• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,661 Views, 133 Comments

"Where Will I Go?" - gordobraveheart

  • ...

-When One Cannot Sleep, Think.

From what Angel did to me before, I was guessing that he would throw various of objects at me, even if he had terrible aiming. Instead however, he just stared at me angrily, not ever taking his eyes off of me. I stared back, looking for the reason why angry at me. That’s when I remembered that Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo were still in front of me.

I cleared my throat. “Angel, could you please let these three in? I know that what happened earlier today wasn’t on normal meeting circumstances, and I apologize for whatever I did wasn’t towards your liking,” His eyes soften a bit, but I know he knows that I am referring to causing an uproar in his owner's house, and entering without permission. “But you don’t have to let me in. I just want these three right here,” I pointed downwards at the ponies at my feet, who looked up at me with big glistening eyes.”To find a place to sleep for the night. It is fine with you and Fluttershy, I would greatly appreciate it.” I smiled at the end, wanting to let him know that I mean no harm.

He started rubbing those large whiskers of his, scanning me up and down. He then looked at Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle. He smiled, nodding to himself and stepped out of the way for them to come inside. I nodded at Angel, giving him my thanks, as did he so aswell. I turned around to take my leave, but I was stopped abruptly by the sound of three certain ponies whimpering.

“Ain’t you coming inside with us mister?”

“Yea, it’s too dangerous to be out here!”

“Come with us inside, Angel won’t mind.”

I turned around to look at the three, who were giving me those sad puppy dog eyes. I couldn’t let their cuteness get the better of me this time, so I stood my ground. “I’m sorry girls, but I can just enter other people’s-er, ponies home without permission. Even if Angel let me in, what would Fluttershy-”

That’s right. When I came face-to-face with that winged pony, she was completely oblivious to the tall, bipedal no hair having creature in front of her, me. That got me wondering, why couldn’t she notice me? All the other animals noticed, even these three ponies, but how come she didn’t notice me?

I was snapped back into concentration after one of the three ponies poked me. I looked at them, shaking my head. “I’m fine. But anyways, I can’t enter the house. I’m sorry.” As I began walking away, I heard a loud whistle coming from behind me. I turned around, and I saw Angel smiling at me, waving me over to come inside. I was honestly shocked. Have I made friends with this bunny?

“See? We told ya he wouldn’t mind!” Applebloom said, smiling at me. “Now come on, it’s getting too dark out here!”

I smiled at them, including Angel Bunny. As I let Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle inside first, I knelt down to personally that Angel. I rubbed his head. “Thanks for letting me stay little guy. I just hope Fluttershy and Whatever else is living in here don’t mind me staying for one night.”

He pushed my hand away from his head, clearly annoyed. I nervously smiled at him as he pointed two fingers at his eyes, then two fingers to mine. “Heh, sorry.” He smiled back, letting me in and shutting the door. Maybe tonight I can get some peace and quiet, despite sleeping by loud animals-

“Applebloom! Where in tarnation have ya been!?”

“Sweetie Belle, don’t you know it is past your curfew!?”

“Scoots, where were ya?!”

Well...So much for peace and quiet.

Fluttershy was sitting on the couch, hiding behind her mane while three other brightly colored ponies were standing in front of Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo. I looked down at Angel Bunny, wondering what in the hell was going on. He shrugged his shoulders, if bunny’s have any, and hopped away towards Fluttershy, trying to comfort her. Clearly, neither of us three know what is going on.

“Applebloom, we’ve been looking for you three for hours! What do ya have to say for yourself?” The one who said that was a orange coated pony, with a blond tail and mane. Ironically enough, her mane was in a ponytail. Her eyes were olive green, and she had freckles on her cheeks. She wore a stetson hat, and her accent sounded southern-like, almost like Applebloom, but with more of a cowgirl mix into it. Or in this case, a cowpony.

“Indeed! Sweetie, I’ve been worried sick about you! I was afraid we would have to have a town search party and-Gasp! Look at you, you look so dirty! When we get home you are taking a long bath!” This pony sounded very...pompous. Her mane and tail were indigo,of not, a dark purple color and were both swirled up to look very fashionable. To her liking, anyway. She had an almost pure white colored coat. You come can come close to even saying a marshmallow coat. Her eyes were of a dark blue color, and she also had a horn like Sweetie Belle, unlike Applebloom and this orange cowpony.

“Scoots! You’re suppose to be with Applebloom at their home by now! Where did all three of you go?” The last one had a cyan colored coat, almost as blue as the daytime sky. Her mane and tail were messy, like they were barely groomed properly, but it seems like she isn’t a total slob. I guess having both your tail and mane rainbow colored makes up for that. Her eyes were a magenta colored, and something tells me she’s the type to race. It could explain why her mane and tail are so messy, but I digress. Both her and Scootaloo had wings, and if I remember correctly from greek mythology...there are three races of horses and or ponies. I can’t remember for now, but my best guess is that these two are pegasi, like Fluttershy over there.

These three looked and sounded too young to be mothers, so they might somehow be related to Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom. They could all be cousins, sisters even. I’ll have to ask them, but for now, I have to calm all three of them down. “Excuse me, ladies? Please don’t yell at them, they just got lost in that forest. I brought them here to sleep for the night until somepony takes them to their right homes. It’s all just a big misunderstanding is all.”

“Don’t scare us like that ever again!”

“Ya know better than this, Applebloom! What if a Timberwolf got to you and Ah wasn’t there? Do ya know how torn that would leave me?”

“Don’t do anything crazy like that again, Scoots!”

Unbelievable. They..they didn’t notice me either! Let alone even heard a word I said! It;s just like before, when Fluttershy didn’t even notice me...

“We’re sorry.” Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said. I looked at them, and they all had a sad look on their faces as they looked at the floor.

I was expecting more scolding from the three, but instead, they all gave the three little ones a big group hug. I smiled at that, happy because they were all safe together.

Still, it bothers me plenty. Why couldn’t those thier sisters see me, but Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo can?

“Alright, enough of this gushy stuff. I need to get some sleep.” The rainbow maned one hovered in air, stretching. “I’ll see you all tomorrow. Bye Scoots.”

“Bye Rainbow Dash!” I got out of the way before she could have rammed into me, and she opened the door and flew out, leaving it wide open. Rainbow Dash, huh?

“That Rainbow Dash, always in a hurry.” The fancy pony said, giggling. “Come on Sweetie Belle, we need to get you in a bathtub ASAP.”

Sweetie Belle groaned. “Coming Rarity. By Crusaders!” She gave her friends a hug, then walking away. She came up to me, smiling. “By mister!” She gave me a hug. I hugged back, feeling even warmer than before. I smiled happily.

The one called ‘Rarity” raised a brow, but said nothing. She just waved goodbye to the other ponies and closed the door. Then there were just Fluttershy, who got up from her couch and walked next to Angel, who was right next to me without my notice, Applebloom, and her sister. I’m confident she is her sister.

“Well, Ah reckon we go back to Sweet Apple Acres Applebloom and Scootaloo. Thanks for try’n ta help out Fluttershy, Ah’m mighty thankful.” The orange pony said, tilting her stetson hat. Fluttershy nodded, smiling.

“Applejack, can we take our friend with us? Ah promise he’ll be good.” Applebloom said, pointing towards me. Applejack looked at my direction, raising a brow and squinting soon after. I smiled at her, waving.


As soon as she said that, Applebloom and Scootaloo ran up to me giving me a hug. I hugged them back, looking up at Applejack. “Thanks, I won’t be a burden.”

“Applebloom. Scootaloo. What are you two doing?” Applejack said, clearly confused.

“He says he’s mighty thankful, sis. He ain’t going to be a burden, promise.” Applebloom said, letting Applejack know what I said. I petted her mane. “Thanks Applebloom.”

We walked outside, and I closed the door behind us after they all waved goodbye to Fluttershy. Applejack jumped back a bit, and I don’t know why. I closed the door, quietly but quickly, so there wasn’t a loud noise to be heard.

We walked for a bit until we reached the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres, entering it.

“Alright, Granny Smith and Big Mac are asleep, so be very quiet when ya go upstairs, you two. Er, that goes for your friend as well, okay Applebloom?” Applejack said as she closed the door. Applebloom and Scootaloo nodded, rushing upstairs quietly.

Me however, I studied the house around me. Everything in here seemed so cozy and comfortable. There was a couch, some family pictures and so much more. I looked at Applejack, who was busy fixing herself something to eat in the kitchen.

“You probably can’t hear me, and for what felt like the millionth time. But I just want to say thank you for letting me into your home, Applejack.” She turned around, looking at me, or, not me, at something else. Her ears were twitching as she looked around the room.

“Huh. Ah could’ve sworn somepony said mah name.”

I sighed, giving up on getting her attention. Instead, I walk upstairs to a hallway where a room’s door was wide open as light shined out of said room.

I entered was greeted with two little pony’s smiling at me. They pointed behind them, and I looked over their heads, shocked at what I saw.

There were four blankets stacked on top of each other to resemble a twin bed, and a pillow was sitting right on top of it. I looked down at them. “Is this..for me?”

“Of course it is, we’re not going to let you sleep on the cold wooden floor!” Scootaloo said, pushing me towards the blanket-bed on the floor. Technically it was still on the floor, but blankets made it seem like it was above the floor. Still the act of this kindness made me smile.

“Well, we gotta get some rest for tomorra, it’s our Cutie Mark Crusading meeting.” Applebloom said, yawning. “Night mister!”

“Yea, you can come crusading with tomorrow if you would like to.” Scootaloo said as she got into the fairly large bed next to Applebloom. Their young, so this is a friendly act. Applebloom turned of the light, and almost instantly, they fell right to sleep. There was only one problem.

I was not tired. At all.

I was surprised too. After what all went down, I’m shocked that I haven’t passed out before we went to Fluttershy’s cottage.

I put my hands behind my head and decided to recall on my memory of what happened earlier today.

‘Okay, I still have no idea if This is all just a dream or a coma I am currently in. I guess I’ll find out sooner or later.’ I said in my thoughts. ‘Today I met three little ponies, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle. At first, they thought I was a monster and panicked. After that, I ran away into a cottage, where the animals went crazy and forced me out of there and into The Everfree Forest.’

‘That’s when I met the Cutie Mark Crusaders, if that’s what they call themselves, being attacked by a wooden wolf. Applejack called them a Timberwolf, so I guess that’s what is was. I saved them from the wolf, and brought them to Fluttershy’s cottage, where I later made friends with Angel and where Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle siblings were waiting. I think Rainbow Dash isn’t related to Scootaloo, since she left without her.’

‘Then Applejack let me into her home, and here I am.’

There were just a lot of things that happened throughout this day that still bothered me. Like, why couldn’t Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, or even Rainbow Dash see me, but the animals and the Cutie Mark Crusaders could? Why couldn’t I pick up Sweetie Belle the first time, but then I was able to after the many failures?

What is a Cutie Mark Crusader, and what do they do? What were those strange markings on the older ponies flank, and why didn’t these little ponies have them?

But most of all...who were those people that were in my head, and what was that memory of a bus before I woke up?

Many thoughts were racing through my mind at once, and I couldn’t even keep up with one. I decided it would be best to find out what was going on later in the future.

I closed my eyes, doing my best to sleep. I could feel myself grow tired. For now, I will try to sleep and find out what is going on later. Whether this is a dream induced coma or not, one thing is certain.

I have no idea who I am.