• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 2,162 Views, 87 Comments

Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy - Dash Attack

My name is Wasp. I am a new breed of Changeling with pony DNA. I'm an agent. I've been in the spy business for almost my entire life. Things were going smoothly, until my mare friend Octavia told some unexpected news.

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Should I Reboot/Remake Wasp?

I know it's been forever since I've updated, and I wan't you to all know I feel really bad for that, essepshaly for anyone who love,love,love this story. God knows how many times I got really into a story only to see it stop without a proper ending.

Anyways, with so many ideas flooding into my mind about future stories, I was hoping I could ask all on what my next coarse of action should be in regards to this story. Should I pick up where I left off after MMBB is finished or should I try and start the story over from the beginning.

The reason why I want to do this is.

1. Everything Brony Writer said in his review is true. The first chapter was beyond sloppy, and there is way to much exposition.

2. Since My Mortal Big Brother is now a semi prequel to Wasp, I could add more tie in's between the two stories.

3. Flash the changeling (a.k.a my shameless Virgil ripoff) no longer has a original name thanks to Equestria Girls and it's one-shot love interest Flash Sentry. Or as he is better know on derpibooru

So anyways, now I need a better name for my antagonist.

If you guys want to see more the hybrids and Wasp, they play big role in My Mortal Big Brother. Also, I would like to here any alternative solutions towards this problem.

Comments ( 10 )

I think you should restart Wasp entirely. By now you have more experience so the whole story will benefit. And if changelings play a big role in MMBB then this could show their own point of view on whatever is happening, if you want it to do that.

Do what your heart tells you about the story. I know it sounds cheesy, but it really works. I will be watching for whatever you do and I am sure it woll be great.

3302502 Thanks. I will try and reboot this series. It might take a wile with school. But it will be done. :rainbowdetermined2:

3451471 It was. I even said so in the authores notes. I going to redue this story eventually but keep the mane premise. I've gotten more expirences at story telling since this and I know I can do it better. I recommend reading my mortal big brother. It's a semi preaquels and right now the changelings are at the center of the story. I'm certain the events of that story will influcence the rewright.

3821119 Please note alot of this story is going to get retcon. The love interests and basic plot and premise will be the same. Still this is a pretty good example of my early work if you want to see how I've gotten better as a writer. And if you enjoy Wasp character, he plays a decent role in My Mortal Big Brother. Some minor detalis were changed in MMBB like the changleing child who'd only takeing about a year and a half, also I removed Celstia dna from the equation.

3821124 There my favouite speceies thats for sure. It odd, they came to Canterlot for love, yet we all fell in love with them when they appeared out of left field. Can't wait for them to return in the show.

3821144 In this universe, female changelings are rare. Princess Cocoon is the only female in the batch of 13.

3821154 Your comements are making me regret down right abandoning this story. The Gepdo was just coming into play before I lost my motivation.

Also, if you want to see Venum, Ninja, and Cacoon fight Shining, Barburn, and the captain of the night guard in read this if you haven't already. My Mortal Big Brother Chapter 6: The Coming Swarm

I would have loved for this story to continue though I dont know if you are gonna continue this story since it's well ... 2020 so I hope you respond but I really doubt it.

When I saw the cover art my mind goes, THE FUCK GUN HOVES SWEET! GIVE ME A PAIR OF THOSE:rainbowlaugh:

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