• Published 21st Jun 2024
  • 1,911 Views, 16 Comments

The Fluttershy Diaries - dracedomino

Fluttershy gets her hands on a magical diary that makes her fantasies come true - whether she wants them to or not!

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Comments ( 16 )

Delightful first chapter!

I love this theme of a magical book to turn fantasies into reality, especially when power or a mistake makes everything go south and things get hardcore

NICE look forward to more:twilightsmile:

Chrysalis being an erotica clerk is incredible.

She found a better way to be bad!

She didn’t feel strange because she had a penis.
💀 bro
I was not intended this to go this route 😅

EASTON #7 · 1 week ago · · ·

Handholding? :twilightoops: LEWD! :twilightblush:

Things were changing for the sweetest young woman at CHS, and she was going to change the whole darn school along with her.

Oh, this will be fun.

Well, we have short skirts. Now we need explosions.

Definitely keeping an eye on this one.

It's porn. There will be plenty of explosions.

Always love seeing a new Drace story on here. Can’t wait for more

Love stories like this, can't wait for the next chapter. Your work is always fun, this'll be a hell of a ride, I'm sure.

Fluttershy isn't too out there since she isn't used to this for of thinking

But what if she wished as a good friend that twilights fantasies were to come true and she has no inhibitions imagining everything since theres nothing wrong with fantasizing since it has no consequences xD

I love this, your characterization of Fluttershy is so good.:heart:

Oooh, this is gonna be a ride and I am HERE for it.

I love how the most erotic part of the chapter is Twilight and Fluttershy holding hands, despite there being an explicit masturbation scene. Very well done!

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