• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 8,613 Views, 130 Comments

What Will Make You Happy - ladyanaconda

Twilight Sparkle is marrying Discord, but Shining Armor doesn't like the idea in the least, which can endanger his relationship with his LSBFF. Will he accept Discord as a brother-in-law?

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"Discord! Shining Armor!" Twilight was calling out at the top of her lungs, looking for any sign of her brother and her groom. Cadence and the others had offered their help as well, but until then they were not having much luck. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were inspecting the area by air, and the rest were looking by ground. Spike and Screwball had gone to search in another area of the forest, but there were still no news from them.
After dawn had broken, and Discord had not returned with Shining Armor, the Mane Six decided to go and look for them. Twilight was afraid Shining Armor had done something to Discord or worse, but Cadence kept saying that he was incapable of doing such a thing; however, the others were not so sure. After all, Shining had ruined the rehearsal, so they thought he had something to do with this.
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy returned to the group with worried looks.
"No sign of them?" Fluttershy inquired, although she was more worried about Discord than Shining Armor.
"Nope," Applejack replied, "they're not around here neither."
"what should we do?" Cadence wondered out loud, "It's not like them to just disappear... Well, actually, it's more like Discord, but this time it's very serious. I mean, he always returns to the library to sleep, doesn't he?"
Pinkie nodded, "Yep! I always see him go back to the library, and I wave 'hi' to him, and he says 'good night Pinkie' and then he enters through the library!"
"What are we going to do?"
Suddenly, Rarity perked up her ears, "Girls! Do you hear that?"
Applejack looked at her, "Hear what?"
"I thought I heard something..."
The ponies were silent for a while, and they did start hearing what seemed like voices.
"I can hear it too..." whispered Rainbow Dash
Cadence tried to concentrate on the sound, "But... where do they come from?"
After a while, they figured out what does voices were saying..
"HELP!" they heard, and soon Twilight recognized those voices.
"Discord! Shining! Where are you?!" she yelled, and wafter a few second, the voices replied.
Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked around for the source of the voices, and they spotted a rocky cliff near them, and in front of that cliff, there was a pile of rocks. They assumed that was the entrance of the cave.
"Over there!" Rainbow flew towards the pile of rocks, and was soon followed by the rest, except for Fluttershy who had flown away to tell Screwball and Spike that they had found them.
Discord and Shining Armor were struggling to see through the small hole at the same time, but both were overjoyed when the Mane Six ran towards the pile of rocks which kept them trapped in the cave.
"Guys! What happened?" Applejack inquired, to which Shining and Discord looked eat each over in embarrassment.
"A long story..." Shining blushed, "one that includes avalanches and epiphanies,"
"Would you get us out of here? I have to go to the bathroom!" Discord cried out, to which Shining rolled his eyes.
Cadence and Twilight used their magic to remove some of the rocks, but they realized that would it take too long, so Twilight carefully removed one of the bottom stones, and the entire pile collapsed, unblocking the cave's entrance. Shining and Discord rushed out of the cave, and Discord disappeared in the blink of an eye; after a while, the Draconequus was back, with some toilet paper stuck to his lizard foot.
"ah, that feels so much better," he stretched, and then wrapped his arms around his mare friend, "Twi! I've never been so happy to see you in these three years!"
The unicorn wrapped her hooves around Discord's neck, "Dissy! I've been so worried about you two!"
The spirit gave Shining a small nudge with the tip of his tail, and he understood. The stallion walked over to his sister.
"Twiley... I know you're maybe still mad at me, but... I'd like to apologize about the rehearsal..."
Twilight thought for a moment, and decided to listen what he had to say; Discord knew they would need to be alone for a second, so he started gently pushing everyone away, Shining gave him a thankful look as the spirit took Cadence and the others away. Also, he wanted to check how Screwball was, his filly had already returned with Spike and Fluttershy.
Shining looked at the ground in shame, "Twiley... I'm sorry about what I did at the rehearsal, I was trying to protect you.... but now I was jealous of Discord, like everyone was saying..." he blushed a bit, "I was afraid of losing you, but I guess that's how life is, you have all right to make your life with Discord if you want. I now realize that you two are made for each other..."
The stallion looked into his sister's eyes, "And Twiley, I want what will make you happy, not what will make me happy."
Twilight narrowed her eyes a bit, "Why did you change your mind?"
"Well, let's say that spending one night trapped with Discord changed my perspective of things. I understand if you don't want me in the wedding, I did screw it up, after all... I hope you can forgive me one day."
By then, Twilight was starting to tear up, and she wrapped her hooves around her brother's neck, "Of course I forgive you! You're my BBBFF! I'm happy that you accept Discord now!"
"Well, I admit, he's not precisely what I had in mind for a brother-in-law, but I'll get used to it,"
The two siblings held each other for a long time, before Rarity called out to them.
"Hey, guys!" She said, "We should go home! I think Discord needs a bath!"
Discord gulped at the thought of being inside a bathtub, with all the water and soap, "If I have to get a bath, Shining will have to! He smells worse than Angel's poop!" he quickly whispered at Fluttershy, "No offense, Fluttershy."
Fluttershy giggled, "no problem."
Screwball hopped into her father's arms, "Daddy, can we have a chocolate bath?"
The whole stoup started to laugh.

*A week later*

The big day had arrived.
Fluttershy's garden was boiling with movement: the ponies had already gathered there, and some of them were still taking their seats. Cadence was next to the spot Twilight would be, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash had already taken their places as bridesmaids, Pinkie Pie and Screwball were still waiting for Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, and finally, Fluttershy was next to her birds, waiting for the moment. Celestia was waiting for the bride to walk to the altar, eyeing the groom in amusement; Discord was very nervous, he was sweating and often played with the collar of his suit. Spike noticed this, and patted Discord's leg softly.
"Don't worry, everything will turn out alright," he assured, making the Draconequus gulp.
"I know that a, but... Marrying only happens once in a lifetime, for some ponies, what if something does wrong?"
"Come on! what could possibly go wro-?" The Draconequus wrapped his tail around Spike's mouth.
"Spike, rule number one! Never say that phrase!"
Meanwhile, in the entrance of the garden, Twilight looked so beautiful in her wedding dress and gown, and Shining armor would have looked very handsome to many of the mares present in the wedding, but he was already married. Shining noticed Twilight's gown was falling without her noticed, so he used his magic to put it back in place; Twilight smiled at her brother.
"You ready for this?" he inquired, and Twilight blushed.
"Of course I am! I'm a big girl now, I'm sure I can handle it."
After a few minutes, Fluttershy motioned her birds to start singing, and Screwball and Pinkie Pie hopped down the corridor while throwing flower petals. Soon, Twilight and Shining Armor walked down the corridor as well, and all eyes were on the bride; their parents were crying of joy. Were, their mother was crying of joy, their father was looking at his daughter joyfully.
Before arriving to the altar, Shining Armor whispered to Twilight, "Seriously, Twiley, how did Discord convince you to marry him?"
Twilight giggled, "Well, he said I would not only gain a husband, you would also gain an incredibly cool brother-in-law."
Shining blushed as he and Twilight finally arrived at the altar, and he whispered to Discord:
"Take good care of her, or I'll send you to the dungeon." he joked, to which the spirit laughed.
"Just try it, Mr. Grumpy Armor."
Shining Armor no longer minded about the nickname, and he took his place next to Spike.
"Mares and Gentlecolts," Celestia spoke, "We have gathered here today to join Twilight Sparkle, and Discord, former spirit of chaos and disharmony in matrimony."
The Draconequus blushed when she called him 'former' spirit of chaos and disharmony, Twilight held his eagle talons.
Celestia first turned to the spirit, "Do you, Discord, accept Twilight as your legitimate wife, to love and care for her for the rest of your days?"
Discord grinned as he held Twilight's hoof tightly, "Do you need to ask? Of course I do!"
The white alicorn then turned to her student, "And do you, Twilight Sparkle, accept Discord as your legitimate husband and eternal companion until death does you apart?"
Shining Armor felt his heart clench with happiness when Twilight spoke, "I do."
The Sun Princess looked first at Cadence and then at Shining Armor, "May I have the rings, please?
They held out the cushions in which the rings had been resting; Celestia used her magic to slip the rings into Twilight's horn and Discord's blue horn respectively.
"And now, I pronounce you, mare and draconequus," she grinned at the both of them, "You may kiss the bride."
Discord immediately wrapped his arms around Twilight and gave her a passionate kiss as all the ponies around cheered for them.
Shining Armor cheered for his little sister as well, wishing with all his heart that she was very happy with Discord.

Author's Note:

This is the last chapter, plus the epilogue which i will work on later.
I'm thinking of writing two sequels: one based on the disney game Nasira's Revenge, and another which will be a surprise...