• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 2,162 Views, 87 Comments

Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy - Dash Attack

My name is Wasp. I am a new breed of Changeling with pony DNA. I'm an agent. I've been in the spy business for almost my entire life. Things were going smoothly, until my mare friend Octavia told some unexpected news.

  • ...

Chapter Two - The Musician Who Loved Me

Chapter Two

The Musician Who Loved Me

Both Octavia and Firework left the stadium filled with joy and amazement. It was a spectacular performance. Between the breathtaking stunts of the of the Wonderbolts along with Vinyl's outstanding music, the performance dazzled everypony who came. However, both Octavia and Firework agreed that the most spectacular part was the explosion of color that was known as the Sonic Rainboom.

As far as anypony knew, Rainbow Dash was the only one capable of mastering the technique. Firework knew this was only partially true. While he was still touched by it's awesome beauty, it wasn't anything he hadn't seen before. He knew a pony,or more correctly, a changeling- that had pulled this same stunt on more than one occasion. However, this was definitively the first time he could truly admire spectral explosion without feeling utter revolt at the equine pulling it off.

As they made their way past the crowd of ponies exiting the stadium, Firework and Octavia held each others hooves and laughed.

"I told you I like techno music," said Firework. "For a moment I thought I was going to start raving. Imagine if Top Hat saw me doing that. I could kiss my county club membership goodbye."

Octavia laughed. "Well it's a good thing you kept yourself under control, but you should never be afraid to be yourself."

That last sentence made Wasp go silent. If only that were true. He thought to himself.

"Is something wrong? You look a little upset." Octavia said with a worried look on her face.

Wasp's changeling instincts helped him get his composure back as he came up with an excuse. "I'm sorry, it's just that my fathe always instilled the importance of appearances to me. Since I left Manehattan, I've been trying to discover who I really am. For the most part, I don't know who am."

While most of what he told her was a lie, part of what he said was true. For Wasp, identity was extremely important to him. When one lives life under the guise of three or four different ponies, it's hard to determine who you really are on the inside. For most of his personas, his true personality traits were masked by the ones he created for his "character's." Through his Firework persona, he tried to incorporate some of his natural self into his character. However, he still had to play the role of an eccentric rich colt with family issue's. His visits to Gizmo were probably the only times he could express himself any way he wanted.

"Well, I for one know who you are, and it's about time my roommate got to know you as well. Come back to my place around six. We will be ready for you by then."

Octavia kissed Firework on the cheek and trotted off.

"Is it alright if I come a little bit early?" shouted Firework.

"Alright but not too early."


5:52 P.M.

Ding Dong

Firework rang Octavia's door bell in his fanciest tux and waited for a response. From behind the apparent door, Firework could here voices and the sound of levitation magic. A few minutes later, the door opened to reveal Octavia wearing a fancy dress in black that complimented her grey coat.

"I hope i'm not too early mi lady." said Firework in a very seductive voice.

"We're ready, but please try and tone the flattery down tonight."

"I understand, I'm just really excited that were doing this."

"Yo Octavia," shouted a mares voices from somewhere in the apartment. "Are you two lovebirds coming in or not?"

A rare feeling swept over Wasp has he heard the voice of the one and only DJ-PON3. That feeling, was nervousness.

Just play it cool like you always do Wasp, she's just a another mammal. Remember your training, remember your... but it's Vinyl Scratch.

"Don't be shy Firework," said Octavia. "Let's go in."

Swuvie and sexy, just like you always do. Now get your flank into that apartment right now.

After a quick deep breath, Firework stepped into the apartment and left whatever anxiety he had out in the hallway.


"So then the club owner said, I'll pay you 300 bits a week if you stay with us. I've been scratching records ever since"

The three ponies sat down at around candle light table on the balcony. They had finished eating for a while now, but they continued to talk and drink with each other.

"That is very a interesting story." replied Firework as he levitated his glass of wine towards his mouth and took a sip. "I had no idea you started out in Manehattan."

"It's true. You know, I'm still very good friends with that club owner. I still play there every once in a while. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't have a career."

The three of them sat, drank, and laughed for about twenty more minutes before Vinyl got up from her seat.

"It was nice meeting, you bro, but I gotta bail. I gotta another venue tonight. You two lovebirds have a nice night."

"Same here, and thanks again for the autograph."

"Don't mention it."

Vinyl got up from the table left the balcony, and headed towards the exit. When she was gone, Wasp looked at Octavia with a large smile on her face.

"Let's make this night even more memorable shall we."

Reading her partners cue's, she smiled and raised her eye brows.

"I think I know where this is going."


Vinyl, walked into the dark alley where she was told to meet. The letter said that she should come here at 7:30 A.M. In the distance, she could see a pony wearing a large trench coat and a fedora hat. His features were completely masked in shadows.

Cautiously she walked up to the mystery stallion before he put his right hoof forward in a stopping gesture.

"This is as close as I will allow you to be, my face must remain hidden for your safety and mine."

"Look dude, I really don't like lying to my best friend, so you better start telling me if this Firework guy is dangerous or not."

"If he is the pony I think he is than yes, he is vary dangerous. He has most likely killed dozens of ponies"

"And you made me leave my roommate with him." shouted Vinyl with an accusing hoof pointed at the figure. "That's not cool dude!"

"The pony I'm after likes to remain subtle," replied the figure. "If I wanted to harm your friend he would have done so already, but we are off topic right now. Please tell me the color of his magic."

"It was bright green."

"Just as I suspected." said the stallion Had the shadows not masked his face so well, Vinyl would have seen a smug grin on his face. "Remember to treat him normally like I instructed. If he knows I am on to him, I can't guarantee the safety of your friend."

"Look dude, that might be easy for you to do, but it's not easy for me. He seemed so nice at dinner, nothing about him seemed off."

"He is a master of deception. Just leave everything to me and I will take care of him when the time is right."

As Vinyl trotted out of the alley, the figure pressed a button on his shirt. He began to speak into his trench coat.

"Cone Mane reporting in, I have a lead on one of the agents."


After a passionate session of love making, Firework and Octavia cuddled together on the bed. Fireworks body felt rejuvenated from all the strong feelings of affection he had absorbed from his partner. Octavia was also touched by Fireworks' affection for her. Although it didn't affect her in the same way it affected Firework, his love for her made her feel as bright has Luna's moonlight.

"Firework", she said as he stroked her mane with his hoof.

"Yes Octavia."

"I'm pregnant."

Author's Note:

Oh Snap. What a twist.