• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 11,005 Views, 676 Comments

My Mortal Big Brother - Dash Attack

Shining Armor goes on a quest to become an alicorn in order to save his love ones from mourning his eventual death. To do this, he must prove him self worthy of the spirits of harmony, as villains plot in the shadows.

  • ...

Dreaming of the End

Cadence’s eyes drifted open, her head resting comfortably on her fluffy pillow. Once both her eyes were open, she realized that something wasn’t right. She began to scan the room to see if anything was missing. However, everything was there: from the crystal shelves, a modest bookshelf, to the photographs hanging from the wall.

Her eyes fell upon one picture in particular. It was a large photo of her and Shining herself, with a small blue colt nestled between them. A sense of nostalgia came over her as she examined the picture, but only for a few moments. Something was still nagging her in the back of her head. The question was what?

Then it dawned on her. She turned her head towards elderly stallion resting behind her, then at the grandfather clock at the end of the room. It was a quarter to eleven.

That’s weird, thought Cadence as she turned her body to face her husband. Shining has always been an early riser. Even after eighty-two years of marriage, he has always gotten up before me. I’d better wake him up before he misses breakfast.

Cadence stretched out her right foreleg and gently tapped her hoof on his body. When Shining’s body didn’t respond, she stretched out both her forelegs and began to rock him back and forth.

“Wake up sleepyhead.” she said smiling as she continued to rock. “You might not be a young captain of the guard anymore, but we still have a kingdom to run.”

She kept nudging him as and waited for his eyes to open, but no matter how hard she tried, Shining Armor remained in a motionless sleep.

“My Prince,” she said nervously. “Please wake up.”

Her smile began to fade, replaced with a look of concern. As time went on, the tempo of her rocking became faster and faster as she frantically pushed his body back and forth. It seemed that no matter how hard or how fast she shook him, her prince remained motionless.

“Come on Shining!” Cadence shouted. Her eyes started to open wide and her voice began to tremble. As she desperately tried to shake life back into her sleeping husband, she noticed her own heartbeat began to skyrocket.

“Wake up Shining! Wake up!”

She turned her head the door as she held onto the body of her love.

“Ruby, please help me! We need to get my husband to the hospital right away!”

A red crystal mare in a black and white uniform rushed into the room and dropped the duster from her mouth.

“Oh sweet Gaia!” shouted the mare as she gazed down at her unconscious master. She galloped to the door and stuck her head out.

“Everypony, we need to get the prince to the Crystal Heart hospital right away! I need three or four ponies to help me carry him!”

As Ruby called for assistance, Cadence wrapped her husband with both her hooves and wings and prayed silently. Her feathers brushed against his back, while her right hoof stroked the back of his neck. She buried her face in his mane as tears began to roll down her eyes. The world became silent, as if time itself had stopped. She could no longer hear Ruby’s cries for help, or the galloping of rushing hooves. The only thing she could hear was her own thoughts.

Please. Not now. I’m not ready for this. I need more time. Please. I’m not prepared for this.


One Week Later

Cadence sat in a chair outside a hospital room next to her son, Crystal Sword. The two alicorns made sure not to look directly at the door, because to them it felt like a tombstone.

Patient Name: Shining Armor (Prince)
Sex: Male
Race: Unicorn; Age: 112
Diagnosis: Heart disease
Resolution: Terminal

Cadence turned to look at her son. He was a large and sturdy stallion with a sapphire coat and a dark purple mane. On his forehead rested a long, majestic horn, normal for all alicorns. His wings were three times the size of a pegasus with a slight hint of dark purple on the edge of his feathers. Upon his flank rested a sword cutie mark, with a six star emblem on it’s hilt.

Crystal Sword returned his mother’s gaze with his bright blue eyes.

“Is there anything they can do for him, Mom?” he asked.

“I don’t know. The doctors are doing their best to keep him stable, but they’re telling us to expect the worst.”

He gave a slow nod of understanding.

“When I was younger, I used to tell myself that Dad would probably live forever, just like us. For the longest time I really wanted to believe that.”

Crystal Sword noticed that his mother’s eyes were starting to water, so he wrapped her up in his wings and hugged her with his forelegs. Cadence returned her son’s embrace.

“Aunty Twilight is coming, right Mom?”

“Yes,” nodded Cadence. “She should be here either today or tomorrow, depending on what train she catches.”

A wave of emotion swept over him as moisture began to drop down from her eyes. He fought the wetness running down his own face, and recalled his military training on coping with loss. But this wasn't one of his fellow guards back in Canterlot. This was his father, the stallion who shaped him into the pony he was today. Years of self-discipline went down the drain as his eyes continued to drip.

“Crystal, you really shouldn’t cry right now. The doctor might call us in any minute, and you wouldn’t want to look sad in front of your father, now would you?”

"I'm not crying! I...I just have something in my eye!”

Oh Crystal, you’re more like him than you'll ever realize.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her head still buried in his purple mane. “You probably think I’m being silly.”

She closed her eyes and let the tears soak into his coat. “We both need to be strong—for us, for Twilight, and for him.”

“Mom, you are the strongest mare I know. Dad always told me that you were the one who helped him carry on whenever he felt like the odds were against him. When I was a colt, he used to tell me about how the two of you saved Canterlot together every night before I went to bed. Even to this day, I still look at that stained glass window of the two of you whenever I’m in the throne room.”

A small smile crept on Cadence’s face. “I could really say the same about him.”

Just then, the hallway door swung open to reveal a short purple alicorn galloping through.

"Please tell me I'm not too late!" shouted Twilight, looking frantic.

Cadence turned her face toward her and slowly shook her head.

"The doctor just told us he's resting right now. I think they want us to expect the worst at this point."

Crystal raised his head and looked his aunt straight in the eye with a firm expression on his face. He slowly got up from the chair and stretched out his wings to their fullest extent. Through his swollen red eyes, Twilight could see the sparks of confidence rise within her nephew.

“I for one, have not given up on him. Even if this is the end, I know that Dad would never give up on me if I was ever in his position. I need to remain strong, just like he taught me. Just like he...he...”

For a moment, Twilight thought she saw her nephew’s eyes water, but he immediately blinked it away, giving his eyes a drier look. She thought she heard him mutter something about not crying, but she pushed the thought to the back of her mind.

Twilight let out a loud sigh as she slowly made her way towards Cadence and took the empty seat next to her. This whole ordeal had been so taxing on her, especially after seeing one of her friends die of old age. The last thing she wanted was to go through more heartache. She thought back to all the things they did together as kids, how happy he was when he married Cadence, how proud he was when she was crowned a princess, and more recently, the joy on his face when Cadence gave birth to Crystal.

The door to Shining's room opened and the doctor stepped out. His voice carried a sympathetic undertone.

"Your majesties, he's awake now. He doesn't have much longer, and I think he knows it. It would mean a lot to him if you all go inside."

The three alicorns followed the doctor into the room. There, they saw two ponies in two separate beds. One was a crystal pony with two broken hind legs. The other was an old and wrinkly Shining Armor. The bright blue that once made up his mane and tail had turned completely grey with age, and a small beard adorned his wrinkly face. He turned his head to face the three gems of his life. His beautiful wife, his noble son, and his brilliant little sister were all standing there, watching him.

"Hey Twily," Shining Armor wheezed. He looked her over. "Wow, you're looking pretty good for a mare in her hundreds. A lot better than me right now, that’s for sure."

Twilight let a small smile onto her face, although it was tough to muster.

"I still go to the spa with Rarity from time to time. The cream they use really rejuvenates the skin, not that I ever have to worry about getting..." She stopped herself from saying “old.”

Shining Armor began to violently cough before turning his head towards his son.

"Hey champ, how are those soldiers doing? I'm sure you've done everything I've taught you to keep those stallions alert and ready."

"My men are always at the ready Dad, ready to protect the Royal Family and all of Equestria. Those diamond dogs and changelings will think twice before messing with us.”

"I'm really proud of you, champ. I'm sure that when I'm gone, you'll help the Empire’s soldiers become just as devoted and “at the ready” as Canterlot’s division of the Royal Guard."

"Please don't talk like that, Dad. You'll make it through this, just like the time me and you fought those Yetis all those years ago. They beat us up pretty bad, but in the end we managed to survive."

"Its alright son, I've been ready for this for a while now. My only regret is that you still haven't given me grandchildren yet."

"I told you, I'm holding out for the right mare. After all, I have all the time in the world, right?" He facehoofed himself, as he realised his poor choice of words. “I didn’t mean it like that Dad!”

Shining Armor went silent for a moment as a tear dripped down his face. "It’s alright son. I rather you take your time then end up being unhappy..." He trailed off, and turned towards Cadence.
“How are you doing, hun?"

I feel like my world is crashing down on me. Everything is falling apart. I feel like my ancestor’s legacy has cursed me. But I can't let you know that. Instead, I'll tell you what else I feel.

"I'm just really glad that I became Twilight’s foalsitter all those years ago. If I didn't, you and I would never have met.” She wiped a tear from her eye. “Oh Shiny, the decades we spent together have been the best years of my life. I'll probably never remarry, for fear that I will somehow betray all the time we shared. I wish we could’ve grown old together."

"Don't talk like that, angel. Trust me, growing old really does suck. Besides, I wouldn't want any wrinkles ruining that beautiful face for yours.” He said, with a sad smile gracing his face. His eyes glazed over, reminiscing in the nostalgia.

“You know, looking at it now, it makes me think back to the day I proposed to you. It was in the garden. The birds were singing, and your aunt’s moon was shining down on our bodies. I forget exactly what I said to you, but I remember your face. I swear, your eyes sparkled when I brought that ring out of my coat pocket."

Cadence’s voice nearly cracked with sadness. "You were really quite the charmer back then, and you still are. Look at you. Even now, you’re as nonchalant as ever."

No longer able to contain her emotions, she buried her face in her hooves and sobbed. "I tried so hard to make the time we had together last! It's not fair! I don't want you to leave me! Eternal life means nothing to me if it means I can't be with you. Oh please don't go!”

Shining Armor stretched his hoof forward to caress her mane. He lifted her chin up so that their eyes met. Cadence abruptly stopped crying and gazed upon her love’s smiling face. "This is how things are supposed to be, Cadence. There's nothing either of us can do about it now.”


“But there is something you can do about it.” A female voice echoed in his head.

Shining turned his head around to look for the the source of the voice, only to see his surroundings melt into nothingness. Both Crystal, Twilight, and the doctor were gone. His body floated in a dark, endless void, and he hadn’t the faintest idea what caused it..

Am I dead? He wonder, flinching as his body floated in vast empty space. As he gazed into the dark and desolate void, he noticed a bright light that was slowly shining brighter before him. He watched it grow larger and larger, until a figure appeared in front of him. She was a tall and majestic alicorn with a silver coat and a mane as green as the grass. Her cutie mark was in the shape of the planet itself. Shining stared speechlessly at the figure as she spoke.

“You are not dead, nor are you dying. What you have witnessed is a vision of the future.”

Shining’s mouth opened wide with disbelief. When he picked his jaw up off the metaphorical floor, the alicorn gave a light chuckle and continued:

“In eighty-two years time, your mortal body will perish. When it does, your family will mourn your passing and cause them great sorrow. However, after a few thousand years of grieving, you will be nothing more to them than a foggy memory.”

“Who are you?” he asked, with desperation in his voice. “Why are you telling me this?”

The alicorn that stood before Shining smiled, rather cheekily, he noted.

“I have had many names, but you may call me Gaia. I am the late Crystal Queen and the third daughter of the Divine Creator. As for the other question...” She trailed off as Shining held up a hoof.

“Wait, so, are you a ghost or something?” asked Shining, who tilted his head in confusion.

Gaia let out a small sigh and closed her eyes. “Of a sort, yes. One thousand years ago, my apprentice betrayed me and destroyed my body.”

“But aren’t alicorns supposed to be gods?” asked Shining, who continued to stare at the queen in amazement. “How could you be dead if you can’t die?”

Gaia opened her eyes and looked down at the curious unicorn prince, with sadness behind her stoic features.

“What you say is true. My two sisters and I alone with the chosen few are gods. However, it isn’t impossible for us to be slain or murdered by powerful individuals. To this day, I have no idea how Sombra was able to do it.”

Shining watched a small tear creep down her face. He figured that she must have really trusted Sombra, and that his betrayal caused her great pain. He wisely decided not to press the matter.

“However,” she continued, “as my presence may suggest, I am not completely dead. My soul has laid dormant within the Crystal Heart. When my very great granddaughter activated the heart six months ago, my soul was set free. Now I am here to aid you in your time of stress and jealousy.”

Shining tilted his head again. What she said didn't make much sense to him.

“Jealousy? Jealousy over what?”

Gaia let out a laugh that Shining felt was slightly condescending.

“Why, over your sister, wife, and your unborn child of course. Twilight, Cadence, and the child she’s currently pregnant with will live forever, and be worshipped by all. If I was a mortal, I know I would be jealous. Isn't that why you cried during the coronation?”

Shining scowled at her, voice rising as he went on a tirade. “What gives? Why would you make an accusation like that?! Goddess or not, living or deceased, you have no right to say something like that. What you’re claiming is false!”

“It’s not a claim. It’s the truth. Regardless, you should listen to me. There is a way for you to be with them. When you wake up from this dream, ask Cadence if their is a way for you to become an alicorn. She will most likely be reluctant to answer you at first, so make sure you ask her when the time is right.”

The anger that had been building up within Shining Armor came to an abrupt halt.

There’s a way for me to become an alicorn? To become like my wife and sister? There is hope of life everlasting and power beyond anypony’s dreams? Is Gaia’s proposal even possible, or is this all just a simple dream? Is she even real, or just a creation of my own imagination?

After a long moment of silence, he looked into Gaia’s eyes.

“Even if I did do that, how would I know that this isn’t just a dream?”

Gaia giggled as a warm reassuring smile formed on her face. “Well, I just told you your wife is pregnant. When you wake up, ask her to take a pregnacy test. That should be proof enough. Before I go, I just want you to know that you don’t have to suffer. Do as I say and they will not forgot you. Ever.” Gaia finished with a smirk, driving the point home.

“You’re wrong!” he shouted defensively. “There’s no way my wife and sister would ever forget me.”

A small smile crept onto her face as her horn started to glow a soft silver.

“If you don’t believe me, then you might need an extra push. What I’m about to do might seem extremely cruel, but know that I’m doing this out of kindness.”

A bright white light encompassed her body and expanded outward, blinding Shining’s vision. When the light dissipated, he found himself in a large library filled with thousands of bookcases. The cases themselves rose all the way to the ceiling, which was easily fifty feet high. Looking at the ceiling made Shining’s head spin so he instead focused on finding an exit. The room looked like an endless corridor that stretched on to infinity. All he could see in front of him were rows upon rows of bookcases, filled to the brim with books.

He turned his head to see if he could make out a wall behind him. What he saw instead made his jaw drop in awe and his eyes open wide with disbelief.

In front of him stood the tallest pony he had ever seen, with incredibly long wings and a very long horn. Her coat was dark purple, and her mane flowed like a summer night’s sky. If it weren’t for her giant pink star cutie mark that matched the one on his shield, Shining would never had recognised her.

She...she looks just like Twilight...

Shining Armor continued to stare at the pony, as the majestic figure focused on the book that was being held in her magic. Shining took notice, and saw that it was a very old Starswirl the Bearded spellbook.

She looks like a goddess. This can’t really be her, yet she has Twilight’s cutie mark.

The giant alicorn put the book back on the shelf with her magic, and turned to face the speechless prince. She smiled gently.

“Why, hello there! I’m sorry, but this part of the library is off limits to anypony expect for the royal family and my personal assistant. If you're lost, I’d be happy to-”

“Twily.” Shining said, completely and utterly dumbfounded.

The godlike Twilight blinked curiously.

“Well, most ponies call me Princess Twilight, but the way you said my name just now, it almost sounds familiar. Have we met before?”

Tears began to drop down Shining’s face. She doesn’t recognise me.

“It’s me. Your BBBFF, big brother best friend forever. Shining Armor.”

Twilight blinked again. “That can’t be. My brother died five millennia ago. Or was it seven? Anyway, it’s all very foggy. I don’t even remember what he looked like or what his name was. Only that he existed.”

Shining looked back here with in confusion, as his eyes started to water.“You don’t remember him at all?”

The warm smile on her face dropped, replaced with one of regret and sorrow.

“That’s not entirely true.” she said softly. Her eyes started to show hints of her sadness. “Believe it or not, I wasn't always a goddess, or a princess for that matter. I was just a regular old unicorn with a talent for magic. Back then, my big brother meant the world to me. He was my first and greatest friend I ever had.”

The room became quiet as Shining stared up at his not-so-little sister, tears dripping down his face.

She sniffled. “Unfortunately, that’s all I can remember. I remember the others, like Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, but that’s only because of the history books. That and there are statues with their names on them just outside the castle. Yet for the life of me, I can’t remember his.”

Her tone of voice began to shift. She sounded like she was crying, yet Shining couldn’t spot a single tear on her face. He figured she was using her long mane to hide them.

She continued, “I hate myself for forgetting his name. If I research hard enough, I might be able to find a history book on obscure monarchs of the Crystal Empire, but I can’t remember his name. It’s been driving me crazy for centuries. Every day, my older memories get foggier and foggier. What kind of princess can remember the names of all her friends but not her brother’s?”

Twilight lifted her head up, her face no longer looking warm and inviting.

“I’m sorry, but I going to have to ask you to leave right now before Captain Crystal Sword gets back. I don’t know who you think you are, pretending to be my brother, but I will not stand for it.” She slammed her left hoof on the floor for emphasis.

“But Twily, it’s actually m-”

The room became bright again and Shining Armor found himself in another location, one that he did recognize. It was his and Cadence’s throne room back in the Crystal Empire.

Is this the present or the future? Hell, was anything I just saw real? I can’t believe she didn’t recognize me!

Shining felt weak, confused, angry, and, above all, sad. He couldn’t imagine anything worse than looking at his goddess sister and having her talk to him like a complete stranger. No, it wasn’t just that. She talked to him like a child. Wasn’t he supposed to be the older brother? Before his train of thought could continue, a soft voice brought him back to the real world.

“Can I help you, sir? Court doesn’t start until half past two”

That voice. Please don’t let that be Cadence. Please don’t let it be Cadence. I don’t want to go through anything like that again. But I have to know. If this really is the future, I need to know if she recognizes me at all.

He turned his head to see a somewhat taller version of Cadence. Although her body didn’t look that much different from the Cadence he knew, she was slightly taller. Her wings were about the same as they had been, and her mane was shimmering, like liquid crystal. The fact that he was still able to recognize her put Shining’s heart at ease for a little bit.

“Cadence, please tell me you recognize me.” he pleaded, but was only rewarded with a blank look from the monarch before him.

“Uh...” she trailed off. “I’m sorry, but is this your first time visiting the Empire?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am several millennia old, and in that time, I have loved and married hundreds of stallions. Maybe even two or three mares. But, as you might guess, trying to remember all them can be quite the task.”

“But you promised me on my deathbed that you would never remarry! How could you do this to me Cadence?! You were my special somepony!”

“Listen, Shimmering Chestpiece, was it? I don’t know if you’re a ghost of one of my past lovers or a crazy pony, but you really need to leave before my real husband gets here.”

If Shining’s heart was broken before, his soul was completely shattered at this point. He couldn’t take it. This was literally his worst nightmare come true. The ponies he cared for the most no longer remembered his existence.

“Now that you know the truth, it is up to you to alter your destiny. Find the Scepter. Find the gems. Only then can you ascend.”


Shining Armor opened his eyes and jumped out of bed. Panting, he looked up at the grandfather clock and saw that it was late morning.

I slept in? he questioned. “How could I have slept in? That’s never happened to me except...in my dream last night.

He put a hoof over his pounding heart, as he tried to recall the events of his nightmare.

In the beginning … I was Cadance… or at least... I saw things from her point of view, I could see myself dying.

His breaths started to become heavier as the details of the dream came flooding back to him. Then I found myself in my own body, and an alicorn told me .... and she told me… By now his heart was pounding like the sound of thousands drums. She told me it that what I saw was my destiny.

Why the hell did I have a dream like that? I wonder if this has anything to do with Twily’s coronation?

His mind began to slowly drift back to Twilight's coronation day. Everypony was cheering for her, congratulating her on her ascension. He remembered being so proud of her despite knowing deep down what long-term consequences that this would have. It was one thing knowing that your wife would outlive you for a good chunk of eternity, but now his little sister would as well.

That's when he remembered more about the dream he had. His wife, his sister, and possibly his own child were going to watch him die an old stallion while they remained ageless. He would only be there for a fraction of their lives. How many centuries would each of them take to completely forget he ever existed? It was a painful thought that dug deep at the core of his very soul.

Then he remembered the goddess from his dream. The one who called herself Gaia. Was she even real? Was she a phantom born from his imagination, or did Celestia and Luna’s supposed sister really invade his dreams last night? One thing was for sure, his memories of the dream were shockingly vivid, as far as dreams go. Hell, he could even remember the smells of the crystal roses that somepony had left next to his hospital bed.

There has to be a way for me to know whether or not that dream was really just a dream.

He thought over everything that happened until he remembered something Gaia said. ”From your point in time, Cadence won't find out she's pregnant for another day or so.”

That means she's pregnant right now!

Swiftly, he tossed off the covers off the bed using his magic and darted out of the bedroom into the castle corridor. As he ran, servants and guards stared at him with concern, wondering what could be troubling their prince. When he finally reached the large diamond doors of the dining hall, he threw the doors wide open with his magic and startled Cadence.

"Shining!" she shouted, startled, "What's wrong?! Don't tell me King Sombra’s back!"
Shining panted for a bit as he tried to catch his breath.

"We’re not under attack, but there is something I need to ask you. It's not something I want to talk about in mixed company, so I'm just going to close the doors for a minute."

She gave him a deadpan look. “Well, you sorta just did slam the dining hall doors open. I hope you didn’t crack the walls.”

He gave an embarrassed smile. “Heh, yeah, sorry about that.”

She rolled her eyes and continued. "Can't this wait? I'm still eating my oats.”

The doors shut behind them and Shining Armor let out a loud sigh. "I'm afraid my nerves will kill me if I don't ask this now. I'm going to be very blunt, but please bear with me."

He paused for a moment and sighed again. "Cadence, have you felt a constant feeling of being... full?"

Cadence tilted her head curiously. The question caught her completely off guard, but, to his credit, he did warn her he was going to be blunt.

"Well now that you mention it, I think I do. I was going to go to the doctor in a few days to see what the problem was."

It's just as she said. Hang on; this could all be just a huge coincidence. Still if I don't find out soon, I might just die of a heart condition right here in the present.

"Do you think you could take ‘the test’ after breakfast?"

Cadence just sat at the table and blinked: "Oooo-kay... I'll go take it as soon as I'm done. But first can I ask you a question now? How did you know I was feeling this way?"

Darn, I didn't think this through. I can't tell her the truth, not until I'm sure if what I saw was a vision or a dream. Okay, stay calm. I'll just tell her a little white lie until we know for sure.

"I didn't know. It's just… um, husband’s intuition. Yeah, that's it." He gave an inward chuckle at the thought.

"Right… I… think I'm done eating now. I'll come back down in a minute to tell you if your ‘husband’s intuition’ was correct or not."

The uncomfortable expression on her face quickly turned into a smile as she got out of her chair and trotted off to the bathroom where she kept the test.


Five minutes later

"Shining Armor, you’re not going to believe this!!!" shouted Cadence as she flew above the crowded hallways filled with servants and tourists. The huge smile on her face resembled one that might belong to the likes of Pinkie Pie.

Shining Armor stepped out of the dining room, only to be tackled by the airborne princess. His body gently skidded on the marble floor as his wife hugged him with all four hooves and both wings.

"You’re going to be a father, my knight in shining armor! This is the happiest day of my life!"

Shining Armor stared into Cadence's eyes and saw the same sparkle he saw when he proposed to her. This time, however, the glimmer that radiated from her eyes was undoubtedly brighter.

Suddenly, the revelation hit him like a bullet in the chest. He was going to be a father. They were both going to be parents. They were going to have a little foal of their own. The thoughts of his own mortality and the bizarre dream he had, vanished from his mind, and in its place emerged exhilaration. A stream of tears began to shower both of their faces as they hugged each other on top of the hall carpet.

"Oh look, it's that liquid pride of yours again" Cadence giggled as she continued to squeeze him with both her legs and wings.

"It's not liquid pride this time," he said with a gentle smile, "these are 100% tears of joy."

They laughed and cried together for hours, as passing ponies stared at them as they made their way through the large crystal hallway.


His dream forgotten, Shining Armor spent the rest of the day celebrating with Cadence. Later that night however, the memories of his dream came rushing back. His cheery smile had eroded and in it’s place was a look of concern and anxiety. As the two lovers tucked themselves into bed, Cadence turned to face Shining Armor and immediately picked up that something was off.

"What's the matter, Shiny?" she asked. "You were so happy before, but now you look really depressed. You’re not having second thoughts, are you?"

The white stallion shook his head. "I'm sorry Cadence, but I wasn't completely honest with you this morning."

He then went on to tell her some of details about his dream, while leaving out the parts involving Gaia. The last thing he wanted his wife to think was that he was being haunted by a long-dead alicorn princess.

"In the dream you all looked so sad. I've never seen Twily look more upset in her life. All of you were trying your best not to cry in front of me, but in the end you all did."

Cadence looked at her husband and began to stroke his mane with her hoof. "Oh Shining, I don't want you to think about that stuff. When we got married, we promised to only focus on the present, and let the future sort itself out."

I know we did, but that was before Twily became.... became..."

"An alicorn," she finished.

He nodded and continued. "Also, I'm pretty sure our child's going to have a horn, but what are the chances of him being born with wings too?"

Cadence pondered for a moment before she spoke. "Well, normally the alicorn gene lies dormant until a pony bonds with a pony of extraordinary magic abilities. Aunty Celestia told me that I have the blood of the ancient Queen of the Crystal Empire. She was murdered by Sombra during the coup, but legend has it that her son escaped. He was a unicorn, but he passed on the alicorn gene to his ancestors. 973 years later, my unicorn parents had me, only to find out I have wings.”

“So if the gene stayed dormant for almost 1,000 years, that means our child will probably be just an ordinary unicorn.”

Cadence shook her head. "Both you and your sister have above average magical energy. While Twilight's talent might be magic, you’re almost as strong as her. At least you were, before her ascension. Anyway, I’m almost positive that our baby is going to be an alicorn. Who knows?" She chuckled "I might give birth to the first male alicorn in Equestrian history.”

Shining Armor started to panic inside. His demeanor began to resemble that of his sister back when she was "tardy". Frantically, he brushed the covers off his body and hugged Cadence with all his might. For the second time that day, tears began to slide down his face. However these tears were not those of "liquid pride" or "joy".

These tears were that of utter sadness.

"Cadence, I don't want any of you to suffer because of me. I want to spend the rest of eternity with all of you. I want to protect you, love you, and be with you for eternity. I'll admit that when I heard what happened to Twilight, a part of me was jealous. However, I felt more proud of her than anything else. I don't think she even realizes that she is practically immortal now: a living, breathing goddess of friendship. I don't want her, or any of you to suffer because I wasn't worthy enough to be blessed with your gifts."

He waited a moment to collect himself before he could calmly articulate the rest of what he had to say.

"Cadence, I want to earn the right to be an alicorn. I am willing to do anything to prevent my dream from coming true. If there anything I've learned this week, it's that ascension has to be earned. Please tell me there’s a way I can do that.”

I promised myself I'd never tell him. But I can't bear to see him like this. Not when we should be so happy about our soon-to-be-born foal.

Cadence let out a long sigh. She never wanted to tell Shining about the legend, but she knew it was the only thing that might put him at peace.

"Shining Armor, what I'm about to tell is a legend that is as old as Equestria itself. Have you ever heard of the Scepter of Harmony?"

Author's Note:

February 1st, 2015

I accidentally deleted the original authored notes do to a glitch in the fimfiction code that confused me. So here is a new one.

Thank you for reading this first chapter. Wile the story started out as a feature box bait during the Alicorn Twilight buzz, I feel like I have been able to craft something epic. I had two major inspirations for this story. One was the Legend of Zelda. The other was my own traumatic experience with coping with the death of others.