• Published 10th Jan 2013
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Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy - Dash Attack

My name is Wasp. I am a new breed of Changeling with pony DNA. I'm an agent. I've been in the spy business for almost my entire life. Things were going smoothly, until my mare friend Octavia told some unexpected news.

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Prof. Kindheart's research- How changeling society works in this story

It's going to be a while before I can put my all into telling the next arc of this story. Some recently asked me a couple of questions on how the changelings work in this story. So I decided to add a bonus chapter to help answer some of your questions about the changelings as they exist in my story. Here are some of Prof. Kindheart's research notes on the beings we know as changelings. The following is a summery section which depicts everything he knew for sure about the changelings.

Summery Of What I Know For Certain

While I find my research to be lacking any substantial depth when it comes fully understanding these creatures, I can say with absolute certain that my contributions will revolutionize the scientific community for years to come. From my interviews with P.O.W. changelings and neurological analysis, I have confirmed that a changeling hive mind does in fact exist. This hive mind allows the will of the female changelings (Or Queen/Princess) to impose their will on large telepathic level. While some of the P.O.W.’s have some hints of individuality, they are almost completely uniform. For instance P-4 would often make jokes about the food prison. Other than that, they are as bland as my wife's cooking. I better remind myself to come with a better comparison latter. Once my research is made public my wife is sure to read it.

Now the most fascinating part of my research is their breeding. Apparently, only 0.025% of all changelings are born female. A queen can lay millions of eggs in her life her, time, and have only 25 of them come up female. There are three ways in which a Queen can reproduce. One of the more moral ways by pony standers is to mate with a drone from another hive. From what I've gathered, this is the most infrequent method. The other method is to breed with her children. Apparently because of their unique biology, the concept of incest is socially acceptable. In fact, out all the three methods, I’d say it is the most practiced. With such a large male ratio, it would make sense that this is the most frequent method. From what I've gathered from P-2, to earn the privilege to be worthy of the queen is “the greatest honor a changeling can achieve in his life.” I still don’t know if this “honor" they speak of is genuine or if it’s something that the hive mind programmed into them. I really hope that my success will allow me to question more changing soldiers in the future so that I may find the answers I seek.

The last method is only a personal theory I have made based on historical data, so I cannot validate it as fact. I also have no way of proving it because in order to do so, I would need the cooperation of a changeling Queen in order to prove. If there are no changelings to mate with, historical records suggest that queens would disguise themselves has ponies in order to get impregnated by a stallion. Once her eggs have been fertilized, I believe the changelings expunge all traces of the fathers DNA and replace it with their own. I base this on the fact that no traces of pony DNA have been found in any of the changelings I’ve examined. I have no way to prove it. So unless the queen volunteers herself for testing, I can’t prove my hypothesis.

By mixing together chromosomes of male changelings and female ponies, I have concluded that cross species breeding is impossible for the males. Our body structures may be similar, but these creatures are in no way related to ponies. Hence a male changeling cannot impregnate a mare. How the queens are able to produce changelings threw cross species breeding is beyond me. Either way, the changelings are indeed an evolutionary miracle in the eyes of ponykind. That is why I continue to study them, so that my research can unlock the secret's these creatures have to offer.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this short but informative installment in my ongoing romantic action saga. Later on, I would like to include a bonus chapter that discusses the changelings religious beliefs. If you still have more questions about my take on the changelings, feel free to ask them here.