• Published 16th Apr 2013
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Last of the Dragonlords: A Good Mare Goes To War Part 1: The Passing of Harmony - Fluttershy20

Fluttershy is forced to take up arms once again after something tears Equestria apart.

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Chapter 14

The Equus-steppes was certainly the largest plain Fluttershy had ever laid her eyes upon, for that she was certain as she gazed at everything from the path that snaked out in front, right up to the horizon miles in front. Though it was technically a tundra, the wide expanse of open yet lively land still made the young Dragonlord feel like an ant. ‘It certainly dwarfs any land in Horsca, and even at home.’

Everywhere she looked were vast, relatively flat plains filled with tall, brownish-green grass, and incredibly dulled but beautiful flowers that gave this piece of Equestria life. Small, weirdly shaped and sharp-edged lakes and ponds were sparse around the plain as well, connected by thin streams filled with fresh, running water. One of the pools she saw had a single willow tree next to it, looking sad and alone, with its roots slithering into the lake like a snake to drink. It was wide and solitary, but every thing Fluttershy saw gave the Equus-steppes the reason it was named as such. ‘So many things can live here, yet nothing can truly thrive out here,’ she thought.

To Fluttershy’s left, in the far distance, the jagged peaks of the Crystal Mountains dominated the northern skyline, lining up like a wall stretching across the border. It was as though giants had constructed them to guard Equestria from whatever made the far north its domain. Even from afar, they shone a bright blue like crystals which, Fluttershy imagined, heralded the ponies that had discovered them to give them the very name.

To her right were the vast hills and mountains that made up the Unicorn Range. While the Crystal Mountains looked safe and promising, the Unicorn Range, to her mind, looked twisted and evil. At that moment, even as she was looking at those hills with tired eyes, dark storm clouds gathered over its head, swirling like a vortex ready to pull it from the ground and swallow it whole.

Certainly, it was a place ponies everywhere needed to avoid from now on, especially with daimons running amok across the Range.

Fluttershy shuddered violently for a second and stopped as she remembered the fight and flight against those monsters they had fled from the day before. Did they really fight daimons, the predators and prowlers of Tartarus? Luna seemed to think they did, and that worried and confused her. ‘How does Luna know what they were, and why does she look so afraid?’

She looked to Luna, who was ahead of her, head hung low and her eyes focused on the path in deep thought, and caught a glimpse of her eyes. They showed fear and dread; a terrible fear worse than the darkest nightmare that could be dreamt by a pony’s mind. The fear in Luna’s eyes made Fluttershy want to run up to her, ask her what was wrong, and then hug her and stroke her aluminous mane comfortingly, whispering that everything will be all right now.

However, a nagging voice in her ears told her not to. It told her that no words she could ever say would make things better, for any words coming from her would only sound false. Only the comforting words of someone like a sibling would help Luna, for it looked as though a wound had been opened once more – one that was thought to have been closed for good.

Instead of a hug and a talk, however, she went for a different option. She cantered along the road till she was beside the taller pony, and nuzzled her neck. Luna’s eyes widened in surprise, and she shot her head up and looked at the pegasus. “What was that for, dear Fluttershy?”

“You looked like you needed a nuzzle,” Fluttershy replied softly. She inched a little closer to the Princess, gazing up at her with kind eyes. “Do you want to talk about it? You might feel better if you did.”

Luna inched her head towards the Crystal Mountains and clenched her eyes shut as though Fluttershy physically struck her, prompting the pegasus to slow her pace, hesitant as to what Luna would do next. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy, but there’s nothing for me to tell you. I’m fine,” she stated delicately, and briskly trotted ahead, leaving the Dragonlord in her dust cloud.

‘No, Luna, you’re not fine,’ she wanted to say, yet could only conjure the words in her head. Fluttershy sighed sadly, her ears falling flat in sorrow for the former Princess. It was obvious to her that the daimon attack had left Luna in a less than secure state. ‘Why won’t she share such a burden with me?’ she wondered. Fluttershy only wanted to help her, and get her through what seemed to be a hard time.

She briefly glanced back at the rest of her party, and sighed sadly. All of them appeared to be in the same spirit as Luna: tired, broken, and scared. She couldn’t help but feel the same, but such thoughts had to be thrown to one side; they needed a rallying point, and if she had to be the banner to rally them together and give them the will to carry on to the end, then she would force herself into doing it, for the good of them all.

Fluttershy looked ahead again, unsure of what to do, and continued walking. ‘You should have said something this morning,’ she scolded herself.

Fluttershy had spent most of the night after her talk with Luna and Cadence between asleep and wide awake, frightened out of her life. Her dreams were constantly invaded by the daimons and their vicious teeth and weapons constantly slashing and charging at her, screaming for her death. And every time she woke, she felt sweat run down the side of her neck and down her chest and back. She spent a quarter of an hour awake and shivering with fear before trying to fall asleep again.

Then the cycle would repeat itself once more.

Giving up sleeping, she looked to see how Cadence, Trixie and Spike was, and felt her heart snap once again. Her friends were in the midst of the same terrible nightmares she herself suffered, their restless bodies rocking and rolling about and their murmurs of fear. Fluttershy could not bear to watch them like that, so she got up, removed her wing blades, and then walked over to them. Spreading her wings, she set herself down between them with her wings spread over them, pulling them into a cuddle. After that, the three gradually drifted off to a more decent slumber, while Fluttershy looked to the stars and stood watch over her friends like a shepherd watching her flock.

The next morning, before the moon fell away to give way to the dawn, Luna returned from somewhere to get them up and ready to move once more. Fluttershy could tell from Luna’s gaze towards her that she was surprised the Dragonlord was still awake, but made no mention of it. Instead, all she gave was a small, yet thankful smile, and a curt nod.

After a brief breakfast and a wash in the river, the five companions set off once more. They followed the path heading west, which followed the stream down the hill towards the Equus-steppes. A little later down the hill they found a river which the stream poured into, with a dirt road shaped like a V before them, heading left and right.

“Which way should we go?” Trixie had asked tiredly, gazing at the two directions.

“We follow the current of the river,” Luna answered, staring at the river as it flowed right. “The river is flowing downhill, and so shall we. It should lead us out of the Unicorn Range.”

‘And we can leave it for good,’ Fluttershy finished for Luna, but she dared not say it out loud – she knew everyone else was thinking it, judging from the looks of relief on their tired faces.

The group followed Luna and, as the lunar princess had predicted, they were gazing at the start of the Equus-steppes about an hour later. Fluttershy saw the road wind left and right over the plain, and crossed over a railway line that swerved around the Unicorn Range towards Vanhoover and the other towns and villages that thrived in the west.

When they finally made onto the Equus-steppes, Fluttershy let out a huge breath of relief. In an instant, she felt as though her strides were longer, more energetic, and her spirit didn’t feel so bogged down by fear of a daimon attack. She was free.

That was many hours ago. Now the sun was beginning its slow descent, and after a day of non-stop walking, without any food, Fluttershy wanted nothing more than to rest and have a bite to eat. And the trepidation of a daimon attack kept returning to the forefront of her mind, before being banished to the back once more.

And from the grumbles of her companions, she wasn’t the only one to feel like.

“We can’t stop now,” Luna had said earlier. “We need to find somewhere we can easily hide before we can rest.”

‘Easier for her,’ Fluttershy thought, ‘she can go on for days without food. We’re only mortal.’ She predicted that to pass through the tundra and reach the outskirts of Strutford would take up to two or three days, but with Luna’s long strides threatening to push herself forward and leave her and the others behind, she forced herself to believe it would take less than two.

The Dragonlord looked up at the sun, squinting at its position. The sun was just bouncing off the tops of the Crystal Mountains to the north, beaming its rays onto spots of the tundra around them. ‘We will soon have to make camp for the night,’ she thought. She looked back at the others once more, this time paying close attention to how they were.

Cadence and Trixie seemed better than they were this morning, Fluttershy noted. The Crystal Princess was looking around her surroundings, taking note of the Unicorn Range in the south with dread, before turning her attention to the Crystal Mountains. That time, Fluttershy saw no dread in her eyes. She saw a longing for a lost home, and a heartache for a lost husband. Trixie was better, but also not entirely happy. Her eyes were cast on the ground, a look of guilt across her face.

Spike on the other hoof was totally silent, with not even a faint whisper of breath leaving his lips. Fluttershy’s ears dropped for him, for she knew the pain he was in – one she had felt for a long time. He was taking it very hard, as was evident in his eyes, prompting Fluttershy to curse herself for not knowing the right words to say. Yet she knew he should be proud as well. If he had done nothing and let the daimons continue, then both Trixie and himself would probably be dead.

Fluttershy slowed herself down until Spike was next to her, and draped a wing over his back. The sudden feeling on his back obviously surprised Spike, for he jolted as he walked, yet he continued to stare at the ground. For a time, nothing was said between them, until finally, Spike spoke up. “Is this how you felt when you killed that reman?” he asked, simply and quietly. “Knowing you can’t go back and change what you did? Knowing you ended someone else’s life?”

For a moment Fluttershy did nor said nothing, but then suddenly she tightened her wing around Spike’s back. “Yes,” Fluttershy answered. “And it is still how I feel. Even when you put it to the back of your mind and carry on, it is still there, yelling at you, reminding you of what you have done.”

She lowered her head and nuzzled the little dragon. “But you saved Trixie’s life, as well as your own. And that’s something not to frown about. Had you not acted, you’ll both be…” She let the words hang in the air, knowing that she had no need to say any more. She frowned deeply and sighed. “Sorry, Spike, my father was a better comforter than I could ever be. Just know that if you ever need to talk, I’ll be here for you. Okay?”

Spike lightly nodded, yet the pegasus could see on his face that he wasn’t completely satisfied. “I will. Thank you, Fluttershy,” he said, before looking back at the ground.

Fluttershy felt a frown form across her lips, then looked once more at the tundra around her; by the road was a small part of raised up ground, and on top was a small molehill. At the sight, Fluttershy allowed herself to smile. “It is nice to be out of the Range, though,” she said, in the hope of creating conversation. “To not feel like we’re squashed in a tight space.”

Spike raised his head a little to gaze at the scenery, then focused on a flock of birds flying towards the Crystal Mountains. The sight seemed to bring a smile to Spike’s face, which caused Fluttershy’s heart to soar in happiness. It was tiny smile, granted, but a smile nonetheless. ‘Baby steps,’ the Dragonlord thought.

Spike turned away, looking at the mountains to the north. “So, any ideas of where we are?” he asked aloud.

“I know we are close to the Crystal Empire,” Cadence said. She pointed northwest of Fluttershy. “It should be over there somewhere; we may even be able to see the top of the Crystal Palace shortly.”

Fluttershy’s ears folded sadly for Cadence. It was no wonder the mare looked so miserable. They were so close to her home, and yet knew she couldn’t go back to see Shining or anypony there she knew, in fear of getting locked up and taken back to Canterlot.

It was a fear they all shared. Being this close to a kingdom that was under Equestrian law was putting a sharp edge to their group, even keeping their voices just below a whisper, as though talking aloud would attract the Crystal Empire’s attention. It seemed ridiculous to Fluttershy, yet they couldn’t take any risks – not now anyway.

As Cadence had said, not long after her words were rolled off her tongue, the group crossed the railway line leading to the Crystal Empire, and could see the top of the castle, the sun reflecting the top, making it look like the brightest star in the night sky. It didn’t take long for Fluttershy to look away, her eyes straining to continuously stare at the Empire. ‘It’s like they have a searchlight at the top of the castle,’ the Dragonlord thought.

“How far do you think we are from Strutford?” Fluttershy called to Luna.

The Princess looked back. “We should be at least twelve hours away from the city, especially if we keep at this pace. Why do you want to know?”

“It’s so from here we can plan our way of getting into Horsca,” Fluttershy responded. “The only way I know of getting into the country is going through Strutford and Detrots, and from there climb up the mountains and then a long walk to Castilian, Horsca’s capital.”

Luna stopped, and turned towards her. “Are you seriously suggesting we go through a city filled with ponies, many of whom are out to get us, and then go through another city that is filled with more ponies that are out to get us?”

Fluttershy shook her head assuredly. “Oh no, I’m not suggesting we go through Strutford and Detrots. I’m asking if anypony know of another way into Horsca?”

Luna shook her head. “I’m afraid not. Before your visit, Equestria had little to do with the horses of the far north. Which is why a garrison was left at Detrots so that if they ever invaded, we could make ourselves ready for them. Thankfully, we have no need of the garrison there anymore. But I doubt they would have left the city, especially with things the way they are.”

Cadence nodded in agreement. “The only path north of the Crystal Empire goes towards Yakyakistan, but that’s the only route I know about. Sorry, Fluttershy.”

The Dragonlord looked to Trixie, but she simply shook her head, her eyes only briefly meeting hers. Fluttershy’s ears fell flat and she looked to the ground. “I… I’m sorry, everypony. I guess I should have looked before we got this far about how we’re getting into Horsca. But now we’re stuck out here.”

Luna took a step towards the pegasus, and was about to say something when Spike caught all of their attention. “What’s that?” he cried, pointing northwest of them.

All the ponies looked to where Spike was pointing, and stared in horror. They could all make out the familiar shapes of buildings, a small congregation of them at least, and they could easily tell the plume of smoke rising from them, also.

Fluttershy didn’t hesitate. She shot into a gallop and sped off the path towards the burning buildings. “Fluttershy, stop!” Luna yelled. She could hear Cadence and Spike cry out, begging her to stop, but she didn’t listen. She wanted to help anypony that could possibly be trapped in one of those burning buildings. ‘I’m a pony that can walk through fire as though I am swimming in water,’ she thought, mainly to assure herself more than anything. ‘Fire is my friend, but everypony else’s enemy.’

When she got to the boundaries, leaping over the stone wall, she waited to hear the sounds of screams, of ponies in distress. But there was none. The place was deserted, to that she was grateful. Whoever had set the buildings ablaze, she didn’t want to run into them. She walked towards the centre, and took a good look around, her ears pricking up, hearing for any activity.

The place was obviously a farm. On the left was a large wooden barn with a corrugated iron roof, which was now a sooty black from the fires that had burnt underneath them. Most of the timbers holding the barn up were thin and charred, so she dared not approach, for a single prod of a hoof could send the whole thing crashing down.

Fluttershy slowed down as she entered the farm proper, and looked around. In front of the Dragonlord was the main house, but it was now nothing more than a burned-out shell. Its roof had collapsed in on itself, as had one of the other walls, yet the front stayed upright and looked strong and sturdy against its surroundings.

Fluttershy walked cautiously forward, watching her step for bits of broken glass that were scattered across the ground. She carefully moved around the house. To the right of the smouldering building was a large rectangular shaped building with a thatched roof that remained largely intact, with only a small corner charred by the fires that had otherwise devastated this place.

‘Maybe there’s ponies inside,’ Fluttershy reckoned. She walked over to the building, walking on the tips of her hooves to avoid attracting unwanted attention – if anypony was still here – and peered through the entrance.

One the left side of the building, hay was stacked against all three walls, while the space in front of them was bare, yet covered in straw. On the right side, stretching back to the end on both side and hanging quite high on the walls were large shelves made of wood and fastened together with iron. It was quite obvious to the Dragonlord that is was a storage area for barrels of alcohol, since she had seen Applejack’s cider storage area, which was pretty similar.

She jumped back and made to turn around to address the others, whom she heard were walking after her and were within the farm’s boundaries, when something planted on the ground to the left of her caught her eye. “Fluttershy, you shouldn’t run off like that!” Luna chastised her. “There could be anypony here!”

Fluttershy didn’t pay attention to her, for she was simply transfixed with whatever it was. Carefully, she walked over, ignoring the exasperated groans from Luna, and peered around the corner of the ruined farmhouse.

She froze in horror when she had a good look at it. It was a purple banner with a snowflake encased in a white circle in the middle and a bright white star behind it, and was surrounded by light blue swirls like giant waves.

Fluttershy easily recognised the emblem of the Crystal Empire.

“Cadence!” Fluttershy yelled, beckoning her over with a hoof. “Luna, Spike, Trixie, come and see this!” Her four companions looked at each other for a moment, before galloping up to her. “Just be careful! There’s glass all over the place!”

The others quickly caught up with her, skipping or gliding over what glass they could visibly see. When they reached the Dragonlord, they both stared at her firstly. “What is it?” Cadence asked.

Fluttershy simply pointed to the flag in front of her. “I’m sorry, Cadence,” she whispered lamentedly.

Cadence looked to where she was pointed, and she gasped in horror, her eyes widening for a brief second, before she clenched them shut as though trying to wipe the sight from her mind. “No,” she whispered. “No. no, no, no.” Luna simply grabbed her niece and held her close.

Spike walked up to Fluttershy, staring at the flag in bewilderment. “But that’s the flag of the Crystal Empire,” he stated. “What’s it doing here? We’re miles away from the Crystal Empire.”

Fluttershy shrugged. “I’m not sure.” She turned to look at Cadence, thinking quickly of how she could ask a sensitive question so delicately. “Cadence. Do you? If you want to, that is.”

Cadence sadly nodded, unable to look at the flag of the place she had once called home, and kept her head buried in Luna’s chest. “Unfortunately, I do. It is one of the oldest traditions of the Order of the Crystal Knights.”

“And who or what are they to be exact?” Spike asked. Fluttershy shared the same curious look as the little dragon did.

Cadence didn’t reply, intent on staring at the ground in shame. Instead, Luna explained. “The Order of the Crystal Knights were once an order of knights that heralded from the Crystal Empire thousands of years ago. Their task was to protect the realm from any threats outside of the Empire with their mighty lances and dashing swordplay. When Sombra tried to take over, they were the first ponies to fight and attempt to drive him away. Of course, they all failed, and Sombra and his dark forces killed them all to a stallion.”

Luna paused for breath, but before she could continue, Cadence explained the rest, lifting her head to look at them. “When Shining and I took over the running of the Empire, Shining’s first act as the Prince of the Crystal Empire was to rebuild the order as it once was and make it more of a ceremonial position rather than a military one.” She managed to glance at the banner that flapped about in the wind. “Only now it seems the order has been turned to more aggressive purposes.”

Fluttershy nodded in understanding, though the knowledge wasn’t as comforting as she had hoped. “So why has the banner been planted here?” Spike asked again.

“In the old days, when the Order was used as a professional military force, after they had defeated an enemy on the battlefield, or had ransacked an enemy’s stronghold, they left a banner in the place to remind those who fought them there, and who had defeated them. It was a way to remind their enemy who had defeated them.” Cadence answered.

Fluttershy shook her head. “How unnecessary,” she muttered. She looked back at the banner, and then at the smouldering farm around them. “But that doesn’t explain why they attacked a farm out in the middle of nowhere.”

The five went silent for a moment as they all tried to figure it out. “Maybe it was an act of terror?” Trixie suggested. Four heads turned to look at her. “Think about it. How else would a nation that is on the verge of collapse try to keep its citizens in line?”

Cadence marched up to Trixie and locked their heads together with a look that could spit out acid. “Don’t you dare think that Shining Armor would fall as low as that!” she yelled. Fluttershy could feel her coat stand up on end and watched in shock as Trixie shrunk a metre or so to the ground. “He might be a fool sometimes, but he is more honourable than you will ever be and would never stoop to such tactics!”

“Cadence,” Fluttershy said tenderly, walking up to her. She put a hoof to the Princess’s shoulder, and gently pushed her back a bit. “It-it’s all right. Trixie didn’t mean anything by it.”

Cadence’s ears fell in regret all of a sudden, and she took a few steps back from the now trembling unicorn. “You’re right, Fluttershy. Forgive me, Trixie, I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.” She sniffed loudly, wiping away loose tears in her eyes. “Oh, I am such a fool.”

Fluttershy left Spike to comfort Trixie, and patted Cadence’s shoulder. “No, Cadence. You’re not a fool at all.” ‘You’re just a love-struck fool who is still madly in love with Shining and doesn’t want to admit it.’

Cadence didn’t reply, but brushed by Trixie and Fluttershy and walked away in shame of herself. As she passed the banner, her back leg flew out and collided with the pole, sending it flying to the ground. Fluttershy watched her go, and then looked to Luna for help. “I will talk to her later,” the alicorn assured her. “But I think now we should think about settling in for the night.” Luna looked up at the sky, and saw it start to darken. “It is getting late.” She looked towards the only building undamaged. “I think that will suit us for the night.”

“But what if the Crystal Knights come back to finish this place off?” Trixie queried, a look of worry and still evidently shaken by Cadence’s sudden rant. Fluttershy couldn’t help but think the same thing.

Luna, thankfully, shook her head. “The banner is left there as a reminder to the Crystal Knights that they have cleared this place out, and therefore must avoid it for at least three days,” she explained calmly. “So long as we are only here for a night, we should be all right.”

Despite her attempts not to, Fluttershy giggled. “You’re a poet and you don’t know it,” she said. Luna raised an eyebrow at her. “Get it? Because, you know… night and right rhyme?” Fluttershy murmured as she looked away, blushing in embarrassment.

Luna’s eyes wandered everywhere as her mind tried to understand it. Eventually, she chuckled. “You know, Fluttershy, I do not think I will ever truly understand you. One minute you are utterly serious and sombre, the next gay and chatty.”

Fluttershy blushed and looked away. “Well, just, trying to keep positive, I suppose,” she explained, a little, embarrassed giggle escaping her lips. She shook her head and briskly changed the subject. “I suppose we better find suitable bedding? I can look around and see if there’s anything else we could add for dinner.”

Luna nodded in agreement, smiling. “Good plan, Fluttershy. I’ll have something suitable for us to sleep on in a moment.” She looked up at Trixie and Spike, who were sitting together in a comfortable silence. “Trixie, Spike, would you kindly help me with the dinner for tonight?”

The two looked up, and then nodded. Together they got up and followed Luna into the building side by side.

Fluttershy watched them go in with a small smile, before turning around and walking around the farm. She couldn’t believe that only a few days ago was Spike complaining about Trixie even being with them, and now he couldn’t leave her side. ‘This world is a strange, and sometimes, as Luna said, a very gay place,’ she thought, chuckling. She shook her mind clear of Spike and Trixie’s friendship, and looked around some more.

Behind the storage building was a large vineyard with plants as tall as Luna rising out of the ground, connected together by a thick piece of string. In front of it was a pitchfork dropped suddenly as though the owner had seen the knights coming, and dropped everything and ran for his or her life. She walked by, disturbed by the sudden turn of events. What had driven Shining Armor to order his troops to attack a farm out here and miles from the nearest city? If the ponies that lived here came back, she would know more.

She just hoped they would listen.

She stopped when she stepped on something soft, and certainly not mud. Fluttershy looked down, and gasped when she saw the little doll. It was a bright hot pink pony with a yellow, blue and light green mane and tail, with buttons for eyes. Fluttershy’s hind legs gave way from underneath her and she collapsed onto her haunches, trying desperately to blink back tears. ‘This was a child’s doll,’ she thought as she gazed at it. ‘Not some threat to a country, but a child’s doll!’

She picked it up with one hoof, and stroked it with the other. “You’re very pretty, you know that,” she said to it. She wanted to cry, but she felt angry instead. These ponies were attacking innocents and families for no reason whatsoever, ripping families apart and creating grudges and animosity that would last generations. It was something that was probably being replayed across Equestria.

Fluttershy’s hold on the doll tightened. She suddenly had enough of running, had enough of trying to hide and avoid everypony or else she would get captured. She wanted to stop, turn around and do something now, for the ponies that were caught in the middle of this growing unrest, to help those without aid or love or kindness to guide them in their darkest hours. She wanted to take a stand and fight for families like the one that lived here.

Fluttershy hugged the doll. “I will make sure this doesn’t happen again,” she promised it. “I will find out what caused this, and make sure it doesn’t hurt anypony like your owner ever again.”

“Try not to think like a hero, Fluttershy,” Cadence said solemnly from behind her. “It is something that will get you, and everypony that follows you, killed.”

Fluttershy turned around to look at the older mare. She could see clearly that Cadence had been crying. “I have to do something, Cadence,” she said. She shoved the doll in the Princess’s face. “This belonged to a little filly who lived here, content with her life and the ponies around her. Now that life and love of life has been taken away from her, snatched by whatever drove your husband’s soldiers to do this. How can I run when there are others like her going through the same thing? I’m a Dragonlord, and Dragonlords never flee from a fight! I can’t run anymore, Cadence – I’m sick and tired of running! I want to turn around and stop whatever is causing this!”

Cadence rubbed her face with a hoof. “Oh, just stop and think for a second, you blind fool!” the Princess shouted. She gestured to the building that housed their companions. “You are a Dragonlord alone, without any others like you to help! All you have is a baby dragon, two alicorns and a unicorn! What can the five of us, who have been through so much in a few short days, do to stop a country from tearing itself apart? Look at us, Fluttershy! Do we look like an army to you? Not one of us is capable of stopping the war that is going to happen, even with Luna and my self’s magic and your warrior abilities. So, tell me, how do you plan on being the hero and saving Equestria?”

“I…” Fluttershy started, but her voice failed when a suitable answer couldn’t leave her lips. She sank back onto her haunches and sighed. “I don’t know how. I thought I would know how to save Equestria by now, since I have done so with my friends several other times. But they’re not here to help, and neither do I have my Element of Harmony to fall back on. All I have are my weapons, what wits I have, and the friends I have now.”

Cadence’s eyes slowly softened into sympathy. She moved herself to sit beside the pegasus, then she leaned forward and put a comforting hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I know how horrible it feels to watch something bad happening around you, and you are powerless to prevent it,” the Princess said. “I wish I could do something to stop the war before it happens, I really do. Sometimes I feel like wanting to stand and fight, to free my husband and my aunt, my friends, from whatever is possessing them.

“But what can we do? I then think it would be for naught, and we’d be captured or killed. You’ve never seen the true extent of Celestia’s powers, and in her current state, she will use them on us. For now, all we can do is run and get out of the country.”

Fluttershy nodded curtly in reluctant agreement. “I know.” She got up and walked slowly back to the storage house, her eyes cast to the ground, yet her grip on the doll never lingering. “But just because I can’t think of something now, doesn’t mean I won’t think up something later. Even when we get to Horsca, I will come back and end this. I promise.” She looked ahead and continued to walk, while Cadence followed behind.

When they made it inside, they found a large pile of hay set up by Luna for them all to sleep on, while Spike and Trixie had set up a fire in the middle of the room and had found a pot for them to cook something in.

Fluttershy walked up to it, and took a whiff of the smell. “That smells good, Spike,” she complimented, smiling at Spike. “What is it?”

“Just some chopped-up carrots and a pile of hay we nicked from the pile there,” Spike answered, pointing to the stacks of hay.

Fluttershy looked shocked. “You can’t just take hay from there,” she said.

“Why not?” Spike asked. “It’s not like whoever lived here’s coming back. Besides, they are not going to miss a few pieces of hay.”

Fluttershy knew that was the case, but still thought it shouldn’t be done. “How much longer till it’s ready to eat?” she asked as she shifted her stance.

“About ten minutes,” Spike replied. “What do you think, chef Trixie?” He looked over to his co-chef, who sniffed at the pot, and then nodded. “Just sit down and we’ll bring it over to you.”

Fluttershy nodded, and joined Luna and Cadence behind the haystacks, where a large bed of hay big enough for the five of them to sleep on was made. Fluttershy settled down onto her stomach, and waited patiently for Spike and Trixie to finish the dinner. “I wonder why they didn’t torch this building, and all the others,” Fluttershy said, looking around.

“I think I know why,” Cadence replied. She pointed to the shelves behind the Dragonlord. “That’s why. They didn’t want to destroy the beer in there, so they left the place to come back for the rest after the three days are up.”

Fluttershy shook her head in disgust. “That’s wrong,” she stated.

“That’s war,” Luna said as she fell onto her stomach, her aluminous mane changing direction and flowing away from Cadence’s face.

Fluttershy knew she was right, but she wished she wasn’t. A silence fell between them as they listened to the cackle of the flames, and the sizzling and popping of the stew in the pot outside their little hay fort. As they waited, and as the world got darker around them Fluttershy wondered if she should ask Luna about the daimon attack, and why she felt it was important to everything that was going on around her. ‘Does Luna know something we do not? And if so, what is she hiding?’ She couldn’t understand why Luna would not say a word to her or anypony else, not even her adopted niece.

Then, Luna might shout at her once more, and the whole conversation would turn ugly very quickly. She didn’t want to deal with an angry Luna at the moment, not when the sun was going down. ‘I’ll wait until tomorrow,’ she decided.

A few minutes later, Trixie came through with the pot of stew in her magic. She set it down in the middle of the circle, and then Spike came in with a large stack of bowls in his claws. “Here you all go,” he said as he handed them out. “I found these in a small cupboard by the window there.” He pointed to the other end of the room, and the small open window on the other side that looked out to the main road.

Fluttershy took her bowl, said gratefully, “Thank you, Spike,” and set it down by her hooves. “So, um, now that we are all here, how about we discuss getting into Horsca?” she suggested to the others.

Luna and Cadence nodded in agreement. “A great idea, dear Fluttershy,” Luna said, nodding gratefully at Trixie as she poured a spoonful of stew into her bowl. Once Spike and Trixie had sent around their dinners and settled down, Luna’s horn lit up a dark blue, and from it, the same spell the Princess had used in the desert flew out from the tip, and floated gently down to the ground like a snowflake. Once it hit the ground, it spread out and formed into a map of Equestria.

“Okay, so we’re approximately around here somewhere,” Luna said, zooming the map in with her magic to where she figured was their current position. “And we need to get to here.” With a hoof, she flicked the map with her magic, and moved it to show Strutford, Detrots and finally their destination: Horsca.

“Right, so when I went to Horsca two years ago, we headed to Detrots via this road,” Fluttershy explained, using a hoof to illustrate her movements. “We went through Black Mane Pass, camped out on the other side for the night, and then continued to Detrots the following day. One we passed Detrots, we followed the road north over the mountains and finally into Horsca.” She tapped the image of the mountain for emphasis. She looked to each of them. “Should we take that same route, or try and find another way?”

Luna rubbed her chin in thought. “I would definitely avoid taking the same route you took when you first went to Horsca. Though Detrots is a small city, it is garrisoned with soldiers loyal to Celestia and no other. I would strongly advise to avoid that place at all cost.”

Fluttershy nodded glumly. “I was worried that you would say that,” she said. “That just makes things a bit harder for us to get into Horsca, then. I don’t know any other way into Horsca except over the mountains.”

“I can see a few ways,” Cadence said. She pointed to Strutford. “The river goes through the city, splitting it in half. If you follow the river west for a while,” she said as she trailed her hoof along the river, “it come out to a large lake with several rivers splitting off from it. And if you look here.” She paused as she trailed her hoof along a small river heading north, which wormed around Detrots and eventually flowed between the mountains into Horsca. “That is our way into the country.”

Fluttershy, Luna and Spike looked at the direction Cadence pointed out, and their eyes collectively widened in surprise. “That could actually work,” Luna agreed, smiling thinly.

“It could, just one problem, though,” Spike pointed out. “Unless you’re planning on swimming the whole way, we’re gonna need a ship that could take us upriver.”

The looks on their faces switched from surprise to realisation. “Ah,” Cadence said, grimacing. “Sorry. I should have thought about that.”

Fluttershy leaned over and patted Cadence on the shoulder. “It’s all right, Cadence. It was a good plan.”

“And it still is,” Luna said, to both ponies’ surprise. “All we need is a ship, right?” Cadence nodded. “So, we simply borrow one from Strutford’s many ships, then sail it up the river and into Horsca. Simple, if you think about it.”

Fluttershy looked at her in shock. “Can we just ‘borrow’ a ship like that? Wouldn’t that count as stealing?”

“Says the pony who stole my sister’s pet phoenix, and said it counted as ‘nursing it back to health’,” Luna said with a smirk.

Fluttershy shut her mouth tight and looked at the ground with a faint blush on her cheeks. “Okay,” she relented. “I go with Luna’s idea of ‘borrowing’ a ship and then follow Cadence’s plan.”

“Commandeering,” Luna corrected with a raised hoof. “We are going to commandeer a ship.”

Fluttershy blinked in confusion. “Okay. We’re going to commandeer a ship, then sail up the river into Horsca. Okay?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Cadence replied, smiling.

“I agree as well,” Spike said. “What do you think, Trixie?”

Trixie seemed to be in her own world, for her eyes were glazed over and staring intently towards the ground. “Trixie?” Cadence asked, giving her a tap with her hoof.

Trixie yelped, as though the tap had been a kick. “Wha-what?” she spluttered. Her eyes darted quickly between everyone, who was looking at her concerningly. “Were you all saying something?”

“We were saying about our plan to get through Strutford and into Horsca,” Fluttershy explained. She waited for Trixie to reply, but the unicorn simply nodded and looked to the fire once more. “Trixie? Is… is everything all right?”

Trixie didn’t respond at first, just staring into the fire, as though something troubled her deeply. Fluttershy wanted to know, but didn’t want to pressure her further; she might close herself off further. The others sat there, watching and waiting for her to answer. Spike silently inched closer to her, concern on his face.

“Do you all still want Trix… I mean, me, here?” Trixie suddenly asked.

Silence followed her question. Fluttershy’s eyes locked to Spike’s, who locked eyes with Luna, while Cadence’s frown deepened as though she were the one responsible. “Whatever makes you think you are no longer welcome here?” Luna asked, the disbelief plain in her voice.

“It’s just that…” Trixie started, pausing as though finding the words. “The only reason I thought I was here to just get you all past The Unicorn Range. And I failed that so easily. If I didn’t lead us through there, we wouldn’t have run into those daimon things. I mean, we almost got killed because of me!” She prostrated herself onto the ground, groaning in sorrow, her hooves covering her eyes.

“But you didn’t know about the daimons there,” Luna stated. She got up and sat next to Trixie, running a hoof up and down her back. “And if we didn’t go through there, I wouldn’t have known about the growing threat in the Range to begin with.”

She paused when Trixie stared up at her with a single eye between her hooves. “Trixie doesn’t see that as a thing to be considered an accomplishment,” she grumbled.

“But it is,” Luna continued. “We don’t know if there are more daimons elsewhere on the Unicorn Range. We could have run into a far larger group of them. So thank you, for getting us over it.”

Fluttershy knew Luna was trying to be encouraging, but her voice didn’t sound like she knew how to be. But it was a nice try, she couldn’t doubt that. But the pegasus didn’t believe that was the real reason behind her thoughts.

Ever since she knew her, in the few times they had met in the past (which were not very pleasant moments), and the few days it has been since they discovered her, Fluttershy saw her as a bit of a loner, as someone who preferred her own company and was secure with her own thoughts.

But now, with other ponies to chat to, and to be honest with their own feelings, she was worried that her thoughts might get her into trouble – as they had done earlier with Cadence.

It all became so clear to the Dragonlord that instant, and she felt a kindred spirit in Trixie. “You’re… afraid of upsetting us, and ruining our friendship, aren’t you?” she said, ever so delicately, as though she was afraid Trixie would be blown away by her words.

Trixie looked towards her as she spoke, her eyes widening with every word leaving Fluttershy’s lips. The unicorn didn’t even deny what she said, even in her eyes. The Dragonlord could see she was right just by the other pony’s reaction.

Trixie sighed, and nodded briefly. “I never had any friends,” she admitted. “Growing up as a filly and through my entire adult life. I guess my cockiness was a factor of that. But I was afraid I would ruin any friendships I have. So anypony that got close to me, I simply left and never looked back. I never heard from them again.

“I made some bad decisions in my life, none of them I’m proud of. But enslaving Ponyville for a day is probably second to what I’ve been missing out on with friends. Yet, I do not want to ruin it.” She looked away from everypony, blinking away tears. “I’m sorry, I understand if you guys don’t want me anymore.”

That was the last straw. Fluttershy shot up, walked through the fire, and hugged Trixie. She didn’t say anything; she didn’t need to say anything. She hoped the hug would be more than enough words.

She felt something against her wing, and looked down to see Spike joining the hug as well. Fluttershy smiled, and put a leg around him. Luna wrapped her legs around them, holding them in a tight embrace. At that point, Trixie began to cry openly, but didn’t try to struggle to break free. She simply wrapped her forelegs around the three of them.

Then another set of legs wrapped around them. Fluttershy looked up to see Cadence looking down on them, her eyes locked with Trixie’s, begging for forgiveness. The magician simply nodded with a warm smile, and let her head fall back into the cluster of chests around her, sniffing quietly as tears of joy left her eyes.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but tear up too. After her Ponyville friends broke contact with her, she didn’t think she could ever know a group of ponies that she could associate with. But here she was, embracing and embraced by a fellowship that, despite the horrors of the current days, were bound together in love and trust.

They started off as companions. Now, they were all better than that. They were friends.

A sudden noise from outside made one of the Dragonlord’s ears flick. She shot her head out of the hug and looked towards outside. The others couldn’t hear it, but thanks to her hearing, she could just make out the sound of hushed voices, and hooves against the ground.

“Everypony, hide!” Fluttershy ordered. The others must have trusted her completely, for they immediately broke the hug and hid among the haystacks, drawing their weapons quietly as they did so.

“What’s out there?” Luna asked, her head popping out from the hay. Fluttershy tried her best not to laugh, for it looked as though the elder princess was wearing a really poor straw hat.

“I’m not sure,” she whispered in response. “Just heard hushed voices.”

“Cou-could it be some soldiers?” Trixie asked, fidgeting nervously within her pile.

“I don’t think so,” Fluttershy assured her, but it did little to assure herself. ‘Should I take the risk?’ she asked herself. Whoever was out there could be armed and extremely dangerous, especially if afraid; fear can do make ponies do horrible things.

But a leader should lessen the risks to their people, and put those risks onto themselves. She knew Twilight had mentioned it before. “Stay here and stay low,” she said, lifting herself into a crouch. “I’m going to see who they are.”

She didn’t pay to any objections, despite her brain wishing for her to do so, and snuck out from behind the hay bale, and pressed up against the door. Her breathing was heavy from fear, so she took a deep breath in, then back out again. With her breathing calmed, she peered out the door.

She could just make out the outlines of several ponies. One of them was obviously a filly, around the Cutie Mark Crusader’s age. One was a younger mare, around her own age, and the remaining two were an older couple, obviously the parents of the two.
‘It’s the family that owned this place,’ she realised, and they were heading straight towards the barn. It didn’t take long before she realised what she had to do.

She relaxed her posture, got back onto all fours, and stepped outside, looking as unthreatening as possible. Her friends behind her hissed their protest, but she ignored them, she needed to quell their fears and calm the situation before something terrible happened.

As soon as she stepped out in front of them, the pony family stopped in their tracks. The stallion lowered his pitchfork that was clutched around his right foreleg. The tool was shaking in his grip. The family stepped behind him, shivering in fear. Except the younger mare, who stared at the pegasus as if she was trying to remember who she was.

Fluttershy didn’t stop walking until a they were a pony length apart. “It’s okay,” she said, assuredly, putting the most comforting smile she could muster, despite the fear she was feeling in the pit of her stomach. “Please, we’re not here to cause trouble.”

“Why are ya in our barn?” the stallion asked, sounding incredulous. “Who are you? Are you alone?”

The Dragonlord sat back and held her hooves up in surrender. “We were passing though when we could see the farm on fire. I thought I could help, so I rushed here as fast as I could. When I realised there was nopony here, it was getting dark, so I took shelter for the night. I didn’t mean to disturb, and if you want me to go, I will. Just give me a chance to get my things.”

The stallion lowered his pitchfork slightly, yet still composed his threatening stance. “For a second there, I thought you were telling the truth. But ya think I didn’t notice the we at the beginning there? So I’ll ask again. Who else is with you?” he demanded.

Just before she could reply, the faint sound of an arrow being drawn back and swords being unsheathed from their scabbards reached her ears. She closed her eyes and sighed agitatedly, then looked back to see Cadence, Luna and Trixie running towards her with their weapons drawn. Fluttershy held up a hoof to stop her “Listen, everypony–”

“Drop your weapons this instant!” Cadence ordered, her aim trained onto the stallion. “We don’t want to, but we will fight if we have to!”

The family took a step back in fright, and while the younger ponies looked at the two princesses in awe, the parents were in fear. “Your… your Princess Luna,” he whispered. “And your Princess Cadence.” His lips furled back into a snarl, and he aimed his pitchfork at the younger alicorn. “Come to see your husbands work? Come to gloat and finish us off? Well you can take me, but don’t come near my family!”

“I had nothing to do with what happened here!” Cadence countered, her magic pulling her bow string back more. “I’ve been running for my life, for my freedom! Why would I wish to destroy a peaceful farm, it makes no sense!”

“My niece is correct!” Luna confirmed. “As have I. As we are all. Your anger is turned towards the wrong ponies. So please, don’t do something you will regret.”

The stallion looked flabbergasted. “We will regret? What’s regretful in defending our home from thieves and vagabonds? I will defend my home, my food, my children till my last breath! So if you wanna try, try it!”

Beside him, the older mare, supposedly his wife, pulled her lips back into a snarl. Fluttershy noticed the young unicorn pull the young filly, who was looking as though she was about to cry, into her embrace.

To see the young filly on the verge of tears prompted Fluttershy to act. She stepped in front of the two groups, reared up and yelled, “STOP!” Her voice echoed from beyond the farm and into the clear night sky above. Even to her ears, it sounded like that of a dragon’s roar.

Both groups stepped back in fright of Fluttershy, their anger quickly put out by the Dragonlord’s own rage. And she felt it, she felt so much anger, mostly from her friends who would possibly kill a whole family just to sleep in a warm place for the night. It sickened her.

She set herself down on all fours, and turned to face her friends, disappointment clear on her features. “How could you? I thought you were all better than this. The ponies that I fought with in the Unicorn Range wouldn’t stoop to this level, not once. Where are they now?” The three of them didn’t respond, but hung their heads in shame.

“We need to be better than everypony else,” the Dragonlord continued, eyeing each of them with a gaze one could only describe as sorrow. “just because we’re running from everyone we ever loved, doesn’t mean we should be as cruel. That’s what they want us to be; cruel.” She stopped pacing, and sighed. “So put your weapons away, and get back inside.”

Luna, Cadence and Trixie looked at each other, remorse hung on their features. “Fluttershy, I’m…” Cadence started, eyes sparkling with moisture.

“Put. Them. Away. Now,” Fluttershy commanded forcibly; she wasn’t in the mood for kindness. Instantly, Cadence put her arrow back into its quiver, while Luna and Trixie quickly sheathed their swords. Fluttershy nodded in thanks, and turned back towards the family. She heard and felt the hoofsteps of her friends gallop back inside the barn, allowing her to breathe a sigh of relief. One tense thing taken care of, next is to gain this family’s trust.

“I am so sorry for that. My friends are scared. But I know they would never dare harm you,” she said comfortingly. “If you wish us to leave, then we will. We just ask for one night in the barn.”

“But you are still trespassing!” the mare yelled, staring at Fluttershy with narrow eyes.

Fluttershy nodded calmly. “Yes, I know we are, and I am deeply sorry about that,” she said smoothly. “And I am sorry that your home and livelihood is gone. But we have been travelling far, and all of us have suffered badly to what has happened lately. And I am being honest when I said we came as quick as we could to help with the fires here.”

She stepped forward, head bowed in submission. “If you want us to leave, then we will do so without a fight. But we would be forever grateful if we could stay under your roof. Just for one night. Please?” she quickly added, “We have plenty of food with us. If you’re hungry, you can have some.”

For a long moment, the two-armed ponies said nothing, but stared at her in shock. Fluttershy knew she was taking a big risk. With her neck exposed she could quite easily be killed by their weapons if they decided to. They were frightened, exhausted and angry, thus were quick in making rash decisions. Yet, they did nothing, yet simply stared at them all in silence. The only thing breaking said silence was the young filly behind them sobbing.

“Oh, shut her up for a moment, Barley!” the stallion ordered harshly, much to Fluttershy’s anger.

She was about to reprimand him, when the younger mare rebutted, “I have tried everything I could, da. But anything I do will not get her doll back.”

Fluttershy suddenly remembered the doll she had found on the ground a few hours ago. She looked at the sobbing filly, and realised the doll must belong to her. ‘Time to be reunited.’ She took the doll out of her mane, and placed it on the ground, standing on its hooves. “Oh, woe is me, to have been led astray from my mummy,” she said, pitching her voice a bit higher as she pretended to be the doll. “Mummy, where are you?” She tilted the head of the doll up to look at the filly. “Are you my mummy?”

The little filly gasped in delight upon seeing the doll. “Bo Peep!” she exclaimed delightfully. She barged her way out of the mare’s hold, galloped up to Fluttershy and grabbed the doll in her hooves. “I thought you were gone forever,” she sobbed as she held it to her chest. She leapt forward and gripped Fluttershy in a hug. “Thank you for looking after her, miss,” the filly said. “Was she a good girl?”

Fluttershy was surprised by the sudden hug, but she relaxed and quickly returned it with a leg wrapped around the filly. “She was a little angel throughout,” she replied, smiling. “She told me how much she wanted her mummy back, so I promised her that I would find her, and make sure that they are never separated again.”

The filly grinned. “Well she’s never going to leave my sight again. Aren’t you, Bo Peep?” The filly shook the doll’s head, making Fluttershy smile. The little filly threw herself at Fluttershy once more, beaming with joy.

The pegasus looked up at the two parents, who watched the scene with awe. “We mean no harm to you, or you children,” Fluttershy said, picking up the little filly. “We only ask for one night here, and when the dawn comes, we will leave and never come back. Please? It is all we ask.”

After a long, tense moment where they said nothing, the two ponies finally lowered their weapons. Fluttershy couldn’t help but let out a huge sigh of relief. “You can stay for the night,” the stallion said, albeit reluctantly. The older mare nodded, and gave them a look of utter relief.

Fluttershy replied with the same look. “Thank you kindly,” she said, then began to walk back to the warehouse, hearing the sounds of hoof-steps follow in her steps.

She felt the gentle brush of something against her side, and looked down to see the little filly trotting beside her, grinning with Bo Peep bouncing on her back. She looked back to see the others were trotting cautiously after her, as though they feared a trap. “So, what’s your name?” she asked the filly.

“I’m Wheat Grain,” she replied, bouncing for joy now she had been reunited with her doll. “My big sister is Barley Grain, and that’s my mummy and daddy. What’s yours?”

“My name is Fluttershy Firewing,” she replied proudly. She looked ahead to see the entrance of the building was in front of them, and she gestured for Wheat Grain to go in. “I’ll wait here for your mummy and daddy. Don’t worry, there’s a little dragon in there who is the friendliest dragon you will ever meet.”

The filly trembled a little in fear. “I’m scared of dragons,” she stated.

Fluttershy tapped Wheat’s nose. “So am I,” she said, grinning assuredly. Wheat Grain grinned as well; her courage restored. “Now get in, before the stew gets cold.” Wheat nodded, and then quickly sauntered inside.

Fluttershy watched her enter, and then watched as the older unicorn – Barley Grain, she figured – enter with a curious look to Fluttershy. The pegasus stared at her with a friendly, though a nagging thought stayed at the back of her mind, telling her they had met before. Finally, the two parents followed her close behind.

The stallion stopped before he entered, and turned to Fluttershy. “Thank you,” he said grudgingly, “for giving my daughter back her doll. She hasn’t stopped crying about it since we left.”

Fluttershy smiled amiably. “You are most welcome.” She held up a hoof. “I’m Fluttershy, by the way.”

The stallion reluctantly reached out and took her hoof in his own. “I’m Grape Vine. This here is my wife, Cereal Grain,” he introduced them. He yanked his hoof out of her grasp and went inside, Fluttershy quickly following behind.

Inside, Cadence began to cast bright orbs of light that hung on the roof like lanterns. Luna, Trixie and Spike settled down on the hay floor on one side of the fire, while Grape, Cereal, Barley and Wheat settled on the opposite side, looking nervously at the ponies opposite them. With the light above them, Fluttershy could make out what the Grain family looked like.

Cereal Grain was the colour of wheat with a scruffy dark red mane and tail with single black stripe running through them; her eyes were the colour of a garnet, and she had a cutie mark of a sack of wheat. Grape had a light green coat with a darker green mane and tail and bright yellow eyes, and had a cutie mark of a grape vine. Wheat was the colour of her mother with a black mane and tail that was tied back like Applejack’s, with eyes that were the colour of the ocean, and a cutie mark of a wheat crop. And Barley was a grey unicorn with a light brown mane and tail that was straight like Rainbow’s, but as long as Fluttershy’s; her eyes were the colour of an amethyst, and her cutie mark was a beer mug.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in horror when she saw the beer mug cutie mark, and her mind went back to two years ago, when she was in Strutford for the first time. ‘Oh, my goodness, she’s that waitress from the Cantering Filly! The one who tried to hit on me!’ she exclaimed in thought. She prayed Barley wouldn’t recognise her as the mare she had flirted with two years ago. ‘Maybe the scars will help,’ she thought.

She set herself down next to Luna, and glanced at Barley, who was staring at her with a look of realisation. ‘Oh bleep,’ Fluttershy thought, looking back at the ground while covering her left eye with her mane. ‘She knows who I am.’

“Fluttershy?” Luna’s voice pulled the mare out of her mane to face the elder princess. “I’m… I’m so sorry, for earlier,” she said, her ears flat against her scalp and her eyes cast in sorrow. “I was scared, we all were, and we didn’t realise it was a family. It shouldn’t excuse our horrendous actions; I just hope you can forgive us.”

Fluttershy smiled, and nodded. “I’m not the one you should all apologise to, Luna,” she said, gesturing with her head to the Grain family, to Wheat and Barley especially.

Luna nodded back and turned to Wheat and Barley. “I’m so sorry for frightening you two. It was uncalled for, and unnecessary. I was merely afraid” with her magic, she grabbed two empty bowls, and poured them into cauldron with the stew in. “But know I would have never attacked your parents or yourselves, or harmed them in any way.” She then guided them over to the two children, and set them down in front of them. “I hope you can forgive us all.”

Wheat and Barley looked at each other, smiled, then turned back. “It’s okay, your majesty. I’m sure my parents would never have harmed any of you either. Right, da?” Barley said, turning towards her father.

Her father looked back with a stern expression, which softened when Barely mirrored back onto him. “You’re right,” he acknowledged with a grunt.

Just like that, Fluttershy could feel the tension in the room whither out into nothingness, and she relaxed, falling onto her stomach. The room fell silent as Spike passed out the rest of the stew to the Grain family, then a second portion to everyone else. This carried on until all of the stew was gone, and whatever was left was barely enough for one pony, let alone nine.

When she had finished her portion, Fluttershy set the bowl in front of her and rested her head onto the floor, sighing in content. She listened as conversation slowly started building between the two parties. Especially Wheat, who was curious about the Royal life of a Princess.

“So, you have ponies to make your own breakfasts?” she asked Luna, her tail wagging in delight.

Luna chuckled. “Oh no, my dear. My sister made our breakfasts. She was actually very good at making pancakes.”

“Oh wow, that’s so cool! Did you have ponies in the bathroom with you?”

At that Luna went red with embarrassment – Fluttershy couldn’t help but chuckle. “Uh, well no, but where did you get that idea from?” the elder alicorn stammered.

“Oh, I read about it from my history class,” Wheat explained. “some kings had an aid in their bathroom so when they needed to go, they had –”

“Hello,” a voice said gently next to her. Fluttershy looked up to see Barley standing in front of her, a warm friendly smile on her face. “Can I sit with you?”

Fluttershy sat up, slightly nervous, but remembering her manners. “Of course,” she replied, gesturing with a hoof to the empty space next to her. Barley smiled in thanks, and immediately sat next to her, far enough to make the Dragonlord feel comfortable, but close enough for the pegasus to smell her fragrance; she smelt like morning dew. “How are you doing?” she asked.

Barley sighed. “I’ve been better, thanks,” she replied. She turned towards her, a curious look on her face. “Do you remember me?”

Fluttershy looked her in the eyes, and nodded. “You were a waitress at the Cantering Filly in Strutford, right?”

“That’s right, oh so you did recognise me,” Barley said, delight clear in her voice. “I thought it was you the moment you started talking. I remember you asking about Firewing. Did you catch up with him, anyway? How is he?”

Fluttershy’s smile, which was wide with worry and kindness, dissipated into a frown, and her ears folded flat. “I did catch up with him. In Horsca. There I found out he… he was my father.”

Barley’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Seriously? Wait, what do you mean was?” Just as soon as she said that her hooves shot to her mouth to stop her gasp. “You mean, he’s…” Fluttershy nodded, her mind trying to clear the last image she had of him alive. “Oh, hun, oh I am so sorry.” She placed a hoof onto Fluttershy’s foreleg. “what happened? When was it?”

Fluttershy sighed, blinking away the tears from her eyes. “It’s a long story, and I’ll tell you that before we go.” She decided to change the subject. “What about you? Do you still work at the Cantering Filly?”

Barley pulled her leg away from Fluttershy, and tore her gaze down to the ground. “Not any more. Heck, I doubt that’s even there now.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked, her stomach beginning to twist with worry.

“Because the whole reason my folks lost their home is because of me,” she explained, her voice wracked with guilt. “Because of what happened in Strutford.”

At that, the whole room, which had been bustling with conversation, just went dead. Everypony stared at Barley, her family in shock, Fluttershy’s friends in horror. “What’s happened in Strutford?” Fluttershy asked, trying to sound as comforting as she could get, but at the same time wanting to know more.

Barley, however, shook her head. “You will all hate me,” she said, clenching back her tears. “And the Princesses will want to lock me up. And they have every right to, I’m a traitor!”

Luna slowly got up, walked across the room, and sat next to the younger unicorn. “It is all right, Barley,” she said softly, draping a comforting wing over the little pony. “I do not blame you for thinking yourself a traitor. Right now, I have a hard time believing who are the traitors and who are not. But I would like to know what you did, and where you did it.”

Cadence looked unsure. “Luna, I don’t think that’s wise. The poor girl’s been through enough today as it is,” she protested, gesturing at the tired-looking pony.

“I know, and I don’t take asking something she obviously regrets too lightly,” Luna replied, her eyes never leaving Barley beside her. “However, if it can help us with knowing more about our route, then it must be done.” Cadence looked set to protest again, but she stayed quiet and allowed Luna to continue. Even Fluttershy couldn’t argue with her reasoning; they needed to know what was going on in Strutford, so they could plan to avoid it if necessary.

Luna set herself down onto her stomach, and leaned her head forward to whisper; “I will not judge you for what you did, for I am sure you had your reasons. I just want to know why and where. Do you think you can tell me that? I will not pressure you into it if you don’t.”

Barely Grain stared deeply into the Princess’s eyes for a long time, as though she would find deceit in them. After a moment, she sighed and looked at the floor, nodding briskly. “Okay, I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”

Luna smiled encouragingly as she patted Barley on the back. “Thank you, child. Now try to keep calm, take your time, and please do not rush yourself.”

Barley nodded, and took a deep breath to compose herself. Fluttershy shifted her back end about until she felt comfortable once more, and pricked her ears up to hear Barley’s tale. ‘We could learn something important from this,’ she thought. Just from what Barley said, it wasn’t going to be good news.

“Well, I suppose I should begin with my job. I am a waitress in Strutford – well, was a waitress in Strutford, I suppose it is all over now, eh? I served in a pub called The Cantering Filly, but one of you already knows that, right Fluttershy?” Barley asked with a small, yet fake smile at the Dragonlord.

Fluttershy blushed and looked away as all heads turned to her, while Luna looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Yes,” she squeaked out eventually, hoping they would leave it at that.

Luna’s eyes widened with surprise, then turned back to Barley with a softer smile. “Please continue, Barley,” she ordered gently.

Barley nodded, and quickly continued. “As a waitress, I served drinks and food long into the night to the many ponies that come in, and even to those that stay for the night. My life was a happy one there – I enjoyed what I was doing, and ponies loved me for it. It was only last Monday when everything changed.”

“What happened?” Trixie asked.

“The first thing I noticed that had changed was on the early morning, when the prices for the ferries that ran across the river had risen to double their original amount,” Barley went on.

“Doesn’t sound unusual,” Luna said, though her eyes expressed her doubt. “I’d imagine that they have risen steadily before?”

“That’s just it, Princess, they’ve never changed, not for as long as I remember. Then later in the afternoon I noticed the Mayor was raising taxes to the point many in the poorer parts of the city would not survive. I just thought it was an experiment to see what the reaction would be like, so I went back to work and left it at that.

“The next day, I learnt that a curfew was going to be in affect at dusk, for no reason whatsoever. At first, I thought it was a joke the Mayor was playing, but I was shocked and angered when police started forcing ponies back into their homes, and throwing anypony in jail that tried to resist – though not without a beating first. That night, the Cantering Filly was empty for the first time in years. Not even my boss remembered the last time it was empty.

“The next day, riots starting breaking out across the streets, with calls to lift the curfew and lower the taxes. The police met the rioters with nothing but brutality, and I lost my cool at that moment. They took our freedoms, took our money and now they didn’t mind if they took lives. I quickly joined in with the rioters, and started smashing windows and hurting police ponies that were hurting those caught in the middle. But then the rioters began fighting each other, kicks and bites were being thrown out at everypony, it was a nightmare! At that point, I turned tail and fled back to the Cantering Filly, where my boss closed up and barricaded the doors and windows.. That night I watched from the roof of The Cantering Filly as the riots turned into a fierce battle for control of the city.”

Fluttershy could only stare at Barley in horror as images of the Battle of Strutford flashed through her mind. She had seen the battle and the rioting taking place thanks to Discord and his magic, but to hear it from somepony who had been there made it sound more terrible than it looked. She wanted to stretch a leg over her shoulders and hold her close, but decided not to. “When did the rioting end?” she asked gently.

“About two days later,” Barley replied. “I don’t know if any ponies died, and if so, how many, but all I know was that it was vicious throughout. I had to fight off rioters and police ponies who came to take and destroy The Cantering Filly! Just as I thought it couldn’t get any worse, a large battalion of Royal Guard arrived, along with about four hundred Knights of the Crystal Empire.

“They first destroyed the main railway bridge that ran across the river in an explosion that rocked the whole city, and then started fighting with the rioters and the police ponies of Strutford. Again, I’m not sure if they killed any ponies, but I do know they started arresting everypony in the city on the charge of treason.”

“Treason? What treason could an entire city commit?” Spike asked with an incredulous look.

“The type that has an entire city destroyed and abandoned, and many ponies injured, maybe even killed,” Barley replied grimly. “After a while, The Royal Guard started taking prisoners and leading them in chains back to trains waiting for them at the station, while the Crystal Knights went around the city searching for those in hiding. I managed to sneak my way out of the city along with a few other ponies that were able to get away. The last thing I noticed as I was leaving was a load of soldiers going around the ships and casting them off to set downriver. I thought that was a bit strange, since they had no need of them, but I put it aside when I saw the Crystal Knights coming after us, so I galloped all the way back home. I imagine some of them followed me here, for the rest you can probably guess.”

Luna looked to Fluttershy, who stared back at her in fear. The Dragonlord mouthed, we’ll talk outside, gesturing with a flick of her head at the door leading out. Luna nodded curtly in agreement, and then gestured with her head to Cadence, Trixie and Spike to head outside. All of them nodded and began to make their way out. “Please excuse us for one moment,” Luna said politely as she rose onto her hooves. “Thank you for the information, Barley, and I will be sure to have you forgiven of whatever treason you have been accused of.” With that, she turned around and walked outside.

Fluttershy watched her go, then stood up and made her way out, smiling pleasantly at the Grain family. “Thank you for the use of your building, and for what you’ve just told us, Barley,” she said kindly. She turned her head forward and trotted outside to join the others.

She soon found her four companions sitting in a circle facing each other beside the old farm home, all with concern expressed heavily on their faces. “This is ill news,” Luna stated as Fluttershy sat down in a space between, rubbing her chin whilst looking at each of them. “If the Royal Guard sacked the city only a day or two ago then that could mean they are still there, and in possession of all the ships in Strutford’s harbours.” She slammed her hoof into the ground in frustration. “Darn it!”

“We still have a chance,” Cadence said assuredly, smiling with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

“Not really if the Royal Guard took all the ships,” Spike said.

“I highly doubt that they would take all of them,” Cadence replied. “What would they need them for, anyway?”

“But why were the Royal Guard there in the first place, and attacking everypony?” Fluttershy asked. She scratched the back of her head in puzzlement. “That doesn’t make any sense to me. I’m not saying Barley is a liar, she was telling the truth, I can tell. But I find it hard to believe they would take a whole city down and take everypony prisoner.”

“Perhaps they need the city for other uses?” Trixie suggested. “Why else would they destroy the railway bridge, other than to deny it to an enemy.”

Luna’s eyes widened in realisation, and she slapped her forehead lightly. “Area denial, of course! Trixie, you are a genius! Why else would they take all the ships and destroy the bridges?”

“Can somepony please explain to me what area denial is?” Spike asked.

“It’s a term used in warfare when an objective or a target is destroyed so it can’t be used by the enemy forces,” Cadence explained. “But why Strutford? And what enemy that made them so scared that they took all the ships and destroyed the railway bridges going to Canterlot?”

The five companions went silent as each tried to think of a reason to attack Strutford. “I think I can answer that for you,” Barley said from behind them.

The five companions spun around at Barley’s voice. The unicorn was standing in the doorway, leaning against the side. “What do you mean?” Trixie asked with a raised eyebrow.

Barley stood up straight and walked towards them. “On Tuesday, just before the world went to Tartarus, news and rumours started coming in that the garrison at Detrots had turned traitor, and were threatening to launch a revolution against Equestria. Of course, the Guard must have heard of it, and acted quickly to make sure they didn’t have a fast travel route to Canterlot.”

“Indeed, and now it starts to make sense,” Luna said. “First, Detrots splits itself off from Equestria, including around fifteen hundred troops that are stationed there. Knowing that Strutford is rioting, they plan to get into the city and board a train that would take them directly into Canterlot. But unfortunately for them, the Royal Guard and the Crystal Knights are hastily deployed to take out the railway line and the ships from falling into their hooves.”

“So, you think they may have scuttled the ships to prevent them from falling to the Detrot Garrison?” Cadence queried.

“A few, maybe, but not all of them,” Luna replied. “They would be useful assets for taking troops to and fro as they advance on Detrots.”

“Then there’s a chance that the city is abandoned now?” Spike said hopefully. “That would be nice to walk through an empty city as though I’m the king.”

Trixie shook her head. “I highly doubt the Royal Guard would just leave an entire city to looters and such.”

“Trixie’s right,” Cadence agreed. “They would have left at least a hundred guards on garrison duty. Easier than an entire army, but if one patrol discovers us, we’ll be in huge trouble. Either way, it’s going to be difficult getting into the city as it is, and then having to find a ship to commandeer is going to be a challenge.”

“I know, that’s where I come in,” Barley intervened with a wry smile across her face. “The many ways into Strutford would probably be guarded, and patrols would probably be happening across the city. Luckily, I know a few ways into the city that involves going under it.” She looked to Luna with pleading eyes. “Let me come with you, and help you get out of Equestria, if that’s what you’re planning. I’m useless at home, and I will only be a burden to my family. They will be better off without me.”

Luna looked at Fluttershy for her opinion, an eyebrow raised. The pegasus bit her lower lip in thought, staring at the ground. This pony whom she had only met once before, is now back in her life, and this time she seemed intent on staying. Judging by her past experiences with Barley, did she really know her way into the city, or was it a ruse just so she can be with her – that is, if that was Barley’s actual goal?

She wiped her mind of the thought. The Dragonlord knew that if there was a chance to get into the city, then they would have to take it. Besides, with Barley branded as a traitor, it’ll be senseless staying in Equestria. Where would she go?

“Of course, you can come,” Fluttershy said, eventually. “We will greatly appreciate all the help we can get.”

Barley grinned and squealed delightfully. She hopped into the circle and hugged Luna quickly. “Oh, thank you, all of you,” she said delightfully as she pulled back. She turned around and hugged Cadence “I promise I won’t be any trouble to any of you and will follow your instructions to the letter,” she said as she hugged Spike and Trixie at once.

She hopped over to Fluttershy and hugged her as well, making the Dragonlord give out a squeak in shock at how tight it was. “This is going to be so awesome! I’ve never been on an adventure before, but it’ll be nice to do something other than serve food and drink!” She pulled away from Fluttershy, playfully stroking her sides as she did so, and making Fluttershy’s eyes widen even more as her body tingled against her touch. “I hope we can become good friends after this.” Before she could say anything else, and the pegasus could respond, Barley yawned. “Sorry, I’m really tired, haven’t slept well for days. See you all in the morning.” With that, she spun around and trotted cheerfully back to the barn, tail swishing with delight.

“I agree with Barley,” Cadence said as she stood up, yawning. “I think it’s best we get some rest – a long walk tomorrow.” With that, the Crystal Princess got up and walked back inside, followed close behind by Trixie and Spike.

Fluttershy was about to move, too, but was stopped in her tracks when Luna spoke, “So, you two know each other?” she asked, a little smile on her lips.

Fluttershy, looked down on the ground, blood rushing to her cheeks once more. “Maybe,” she responded. “I-it was only a brief encounter.”

Luna nodded, that little smirk on her lips getting bigger and bigger. “Uh-huh. Was it, really? Cause she seemed really fond of you? That hug was longer than normal.”

Fluttershy cheeks went red even more. “Was it?”

Luna nodded. “Romantic level hug. What happened between you two?”

The Dragonlord could only sigh, then explained, “Well, we stayed in the inn she worked in on our way after my father. She, well… she… ummm…”

“Started flirting with you?” Luna finished, grinning. Fluttershy nodded rapidly, feeling she was about to faint being in the spotlight of a topic she didn’t really enjoy. Luna only chuckled. “I wouldn’t worry much about it, dear Fluttershy. She’s a pony who’s rooted to her job, much like you. It would take a very special pony who’s only committed to her would make her prioritise to that pony.” She got up and sat next to the pegasus, towering over her in posture. “Do you feel a future with her?”

Fluttershy looked up at her with wide eyes, asking if she was being serious. After a brief moment, she closed them, bowed her head to the ground, and shook her head. “I’m a Dragonlord. I live a longer life than everypony, barring you and Celestia. I’d have to watch my friends grow old while I will be this young for hundreds of years. It wouldn’t be fair on us.” She leaned her head against Luna’s body, feeling her calm and steady heartbeat. “I don’t really want to be in a relationship with anypony now. Not because I’m asexual, no. But because it wouldn’t be fair.” She pulled away and looked back up at Luna. “Does that make me selfish?”

Luna chuckled, and draped a wing over Fluttershy’s back. “Oh, my dear Fluttershy, of course not. It is your choice to love or not, as it is your choice of what to do when you get up in the morning, or who you see in the day. Love is never easy, otherwise we’d all be doing it. But when it’s right, you know it’s right.” She rubbed the pegasus’ back. “Will you ask her about it tomorrow?”

Fluttershy shrugged. “Maybe. Probably be best to get it out of the way before we go further.” The pegasus willed herself onto her hooves. “Shall we get inside?”

Luna nodded, then got up and walked beside Fluttershy to the front door. “You seem to know a lot about love,” the Dragonlord noted.

“I have been around for a while, my dear,” Luna replied. “and while there have been many who have tried to woo this old mare’s heart, there is only one pony that I could ever have given it to.”

Fluttershy’s ears pricked upright and her eyes widened in interest. “Oh, and who was he then?” she asked curiously, her eyes narrowing while a sly smile formed on her lips. She suddenly frowned in realisation. “O-or a she, I mean, I’m not prejudiced-”

Luna cut her rambling off with a booming laugh. “His name was Re,” she answered, a small smile formed on her lips at Fluttershy presumed a memory passing through her mind. “One of the most gracious, elegant and loving ponies I have ever met in my many years.”

Fluttershy smiled for them both. “You must have lived a long life together to remember him like that.”

Luna’s smile faded, and she looked away. “No, we didn’t actually. I only knew him for a short time, before he was… before he was taken from me,” she finished in a whisper.

Fluttershy put a hoof over her mouth in shock. “Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up any bad memories.”

Luna looked back at her with a small smile; Fluttershy could see she was trying to hold back tears, though, and it pained her. “It’s fine, Fluttershy, I know you didn’t.” She briskly gestured with her head for the pegasus to go in. “I won’t be long. I just need a minute to myself.”

Fluttershy wanted to stay and talk to her, but knew it would be pointless. ‘It will be like talking to a stubborn brick wall,’ she thought. She hesitantly brought a hoof up, and gently patted the alicorn on the shoulder. “If you ever need to talk, you know I will be there to listen.”

Luna merely nodded in acknowledgment. With that settled, Fluttershy walked back inside and sighed as she stopped and looked into the little hay fort Luna had set up earlier.

Spike and Trixie were already fast asleep: the unicorn was resting her head on her stretched out forelegs, and Spike was leaning against her, with a bit of dribble dripping from his mouth and down Trixie’s side. Cadence had tucked her legs against her stomach and was resting her head on the top of a stack of hay she had brought down, her eyes staring into the fire as though she was trying to predict the future within.

Wheat Grain, Cereal Grain and Grape Vine were huddled together at the far end of the hay fort, their eyes opening as closing as they tried to drift off to sleep. While Barley laid spread out on her back next to her family, looking up at the ceiling with a blank, yet tired, expression.

Fluttershy took the corner closest to the door, spun around a bit like a cat about to get comfortable, then lowered herself onto her stomach while tucking her legs in and propping her side against the hay. ‘This is surprising comfortable considering its hay,’ she thought as she felt the little finger-like pieces of hay caress her coat. It would be a good night’s sleep, it seemed.

She rested her head on the ground and closed her eyes, ready and hoping to fall into a restful sleep free of nightmares. She was just about to fall sleep when she heard Barley shift herself about loudly. The Dragonlord peeped an eye open, and watched as the unicorn fell onto one side for a long while, making Fluttershy think she had finally fallen asleep, before suddenly hauling herself onto her back and onto her other side.

It continued for a long time, keeping anypony that wasn’t asleep yet awake. Fluttershy gradually started to lose her temper; she was tired herself and was a light sleeper. ‘Now I know how Luna felt when I scratched myself back at the castle.’ That moment seemed years ago to her, yet was just about a few days ago at least. She chuckled to herself silently; she didn’t even know what the date was.

“I’m sorry, everypony,” Barely said after a sigh, rising to her forehooves. “But I just can’t sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see the fires in Strutford, and the dust cloud of Crystal Knights coming from the east.”

“Then perhaps a song might soothe restless hearts and minds?” Luna suggested as she walked in. Though she thought she had hidden them well, the dark, wet marks on the Princess’s cheeks from Luna’s tears were obvious to Fluttershy, and it pained her to know the Princess was keeping her pain to herself. “I do know one that might ease your minds and let you drift into sleep.”

Barley smiled graciously. “Oh, that would be nice, thank you, Luna,” she said. She settled back down to the ground, while Luna sat the opposite side of Fluttershy.

Once everypony was comfortable, Luna cleared her throat, and began to sing. Fluttershy was instantly blown away by the Princess’s voice, for it was deep yet soothing, like a star had begun to sing to the ponies below.

“The sun is sleeping quietly,
Once upon a century.
“Wistful oceans calm and red,
Ancient caresses laid to rest.”

“For my dreams I hold my life,
For wishes I behold my night.
“The truth at the end of time,
Losing faith makes a crime.”

“I wish for this night time,
To last for a lifetime.
“The darkness around me,
Shores of a solar sea.
“Oh, how I wish to go down with the sun.
With you.”

Fluttershy simply stared at Luna as she sang. She wanted to look away, fall asleep, or join in and sing as well, but she found herself unable to do anything; Luna’s singing captivated her. The Dragonlord’s heart groaned in disappointment when Luna closed her mouth, and no more of her beautiful voice emerged. “Could you sing that again?” Fluttershy asked after a brief period of silence.

Luna laughed through her hoof. “Not tonight, Fluttershy, but maybe another night I will sing again. Besides, I wouldn’t want to awake our gracious hosts for the night.” She gestured with a flick of her hoof to the Grain family, who were all now fast asleep and breathing softly. Cadence, too, had fallen asleep, her head resting on the hay.

Fluttershy quickly realised how tired she felt. Before she could stop it, a yawn escaped her mouth. “Okay. Good night, Luna,” she whispered, before setting her head on the ground and closing her eyes, barely hearing the silent sniffles coming from the older alicorn as she cried once more.

Author's Note:

Well, this has been awhile, hasn't it? But I said I would continue this, and tho and behold, the Last of the Dragonlords is back.

I really don't know why, but I hated writing this chapter. Probably because so little happens, or a lotta dialogue is thrown out, or the fact it has changed from its first writing, then realising, this is stupid, I wanna go and change it. One major change occurs here, that I realised getting it to completion that its not very good, so I scrapped the arc altogether.

That partly explains how long it took to get it here and now, but it's not an excuse for how long it's been since the last one. I can't make any promises, but I'm hoping that the next chapters will be more frequent; I hope to get this Part done, and get to work on Part 2.

Also, this chapter hasn't been seen through a proof-reader. If there are any mistakes, please let me know as soon as they are visible so I can correct them straight away, and if anyone wants to be a proof-reader for me, I'll be most grateful.

Anyways, enough rambling from me, hope you enjoyed this one more than me writing it. The next chapter contains the juicy stuff!