• Published 8th Feb 2013
  • 1,401 Views, 21 Comments

Blank Flanks Unite - Dash Attack

A pony changing hybrid tries to get his Cutie Mark with the CMC. Spin off to Wasp: Life of a Changeling Spy

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The Mark of a Leader

After escaping the wrath of Rarity, Blank and the four filles head toward town hall to beg to help out the next Crusader to focusing on getting. Along the way, they ran into Pinkie Pie who was carrying large cart full of electrical equipment.

Blank groaned silently to himself.

Not her again.

“Hi there Blank. I just started reading that I supposed to help you set up for Sweetie's Consort.”

“Wait, are you saying were all trapped in sompony’s story?” asked Applebloom.

“I think we should just ignore her and let her help.” replied Sweetie. “Remember when she found that TV and found our entire lives were all just part of a show?”

Recalling the aforementioned event, Apploom nodded in agreement and continued towards their destination. All the while the Pink Pony skipped happily as she carried her cart full of lighting and sound equipment.

With Pike’s help, they transformed the inside of city hall into a giant pop concert. Lights and speakers were spread all around the auditorium. Upon the stage rested a lone microphone which Sweetie felt was begging her to sing to it.

When the they were all done Pinkie tapped whispered something into Blank’s ears. “I’m afraid I have to leave now but I want to give you a little advice without spoiling the ending.”

“Listen lady.” mumbled Blank. “I might be an ex assassin, but don’t think I won’t come out of retirement if you keep trying to convince me that all this is just some stupid story some dumbass pony wrote.”

Pinkie Pie smiled as if she were completely obvious to Blank’s threat on her life. “Ok, let me at least give you a clue. Sometimes cutie marks appear even when you're not aware of your talent. While in most cases ponies get their marks when they realise their talents, some of them don’t realise that they realised their talents until they realised their talents.”

The hybrid changeling face hoofed and groaned. “That doesn’t even make any sense, if you realise something, it should be apparent to you.”

“Don’t worry,” she said cheerfully “It will all make sense later on.”


Diamond, Silver, and Featherweight watched from the bushes as Pinkie hopped out of the doors of city hall and bounced off through the streets of Ponyville.

Diamond grinned evilly as she looked at the grenade in Featherweight’s hooves.

“So all I have to do is pull the pin and throw it inside?” she asked Featherweight with a grin as she rubbed her hooves against the surface of the device.

Featherweight shrugged. “That’s what Zecora said. Anyways listen, I’ve been having second thoughts about this. If we're not careful we could end up hurting Sweetie Bell and her friends.”

Diamond tightened her eyes and slapped Featherweight with her hoof.

“Listen here.” she yelled as she gritted her teeth. “If you don’t give me that grenade and take that damn picture, I’ll make sure you’ll remain single all the way through college. Now hoof it over!”

Featherweight lifted his head up and glared at Diamond. “You don’t understand. There’s a lot of sensitive equipment in that could easily start a-”

Before he could finish Diamond yanked the grenade out of his hooves.

“Get your camera ready.” she said in annoyance. “Those cutie mark crybabies and their monster friend are going down, and there's no way I’m going to let you ruin this for me.”

Diamond turned her head to face Silver while she pointed her hoof at Featherweight.

“Make sure he does his job!” she order authoritatively. “I’m going to wait till Sweetie is on stage. When I give the signal, I’m going to burst in and toss the grenade. When the monster shed it’s skin, make sure Featherweight captures the fear on it’s face when it’s exposed.”


Blank sat in the front row of chairs next to Babs and Applebloom, eagerly waiting Scootaloo to usher Sweetie Bell onto the stage. The lights of Town Hall had were turned off except for the ones Pinkie Pie set up for the show. This way, Scootaloo could pretend as if this was a real live concert. The plan was genius, Black was sure the Sweetie Bell would get her cutie mark just like Scootaloo.

But for how long do have to keep this up.

His mind drifted into a spiral of negative thinking.

It’s true that I feel good helping these young ponies do what I’ve spent a good two years of my life trying to do, but what if it doesn’t pay off.

He shook his as he a realization struck him.

Even if I remain a blank flank forever, at least I’ve proven to myself that I no longer need the hive for a sense of purpose. Now I can finally atone for the wrongs I’ve committed as an assassin, and help these kinds out. And if I keep at it, maybe one day it will come? By Volucris, I know that day will happen. I just know it.

Uplifted by his thoughts he smiled to himself. However, he pushed all thoughts of himself aside the moment he saw Scootaloo canter on to the stage and toward the microphone.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts” she shouted expectantly. “Put your hooves together for the one and only…”


Before she could finish ushering Sweetie on to the stage Scootaloo lost her focus as the front door slammed open.

“What do you want?!” she said angrily into the microphone.

The Apple cousins and Blank turned their heads to see who had open the door. From their seats they could see Diamond Tiara strolling down the allies with a green colored egg in her mouth. Her eyes sparkled with devious intent.

Ignoring Scootaloo she got on two legs and spat the egg onto her right hoof.

“Eat this changeling!” she shouted pointing a free hoof at Blank.

With all her strength she tossed the egg straight in the air in Blanks direction. However, Diamond didn’t arch her throw properly and put way too much power into her throw. The egg sored way over Blank Canvas’s head and smashed straight into one of the light fixtures Pinkie had set. As soon as the grenade smashed through the glass, the electricity ignited the gas and caused the entire thing to explode. Everypony watched in horror as the flaming stage light fell right on top of the stage curtain. Within moments, the entire curtain lit up in a crimson blaze and the entire stage along with it.

Without thinking Scootaloo spread her wings just has the fire was about to reach her.

She was about to air dive into Applebloom when everypony heard something coming from back stage.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Screamed Sweetie Bell from backstage, who had been eagerly awaiting for the okay from Scootaloo.

Everypony listened in horror as Sweetie Bell screamed.

Panic swept through Diamond’s body like a hurricane. For all she knew, Sweetie Bell was already burning to death and it was all her fault. Her eyes widened as she thought about the possibly of being sent to jail for mareslaughter and arson.

Afraid for her own well being, she galloped down the aisle and out the door. Through the opened door Silver and Featherweight stared in horror.

“I told you that thing was Flammable!” Feather shouted. “Come on Silver we need to get to the firehouse now!”

“But we’ll never make in time.” Silver said with tears in her eyes.

Featherweight pointed a hoof at her. “If you don’t come with me and somepony gets hurt, I’m telling the police everything.”

With that, the two of them bolted toward the fire department.

Meanwhile, the crusaders helplessly watched the dancing flames continue to consume the stage. All the while Sweetie Bell continued to scream.

“I’m trapped!” She shouted.

“I…can’t” she stuttered. “All I wanted… was… my cutie mark.”

Blank couldn’t take it any longer. Pony or not, this mare was his friend now, and Volucris be damned if he let her die just to keep his cover. Knowing full well what had to be done he turned to Applebloom and smiled.

“I want you to know that I had fun while it lasted.” he said with as a tear trickled down his cheek and green flames surrounded him. Babs and Scootaloo stepped back in shock while Applebloom merely gasped. Having returned into his true form and age, Blank turned his head back to the stage as his wings started to hum.

As his body ascended he clenched his eyes and fangs together and gathered energy for his his spell. His horn surged with all the love and gratitude the crusaders had shown him. Hopefully it would be enough.

The room was blinded by the light of his magic as he drew his very being into the spell. When he finally opened his eyes, they were glowing with bright white light. Furiously, he tilted his head forward and large beam of concentrated magic shot from his horn at the stage. The crusaders watched as the changeling magic merged with the fire and consumed it, the flames turning bright green before disappearing completely.

When the spell and smoke cleared, they all saw a petrified Sweetie Bell huddled in the corner and crying. Blank slowly floated towards her, not caring that his form had been exposed. The white maned changeling landed next to the filly and lifted her up with his front hooves. He then carried her off the stage with two legs.

“You!” shouted Scootaloo who pointed an accusing hoof. “It wasn’t a dream after all. You were the changeling from yesterday.” She then turned to glare at Applebloom. “And you knew all along, didn’t you.”

“He not bad anymore.” rebuttled Applebloom. “And for the record, he’s saved three of us at least once over these past few days. Listen, what Blank is isn’t important. What matter is we make sure Sweetie is alright.”

“Cuz has a point.” Babs said as she hesitantly trotted over to help Blank carry Sweetie. It took her a moment to get over the her anxiety of getting with in legs reach of a changeling but she managed to push it aside for the time being.”

They laid Sweeti down on one of the chairs.

“Are you ok?” asked Blank. “You inhaled a lot of smoke back there. Do you feel dizzy?”

“A little.” replied Sweetie as she let out a soft cough. “But I think I’ll be ok. Thank you for saving me Blank, that is, if that’s really your name.”

“It is.” he said as soft smile formed on his face. “I’m sorry this had to happen. I just thought if I disguised myself as a young colt and joined your club I would get my cutie mark. I’m a hybrid you see, so like you I’m supposed to have a special talent or superpower like the rest of my kind. Like the four of you, I’ve been picked on my other members of the hive. I thought helping all of you would help me not only repent for my sins, but help me unlock my true purpose.”

Blank backed away from Sweetie and drooped his head down.

“But all I did was let that Tiara wearing brat come after you. I’m glad you're all safe and I’m glad you all got your cutie marks. It makes me feel really good that I was able to motivate you all, and I feel like you are all alot closer to getting your mark than I am. However, now that my cover is blown, I’m afraid I’ll have to leave.”

“Wait Blank.” cried Apple Bloom. “Look at your flank real quick. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t there yesterday.”

Blank turned his head and gasped. His green eyes glistened with joy and his mouth widened with excitement. He didn’t know when it had appeared. Was it when he Scootaloo got her mark or was it after he save Sweetie? All he knew was that there upon his flank was a golden torched with a bright green flame at the top.”

“Sweet Volucris in changeling Heaven!” he shouted. “I have it! My mark! My talent. My power! My purpose in life!”

He flew up in the air and smiled. “The pink one’s nonsensical clue finally made sense to him. From the moment he helped Scootaloo achieve what she had fought so hard and so long to achieve, a part of him realised what his true talent was.”

“What does it mean?” asked Sweetie. “What’s your talent?”

“My heart tells me that I’m a leader.” he said. “Someone who can inspire others to reach their full potential. Man, those jerks in the hive really could have used a changeling like me on their side. To bad I’m not never talking to them again.”

He turned his head towards one of the windows and blasted it. Green flames washed over him as he turned back into a teenage colt.

“It won’t belong before other ponies find out what happened here. I’m going to go find myself a new home, but I promised I’ll come back someday if you still need me. For now I believe that each of you have what it takes to discover yourselves.”

As he flew towards the window, Applebloom shouted to him from above.

“Thank you for everything Blank!” she yelled as tears began to trick down her smiling face. “We promise that the next time we meet, CMC will be blank flanks no more!”

The hybrid smiled down and saluted his friends. “I look forward to that day.” he declared just before flying through the window and disappearing behind a ray of sunshine.

“He didn’t even get mad at me for not trusting him.” said Scootaloo as she lowered her head in regret, eyes tearing slowly. “Even after he saved my life and gave me my mark. I’m a lousy friend.”

Babs put a hoof around Scootaloo. “Don’t worry. When we see him again you will have another chance.”

Sweetie laid in her chair still worn out from the shock of the fire and all the smoke she inhaled. “Guys, I need one of you to carry me. We need to get out of here before.”

Just then the doors flung open. Mayor Mare and two firefighters burst in.

“Oh Sweet Celestia!” yelled the frantic Mayer. “This is going take one heck of tax increase to fix.”

The End

Author's Note:

Special thanks to dracoria for helping me map out this chapter. I also as always, Chaotic Mind, Thank you for editing. This story was not my best work, but even so, I hope it was an enjoyable read

Comments ( 1 )

4112559 I had a'lot of trouble with this story. Not sure why. It's defiantly not my best but not by far my worst. His name is Blank Canvas . Any other spelling is a typo on my part.

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