• Published 25th Aug 2012
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Harmonics - ezra09

Years after the events of Discordant, Scootaloo is hired as an assistant flight instructor.

  • ...

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Another Midnight Meeting

Rainbow Dash and Twilight arrived minutes later. Scootaloo was surprised at the exhaustion evident on her sister’s face, but Dash didn’t seem to care about it. By the time she’d finished hugging the younger pegasus and thanking the princess repeatedly, dinner had been prepared.

Scootaloo wasn’t able to eat nearly as much as she wanted before beginning to feel sick. After only a short time she leaned back, content with the feeling of a full stomach.

A medical unicorn was summoned to examine her, and declared her perfectly healthy. While she was busy, Celestia filled the others in on the events concerning the changelings.

“You came to see us at the restaurant,” Twilight said when Scootaloo asked about the night she went missing. “You were with one of your friends, and introduced him as your date before excusing yourself to the restroom. Since you hadn’t mentioned any plans earlier that day, I figured you were dropping a hint, and went to meet you in the restroom. You told me that Star Shine was the leader of the cult you’d seen, and that I should be careful around him.”

Twilight frowned, breaking eye contact. “I, uh, didn’t take it that well. Honestly, I didn’t want to think he was just trying to get close to me, so I snapped at you and left.”

“Oh,” Scootaloo said. She hadn’t considered what the discovery would mean to Twilight.

“So, you and your friend were about to leave, but Star Shine invited you to accompany us to the theatre. You didn’t want to, but then your friend pulled you off to the side. After that you both agreed.”

“Pony Lake,” Dash interrupted, winking at Scootaloo. “Be thankful you don’t remember that part.”

“Pony Lake happens to be a classic.”

“Classic Shmassic, it was like watching paint dry. Anyway, after the play, Twilight decides to drag me to the castle.”

Twilight nodded. “After I’d calmed down, I realized it would be dumb to just ignore your warning. I didn’t want to believe it, but I decided against letting Star Shine walk me home alone. You left with your friend and that was the last we saw of you until tonight. When we asked him about it, he said he dropped you off at Dash’s place.”

Scootaloo nodded. “When exactly was this?”

“Tuesday night, so about four days ago. A few hours ago, Star Shine came to me with a tip. His colleagues had managed to pinpoint your location with a tracking spell.”

Scootaloo blinked. “Wait, the crazy cult leader’s the one who found me?”

“I don’t think it’s actually a cult,” Celestia interjected, drawing everypony’s attention. “We investigated him first when you went missing, and found plenty of evidence that he is indeed one of the founders of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We interviewed many of the younger members, and it doesn’t seem to be anything malevolent. None of the usual brainwashing methods have been used, and nopony has set themselves up as a spiritual leader.”

“But what about all the ponies in robes?” Dash asked.

“Many organizations give robes or vests to their higher ranking members. That said, I don’t believe they are entirely innocent either. My guards will continue to monitor them for any signs of danger.”

She stood and gestured toward the door. “It’s been a long week for all of us. It’s getting late, so stay here for the night. I’ve already had guest beds made and fires lit for each of you.”


Scootaloo moved through the darkness, stomach twisting uncomfortably. Every few steps she turned back to see if anypony was watching her. She stopped to watch for guards, took detours, and did anything else she could to delay.

Finally, despite her best efforts, she reached her destination.

“So... hi there.”

The dark figure ignored her.

“I know I’m probably the last pony you want to hear right now. Or ever, really. Maybe I should just go.”

Discord stood unmoving.

“I just... it’s...” Scootaloo sighed. “I’m sorry.” She sat down in front of the looming statue. It glared down at her, just as he’d been doing in his final second.

“I know it doesn’t mean much, but I never wanted this to happen. I feel guilty about it, even after all this time. I know, it’s stupid. My only options were let you take over the world, or help the girls turn you back into stone.

“I know, it seems like an easy choice to you, but you’re pretty heavily biased there.” Scootaloo turned her head away from the constant glare. “I wanted to help you. You gave me food, kept me safe, you were one of my best friends. I don’t know where I’d be right now if it weren’t for you. Maybe still living on the streets. Maybe in jail for stealing food or money. For all I know, I might have been dead by now.

“After everything that happened, I still believe what you told me at the end. I honestly think you would have stuck with me if I’d done the same for you.” Scootaloo slammed a hoof on the soft grass. “I just couldn’t do that. Spike didn’t care anymore, Gilda had been brainwashed, the princess was imprisoned in stone, changelings were preparing an assault and Rainbow Dash hated my guts.

“You promised that you’d leave Equestria after I’d freed you. Sure, you had plenty of reasons to stick around and help me, but the truth is you never planned on leaving. From the first moment you contacted me, you only wanted to conquer us.”

Scootaloo sighed again. “And I wanted to help you. Maybe this cutie mark means exactly what I thought. Maybe I will end up betraying everypony like I betrayed you. I don’t know what to think. But I don’t want to be that kind of pony, and I’m going to do everything I can to be better.

“I can’t do anything for you. Even if I tried, you probably aren’t the forgiving sort. All I can say is I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t the pony you needed. I’m sorry you weren’t who I thought you were, either. I’m sorry things just didn’t work out.” Scootaloo turned and began walking away.

“And thank you.”

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