• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 2,162 Views, 87 Comments

Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy - Dash Attack

My name is Wasp. I am a new breed of Changeling with pony DNA. I'm an agent. I've been in the spy business for almost my entire life. Things were going smoothly, until my mare friend Octavia told some unexpected news.

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Chapter One - Bring Your Date To Work Day (Partially Revised)

Chapter 1

Bring Your Date To Work Day

Three years after Project Genesis

Celestia's sun shined brightly upon Canterlot Stadium. Ponies of all social classes flocked to the stadium by the hundreds. Those who hadn't bought their tickets in advance rushed to do so. All of them rushed to see the Wonderbolts Live Stunts show. However, this was no ordinary stunt show. Today, Rainbow Dash, the newest member of the team, will be performing for the first time. The stadium was packed

Through the crowd of ponies, a yellow unicorn with a green mane made his way to his seat. He wore a fancy black suit and a bow tie. His eyes were a lighter shade of green, and his horn was long and elegant. Alongside him was the beautiful and refined violinist Octavia who held his hoof. Slowly they made their way to their seats and sat down.

"I really need to thank my roommate Vinyl for these outstanding tickets." said Octavia, "If she hadn't been picked to be the DJ I don't know how we would have gotten tickets."

"You should really introduce me to her sometime," Replied the stallion. We have been seeing each other for about a year now, and I have not met her yet."

A nervous look fell upon Octavia's face. "I'm sorry Firework. It's just that Vinyl has a tendency to be... how I should put this... rowdier than most ponies. Plus I thought her music would annoy you. I've grown used to it, being her roommate and everything, but many of the Canterlot elite despise her music. I've been meaning to introduce you two for some time now.

"It's ok, but you should know by now I'm not like most of the elite. I actually like techno music. It's not as soothing as your music, but it's still good. Just please promise me you won't tell any of the guys at the country club."

"Don't worry, I won't. You know, I'm starting acquire a small taste for it myself. Wait I have an idea! Maybe after the show, we can all have dinner at my place. I know she's been dying to meet you as well."

Firework nodded in agreement. "I'd like that a lot."

He lifted his right hoof and looked at his watch;

12:15, that gives me only fifteen minutes to get back before the show starts. Octavia will kill me if I'm not back in time. I can't mess this up.

"I'll be right back with some hayfries for the two of us. If the lines are too long I'll bail out and wait for the intermission."

"Hurry back." She said has Firework scooted past her and made his way down the steps.

When he made it down, instead of heading towards the nearest concession stand, he went into a nearby unity closet.

He pressed a button on his watch, and began to speak into it.

"Wasp to Eagle Eye, is this channel is secure?"

A voice began to speak into his ear via a microscopic earpiece.

"This is Eagle Eye, the channel is secure as always"

Wasp chuckled, "Ok, so just tell me where Pros. Kindheart is so I can get the data and get back."

"You know, if you didn't bring one of your pony mare friends with you, you wouldn't have to worry about time."

Wasps, tone became more annoyed "You know this one is special to me, she provides me with more love than the girls I'm dating."

"Are you just saying that because you actually have feelings for this one? Man if Cocoon ever found out...

"Just tell me what seat he's in already. I only have 13 minutes now."

"Section D2, R14. There's a photo of a security guard in the closet. Disguise yourself as him and you should be able to get to the professor. Remember to bring the suitcase here when you’re done."

"Will due, Wasp out."

While still in his Firework disguise, he searched the closet for the photo. When he found it tapped to the wall, he lifted it up in his green magical grasp and moved it towards his face. The picture was of a brown earth pony with a blue uniform. With the form in his mind, he lit his body on fire and reappeared as the security guard from the photo.


As Prof. Kindheart sat in his seat, he looked around at all the ponies around him. Any one of them could be the blackmailer , he thought to himself. It doesn’t make any scene. How could anyone have known I slept with that mare?

About three months ago, the professor had been taking shots at The Rusty Horseshoe. Whenever he and his wife had a big argument, he would normally go there. At the bar, a beautiful unicorn had taken advantage of his drunken and depressed state of mind. One thing led to another and before he knew it, they slept together. The rest was all a blur to him.

Two days ago, someone had mailed a picture of the two of them in the act. Along with the photo, were instructions to come to the stadium today with his entire collection of changling research? If he did not, copies of the photo would find themselves into the hooves of his wife.

"Excuse me sir."

Kindheart turned his head to gaze at one of the stadiums security guards. I'm sorry sir, but I need to examine that case of yours for any illegal possessions.

Was this the black mailer? He had no way of telling.

"Am a professor at Canterlot University, I assure you there is nothing illegal in this suitcase."

"Sir, I'm kinda in the a hurry, can you please let me see what's in the damn suitcase."

Either this is the blackmailer or the most obnoxious stadium security guard that ever lived. "Fine!" he lifted the suitcase with his magic and opened it. Inside were dozens of documents and research notes.

The guard examined the contents of the suitcase and spoke. "Ok professor, this how its going to go down, you hand over the suitcase, and my associates and I will destroy whatever dirt they used to get you to come."

"You mean there's more of you?" He paused for a moment and spoke. "Listen to me, I,m not going to give you this suitcase unless you give me those photos right now. How do I know you won't release them anyway?"

The guard sighed and said "Alright professor, I know where they hid the photos, follow me."


"Dammit! The show starts in five minutes," thought Wasp as he and the professor walked through the halls of the stadium. "I was hoping this wouldn't happen, but if I play my cards right, I can still make it to Octavia in time."

Eventually they came to the staircase which led to the section where his and Octavias' seats were.

"The photos are in that utility closet."

"That doesn't make any-

The professor froze as he felt something metallic touch his head. While they had been walking, Wasp had put his right hoof in his chest pocket and used his "power" to transform it into a weapon. The weapon was the same color as his disguise so no pony could notice it unless they were focusing. This weapon was a deadly device created by his brother Gizmo. It was unlike anything that could be found in a peaceful country like Equestria. It was a hoofgun.


Flashback, Gizmo's Workshop in Downtown Canterlot, Approximately One Year Ago

Wasp stepped into the seemingly abandoned factory. It was rusty beyond belief, a relic, a forgetton relic of Equestria's industrial age. For every pony who saw it, it was an eyesore. For Gizmo, it was heaven. It was a place where he was free to build and create whatever he wanted.

Back in the hive, Gizmo was mocked by the others for his passion for inventing. His talents were mostly unappreciated, but Wasp and some of the other agents were fascinated by them. When the 13 were sent out of the hive to live amongst the enemy, many of the agents turned to Gizmo for his gadgets and weapons.

Today, Gizmo had asked Wasp to personally come to his "workshop" for a surprise.

Wasp spotted Gizmo on the other side of the factory at his workbench. Even from this distance, he could tell that his brother was hard at work. He flew many feet above him to get a better look at what he was doing. As soon has he heard the buzzing of his wings, Gizmo stopped what he was doing and turned around.

"Why hello brother, lovely day isn't it?"

Gizmo was the the most energetic of the bunch. His positive attitude always made Wasp feel happy for some reason. He had a short grey mane and green eyes. Upon his black flank was a cute mark in the shape of a blueprint. Like the rest of the xiii, none of his changeling features had holes in them. As he smiled, his fangs glistened from what little light came into the factory through the broken windows above.

Wasp smiled, "Hey Gizmo, working hard I see. What is it you wanted to show me? Did you finally make those X-ray goggles I've been asking for?"

"I told you, I need more time on that, but I think you will like this. Follow me."

The two went into an old storage area where three targets where set in the far corner. On the table, there was a strange device.

"I call this a Hoofgun, this baby is like no weapon Equestria has ever seen. I swear, this Celestia mare should really think about upgrading her arsenal. With this baby, swords and spears are going to be obsolete."

"So how does it work? I don't see any sharp edges."

Gizmo strapped the device to the end of his right foreleg and lifted it up to face one of the targets. With the gun secure, he used his magic to pull the trigger.


Suddenly a large hole appeared in one of the targets right in the bulls eye.

"That's so freaking cool man! Were can I get one?"

A smile crept over Gizmo's face. "Try making your own."

Wasp was surprised. This was so unlike Gizmo. After being teased by Brain and Flash for most of his short foalhood, Gizmo was normally very nice to those he considered his friends. Wasp, having been bullied himself - while not as severely as some of his other siblings - had a very good connection with Gizmo. That made his words all the more surprising.

"So you brought me here just to get my hopes up, that's lame."

"No bro, I mean literally try making one of your own right now with your hoof. I'll explain how it works, then you can turn your hoof into one anytime you want."

Wasp looked at his brother with a puzzled look on his face.

"Gizmo, I'm not sure if I can do that. Sure I've been able to turn it into swords and spears in the past, but those weapons already exist. Also that thing is a machine."

"I know, that's why I want you to try. Your always telling me to push my talents, now I wan't to you to push yours."

Wasp looked at the gun for a moment and then down at his hoof. After thinking for about a moment or so, he gazed up at his brother. "Ok, tell me what's inside and I'll see what I can do."


"Get in the closet now, or this thing sticking out of my hoof will literally blow your mind."

The frightened Prof. Kindheart did as he was told and opened the closet. Wasp stepped in with him and closed the door. Than saying a word, he slammed the gun on the back of the professors neck and knocked him out cold.

The suitcase is in the closet. Mission accomplished. Now if the hive wants to kill you, they can have someone else do it.

He transformed back into Firework and looked at his watch. 12:13, I better run.

Author's Note:

Now that the stage is set. The adventures of Wasp can truly begin. Please tell me what you think of his character and how I portrayed him in this chapter. I hope you enjoyed because I won't be updated this story for a while. This will give some time to determine what I want to happen.