• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 15,847 Views, 262 Comments

Hostile Takeover - Coconutswallow

Fluttershy heads to Manehattan and ends up living with Trixie.

  • ...

A Change

There was a sharp intake of breath. Trixie felt like she had been listening to the same record for eternity and somepony had finally pulled up the needle. What was she doing? She stared at the sandwich Fluttershy was eating in front of her.

“Why did Trixie just give you that sandwich?”

Fluttershy quickly swallowed the bite she was chewing. “Um, you said I could have one. Did I mishear? Is this not my sandwich? I’m sorry, I can replace it.” She made a move to get up before Trixie gestured her stay put.

“No, just… hold on…” Trixie glanced around her. Was this a bowling alley? Of course it was. She had agreed to go out bowling with Fluttershy. The Royal Performance Competition was next week and they had just arrived in Canterlot to get settled and practice on the enormous stage they had erected on the palace grounds. There was a proposal to go out into the city and find a way to relax. Trixie supposed that proposal had been from her. She had willingly brought Fluttershy along without so much as a single fuss or eye roll. She bit her bottom lip. When was the last time she had complained? It had been weeks. They had been training for so long without rivalry that she had grown complacent… Or was it worse?

Wait. She was biting her lip. She never bit her lip when she was concerned, but she knew somepony who did. Surely she wasn’t sub-consciously mimicking the pegasus now? What other filthy things had infiltrated her thoughts while she had tried to maintain a professional relationship with her roommate? Why was this all suddenly hitting her in the middle of eating lunch? Trixie rubbed her temples, desperately wishing for some aspirin.

“What’s the problem?” Fluttershy looked at Trixie with her all-encompassing eyes, orbs that answered her questions.

Friendship. She was becoming friends with Fluttershy. No… but… yes. It had all been a setup by her conscience. She had been sitting in the bowling alley, having just finished a friendly game, when she decided to buy herself and Fluttershy a sandwich. That must have been the trigger. Her mind realized she had spent bits on the pegasus and finally did its duty to send out a warning to Trixie, but it was too late, far, far too late.

“Dear Celestia, no.” Trixie backed away from the table.

“What?” Fluttershy’s small frown gave way to worried eyes and down-turned eyebrows.

“This can’t be happening. It’s a dream, Trixie, it’s all a dream. It was last time.” Trixie backed away further, her eyes trying to will away Fluttershy’s existence.

“Trixie, what’s the matter? You’re scaring me.”

You’re scaring Trixie! The past few months have scared Trixie!” Trixie closed her eyes, her hooves still backpedaling, all in the desperate hope this would just go away.

“Trixie, watch out!”

It took a few seconds too many for Trixie to register the meaning of this warning, the consequences of trying to ignore everything exiting the devil-creature’s mouth. How she managed to back straight into a rack of bowling balls, she wasn’t quite sure of, nor was she aware of just how fast she was moving until her backside hit it with a hardy thump. The resultant crash of bowling balls upon her was both quite painful and effective at removing consciousness.

“Seriously, Trix, at this rate I’m considering getting some sort of monitoring device. Bowling balls. Bowling balls, Trix. How does that even happen?”

Trixie was far too tired to make herself the least bit imposing. Instead she turned tired eyes to her manager as he stood by her bedside. “Trixie has no idea.”

“Yeah, and my mother’s a flower pot. Miss Flutter told me that you were spooked at something before you upset that bowling ball shelf. So out with it. Why am I really out a magician a few days before the competition?”

Trixie’s lips remained pursed.

“That embarrassing?” Big Entrance sighed. “You’re costing me Trixie. The doctor said there’s no way you’re going to recover in time to participate.”

This time Trixie mustered some annoyance. “Sorry, Trixie just felt like being pelted with bowling balls today. She had it all planned out.”

“Hey, look, for all I know, you could have done this on purpose. I can hardly tell with you anymore.” Big Entrance rubbed his forehead and leaned a hoof on the side of Trixie’s bed. “And you’ve left me with a mare that has proven herself in the past to be a beautiful, caring, well-meaning stage tomato. Please tell me you’ve got Shy ready for this, at least. Please, for the love of Luna, Celestia, and their mysterious parents, I need something.”

“She’s ready,” said Trixie with finality. “Trixie thinks she actually got through to her this time. She should give the other contestants a run for their money.”

Big Entrance’s eyes narrowed. “You think that she can stick it to the big contenders? That she can rumble with the pro-ponies?”

“You wanted Trixie to tell you that Fluttershy was ready yet you seem more willing to believe she isn’t. Do you know something Trixie doesn’t?”

“Well, no, but my perspective is like a light switch. In case you couldn’t tell, I just switched to realist mode. Once I get my hopes up I have to bring them back down. Now I’m inclined to believe she’ll perform the same way she always has.”

“Trixie really thinks she’ll actually go above and beyond this time.”

Big Entrance paused in thought. “Hey, Miss Shy, get in here,” he called.

Fluttershy poked her head into the hospital room. “Yes?”

“Do you think you’re ready to participate in the Royal Performance Competition by yourself?” Big Entrance pulled his sunglasses down and stared at her hard.

Fluttershy swallowed and met Big Entrance’s steely gaze. “Yes. I think I can win it.”

“You have no problem getting on a stage before thousands of ponies and putting on an animated performance that will pull in the blue ribbon?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened ever-so-slightly. She glanced at Trixie who gave her a reassuring look. “I’ll do my best,” she said, in what was obviously the most amount of confidence she could put together.

“Excellent.” Big Entrance cast one last piercing gaze at Fluttershy before pushing his sunglasses back up and turned back to Trixie. “I’m guessing you’ve made arrangements for somepony to take care of you? It certainly won’t be me, not unless you want lie in my hotel room and listen to me make business calls all day.”

“Actually, Trixie hasn’t had time to make such arrangements because she has a manager that insists on talking to her as soon as she’s able to be visited.” Trixie would have crossed her forelegs were she able.

“Oh, I can take care of you, Trixie,” said Fluttershy, with a big smile.

Trixie closed her eyes. She knew that’s what it would come to. It just seemed inevitable.

Fluttershy presented Trixie with a juice box. “I got this from the cafeteria. Juice is always a good drink for when you’re sick.”

“Trixie thinks she is far past that stage, but thank you.” Trixie graciously accepted the drink offered to her and cursed her life.

Fluttershy was more than happy to take care of Trixie. Taking care of a pony seemed no different to her than all the woodland creatures she had taken care of back in Ponyville. In fact, it was almost nostalgic, and Fluttershy would have been lying to herself if she didn’t find it enjoyable.

“Do you need another pillow, Trixie?” Fluttershy asked, holding up a large, fluffy specimen.

“No, no, Trixie thinks she is quite fine.” Trixie settled herself into the couch further and continued watching the TV.

“Are you sure? Extra back support is necessary if you’re going to lying down like that for a long time.” Fluttershy started adding the pillow to the two already there before even waiting for an answer.

Trixie huffed. “Fine, alright, Trixie will have another pillow.”

“Do you need anything else? I’m going to be making some more soup here soon and I want to make sure you’re perfectly situated before I head into the kitchen for awhile.”

“You don’t need to monitor Trixie constantly. She’s not going to die in the course of a few minutes.”

“Well, maybe not die, but one time, I left this squirrel who had broken a leg alone for a few minutes and he fell down and couldn’t get up and I didn’t come back until two hours later. I felt simply awful and I promised I wouldn’t let anything like that happen ever again.”

Trixie stared at the ceiling, the corners of her mouth twitching. “Trixie will be fine while you make the soup, though she just ate three hours ago.”

“Well you’ve got to keep your strength up if you’re going to recover quickly. I’m going to start cutting the lentils.” Fluttershy made a move to the kitchen.

“Actually Trixie was thinking tomato soup this time.”

Fluttershy cast wary eyes on the requester. “I don’t know. I’ve heard lentil soup is best for somepony recovering from an injury. Tomato soup isn’t as healthy, especially with all the spices you like in it.”

“Well, fine, maybe some pea soup?”

Fluttershy winced again.

Trixie let out a long sigh. “Fine. Lentil soup.”

Fluttershy smiled, an expression which quickly changed to curiosity when there was a knock at the door.

“Are you expecting visitors, Trixie?” Fluttershy asked.

“Trixie is expecting Ivy and Hue. That’s probably them.”

As soon as Fluttershy had opened the door, she couldn’t keep herself from gaping, her eyes growing wide upon examining the group of ponies before her. She blinked.

“Fluttershy, you’re ok!” exclaimed Twilight. She reached her hooves out but was beat to the punch by Rarity, who lurched forward and embraced Fluttershy’s neck.

“Oh, darling, we were so worried! And to think, here you are looking pretty as a picture.”

“Oh, I’m perfectly fine,” said Fluttershy. Her mind finally gathered itself and she beamed. “It’s so great to see you all! But, um, what are you doing here?”

“Well we weren’t going to miss your big competition! Somepony has to cheer you on!” Pinkie made a loud whooping noise.

“Well, that was one reason we came,” said Applejack. “The other was ‘cuz you weren’t replyin’ to our letters. We musta sent ya over a dozen. ‘Tweren’t for Princess Celestia, we’d have never known about this competition.”

“It’d have been one thing if you just hadn’t been replying but you said in that one letter that you were staying with Trixie?” Rainbow Dash peered behind Fluttershy. “Has she been keeping you prisoner?”

“Oh my, no, she’s not keeping me prisoner. We’ve been getting along fine, but I’m afraid I don’t know what happened to your letters. I thought that you all must have been very busy, so I figured I would just wait.”

“But Fluttershy, it’s been a month.” Twilight gave Fluttershy a half-smile.

“I’m a very patient pony,” said Fluttershy, ducking her head.

“Which is a good virtue, dear,” said Rarity. “We simply thought something more sinister was at work, something done by the hooves of a certain arrogant unicorn.”

“So is Trixie here?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, she is. Do you want to see her?” Fluttershy gestured them inside and led them into the living room. “Trixie, you’ll never guess who came over! These are my friends from Ponyville! Though, I suppose you’ve already met them.”

Trixie lifted her head as best she could in her injured state. She gave them all a wide stare. “Hello.”

“That’s uh, not exactly what ah’ was expectin’,” said Applejack, looking over Trixie’s various bandages.

“What happened to you?” asked Twilight.

Trixie’s saucer gaze continued. “Bowling accident.”

“I’ve been taking care of her,” said Fluttershy.

“Pardon?” asked Rarity.

“Well somepony has to help her recover, so I volunteered.”

“Fluttershy has been a great help to me these past few days,” said Trixie, her surprised expression softening.

There were quite a few slack jaws.

“Feel free to make use of Trixie’s abode if you so desire,” she continued.

“Okay!” Pinkie poked her head through a nearby doorway. “Oooh, the kitchen! Do you have any snacks?” she asked, hopping in and rummaging through the cupboards.

“Pinkie, ah don’t think we plan on stayin long.” Applejack gave Trixie a wary glance.

“Alright, if nopony is going to come right out and ask it— is this some sort of trick?” Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs at Trixie while she hovered in mid-air. “And that was not an intentional pun.”

“Trick? And what exactly would Trixie being tricking you into doing or thinking?” Trixie’s eyes narrowed a fraction.

“I’m not following,” said Fluttershy, growing unsettled by the tension in the room.

“Well, I believe most of us were expecting a lot more obnoxiousness,” said Rarity. “It’s what one might expect given previous encounters with this individual.” She added her hard stare to the onslaught.

“So Trixie really has been treating you alright?” Twilight asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, she’s been treating me fine.”

“Trixie understands your concern...” She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say more, but instead she closed it and remained silent.

“And?” Twilight raised an eyebrow at Trixie.

“That’s… that’s all Trixie is going to say on the matter. Fluttershy and Trixie are on good terms. There is no need to worry.”

“The last time we saw you, you were running away from Ponyville in a cloud of smoke in a most rediculous manner. Excuse us if we’re just a little bit wary at your current behavior,” said Rarity.

“Ponies change,” said Trixie.

“That’s a pretty big turnaround,” said Applejack.

“Trixie really has been a wonderful roommate,” said Fluttershy, trying to stem the tide. “I mean, there have been a few misunderstandings here and there, but nothing bad.”

“So you’ve really enjoyed your stay here?” asked Twilight.

“I really have. Apart from a few bad spots, it’s been a great experience.”

“Well… alright then.” Applejack’s slowly dropped her hardened stare.

There was a brief silence.

“Not what I what I was expecting at all,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Mmm, that lentil soup you have in there is amazing!” Pinkie poked her head out of the kitchen door.

“No, Pinkie, that’s for Trixie!” Fluttershy ran into the kitchen.

“Ohhhh, sorry! Well there’s enough for about a bowl left. No worries!”

“Uh, I think it’s best if we hightail it out of here fer now,” said Applejack. “It was great seeing you Fluttershy. We’ll be in the Horseshoe Hotel if you wanna come and see us again before the big competition tomorrow.”

“If you don’t get the chance, you won’t be able to miss us in the stands. I made this huge banner! You’re gonna love it! I can’t wait to pull it out! Okay, bye now!” Pinkie bounced out of the apartment along with the rest of her friends… most of the rest of her friends. Rainbow Dash hung behind.

“I’m not entirely convinced,” said Rainbow Dash, eyeing Trixie closely. “Don’t think I’m not onto you.” She flew out of the apartment backwards, not taking her eyes off Trixie until she was around the corner.

“I’m sorry about that,” said Fluttershy, carrying out the remaining bowl of lentil soup to Trixie. “They haven’t had the time to get to know you.”

“Trixie doesn’t blame them too much. She has been through a lot since her performance in Ponyville.”

And that was the problem wasn’t it? Trixie and Fluttershy both had experienced the same events, yet with entirely unfair outcomes. Whatever cosmic forces had it out for Trixie were clearly fond of Fluttershy. Ever since her arrival in Manehattan, what had happened to her? Not Luna-yelling much. A little instant adoration, a little distress, and her coming out on top no matter what. She was hardly even affected. She was still the soft-spoken, shy, agreeable mare she had been when she first arrived, but Trixie? Well she didn’t get it so easy. She had been assaulted with a life-altering sense of sympathy, some sort of relationship of familiarity, and now she was lying in her apartment, bandaged and splinted all over. Absolutely nothing added up. For a few moments, she had thought Fluttershy’s drunken rant of conviction would open up a new side of her, but nothing came of it other than Trixie be forced to spend even more teeth grating moments with the goody-two-wings.

“Do the Elements of Harmony have an auto-correcting mechanism of some sort?”

“Pardon?” Fluttershy looked up from her book.

Had Trixie said that out loud? “Um, nothing.”

“Do you need something? You’ve been lying there for awhile. Do you want me to put you by the window?”

If Trixie had a bit for every expression of concern she had received in the past half day, then she would have been able to retire. Oh, how much she wished…

There was another knock on the door. Wonderful. Trixie had been quite sure that Fluttershy’s friends were too spooked to come back. That was an awkward situation to be sure. How could she explain that she had become “friends” with Fluttershy over the past month? How could she even admit that to herself? Trixie closed her eyes tightly, laying her head back on her pillow, and tried to look asleep. She had requested a boatload of painkillers at the hospital. Why wasn’t that request honored?

Fortunately, as the door was opened, Trixie realized that it was her own social group that had come calling, and she could be spared the untrusting stares of five mares a little longer.

“Hey, Fluttershy, how have you been?” Hue asked as the trio made it into the living room, his eyes not once glancing in Trixie’s direction.

“Oh, I’ve been fine, thank you,” said Fluttershy. Her eyes quickly darted to the floor and she backed up a few steps. “But, um, don’t you want to talk to Trixie?”

“Well, kind of, I guess,” said Hue, shrugging. He took a few steps forward, a small smile growing on his face. “But I’m all for just talking with yo—“

“I’m quite sure we’re here to see Trixie,” said Ivy, interrupting Hue and stepping between him and Fluttershy with obvious purpose.

“Will you two stop hanging by the doorway and get over here,” said Trixie.

The group made their way across the room to stand in front of Trixie, Ivy and Hue’s faces quickly wincing as they looked at Trixie.

“Oh wow, Trixie, that must have been an oucher.” Hue leaned in, wincing even harder upon closer inspection of the bandages.

“Yes, that was the medical term the doctor used. ‘Oucher.’” Trixie lifted her hoof just enough to hit Hue lightly on the nose. He took the hint and backed up.

“I’m sorry we didn’t make it to the hospital. Nopony even told us about your accident until an hour ago,” said Ivy.

“Trixie’s getting the indication that Big Entrance isn’t all that concerned with notifying ponies about this,” said Trixie.

“That would certainly fit his character. So how are you holding up?”

“About as good as a magician can hold up knowing that she’s going to miss her opportunity to participate in a royal stage competition.”

“Yeah, I can imagine that must kind of suck,” said Hue. He stuck his tongue out of the side of his mouth and scrunched up his nose.

“Um, Fluttershy, do you think you could let us speak privately for awhile?” asked Trixie.

“Sure, that’s not a problem.” Fluttershy took the book she had been reading and went down the hall.

“Aw, was that necessary?” asked Hue, frowning and tilting his head at Fluttershy’s retreating figure.

Ignoring Hue, Trixie began. “Trixie would like to talk about her recent protégé.”

“Fluttershy? Is she okay?” asked Ivy.

“Fluttershy is doing fine… quite well.” Trixie looked to the side.

“So you really think that Fluttershy’s ready to finish the competition herself?” asked Hue.

Trixie stared into space, picturing Fluttershy in her mind’s eye, her graceful movements, her cheerful demeanor, and her ever-smiling eyes. “Trixie doesn’t think she stands a chance,” she said.

Hue and Ivy stared at Trixie, mouths agape.

Trixie looked back at them, not the least surprised by their reactions. “What can Trixie say? It’s the truth. That’s what Trixie wanted to talk in private about. Trixie tried her hardest to get Fluttershy ready for the stage, but it’s like forcing a circle shape into a triangular hole. Trixie just doesn’t think it will ever fit.”

“But, she’s Fluttershy. Everypony loves her! Surely that will do her some favors,” said Hue.

“Only a few. There’s only so far looking cute and graceful will go. This isn’t modeling where she just has to walk across a stage. She actually has to go out there and perform!”

“Well what are you going to do?” asked Ivy. “Did you tell Big Entrance?”

“Of course not! Trixie did not get this far to just abandon everything. Besides, Big Entrance would have thrown a fit. He might not admit it, but he’s hopeful she'll be his ticket Equestria-wide renown. As to what Trixie is going to do…” Trixie narrowed her eyes. “Trixie has been thinking about that ever since she learned she wouldn’t be able to participate and she came up with one weak link that might be able to be exploited. The stage competition is going to need ponies to manage costumes and makeup is it not?”

“Yes,” said Ivy, her eyes narrowing in match with Trixie’s. “Word is that the staff has been chosen from various theaters around Canterlot.”

“Well, what if we were to replace these ponies with ones from our staff,” said Trixie, a smirk coming to her lips. “Ponies such as you two.”

“And just how would we do that?” Ivy tilted her head to look at Trixie with lowered brows.

“Well, Fluttershy is on excellent terms with the princesses. All a pony would need to do is tell her that there are some unscrupulous individuals in the current staff and she’d have it reported to the princesses at once. Toss in a little recommendation about the Mane-Event’s staff and how trustworthy and un-biased they are and we have something very, very nice to work with.”

Hue’s mouth continued to hang open. “So our staff would be the ones prepping the performers. Then what?”

With wild eyes, Trixie bared her teeth. “We sabotage every, single, act.”

Ivy and Hue stared at Trixie, stared at each other, and then back at Trixie. “You can’t be serious?” asked Ivy. “That would be both extremely difficult and entirely unsportsponylike.”

“If we want Fluttershy to win this competition, than it’s our only option. Think about it, with Trixie’s newfound skill of mixing potions and a little common sense, we could easily come up with something that you can sneak into costumes or makeup. It’s perfect.” Trixie tried to rub her hooves together but remember too late that she was incapable of such a feat.

“That’s rather what you deserve,” Ivy said in response to Trixie’s groan. “You and your crazy scheming.”

Trixie growled, her eyes glinting. “Well it’s Trixie’s scheme, or you can watch Fluttershy get crushed by the other competitors.”

Silence reigned as Hue and Ivy looked at the floor. Ivy stamped her hoof lightly. “Okay, we’ll do it,” she said. “But I don’t think this going to work.”

It didn’t just work, it exceeded in flying colors. The following day, Fluttershy told Trixie that the princesses thanked her graciously for the report on their staff and had promptly hired the Mane-Event’s staff as the new stage prep crew. Not long afterwards Ivy called Trixie to tell her that everything was in order and the entire team was more than willing to help Fluttershy win. Of course, Ivy had then proceeded to talk Trixie’s ear off on how much she hated having to sabotage everypony else’s act and how she had never felt more dirty in her entire life. Barely paying attention, Trixie simply requested to have Hue put on the phone whereupon she told him of Ivy’s doubts and that he had better keep her in line. He understood completely. He was useful for something. He, more than anypony, wasn’t about to let Fluttershy lose.

Though it was entirely against doctor recommendation, Trixie felt she was good enough to walk, or hobble at least, by the time the competition rolled around and she fully planned on attending. She got front row too, a nice perk that was granted to her once again by her roommate’s princess connection. Part of the requirement, however, was that Fluttershy really wanted her to come along when she met with the princesses in person. Trixie was more than happy to meet the two most important ponies in Equestria, though it was going to feel ever so odd knowing that she had arranged for the entire competition’s collapse.

This line of thinking quickly left her along with most of the rest of her thoughts as Princess Celestia and Luna approached her. Trixie was quite sure she had no idea what to say. If she was in another state of health, perhaps, she would have felt much more confident, but as it was, she was barely mobile, hobbling along with the support of Fluttershy, despite constant explanations about how she could walk on her power.

“Ah, the contestants from Manehattan,” Celestia gave the duo her signature warm smile. “It is a pleasure to see you. Luna, I’m sure you are familiar with Fluttershy.” She nodded at the Element of Kindness.

“We are, and we are most grateful to thee for teaching us how to speak with grace and a quieter volume.” Luna bowed her head Fluttershy.

“And this is Trixie.” Celestia gestured a hoof at the magician. Trixie could have sworn that she saw a gleam in the princess’s eye while the corners of her mouth inched up to a more playful smile. “She suffered from an accident a few days ago. How are you feeling, Trixie?”

“I am fine, Your Majesty,” said Trixie, bowing as best she could.

“We hear thine act follows the old tradition of displaying a tamed beast, Fluttershy,” said Luna. “We look forward to it, and we are sorry, to you, Trixie, that such an unfortunate accident happened before we got a chance to see your abilities. We hear that your magics bear a great resemblance to the styles of the Round Table Sorcerers. I attended their shows exceedingly in my prior ruling. Pray tell, Celestia, why are they not participating in this competition?”

“Luna…” Celestia tilted her head and looked down at her sister.

“Oh, yes, that’s right.” Luna hung her head. “Well, good fortune to you both. We are off to meet the rest of the contestants.”

“I’ll be rooting for you,” whispered Celestia as she passed by them.

“Way to go Trixie, you said all of five words to them,” Trixie whispered to herself. Her eyebrows knitted when she realized Fluttershy was shaking beside her.

The soon-to-be contestant swallowed and bit her bottom lip. “I don’t think I have this, Trixie. I don’t think I have this. I don’t think I have—”

“You do have this, Fluttershy, never doubt it.” Trixie patted Fluttershy on the shoulder. “You’ll be able to go out on that stage and show that crowd the meaning of talent.” Her voice turned passionate as flame burned behind Trixie’s eyes. “You will make this a wondrous competition to behold.”

Fluttershy looked into Trixie’s eyes and her worried frown melted away. “Oh, thank you, Trixie!” She wrapped her hooves around Trixie’s neck.

“Wait, Trixie has no idea where that corny line came from! Trixie’s neck is sore! Stop!”

Trixie’s words rang true. The competition was indeed wondrous to behold. Every show brought with it an entirely new way to fail. Whether it was the dancing troupes’ costumes coming apart and tripping each of them up, the stallion with the performing dogs who wouldn’t do their tricks because they were too busy going after the treats stuck in his cape, or the musical group who couldn’t sing because of the itching powder thrown in their fur. Things started to look dangerous when the knife thrower started sneezing but luckily she quickly abandoned her act before any pony got hurt.

Trixie watched as the audience’s concern steadily grew as act after act went up in flames, both figuratively, and in the case of a few acts, literally. Trixie was quite sure the princesses would shut down the show ere too long. Fortunately, Ivy had finagled the schedules to make Fluttershy’s act halfway through the show. Even better, Flair was the act just preceding hers. To get to see him fail would be a fantastic appetizer.

Yet, when Trixie saw Cream hurtle down the aisles to her with a concerned face, Trixie knew that it was a dish that would never arrive. With a sigh, Trixie closed her eyes once Cream was in speaking distance. “What bad news have you brought for Trixie?”

“Was it that obvious on my face?” Cream asked. She rubbed her face. “Do you have a mirror? I mean…” She shook head quickly. “It’s Flair. I don’t know how he caught on to us, but he has his own stage preparation crew and they are impossible to persuade and bribe. Ivy’s tried everything. He looks like he means business. What are we going to do?” Cream’s eyes looked pleadingly at Trixie, followed by a deep pout, a sure sign she was a member of the Fluttershy Fan Club.

“Trixie knew this wouldn’t go without a hitch. It wouldn’t be a plan of hers if it was flawless now would it?” Trixie stared at the stage, her nose scrunching up alongside a scowl, forming her planning face.

"Hurry up, I have to get back and help Peaches!"

"Will you be patient!" Trixie ground her teeth together. There was nothing for it but to find another way to interfere and there was only one way to mess up the show while it was going on—magic. “Trixie will handle it.”

“What do you have in mind?” asked Cream.

“Trixie has a horn doesn’t she? As well as a front row seat? She can ruin Flair’s show herself.”

“But, didn’t the doctor tell you to not use your magic for awhile? And won’t he easily notice your interference and call shenanigans?”

“Just, well, shh, Trixie will handle this. Now don’t you have future acts to help sabotage?” Trixie waved her hoof.

“Don’t screw this up, Trixie.” Cream prodded Trixi’s head and ran back up the aisles.

“Don’t forget whose idea this was!” Trixie called after her before being shushed by the ponies sitting beside her. She sighed. How was she going to do this?

As it turned out, she needed to do nothing. Absolutely nothing, because there was nothing to do. Fury occupied Trixie's insides.

As soon as Flair walked out on stage, his eyes zeroed in on Trixie and he gave her one of his sly, knowing looks. With a little pause for dramatic effect, Flair announced that he had quite the show to put on, and for everypony’s safety, he requested that the front three rows be vacated. Had the other performances gone well, Trixie was sure there would have been grumbling, but as it was, most of the audience was pleased to do anything that might present them with the first honest-to-goodness entertainment of the night.

In the resultant move, Trixie found herself reshuffled in the crowd and the closest seat she could get was in the eighth row, putting her too far away to mess with anything. As Flair swirled his cape dramatically signaling the start of his act, Trixie contemplated just leaving. There was nothing more to witness but arrogance and Fluttershy's crushing defeat. However, some sort of morbid curiosity bid her to stay and she settled for making mocking mental comments at the performance. It was the only way to cope.

However, her mind was spared the effort. Every spell Flair cast fizzled. Every single one. Trixie stared with her mouth hanging open while Flair got increasingly frustrated. His anger quickly escalated to a point when the royal guards had to intervene and force him off the stage. A wave of palpable disappointment swept across the crowd. Except for Trixie. She was grinning ear to ear. She had no idea what caused his utter failure, but it was glorious. She leaned back, anticipating watching Fluttershy drive a stake in the ground.

Except everypony was starting to leave. Apparently there was only so much failure a crowd could witness before deciding to find something better to do with their time. Fortunately, it took time to wait in line and exit the theater, time enough for Fluttershy to get setup and present Maribel.

The chimera alone was fascinating enough for a lot of the ponies, but combined with the sudden cacophony of noise that arose from one section of the theater alongside a obnoxiously large banner filled to the brim with encouraging puns, the entirety of the audience quickly returned to their seats in curiosity. When Fluttershy actually started putting on her act, an instant murmur went across the crowd that this actually looked promising. Within minutes, there was applause. Fluttershy’s performance wasn’t mind blowing but in comparison to every other act, it was the most amazing performance of skill and showmareship in the world. Trixie thought wistfully at how good it could have been had she been able to be on the stage with her, wincing each time she saw Fluttershy make a small mistake out of nervousness, but the crowd seemed to barely notice and as soon the act was over, the theater reverberated with their applause.

As Fluttershy came off stage, her eyes managed to catch Trixie’s and she smiled widely. Trixie waved at her to wait as she slowly made her way backstage where she was welcomed by the sight of Flair, a royal guard standing by him, staring daggers into the back of Fluttershy. He looked like he had just unleashed a verbal onslaught, and given the purposeful way Fluttershy seemed to be facing away from him, Trixie had a pretty good idea who the target had been. She made a mental note to repay him in kind after the winner was announced.

Trixie could tell the deliberation had just started because a hush came over the crowd. Time ticked on and Trixie started to get slightly nervous. Could it be they were going to pitch the whole show due to the sheer amount of ineptitude? That actually wouldn’t be a bad outcome, Trixie thought. If everypony lost then it would just take things back to square one, but some reason, Trixie wanted more. She supposed this contest was important to her... for some reason... that had absolutely nothing to do with her closeness to Fluttershy...

“The winner is Fluttershy!” Luna’s voice boomed over the crowds.

Trixie nodded her head with a smug grin. Was there ever any doubt?

“In your face, Flair!”

Trixie started quizzically, and turned to look at the speaker. Fluttershy was staring down her old rival.

“Didn’t think we could do it, huh? Didn’t think Maribel was good enough? Well, how about now? Does it hurt, that shame, for being wrong? Hmmph!” Fluttershy turned away from Flair, waving her tail at him in a dismissive gesture, missing the sight of Flair lurching after her only to be stopped royal guard beside him.

She came back to Trixie and a stunned expression crossed her face. She ducked her head and looked at Trixie with worry. Trixie laughed and pulled Fluttershy tightly to her. "Sorry, Flair, but you don't have a part to play here," she called over Fluttershy's shoulder. Pulling back, Trixie tiled her head. "Now where did that come from?"

“Thank everything that is royal, you won!” Big Entrance came running up to them. “Miss Shy, you knocked them dead! I mean, I’m surprised they didn’t call it in as a medical emergency. I had business offers before you were even announced the official winner of this contest! You, Miss, have just made me a true contender in the world of theater. The Mane-Event won’t be just a pretty big name anymore, by tomorrow it will one of the names. You are glorious!” He hugged Fluttershy and then turned to Trixie. “Trix, mind if I talk to you for a second?” The two went to an unoccupied corner of the backstage. “Now, Trix, don’t think I don’t know that it was you causing all the rest of those acts to stink more than a wet Diamond Dog. I could see your hoofprints all over it.”

Trixie avoided Big Entrance’s shades. “Trixie did what she had to.”

“Funny thing, last time I heard something along those lines, you had just done something insane. This time? Well, let’s just say I’d give you a raise if I didn’t think it’d go to your head.”

Trixie looked back at her manager. “You approve?”

“Well, no, but once the sabotages were underway, I certainly wasn’t going to object. If you got found out, it wouldn’t be traceable back to me. Though, I will admit, that putting an end to Flair’s performance was rather entertaining. I figured, why not go the whole mile?”

Trixie gaped at Big Entrance. “It was you that was causing Flair’s spells to fail? But how?”

“Yeah, I know, clap me in irons. Being a theater manager means getting to stand backstage, right in spell distance, without a single objection from security. As for how?” Big Entrance chuckled. “This horn isn’t just for show.” He tapped it. “Flair would like to think he has good defense magic, but I know a thing or twelve.”

Trixie shook her head. “There is no way. Flair is far too good. Trixie has rarely even seen you cast a simple telekinesis spell.”

“Hey, now, Trix, babe, don’t assume. Your manager has a few secrets. For all you know, I could have traveled to the East, too. Shén jī, my magician!” With that, Big Entrance slipped into the ever-growing crowd backstage.

The awards ceremony was the standard fare. Trixie quickly lost interest barely halfway into it. She was far too busy rolling in her pride, an unfamiliar pride. Normally it was directed entirely at herself, but this time it had taken a few detours and decided to linger around the yellow coated pegasus on stage. Trixie wasn’t entirely sure if she liked it.

Wisely, the awards ceremony was not extended well beyond the average pony’s patience and soon the contestants came off the stage, allowing Trixie to cut through the mingling crowd towards Fluttershy. When Trixie arrived, Fluttershy’s friends had already swarmed her along with the princesses. Trixie stood on the fringes of the circle, tapping her hoof, waiting for an opening as they went through their hugging, praises, and cheesy joke making.

At length, Celestia looked beyond the group at Trixie. “Let us not forget Trixie. She had a lot to do with Fluttershy winning first place.”

Trixie froze up upon hearing Celestia’s tone. It was appreciative and warm yet… knowing. With tentative steps, Trixie followed on Celestia’s cue and made her way to Fluttershy. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” She bowed.

“It’s I who should be thanking you, Trixie.” Celestia smirked.

“Though we do not wish the failures of anypony,” said Luna, “we cannot help but be pleased that the performing arts of the ancient era have shown themselves to be superior this evening.” She smiled with smug satisfaction. Trixie could tell she had just won some sort of argument. “Once again, a pleasing performance, Fluttershy. Now, we must go and thank the other contestants for their… participation.” Both princesses nodded, with Celestia winking at Trixie while nopony was looking.

“You really did teach me well,” said Fluttershy, hugging Trixie, much gentler this time.

“Ah should apologize, Trixie,” said Applejack. “Ah had ya pegged wrong. It looks like ya have changed and we have you ta thank for Fluttershy winnin’ first prize.” She held out a hoof.

Trixie shook it. “Trixie accepts your apology.”

With a little sigh, Rarity offered her hoof as well. “I too suppose I was a bit harsh on you, despite the Green Hair Incident.”

“You might as well just accept all our apologies,” said Twilight. “We really misjudged you. Ponies can change and it looks like you have done just that.”

“Yeah, yeah, I guess accept mine.” Rainbow Dash inched her hoof towards Trixie.

“I don’t think I treated you bad, but accept my apology too, just in case.” Pinkie stuck her hoof right in Trixie’s face.

As Trixie shook all the hoofs put before her, she gave serious thought to just turning around and leaving instead of dealing with the current we-learned-a-valuable-lesson love fest. Fortunately, she was saved by Big Entrance.

There was a radiance to her manager’s smile that Trixie had never seen before. He walked at a brisk pace and glided right past Fluttershy’s friends. “I’d like to announce that I have just received the biggest investment in this theater’s history. I doubt I need to say much more, but I will. Miss Flutter, once again, thank you loads, loads. If I had a hat, I’d tip it. Just to let you know, our talk? No worries. I fully expected you'd hit your limit eventually. Having you work for me has been a... journey, but boy-howdy has it paid off. As for you Trixie?” He sidled up to Trixie, grabbed both sides of her head, and leaned in to kiss her quickly on the lips with a loud smack. “For once, Trixie, all my thanks!”

Trixie spluttered and wiped at her mouth, watching Big Entrance practically skip towards a group of unicorns dressed to the nines. Of all the stallions that could have given her a victory kiss…

She suddenly noticed that five pairs of eyes were staring with bewilderment at her, some choosing to stray off in Big Entrance’s direction. “You’d have to know him,” said Trixie.

“Trixie, um, could I, possibly speak to you in private?” Fluttershy pawed the ground and looked up at Trixie with one eye.

That sounded ominous. “Alright,” said Trixie.

“It’ll only be for a little bit,” Fluttershy told her friends, who, though obviously curious, allowed it.

Trixie gave a nod to Fluttershy’s friends and followed her off to the side.

“Trixie, can you be honest with me?” Fluttershy gazed into Trixie’s eyes, a gaze that made Trixie feel like she was having her very soul examined. “Have… well, have you done anything… bad? Lately? I mean, deceitful?”

“Of course not,” Trixie said, shifting her head to the side and closing her eyes, as if finding the idea utterly preposterous.

“Trixie.” Fluttershy’s ears flattened and her eyes turned sorrowful.

Hoof-mittens, there was absolutely no getting out of it now. Just looking at her face rendered Trixie physically incapable of walking away without confessing. She was going to spill and end up telling Fluttershy that she tampered with the entire competition so it would end in disaster. Fluttershy, being the paragon of kindness that she was, would instantly turn in her award and render the entire past month a waste. Fluttershy probably wouldn’t tell on Trixie, but an investigation would start and it would simply be a matter of time before Trixie and her co-workers were out on the street. Well… unless…

Trixie sighed. “Yes, Trixie has done something mean lately.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “Trixie has been hiding the letters that your friends have been sending you. She was angry at you and spiteful, and, well, she just wanted a way to lash out at you indirectly. Trixie is truly sorry. You have great friends and it was horrible of Trixie to drive a wedge between you.” Her shoulders slumped as she hid her face.

“Oh, Trixie.” Fluttershy placed a comforting hoof on her Trixie's shoulder. “It’s alright. You feel bad for what you did and you confessed. I just knew you had done something not very nice, but I just didn’t know what. I feel a lot better now, knowing you regret your actions and have gotten that off your chest.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy. Trixie does feel better for confessing it.” Trixie reached her hooves out and they hugged.

As they pulled back Fluttershy smiled at her, an almost motherly smile. “Trixie… c-can I ask you something?”

Trixie did her best to mentally prepare herself yet again. “Um, yes, you may.”

“Well… why do you refer to yourself in third-person?”

Trixie’s mouth hung open. Third-person? Third-person… Third-person?

“Are you okay? I think your eye is twitching.”

“Is it?” asked Trixie. She closed both her eyes and opened them again. “Trixie… speaks… in… the…”

Fluttershy looked at her expectantly.

“Trixie speaks in the third-person because it… just feels comfortable.”

“But you can speak normally, can’t you? I heard from Twilight that you did after you tried to defeat the Ursa Minor that attacked Ponyville. Why then?”

“B-b-because…” Trixie’s eyebrows came together. “Because Trixie felt like it?”

Fluttershy shook her head and smiled. “I think you speak in third person because that’s part of your stage persona.”

“Well, Trixie—”

“You use it because you want to make yourself appear bigger than life.”

“Now, watch—”

“I think you switched to first person after you couldn’t defeat the Ursa Minor because you felt vulnerable. You felt like your ego had been deflated.”

“That’s not—”

“But you use it all the time here. I’m assuming that’s because you’ve landed a permanent job and have become pretty successful and-oh-I’m-sorry-I’m-lecturing-aren’t-I?”

Trixie stared at her roommate with utter uncertainty. What just happened? “You just pulled what you did to High Hat and company… on Trixie… and you’re sober.”

“I know, I’m terribly sorry. I’m such a blabber-mouth. I didn’t insult you did I? Please, tell me I didn’t insult you!” Fluttershy used her weaponized eyes again.

“No, no, you didn’t insult Trixie.” Trixie narrowed her eyes and gave a half-smile. “She’s just realized that you have changed. Somewhat.”

“Have I? I don’t feel any different.” Fluttershy looked at her hooves.

“Between that outburst at Flair and this, Trixie thinks you most certainly have. If it’s anything like Trixie’s change, it’s subtle, but it grows on you and comes out at random moments." Trixie snickered and shook her head lightly. "Now, what was Big Entrance talking about with you 'hitting your limit?'"

In an instant, Fluttershy had turned away, her mane hiding the side of her face. "I decided this was my last performance. Hanging out with my friends has made me realize just how much I miss Ponyville... and my animals... and the country air... and... well Big Entrance made it clear when I joined that it wasn't going to be a permanent job, so I figured now was as good a time as any to leave."

No more Fluttershy. No more Fluttershy. No. More. Fluttershy. Trixie tried to make her brain register these elements. This is what she wanted for a long time. Her feelings couldn't betray her now! They just couldn't!

"You'll be missed, Fluttershy." Trixie reached out her hoof and touched Fluttershy's shoulder. "You've been a great roommate and excellent co-worker."

Slowly turning around, Fluttershy looked at Trixie with a quivering lip.

"There you are!" Both mares looked to see Ivy, Hue, Cream, and Peaches approach. "That crowd is a pain to work through," continued Hue. His friends looked very much like they were going to swarm Fluttershy but before they could make the slightest move, he shoved them out of the way and trotted up to Fluttershy, looking her straight in the eye. "Fluttershy, before you leave, do you want to have cof—"

"Will you lay off it, Hue?" Ivy pushed Hue aside. "We're all important friends of Fluttershy and—"

"Excuse me, folks." A cap-wearing pony wielding a camera waded through the ponies. "I'm from the Canterlot Press and we'd like to get a picture of Miss Fluttershy."

Trixie looked behind Fluttershy and watched as a pack of press ponies made their way over. She was about to get swamped. "Trixie suggests you take the photograph and get out of Dodge."

“Um, well." Fluttershy sniffed and wiped her muzzle before facing the photographer. "I think it’d only be fair if Trixie also has her picture taken along with me. She was my trainer and I couldn’t have won this without her.” She looked at Trixie and gestured her to come closer.

“Well, alright, sounds good.” The photographer held up his camera.

Trixie and Fluttershy put a foreleg around each other and smiled widely at the camera. There was a flash.

It really was a good picture, better, even, than the one of her and Maribel. There were genuine smiles on their faces and Fluttershy didn’t think she had seen Trixie quite so happy before. It was nice of the newspaper ponies to let her have a copy in a frame. Fluttershy couldn’t find it in herself to put it away and decided to have it on her person while she rode the train. She and Trixie both got one at the party they hosted at Karaoke Nights. For some reason, Fluttershy harbored no ill-will to the place anymore. Everypony had a great time and Fluttershy even summoned up the courage to sing a duet with Trixie at the end.

“Um, is there a reason you keep on looking at that picture?” Rainbow Dashed asked, leaning over Fluttershy’s shoulder to stare at it.

“Well… I’ll miss her,” said Fluttershy, feeling her sniffles coming back.

“Dash, did you not see them before we got on the train?” Rarity gave Rainbow Dash a hard look.

“Uh, no. What happened?” Rainbow Dash looked at her friends for an answer. Applejack rubbed the back of her neck while Rarity looked to the side, brushing her hair over her shoulder.

“Don’t look at me.” Pinkie shrugged her shoulders. “I was too busy talking to one of Fluttershy’s friends. He was showing me some Manehattan potato chips. They are amazing! We have got to—"

“They were crying,” said Twilight, looking up from her book.

It was barely even crying. It was really only a tear or two. Nothing big. Trixie wasn’t going to let it bother her. The same went for the duet. The urge to sing came out of nowhere and felt truly odd but at the same time it was... fitting. She looked at the picture in her hooves. It really was a good picture of her, despite her bandages. Maybe one of her best. She supposed it was to Fluttershy’s credit that she didn’t ruin the shot.

As minutes passed, she found herself unable to stop looking at the picture and the longer she looked the more the flood of memories came back, replaying Fluttershy’s entire stay for the past several months. They were, in retrospect, not half-bad times. Then, with a sudden snap, a surge of emotions sprang up inside Trixie and combined in weird ways inside of her, ways that she had never experienced before. She could hardly label them much more isolate them and study them. They simply ran over her, pulling her under.

Then, just as suddenly as it began, it was over. Trixie looked at the photograph and her eyes rolled. Why would she want a picture of her when she was injured, much worse, alongside a pony that had caused her nothing but misery? In fact, she had no idea why she was standing in the middle of her apartment being all reflecty. That was plain ridiculous. She had newfound solitude to celebrate! Her apartment had now become her sole domain once again and she was going to enjoy it! She threw the picture into the garbage can and went off to have herself a bubble bath, something she hadn't done in a long while. She felt like a change.

Grumbling and grinding her teeth, Trixie marched out of her bedroom. She had been trying to sleep. A nice, well-deserved sleep, but no, her conscience just couldn’t allow that, could it? Trixie pulled the picture out of the garbage and went back to her room. She glanced around at the collections of photos sitting atop her shelves. She found the most out of the way group and shoved the photograph behind them so that it was only barely visible.

“There. Are you happy?” she asked her tormentor. There was no reply. “I’ll take that as a sign of submission, you dumb conscience. I’m going to sleep!”

With a sigh, Trixie returned to her bed. She had just tucked herself in and laid her head against her pillow when she realized what she had just said. Her eyes sprang open.

Comments ( 85 )

:rainbowlaugh: Oh Trixie... If there were some way for you to make a living in Ponyville, permanently, I'll bet you'll end up there in no time.

This was a fantastic story, I really loved the way it was written. Easily my favorite Trixie story.

Thanks! :heart:

Trixie can't accept change even long after it's taken root inside her heart and changed her life for the better. That is a level of stubborn that can never be matched.

Loved the story. As with all good things, it's sad to see it end. Can't wait for your next work!

Excellent ending to a fantastic story. Definitely gets a spot on my user page wall of awesome stories.

HA! That stinger

This fic has been kredit to teem.

The most fabulous friendshipping ever. Trixie and Fluttershy have a fabulous dynamic, and it's a shame they're not written together more.

Pfffft. That last paragraph. Outstanding. XD


Yeah, that was awesome.

I was like "What?! After all that, Trixie's just going to throw that photo away?!" And then, like that last 30 seconds after the credits roll, there it is!

Truly marvelous.

And more Soul Scanning.

Put it on my earlier comment.
And I hope this isn't over, but I think this was a wonderful story and is at that perfect peak.:heart:

I can go for some Big Entrance sympathy. The poor guy could use it.

Good fortune! I managed to finish the story just shy of fifty chapters!

Thank you! I am simply doing Lao Tzu proud.


I'm recieving a fair amount of Big Entrance love. I very much appreciate it. It's heartening to know my OCs can carry themselves.

I would say Trixie is in for quite some "lightening up" in this last chapter. I do hope you enjoy!

You have my exceeding gratitude. Glad you liked it so far, and who said it was a permanent job... ? :rainbowderp:


I felt Trixie needed a male counterpart that she never even realizes is a mirror.

Fluttershy would make Grade A psychiatrist material. Just try to say you even have a problem after looking into her eyes. :fluttershysad:

It's been a wild ride on this end as well and I do hope I have written a satisfactory conclusion.

So very true. It's just inevitable. :trixieshiftleft:

Why thanks ever so much! It has been a blast writing it.

She's so far in denial she's probably somewhere in Sudan now.... :rainbowwild:

There's more in the pipeline, stay tuned!

Those are some high caliber stories you have listed there. I am flattered! :twilightblush:

No need to sit through credits, either!

Danke schön!

Harken, authors, more Trixie/Fluttershy duo stories, now!

Haha, many thanks! Trixie will never be the same...

I'm glad you liked that. I've always been a fan of stingers, so I just couldn't help myself.

That covers most of it, but I'd add: Reversion of Ego, Confessions of Wrong-Doing, and Regret.

There. And that is indeed the last chapter, now as to whether there will be sequels? Not sure, but it certainly won't be the last Trixie story I'll be doing.

So that's what a good friendshipping fic is like. That was pretty amazing. The show was really underhanded, but they can't all be honest underdog stories. Very enjoyable.

Heh, looks like Trixie's lost her ego again XD

Trixie is gonna end up in Ponyville. I know it.

Definitely an excellent story. The characters were well written three dimensional creatures. You created a fully believable Trixie, nothing like other fanfics. Fluttershy was herself through the whole tale. The comedy, the feelings, you are one absolutely outstanding writer and I can't wait to read more of you.

- Trixie finds this story to her satisfaction :trixieshiftright:
- Just that? :fluttershysad:
- FINE I LOVED IT! :trixieshiftleft:

Hehe, good work!

I think this is the first fic I truly want to see a sequel of.

Absolutely brilliant story. Especially love the hold out ending.
Any chance of an epilogue or something?

Also, as question, if Fluttershy is no longer performing, who will take care of Marebel?

This has been a great chapter to read. While I feel for the contestants who lost, Celestia and her all-knowing wisdom of events made it somewhat better (:trollestia: "Friendship over careers!"). The small adjustments of character in Trixie and Fluttershy were also excellent parts of the story. Damn Trixie though and her personality. I kept pining for her to show more emotion and feelings to Fluttershy then she actually lets on but no, she just has to save face and hold to her pride :raritycry:.

Altogether I have really really really enjoyed this story. It's a bit enviable how you can bring to life the multitude of OC ponies that you made for this story. It's even one of the best traits I think this story has, that ability to both capture and bring out the personalities of the characters (especially of the cannon ones). Something I really look for in and admire in most stories.

This has been one of my favorite stories to read, I love it!:heart:

I love how you managed to keep Trixie being Trixie and still take away something from her time with Fluttershy. I can just imagine Trixie lying awake in her self induced shame spiral about liking Shy, and hating that she likes Shy, and then hating the fact that she can't just like somepony and into infinity.

The stinger confused me a bit. Trixie was shocked at what she said? All she said was she was going to sleep. :rainbowhuh:

The story itself was awesome, and I hope to see a sequel in the future! :pinkiehappy:

...Aww, is Trixie going to go on feeling conflicted like this for years? I wanna know what happens next.... =/

Sequel. Sequel sequel sequel. SEQUEL.

Ok, it doesn't need to be a direct sequel exactly, but when you make your next story, it needs to have Trixie in it. Because Trixie.

Tell me who I have to pay, murder or sleep with to get a sequel out of you, because this just SCREAMS 'I need a sequel.' Definitely the best Trixie fic I've ever read - her and Fluttershy go together like peanut butter and jelly. Which is strange, because it's a pairing I definitely never thought about until I read this thing.

My one complaint is that I felt Princess Celestia was a tad OOC in the last chapter with turning a totally blind eye to the sabotage. It just seems like the kind of thing she would feel her responsibility to take seriously as a ruler. But that's my only nitpick, the rest of it is just pristine. Aside from that, would not change a single word.

I thought it was especially brilliant how you got Trixie to cheat her way out of her Fluttershy-induced guilt trip while simultaneously explaining why we haven't heard from the rest of the main cast in so long, all without unempowering Fluttershy one bit. Good willpower saving throw, Trixie!

She referred to herself in the first person.

Anyway, this was a great story, and I think I'll be watching this author!:yay:

A great finish to a great story. I enjoyed it for the most time, and it was nice to read a Trixie that is not completely changed, but is still loveable.

I noticed just a little error (at least I think it is one): »s for how?” Flair chuckled."«; I guess that's Big Entrance here, not Flair.

The best Great and Powerful Trixie yet. And great ending.

wow finally i can read the ending of this awesome history, like everyone else here i want a sequel too.
oh and just pointing out a minor grammar error
“That’s rather what you deserve,” Ivy said in response to Trixie’s groan. “You and you’re crazy scheming.”
it should be “You and your crazy scheming.”

Ah, such a great story comes to an end.

It was a blast all the way through, It had great characterization, a well though out plot, some of the best OCs I have ever seen, and best of all, a friendship story (well, kinda, Trixie's ego wouldnt allow it :trixieshiftright:) that kept itself original yet with the show's hearth always in mind.

So thank you Coconutswallow for sharing it with us, and now I will be eagerly waiting for any new work from you, no matter if it is a sequel or a brand new story :twilightsmile:

This was a refreshing vortex of friendship. I'm definitely keeping this one in my saved stories pile.
Be proud like Trixie, you did a real good job Mr. Coconutswallow.

That was a fun and wild ride. Though it was hell for Trixie she did do a bit of growing(she'd never admit it) along the way as did Fluttershy.
Also one of the best closing gags I've ever read and I'm pretty sure the 1st time I've seen it used in a fic.
Looking forward to whatever other gem you have in the works.

A great way to end the only fic that truly had me being a fan of Trixie as an arrogant [female dog]. I love that zinger, though it took me a bit of time to piece it together, as used as I am to reading regular first-person dialogue.

Oh Trixie, you've changed, just admit it. You don't have to change a lot, certainly not give up being the pain in the tail we all love/hate you for, just lighten up a bit.

And Ponyville awaits. It is your destiny, for it is the nexus of insanity in the pony world, the gateway through which the 4th Wall shall be breached and the Great Merging shall begin. Pinkie Pie is setting the way, now all she needs is-

...Dammit, Pinkie! I'm trying to comment on this story, not your eldritch designs!
:pinkiesmile: "But I just want Trixie nearby so I can enjoy teasing her and slowly insinuating myself into her mind like I've done for everypony in Ponyville in preparation for the Right Time."
*Facepalm* Right, I'm up too late again.
ANYWAY. Good job, and if you have more coming, lemme know, I'm interested in seeing more.


This story has been nothing short of amazing, best Trixie I remember reading, staying great and powerful 'til the very end. :yay:

I guess what I find commendable about this story is how it shows us a different perspective that we would expect to see in canon, we don't see one of the mane characters learning a lesson on friendship, here we see Trixie and a whole staff behind her sabotaging a whole contest and getting away with it. (even recieving Celestia's wink of approval for it :trollestia: ), we see jerks, corrupts, egoists (well intentioned or not) and somehow all of them manage to be likable characters in some way or another... Hell... Even Flair has my sympathies for having to deal part of his life with Trixie. :trixieshiftright:

Not to mention how Fluttershy was included in the middle of all this, and even gaining a little out of it (even if it only spurs in random moments, like Trixie's conscience... Which makes me think that instead of confidence and a stage personality what Fluttershy gained here was stubbornness).

Hilarious premise and execution, an array of characters who somehow manage to be all likeable in their own way (a bunch of otherwise would be antagonist with no redemption nor any need for it :rainbowlaugh: ) , a pure and amazingly well pulled friend-ship... This story has all I could have asked for and more!

You sir are a very good artist and can't wait to see more of you. :raritywink:

*faves, likes, 5 stars... no wait... that doesn't work anymore... I'll find other way of showing my approval of this!*

We've come to the end and I'm filled with all sorts of feels. Many too complicated to properly put into words.

Trixie was great, Fluttershy was great, the whole story was great! I love how, even as Trixie has gained some sort of conscience, she still can't help being herself. Brilliant use of her cunning mind in getting Fluttershy through the competition and getting away with it. I also liked how Fluttershy was "so assertive". My, how that little filly has grown.

The subtle ending was also brilliant!

Wonderful work! I hope to see more down the line!

Really loved this story, you portrayed Trixie and Fluttershy amazingly and I am a bit sad to see this as the end of it. I will hope there is a sequel, the ending was pretty humorous with Trixie speaking in first person again. But that action made me think there was more coming until I read the comments and realized this was the last chapter. Kinda sad after all that for them to part, but with the weird tie they seem to have to one another, I can't help but feel Trixie will be dragged back to her willing or not. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to read what you do next!

So, was this narrated third-person, or was this first-person from Trixie's point of view?

This was a wonderful story, thanks for writing it :)

Well-written. I loved the look into Trixie's mind and Fluttershy was spot-on. Still, it felt like the story was getting a bit tired in the last two chapters, and the whole final sabotage of the big contest, while completely in-character for Trixie, left a bad taste in my mouth. Fluttershy didn't earn her victory, and a lot of innocent ponies got screwed, so the ending has a Shaggy Dog Story vibe to it.

So many things to reply to! This is not a bad thing.

I always wanted to write a story with a contest in which the main characters win underhandedly and don't receive any sort of real comeuppance in the end. The world is hardly a fair place after all. Glad you enjoyed it!

This has been said to me quite a few times now. Apparently it's inevitably inevitable.

Why, thank you, thank you much. It's good to know I can write 3D characters given that a lot of my story ideas tend to be character driven.

To be entirely honest, I never really planned on a direct sequel to this story. An indirect one, yes, but not a follow-up. I might have to reconsider that. We shall see.

Hmm, see above. If I do decide to write a follow up, then it will definitely be another story instead of an epilogue.

Oh, Maribel? Psh, when was she ever important? :trollestia:

Trixie is far too great and powerful to be so easily tossed about by something so paltry as friendship. Well, actually she's like a kite in the wind, she just doesn't know it yet.

Huzzah, more praise for my character writing skills! I’m getting an ego!:rainbowdetermined2: (And you thought I was going to use Trixie...)

Ahem… Thank you ever so much!

That's actually quite how I envision her future thought-filled nights. Guiltception.

Iron Maiden?

Dancing Mop nailed it.

*Adds another mark to the Readers Who Want a Sequel Tally* It's starting to grow quite large...

Yes! Forever!

...Where am I going to put all these seqel requests?

Oh, this is by far not the last of Trixie, though I will admit that I have quite a few story ideas that don't feature her.

Sequels? Sequels.

Me, Alexander, and Danger, respectively.

I'm shocked at the amount of stories not featuring these two in them. I expect more, authors, more!

You felt Celestia was OOC? Hrm. That is indeed legitimate. My subtilties might have failed there.

It might be the only natural 20 she ever rolled in her life. Glad you enjoyed the story!

The list of people watching me just keeps growing. This is unsettling.

Thank you!

Oh, thank you mucho for that correction. It has been fixed. Or maybe Big Entrance is Flair. Think about it. :moustache:

Trixie would hug you but she's too busy pretending like she doesn't care. :trixieshiftright: So have my gratitude instead!

More corrections! You folks are too kind! Also repaired.

Sequel request noted!

*You just gave Graf Zeppelin x1 Thanks*

I am overjoyed that it entertained and that apparently my writing skills aren't as eye-shriveling as I once imagined them to be (they're just eye singeing).

There will be moar!

It is truth.

Proud like Trixie? Oh, I doubt you'd want that...

But I pick up the intent behind those words of yours and I thank you for them.

First time? I was for sure the stinger gag had been used by someone prior to moi. Huh.

Glad entertainment was had and here is to hoping my other stories are just as amusing.

Haha, thank you, nothing quite like being able to write a good jerk of a character.

I did wonder how easily the last sentence would come across. Fortunately, from what I'm seeing of these comments, it clicked for the most part.

Oh, but what fun is there in lightening up?

Well, when you put it that way, even if Trixie went somewhere else, she'd wind up in Ponyville, it being the vortex it is. I am okay with this.

Interestingly enough, one of the stories I’m planning involves quite a lot of Trixie/Pinkie interaction.

I have greatly appreciated your readership!

(And that reply was just all over the place, wasn't it?) :unsuresweetie:

She's not harsh, she just has an... odd way of showing her love.

Oh, why thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ah, you captured one of my points! Since it was Trixie we were concentrating on, I felt that a traditional friendshipping story would be far too... cutesy. This needed to be friendshipping Darker and Edgier. With Fluttershy.

I will simply imagine a nice little set of five golden stars at the top of this fic. An excellent mental gift!

Victory! Feels have been accomplished!

I really wanted a different sort of character development than the average friendshipping story and I'd be lying if I didn't say I am quite gleeful that it was received well.

It's been awesome to have your readership (and since the beginning, too!). Be sure to smack me if things get botched further down that line.

Well I am quite glad you enjoyed! I shall be delivering soon.. ish. Possibly even a sequel somewhere down the line. You folks and your influencing...


Well, except, you know, there's Fluttershy's parts...

It is indeed. Have a cookie!

No, no, no, thank you for reading it! Get it right!

Aha! My first major criticism! I shall welcome it with open arms!

The last two chapters felt tired? Could you be more detailed as to what exactly dragged on?

And the ending I can see not being for everyone if you're not a fan of of characters getting away with things like that. Though I will have to say, I don't think it's a Shaggy Dog Story. That implies that the story was ultimately pointless. Since this was more or less a friendshipping story, the building of the relationship and its effects between Fluttershy and Trixie is ultimately the point.

Though if you have a dissenting opinion, I'd love to hear! 'Tis good to hear another take on things.

This was amazing. :yay: :trixieshiftleft: One of the best fics I have read. Thank you.

So awesome, I enjoyed every word. Thank you!:heart::trixieshiftleft:

*Alarm bells*

First Person Detected!
First Person Detected!

In all seriousness, that was nothing short of a really well pulled of, and simply beautiful story.
I found it was a good giggle, and I found it loads of fun to voice. (I do that a lot) :pinkiehappy:
Keep it up, Coconutswallow! I would add to the sequel list, but I think there are plentiful enough already on there.
And here, have a cookie for your efforts.


Will there be a sequel though? I feel a sadness that such a great story I've been following since like chapter 1 has finally ended =(

you left us a cliff hanger -RAGE-

ya better be making a sequel!

great story in all seriousness.

These are all ridiculously late replies, but as I have probably said elsewhere, nothing is too late to reply to. So follow this text back in time...

Oh my, thank you. I am simply glad to have provided a mere spot of entertainment.

And yet another thank you from me. It doesn't matter how repetitive it gets, I mean it with feel every time.

Fun to voice? I remember reading a quote something to the lines of "Write a story that people will want to read out loud." Thank you for making my day, there.

I've planned it out and finally do have a (more or less) direct sequel in the works. You heard it here first.

Well thank you! And do see my message above for the answers to all your cliff hanging needs.



I did not think of that. Suddenly, Fluttershy seems far more malicious in her intent. Perhaps it was she who was the manipulative one in this story... :yay:

Will the sequel contain shipping?

A fine read indeed.

Great story! I enjoyed reading this one from beginning to end.

This entire story is beautiful. And I think it needs a sequel. As it stands, it's kind of sad, and I've never been able to stand sad endings for beautiful stories. :fluttershysad:

I loved this story from start to finish. You have a real knack for writing comedy and dialogue. Can't wait for the sequel!:raritystarry:

Love it. You've officially made my follow list. You pulled this off amazingly.

When Trixie said it helped that she could see her reflection in flavors eyes,I almost died laughing.
Loved this fic all the way.
And now on to the sequel!!!!

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