• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 11,005 Views, 676 Comments

My Mortal Big Brother - Dash Attack

Shining Armor goes on a quest to become an alicorn in order to save his love ones from mourning his eventual death. To do this, he must prove him self worthy of the spirits of harmony, as villains plot in the shadows.

  • ...

The End of Peace Part 2: Umbrum

Baltimare - The Following Day

After his friends were released from the hospital, Shining Armor decided to take them out for lunch his treat. The trio sat at round wooden table outside a modest sandwich shop. Braeburn viciously wolfed down his king-sized hayburger, While Shadow and Shining examined the map that would lead them to the next gem.

“It’s quite the peculiar piece of parchment we’ve go here.” Shadow commented. “This is probably the most detailed map I ever layed eyes on.”

“I’ve never even heard of some of these places.” Shining said. “Like this unnamed village with the two parallel lines above it. Is that even a real place.”

Their focus was broken by the sound of Braeburn belching. “Oh, I think that was probably the first decent meal I’ve eaten since I got off that train in Dodge City.”

“Enjoy while it lasts.” Shadow warned. “Who knows if we'll ever eat this good again considering what’s up ahead of us.”

“All the more reason why we need to plan our next course of action and get back on course.” Shining placed a hoof just above the glowing purple diamond that loomed over the area which marked the city of Manhattan.

“Are you kidding me?” Shadow groaned. “We should have gone there earlier before we left Luna's castle.”

“We got lucky with the other gems.” Shining said. “That luck's run out. With Sombra building power it's only a matter of time before he launches an attack on Equestria. We can look at things in hindsight once our friends and family are safe again.”

Using his muzzle, Shining reached into his saddle bag pulled out three tickets out with his teeth. Dropping them on the table, he calmly tapped Braeburn shoulder to get his attention away from the sandwitch.

“While you were all recovering I took the liberty of securing a private boat that will take us to Manhattan. I’ve already sent a message to Twilight telling her where we're heading incase we need help.”

“Manehattan!” Braeburn repeated loudly, attracting a few stares from the other customers “Sweet. I can pay my cousins a surprise visit while we are there.”

Shining shook his head. “No can do I’m afraid. lt will only cost us more of the limited time we have to stop Sombra. If you want to part ways after Mannhattan you most certainly can but we won’t be able to wait for you.”

Braeburn slouched his head with disappointment in his eyes. “I understand Shining. I did make you all a promise to see this through, and that’s what I’m set on doing. I’ll just go see my cousin after we’ve saved the world.”

“Speaking about saving the world.” Shadow said, eyeing Shining suspiciously. “I notice you didn’t use your magic earlier when you took out those tickets. Isn’t your horn all better now?”

A deep silence fell across the table as all eyes fell on Shining. He could feel sweat beading down his face as they waited for a response.

“I uhh… “ Shining stuttered, knowing that he couldn’t lie without further damaging his relationship with the Spirit of Truth. “I swear I wasn’t going to keep it a secret for long.”

“Yout though I wouldn't notice didn’t you Shining?” Shadow huffed. “It was my impression that we earned a truthful understanding between each other after that talk we had in the woods.”

“Quit being paranoid Shadow!” Shining protested, doing his best not to bother the other customers. “While you have every right to be cross with me after getting you all hurt, that doesn’t mean I’ve complete lost my sanity. I had no intention of keeping current condition a secret for long. I just wanted us all to have a nice lunch without any more bad news looming over our heads.”

The thestral shook his head and sighed. “For give me for jumping to that conclusion. Hell, I’d probably do the same thing if it meant keeping morale up if only for a little while.”

“So what was the problem?” Braeburn asked with food still in his mouth. “Why couldn't you get your horn fixed?”

Shining eyes narrowed as his muscles tensed up with frustration. “They told me the type of therapy I’d have to undergo would take eight months to recover just half of my magic and that’s only if I was lucky!” Cursing under his breath, he lifted his hoof and smashed his half eaten sandwich. This caught the attention of the entire restaurant causing all eyes to fell upon him.

“Great,” Shadow sighed in frustration, “They're staring now! I knew I should have worn my cloak today.”

Realising that his outburst had inadvertently put Shadow on the spot, Shining took a series of long deep breaths in an attempt to calm his nerves. “Now you know why I wanted to wait till later to talk about this? Sorry... I shouldn’t have snapped like that, let’s just take our food with us and leave. The boat will be ready in a few hours."

Shadow gave him a gentle nod. "My apologies, It’s my fault for assuming you were going to keep it a secret." He flared out his wings and snickered as several ponies fell over after leaning too far back into their seats. “One day they will learn to not fear us. My only concern is if your will still be able to fight.”

“I can still use a sword.” Shining said as salvaged what remained of his sandwich into a plastic bag. “Whether or not its enough to we’re going to have find that one out the hard way.”


Back in Canterlot castle, Twilight Sparkle sat anxiously in her seat as she listened to the cluttered chatter of the security council. All around the circular table the council of ponies took turns addressing the issue of Sombra, the missing elements, and yesterday's tragedy. The anger and confusion in their voices as they spoke only served to remind their just how bleak things had gotten in such a short span of time.

In between speakers, she found herself taking glances at the alicorn next her. Although Celestia appeared to be calm and focused, Twilight could see the turmoil and pain reflected in her teacher's eyes. Everypony who was close to Celestia knew how much preserving Equestria's peace meant to her. To Twilight's knowledge, the princess had resorted to violence once in the past thousand years, but it had only been after all attempts at diplomacy had failed.

“Neither Sombra nor Chrysalis can be reasoned with.” one council ponie shouted.

“How can you say that!?” cried another.

“Because history is on my side.” he responded. “As Minister of Equestrian History it is my job to study the past in case enemies like Tirek or the Windigos were to resurface. A few months ago I traveled to the Crystal Empire so I might study it’s lost history. By reviewing their royal archives and interviewing delegates who served in Queen Gaia’s court, I learned a great deal about this self proclaimed ‘King of Monsters’.

“Please share this information to the court.” Celestia ordered. “Why is it you feel that Sombra is beyond reformation or reason.”

“Gladly.” The Minster rose from his seat and gave his princess a quick yet humble bow. “For starters, I’ve learned that the pony we are dealing was never a normal unicorn, but in fact an umbrum. Legend say that umbrum were ‘Ponies of Shadow’ and sworn enemy The Crystal Empire. When the crystal ponies crowned Gaia their queen, the first thing she did was forge The Crystal Heart and banished them with its raise of love and hope.

“Why do you assume Sombra was one these ‘umbrum?” Luna inquired.
“I spoke with one of Queen Gaia’s royal advertise your grace,” The Minister continued. “it was he who told me what Sombra was. A millennia ago, they found him, a colt with amnesia outside of their wall and placed in an orphanage. The Queen, knowing what Sombra was, thought that he might choose a different path if he grew up not knowing the truth. A plan which backfired horribly at the cost of her life.”

“What caused Sombra to turn on her.” Twilight retorted.

The stallion shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine Princess Twilight. From what I gathered he only had one friend growing up. I also heard that every crystal fair, he would fall ill and would be hospitalised. Since few knew what he was, nopony could figure out what was wrong. However, those who did know knew that the with each Crystal Fair, the light of the crystal heart made him weaker. They say the last time, he almost died. My guess is once he learned the truth, he blamed Gaia and took his revenge. After that, any control he might have had over his destiny was lost.”

The crowd fell into a deep silence after the Minister had finished speaking. That was, until princess Luna stood up from her seat and prepared to speak. “Gaia always believed that that nopony was bound by fate.” she said solemnly. “I know that deep down she thought she was doing him a favour, but I guess we we’ll never know the full story.” She closed her eyes and meditated as she cried silent tears.

“Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us Minister.” Celestia nodded. “Give what you’ve just told us, it seems that a peaceful solution may be out of our hooves. I think it can be say without much debate that Chrysalis herself has made her intentions clear, so it seems we will have no choice but settle both conflicts with force. All opposed say neigh.”

The room fell into complete silence.

“Also,” Twilight cried out. “I would like to remind the court of my request for the release of the changeling hybrid. His combat and espionage skills, alone with his unique shape shifting abilities will make him a powerful ally.”

“But isn’t he an enemy!” one the female council members inquired.

“The hive has declared him a traitor,” Twilight replied. “which means he needs our protection just as much as we need his expertise. I have already shared the terms with him to ensure his cooperation. All that remains is for the council to approve them.”

The court spent the next half hour fighting for Wasp’s freedom. Many of the council members were skeptical of the defection, but ultimately Twilight was able to sway a twenty-six out of fifty vote in favour of her request.

Twilight took quick breath of relief. “Thank you,” Twilight smiled. “For trusting my judgment on this. The changeling know as Wasp may prove to be a valuable ally in the coming days.”

“With that settled.” Celestia added. “Let us return with the war preparations.”

The princess spent the rest of the meeting organising battle strategies and contingencies measures in the event of invasion. At the same time, they agree to organise a special counter terrorist organisation to help protect Equestria’s citizens from any further changeling attacks.

“So it is agreed.” Celestia said with bolstering charisma. “We shall send troops to the North to guard our borders and secure the railway. Security will be tightened on high profile area in case either one of our enemies attacks. All garrisons outside of Canterlot are to be put are to standby and ready for battle, and if necessary, Luna and I are prepared to fight as a last resort. Are there any objections?”

Again silence filled the room. Celestia then rose from her seat and gave the council a firm nod.“This meeting is adjourned, everypony except Twilight and myself my now leave.”

Twilight eyed the ponies as they exited the chamber as a wave of uncertainty flooded her mind. Why would Celestia want to speak with just her and not Luna? Was she still angry at her sister for covering and aiding her brother? If her brother's wedding had taught her anything, it was that her teacher - as patient and kind as she maybe - was not above anger.

“Come closer to me Twilight.” She asked softly.

Twilight got up from her seat and looked up into her mentor’ss face. “Why isn’t Luna here?”

Celestia sighed. “Twilight, please don’t concern yourself about Luna and I. The two of us will work things out eventually, but it’s going to take time. Please understand, she went behind my back, all while keeping me in the dark. The fact that I might have been able to stop this all from happening had she not tried to …”

She left her though unfished to make away for a stream of silent tears. Although she didn’t whimper, the sight of the normally angelic and mother teacher shed actuale tears tore a wound Twilight's heart.

“Princess…” Twilight said softly

“Please Twilight!” she snapped forcing Twilight to freeze up at her unexpected outburst. Seeing the shock on Twilight's face, Celestia took a series of deep breaths and placed a hoof on her pupils shoulder “Let’s move on from this topic” she softly. “There’s something we need to discuss”

She guided Twilight's attention over to the table to the large brown book that the solar goddess had set out that Twilight had noticed earlier in the meeting.

“What is that?” Twilight asked as she focused on strange insignia on the front.

Celestia sighted. “Please forgive me for not telling you about her sooner, but in these desperate hours we will need all the magic we can muster. The fact that it took a crisis to get me to use this book brings me shame, because I always wanted her to come back on her own.”

“Huh?” Twilight said, tilting her head. “Princess, you're not making any sense.”

This is a magical journal I used to use to communicate with my former student, Sunset Shimmer?”


“Rise and shine sweet Cadence”.

The sound of Sombra's voice echoed through her ears as she began to open her eyes. Squinting, she could just barely make out the image of her brother standing outside the light of a nerby torch. She stretched out to reach him, only to find that she was once again bound by chains, this time to a wall.

“Where did you bring me?” she murmured, her voice drowsy and confused. “Why do I feel so weak?”

“We are in a hidden chamber underneath the castle,” Sombra huffed. “As for your weakened state, it's a side affect from the sedative I put in your drink. Don’t worry, I made sure it wouldn’t harm the child.”

A cold chill ran down her spin at the mention of her child, unsure whether Sombra was actually showing empathy, or gloating about some insidious plan that he might have for her foal. “How long have I’ve a been here?” she asked nervously.

“A few hours.” Sombra replied. “I had those pesky Element Bearers bring you down while you were asleep. I figured you put less of a struggle this way. You have been a very feisty prisoner princess, and I don’t much appreciate it.”

Element bearers! The words echoed in through head. “Where are Fluttershy and Applejack?”

“The pegasus is currently one of the cells somewhere above this chamber. ,” Sombra answered irritably. “The earth runt is out and about. Their resistance to my spell is increasing faster than I anticipated, but the poor Applejack's grief and anxiety make her a bit easier to control.” Cadance started to thrash about.

“If you don’t calm down I will hurt you again.” Sombra threatened.

She opened her mouth to curse but stopped as Sombra stepped into the light. Even after Sombra shed his disguise on the day he came to the castle, his still retained some of her brothers features, like his blond hair. Some time during her captivity, that had apparently changed, for Sombra hair was now as dark and wispy as ever.”

“Your mane…?” Cadence muttered in disbelief. “It’s no longer my brothers!”

“I’m glad I’m not the only who noticed.” Sombra gloated, raising a hoof to stroke his dark smokey mane to further taunt his captive. “It seems your brother body is molding to better reflect my original visage. For now it’s only the mane, but its only a matter of time before my beautiful face returns, and the last remnants of Blueblood fades. Even now his cutie mark is beginning to fade from my flank.”

Sombra chalked for a bit, savoring the torment on his prisoner. When he finished, his face began to firm up.

“As fun as this is Cadance, I’m afraid I didn’t drag you down here for my own pleasure.”

Sombra's horn sparkled to life “Allow, me to shed some light on the situation.”

With a single pulse of energy the entire room became filled with light as several hundred torches suddenly were simultaneously lit. The chamber they were in was enormous, it’s size rivaling even that of the throne room above. Torches were scattered all through the rocky wall with mounted on the ground in straight path. To the right, Cadence could see a staircase where a dozen of those ‘mannequin’ ponies Sombra controlled lined the wall, there expressionless faces stared at the two alicorns.

However, what stood out most about the chamber was an eleven foot door that stood ominously at the far end of the room. Made entirely of the same blue crystal as the castle, the door gleamed and sparkled with bright light. From top to bottom, the door was engraved with a series of chiseled pictures that probably depicted some forgotten history, though the princess was too far away to make them out. Even if she could get a closer look, most of the mural were converted by pure crystal chains fastened tightly around the door, all converging at ‘crystal heart’ shaped padlock in the center.

“Behind this door lie my brothers and sisters.” Sombra said turning away from Cadence as he gazed up at the door. “They have been waiting for freedom for almost two millennia now, all while being suppressed by the Crystal Heart. After I killed Queen Gaia, I was unable to free them, and with my soul consuming your brother's body, you and your child are the only ponies who can open the door.”

“Fat chance of that happening.” Cadence shouted, knew found anger helped her regain some of her strength, if only to scold the monster that had put her through so much. “I had no idea this was here, but if your siblings were locked up, it can only be because they are a sick and twisted as you.”

Sombra chuckled. “Then you leave me no choice Cadance. Here I am giving you a chance to make up for the sins of your predecessor and the empire as well as all the pain it has caused me and my kin. I promised ‘Mother’ I would free them, but if that isn’t possible…”

Sombra beckoned for his minions with dreadful sense of glee in his eyes “Round all the remaining Crystal Ponies up so I may turn them into thralls.”

“What are you doing!?” Cadance cried.

Sombra shook his head. “Oh sweet naive Candace. You didn’t expect me to go to war with Equestria without army. I was hoping your royal guard would be the only thralls I would need for my war. But by refusing to release them, you leave me no choice but to draft the entire populace into my legion of expressionless zombies, and I am counting children.”
Appalled by his threat, Cadance scowled spitefully back at the evil king with complete disgust in her eyes. “You truly are the King of Monsters.”

“Sometimes one must be a monster to keep others in line. Kindness does not bring order, only fear can do that.” With a smirk he pointed at the door. “The door can sense that the heart’s power is diminishing, you can thank Discord for that, though I fear putting you two together would be too troublesome. With any regard, just give the command and the door should open and be sure to keep in mind what happens if you don’t.”

His words put an end to Cadance fury and tenacity as tears streamed down her eyes. All hope seemed lost, and there was nothing should could but wait for her champion. Yet deep down, she knew that she rather die than play damsel in distress with Sombra. For now, she would say her lines and act the part, but when the time did come, she vowed to make Sombra pay for all his crimes in full. And if not, her, Shining.

“To those trapped behind that wall.” She said, after she had stopped crying. “I grant you freedom.”


“Sister!” Orpheus cried out. “I think I see light! I think I see light!”

Lilith could see the light too, but it was hard to be sure. “I think you're right brother, but it's hard to say. It could be that Gaia has finally decided to exterminate us.”

Hundreds of other voices echoed in the darkness, all of them rattled and confused after two-thousand years of complete darkness. Time had lost all meaning since Princess Gaia imprisoned them with that damn heart shaped weapon. Even in this cell, it’s power had burned and weakened them to the point where they could barely maintain their solid forms. For years, centuries, or perhaps even millennia, Lilith and her kin had been nothing but a cluster of shadows, clustered together for all eternity, waiting for the mercy of death.

That was until recently, Lilith and the other umbra felt there powers returning. How recent that might have been was hard to say since time was now a foggy concept to them. All they knew was that it was recent.

As more and more light began to flood into the chamber, so too did her kin begin to pour out. Lilith, Orpheus, and few other stragglers cautiously watched as hundreds of eager black smoky wisps soared out of the chamber to retake their corporeal forms. Unicorns, earth ponies, pegasi, all with smoggy grey fur, blank flanks, and dark wispy manes, each one smiling blissfully as they claimed their freedom.

“It has to be a trick.” Lilith whispered so as to reveal her presence to whoever else might be waiting for them. “If we are to finally die, it will not be at the hands of that wretched goddess.”

“No argument there sister.” Orpheus replied. “But I don’t think Gaia is the genocidal type. As much as I hate her for impressing our kind, she at least showed us mercy.”

“You call being locked in a cave and waiting for us to die out a mercy.” Lillith retorted

“Not at all.” Orpheus's sayed. “But compared to Tartarus I’d chose this cave any day.”

“At least what ever punishment they do down there would have been a lot more entertaining than cramming us all in this damn cave” Lilith huffed. “I’m not a masochist, but I’d take hellish torture this cave any day.”

“There is no need to fear!” a loud raspy voice from outside called out. “You have no need to mask your presence. The Queen has been dead for some time now, and the Crystal Heart is being dealt with. Neither she or her weapon can cause you harm.”

Upon hearing this, more umbrum rushed out of the cave to join there rest of their kind.

“Brother I think we should try to escape. ” Lilith said. “We should keep are shadow forms and make a break for it, leave this oppressive Empire while we still can.”

“The leave the others behind?” Orpheus asked?

Letting out a sigh of reluctance, she and her brother zoomed out of the prison and took their physical forms. There eyes - like those of every other umbrum - fell upon a mysterious black alicorn and his frail looking prisoner chained behind him.

“It is a pleasure to finally meet my own kind for the first time.” The alicorn stated. “My name is Sombra,” his voice rising as he said “King of Monsters and The Crystal Empire. For one-thousand years, I have waited for the day that I may finally gaze upon members of our race. And now that we are finally together, it's time we make Equestria ours. Gaia may be dead, but her sisters are no doubt trying to take our empire of order and shadow. As your saviour and the first and only umbrum alicorn of his kind, I ask you all pledge your allegiance to me so that I may earn your trust. Do this, and you will never have to fear imprisonment again.”

“You sure do like to talk!” Lilith shouted, surprising many in the crowd including Sombra himself. “You think just because you saved us and got an extra set of body parts means we going to be your little soldiers. After all Mother knows how many years we spent trapped in that cave while that damn heart weapon burned out our power, I think most of us just want some food and water.”

If Lilith could name one good thing about her prison, is that thirst and hunger had never been a problem. It was also the worst aspect about that place, because although it kept them alive, it also kept them trapped in a timeless limbo. Now that she was out of the cave however, hunger and thirst had returned to her with a vengeance. Already she could feel her stomach growl, feel her throat drying up, and fatigue from never being able to sleep from the constant chatter of her kin.

Sombra applauded Lilith with a stomping of a series of stomps, as his eyes focused on her. For whatever reason, she found his attention to be quite unsetting. “As much as I hate interruptions,” he said with intrigue. “I admire that two-thousand years of confinement have not left you broken. I may have use of your strength and courage in the future.”

“If you have business with my sister.” Ophios protested, his horn sparking with dark magic. “You will also need to include me. My sister and I are all that’s left after the last war.”

“Such vigor and emotion!” Sombra muttered. “I will certainly find a use for the both of you, one we can both find beneficial.”

The self proclaimed king turned his attention back to the crowd as a whole. “Food and drink will be provided in the main banquet hall. I’ll have the slaves prepare enough for all of you. There, I will catch you all up on lost history and elaborate on why join me is your only options for survi…"

“Pardon me Lord Sombra!” cried a mare's voice with an accent Lilith was unfamiliar with. Sombra turned to the source to see an orange earth pony caring a unicorn on her back. “I found an intruder.”

Author's Note:

Chapter 17 edited by Sharky then re-edited by Blasinblade7

This chapter is dedicated to Jeremy Whitley, author of the Finedship Is Magic #1 King Sombra . Many of the expository lore snippets in this chapter came from this incredibly well written and surprisingly dark comic. Of course, certain elements were changed to match with the fanon lore of the MMBB universe. I incorporated these elements because it helped me to further progress the story wile also allowing me to pay homage to this hidden gem.

Comments ( 23 )

Oh yeah, finally, an update!

Comment posted by Blazinblade7 deleted Aug 24th, 2015

6353378 Not again. :facehoof: So sorry you guys. Between the long waits and the bad grammar... you all deserve better than this. I'll have someone implement these changes as soon as possible. Really sorry.

6354928 Yes. I'll try and look for one with availability. And this time I'm going to be more selective about it, because letting anymore do it isn't working out. I'm just too friendly sometimes I guess. I don't like turning people down, especially if they are offering to pitch into help me.

Ok, so im liking this story quite a bit, but can i edit it? The mistakes are a bit jarring, and while I can't promise perfection, I can guarantee it will be improved quite a bit. Pm if you are interested.

6363969 Sure. Every little bit will help make this story more enjoyable for everyone. Finding avalable edtiters is tough. I already found a volunteer who said he'd help, but if your pationate, willing, and have a keen eye and pacients for my derps, I will send you the links.

Only a few at a time so your not overwhelmed.

I really Like this story! Keep up the good work!
I look forward to updates.

6560453 Don't worry. My Mortal Big Brother is a project I am not willing to see get Deadpooled. I haven't started the next chapter yet since I'm focusing on school again as well as managing my own anxiety and stress. However, I have the next chapter mostly planned out in my head... with Shining and the others reaching Manhattan and continuing the quest.

I'll make a blog post as soon as I start working on the draft! I'll see if I can at least get started over Thanksgiving!

And I'm glad you feel there weren't "too many" mistakes.

6803946 *Nods, that's a valid critique. Truth does come off as bit cold and maybe too literal when it comes to lying, but I wanted him to be the bearer of harsh realities and for the reader to truly question whether or not Shining Armor truly believes he's doing this mission for his family and not himself.

Hmmm... I might not notice any mistakes with editing, but I have to say. Despite the potential of this story, it is rather difficult for me to read this, especially from the start. The first section here was great, but mainly, everything feels stilted and rushed. I don't really get much of a flow of a story here... your telling us what's happening more than showing us, which admittedly is difficult to grasp, but still promination... and the dialouge feels rather stiff and unnatural most of the time...

Hmmm, suppose if that was the intent, it was a good one. But still... would of been nice to see him not being all harsh and rigid.

'Not supposed to look that way' =/= terrifying.

Another commenter mentioned this was a completed story. What happened to the rest of it?

7398916 I am planning on continuing. :scootangel:

I hope this story isn't dead, I really like it and would like a new chapter!

Pleas don't tell me this amazing story is dead...

For now. I'm still really proud at how far I got.

this story basically begs the question why Shining armor isn’t an alicorn in canon. i mean there are seriously still no male alicorns in the show his sister daughter and wife are alicorns, but not him?

Will you ever finish this story?

Any idea on when that will happen?

Honestly I could try but the continuity from the previous chapters would probably be all wrong.

Whatever floats your boat dude. Continue it, mark it cancelled, just wanted to check up on the progress of it. Even cancellation is closure. I would prefer continuation, but it is your story. I'm just happy you responded.

Aw...this was a good story.

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