• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 2,162 Views, 87 Comments

Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy - Dash Attack

My name is Wasp. I am a new breed of Changeling with pony DNA. I'm an agent. I've been in the spy business for almost my entire life. Things were going smoothly, until my mare friend Octavia told some unexpected news.

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Chapter Three - The Revelation And The Betrayal

Chapter 3

The Revelation And The Betrayal

Wasp was utterly speechless. For him, time had frozen still. Seconds became minutes as life as he knew it slowly came apart from within. He told himself he misheard Octavia, that she had said something else. However, there was no denying the revelation that somehow, he was able to get Octavia pregnant. By all accounts, this should not have been possible.

He stopped his rubbing and looked down at her. "Octavia, are you sure?"

"Yes, I took the test yesterday. Isn't this great."

"You have to terminate it."

Octavia gasped.

"How could you say that? You know that's against my morals. I told you that on our seventh date together."

Both ponies bore expressions of shock and surprise towards each other.

"Firework, I thought this would make you happy."

"Listen, to me, this situation is more complicated than you think," shouted an angry Firework.

This freighted Octavia. In their entire relationship, he had never once raised his voice at her in anger. The closest they ever came to fighting was when they argued about what movie to see. Was this the same pony she knew for almost a year?

Octavia began to raise her own voice. "Look, if you’re not ready we can put the child up for adoption. But you can't make me do something that I don't feel right about."

Wasp was at a loss for words. He knew Octavia was pro-life and would never agree to it. But he also knew that if she was indeed pregnant, there was no telling what it would look like. Male ponies could only impregnate female changelings; it never worked the other way around.

It must be the pony inside of me that made this happen. I should have seen this coming. I am fucked. Either way she is going to find out eventually. Your cover is blown Wasp; either you run now while you still can or reveal yourself on your own turns. Who am I kidding! I’m getting the hell out of here.

"I'm sorry Octavia. Just remember that I really did love you."

Suddenly his horn began to grow bright green.

"Firework what are you-"


A green stream of energy tapped Octavia’s head and she passed out on the bed. As he got his tux back on with his magic, he bent over and kissed the sleeping earth pony on the lips.

"It was never meant to be, please forgive me for being so selfish and stupid."

With that he got out of the bed and made his way towards the door. As he made his approach, he heard a knock on the door.

Oh shit, Vinyl, I better turn into a hurricane and fly out of here.

Just before he could change, a loud firm voice came from behind the door.

"Royal Police, there is nowhere to hide. Firework, please come out with your forehooves up and your horn turned off. Mrs. Octavia, remain where you are. We just want to talk."

Shit how the hell did they find me. This is the worst night of my life.

Green flames enveloped his body as he transformed into a grey Pegasus pony with spiked hair. He ran for the balcony, knocking a vase down as went. He almost smashed right through the stainglass of the balcony door, but stopped himself just in time. He opened the door and prepared to spread out his wings. Before he could start flapping, he was interrupted.

"Freeze changeling, we have you surrounded."

Wasp’s mouth froze in horror as he saw what appeared to be 12 armored Pegasus bearing the crest of the Royal Police Force hovering around the balcony. Some of them carried spears in their hooves while other's carried swords in their mouths. They each wore golden armor except for their captain whose armor was blue. While the other Pegasus had regular wings, his were bat shaped. If the situation wasn’t so bad, Wasp would have thought that this pony was really cool looking.

"Come quietly bug," Yelled the captain as he raised his spear, "Or else we'll squish you right here and now."

What an ass of a pony. As much as he would love to put this guy in his place, he had no chance of winning here. I guess its back to plan A. To the door.

Wasp galloped back inside and removed his disguise – which he no longer needed. He jumped up and buzzed his Wings as he hurled himself towards the door. Lastly, he transformed both his front hooves into sharp steel blades. With his sword hooves stretched out in front of him, he slammed into the door and stabbed the two guards outside of the room. Unfortunately, his forelegs were now stuck in the wood.

"There he is," cried an officer from down the hall, "Everypony move in!"

Wasp looked around. There were guards on both sides of the hallway, and the captain and his men were entering from the balcony door.

He focused on making his swords sharper, and tried cutting through the wood of the door. It worked. He spread both his hooves out and cut clean through the wood. Once free, he flew a few inches off of the ground and turned both his hooves into pistols and blind fired. Pegasus soldiers on both sides of the hallway fell to his bullets. A few of them survived due to the protection of their armor. One unicorn got his horn blown clean off his head, causing him to blackout from severe pain.

Although Wasp was able to kill at least six or seven guards with his blind shots, there was still way too many of them. And to make matters worse, the batpony was right behind him. Wasp tuned his head around to briefly catch a glimpse of the captain raising his spear. Had he not done so, he most likely would have been screwed.

Using his magical talents, he erected a green barrier around himself - an ability he inherited from Shining Armore's DNA. The spear bounced off the barrier and the shield vanished. The captain stumbled backwards and fell back on to a couch.

I really need to learn how to keep those things up. Then I could actually think of a good plan of escape instead of going head on into a fight. Ok which way is out? Screw it right.

He galloped to the right with his one hoof raised and transformed it into a sword. As he was about to stab one of the guards, his body froze. One of the surviving guards behind him had shot a freezing spell from his horn. His entire body was now completely encased in ice, but he could still hear and see everything that was happening.

An ice spell. Not bad. Luckily I got one more trick up my sleeve. Remind your goddess prince one of these days about this neat trick.

"Alright everypony, let's transport the prisoner to the EIA headquarters immediately-"

The guard was interrupted by a bright flash of green that exploded form the ice. The ice began to crack as parts of the prison began to melt. Shards turned into boiling water, which splashed and burned the surrounding guards. Wasp emerged from the Ice prison with his horn glowing bright green. He stumbled down towards the adjacent stairway, past the stunned guards. Once there, fatigue and exhaustion took a hold of him.

That spell he inherited took almost all the magic he had left to cast. It was a spell he rarely ever used, and for good reason. It always weakened him, and was used as a last resort. He could still transform if he wanted to, but he could no longer cast any more spells. That meant his hoofgun trick was useless, since he needed magic to pull the trigger and create the bullets.

He made his way down the steps and peeked into the lobby. There he saw five officers blocking his escape. He needed to think of a disguise that could get him past the guards. He thought of one, but it made him feel uncomfortable. He heard hoof steps come from up the steps; the guards were coming down.

Please forgive me again Octavia.

Fire enveloped his body, as he changed not only his form but his gender as well. When the flames dissipated, he became a flawless look alike of his lover.

This is beyond awkward.

He/she ran into the lobby and began acting like a distressed Octavia.

"Please help me; the changeling is going to kill me."

The guards at the post recognized the mare from the reports and ran to her aid.

"Come with me outside," replied one of the guards. "I'll protect you." He pointed his hoof towards the staircase, "The rest of you catch that bug."

The four guards ran into the Staircase while the other one took the disguised Wasp outside.

"I suggest you get out of here while you still can. There is a hospital about two blocks from here. Ask one of the other officers to bring you over. I think that changeling might have drugged you."

Octavia put a hoof to her forehead and wiped away some sweat. "Ya, I can't think straight right now, just go back..."

Dam it Wasp, run for it before those other guards come back

Octavia shook her head. "I’ll be fine." And with that he/she made a run for it, or as best as he/she could run in his/her condition.

The guard stared at the running mare suspiciously, but he wouldn’t be able to put everything together until his buddies came back

By then, Wasp was already out of sight.


It had started to rain by the time he made it to the abandoned factory. Dozens upon dozens of gallons of water began to pour down the disguised Wasp's mane. After opening the metal doors, he dropped his disguise, still feeling guilty about using it in the first place.

The spell he used had taken everything out of him. It was a bloody miracle he didn't pass out right away. But he had to find shelter. If the police knew who he was, they knew where he lived. This was the only place he knew he would be safe.

"Gizmo, I need a place to crash." he shouted, "My covers’ been blown."

Surprisingly, there was no answer.

"Gizmo, don't tell me your asleep, it's only 10:20."

He limped towards the familiar work bench only to find something he hadn’t expected.

Blood, and lots of it to. There was a trail leading into the other rooms.

"Oh shit, Gizmo!" he panted. Had he not been so drained, he would have sounded more panicked, but he could barely open his eyes.

"I have to find-


He collapsed onto the concrete floor. After all he had been through, his body could no longer hold up. Even with his brother's life in danger, he couldn’t move a muscle.

Before he blacked out he said something under his breath.

"Gizmo.... if your alive.... help.... me." His eyes abruptly shut.


Earlier that Day

"I almost got it," said Gizmo out loud, as his horn moved each component into place.

"The hoof gun was just the beginning. If this Gatling gun works as planned, it will make my hoof gun look like a sling shot." The smile on his face quickly tuned glum as a thought occurred to him. "No pony or changeling is strong enough to lift it. It would be completely useless in battle.

An imaginary light bulb turned on in his head as an idea came to him. "Unless I mount the gun to that car I've been making? Oh, wait until those little ponies get a load of this."


A startled Gizmo looked at the security monitors on the table next to his workbench. He couldn't believe his eyes. Dozens upon dozens of changeling drones were charging and surrounding the factory. North, South, East, West, they came from all directions.

Gizmo watched as the changelings sprung his many booby traps. The drones to the north were mowed down by sentry guns, while the drones to the south were electrocuted by steel coils. However, the drones to east and west faired a lot better. They were able to fly over the mine fields and his laser defense grid. Gizmo’s defenses were meant for wandering ponies or guards. He never expected a full on assault from his own brethren.

"What the heck is going on?" shouted Gizmo. "Just wait till mother finds out about this."

"Oh Gizmo, always the mama's boy. It's too bad mommy can't protect you any more, on account of Flash chopped her neck off with that sharp sword of his."

Gizmo turned around in horror to see a changeling with a red mane and green eyes. His horn was razor sharp and looked as if it could cut clean through flesh and exoskeleton. In one hoof he carried a sharp dagger with dried blood on its tip. On his flank was an image of a large bloody butcher’s knife.

The changeling before him laughed insanely as he spoke.

"Cleaver, what have you and Flash done? When the other's find out about this -"

"Many of them already know."

Cleaver laughed hysterically while Gizmo backed himself against his bench

"Sorry gear head, but the hive is under new management, and it's now my job to wipe out any of us who Brain hasn’t deemed worthy of leading us into the future."

Gizmo stared at the figure before him. On the inside he was petrified. He knew this could be the end of his three year life. All his life, he and Blank were always the runts of the hive. None but Wasp and a few others ever appreciated his inventions. They called him useless. Now, as he made his last stand against one of his long time tormentors, unknown courage welled up inside him.

Time to show them all what my toys can really due.

"You know what your biggest problem is Cleaver, it's not that you’re a blood thirsty psychopath. No! What's really wrong with you is that you talk too much."

Gizmo tossed a flash grenade from one of his shelves using his horn and it flew at the ground.

Just before it landed, Cleaver tossed his knife at Gizmo and clipped his wing. Gizmo cried in pain as the flash enveloped Cleaver and gave him a chance to escape.

His fear helped him ignore the pain as he ran past his knife loving brother and into the one of the garages where he kept his car.

Two of the surviving drones were there waiting for him, but he made quick work of them with two pistol shots to the head.

Blood poured from the place where his left wing had been, but there was nothing he could do about that now. He had to get the car started before it was too late.


Vinyl ran towards her apartment when she got a glimpse of the scene. The entrance was completely blocked off, and guards were keeping ponies to the side. She gasped when she saw a Unicorn pull a White body bag outside. The only thing she could think about was her roommate.

A strange Pegasus pony with bat wings was shouting orders to a bunch of the other officers. Maybe he could tell her if her friend was safe.

"Yo, Officer Bat, what the heck happened her."

He turned and scowled at her. "Move along missy, this is a crime scene. I have a lot of dead men in that building and I'm not in very good mood."

"Look dude, me and my best friend live in that apartment, I need know if she is alright."

"Look, as far as we know, the only ponies that are dead in there are my officers."

A guard flew towards them from what appeared to be her balcony. He fluttered a few inches above them.

"Captain Dusk, the mare from 302 is waking up.

Vinyl took off her shades with her magic and looked up at the guard, her face filled with panic and concern. Why was this happening? That spy told me she would be alright. Nothing about this sounds alright.

"Sir that's my roommate Octavia! Please!", she begged, "You got to let me see her. If that Firework creep did anything to her I swear I'd shove that horn of his right up his-"

"Whoa, take it easy, your friends alright as far we can tell? She is just recovering from a sleeping spell. We got half the CPD as well as the EIA looking for this 'Firework Creep'. We’re going to bring her to the station for some questioning. I suggest that you find somewhere else to sleep tonight. This building is now a crime scene.

"But my equipment and my awards are in there."

"I'm sorry, but if you don't have any other place to stay the police can get you and your friend settled at the Hoofton after were done questioning her."


"So how did your meet." asked the interrogator.

"We met at the Gala of all places. He was with some of his country club friends and I was with my band. We always perform for the Gala. During the break, I accidently tripped into him and knocked him down. After I helped him up things kind of took off from there."

"Ok, from what you've been telling me, the two of you have had a very good relationship up until this point. During this time, have you ever notice anything strange about him?"

Octavia looked up at the Ceiling. "Well, there were those random business trips that he never liked to talk about. Sometimes he would gone for three weeks without giving me any notice. He always came back with a nice expensive gift and a genuine smile on his face. Other than that, nothing ever seemed off about him. Can you please tell me what this is about?"

The interrogator sighed. "I'm afraid that my department wants to keep this matter as confidential as possible. Unless we have to, I'm afraid this matter will remain confidential. Now, have you two ever fought about anything?"

"Up until tonight we haven't had a single fight."

"What was the fight about?"

"I just told him I was pregnant."

"So he got mad that you were sleeping with another pony."

Octavia pushed herself back and scowled at the integrator. "Who are you to make an accusation like that, the child is ours."

"That's not even possible."

Octavia was extremely confused and frustrated. "What do you mean it's not possible?"

The interrogator left a slight hint of surprise as he pondered the impossibility in front of him. "I'm afraid I've said too much already.

"There is no way i'm-"


For the second time that night, Octavia fell into a deep sleep.

The interrogator took a head set from his bag and spoke into it.

"This is Copycat; Brain is not going to believe this."