• Published 8th Jan 2012
  • 11,441 Views, 882 Comments

Last of the Dragonlords - Fluttershy20

Fluttershy sets out in search of answers after a dragon attack left her changed.

  • ...


Two months later…

A young blue tit, its coat still growing into a more recognisable blue, yellow and grey, hopped out of the hole in its tree. It stopped just outside its hole and flicked its head up, then left and right, and finally down, looking around for any sign of birds of prey or other creatures that liked migrating birds for a good meal. Seeing and sensing none, it hopped to the furthest point of the branch and looked down. The ground was a long way down, giving the little bird second thoughts about going.

“What’s wrong?” The bird looked up in shock at the sweet angelic voice greeting its ears, but relaxed when it saw the kind yellow pegasus that gave its parents this home, flying before it and smiling amiably. The bird tweeted to her, telling her how scary it was to fly away from this lovely place to go on an adventure into uncharted places and meet new friends, and terrifying enemies.

“Oh sweetie, I know how you are feeling. I really do,” the pegasus said, her smile giving way to a sympathetic frown. That frown quickly turned back into an encouraging smile. “But I know that you will be fine. Adventures are scary, yes, and possibly dangerous. But they are life-changing, mostly for the better, and this adventure you will take in particular will show you what you can do, and who you are and what you are made of. I should know.” She finished that statement by running her hoof along a bright pink mark that ran along the side of her face.

The bird stared at her for a long time, contemplating her words, and then spread its wings. Hearing her speak, seeing that encouraging smile spread across her face, was all the bird needed. With a little tweet of goodbye, the bird jumped off the branch, and plummeted. Before it made it to the end, it brought its head up, veering its body away from the ground, and used its wings to flap and push it forward.

The bird couldn’t believe it. It was flying! It had practice before, granted, but that was just from one branch to the next. This flight would be different in that it would be much longer. The bird was ready for it, however. The blue tit looked back when it heard the pegasus cry out in encouragement, and tweeted in thanks and said its goodbyes. With that, it turned its head around and concentrated on heading south.

Fluttershy watched the bird go with a blissful smile, and briskly gave it a wave goodbye as it left its home in the tree to head out on an adventure of its own. Once the bird was out of sight, she let out a heavy sigh of relief, happy that the bird had done it and was flying away to join all the other birds. She knew the blue tit’s adventure would probably not be as dangerous as her own was, but it would certainly be just as life changing.

She fluttered back to the ground, and after making sure her wings were still okay, walked back to her small table outside her cottage, sat down by it and sipped some more of the tea that was waiting for her. She sighed and had a look at the woods beyond her garden. The leaves of the Everfree Forest were falling like snow, leaving the trees looking lifeless and boring, and the animals of the dangerous forest had gone into seclusion, which was a great relief to Fluttershy.

She closed her eyes and rested her head on the table, her ears at their highest as the remaining birds sang their farewell songs before setting off. With nothing on her hooves at the moment, she began to pore over the hectic two months that followed since she and her friends returned to Ponyville after saving the world once more, and the recovery from her battle wit Heimdallr as well as counselling herself over the fact that she was a Dragonlord.

She smiled as she remembered helping Twilight with some study on flora in Whitetail Woods. The two of them had gone on a camping trip for a few days in the blissful forests to look for a rare plant. Though the first two days were unsuccessful, the pair didn’t see the trip as pointless; they learnt much more about one another, and shared some laughs as they camped out under the stars. On the third day – technically, it was the third night – the pair did find the plants, shining in the moonlight. Before Twilight could record everything about them – height, size, width, colour, number of petals, et cetera – the plants disappeared into darkness. The pair was shocked to watch them disappear like that, but decided to keep it their little secret.

As well as helping the unicorn out with her studies, Fluttershy would help Twilight out on the book she had promised to write with her. On a rainy day, with nothing for them to do, Fluttershy would go to the library, and with a giggling Twilight, the pair would write about what they had learnt about the Dragonlords, and arrange them into chapters starting with their beginnings.

The pair did have a problem, however, one that Twilight nearly had a panic attack about. How were they going to finish it? “How about we end it on the Dragonlords’ extinction?” Fluttershy had suggested.

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. “We could do that, but then what if ponies discover that the Dragonlords are not entirely extinct, and then those Dragonlords that aren’t actually dead sue us for saying that they are extinct in the first place? And then they could say that we made some of it up since we’re having to make some of it up, and then they would have to sue us for getting it wrong, and then we would be left broken and penniless, and nopony would want to read anything that we write ever again!”

Fluttershy could only slam a hoof into her face and sigh.

She quietly giggled to herself in remembrance. Twilight may be smart, but sometimes she can be one of the silliest ponies alive. That was something she never wanted the unicorn to lose. And she was glad that Twilight was still here to show her that intelligence and that silliness.

She breathed through her nose and turned her thoughts to Rainbow Dash.

With the pegasus, Fluttershy took flying lessons from her to improve her left wing muscles after they were damaged in her battle with Heimdallr. Surprisingly, Rainbow remained patient and thoughtful throughout the training as Fluttershy was, at first, unable to go higher than four feet into the air.

Since then, with Rainbow’s instructions as well as her unique ways to treat a damaged wing, she had greatly improved, and eventually was able to fly from her cottage to the edge of town. Now, two months later, she was able to fly as if nothing had ever happened.

However, when she tried to get to Cloudsdale, she fell just after she reached the halfway mark. Rainbow Dash, luckily, was on hoof with a cloud, which she placed just below the pegasus to catch her fall. Once Fluttershy was safe, she flew up to console the poor mare, who wept silently as she realised her failure.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get to Cloudsdale on my own now,” Fluttershy sniffed quietly, holding Rainbow close.

“Hey, I’m sure you will. Maybe not now, but possibly in the future,” Rainbow replied comfortingly. “All you’ve got to do is keep practicing, and you will eventually get there. I know you will.” Fluttershy eventually let go of her, and smiled. She was right, as she usually was about many things. It will undoubtedly take her ages to get there, but she will eventually make it, and she would have her friends by her side all the time.

Rarity was always a pleasure to be around, but lately that pleasure had only increased. The two friends, on occasion with Spike when he was able to help them, would take walks outside Ponyville and hunt for gems and other rich materials to use for Rarity’s fashion line. At first Fluttershy couldn’t go as quick as the unicorn, as her injuries played up at the most inappropriate moments. But Rarity was always patient and helpful with her, and always grateful for her help, even when Fluttershy sat and only watched.

As well as helping to find the gems, Fluttershy helped the unicorn out with the making of the dresses when Rarity was behind. The two would spend what time they could playing games, gossiping, randomly bursting into song, and having a good laugh. And sometimes, the pair would silently hug and console one another for a various number of reasons.

Applejack – Fluttershy’s smile grew wider at the thought of the times she shared with Applejack. She rarely had time for the farm pony, and it was the same vice versa; the two were always working and never had time to spend in each other’s company, no matter how much they wanted it. But not long after they had returned from Horsca did Fluttershy offer to help her friend, despite the weak state she was in.

Applejack eventually agreed after a ton of offers, but was glad in the end she did say yes. Fluttershy helped Applejack remove the apples from the trees, and in return, Applejack helped her with clearing the rodents and other “varmints” as Applejack called them, out of the farm.

And sometimes, Fluttershy would stay at Sweet Apple Acres for the night, being too weak to make it back on her own and share a bed with the earth pony. The two would talk long into the night about anything, even the most upsetting stuff. They both had a cry about them for sure. But it felt good to be letting out some of the thoughts she had been bottling in, and she could imagine the same went with Applejack.

And finally Pinkie Pie – she giggled to herself as she remembered the times she had with Pinkie Pie. When the Cakes went away for a week on holiday with the little ones, she was the only one who could help Pinkie with the responsibility of running the shop, and she was glad she said she could.

The two always ended up messy after a delicious food fight. Sang songs, laughed at each other’s terrible jokes, and simply enjoyed each other’s company into the late evenings.

It had been a difficult time, with her injuries playing up from time to time, but eventually most of the aches and pains had gone, and she felt like she could live normally again. All but one of the scars on her cheeks had disappeared, with the remaining scar running from under her right eye down to the tip of her nose. The thing that reminded her most of her ordeal was the long, pink scar that ran down from the end of her neck to the top of her rump. It became apparent after the first month since coming back that her coat would never grow over it, and would remain there for the rest of her life.

Still, it didn’t matter now as much as it used to. She had her friends still, and her life in Ponyville had gone back to the way it was before. Most of it, anyway. Yet, at night, she sometimes would wake up sweating heavily and short of breath, leaving her with little sleep most of the time, as she found her mind going back to when she lost her father, and the way he was killed, as well as her battle with Heimdallr.

She told her friends about her nightmares, and they all assured and comforted her, telling her they were all experiencing nightmares as well; finding themselves back in the darkness and facing the great burning dragon once more. Some, apparently, involved watching each other die horribly down in the darkness, and the pony experiencing the nightmares couldn’t do anything about it. But they stayed together, talked about it to each other, and helped each other carry on with their lives.

Like Fluttershy thought when they got back two months ago, it wasn’t going to be easy, but through each other’s support and friendship, they could do it.

She was too busy wrapped in her thoughts that she didn’t notice, or hear, the sound of hoofsteps getting louder and louder, as well as a gentle humming. Before they reached the edge of her cottage they stopped, and a face peered from the other side to reveal Twilight Sparkle.

The unicorn smiled when she saw Fluttershy, with her head resting on the table, and began to quietly walk up to her, the unicorn’s saddlebags rustling as they rubbed against her sides. “Fluttershy?” Twilight called quietly, approaching the seemingly sleeping pegasus.

Fluttershy’s eyes shot open, and after blinking repeatedly she raised her head up, looking at Twilight with a greeting smile. The moment she did that, however, the aching feeling that stretched across the scar on her back made its presence known. Fluttershy grimaced and began to rub her back with a hoof.

“Are you okay, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, her tone laced with concern.

Fluttershy nodded. “I think so, thank you. It’s just that sometimes an aching pain flares up in my back.” As soon as she stopped talking, the pain in her back faded away and she felt fine again. “It’s gone now, but it will keep coming back when I least expect it.”

Twilight cocked her head a bit, and then smiled. “I’m sure it will heal in time. Hay, you’ve got enough if it,” she said comfortingly.

Fluttershy smiled back, and then her eyes widened in shock. “Oh goodness, where are my manners? Have a seat, if you want to, of course.” She gestured with a waving hoof to sit at the table, and with the other pointed at the teapot resting on the side. “Tea?” she asked the unicorn. “It’s your favourite.”

Twilight beamed and immediately removed her saddlebags from her back. “Oh, I would love some, thank you. I’m parched after today,” she answered, taking an idle cup and pouring out some tea from the pot. Once she put it down, she lowered her rump onto the other cushion, and sighed pleasurably at the peace. Fluttershy smiled at her and raised her cup to drink some of the warm tea, while Twilight’s ears flicked at the sound of the birds singing their songs of departure.

“So, um,” Fluttershy said, putting down her cup, “if you don’t mind me asking, how’s the book coming along?”

“Oh, it’s coming along nicely, thank you. I would have shown you the cover and the first chapter, but other things popped up that I had to put it aside,” Twilight replied. “I had several errands come up at once, and that messed up my schedule, so I had to waste another hour re-working the schedule just so I could add these errands and do the other things I wanted to do.”

Fluttershy smiled and rolled her eyes. ‘Typical Twilight. Always the organised one.’

“Once I had re-scheduled my schedule to suit these last-minute errands, however, another errand for me to deal with popped out of Spike’s mouth. And since I was coming this way to Sweet Apple Acres, I thought I might drop it off to you first.”

Fluttershy flicked her eyes onto Twilight in an instant, clearly expressing her interest. “You mean, something came for me from the Princess?”

Twilight nodded, and with her magic lifted a letter – sealed in a red ribbon and endorsed with the cutie mark of Princess Celestia on the front – out of her saddlebag and levitated it over to Fluttershy. “A small note came with it saying it was for you alone to open.”

Fluttershy gaped in shock. A letter from the Princess addressed to her? Such a thing had never happened before. ‘She’s probably taken interest in me since the events in Horsca,’ she thought. ‘But why now?’ Excitedly, she took the letter out of Twilight’s magical grasp and ripped the seal off it, before unfurling the letter and reading through it really quickly. It felt nice to get a letter from the Princess; it was like receiving a letter from your favourite celebrity.

But the contents of the letter were not just surprising, but shocking.

“Well, what does it say?” Twilight asked, craning her neck up to see.

Fluttershy looked back at Twilight, realising she had been staring at it in stunned silence for a few moments. “Princess Celestia wants to see me in Canterlot for a casual get-together,” she answered, the surprise evident in her voice.

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Does it say when?”

Fluttershy nodded, briefly looking through the letter again. “Today. Specifically this afternoon.” She got off her cushion and went inside to see what the time was. Her eyes widened when she saw it had just gone twelve.

“Oh no!” she squeaked. “I should be in Canterlot by now!” She ran back outside and gave a quick hug to Twilight. “Sorry, Twilight, royalty calls. I wish I could stay a bit longer though– ”

She was cut off when Twilight placed a hoof in her mouth, smiling beneficially. “It’s okay, Fluttershy. Just do me a favour and tell the Princess that I said hi.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Okay. See you when I get back.” And with that she galloped hard towards the train station.

Twilight watched Fluttershy go with sad eyes as the pegasus galloped down the road with a slight limp in her stride. Ever since they had returned home, the girls and her had decided to keep a close eye on Fluttershy, in case she needed help with anything. They kept their distance to be sure they weren’t treating the Dragonlord like a baby, but close enough to know they could be on hoof to help her in case of an accident.

Luckily, nothing severe had happened, but sometimes Fluttershy’s hind legs would give way and she would collapse on her rump, grinding her teeth together in pain. Fortunately, Twilight, or one of the others, were soon by her side and helping her up, with the pegasus muttering apologies or sniffing back tears of shame.

Yet always, they would be there to wipe her eyes, smile comfortingly, and help her get through the day, as any friend should. ‘I just hope she heals soon,’ Twilight thought, watching as the yellow silhouette vanished into the distance. ‘She will be much happier when she does.’

But some injuries, such as watching your father die and learning of something you never wanted to be, would take even longer to heal.

“Has she gone?” a voice from above whispered.

Twilight looked up and saw Rainbow Dash’s face appear from one of the clouds drifting aimlessly above her. “She’s on her way to the station,” she replied with a nod. “Right, you go and get Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie here and start setting things up, while I go and finish off my chores and get some things for tonight.”

“You got it, Twi,” Rainbow said with a quick salute. She kicked upwards, dissipating the cloud she was resting on, and raced off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Twilight smiled and turned to Angel bunny, who appeared from the house with a watchful gaze. “Is everything ready, Angel?” The rabbit nodded and gave a salute of his own. “Good, then help the others when they get here. I’ll be back as quick as I can.” With that, she broke into a trot to Sweet Apple Acres.

Once she made it to the road, however, she squealed and jogged on the spot. “Oh, she’s gonna love this!”

It took half an hour for Fluttershy to get to the station, mostly due to the fact she gallop as well as she had used to. ‘Darn this limp,’ she thought as she slowed into a walk a few metres from the station, grimacing as she felt an aching feeling work its way from her leg and down her back. She knew she could have flown all the way to the station, but she was worried that she would fall and hurt a pony on the ground as well as herself.

When she arrived at the front of the station she walked up to the ticket counter, a bit out of breath and sweating heavily; for an autumn day, it was surprisingly warm. “Hello… could I have a return to Canterlot… please?” she rasped.

The earth pony behind the counter nodded and gave her two tickets. Fluttershy thanked her, gave her the bits, then walked through the gateway onto the platform. To her surprise, and glee, the platform was empty of other ponies, leaving a bench free for her to jump up and sit on. Once she was comfortable, she fanned herself with a wing to cool herself down, feeling a little dizzy from the running and the heat.

A few minutes later, her ears flicked at the sound of an engine whistle, and Fluttershy turned her head left to watch as the first signs of the train appeared on the horizon. “At least I didn’t have to wait long,” she whispered to herself, just as the train glided slowly into the platform, and stopped with a tiny screech emitting from the brakes.

Once the few ponies that wanted to get off jumped out of the their carriages and left the station, Fluttershy got up and hopped onto the train. She had a quick look down the carriage, and saw it completely empty of other ponies. The pegasus grinned. ‘Perfect.’ She randomly chose a seat on the right side of the carriage, and stared at Whitetail Woods in the far distance, as well as the silhouette of the first few mountains making up Unicorn Range beyond it, with a small smile.

Then, with a long blow of its whistle, the train suddenly jarred forward, then began to pick up the pace as it commenced its short journey to the capital city of Equestria.

As the train started to climb the mountain to Canterlot, she began to wonder deeply on what the Princess wanted with her. Twilight said that she sent a letter to the Princess not long after they had returned, saying that they were all alright, what had happened to them and what had happened to Fluttershy. If Celestia knew about the events in Horsca, then why did she want to see her?

She shook her head; the ruler of Equestria was more of a mystery than a Rubix’s Cube. It would be better for her mind – and her soul – if she didn’t think too hard about it, she realised. She lowered herself down on the chair, spreading herself along it, then tucked her legs under her stomach and closed her eyes, silently pleased to have a moment of peace without somepony watching over her with concern.

She hadn’t been blind to what had been going on around her the past two months. She had just been playing dumb. She knew her friends had been following her around as she worked on her chores and tended to her animal friends, staying sure that she was fine and able to work on her own without them to support her. And it wasn’t always just one of her friends. Sometimes she would spot with the corner of her eye or hear all of them whispering to one another as if she was an animal being studied for a book about nature.

Yet, for some reason, she didn’t feel annoyed by them always watching over her. If anything, she felt flattered that they cared about her enough to make sure she was all right twenty four seven. It made her feel happy, something she hadn’t really been in a long time.

The engine’s whistle booming across the landscape forced Fluttershy to open her eyes, and gasp in surprise. ‘Oh my. That was fast,’ she thought, as the spiralling towers of Canterlot dominating the skyline met her gaze, as well as the marble brick station building slowly getting closer and closer. As soon as her carriage was beside the platform, the train screeched to a halt, sending a terrible ringing through Fluttershy’s ears.

Once she had recovered from the terrible sound, she got off the chair and walked leisurely off the train. After thanking the ticket inspector and hoofing over her ticket, she trotted through the station and out into the main street. The streets were full of ponies in various dresses and suits, while a few walked around with their birth coats on. She broke into a cheerful, although slightly limped trot and made her way to the palace. Never once did she shy away from some of the few gazes coming her way, for nothing could break her good mood.

After a while she found herself at the front of the palace gates, where two unicorns armed with spears were standing guard. She puffed out her chest to keep up her courage and held her head high as she strolled up to them. “Good afternoon,” she said with a confidence unseen outside of her group of friends. “I’m here to see Princess Celestia. My name’s Fluttershy. Fluttershy Firewing.”

The guard on the right used his magic to open a pouch within his armour and brought out a scroll. Once he had opened it, he scanned the names on the list, his eyes widening when he found her name on there. “Ah, here you are, Miss Fluttershy. The Princess is in court at the moment so wait by the stairs and she’ll come to you.”

Fluttershy bowed her head, said, “Thank you, sirs,” and walked through the gates, feeling proud of herself for being so courageous. Two guards never scared her anymore. After all, why should they? She had fought the greatest threat to the world and came out victorious. She felt like she could take on anything.

‘No!’ she screamed at herself in thought. She didn’t want to go down the path of arrogance, the one the Dragonlords had all followed. It was a path that led them to their destruction and extinction.

Except for her.

She came out of her thoughts when she noticed that she was standing just inside the palace entrance, with the stairs leading up into the various rooms and chambers of the palace. Seeing the many servants and guards strolling around the palace and not wanting to be in their way, she walked up to the stairs and sat on her haunches to the side of them, waiting patiently as she watched the ponies of the palace continue with their work.

An hour later and she groaned with impatience. The servants and guards had gone by, and yet there was still no sign of Celestia. ‘Where is the Princess?’ she yelled in thought. ‘Did she forget about our meeting? Or did the guard get the time the court ended wrong?’ She noticed a guard passing by, and subsequently called to him. “Um, excuse me, sir, but when does court finish? I need to see the Princess.”

The guard looked at the clock just above the main gates. “It should’ve ended about half an hour ago, Miss,” he said before walking through the main doors and outside.

Fluttershy sighed, her shoulders slouching. “Should’ve ended half an hour ago,” she moaned. “What’s taking so long?” After a moment to think, she abruptly gasped, scaring a young servant mare working behind her. “Maybe she’s waiting for me there!” Without further thought, she galloped up the stairs and towards the throne room.

Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, a mare thousands of years old and had seen just about everything Terra could possibly throw at her country and her family, thought she was going to die of extreme boredom. And coming from a mare of her age that would be quite an achievement. Though she doubted the pony responsible would get an award for it.

She sat with as a polite smile as she could muster as she looked at the earth pony in front of her, who had been blabbering on about something vaguely memorable in a plain monotone voice, for a good half an hour.

Behind him, the many ponies that occupied the throne room had fallen asleep, while the few that were awake were trying hard to stay awake. The sleepers were the lucky ones, she thought, not being able to remember what was being said. She wished at this moment that she could join them, but knew that if she did, she would have the scrutiny of not just the Canterlot elite, but her sister as well.

She looked to her right at the smaller throne her sister would have resided on to help her rule the country, but today it was as empty as Discord’s heart. Earlier today, Luna had made up some excuse about not resting as well as she should be. So she excitedly announced over breakfast that she would be sleeping for the rest of the day. Celestia wished her sister was here. She could really use someone like her to shut this pony up, so she could listen to another pony in need of proper help.

‘Somepony, anypony, help me!’ she screeched in thought, while trying her very best at keeping the loving smile across her face.

Her prayers were answered, luckily, when the doors of the throne room threw themselves open, as though a great gust of wind had invaded the castle and was coming to take the Princess and bring about the destruction of Equestria. The ponies of the throne room – awake or barely awake – jumped out of their places and looked to the invader with horror.

Instead of a terrible invasion of an unknown element, however, it was a yellow pegasus with a long pink mane and tail, expressing a look of panic on her face.

“Oh my goodness, Princess, I’m so sorry, I only just got your letter and I came running all the way from Ponyville and I…” Fluttershy trailed off when she saw everypony in the room looking at her with either annoyance or gratitude. “Oh… Oh dear. I’m so sorry for interrupting, everypony.” She took a step back, shying away from the gazes. “I’ll just go outside and wai–”

Grinning, Celestia clapped her forehooves together and rose from her throne. “Well, my dear friend.” She had even forgotten the earth pony’s name. “We shall discuss the rest of this matter at a later date.” Before the pony could protest, she spoke up again. “I am sorry for all of those that haven’t had the chance to put forward their issues. I assure you that I will listen to them from tomorrow morning and into the evening to make up for it. For now, the court is dismissed.”

One by one, the ponies before the throne bowed before the Princess, and then slowly exited out the room, giving Fluttershy either looks of thanks or glares as they walked out. Once the last of them had gone, Celestia gestured for the guards to leave, which they did and walked out of the room as well, closing the doors behind them.

Fluttershy walked up to the throne and bowed, looking deeply apologetic. “I’m so sorry, Princess, for inter-”

“Fluttershy, I cannot thank you enough for that,” Celestia cut her off with a smile. “I thought I was going to die of boredom back there, so I owe you my life.”

“Oh... well, don’t worry about it, Princess,” Fluttershy said, waving a hoof.

Celestia chuckled. “Please, call me Celestia. It’ll be a nice change from hearing Princess constantly after today.”

“Okay… if you’re sure, um… Celestia?”

“Very sure.” Celestia walked down from the throne, her strides elegant and as graceful as expected of her. She stopped just before the pegasus, still wearing the same, motherly smile that put the Dragonlord in a sense of peace. “So, Fluttershy,” the Princess continued. “I’m sorry for bringing you here on such short notice, but I wanted to know about your adventures and what you had discovered about yourself.”

“But didn’t Twilight tell you what happened?”

“She did. But she only told me the parts where she was involved and, from what she has said to me, been through to try to find you. So I would like to know what happened from your point of view.”

Fluttershy’s ears flat as she remembered the reason as to why they weren’t with her for the first half of her journey. “Oh… okay. Well, um, where do you want me to begin?” she asked.

Celestia looked around the throne room, seeing that it wasn’t suitable for such a long talk to go ahead. “Let’s get comfortable first before we discuss the events in Horsca. I would have waited and had this talk in my chambers. But since court today took forever, and it’s such a nice day outside, how about we go outside first and have this conversation in the gardens?” the Princess suggested.

Fluttershy’s face lit up with joy, and hopped on the spot. “Oh, I would love that! Thank you, Celestia!”

Celestia smiled, then gestured with a hoof towards the doors to the throne room, and the only way out. Fluttershy stepped aside, allowing Celestia to go through first. Celestia smiled and thanked her, before walking past her. Once the Princess was ahead of her, Fluttershy broke into a trot just so that she could keep up; Celestia’s strides were long, looking more like she was jogging rather than walking.

She was about to leave the throne room, when one of the stained glass windows caught her eyes and forced to stop. The longer she stared, the lower her jaw went and the wider her eyes grew. “Oh… my,” she whispered, unable to say anything else. It was an image of herself rearing up and her swords positioned across her chest and formed into a cross at the centre of the window, with Heimdallr below her, lying on his back, vanquished for good.

Celestia glanced over her shoulder to see Fluttershy had stopped and was looking at the window with a shocked expression on her face. “Ah yes. That. I do hope you like it, Fluttershy. It took the window maker a long time to come up with that, but I think he got your likeness well. Don’t you think?” Celestia noticed something in Fluttershy’s eyes that seemed to show major disappointment in something. She frowned. “Is something wrong?”

Fluttershy looked from the window to her ruler. “Yes. Yes there is,” she answered rather bluntly. “Why aren’t my friends in this as well? They fought in the final battle and helped me out when I needed it.”

Celestia smiled at her, and set a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “Before I had the window commissioned, I asked Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity about the window, and how it should look and where they would like to be positioned. Do you know what they said in response?”

Fluttershy shook her head after a brief minute to think about it. “They said that they were pleased the window was being put up, but none of them wanted to have their likeness in the window itself. They refused to have themselves remembered for this moment.”

Fluttershy stared at Celestia in disbelief, then looked back at the window. “But they… they helped me. I would never have defeated him on my own.”

Celestia chuckled. “They know that, child, but I am sure they have their reasons, both simple and complicated, as to why they didn’t want to be hailed as you will be. I can think of one, though. They wanted this to be your victory, Fluttershy. Not you and your friends. Just you.”

Fluttershy sighed, nodding in understanding. “I hope they all get their own windows at some point, then.”

Celestia chuckled, removing her hoof from Fluttershy’s shoulders. “I’m sure they will someday.” She turned away and headed towards the doors once more. “Right, come on, let’s get outside while the sun’s still up.” Fluttershy gave one last look at the window, before following Celestia out.

The Princess led Fluttershy out of the throne room, down the corridor on the left, and out a small white door, which led right into the gardens. Fluttershy gasped with wonder at the sights of so many different birds, animals and plants scattered about. The sight brought back many memories of the times she had been here, especially the first time she was here, which ended with her going on a rampage. She cringed at the memory that still haunted her.

Celestia led her through the garden to a small table in a clearing hidden from view by tall hedges. “Please, take a seat,” Celestia offered. Fluttershy nodded in thanks and sat down to the chair opposite the monarch. “So, Fluttershy, tell me everything that happened after you left me in Canterlot.”

Fluttershy nodded and began telling Celestia the story, from meeting Vidarr on the railway bridge, to Strutford and her meetings with several ponies. Celestia let out a little giggle when the Dragonlord mentioned the mare that had flirted with her, but quickly apologized about it. “Oh, it’s all right, Celestia,” Fluttershy said, giggling along with her. “I still think about her sometimes and laugh about it.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow and turned her head slightly. “So would you…?” she asked.

Fluttershy blushed, looking aghast. “Oh, no, of course not!” she exclaimed, forcing a giggle out of Celestia. “I barely knew her for a start, and… well, I don’t think I want a relationship now, for many reasons.” She smiled wryly to herself. “I still don’t understand what she saw in me.”

“Well, if I may speak the truth, you are a very beautiful pegasus. Possibly one of the beautiful ponies I have ever seen,” Celestia remarked. Fluttershy squeaked in surprise and blushed so fiercely she thought she might faint. She quickly took a sip from her cup of tea to cool herself down.

Celestia giggled, and let a silence hang in the air afterwards before speaking once more. “Now, then, what happened after you left Strutford?” Celestia said, gesturing with a hoof for her to continue.

Fluttershy nodded, and told her about their night where they camped outside the forest surrounding Detrots, where she told them of her childhood as an orphan. She quickly moved on to when they made it into the city, and how she parted company from her friends. “I still feel terrible for leaving them like that,” she said, her eyes fixed on the table. “But now that it has passed, I feel that I made the right decision. I just couldn’t bear the thought of them all dying because of me.”

She looked up and saw Celestia with a loving smile on her face. “Twilight mentioned it in her letter. I don’t blame you, Fluttershy. Nopony does. You acted out of love and kindness for your friends, and maybe it might have worked out for the best after all.”

“Oh yes,” Fluttershy answered. “Well, at least I think it did.” She began recalling to Celestia of the events after leaving Detrots, from arriving in Horsca to being taken prisoner by the Andulusians. Celestia’s eyes widened in horror upon hearing of how close Fluttershy was to death.

“My head laid out on the block, I closed my eyes and breathed a final sigh of content as I waited to hear the blade come down. The next thing I knew, I felt the heat of fire on my coat. I looked around and saw fire everywhere, and a large dragon soaring over the city, burning and killing at will. I never felt so terrified in my life. Me and a horse named Thowra were lucky to escape.”

She told Celestia of the city of Castilian, the capital of Horsca, and of her meeting with Freya, the now true Queen of Horsca, with Celestia nodding through it all. ‘Now this is interesting,’ Celestia thought unashamedly.

She went on to how she left the city, made her way into the Ragged Mountains, and came across a giant spider and was nearly killed by it, to her first meeting with Firewing. “So, instead of you finding Firewing, Firewing found you,” Celestia said with a chuckle.

Fluttershy laughed as well. “You’re right, Princess. Funny that.” Once the pair had calmed down, Fluttershy went on to how she and Firewing made it out of the old fortress to a small place where new Dragonlords went to learn about what they were now. “It was there where I learnt about my heritage and what I had become,” Fluttershy finished, pausing to take a sip of her cup.

Celestia nodded and took a sip of her cup as well. “Have you ever heard of the Dragonlords, Princess?” Fluttershy asked.

After a while, Celestia nodded. “Only that they were warriors who protected those who couldn’t protect themselves. And that they were made up from ponies from the different pony kingdoms, as well as my subjects. But I didn’t know so much to recognise what you were instantly. So tell me, do the Dragonlords possess any… special abilities?”

Fluttershy nodded, and quickly told her about her many abilities. When she told the Princess of her new life range of a thousand years, Celestia’s eyes widened. “You can live longer?” Fluttershy nodded. Celestia slumped back in her chair. “I did not expect that one at all. The next thing you’re going to tell me is that Firewing’s your father.” She chuckled at the thought.

“Actually, he was,” Fluttershy said with a small but sad smile.

Celestia’s cup slipped out of her telekinesis, spilling her tea, making Fluttershy gasp in horror. “Oh, I’m sorry, Celestia! I… oh dear…” She squeaked and quickly hid behind her mane.

Celestia, after getting out of her shock, laughed and gently brushed Fluttershy’s mane out of her face with her magic. “It’s okay, Fluttershy. I have to admit I’m shocked. I’m quite sure a revelation like this would’ve been just the same for you.”

“At first I was angry more than shocked; actually, I was fuming. I didn’t want to believe that the pony I came looking for was in fact my father; I had always believed him to be dead. So I stormed out of the room and had a moment to myself, reeling over the news. Not long after a few words with a robin, who told me to talk to him about why he left me and maybe get to understand why, he came to me and showed me this.”

She took hold of the medallion that seemed to be glued to her chest, and whispered, “Åpne.” The medallion snapped in half at the command and presented to the winged unicorn the picture of her mother and father. “This was taken a month or so before I was born.”

Celestia leaned in to get a better look, and felt warmth flow through her at the sight of a smiling Rosemary and Firewing. “That is a beautiful picture, Fluttershy,” she commented. She looked back at the pegasus. “What was your mother’s name?”

“Rosemary,” Fluttershy replied with a small smile. “After I saw this picture, I could no longer deny that this pony was my father, and though I still felt confused as to why he left me, I offered to help him in the fight against Heimdallr.”

Fluttershy went on about how she met the fiery dragon for the first time. How she and Firewing worked their way through traps together, and how they both fought off a group of remans. “Celestia, have you… have you ever killed anyone?” she asked after telling Celestia how she killed a reman to save her father’s life.

A moment later, Celestia reluctantly nodded. “In the defence of my sister’s and mine subjects, it was necessary that I killed, or the enemies of Equestria would kill thousands. The early days of Equestria under our reign were the worst, Fluttershy. Violent rebellions occurred nearly everywhere, and invasions from outside countries that sensed the weakness this country oozed, including the changelings. Only Luna and I, with but a hoof full of soldiers brought together by our call, were able to fight them off. It was a long time before the Royal Guard was big enough to combat the many threats and restore and keep the peace.”

Fluttershy nodded in understanding. “But you must know, that every time I killed someone, I felt a part of me die. That’s why I was glad when the Guard was strong enough to fight in my sister and I’s stead, so we could both retire and work on proper matters.” Celestia chuckled at something. “Though nowadays, there is a part of me that wishes for those old days when I felt that I was actually doing something worthwhile.”

With that out of the way, Fluttershy went on to how she learnt of her origins, and why she was left at the orphanage she was raised at in the first place. Her tone saddened to the point that Celestia thought she was going to burst into tears as she told of her father’s death. “He was just standing there, with a blissful smile on his face, even as the dragon came up from behind him and grabbed him with its jaws. I… I just screamed. I did nothing to stop the dragon, I did nothing to save him. I just stood there and screamed my torn heart out.”

After a moment of silence between them, with only the singing birds to break it, Celestia got up and gripped the pegasus in a hug, rubbing her back with gentle movements, while Fluttershy shook in remembrance, never once spilling a tear. “I’m sorry, Princess,” Fluttershy whispered. “I shouldn’t be acting like this.”

Celestia smiled and rubbed a hoof through Fluttershy’s mane. “You have nothing to be sorry for, my dear. What happened and what you saw should not be something a pony like you should see.” She pulled away, and frowned confusedly when she saw there were no tears in the Dragonlord’s eyes. “Why are there no tears in your eyes?”

“Because I’ve cried about it for too long, Princess,” Fluttershy replied. “Besides, my father wouldn’t want me to cry for him, but just remember him, as I knew him by.”

After a moment to compose herself, Fluttershy proceeded to tell Celestia how, in a blind rage, she attacked and killed the dragon that killed her father, after it had threatened her friends with torture and death. She went on to how they located the resting place of the fifth key, only to discover to her horror and grief that it wasn’t there. Then how they had to fight off an army of draugen, which they managed to defeat but at the cost of losing Thowra.

“I should feel sad to know he is dead,” Fluttershy said, on the subject of the horse who saved her life. “Yet for some reason, I’m not. I guess I am just happy for him that he can see his family again – if such a place exists.” Celestia remained eerily silent.

Fluttershy then went on to tell her how she met Vidarr again, and when she revealed that she was barren to the others. “Have you had children, Celestia?” Fluttershy asked. Upon noticing the hesitation in the Princess’s eyes she added, “Oh, I am so sorry, Celestia, forget that I ever ask–”

“No, no, it’s okay. Yes, I have had children. It was during the dark times, when Equestria was rebuilding,” Celestia answered.

Fluttershy looked to the ground, thinking of how she was going to ask what she wanted to say. “Um… if you don’t mind me asking, that is. What was it like, giving birth I mean?”

“If I’m honest, it is probably the most painful experience of my life. But the rewards are the greatest.” Celestia smiled at a long, distant memory.

Fluttershy smiled along with her. “So, um, where are your children now?”

“Question is, what happened after when you told your friends this news?” Celestia asked.

Fluttershy realised she hit a sour point, so quickly decided to take the Princess’s silent advice and move on. She proceeded to tell how the six of them sneaked into Ironhoof Fortress, got hold of the key, and how Fluttershy nearly killed a horse begging for her life. “I was ashamed of myself that day, Princess. Still am, really. I thought that I had learnt my lesson after Iron Will and what I did to Pinkie and Rarity. But I learnt a tougher, and harsher lesson that echoed throughout my journey.”

Celestia looked on with interest. “I learnt that history repeats itself. No matter how different we do something to try and avert the past, we eventually go back and do the same thing,” Fluttershy explained, her tone indicating her sadness of knowing such a fact.

Celestia sadly nodded. “I wish I could say that isn’t true, Fluttershy. But I can’t. After a while we tend to make the same mistakes. I know I do, and will continue to do a hundred times over.”

Fluttershy smiled comfortingly. “We’re ponies, though. We always make mistakes.” She went onto how she acquired a boat to take her and her friends to the Horscan Sea and her final encounter with Heimdallr.

She told of the battle that followed, the wounds she received, how her friends helped, and finally how she managed to defeat him by collapsing the tomb and filling it with water, drowning him. She talked of her and her friend’s timely rescue by Vidarr before the water engulfed them. Then finally leaving Castilian and heading home.

“I came back from that adventure scarred permanently, fatherless once more, and with many regrets and worries hanging over my shoulders. But there’s only one thing I regret more than most, Celestia. That I never got to say goodbye to my father, and tell him that I loved him dearly,” Fluttershy finished, sighing sadly.

Celestia looked at Fluttershy for a moment, wondering whether to spill such a secret to the pegasus. It was clear to the Princess that Fluttershy wanted to desperately see her father again, even for four minutes. She deserved that much, surely.

“Fluttershy? What if I told you that there is a chance for you to see him again?” At that, Fluttershy’s head shot up instantly, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open in shock. “What would you say if you were given that chance to see your father again, for four minutes only? Would you take it?”

Fluttershy didn’t take long to think about it. “I would not hesitate,” she answered.

Celestia smiled and got up from her cushion. “Then follow me,” she ordered, and then began walking back towards the palace. Fluttershy sprang out of her cushion and trotted up alongside the Princess. She wasn’t a foot away from her when the Princess swung around and pointed a hoof at her. “But you must promise me this,” Celestia added sternly. “That you will never tell anyone outside of Twilight, Spike, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow and Applejack about this. This is something that must stay secret and hidden, above all else. It is too important and dangerous for everypony to know. Promise?”

Fluttershy nodded hastily, noticing the seriousness in Celestia’s voice. “I promise I won’t tell anyone except my friends, Celestia. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” she said with all the right movements. Celestia looked at Fluttershy amusedly for a moment. “One of Pinkie’s things,” Fluttershy explained.

Celestia’s eyes widened in understanding. “Oh, okay. Does sound like something Pinkie Pie would do,” she said with a giggle. With that, Celestia led Fluttershy through the garden and into the palace once more.

Fluttershy felt a knot tighten in her stomach as they walked from corridor to corridor, passing ponies who bowed their heads in respect to the Princess. To know she was being given the chance to see her father for the last time was something that she couldn’t even describe. She knew she should feel delighted, but instead she felt terrified. ‘What should I say to him? Should I hug him first, or should I just ask him about how he is?’ she wondered. She absently rubbed her stomach with a hoof, wincing at the pain she could feel. ‘What would he say to me? Would he even want to speak to me after what happened?’

After a few minutes of walking down corridors, exchanging pleasant greetings to other ponies, the pair finally made their way down another corridor, this one with darkened windows that kept the sunlight out, turning the passageway into an eery place that kept Fluttershy on the tips of her hooves. “Whe-where are we?” she asked.

“A place that so few of the servants that work and live in this castle are allowed to go,” Celestia replied cryptically, glancing over her shoulder to her. She looked ahead once more, the sound of their hoofsteps and Fluttershy’s heavy breathing the only thing that could be heard.

Eventually, the end of the corridor was in sight, and Fluttershy squinted her eyes to have a better look. Her eyes widened when she could make out the small door at the far end, with black hexagonal shapes covering the bottom half of the door, and an image of a golden alicorn with stretched out wings, rearing defiantly against an imaginary foe.

The Princess flicked her head towards the door, her horn glowing with light for a brief moment. As on command, the door slowly swung open, creaking with age. Celestia and Fluttershy walked in one after the other, the former looking ahead of her while the latter was looking around for any sign of how to see her father.

She was disappointed, to say the least, when she saw that the only thing in the small, windowless hall was a large, oval shaped mirror. “So, how can I see my father?” Fluttershy asked, not bothering to hide the disappointment she could feel in her from her voice.

Celestia indicated the mirror with her head. “With that,” she answered.

“But it’s just a mirror?”

Celestia shook her head, chuckling. “No, Fluttershy. That is the Mirror of the Dead. It is an ancient and powerful magic piece that is as old as Equestria itself, formed from a great anomaly that to this day ponies cannot understand. It gives ponies the ability to see the ones that have left this world and moved on to the next one for four minutes only, and to see that they are doing all right in Paradise. To give them, and those left behind, a sense of peace.”

Fluttershy looked at Celestia for a moment in surprise, then back to the mirror with a growing amount of dread. To think that, all this time, the legends concerning the next realm were true, and that everypony’s spirits would make their way there when the bodies in Terra would wither and die. So what would her father look like on the other side? Would it be just a reflection of what he looked like when he died, or would he look younger, or older, or just as he did before he received the wounds that killed him?

Fluttershy took a step back, shaking her head. “I don’t think I can do this.”

Celestia looked at her with a comforting smile. “What makes you think that?”

“I just… I just don’t know what to expect if I go there. Is it… is it scary, on the other side?”

The Princess chuckled, shaking her head vigorously. “Oh no. Paradise is the most beautiful place to ever be created by magic. I would tell you, but I think it would be better if you see it for yourself.” Celestia gave her a little nudge forward. “Now all you do is walk up to it and tell it who you want to see, then let the ancient magic inside it to do the rest. It is perfectly safe, just don’t break the glass,” Celestia turned to leave. “I’ll just be outside this door. Call me when you’re done.”

Fluttershy nodded nervously, and let Celestia leave the hall, the Princess looking back at her with a smile telling her to be brave. Once the door had closed behind Celestia, Fluttershy took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in her throat, before trotting forward towards the mirror, her mind churning out a thousand thoughts at once.

As soon she was close enough to see her own reflection, she stared at herself for a moment. She tilted her head to the left a little to stare at the scar that now rested under her eye and down her nose. To her, the scar – as well as the one along her back – made her feel a lot older than she was, more like thirty than twenty, and a lot wiser about the world and less innocent.

“Um… hello,” she said to the mirror. The mirror didn’t reply. “If it’s okay with you, I would like to see my father, Firewing.” Her eyes widened in sudden realisation, and hastily added, “And my mother, Rosemary. If possible, please?” She looked back into the mirror, expecting to see her mother and father staring back at her with smiles, but saw nothing. After a moment of nothing happening, it became clear that it wasn’t working. ‘I guess they wouldn’t want to talk to me, after all.’ With a sad sigh, she began to turn around to leave.

She stopped suddenly when she heard something akin to soup getting too hot in the pan, and turned around to see the glass on the mirror form into a liquid that shot out of the mirror and straight towards her. Fluttershy didn’t have time to scream as the liquid encased her in a dome like shape, swirling like a tornado around her.

Fluttershy charged at the liquid, hoping she would break through. She squeaked in surprise as she felt herself pushed back into the centre, falling onto her rump. She stared in horror at the swirling mass, before prostrating herself onto the ground and covered her head with her hooves, shaking in fright.

She closed her eyes and prepared for whatever was about to happen to her.

Suddenly, silence fell. After a moment of nothing but tranquillity, Fluttershy lifted a hoof from her face and popped an eye open. Her mouth slowly fell open in shock, the air in her lungs leaving her at the sight before her. ‘This… this is Paradise,’ she thought incredulously.

It was the sea, a sky blue sea as calm as a windless day, with not even waves lapping against the shore, while she was standing on a beautiful sandy beach that stretched as far back as the eye can see. She slowly got up and looked around. The sky, rather than a natural blue, was a dazzling orange, like the colour of the sunset, and not a single cloud was in sight. The grass that ran along the edges of the beach was tall, easily able to run up to the top of her legs, and was a bright green.

Fluttershy’s head spun rapidly around, her mind unable to process what she was seeing. “This… this cannot be real,” she whispered, starting to spin in place with a fallen jaw and wide eyes. She quickly raised a leg and nipped at her coat, feeling a sharp sting form from the leg and make its way to her mind. “Okay, this is real. Totally real,” she stated. She looked around for any sign of her father – and her mother – but her ears flattened when she couldn’t see any of them. “I guess I better go looking for him.”

Fluttershy set off to get off this beach and find her father, but stopped when she felt her nose touch something like glass. She fell back onto her haunches and worked her way with her hooves around her, and discovered to her horror that she was trapped in a dome shaped glass casing. “Help!” she cried. “Somepony, help me I’m trapped!” Seeing nopony around to help her, she raised a hoof to smash the glass down.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Fluttershy froze in shock as her ears received that voice. Her mind tried to tell her that she had heard it in her head, yet her heart told her that she had really heard it. And she believed in her heart. She lowered her hoof and slowly turned around to find that, standing behind her with a bright smile, was her father.

“Dad!” she cried, a wide smile spreading across her face. She raised a hoof again to try to smash the glass. “Help me break out of this.”

Firewing shook his head, his eyes sad. “You shouldn’t, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened and her smile instantly disappeared, revealing her devastation. “What do you mean I shouldn’t? Can’t I give you a hug? I miss our hugs.”

Firewing began to walk closer, his ears flat against his head. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy. If you do, the barrier between this world and the living world will collapse, the tear will spread, and the dead will pour through to the other side,” he explained. He stopped but a few inches from the shield, and stared at her. “Believe me when I say that only bad things will follow if that ever happens.”

Fluttershy’s ears fell flat and she slumped. “So, I can only say goodbye?”

Firewing nodded, and smiled. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

Fluttershy bowed her head, and after a moment to let her father’s words sink in, nodded. “Yes. But I would prefer a hug and a goodbye.” Fluttershy looked back up again, gave her father a small sad smile, and then looked around her. “Where are we?”

“On a beach,” Firewing replied cheekily.

Fluttershy looked at him as if he had told the worst joke in the world. “Okay, but where is this beach?”

Firewing gestured with a leg to the land around him. “This is the next realm, my dear,” Firewing replied. “Paradise, Elysium, Valhalla, The Endless Desert, take your pick, it is all the same place. The one every one and everything goes to after they die in the first world. A land that’s more beautiful and more peaceful than Terra.”

Fluttershy looked back at her father with wide, curious eyes. “So, Thowra would be here, and Heimdallr, too?”

Firewing nodded. “Yes, my child. Everyone and everything that has ever lived or will live will eventually come here and live in peace.” He smiled widely, giving Fluttershy a better chance to look at him. He looked slightly younger than when she had met him, and there were no signs of his wounds he had suffered at the claws of Heimdallr, which Fluttershy was thankful for.

Fluttershy smiled, and placed her forehooves against the dome. “I did it, dad. I defeated Heimdallr.”

“I know you did, my child. I always knew you would,” Firewing said, beaming at his daughter. “I always knew you would be the one that would save us all.”

Fluttershy shook her head in disagreement. “I didn’t save you, though. I could have saved you, and instead I let you die, and for that I’m sorry,” she said sadly, bowing her head in shame.

“Lift your head up for me, please? I can’t do it myself,” Firewing requested with a chuckle. Fluttershy lifted her head up and saw his bright smile. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Fluttershy.” This time, it was his turn to bow his head. “If anything, I should be sorry. You couldn’t have done anything to prevent my death in that world. Only I could have, but I failed to act when I should have, and for that I am sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

The pegasus didn’t need time to think about it. “Of course I can,” Fluttershy replied. She was now on the verge of tears. She sobbed quietly and wiped her face with a hoof. “Goodness, I can’t think of what to say,” she said with a laugh. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since Celestia told me, and now it’s all gone.”

Firewing laughed too. The two fell silent for a moment, looking into each other’s eyes, longing to hold and comfort the other. “What will you do now?” Firewing asked.

Fluttershy shrugged. “Start again, I suppose. Try and continue doing what I did before my life turned upside down. It’ll be hard, but with my friends by my side I know I can do it. I think I can take a small comfort knowing that my adventure is over.”

Firewing cocked his head to the side. “Over?” He chuckled. “Oh, my dear Fluttershy, you adventure is not over. Far from it in fact.” Fluttershy tilted her head in confusion. “Our lives are one big adventure. The roads we take and the decisions we make affect us in our daily lives. We can go one way and something will happen, then the next day we can go the same way and something different will occur. The same principle applies for when we go on a journey.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she understood what her father said, and slowly nodded in agreement. “You’re right, dad. Our lives are one big adventure, and I’m going to live my life like one. In your memory, and my mother’s.”

Firewing’s eyes widened in remembrance. “Oh, that reminds me. I guess the Mirror heard your request and answered, for there’s somepony who wants to talk to you.” He indicated with his head to look behind her.

Fluttershy slowly turned around, and gasped when she saw a grey pegasus with a blue mane and tail similar in her own style, staring at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. “Mum?” she squeaked, the tears in her eyes now starting to run like waterfalls at the sight of her mother. “Mummy?”

Rosemary walked up to the glass until her nose pressed against it, her eyes never leaving Fluttershy’s. Fluttershy leaned closer and did the same, tears still streaming down her face. “My girl,” her mother whispered in awe. “My sweet little angel.” Rosemary slowly placed a hoof on the dome where Fluttershy’s cheek was resting. “Oh, haven’t you grown,” she said with a wide smile. She pulled her hoof away. “What a wonderful mare you have become.”

Fluttershy grinned, even as tears of joy cascaded down her face. “Hello,” she sobbed. “I’ve always wanted to say that.” She reached a hoof up to the glass where her mum’s cheek was, whimpering to herself about how close but how far she was from her mother. “I wish I could hug you, mum. I really do.”

“Oh you will, my dear. But not yet,” Rosemary replied. Fluttershy knew what she meant by that – one day it would be her turn to leave Terra behind and come to this realm.

Suddenly the dome started to fade out. Fluttershy looked down at her hooves, and saw to her alarm that she too was fading. “No, please! I don’t want to go yet!” she cried into the air, hoping greater powers could hear her and stop it.

“Fluttershy,” Firewing said. He walked up to his wife and placed a hoof across her shoulders. “Before you go, we just want you to know that what you have done, and whatever you are going to do, we are so proud of you.”

“And we will be watching you, my darling,” Rosemary added, tears brimming across her eyes. “Now and for always.”

Fluttershy relaxed and pressed her hooves back up against the dome, a wide smile across her face, even as tears continued to flow down her cheeks. “Goodbye, mum. Goodbye, dad. Love you both,” Fluttershy sobbed. “I love you both so much.”

The two smiled blissfully at their daughter. “Goodbye for now, my dear,” Firewing said, tears of pride forming in his eyes. “Now go and live your life. Go on your adventure.”

“Don’t forget!” Rosemary called as Fluttershy’s body started to fade. “We’ll be watching over you! And we love you!”

“I love you too!” Fluttershy waved a hoof at them as they disappeared. She blinked, and when she opened her eyes again, she found herself staring at the mirror once more, in the great hall in Canterlot. At that, the tears began to run freely once more, and she buried her face behind her hooves. “Princess!” Fluttershy called, before breaking down into sobs.

Celestia kicked the door open and raced to the pegasus’ side. Before she even made it half way, Fluttershy spun around, galloped over, then leapt onto her and wrapped her forelegs around the Princess’s neck in a tight hug. “Thank you, Princess. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Fluttershy sobbed, tears of joy running down her face.

Once she got over the shock of being hugged, Celestia smiled and wrapped a hoof around the mare. “You are most welcome, Fluttershy. And please, from now on call me Celestia. This goes to Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Spike also. You seven deserve that much.”

Fluttershy kept hold of Celestia for a long time, yet the Princess said nothing to make her let go. Tears ran freely down her face, but a wide grin was across her lips as she remembered the last moment she saw her mother and father. Standing together, with loving smiles and in each other’s embrace.

Her parents were at peace. And now, so was she.

Fluttershy breathed a quiet sigh of relief as she jumped down the stairs of the station and started the short walk towards Twilight’s home, which she could just make out in the darkness. ‘Oh, I hope Twilight is awake tonight,’ she thought, hoping that tonight would be the unicorn’s night of studying until dawn. ‘I have to tell at least one of my friends what I have seen.’

The remaining time she had spent with the Princess was saying sorry about losing the bracelet, which Celestia was not bothered about, and generally just talking about anything, from the many creatures that make up the land, to their day to day lives. Even Philomena came for a visit, which lifted Fluttershy’s spirits greatly. As the sun started to set Fluttershy decided to head for home. She parted from Celestia as a good and welcome friend.

Fluttershy chuckled as she remembered Celestia’s final wave of goodbye from the station as the last train to Ponyville left, and breathed in the cold night air. She looked up and saw the sky was covered with bright stars, each one reminding her of her parent’s promise. ‘They are watching over me from the heavens,’ she thought, smiling widely at the sight. ‘May the Zodiacs watch over them, too.’

She was freed of her thoughts when she found herself at the front door of the library, and quickly glanced through the windows. Seeing no light coming from within, she prepared herself to turn around and head for home, but stopped when she noticed a small note just above the door knob.

Not in. Please come back tomorrow.

“Hmm. Well that’s odd,” Fluttershy tilted her head to the side. “I wonder where she is?” She pondered for a moment. “Ah ha! She’s probably at Sugarcube Corner for one of Pinkie’s parties.” The earth pony had been hosting more and more parties since returning, even for when there wasn’t any need for one.

She spun away and galloped over to Sugarcube Corner. She soon had to slow down when her leg started playing up once more, which she felt annoyed about, but she ignored it and carried on.

She soon made it to the bakery, only to find when she got there that it was locked and empty. “Okay, that is weird. Pinkie usually has a party going. Where is everypony?” She tapped her chin in thought. “I’ll try Rarity’s. She’s usually up this late.” She made her way to Rarity’s, and found that it was shut, too. She then went to Rainbow’s and again to her disappointment, nopony was home.

Then finally, when she had exhausted all other options, she went to Sweet Apple Acres, only to find Big Macintosh sitting outside the family house and listening to the evening birds singing their farewell songs. “Evening, Big Macintosh,” she greeted the large earth pony with a nod. Big Mac replied with a nod of his own. “Is Applejack in?”

“Nope,” Big Mac replied with a shake of his head.

“Oh.” Fluttershy’s ears fell flat. “Do you know where she is?”

Big Mac pondered for a moment, and then replied. “Nope. Sorry, Miss Fluttershy.”

“Oh that’s okay. Goodnight, Big Macintosh,” she said, and then trotted out of Sweet Apple Acres.

The butterflies in her stomach began to go wild once more as she started to worry about her friends. “Where are they all?” she wondered aloud. “Okay, if none of them appear tomorrow, I’ll go out and look for them.”

She crested the small hill and saw her cottage standing peacefully on the small hill. She was halfway across the bridge when she stopped and her ears picked up the sound of whispers, recognisable whispers of a certain pegasus, in her cottage.

“Do you know how long we have to wait now?”

“She shouldn’t be much longer,” another voice came in, again recognisable as Twilight’s.

“You said that about two hours ago,” another voice retorted, which was recognisable as Spike’s.

“Two hours isn’t that long ago, Spike,” Twilight countered. “You can’t get a lot done in two hours.”

“Only you can say that, Twi,” Rainbow Dash said flatly, earning a giggle from the Dragonlord.

“I hope she gets back from Canterlot soon. I’m getting tired and need my beauty sleep,” said another distinctive voice, making Fluttershy giggle.

A gasp suddenly followed. “What if she got lost!”

A great silence fell for a moment. “Pinkie, how on Terra can Fluttershy get lost? She probably knows Ponyville better than I do!” Twilight said.

“Well, Applejack got lost that one time,” Pinkie argued.

“I didn’t get lost, Pinkie. I intended to go to Dodge Junction.”

“You keep saying that, Applejack. You keep saying that.”

She walked over the bridge and made it for the door. “Oh here she comes, everypony be quiet,” Pinkie said.

“No pony’s talking, Pinkie,” Applejack whispered. “Just you.”

‘Okay, try to sound and look surprised,’ Fluttershy thought. She turned the knob on the door and opened it. She walked in and flicked on the light.

“Surprise!” Twilight, Spike, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity exclaimed, throwing their hooves and claws into the air.

“Surprise!” Pinkie came in last, jumping out from behind the sofa. “Oh, shoot I did it again.”

Fluttershy let out a surprised squeak and jumped a few feet in the air when she saw Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Rainbow sitting around her living room floor, with sleeping bags all over the floor, each with the owner’s cutie mark across it, and decorations on the ceiling and a table full of treats by the stairs. “Oh my, you startled me, everypony,” she said, going a little bit dramatic. “What are you all doing here?”

“Well we wanted to thank ya for helping us out these past two months,” Applejack replied. “So we all decided we should have a little sleepover with ya for the night.”

“And we wanted to talk to you about something,” Rarity added. All eyes came on her. “Fluttershy, you know that you said you can’t have children?” Fluttershy, with her ears falling flat, nodded. “Well, we have all been talking…”

“Which, coming from Rarity, was very dangerous,” Rainbow said jokily.

Rarity glared at Rainbow, while the others were trying to control themselves from laughing. “Well anyway, we were talking, and we all decided that, in case anything happens to us, and we have had children…” Rarity paused. “Well, we would like you to be our godmother.”

“And our families’ guardian,” Twilight added, smiling.

Fluttershy’s jaw dropped. She stared at each of her friends, who all had small but fearful smiles on their faces. “You would want me… to look after your…”

The five ponies nodded nervously. “We know it’s a bit forward thinking. But we know if we have children, and something happens to one of us, we’ll feel better knowing our children would be in good hooves,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, the way you handle animals is brilliant, and the way you handle the Cutie Mark Crusaders is amazing. I know if I have any kids, they would grow up to be just as awesome as me with you cheering them on,” Rainbow said.

Fluttershy’s jaw was working, but she couldn’t say anything for a long time. Tears began to well up in her eyes, but not out of sorrow, as the ponies in the room began to suspect, but out of joy. Even though they don’t have lovers or children, they were making her part of their future families – they were becoming a family.

Before anyone knew what was happening, Fluttershy stretched out her forelegs and brought them all in a hug. “You girls are the best friends a mare could ask for,” she beamed. Behind them, Spike gagged and rolled his eyes.

The five ponies breathed a sigh of relief, glad that it worked. “It’s what friends are for,” Pinkie said. “To help make you smile.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Oh, but you’re not my friends. Not anymore.” She hugged them all tighter. “You are my family. You always have, and always will be.”

“Awwww,” the five ponies cooed, before returning the hug. Angel came out of his hutch, took one look at the six mares, and made a gagging motion with his mouth. He looked to Spike and gestured with his head to the back garden. Spike nodded, and together the pair quickly stormed out of the cottage and into the garden.

The six ponies took no notice of the pair leaving, but merely separated from each other and looked at one another for a moment, smiling beatifically. Fluttershy was right; they seemed less like friends now and more of a family since they started hanging out with each other.

A family that could never be split apart.

“Well, sappy moments over. Ain’t we here to have fun?” Rainbow asked. The others cheered and nodded, and so the slumber party began.

For the next two hours, they entertained themselves with stories, some about love, some about adventure and great dangers, but they were all about friendship and family. When it was Fluttershy’s turn, she told them about what happened with Princess Celestia and how she met her father and mother one last time. By the end, all of them – even Spike and Angel, who secretly sneaked in – were wiping their eyes from the tears that were falling. Once they had composed themselves, they played games, sang songs, told terrible jokes and puns, until it had gone past midnight.

Twilight let out a long yawn, then looked at the time. “Well, I’m pooped. I think it’s time we called it a night.” The others agreed reluctantly. “Oh, one last thing. Who wants to go to the beach tomorrow?”

They all nodded with beaming smiles. “Brilliant, see you all in the morning. Goodnight,” Twilight said. She tucked herself into her sleeping bag and after a minute, fell asleep.

“Thank you by the way, everypony,” Fluttershy said, watching as everyone settled into their sleeping bags. “For a great evening.”

“You are most welcome,” Applejack said. “Goodnight, sugarcube. Goodnight, everypony.” A chorus of goodnights played out from the group, followed swiftly by snores as Rainbow, Rarity, Spike, Pinkie and Applejack fell asleep one by one, leaving Fluttershy and Angel awake.

A godmother! She couldn’t believe it! She giggled and jogged on the spot in excitement, then picked up Angel and hugged him tight; the rabbit smiled and returned the hug. “Oh, I am so happy,” she whispered, nuzzling the little bunny. She let Angel go, watched him scurry off to his hutch, and then began wondering who would be the first to have a child that she could help raise. ‘Oh don’t worry about that yet,’ she thought. ‘First of all enjoy your life with them.’

She took to the air and floated silently to her couch, where she could sleep for the night, next to her family. She laid down onto her belly, tucked her legs under her stomach and looked at each of the sleeping ponies that made up her family. “Love you girls,” she whispered. “I love you all so much. Goodnight.” She rested her head on the couch, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

As her mind pulled her into the first peaceful dreams she had had in months, her father’s words played back to her, giving her a reason to smile.

Another adventure was over. Tomorrow, another will begin.

The End

After word: A few months back, I had an image that ran through my head. An image of Fluttershy being consumed by dragon fire, only to emerge unscathed, with a new language and a stronger backbone (she’s got a strong backbone already; it just needs to be a little stronger). That idea was eventually changed to the one that was written down and I never would have thought that it would evolve into this!

This was eventually written to see if I had what it takes to write a story. Whether or not I have succeeded is down to you, the reader, who I have to thank for coming this far.

I would also like to thank the following people for their editing, advice and translations. Without them, this story would be a lot worse.

Phatompony for editing chapter’s one, thirteen and fourteen.

Toolkit for chapter two.

Musicluvr1974 for chapter three.

The Danish Adonis for chapter four.

Bujin for looking through this entire story in its second and final version.

And Andmos for the translation through all the chapters with Norwegian in it, without whom this whole story would’ve been done in plain English.

I hope you all enjoyed it, and maybe this won’t be the last we hear of Fluttershy the Dragonlord…

Author's Note:

And that's that; done and dusted... or is it...

If you want, you can say it's finished and leave it at that, or if curiosity gets the better of you, then go to the next page to see a small preview (which may vary in the final version) of the next story.

Thanks again for staying this far, and it's been a pleasure passing this on to an amazing group of people.


Edit: This is the second and final version of the epilogue, which has been looked through, re-written in places, then edited by my friend Bujin, who I have to thank for helping me with this. This is but the first chapter. The entire story will be revised and re-written in places to make it smoother to read for everyone. I hope you find this version of the chapter enjoyable.