• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 11,004 Views, 676 Comments

My Mortal Big Brother - Dash Attack

Shining Armor goes on a quest to become an alicorn in order to save his love ones from mourning his eventual death. To do this, he must prove him self worthy of the spirits of harmony, as villains plot in the shadows.

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Shining’s suspicions that he was still in the changeling castle were confirmed, as the Sparkle siblings cantered through a familiar looking hallway. Though much had changed since he last roamed them. Pony sized holes littered the floors, walls, and even the ceiling. Occasionally, he would pass section of the castle that had either caved in on itself or were missing.

Seeing the marks that his last ditch gambit had left behind filled Shining with a sense of both pride and fear. Never in his whole life did he consider that he was capable of leaving behind such destruction in his wake, even if it did happen under special circumstances. Yet he made a conscious effort not to lose his focus on these distractions, as his sister continued to fill him in on everything that had happened up till this point.

“So, did you zap Discord like you said you would?” Shining asked as they made another turn.

Twilight shook her head, her face filled with regret. “No, shortly after I tried, Fluttershy offered to go with Discord and Applejack followed her to make sure she remained safe. Then they passed their elements of harmony over and left. Like I said, this was two days ago, right around the time we saw the explosion of magic your spell created.”

“I have a strong feeling in my gut your friends are alive,” Shining said reassuringly. “I think when I completed the trials, I not only linked myself to the spirits, but to your friends as well. Hopefully I can use this connection to help me locate them, but AJ and Fluttershy are alive. I can feel it.”

“I hope you're not just saying that to calm me down,” Twilight looked away from her brother. “This is really serious.”

“I am being serious,” he protested. “Believe me, I would never tell you something unless I truly believe it myself.”

“But they could still be in danger, even if what you say is true!” she shouted, causing Shining to back up a bit.

The two siblings stopped moving as Twilight covered her face and sobbed.

“It’s all my fault,” she bemoaned. “Before I was so worried about you, but you never really needed my help. Not this time at least. But how was I supposed to know? Now I think Discord may have been telling the truth. And if he was, then I’ve also endangered all of Equestria.”

“You're being too hard on yourself Twilight.” Shining said. “This is Discord we are talking about. You told me yourself that he loves to play games with ponies, and speaks in riddles. Twilight, you have my word I will find them and bring them back safe, even if I have to postpone my adventure to do so.”

Twilight opened her mouth as if she were about to object, but abruptly closed it.

“What’s with that weird look on your face, Twiley,” Shining asked. “Was it something I said?”

Nice movie Shining! The stallion thought as he imagined himself ramming his head into a brick wall. Now she’s even more worried. So much so she can’t even lecture me. I’m such an idiot sometimes.

Pushing his self aggravation aside, the prince wrapped his hooves around Twilight.

“We will find them Twilight,” he said softly. “But before we can come up with a plan, you need to tell me what happened while I was out.”

Twilight sighed. “Very well. After your spell stopped, we all got back on the chariot and sped towards the castle.”


Two days ago

The sun was already coming up when the castle came into view. The moment Twilight saw the destroyed fortress in the distance, her heart started to pound violently. Losing focus, she started to drift downwards, upsetting the balance of the chariot. With her and Dash flying at uneven altitudes, the golden carriage became slanted, forced Rarity and Pinkie to shift a bit as they felt themselves tilting.

“Twilight, focus!” Rainbow snapped.

Shaking her head, Twilight flew back into formation so that she and dash were level again, fixing the chariot in the process.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized as she made eye contact with Dash. “I must have gotten distracted. The castle looks like it could come apart any minute.”

“I understand Twilight,” Rainbow said sympathetically. “But you can’t lose focus like that, especially when pulling a chariot filled with ponies.”

She then extended a hoof and pointed to the front of the castle. “There’s a nice clearing in the courtyard. Keep your mind focus on landing, then we can worry about your brother.”

As Twilight turned to where Rainbow was pointing, she caught a glimpse of something exiting the castle from the main door. Focusing on the single grey shape, glimpses of other colourful shapes started coming into view.

“Look down there!” said the princess. “I think those might be ponies!”

“At least from what we can tell,” answered Rainbow. “Those could be changelings trying to confuse…”

The blue pegasus lost her train her thought as the corner of her eye spotted something flying towards them from the east.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked as she continued to survey the commotion in the courtyard.

“It looks like one of those bat ponies is flying towards us.” Rainbow replied. “Didn’t you say Luna sent one to look after your brother? Captain Shady Mane or something?”

“Shadow Wing!” Twilight corrected. “Anyways if he wants to talk to us I’d prefer it be on the ground. Let’s land by the drawbridge. The courtyard is filling up and this chariot isn’t getting lighter.”

“Im with you on that last one Twi,” Rainbow said, giving her a quick salute to show her approval.

The two winged equines brought the cart down safely onto the other side of the drawbridge. As the chariot came to a stop, dozens of rural looking ponies came out to greet them.

“Hey,” Pinkie cheered in delight. “I recognise these ponies.”

“They do look kind of familiar,” Rainbow said as she brought scratched her chin with her hoof. “But why are they here?”

“They can’t be all changelings could they?” Rarity asked softly in case someone in the crowd heard her suspicions.

“I can assure you all the changelings are gone Miss Rarity,” echoed a hearty voice from above them. The startled mare shrieked and jumped back in response. Moment’s later, an armored bat pony landed behind them and bowed.

“I am Shadow Wing, Captain of the Lunar Guard. A pleasure to make each of your acquaintances.”

“It’s an honor to meet you,” Twilight replied, as her mind continued to ponder where her brother was.

“My dear Princess,” replied Shadow. “I am nopony special. Just a humble and devout servant of the night. Anyways, what guided you four here?”

“One of your men was a changeling spy!” answered Twilight abruptly. “After he was caught, he gave me a message from the queen telling me that she was in the process of apprehending my brother. We figured she’d take him here.”

She took a step forward and looked into the thestrals slit eyelids.

“Where is he?” she asked anxiously. “Please tell me he’s alright.”

“Your brother is fine Princess Twilight,” a voice from behind called out. “But I’m afraid it may be a few days before you can speak to him.”

The four mares turned around and watched as a strange looking changeling with a blue mane stepped out.

Rainbow up in the air and bumped her hooves together. “Stand back girls,” she said with a smug smile. “This bug’s mine.”

Like a magic missile, Rainbow Dash zoomed towards the changeling at top speed, only to bounce back in pain she made contact with something solid. As Rainbow fell backward onto the ground, Twilight started at the changeling and the strange purple dome that surrounded him. Although she only had a few seconds to look at it before it disappeared out of existence, Twilight knew the spell was not the changeling’s own.

“That’s my brothers spell,” Twilight screamed. “How in Equestria do you know my brother’s spell?”

The changeling scowled in aggravation. “Look Princess, I’m not even supposed to be here, and the spell I cast is just cheap imitation of his talent that passed on to me. My origin is complicated so I’m going to give you the basic version. I’m your hybrid nephew who was spliced with your brother's DNA, and I’m also the changeling that just saved his life.”

“Wait! What!?!??” shouted Twilight.

“Wholy Moly Twlight!” shouted Pinkie. “You’re an Aunt to a creature who looks like an ant if ants were the size of ponies and had manes and cutie-”

Rarity put a hoof in Pinkie’s mouth.

“Darling.” she said. “I don’t think this is happy news. I mean look at him. He looks like one of those edgy ruffians from one of Spikes comic books.”

Rainbow Dash, lifted herself off the ground and rubbed her swollen head.

“I think he’s bluffing,” she said. “You have cast your brother’s spell before, so the fact that he can too proves nothing.”

“Regardless,” Shadow said as he guilde himself between Wasp and the others. “I can attest for this. He was the only changeling spared by Shining’s last spell, and he did save Shining’s life. Plus, if it weren’t for him none of us would know how those regeneration pods work.”

“Regeneration pods?” Twilight asked, a sense of dread entering her.

Wasp beckoned for with his hoof for the others to follow and smiled.

“If you want to see him, follow me.”

The elements and the batpony followed the hybrid into the castle and brought them to a room somewhere on the upper levels. Inside, was a strange green pod containing a sleeping Shining Armor.

“What’s he doing in there?” Twilight asked, and she approached the pod and touched it.

Wasp sighed. “When we captured your bro… or fau…” He clenched his eyes shut and squinted, muttering a curse under his breath. “When we captured Shining, we put a suppressor that clogged his magic up. When he escaped, he apparently went to the dining room and got cornered. As a last ditch effort, he poured all that backed up energy into his spell. From what I hear, he even harnessed his own affections to use as fuel for the spell, possibly to try and recreate the events of the wedding despite not having his wife here. At least that’s what bat brain told me.”

“Watch your tongue cur,” Shadow growled, giving the changeling a death glare. “You may have saved Shining’s life, but in my presence you shall not mock my kind.”

“Ooooh.” Wasp said sarcastically. “Touchy aren’t we?”

“Cut it out you two,” interjected Twilight. “Wasp. You still haven’t explained what this pod is doing to him. Also, why’s his horn chipped off.”

“I broke your brothers horn just as he was about to explode. I felt like I owed the naive fool for letting the spell hit me.”

“And the pod?” Twilight asked in frustration. “What’s up with the pod?”

“It’s a healing chamber,” Wasp said. “What’s there to explain? In two days, his body will be healed, horn included. Though considering it was severed during such a taxing spell, I don’t see him having much use for it anymore.”

What’s he talking about? Twilight thought as she tried to understand what the hybrid meant. What could possibly… No. No that can’t be right.

Rainbow flew over and tapped Twilight on the head.

“Hello,” she called. “Equis to Twilight. Twilight do you come in?”

Twilight shook his head as she before she began talking without making eye contact. “When wasp removed split Shining’s horn, he was still casting a spell. It’s likely his connection with his mana reserves has been severed completely. You know how some ponies suffer paralysis after severe accidents? The same can happen to unicorns under certain circumstances. Losing a horn middle spell is one of them.”

“Wait!” shouted Rainbow. “Does that mean your brother’s an earth pony now?”

Everypony glared at Rainbow Dash who smiled sheepishly in returned.

“Sorry,” she said with a nervous chuckle. “I didn’t mean it like that, I’m just saying he’s a unicorn who can’t use magic. That’s has to suck.”

Wasp turned his head to look at her. “We won’t know that till he wakes up. At best, he may be able to make a spark or too, but and that’s only if he’s lucky. Even then, it could be years before he can levitate a mere quill 2 meters off the ground.”

Twilight took a few steps over to Wasp, as tears welled up in her eyes. “Thank you for saving him,” she said softly. “Whatever your intentions may have been for doing so, I am eternally grateful.”

Wasp gently pushed her away and turned his head. “Save your thanks princess. I may have been born with free will, but Chrysalis is still my mother. Yet your brother was naive enough to think I might somehow break away from them and be his bastard son. You could say I saved him out of pity. Plus, had he exploded, who knows how big the blast radius goes. Unicorns are normally smart enough not to exert themselves during a magic overload.”

Wasp took a deep breath and sighed. “If you excuse me, this where I take my leave. I need to sort a few things out in my life. Don’t try and find me, because you won’t. However, should your brother wish to see me, tell him to go The Gleaming Hoof in Canterlot on a Friday night. I’m almost always there, but like I said, you won’t be able to find me. I’ll find him.”

Before anypony could respond Wasp flashed his horn and vanished.


As Twilight finished telling Shining the last bit about wasp, the stallion scratched his chin.
“He’s sure is an odd fellow,” replied as he took a moment to reflect on Twilight's recap so far “It seems like all these hybrids are a bit eccentric, some more than others.”

“I know what your mean,” Twilight said. “On one hand, he says he’s still loyal to Chrysalis, yet I can’t help but get the impression that he also cares about your well being.”

“Well from what my new abilities have told me, he has a lot of turmoil in his heart,” Shining said. “A lot of what he says is filled with mixed feelings and half truths. I don’t know what terrible things he may or may not have done, but my instincts tell me there is some good in him. ”

A soft smile formed on the stallions face as he looked down at his sister. “I’m glad you’ve calmed down a bit. Believe me, I know how hard it is to think clearly when you have the well being of those you care about looming over you. It’s partly how this whole thing got started. You know if anyone is to blame for this mess it’s me. None of this would have happened if I had just ignored my nightmare.”

Oh how true those words are. Shining through. He could feel his sister guilt slowly pile onto his own plate.

He pushed that thought aside and looked straight into Twilight's eyes. “But all this is too late to change. Regardless of what either of us could or should have done, it’s our job to press forward and make things right again.”

Twilight stood up and nodded. “Gosh Shining, that right there was worthy of a letter to the princess. Let’s go downstairs. The others will be relieved to see that you are alright.”

“Others?” Shining asked. “Who’s still here?”

“Well, most of the Appaloosians except for Braeburn left yesterday, but not without giving their thanks to you. That leaves only him, Shadow, your Canterlot High friends, and the girls.”

“Wait, why is Braeburn still hear?” he asked.

Twilight started to look sad again as she lowered her head. “He might not have told you, but he and Applejack’s are cousins. He’s waiting for Discord to bring her back, so he may know she’s safe. Plus, he wanted to make sure your recovery goes smoothly.”

Shining chuckled. “Well other than the fact I’m now a unicorn without who can’t use his magic, I feel right as rain.”

Twilight gave her brother a quizzical work. “Have you tried to use your magic since you were out.”

Shining gulped, cursing his pledge of of honesty. “I tried to stun you when I thought you were a changeling. I don’t think my horn so much as sparked.”

The hallway fell into complete silence, as the truth sank into both of them.

Twilight mouth gaped slightly, as she gently reached out hug her brother.

“Oh Shining,”… she said, as she stared at him in disbelief. “I’m so sorry.”

She reached out her legs and hugged him in a comforting embrace. Shining could see her crying again, this time a lot harder than before. Streams of hot tears dripped onto the sides of his floor, and onto the stone floor below. Holding onto her tight, he began to reflect on how he felt about this.

Yet to his big surprised, the truth didn’t seem to bother him as much as he would have expect. Shining knew fully well that losing one's magical abilities was devastating for any unicorn, even more so for ponies with special talents that were directly tied to their magic like him. Under normal circumstances, he probably would have broken down and cursed. Yet as Twilight continued to weep remained calm and collective.

“It’s ok Twilight,” he said. “It’s not a big deal.”

He could feel Truth stir in his soul in response to his lie, but the stallion merely brush him off.

“How can you be so collected?” Twilight said, as looking up at her brother with as she continued to cry. “You told me yourself once that you loved magic almost as much as me. Your shield spell is part of your special talent, a manifestation of your devotion to defend others. Yet you don’t seemed bothered at all.”

Shining shook his head, again feeling the spirit of honesty lash out him for his miner fibs. “I can't afford to dwell on it. Right now, there are more important things to worry about, what with Discord’s prophecy and the disappearance of your friends Plus, when you really think about everything this adventure could have cost me, losing my magic is like loose change in comparison.”

While Shining hoped his words would have cheered her up, it only made her cry louder and harder.


Meanwhile, Cadence sat in on her bed, her high school yearbook sprayed out before her. She continued to stare at a her prom picture of her and Shining’s first dance. As she stroked the surface of the picture with her hoof, she reflexed how Shining evolved from a shy and timid Oubliettes and Ogres player, to a stoic captain of the guard, to a noble prince. Even though they both had grown so much since then, he was still the lovable dork that stole her heart.

The letter Twilight had sent her made her feel more at ease about Shining Armor, what with the rumors she heard about her brother’s warrant for him. Even so, she found herself looking at the picture more and more, as if somehow it would guarantee his safe return home.

“Oh Shining,” she said out loud to herself. “I pray for your return. Please come back soon, not just for me, but for our child.”

She gently patted her belly with another hoof. She was still in the early stages of her pregnancy, but everytime she closed her eyes, she could see the child growing inside her. Thoughts of Shining’s wish for the three of them to live an eternal life as the perfect family made her smile.

Yet these thoughts were only a temporary relief, as her mind soon wandered back to the safety of her husband.

Just then she heard a knock at the door.

Turning her head, she levitated the yearbook to the side and straightened her hair a bit with her magic. “Who is it?” she called out.

“It’s Private Flash Sentry your majesty,” the voice from behind the door called out. “I’ve come bearing news urgent news. Your brother, Prince Blueblood has just arrived in the Empire. He is requesting to see you.”

Author's Note:

That can't be good. This chapter was edited by both "eric-emanwu" and" Fantasia Archsage". In addition, keep an eye out for MMBB: Armor and Sword, witch is the name of the preaquel/au story of My Mortal Big Brother. See how the characters and the world of Equestria would be like had Shining not had his nightmare.