• Published 8th Jan 2012
  • 11,441 Views, 882 Comments

Last of the Dragonlords - Fluttershy20

Fluttershy sets out in search of answers after a dragon attack left her changed.

  • ...

Two Years Later...

Traitors. Everywhere she seemed to look there were traitors. And the news she received from across Equestria only seemed to strengthen this thought. Hoofington, Trottingham, Baltimare, and Vanhoover were rioting violently. Las Pegasus was separating itself from the rest of the country, as was Appleloosa and Dodge Junction and the other towns that rested in the deserts, forming a new country, a republic they called themselves. They were traitors, traitors all. And now her beloved sister and niece were among them.

“Princess Celestia.” Celestia turned from the window to look at her captain of the royal guard. “The squad I sent to Ponyville to search for them have returned. Not a trace has been found. If they were ever there, they’ve long gone.”

Celestia walked to down the steps to tower over the smaller unicorn. “Have you searched the Everfree forest?” she asked.

“Um… n-no, your majesty,” he replied.

“And why not?”

The coldness in Celestia’s voice made the captain’s coat stand on end. “Because… because…”

“Because you are too scared to, that’s why!” Celestia snapped. She turned away. “It doesn’t matter. You and the royal guard would create a scene, and possibly destroy half of Equestria with your carelessness. You’ll be re-deployed to keep the peace in the loyal towns and cities of the country. I will send someone with better skills than you to hunt them down. Now get out.”

The captain bowed his head and walked quickly out of the throne room, shutting the door quietly behind him. With him gone, Celestia turned to look at her student and her friends. “And what of you, Twilight Sparkle? Are you and your friends with me?”

Twilight stepped forward, her head held high and proud. “You know I am always with you, Princess.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash hovered up to fly beside her. “You know you can count on us for anything. Right girls?” She looked back at her friends.

“For Equestria!” they shouted in unison, stomping the ground with a hoof and their heads high and proud.

Celestia smiled. “Why did I even doubt you?” She walked up to the throne and sat on it. “Then I will give you and your freinds this task. Do you all think you can handle it?”

“We’ll get them back for you, Celestia,” Applejack said. “In stone or in body-bags.”

“Preferably in stone, Applejack. But thank you for your devotion.” Celestia powered up her horn to glow its bright golden colour, and soon the blue case containing the Elements of Harmony appeared in front of the ponies.

“With the Elements of Harmony,” Celestia commanded, “I task you to hunt down the traitors Princess Luna Nocturnus Solaris, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Spike the dragon, and Fluttershy Firewing, the Dragonlord.”

Next autumn…

A Good Mare Goes To War

Author's Note:

This is just a rough version of the start of the story, but also one of the most important parts.

Why is Equestria splitting apart? Why is Cadence, Luna, Spike and Fluttershy now wanted? Why those Fluttershy loved most are now after her? What great evil is causing this nightmare? These and many more questions will be revealed and answered once the story has begun.

Stay tuned.

Comments ( 250 )

Two words, WHAT? WHAT?

That's all I have to say about this. You left the last story beautifully wrapped up and I loved it just as much as I loved the entire story from beginning to end, but I honestly can't wait to see this sequel written either. So many questions, so little text.

Dude this sequel already sounds amazing. Continue with this I have definitely enjoyed your entire story from beginning to end and I salute your writing ability. :yay::yay::yay:

1876758 That's the reaction I wanted. You have to wait and find out, I'm afraid.

1876706 Yep, feel the feels; ALL the feels! :pinkiecrazy:

1876779 I feel like you rushed this bit into here.

1876779 Now you better hurry up with that sequel, ya got that?:ajbemused:

I mean, if it isn't too much trouble...dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Fluttershy.png

So, Celestia is acting hostile and sees everyone as a potential traitor.

I'm calling it: She's unde the Nightmare's control.

Also, it's Mi Amora Cadenza, not Mia Mora Cadenza.:facehoof:

1876854 I've started it, but it will be a while until I can decide what scenes knit together etc, but I'm looking forward to writing it.

1876868 Um no, not Nightmare Moon; A completely new villian is the culprit, and that's all.

Also, I swore I read somewhere it was Mia Mora Cadenza.

Edit: Oh, you were right, my mistake.

I can't even think straight. What is happening right now? I want answered GD, right now! Also, looking forward to read the next story when it is ready. Until then, see yea.

1877261 Yeah, but since it was a single word and one I knew I thought I wouldn't bother you.

But thanks to the sequel there should be more in the future, but keep in touch. :pinkiehappy:

1877281 Yes, I wanted a complete WTF reaction from that, and so far the results are looking good. *puts on evil moustache* hahahaha

All will be revealed in Last of the Dragonlords: A Good Mare Goes To War.

Ah, What A sight, the story I have followed from begging to end being completed.
But theres more, always is.
I will continue to wait for you,
Your Loyal watcher

You've captured my interest... CAN'T WAIT!:pinkiehappy:


Next autumn…

Does this mean that we have to wait almost a year for this?

It said Twilight and her friends so is Fluttershy not there friend any more?If so they can't use the Elements if Fluttershy is not there friend, and you can't use the Elements against a bearer.

Waitwaitwaitwaitwait... what.

Also, next autumn Northern hemisphere, or Southern Hemisphere? Because if it's Southern hemisphere... Only have to wait 'till March.

What 1877515 said. Elements won't work.

Also, Luna's full name basically means Moon Night Sun? That's Mario Mario and Luigi Mario all over again.

And Spike doesn't get a last name? Or anything other than Spike? Not even Spike Sparkle?

Now, don't take me for hating this, I'm just pointing out a couple of things and being overly picky. These aren't really critisisms either, so don't worry. I can NOT wait for the sequal.

1876883 I was talking about what turned Luna into Nightmare Moon, but you say that it's something else?


Also, you plan to have Luna be fighting against Celestia, Cadance against Shining Armor, Spike against Twilight, and Fluttershy against Rarity AND Rainbow Dash? Sounds like A Good Mare Goes To War will be meant to hit our feels HARD!!! Well, here's my response:


Epic showdown. :pinkiehappy: Can't wait for this.

What..... The fuck just happened

Sooooooo.......did Fluttershy and Luna release the dead? Are the dead walking to Michel Jackson's Thriller?
That's all I have right now.

Oh my god.... I don't know how to feel about this.

more or less like this though.

The showdown has begun.

That sounds like an adventure where I will gladly follow.

You have my sword.

What did Luna do this time:facehoof:

cant wait its going to awesome i just know it:rainbowkiss:


Sovngarde awaits for all

if this was a series that would be one of the tracks for it

1877403 It was fun while it lasted, but other stories to do and a sequel to write, see you then.

1877431 I hope you enjoy what I have planned. :pinkiehappy:

1877431 I hope you can, for it will be a while.

1877496 Thank you for enjoying this story, and no you probably won't have to wait till autumn.

1877515 That is true, but not what I have in mind. It will be covered, I promise you.

1877689 Well since Luna and Celestia are sister, it would be reasonable they have the same surname, and Spike I couldn't think of a surname, but Sparkle could probably work.

1877896 Indeed, something just as ancient and mad.

1877941 Wow, I wouldn't compare this to one of those, never in a million years (I've read Broken Spirit and I loved it's ending, and a bit of Past Sins) but thanks so much for that.

1877918 Enjoy them, they are good. And thanks for reading.

1877976 There will be, I have it in my mind and I hope it will be.

1879201 A lot

1879326 :rainbowlaugh: That would be funny, but no Fluttershy and Luna are innocent of this.

1879663 An EPIC piece of music right there, good sir.

1880080 Cool, could I have a bow, and an axe as well just to complete the set? :pinkiehappy:

1880466 It's a plan to be a series, and you will have to find out what Luna did (and Cadence and Spike and Fluttershy).

1880583 I completely understand. Forgive the grammar for it was my first story after all (yeah I probably started a bit big and ambitious but hey I loved it) Thank you for noticing anyway :twilightsmile:

It is a pity that no one who has given his commentary after me has joined on it.

Dafuq did I just read? Nocturnus Solaris? Fluttershy and Spike in a rebellion? wat. WAT. WAT. WAT. WAT. WAT.

1880743 an epic piece for an epic situation and an epic author. :raritywink:

1881193 A lot just happened. Find out what in less than a years time.

1881610 Thanks so much.

One battle axe, at your service.

1881813 Excellent, thank you, good sir, now we a need a bow and we would have three of the fellowship of the ring.

So wheres the crazy, but very smart old wizard?

1882839 A Grammar Nazi General, for your information.:twilightsmile:

1881966 Ummm, probably fighting a big demon from the ancient world, a foe beyond any of us.

....................yeah probably. Any bows yet?

1885890 No not yet, but maybe the next one :pinkiecrazy:



1885951 ah well. Maybe next time.

Very nicely made. It was deep, it had its sad moments and its happy ones, and it was well made. I like it.

1886080 Reading that with a Dalek voice going in my head is quite creepy.

1886541 Thank you, I consider it quite a sucess despite the grammar mistakes, rocky start, lull in updates etc. But it's gone down better than I thought it would, so thanks for reading it.

please answer why Luna ,Spike , Fluttershy and Cadence are wanted

And how the elements are going to work with out Fluttershy , cuz when Disord was back Rainbow Dash wasn't there and they didn't work:rainbowhuh:

but other than that great story:raritystarry:
How do you come up with such good stuff?

WAIT AN APPLE-BUCKING SECOND!! Fluttershy is a traitor?!?!?!?!? And Princesses Luna and Cadence? And Spike? What the buck!? And I hope you don't mean Next autumn real-time...I don't think I can wait that long.

1887534 I remember something that happens in the series: if Luna was a bearer of the elements (cause it's implied when they froze Discord in stone) how does Celestia use the elements against Luna when she becomes Nightmare Moon? The answer is what I believe happens. And Fluttershy, Luna, Spike and Cadance being wanted are all part of a master plan, but I won't say any more, or I'll spoil what happens.
Thanks for enjoying the story.

1889398 I promise it won't be that long.

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