• Published 18th Feb 2013
  • 2,778 Views, 76 Comments

Dang O' Ponies, I Tell You What - LtMajorDude

Hank Hill's world ended, so he is transported, with his friends, to Equestria!

  • ...

Just an Ordinary Day

Cotton almost fell asleep until Big Macintosh finished talking to Cotton.

"And that's why I'm not like yuir son, so please stop assuming I'm yer son!"

Cotton growled. "Coming from a horse with a giant green apple on his ass..." he hissed.

Big Macintosh got a little offended but immediately calmed down. Now that Cotton mentioned it, Big Macintosh looked over at Cotton's flank and saw that he had no Cutie Mark.

"Why don't ya have yer Cutie Mark?" Big Macintosh asked.

"How the hell should I know?" Cotton barked. "I don't even know what a goddamn Cutie Mark is! Now get the hell of my sight!"

Cotton grabbed his pillow and threw it Big Macintosh, who dodged the pillow and retreated to his room.

Cotton flew himself on top of the bed, gritting his teeth.

"Oh how I HATE that red piece of..." Cotton whispered.

Big Macintosh was sitting on his bed with a look of concern on his face. He had to do something about Cotton and fast. He knew Cotton was somepony you wouldn't want to mess with, even if he doesn't have a Cutie Mark...

The next morning...

Dale walked in Twilight's library. He saw Spike sweeping the floor.

Dale smiled. "Oh hey Spike." he greeted.

Spike looked up. "Oh hey Dale, if you're looking for Hank, he went to visit Pinkie Pie."

Dale frowned and was about to leave when Spike said, "Oh hey, I got a question."

Dale turned around. "I refuse to give information on where I am from. You may ask your question."

Spike pointed at Dale's flank. "Where's your Cutie Mark?" he asked.

Dale blinked. Bill told his friends what "Cutie Marks" are when they dragged Hank's unconscious body that one time. He turned around and saw that his flank was empty.

Dale shrugged, "I really don't know. But if I had one, I bet it would be fly swatter or something since I was an Exterminator."

Spike gulped. "You...kill...ponies?" he whispered.

Dale shook his head. "Nope. Animals. Like bugs and rats and such."

Spike calmed down a little bit. "Oh. Just don't tell that to Fluttershy. She loves animals, even bugs and rodents like that. I bet she would get upset if she know you kill animals."

Just then, Bill came in with a huge grin on his face. Dale turned to Bill. "What happened Bill?"

Bill turned around to expose his flank. "Check it out!" Bill stated happily. "I finally got my Cutie Mark!"

Dale looked at Bill's Cutie Mark. It was a pair of scissors used by barbers.

Dale blinked and chuckled. "Hey a Cutie Mark! Nice! How did you get it?" he asked.


Hank went to Sugar Cube Corner to check up on Bill.

As soon as he arrived there, he saw Rarity there.

Hank waved his hoof. "Morning Rarity. What're you doing here?" he greeted.

Rarity smiled. "Good morning Hank. I'm just here to buy some cake. Pinkie said that Bill made some new cake."

Just then, Pinkie and Bill came in with a giant red velvet cake.

Bill smiled. "Hey Hank! Just in time! What do you think of my new cake?"

Hank went to sample the frosting but just as he put his hoof on the cake, he noticed it was shaking.

"Um Bill?" Hank said, backing away from the cake. "What is it?" he said, as Rarity started to get worried.

Pinkie and Bill quickly hid behind the counter. "Red exploding velvet cake!" was Bill's answer.

Hank quickly hid behind another counter. Rarity quickly looked for a place to hide...

...but it was too late, the cake exploded and frosting and sprinkles flew and splatted against the walls, counters, everything...including Rarity's mane, which was now messy with frosting and sprinkles.

Bill and Pinkie peeked from the counter and noticed Rarity's mane. "Um Hank?" he said as he covered his ears, along with Pinkie Pie. "Ya might want to cover your ears for this"

Just when Hank wanted to asked why, Rarity let out an agonizing scream that nearly made Hank deaf.

"MY MANE!" Rarity screamed as she glared at Bill. "MY BEAUTIFUL MANE!-!-!"

Bill smiled nervously as he suddenly grabbed a pair of scissors from the counter. "D-D-D-Don't worry Rarity! I-I'll fix this!-!"

He suddenly grabbed Rarity and dragged her to the closet.

Before he shut the door, he told Hank and Pinkie, "It's not what you think. I'm only taking her to the closet because this may not be a pretty sight. This may take awhile."

Bill shut the door while Hank and Pinkie stood there.

"Shall we clean up this place?" Hank suggested. "Okie, Dokie, Lokie!" Pinkie replied with a grin.

Hank and Pinkie cleaned up the shop, hoping this would be quick...they were wrong.

It took about an hour or so just to clean off the frosting off the whole shop.

"Couldn't you taught Bill something else?" said an exhausted Hank who was lying down, panting.

Pinkie just shrugged and giggled as she lied down from exhaustion.

All of a sudden, the closet opened and Rarity stepped out with her mane all fixed.

"Thank you so much Mr. Dautrive! (Oh dear, I hope I'm saying his name right)" Rarity said to Bill.

Bill came out of the closet. "No problem! Sorry about what happened!"

Rarity turned around and smiled as she pointed Bill's flank.

Bill blinked and looked at his flank.

It was a scissors Cutie Mark. Bill smiled and jumped around happily.


Bill continued celebrating and laughing as Hank, Pinkie, and Rarity stood there.

"Bitch?" Pinkie asked.

"Crap?" Rarity asked.

"Oh God" Hank sighed as he put his hoof on his forehead.

Dale chuckled. "Congrats Bill!" he said.

Bill smiled as he walked away.

Spike blinked. "Diamond Bitch and Silver Crap? Doesn't he mean Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?"

Dale shrugged. "I guess so. Bill said he hates those two. Didn't say why."

Spike sighed. "Makes sense. Tiara and Spoon enjoys making fun of fillies who don't have their Cutie Marks, especially the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Spike shook his head. "They're nothing but bullies."

Dale put his hoof on his chin. "Someone-I mean- SomePONY should teach those two a lesson...and I guess it's gonna be me..." he thought as he walked away. "Bye Spike!" he shouted.

Spike smiled and waved his hand. "See ya, Dale!" he shouted back.

Kahn practiced his singing with Fluttershy. He started with some vocal practices. He didn't notice Boomhauer was leaning on the doorway. Boomhauer didn't wear his tuxedo since he didn't want it to get dirty.

As soon as Kahn was done, Fluttershy clapped while Boomhauer chuckled and said, "Tell you what man dang o' pretty good singin' man dang old better than Bieber's man yo puked on concert yeah man yo."

Kahn blinked when he noticed Boomhauer there. "Jesus Christ man." Kahn said with a frown. "How long were you standing there?"

Boomhauer continued to chuckle while Fluttershy giggled. "Mr. Boomerang just complimented you Kahn." she said. "Shouldn't you say thank you?"

"It's Boomhauer yo man" Boomhuaer corrected as Kahn rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine, thank you. There. I said it." Kahn muttered.

Boomhauer laughed. "Dang o' trying to get tattoo i tell you what man dang ol' sing man yo."

Kahn blinked. "A singing Cutie Mark?" he asked. "Maybe...I don't know. I'll think about it."

Boomhauer smirked. "Beat you to the dang o' altar man yo." He said as he turned around to show his flank.

He had a Cutie Mark that looked similar to his tuxedo Rarity gave him.

Fluttershy smiled. "Congratulations, Mr. Boom-how-er!" she complimented.

"BOOMHAUER" Boomhauer corrected. "And thanks man yo dang o' wearing my suit man dang o' mares came yo moths to light blushes man yo dang o' followed me dang o' movie star I tell you what man outran them think I'm at bakery or something yo man."

Fluttershy giggled. "A mares stallion? Very interesting."

Kahn just shook his head. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really need a Cutie Mark," he muttered. "Before that Hank Hill gets one."