s very happy with me right now.”

“What happened?”

“Ah messed up. Ah kinda ruined an entire zap apple harvest.”

Scootaloo blinked. “How’d you manage that?”

“Ah’d rather not talk about it.”

“Oh, right. Well, bathroom’s down this hall. My room’s to the left if you need me. I’ll talk to you in the morning?”

“Yeah, night Scootaloo. Thanks.” Applebloom watched as Scootaloo turned toward the hall. “Uh, Scootaloo?”


“Ah’m sorry.”

Scootaloo stopped without turning to face her. “Yeah, me too. I shouldn’t have... I mean... I’m sorry too.”


“So she was one of your fellow cultists?”

“She was part of the CMC, yeah,” Scootaloo said through a mouthful of sandwich.

“And she randomly appeared last night after holding a grudge for years?” Thistleroot asked.

“Well, it wasn’t that random. She was already in Canterlot.”

Thistleroot nodded. “Well, that sounds... painfully awkward, to tell the truth.”

“You have no idea.” Scootaloo took another bite. “But, if she’s serious about patching things up, then it’s worth it.”

“What did you guys fight over in the first place?” Thistleroot asked.

“I don’t remember.”


Scootaloo shoved Thistleroot, almost knocking him off the bench. “It’s private. Sorry.”

Thistleroot shrugged. “Probably some sappy love story anyway. You did say your special talent is breaking hearts.” He punctuated the statement by popping an olive into his mouth and chewing. Several seconds passed without a comeback, and he glanced sideways at Scootaloo. Her head was bent, mane covering most of her face.

“Oh. Uh, I meant that as a joke, because of what you told me. About you cutie—”

“Yeah, I get it,” Scootaloo said with forced cheer.

“Yeah,” Thistleroot said, trailing off. “So, you and her?”

“No, not really. Look, I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Sure, sure. Not my place to pry. But, uh, if there’s anything you think of that I can do, let me know, okay?” Scootaloo nodded once and he continued, “Right, this would be a good time to subtly change the subject. How ‘bout that weather we’ve been having?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, corners of her mouth lifting up despite her mood. She quietly rubbed her cheeks with a hoof while Thistleroot politely looked distracted.

He really is a nice stallion. It’s a shame, isn’t it?

The voice elicited a groan from Scootaloo as she dropped her forehead to the table. “Go away.”

Oh, Scootaloo, that’s not very nice.

She didn’t answer, instead choosing to close her eyes and try to block out the voice.

“So, I guess I’ll see you later then.” She looked up to see Thistleroot walking away, his lunch tray floating beside him.

That was just mean, telling him to go away when he was only trying to cheer you up.

“Wait, I didn’t mean him,” Scootaloo said as he reached the other side of the room and dumped the tray.

Too late now, unless you want to start shouting. That should be worth some odd looks.

Scootaloo frowned before turning back to her meal. “I’ll just explain later. He’ll understand.”

Why bother? It’s better this way.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?"

This friendship isn’t going to last, Scootaloo.

“What do you know? You’re just a side effect.”

Maybe, but I still have a point.

“You think I’ll just drive him away?”

Like you did with Nimbus, and all the coltfriends before him. Even your best friend. Honestly, it’ll be easier this way. Better than the alternative.

Scootaloo finished her sandwich without responding.

Thistleroot is a smart pony. He works in the library, handling newspaper archives and history books. He’s well read on important figures and events.

“What’s your point?”

It’s only a matter of time before he puts the pieces together and sees you for what you really are. How will he react when he finds out you imprisoned his beloved princess in stone?

A cold knot formed in the pit of her stomach. It was right, of course. She’d already known, deep down, that Thistleroot might find out about it eventually, but she’d never voiced the thought.

Do what you’re good at. Protect yourself. Push him away now, before you get hurt. And while you’re at it, do something about your other friend. Nothing good can come of Applebloom staying with us. Not after everything she’s done.

“Shut up,” Scootaloo said as tears started to flow. “Just shut up already.”

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