• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 11,004 Views, 676 Comments

My Mortal Big Brother - Dash Attack

Shining Armor goes on a quest to become an alicorn in order to save his love ones from mourning his eventual death. To do this, he must prove him self worthy of the spirits of harmony, as villains plot in the shadows.

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Dear Twily

Chapter 8

After Shining and Shadow properly introduced themselves, the unicorn prince became overcome with anxiety. They had been on the train for about an hour and at any moment word of his death would reach Canterlot. His mind began to race, trying to come up with any possible way he could let his family know he was still alive.

“There has to be a way Shadow!” yelled Shining.

“Shining I told you there’s nothing we can do right now!” Shadow shouted back. “Unless you can magically send a letter, or find a post box somewhere in this cart. Listen, you need to calm down. We’ve been through this five times already.”

“Their has to be something. Some sort of spell or...”

Wait, that’s it! Gracie's gift.

“Shadow!” he said exuberantly. “If I’m not mistaken, I now had the ability to cast nature spells and communicate with animals. The only problem is, I have no idea what I’m capable of or what my limits are. Is there anything involving nature I could use to send Twilight a message?”

“I know!” exclaimed Braeburn. “Why don’t you call of the desert blue birds with your horn. Maybe you know a spell that can call one. I might not know much about magic, but I know for a fact Grace loved birds. She had to have given you a bird calling spell somewhere in that noggin of yours.”

“This Braeburn fellow is pretty clever.” replied Shadow. “I say you stick your horn out the door and give it a shot. You have nothing to lose.”

Shining nodded. “Ok, I’m going to open the door. You guys get ready for the draft that comes in.”

As he opened the door a strong gust of wind blew in from the speeding train. He then stuck his head out the train and activated his horn. An unknown instinct told him to activate his horn on the word ‘bird’. When nothing happened, he closed his eyes to shield them from the blowing wind.

When he opened them again, he was greeted by an unexpected visitor. A small blue bird had perched on the tip of his muzzle and was gently pecking his skin. Startled, he stumbled backwards only to tripped and landed flank first into Braeburn’s coffin.

Both Shadow and Braeburn laughed as they carefully cantered over to the open door and closed it. The two stallions then turned around to study Shining and the mysterious bird pecking at his muzzle.

“I’ll be damned Shining.” said Braeburn. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that little critter thinks youre it’s mama.”

Shining stood up and chuckled, mindful not to shake the bird off has he lifted himself out of the coffin.

“Well sorry to disappoint your little birdie.” He said with a cheerful grin. “But my child’s back at home sleeping in his mother's tummy. Anyway, could you please stop pecking me.”

The bird ceased his assault on Shining’s muzzle and tweeted.

“Can you understand what I’m saying.” asked the stallion curiously.

To everypony’s surprise, the bird nodded in agreement.

“Woah that’s really strange. Ok, listen. Do you know where Canterlot Castle is?”

Again, the bird nodded it’s head and tweeted.

This is amazing. I feel like me and this bird are communicating on a whole other level.

“If you give me time to write a quick letter, can you deliver it to Princess Twilight Sparkle? She’s a purple uni... alicorn with pink highlights in her mane. She most likely staying in her old room near the western tower. Could you do that for me little guy?”

The bird tweeted again, which Shining assumed meant yes.

“Just give me a moment and I’ll send you on your way.”


ears trickled down Twilight Sparkle’s face as she layed down on her bed in Canterlot Castle. When word of Prince Blueblood’s stallionhunt on her brother reached Ponyville the previous day, she and her friends took the train to Canterlot immediately. Using her newly acquired political power, she had spent the last forty two hours trying to help Shining in anyway she could. That is, until that damn letter arrived in the castle only an hour or so before.

Twilight held the letter tightly against her body, trying very hard to keep it from being carried out the open window. The cold air blowing out from inside made her feel chilly, and the endless stream of tears only added to her discomfort. Yet right then, she could care less about herself. It’s not like she was still capable of catching pneumonia now that she was a demigoddess. Yet despite her near perfect immunity to disease, not even she was safe from heartache.

She lifted the letter up from her body with magic and turned it over.

“What are you doing Twilight?” she asked herself sadly. “Reading it forty nine times didn’t change the letter. What makes you think it’s going to make you feel any better now?”

Right now, I really don’t care. So just shut up and let me read!

She read the letter silently to herself.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I am sorry to inform that your brother, Prince Shining Armor, gave his life to day in order to save me and my fellow miners. Unfortunately, a pony who was trapped in the mine with us fell into a lifeless coma the likes of which I have never seen. The pony Braeburn touched a butterfly shaped gem that made him fall into a deep sleep. While his heart was still beating, his body felt as cold as ice. When your brother came to our rescue, he told us he could drag the ponies ‘soul’ back from wherever it went. We’re still unsure of what the gem was or why your brother knew so much about what happened. All we know is what he told us, that If he did not wake up by the time his bat pony friend came back with help, that we should presume him dead.

While Braeburn's body is being sent back to Appleloosa, your brother’s is being held in the Dodge City morgue. I overheard from royal guards that showed up here today that his body will placed in the custody of Prince Blueblood. You would think it would have gone to you or one of his is family members. I don’t know much about how you royal folk handle this sort of thing, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to include what I heard in this letter.

Before he collapsed, your brother told me to give you and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza this message. I remembered his words to the letter. He said: ‘Tell them of my sacrifice and that I hope to see them again at the end of eternity. Tell them that even if their love and memory of me fades from their hearts, I will be watching them from wherever I end up.’ I am truly sorry for your loss, but I want you to know that because of him, I can continue to support my wife and child. All of us who were trapped in the Dodge City mine today will forever honor his sacrifice.

My Deepest Condolences,

As she finished the last line of the letter, she noticed that she was crying even harder now. The words on the paper were becoming blurry in her eyes.

Why did you do this to me Shining?! How could you do this too your family? You were my best friend growing up, even when all I cared about was studying. I may have just learned the importance of friends, but it was you who taught me the importance of family. I only just found out that I’m ageless, and I wanted to make the most of the time I had left with you.

A surge of anger swept thought Twilight. She closed her eyes, as she spoke out loud.

“A part of me want’s to take this out on Blueblood, even though he’s not really responsible. Still, I am mad at him for trying to turn you, a Prince of Equestria, into a wanted criminal. The nerve of that pompous, stuck up, self centered, egotistical, poorly mannered...”

As Twilight unleashed her anger and hatred for Blueblood, she failed to notice that the shadows under her curtains were starting to move. From it emerged long shadowy appendage which stretched ever slowly towards. The large claw at the the end of the reached for Twilight as her hatred for Blueblood consumed her thoughts.

Just as the claw was about to grab Twilight's head, the dark entity heard a loud noise from just beyond the widow. Concerned about exposing itself, the appage receded back into the shadows.

Twilight opened her eyes as her train of thought was cut up by the sound of the chirping. She quickly turned to face the window and watched as a small blue bird flew into the room. The bird dropped a scroll in onto her bed and then perch itself on her dresser.

“What could this be?” Twilight said sarcastically. “More bad news?”

She carefully undid the scroll and saw that it was a letter addressed to her. The manner in which the sender addressed her sent a variety of emotions through her body, the most prominent of which was shock.

The letter... It says dear. No there only one pony on the planet that ever calls me this, and he’s supposed to be dead. Could it be?

She read the letter to herself.

Dear Twilly,

By the time you get this letter you will probably have shared the news of my death with the rest of Canterlot. I want you to know that I am infact alive, but I want to keep this knowledge a secret. As you are aware, my brother in law Prince Blueblood has placed a warrant out for my arrest for a crime I did not commit. I don’t know why he did it, but I believe it has something to do with what I’m after.

Knowing how curious you are, you're probably wondering what I am doing outside the Empire to begin with. I was hoping you wouldn’t find out so soon, because I already know you will disapprove. But just know that I am doing this so that you, Cadence, and our unborn child may all live forever.

I’m sure you of all ponies would know about the Scepter of Harmony and the six magical gems that power it. The truth is that it’s not legend. It’s the real deal. The pony who gathers all six gems and proves himself worthy to all six Spirits of Harmony may use the scepter to be granted one wish. Right now, my wish is to help you all bear the burden of immortality by becoming an alicorn. I know that should I fail, I would cause you and Cadence immeasurable pain and ultimately defeat the entire purpose of my quest. But that’s also why I can’t fail.

The consequence of failure haunts my every step, but I already have gotten farther than those that that came before me. Both the Spirits of Kindness and Honesty have deemed me worthy and have granted me powers that will undoubtedly help me reach the other gems. I sent this letter using one of these powers.

I can’t tell you where I am, for fear that this letter will be intercepted by those who wish to stop me. However, know that I am safe, and that I am not travelling alone. Right now, I need you to write back to both our parents and Cadence before word of my death reaches them. In your letter to Cadence, tell her that I will not be able to take a break from my quest like I promised her. With Blueblood and the Changelings hunting me, it will be safer for me to stay on the move. Lastly, could you try and research where the other gems are for me? If you learn anything, give Wisp a letter and he’ll send back what you have learned to me. He will know where to find me.

Shining Armor

After reading the letter several times over a variety of emotions came over her. Anger, worry, and frustration coursed through her being like boiling water. However, the strongest feeling she felt was relief. Her brother was alive, yet his life was still in peril.

“At least I can stop crying now.” she thought to herself.

But he’s still in danger. I can’t believe the nerve of him. Countless ponies throughout the ages have quested for the scepter and not one of them has ever come close to unlocking it’s power. That is, until now of course. I need to see what my options are.

Twilight thought over every course of action she could possibly take.

Option one would be to try writing my brother back and convince him to give up his quest, but he might not listen to reason. Option two would be too give him the aide he requested. Yet if I did that, I would be encouraging him to go forward with his madness. Option three is completely out of the question because that would involve looking the other way and doing nothing.

There has to be another solution. Something that’s not as obvious as the other three choices. Think Twilight, think! I could get Princess Celestia involved, yet in the end, what can she do other than what Blueblood already tried. If not Celestia then maybe...

Her face lit up has as her mind stumbled on a sixth option.

Luna! That’s it. I can ask Luna to help me track him down. Maybe with her resources, she could help me find him. I’ll send Shining any information I can find and try and try and convince him to come back. Meanwhile, I’ll also have Princess Luna track him down so I can drag his sorry flank back to the Empire before he get’s himself killed for real. But what if he can succeed?

The thought of Shining actually succeeding made her think about the future. Eventually, she would outlive everypony she knew except for the other princesses. What would it be like to see Shining on his deathbed as an elderly stallion while she remained frozen in time? What if centuries from now, she would forget he even existed, or at the very least his name? Sure, his name would undoubtedly be written in the history books, but would that be enough to keep her personal memories of him alive?

She knew nothing for certain, and that bothered her to know end.

Right now this whole thing could go either way. Either Shining get’s the happy ending and shares eternity with me and Cadence, or he dies before he can live his life to the fullest. I must keep in mind it is possible that alicorns might have better memories than most ponies. Yet even after the coronation I still sometimes forget what I had for breakfast after a long study sessions. If my short term memory can still have gaps, then my long term memory...

Realising she was starting to hyperventilate, Twilight decided to a long deep breath.

“Keep it together princess.” she reassured herself. “These are all things I can ask Luna about when I see her. Tomorrow I’ll go back to Ponyville and send Mom, Dad, and Cadence letters via dragonfire. After that, I’ll see what can dig up on the Harmony Gems and tie a letter to the bird’s leg. Once that’s done, I’ll contact Luna. She’ll find Shining and he can live the rest of his life.”

But wouldn’t I want him to live forever? He is my big brother after all.

She debated with herself for a few more minutes until she finally answered her own questions.

No, not if there a chance of him dying in the present.


Back in his room Prince Blueblood sat in his red hoof chair as he gazed out at the city of Canterlot. The news of Shining Armor’s death filled him with joy. Sure, he might not have been responsible for the deed, but the fact that his adversary was no more was just as satisfying. While pouring himself a glass of wine a devilish smirk swept across his face.

I’m glad that in the end fate was the one to do Shining in. Surely, If my plan had worked, Aunt Celestia would have put two and two together. In all honesty, we of royal blood should not be upheld to the laws which govern the common pony. Still, even if I got off scott free, the tiniest bit of guilt might have nagged at me for few days. My conscience is very quiet, but that doesn’t mean that it is silent. No. This way I can reap the benefits of his death without it distracting me from my croquet game next week.

He levitated his wine glass to his muzzle and savoured the taste of his victory. Now he had one less pretender to worry about.

A little early to be celebrating don’t you think?

Upon hearing the familiar voice echo in his head, the startled prince lost his grip on the glass and spat a torrent of wine out the window. As the wine from his mouth flew down to the courtyard below, the falling glass landed on his belly and stained his regal white coat with red liquid.

Blueblood grunted his teeth and shouted, forgetting that ponies outside might be able to hear him.

“Why are you still tormenting me you uncouth spirit?!” he yelled. “The deed is done, my service is complete. Go back to whatever dark crevice spat you out.”

Oh what a silly prince you are. The letter that arrived at the castle today was, shall we say, out of date. Shining Armor still lives, and he is now even closer to becoming a god. With each trial he completes, the stronger he becomes. Besides, I now know that not even your finest stallions are capable of capturing him. Some of them even had the nerve to let him get away on purpose earlier today. While there is still a chance he can fail, I no longer feel as confident that he can be stopped. That is why I will need you for a new purpose.

“I not going to do anything for you unless there is somthing it for me.” snarled Blueblood. “Because of you, Celestia and Twilight want my head on a stick. If you want anything to me, you need to offer something worth would my while. Seeing is how there's very little I don’t already own, I doubt you will be able to pony up.”

Not even for a pair of wings.

“Not even for...” the white unicorn blinked and tilted his head. “Come again!?”

That’s right. Do what I ask, and your life long obsession will be filled. Come find my horn in the frozen tundra of the north, and your royal blood will never be questioned again.

He wants me to leave the castle and get my hooves durty. Blueblood thought in disgust.

It’s dirt or immortality you wimpy excuse for a prince. In the end I know you can’t refuse me. And the task is so simple. Using my power, I can guide you through the snowy wasteland. After that, all you have to do is pick it up. Are you going to let a little bit of dirt come between you and destiney? Heh, maybe that’s why you never got wings. No one as pathetic as you would ever be worthy of such divine power.

The demon’s words cut through Blueblood like a speeding pegasus soaring into a cloud.

“While I don’t take kindly to your taunting, you do bring up some excellent points. I will depart tomorrow morning for the north. However, should you try and back stab me, I will see to it that your horn will be smashed to pieces.”

Excellent. I promise you will be compensated for your troubles.

In that moment, Blueblood’s thoughts were drawn from the high pitched laughter that echoed in his head.


Shining Armor opened his eyes and let a loud yawn. Stretching his forehooves in the air, he looked around the train car.

In the corner, he saw that Shadow and Braeburn were still sleeping like tucked foals. Like him, they decided to lean on some large wooden crates. It wasn’t the most comfortable sleeping arrangement, but it sure as hell was more pleasant in sleeping in the open coffin.

Besides his companions, Shining could see very little inside the car. Sure, little bits of sunlight pouring in from the sides of the door helped a little bit to illuminate his surroundings, but not enough for him to see both ends of the room clearly.

About an hour or so later, both Shadow Wing and Braeburn woke up. When they were fully wake, the three stallions began to converse among themselves.

“Alright so here’s the plan everypony.” said Shining in a calm and collective tone. His head turned to face Braeburn. “Once we get off at the station, we’ll find your friend Sheriff Silverstar and explain to him what happened. I’m guessing either him or somepony else will be waiting at the station to pick up your body. Me and Shadow will explain the situation as best we can, but we're going to leave out anything that might jeopardize our quest.”

“If you leave anything out,” asked Shadow. “Wouldn’t you be breaking your contract with Truth.”

The unicorn shifted his focus from the earth pony too the thestral.

“For the most part, I am supposed maintain an honest nature, but nopony needs to know the whole story. From what I’ve been reading in the books, bearers can break their nature on occasions, but only if they have legitimate reason to do so. If done too often or for the wrong reason, their bond with the Harmony Spirit will break. It seems the more trials I complete, the more mindful I’ll have to be about my actions. Anyways, let me continue.

“After we the two of us say goodbye to Braeburn, we’ll go outside of town. Normally, I’d want to stay at an Inn, but I can’t let anypony know who I am. If we stay at the Inn under our real names somepony might inform the guards of our locations. Plus, let’s not forget I’m not allowed to lie unless it’s unavoidable. Since we have an alternative sleeping arrangement, were going to have to camp again.”

“You say that like its a bad thing.” Shadow said has he let out another one of his signature hardy laughs. “My body was made for the outdoors. Besides, were both military stallions. We can handle a few rough nights, though I’d much rather prefer it be a rough day. It’s a biological preference.”

“You really don’t like sunlight do you Shadow?” asked Shining.

“It bothers my eyes a little bit, but with practice it’s easy to ignore. This is the most exposure my eyes have had to the light in almost two years. Eventually my mornings will get easier, but for now my eyes are still getting acquainted.”

“Well,” said Shining with a cheery grin. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a captain, it’s that the job isn’t without sacrifice.”

Shadow nodded in agreement and smirked; his exposed fangs sending shivers across Braeburn’s spine. “That it is my friend.” he replied. “That it is.”


The three stallions continued to chat amongst themselves for what seemed like ages. When the train had finally come to a halt, they eagerly snuck out of the car and onto the wooden planks of the Appaloosa station.

As Braeburn walked around the town he couldn’t help but feel that something was a bit off. Sure, all the wooden buildings in town looked the same, and he could hear the bell’s the clock tower made as it struck eleven. As Braeburn looked around the town he could see that everypony was going about their familiar routines, yet something about them didn’t seem right.

What could it be? They are all doing what they normally do. Mrs Sweeps is cleaning, the Orchard brothers are out in the apple fields, they all seem like themselves.

After pondering a bit harder, something clicked in Barburns mind.

Why isn’t anypony talking to anypony else? Could it be they all heard what happened to me and are grieving?

Braeburn lost focus of what he was thinking when he saw Sheriff Silverstar trotting towards him towards the platform.

“Braeburn!” shouted the Sheriff. “You're alive. The letter I got told me you.”

Braeburn broke into a gallop to meet his friend.

“Hey Sherif. Sorry I didn’t get those cherry seeds. Anyways you can thank these two for saving my…”

Before he could finish his sentence Braeburn crashed into a solid force field. He turned around in surprise to see that Shining Armor’s horn was activated. Although he didn’t know much about magic, even a simple earth pony like him knew that the force field was Shining's doing.

“What’s the big idea!?” yelled Braeburn.

From where he stood, Braeburn could see the terror in Shining Armor’s eyes. The once calm and cheerful station now looked like he was staring into the pits of hell itself.

“You have to get away from him!” The stallion yelled stearney. Everypony in this town is an imposter!”

As Shining’s words echoed the townspeople started began to congregate behind Silver Star. The sheriff let out a soft but sinister laugh.

“So I guess Wasp was telling the truth when he said you can see through our disguises.” he said shaking his head. “How unfortunate.”

He looked up and smiled at the trio.

“However, this time her majesty has made sure you can’t escape us. For you see, you’re in our town now Shining Armor and that sissy shield of your’s isn’t going to enough to stop us.”

Author's Note:

Will the three stallions be able too take on an entire sworn of changelings? Why is Chrysalis after Shining Armor? Lastly, has become the true residence of Appaloosa? The answers to all these questions will be answered in Chapter Nine of My Mortal Big Brother. Be afraid of The Coming Sworm.
Now let me end this chapter with this awesome song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHTzvaH5eVI