• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 11,004 Views, 676 Comments

My Mortal Big Brother - Dash Attack

Shining Armor goes on a quest to become an alicorn in order to save his love ones from mourning his eventual death. To do this, he must prove him self worthy of the spirits of harmony, as villains plot in the shadows.

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Revenge of Chrysalis

Chapter 10

Dizziness, dizziness was all Shining could feel as he slowly opened his eyes. The world was spinning like a ferris wheel. He couldn’t tell what anything was because the world around him kept moving. He tried to collect his thoughts, but even they were a jumbled mess.

After a couple of minutes of doing nothing, his head eventually cleared up, and the world became less blurry. With the curtain of fog lifted from his mind, he began to take note of his surrounding.

The first thing that he realised upon waking up was that he was resting on a very dusty bed.

My coat feels so dirty now? He thought as he looked at how brown his snow white coat had become. Where the heck am I anyway?

After brushing some of the dirt off with his hoof, he decided to lean upward against the back of the bed so he could better examine the room he was in.

Judging from the grey stone wall and the dirty, yet fancy decor, he assumed that he was in a castle of some sort. A painting caked with dust hung on the walls, and cobwebs could be seen nestled between a good portion of the furniture like the hope chest on his right.

On said hope chest rested a candelabra, with three lit candles nestled on top.

If I didn’t know better, he thought deeply to himself, I’d say that nopony has lived in this place for centuries, yet those lit candles over there tell a different story.

He shook his head and bit and narrowed his eyes.

I can worry about where I am later, right now I need to find Shadow and Brea…

Suddenly the door on his right slid open to reveal somepony Shining never expected to see in a place like this.

“Cadence!” he said as his eyes widened with surprise.

The pink mare of his life chuckled and as she cantered slowly towards him. Immediately, Shining notice that she was making a conscious effort to make sure to sway her plot back and forth as she walked.

When she was close enough, she fluttered onto the bed, pressing the bewildered stallion onto his back.

Cadence licked her lips as she looked down at Shining with a lustful gleam in her eyes.
“How’s my sexy, sexy prince doing today?” she said seductively. “Are you ready to make sweet love to my…”

“Get off of me, witch!” Shining shouted as he violently got off and pushed cadence off the bed. Her rump landed on the hard stone floor as her head smashed into an old wooden dresser.

Cadence responded by breaking into a fit of laughter, seeming to ignore any pain she may or may not have felt.

“I see someone got a little smarter these past few years,” she said in a teasing tone as a menacing smirk crept onto her face. “Or maybe it’s just those stupid powers you inherited from your eccentric spirit friends? I bet if it weren’t for them, you would have fallen for the same trick again. I mean, how dense do you have to be to not realise your bride’s been replaced with an imposter?”

Shining got on all fours and hopped off the bed, while staring at the creature who resembled his wife with hate and disgust.

“If you really want to be honest, I thought something was off with your behavior during the wedding preparations, but I shrugged it off as me being on edge because of the threat you so cleverly sent. But luckily for me, a mare far smarter than I was able to see through your lies. Now thanks to the spirits of the elements, I can too. So you can drop your stupid disguise, Chrysalis. It won’t get you anything this time.

Cadence/Chrysalis laughed giddily to herself with a smile that reminded Shining too much of his real wife.

“No, I think this form is serving me well, even if you can see through it. You see, I didn’t send a squad of my genetically engineered offspring just to chat. I brought you here for revenge.”

Shining Armor backed away in disgust as a flash of green light Chrysalis took the form of Twilight.

“After I failed to drain Twilight's magic and make her my pawn,” she explained in Twilight's pragmatic tone of voice. “I realised that I needed a new target for which to exact vengeance. Twilight may have been the one who blew my cover, but it was you and your pathetic wife who defeated my army.”

The fake fluttered towards Shining and placed her front hooves on his cheeks. She stared down at him with seductive smile.

“Now BBBFF,” she said in an alluring tone, drawing her head ever closer to Shining’s muzzle. “Why don’t you show me how much you love your little sister?”

“I’ll kill you for this!” Shining snarled.

Without even thinking, Shining titled his head and slammed his head against the fake Twilight. Chrysalis staggered backwards as Shining tilted his head forward, ready to blast the queen into oblivion once and for all with every last bit of magic he had in him. Gritting his teeth with hatred, he began to channel magic into his horn, but found that something was stopping his magic from reaching the very tip.

Damnit, why can’t a cast this spell?

Chrysalis regained her balance and tilted her head upward at Shining, smiling pleasantly at the confused stallion.

“Hurting me wont help your situation,” she said in a teasing tone as she levitated a mirror in front of Shining. “But we can talk about your punishment later. Right now I want you take a look at what’s preventing you from killing me.”

Shining eyes widened as he stared into the mirror. Half of his horn was surrounded by a strange metallic ring with blinking red lights on the sides. He figured that whatever it was, was keeping his magic sealed up.

“My son, Gizmo,made this little device for me you know.” Stated the fake Twilight, who Shining noticed had a red bruise from when he slammed the front side his horn into her face. “As his name would suggests, his special talent is making very effective and unique gadgets. This is what he calls a magic inhibitor. So long as that’s on you, your magic won’t be able to reach the top of your horn and channel outward.”

“I’m guessing he’s another one of your mutant hybrids.” Shining said, scowling.

Shining watched as Chrysalis dropped her disguise and took on her true form.

“He might not be as combat efficient as our son, but he’s at least more resourceful than the worthless runt, Blank Canvas.”

Half of Shining’s horn flared with purple light as his face continued to tighten up with anger.

“That changeling with the bee on his flank is not my son.” Shining shouted defensively. “He said as much himself.”

“That’s because Wasp doesn’t see you as a father,” she gloated. “But that doesn’t mean you aren’t.”
Suddenly, her horn surged with magic.

The queen’s magic quickly enveloped all four of Shining’s hooves, locking them in place. Chrysalis eyes sparkled with excitement has she watched her captive struggle to break free of her grip.

“If you wanted to be technical they’re all your children.” continued the boastful queen as began to flutter and circle Shining. “It was your seed which fertilized them. You're the last person I slept with before I got pregnant. However, had I not spliced Wasp with your DNA as an egg, he wouldn’t have inherited any of your genetic traits. Just face it, he inherited genetic traits from both you and me. Ergo, he is and always will be, your first born child.”

“You disgust me!” Shining said sternly as he tried to regain his composure. So scornful was his gaze, that Chrysalis felt an involuntary shiver run across her spine.

“Are you really that malevolent?” continued Shining. “Cause quite frankly I’m baffled right now. You went through all this trouble of bringing me here, capturing me and my friends—which if you’ve harmed…”

“They're alive.” she interrupted. “They have an important role to play for what I have in store for you. Anyway, continue. I’m honestly quite curious as to what you are going to say.”

Shining sighed and shook his head as he tried to reorganise his thoughts. When he was done, he strained his head and narrowed his eyes with resentment.

“You captured my friends,” he continued, “replaced an entire town with changelings, sent a handful of your super soldiers after me, all so you could put on this little show and try to break me. Well, you know what? I’ve changed a lot since you infiltrated my wedding and replaced Cadence. Had I know I mated with you by mistake, or spawned an unknown number of superpowered changelings, I would have broken down into despair.”

“But I know better now. During my trials, the Spirtes of Harmony each taught me that making excuses for myself won’t erase my mistake. If I am to move forward, I need to embrace my mistakes, even if I’m ashamed of them. If I make it out of here alive, I will tell Cadence the truth about you, me, and Wasp! I know it might upset her, but I know she will still love me. Besides, she’s already pregnant with our own foal, so there’s really nothing you can say to make me feel like I’ve betrayed her in anyway. This whole revenge scheme of your’s is a colossal failure.”

Taken back by his words, Chrysalis let out a loud snarl and aimed her horn at Shining. “If I break your spirit right just yet” she said in annoyance, “then I’ll just have to break your body.”

Shining watched as Chrysalis charged her horn up with a powerful surge of magic.

“Mark my words my dearest Shining,” said Chrysalis. “You may feel confident now, but in time, your mind will suffer.”

With a high pitched laugh, a green arch shot from her horn and blasted Shining in the forehead.


When Braeburn woke up from his drug induced slumber, he found himself dangling inside a wall of green. He was in a ball room of some sort, suspended on the ceiling in a an insectoid-like cocoon. As he stared down at the ground below, his breath began to get heavy. He began to shift his eyes elsewhere.

What he saw terrified him to his very core. His eyes widen with fear at the horror that surrounded him. Through his pod prison, he could make a out half a dozen other cocoons, all of which containing ponies he new.

“Sweet Princess Celestia!” he gasped, “These monsters got the whole damn town.”

“Braeburn, thank Luna you're awake!” called a voice from behind him.

Braeburn turned his head in the direction of the voice and felt a small bit of relief upon seeing another familiar face.”

“Shadow Wing!” he shouted happily. “I’m so glad you're alive, how long have we been here?”

The lunar captain shook his head. “I have know idea, I woke up about thirty minutes ago. Anyways, I think we found the town’s people. It looks like the changelings have been draining them non-stop. If we don’t get them medical attention, I think some of them might not make it.”

Braeburn cringed at the thought of losing the town’s folk.

Hopefully we can break out of here before that happens.

“Where’s Shining Armor?” asked Braeburn.

“I don’t know, I think their queen is handling him. I’m sure he’s alive at least. If they wanted him dead they would have done it back at Appleloosa. Anyways, there’s three conscious ponies back here who say they aren't from Appleloosa. They tell me they used to be close friends with Shining. I think they're going to use the five of us to get to him.”

“What are their names?” asked Braeburn.


As Wasp strolled down the halls of the Castle, he could hear screaming coming from the room his mother and “clone father” were in. He tried desperately to leave the area, but some part of him compelled him to stay. His drone brethren gave him weird looks at the looks of discomfort he was expressing.

What’s wrong with me? he thought. Changelings are supposed to be indifferent to this. Why can’t I leave?

His bothersome looks only got worse as Shining’s screams of pain seemed to echo louder in his ears with every passing second.

I am a changeling for Volucris’ sake. Changelings are only meant to serve the queen without question. Love know one but the queen. Think nothing except what the queen tell you too think.

He lowered his head as a disturbing thought echoed throughout it.

I don’t even know this stallion. I only know that he fertilized me, and that mom gave me his DNA. I guess it would make sense that some of his filthy pony sentiment got into me at birth. I am changeling through and through. The day I start having feelings for anypony else will be the day I…

“Something troubling you brother?”

Wasp turned around in and stared loathingly at one of his fellow hybrid siblings.

“Hello Blitz, I thought you were supposed to be in Las Pegasus.”

Like his other 12 siblings, this changeling had both a mane, a cutie mark, and green emerald eyes. However, while most the thirteen hybrids had single colored hair, Bitz had a mane and tail that matched the colors of the rainbow. He bore a smug and confident look on his face, much like that of the pony whose DNA he shared. A katana rested in in a brown leather sheath, partially covering his grey lightning cloud cutie mark.

The hybrid chuckled as he strolled closer to younger brother and smiled.

“I was called back.” he replied. “Say, what are you doing passing around these halls little bro? You know Mom’s busy with an old friend.”

Wasp felt like stabbing himself with his own hooves as shame overcame him.

“The stallion she is torturing is Shining Armor, the stallion whose genes I share. Don’t tell the others, but I think some of those damn pony emotions are making me feel sorry for the bastard.”

Blitz laughed, “You’ll get over it. I’ll admit I bumped into my other mother while on a mission in Cloudsdale. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel a little weird. But you know what, If the queen ever told me to slice her wings off I’d do it in a heart beat. Sure, I probably wouldn’t feel good about it, but that’s the burden we hybrids must bare. We must use the ponies strength against them, without succumbing to their follies. You should go to his cell tonight and screw with him a bit. The only way you're going to break your attachment is if you train yourself to hate him.”

Wasp nodded.

As much of a prick Blitz can be, I’ve got to say, he does make a better soldier than me. Still, I’ll always be the better fighter.

“I think I’ll do just that.” Wasp said with as he smiled confidently at his brother. “But first, me and you have a score to settle. Right now the score is four to six. I only need to duel with you one more time before we tie up. I hope that foreign sword of your’s is ready too clash with hooves of steel. I’ve learned how to sharpen the edges of my swords while you were away.”

Blitz flared his wings and sped past Wasp before he even had time to blink.

Time to show speedy who’s boss, Wasp thought as he flew towards one of the castle windows on the other side of the hall. However, he couldn’t help but look back as he heard another high-pitched scream from the stallion which gave him life almost a year ago.


After several hours of excruciating pain and torture at the hands of the queen, Chrysalis ordered a small group of minions to carry Shining to the dining hall. As the changelings lifted Shining up on their backs like ants at a picnic, he let out a loud moan.

It stings, everything I touch stings.

He could feel blood dripping from his mouth where the queen had beaten him, and the sting of burnt marks from where she had zapped him. Several patches of his fur had turned black after being zapped so many times. From a distance, Shining imagined he looked like a large dalmatian.

He dozed off for a bit, he tried to distract his mind from the pain.

Finally, the changelings threw him off their backs onto the stone floor of the castle. As he winced in pain, he struggled to open his eyes. However, when he finally got them open, he could barely close them again.

There, standing on the stone floor, was a sapphire gem in the shape of a balloon.

The Gem of Laughter? But how is this…

“It’s a anniversary present, sweetie,” called the voice that sounded like Cadence.

Shining struggled to lift himself up and darted his eyes towards Chrysalis who had decided to play “housewife” with him again by taking on Cadences form. “I’ll try and find more for you but remember, you have to grant me whatever wish I want once you find them all.”

Shining felt himself stumble a bit as his lower leg started to kneel from all the pain he felt. To his dismay, his right foreleg was also giving him trouble. However, he fought this pain with all his might.

“After... everything you’ve... done to me.” he said as he began to pant from exhaustion. He found himself coughing a little bit of blood has he tried to continue. “I will… *cough*… never… grant you a wish. I can’t even imagine what kind of sick and demented thing you would bring into this world if I did. I’d die first before helping you. I know Twilight and Cadence would do the same in my horseshoes.”

The fake pink alicorn smirked evilly at her hostage and began to stroke his charred blue mane.

“Lower the pods.” she said in a voice that reminded Shining of Cadence’s foal-sitting days.

In a moment the changelings brought in five green pods before him, each one carrying a pony. Shining recognised two of them to be Shadow and Braeburn, but he could put his hoof on who the other three were. He studied them closing and saw that one of them was brown-maned earth pony with a robot cutie mark, a green maned unicorn with a D-8 cutie mark, and a grey-maned pegasus with a video game sprite cutie mark.

Poindexter? Gaffer? 8-Bit?

Shining turned around, staring at the the queen. “Your using my comrades and my high school friends as bargaining chips? And just when I thought I couldn’t hate you anymore than I already do.”

“You catch on quickly,” cackled the fake Cadence. “If you don’t pass the remaining four trials and grant me my wish, I will drain your friends of any and all emotions until they become a dry husk. Tomorrow, when you recover, you will take the trial of laughter, and you will pass, or so help me I will murder everypony you have ever held dear. And don’t think I’ll stop at these four. I will hunt and find anyone you've ever cared for and murder them personally.”

As Chrysalis broke into a fit of laughter, Shining felt utterly helpless. It seemed that fate was no longer on his side.