• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 10,986 Views, 733 Comments

Unintended - Vargras

Applejack and Twilight discover that there's more to each other than what meets the eye.

  • ...

Epilogue - Fruition

~Six Months Later~

As the first light of dawn broke across Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was already up and about, preparing herself for another day of tending the orchards. Breakfast, for now, was naught but a cup of coffee, something she was more than content with. From her spot up in the loft of the barn, the earth pony took a single sip from her mug, and felt herself smile as she looked out upon the countless rows of trees.

After all, Twilight Sparkle's plan had worked, and Applejack might have even dared to say that it had worked flawlessly. The entire plan had hinged upon a single, inconspicuous error, a loophole of sorts that Granny Smith had unknowingly created when she first demanded that Applejack leave - so long as she remained with Twilight, she wouldn't be allowed under their roof. That roof was just one of many on Sweet Apple Acres, and through that one statement, the unicorn had managed to find a way to get Applejack back to the orchards she held so dearly. Of course, that then raised the question of where she was supposed to live.

Such a question was soon answered when it was pointed out by Big Macintosh that it wouldn't be difficult at all to convert one of the many barns on the property into a home of sorts, and sure enough, it hadn't been. That created its own slew of problems, however, the most prominent of which was something more... personal. Twilight and Applejack had both grown rather used to staying and sleeping with one another - to live in separate homes now was... silly. Pointless, even. They had moved beyond that, and they were both more than aware of it. And so, Twilight Sparkle made a decision that neither she nor Applejack had ever expected. She sold her home and moved out.

Applejack had initially thought of such a thing as bordering on insanity, but all of that quickly came to an end when Twilight explained her reasoning - "It's easier to move a library than it is to move an orchard". That single phrase, unintentional as it may have been, made it quite clear just how serious the unicorn had been in making their relationship work. The library was sold, all of Twilight's belongings had been moved into the barn, and... that was it, really. Spike found things a little jarring at first, but soon grew to enjoy his new home. The abundance of nearby apples may have helped, of course, but they were willing to look the other way if the baby dragon ever felt like grabbing himself a snack.

Granny Smith was even starting to come around a bit, though she seemed rather reluctant to even change her position. After all, that was tantamount to admitting that she was wrong, and so things were taking much longer than expected. Still, in spite of all that, things were... just about perfect. She was back on Sweet Apple Acres with a home of her very own, and she and Twilight were truly living together. They had their fights every now and then, but what couple didn't?

There were a few hoofsteps behind her, though Applejack made no attempts to turn to see who it was - she already knew. A warm kiss on her cheek, one in sharp contrast to the October weather they were now experiencing, simply confirmed just who it might have been. "Mornin', Twi."

The unicorn took a seat in the loft beside the earth pony, cuddling up to her and giving her cheek another kiss. "Morning, love. Sleep well?"

"I think you know th' answer ta that already."

A faint giggle. "I know, but I figured I'd ask."

"Fair enough." Applejack took another sip and let out a sigh as she gazed out at the trees. "Helluva view, ain't it?"

"Mhm. See it every morning, but it somehow manages to get better every time. I think the trees just get more vibrant." Twilight leaned her head against Applejack's shoulder and stared out towards the orchards, smiling as her eyes met the horizon. "Running of the Leaves is coming up soon, you know."

"Yyyep. RD won't stop mentionin' it every time we meet up or spar - think she wants me ta enter it with her."

"You going to?"

"I dunno. Maybe."

"We could always enter it together. I think it'd be fun. And who knows, you might manage to beat me this year!"

It may have been a thinly veiled insult, but Applejack certainly knew that Twilight meant well by it, and so she faintly laughed in return. "Hun, you keep that up, and I'm gonna make you eat yer words."

"I'd like to see you try." The lavender mare stuck out her tongue, giggling and grinning at the earth pony.

In return, Applejack gave her girlfriend a smile and a kiss on the forehead, pulling her a bit closer as the two of them watched the sunrise. For a few precious minutes, the two of them simply sat by one another, enjoying both the view and one another.

"Applejack, can I ask you something?"

The earth pony turned slightly, grinning as she caught sight of Twilight - the unicorn was staring up at her, with an inquisitive expression. "Twi, darlin'... you oughta know by now that you can ask me anything."

"Alright, well... I was wondering..."

Applejack began to drink from her mug, still listening intently as Twilight Sparkle spoke.

"...have you ever wanted to have foals?"

And then, in the morning light, a spray of coffee slowly turned into a fine mist.

Comments ( 71 )

And so, after several months, the events of 'Unintended' finally come to a close. Despite being my first attempt at a shipfic, I've certainly enjoyed writing this, and I hope you've all enjoyed reading it.

Thanks again, folks.

:snort: That ending. Totally worth it.

But now I'm curious about how they plan to take care of THAT.

*Sniff* *Sniff*
I truly enjoyed this, and that ending was perfect.

I thoroughly enjoyed this tale, and looking forward to what comes next from you :pinkiehappy:

you planing on doing a follow up

What a great ending to a brilliant story :twilightsmile::ajsmug:


you planing on doing a follow up

Nope. Not yet, anyways. It'll be a while.

First of, I knew it was going to end with that line.
With that out of the way... It's always nice to see such a happy ending, but as happy as it was, it was equally saddening, if only because it is an ending. A necessary crime, dare I say, when it comes to such stories.
It has been a rather enjoyable ride, both this and its prequel. As usual, I'm always looking forward to more stories from you. :twilightsmile:

Hehe, this was a very enjoyable read. I like the idea of them having a big ol' barn to themselves and Spike. I love it all. It's just a very well written story, and I'm glad I stuck around to read it. Thanks for writing it.


You should, make an interesting little trilogy out of this :twilightsmile: First one, the beginning, the second one <this one> the relationship, third one, family life. You could go Twos Company Threes a Crowd style as a way of giving them kids. That would be awesome :rainbowkiss:

But um...whatever you want to do is fine...

that ending....

totally worth it :yay:

Foals foals foals!!!!!! Make it happen!!! Twilights magic and Big Macs ummm donation and you could have a foal that's as close to being AJ's and Twilights as possible!!!!!:twilightsmile:

They have close ties to the goddess monarchs that control the sun and moon. I think that a gender-swap spell is within reach. And if not, Twilight's a genius; she can invent one.

The question is more what method would they use to pull it off.

Great ending to a great story!! and the plot to get back on the farm was funny as hell!!

thank you for writing this and hank you for letting us read it!

Loved every second of reading this. Also, way to drop a bomb Twi! :rainbowlaugh:


Possibility of a Third story that involves AJ and Twilight figuring out 'how to have foal' problem?!:pinkiegasp:




Coffee mist is not uncommon in my home, but it still comes with billions and billions of lulz.


There's no way you can drop that bomb and be like, "Welp, I'm outta here!"

Follow-up story pl0x.


Never say never...I like your style :eeyup:

Any plans to follow Soaring' and Rainbow at all?

Fantastic way to write and end a severely underused ship. Awesome job Vargras.

This fic was magnificent, and I thank you gor being the first author to make TwiJack seem like a viable ship.:ajsmug::heart::twilightsmile:

1013424 You're not going to make a sequel?! ONE MILLION YEARS DUNGEON!!!!

I need a way to double like this.... Fimfiction needs a multi-like button, or something to show MORE than a like besides the Fave option.:ajsmug: Regardless, Yay for the ending, but boo I just lost another story to read by it finishing... now I must venture out and find more :pinkiecrazy:

A very interesting way to end the thing, but I like it all the same! Still, I like to think that it is now time for my little The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, where I look at the good things that the story threw out there, the things that could be fixed for future stories, and all things grammar! Its also where I can act like my opinion matters! :pinkiecrazy:

NOTE 1: Keep in mind that because the story has been going on for so long, some details might have been lost to me
NOTE 2: Yes, "The Bad" is longer, but it usually is in every story, mostly because I have to explain it more, and give ideas to "correct" the "mistakes"

The Good: All and all, I think the best thing about this story was just the scope of the story. What I mean by that is just how far you came with it in terms of scenes, character growth, and characters in general. I know that sounds like a lame reason, but to me, a story that can incorporate all of those changes, while still be easy to follow gets props from me. On that similar note, the flow of the story was definitely a nice point. Applejack and Twilight started out as good friends, each of them battling their seperate, but growing feelings for each other, and then they eventually got together. Now, that final moment usually would come in the beginning or the end of the story, but by placing it in the middle, I guess you could say that it gave a nice and new flavor that a lot of other stories don't have.

However, the biggest thing in the story would have to be the way that you played their families. Sure, you did the standard "Granny Smith is old, so she is stuck in the past", but you know what, you wrote her reactions well, and the whole "ultimatum" thing was a nice way to add spice to it. If nothing else, the way you went into Applejack's faltering emotional state was worth it. On Twilight's side... it wasn't as well done as AJ's family, but I still had a lot of laughs with the way that Twiligiht's dad was one of those "absent-minded professor" types.

Oh, and the humor was definitely nice, especially the whole RD and "We have fanfics about us!"

The Bad: Ok, I'm going to straight out say it, the ending was nice, but I hated it for one specific reason: The "loophole". When I saw that that was the reason, I seriously shook my head. Why? Because lets put it this way. Imagine that you were thrown out of your house because of something you did, and your mother/father said, "You are not allowed to live under this roof!" Now, You decide to live in the shed, because its technically not under their roof. Wanna know what the first thing that'll happen is? Your father/mother will kick you out of that shed faster than you could imagine. A legal loophole would NEVER work, especially in this situation, and almost anything would've worked better in this situation, whether it was AJ and Twilight buying a place next door to Sweet Apple Acres, the two starting their own area of apple farms, or even Applejack proving that because she is 1/3 the owner of the Acres she OWNS 1/3 of the orchards (which makes Granny partially relent). Any of those (in my opinion) are FAR better than simple legal speak. Now, I admit that the point you might have been getting across is that Granny didn't really want AJ gone, but was too proud to go back on her ultimatum, so allowed the loophole, but honestly, it was a weak way to pull it off.

The second, and really the only other error (and I admit, this one is a stretch) I find is just the Rainbow and Soarin bar scene. Why? Because it was really just a bunch of filler. I seriously had to go back, and look for the scene, because I had absolutely no idea if it was actually in this story. I was sure it was, but there wasn't anything in that scene that really DID anything with the story. It was just... well... there. Now, the scene does kinda help resolve the Rainbow and Soarin subplot, and give Soarin a happy ending, but did it warrant the full scene? Probably not.

The Ugly: Ok, just so you know, you either have a nice editor, or you are able to find any grammical errors in your story like a champ, because they almost don't exist. I can't really think of any significant grammical errors that are chronic. Sure, there's a misspell here, a missing capitalization there, and maybe a wrongly placed comma, but nothing that says "Hey, I don't know how to use this." If I had to complain somewhere, and I love complaining, it is the final scenes with Luna and Celestia. Its sometimes hard to figure out who is talking at some points, and I know that at some point (I don't remember where), I had to go back, and reread it once or twice to make sure I had the right pony speaking. Like I said though, its minor, and wasn't really done all over the place in the story.

All in all, I think this is a great story, and while it definitely does NOT stand up to your origninal story, that is less of an insult to this story, and more of a compliment to Forbidden Fruit. The twists and turns, the character interactions, and all of the things in between made me smile all around. Even Apple Bloom had an amazing scene, and I remember smiling when she was laying down the smack down on Granny. Like I said, I love the story, and it was definitely worth the read! :pinkiehappy:

WHERE. IS. THE SEQUEL?! The hook is there! The hook is right bloody there!


Ok, I'm going to straight out say it, the ending was nice, but I hated it for one specific reason: The "loophole". When I saw that that was the reason, I seriously shook my head. Why? Because lets put it this way. Imagine that you were thrown out of your house because of something you did, and your mother/father said, "You are not allowed to live under this roof!" Now, You decide to live in the shed, because its technically not under their roof. Wanna know what the first thing that'll happen is? Your father/mother will kick you out of that shed faster than you could imagine. A legal loophole would NEVER work, especially in this situation, and almost anything would've worked better in this situation, whether it was AJ and Twilight buying a place next door to Sweet Apple Acres, the two starting their own area of apple farms, or even Applejack proving that because she is 1/3 the owner of the Acres she OWNS 1/3 of the orchards (which makes Granny partially relent). Any of those (in my opinion) are FAR better than simple legal speak. Now, I admit that the point you might have been getting across is that Granny didn't really want AJ gone, but was too proud to go back on her ultimatum, so allowed the loophole, but honestly, it was a weak way to pull it off.

I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out. Could I have come up with a better way to get AJ back on Sweet Apple Acres? Sure. But there could have been worse ways to do it as well.

It was something I thought of a few months back, and I liked it enough that I still wanted to go through with it, even after all those months.

The second, and really the only other error (and I admit, this one is a stretch) I find is just the Rainbow and Soarin bar scene. Why? Because it was really just a bunch of filler. I seriously had to go back, and look for the scene, because I had absolutely no idea if it was actually in this story. I was sure it was, but there wasn't anything in that scene that really DID anything with the story. It was just... well... there. Now, the scene does kinda help resolve the Rainbow and Soarin subplot, and give Soarin a happy ending, but did it warrant the full scene? Probably not.

It was intended to essentially be filler, and maybe a minor sub-plot at most. Why did it get a full scene?

Two reasons.
1) I've liked the character interaction I've managed to create between Rainbow Dash and Applejack. More opportunities to do that is fine with me (and I felt some of the dialogue was rather humorous).
2) It gives me practice writing conversations between more than two characters, something that is shown later on in the story as well (namely, Twilight's parents and Celestia and Luna).
3) I felt like it.

Okay, that was three. Whatever.

Ok, just so you know, you either have a nice editor, or you are able to find any grammical errors in your story like a champ, because they almost don't exist. I can't really think of any significant grammical errors that are chronic. Sure, there's a misspell here, a missing capitalization there, and maybe a wrongly placed comma, but nothing that says "Hey, I don't know how to use this." If I had to complain somewhere, and I love complaining, it is the final scenes with Luna and Celestia. Its sometimes hard to figure out who is talking at some points, and I know that at some point (I don't remember where), I had to go back, and reread it once or twice to make sure I had the right pony speaking. Like I said though, its minor, and wasn't really done all over the place in the story.

Fun fact: I don't use editors at all, and I rarely use pre-readers. So I guess I'm just a champ. :ajsmug:

Thanks for the feedback.

Perfect ending! Thank you for this great story and all your hard work.

There is no need for a gender swap. Skin cells can actually be converted into the needed liquid.

I wanna know when we can expect the follow up :twilightsheepish:


That ending. Loved every chapter! Not often I come across shipfics like this one here. I'mma start stal-Imean, watching you now :heart:


They are so adorable!:heart: Will you make the extra chapter, for the "fun" part, or did you decide not to?

Nope. I made the decision long ago to simply leave that as a fade-to-black. Though I eventually plan on actually writing such scenes, it won't be in this fic.

BEST! ENDING! EVER!!!!!! :heart: We need a follow up please oh please do we need one. I would love to see the two of them have foals together:heart::heart::heart::heart:

YOU MUST DEFINITELY MAKE A NEXT PART :flutterrage: even if its not now :pinkiehappy:
this story was just amazing, also helped me reach my count of 4 million words readed :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::yay:

hmm a possibility for a follow up... i very much like this idea im gonna need to keep an eye out for that if you decide to make one :P

So. I've kind of had this on my to-read list since I registered here and... I think you were talking about it in #fimfiction at one point, but I might be wrong.

There are always problems with every story. Little plot holes, weird issues with grammar and so forth. Twice, just twice, I had to go and re-read a part to be sure I hadn't got the dialogue mixed up - I've seen published novels with more dialogue issues than that, though they're always worth looking for.

What's important: you got the characters flawlessly. Applejack and Twilight were believable, they were themselves. And, though I have to admit not reading the story this one follows, it doesn't matter. You included just enough information to be sure the reader isn't constantly confused by any subtle changes in how they interact with each other. It was interesting how you portrayed Twilight too, avoiding the usual sex-mad librarian trope that seems to show up in all these romances.

Did I say the characters were flawless? I have to confess I do have one problem with your characterisation, and that's Granny Smith. She felt completely out of character. The way her mind works, she probably wouldn't have noticed if AJ and Twilight started humping right in front of her, never mind got around to throwing AJ out of the house. Still, necessity for the story and conflict and all that. Besides, it does add a little bit of a gut-thump when she's so unwilling to give AJ and Twilight a break even after all they did for her and stuff like that is the meat of a good story.

I felt the part with Twilight's parents was a little short and rushed, and I would have liked to see more interactions between them. Not that I can particularly think of what they'd do or say, just that something felt like it was missing something.

Overall, good story, well executed, good characters, decent little plot.

Finally I'd like to say, I have a very low tolerance for bad shipfics. I love a good romance (what manly man doesn't?), but they're so rarely done right.

You did it right. :ajsmug::twilightsmile:

No sequel?
This is worse than when spok betrayed kirk in star trek 5

I thought this chapter was gonna end by twi telling aj she's pregnant. I don't really know why I thought of that, but I'm pretty sure twi could magic something up in bed ;)

I agree with you. It would be good to read some time letar a part 3 of this tory line about how Twilight and Applejack would deal with the foal adopting and with their new family life. Maybe there could be a Lyra and Bon Bon background copule too.

Well Twilight doesn't seems to be a book addicted unicorn but both her and AJ are lack of the model for a filly fooler family model so this could be a challange to find some meanwilke they start thewir own family. Also it would be intresting from hear from Aj's relatives from her mom's part.

So... you drop a MOAB, and leave it at that? :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

Because those are boring.


Overall, I quite liked the story, which is a trend with you:pinkiehappy:; the characters were, mostly, well characterized and the plot made sense, mostly. There were a few issues; the aforementioned legal bits and their nonsensicalness, Soarin' and Rainbows' timeline seemed a little cramped, and the 'genius idea' of moving into and converting a barn. Yes, the barn idea is cute and they needed their own place, but really, does anypony have to listen to a crazy old mare at this point? All three grandkids have told her to shove it in one way or another, and two are adults and responsible for the farm. Granny does one thing on the farm, a thing AB can do now, so I fail to see where her opinion even matters at this point.

That was a good story, it still had a few things that bugged me though.
I still don't see how same sex relationships would come to be looked down on in equestira, I mean the only real reason they are in the real world is we have religions that tell people they are bad. I would also reword it a bit when they arrive in Canterlot and get dirty looks from the people, I would change it so that it sounded more like they were annoyed at any display of affection, rather than how it sounds now, which give the impression of a Granny Smith town.

You seemed a bit too eager to get Applejack out of her depression also, she went from apparently not getting out of the bed for a week to being almost fine after one night of drinking. Just seemed a bit fast, plus I would have expected Twilight to ask her what she wanted to do before hand, since this went on for.... I think a week or so.

Also the loophole was a bit weak. But its one of those things that could still work since you could always pass it off as Granny looking for a method of allowing AJ back.

Anyway, again, great story.

Oh, one last thing that kinda bugged me, you kept saying girlfriend. Given how the show loves its equine puns, I would more expect the term to be fillyfriend.


I still don't see how same sex relationships would come to be looked down on in equestira, I mean the only real reason they are in the real world is we have religions that tell people they are bad. I would also reword it a bit when they arrive in Canterlot and get dirty looks from the people, I would change it so that it sounded more like they were annoyed at any display of affection, rather than how it sounds now, which give the impression of a Granny Smith town.

As I said, things were fine in Ponyville, but not so in Canterlot. Wouldn't surprise me if the ponies there would be more concerned with appearances and social status as opposed to anything else, so anything seen as being 'outside the norm' might be looked down upon. Probably could've used further clarification.

You seemed a bit too eager to get Applejack out of her depression also, she went from apparently not getting out of the bed for a week to being almost fine after one night of drinking. Just seemed a bit fast, plus I would have expected Twilight to ask her what she wanted to do before hand, since this went on for.... I think a week or so.

Also the loophole was a bit weak. But its one of those things that could still work since you could always pass it off as Granny looking for a method of allowing AJ back.

Yeah, probably could have improved both of those. Oh well.

Oh, one last thing that kinda bugged me, you kept saying girlfriend. Given how the show loves its equine puns, I would more expect the term to be fillyfriend.

Actually, the term 'girlfriend' is used in the Hearts and Hooves Day episode by Scootaloo.


Oh yeah, your totally right about girlfriend being used in Hearts and Hooves day. Can't believe I forgot about that, I've only listened to that damn song for like 4 hours straight.

Great ending.

I might have to reread Hiatus now that I am up to date on the TwiJack backstory for it.


"It was exactly difficult to find." I think you mean wasn't.

Fixed, thanks.

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