• Published 25th Aug 2012
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Harmonics - ezra09

Years after the events of Discordant, Scootaloo is hired as an assistant flight instructor.

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What Changelings Dream

Scootaloo’s head throbbed with each beat of her heart. A steady buzzing came from every direction. A light breeze blew over her, and she shivered. Her dress was gone. She felt dirt and hard rock beneath her. Finally she focused enough to open her eyes.

The light felt like a hot iron against her brain. She winced, blinking back tears until her eyes adjusted. She pushed herself up and took in her surrounding.

Changelings swarmed around her, buzzing in every direction. Hundreds of them. She was lying in the dirt near the top of a mountain. Empty land, dark and sunbaked, stretched out far below. She could barely make out a line of green trees and grass far in the distance.

The changeling queen looked down on her in her true form. Scootaloo’s first coherent thought was that she wasn’t dead. Then again, this wasn’t necessarily a preferable alternative. It didn’t take a genius to guess she was at the changeling hives.

Lirean bent low and lifted Scootaloo’s chin so that she was forced to meet the queen’s gaze. Her voice was soft and gentle as she sang, “Listen now, my pony friend, listen to us scheme. Years of torment brought us here, to dream this fragile dream.” She stood and turned toward the empty wasteland below.

“The barren lands we call our home, are a cold and angry place. You happy ponies can’t imagine the challenges we face.” She whipped her head toward Scootaloo, voice taking on an angry hiss. “The desert winds and winter nights! The twisted beasts and fearsome sights. Every day’s a desperate fight, just to stay alive.”

Lirean turned and began to walk toward an opening in the mountainside. To her horror, Scootaloo felt herself being dragged along. She dug her hoofs into the ground, but the changeling queen’s magic was too strong.

Lirean continued, voice soft and gentle again. “We carry on, as bad as things can seem, and within our hearts we keep our precious little dream.”

They came out onto a ledge. The cavern fell away into darkness far below, and Scootaloo edged away from the sheer drop. Twisted pathways connected different outcroppings of rock on each level, and more changelings buzzed through the air. Some took a moment to hiss or snap at her before continuing on.

“Our burning rage, they all will face, when finally we leave this place!” Lirean spat. “This new queen they will embrace, when we make our move! Upon swift wings, my children fly, darkening the morning sky! Every pony we will control, every stallion mare and foal, and in anguish they will cry!”

Scootaloo was pushed forward onto one of the walkways and flailed for a moment before getting her balance.

“Finally the changelings, will truly rule supreme. That my pony friend, is what we changelings dream.”

Scootaloo was forced to walk along the paths until she reached the next level down, where Lirean led her off into a smaller chamber. The room was lined with holes in the wall, each about twice as tall as Scootaloo.

She tried to get a good look, but with a sudden jerk of Lirean’s head, she found herself skidding along the floor and smashing into the wall at the back of one of the nooks. Lirean knelt down as she picked herself up and lifted Scootaloo’s chin again.

“Now, my dearest Scootaloo, take your time and rest. You see, you are our honored guest.” She stood and her horn flashed again. Scootaloo edged away from her as green crystals began to grow from the floor and the lip of the nook, like stalagmites and stalactites. They quickly met in the middle to form solid bars of rock.

“We changelings don’t have much to share, but what we can we will. Do not fear, my lovely mare, you’d be a waste to kill.” Lirean turned away, voice becoming even softer and gentler. “It’s true, you see, I have a special dream. I want to listen to you scream.”

She turned back, voice dripping with hatred. “Watch your friends all pass away, and know it was your doing! Everything that’s brewing, the course we are pursuing. The years we spent in pain after the victory we couldn’t gain. Everything that’s happened, started with a choice. You raised your voice, and to the moon you sent our queen!”

“Our vengeance will be swift and sweet, the ponies ends they all will meet. Your friends will die before me, and finally you’ll see, what pain can really be.”

Lirean turned and began to walk away. “And in that final victory, I will hold that final scream. You see my little pony friend, that is,” Lirean’s tail disappeared around the corner, leaving Scootaloo alone in the dim room, “my dream.”

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