• Published 28th Feb 2013
  • 465 Views, 12 Comments

50 Shades Dumber: Fluttershy's Idiotic Sex Fantasies! - Listie The Scribe Maid

Rainbow Dash has been a very bad filly, so, as punishment, Fluttershy drags Dashie into her stupid sex fantasies. *dislikes are given*

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Comments ( 12 )

(Joke) Alt. Title: Futamation Presents: Hermaphro-Dork

Trixie wants to join in playing Clue! :raritydespair:

I'm afraid to read it, but I'm going to.

I love this. I came for the clop, stayed for the plot, and left to fap.

.......................The BUCK did I just read? Buck it, I'm going for a smoke:facehoof: Rather impressive though.:pinkiehappy:

Very... very random.....:rainbowderp:

I can't even. I have utterly failed to can, and my even is fucking gone.

Yeah, this thing really sucks. Probably gonna rid of it soon, and Like An Atom Bomb while I'm at it. Both are stories where I was trying way too hard to be funny, throwing everything I could think of in the hopes that something would be funny. In this particular case, I actually directly edited the story to make this "parody". (This was during a time when you could copy fanfiction on FanFiction.Net.) Speaking of that website, I intend to keep this story up there for two reasons: One, for those morbidly curious enough to see just how unfunny this thing is, and two, because it's my most viewed story there. I wish I was making that up. It has over 12,000 views and I'm utterly baffled as to why that is, especially because with the exception of two reviews from people I've held conversations with, every review of the story is about just how bad it is. One person even said it was the worst story they'd ever read in their life! That person probably has not read The Rise Of Spike The Dragon, but the point is, I'm going to be doing this website a favor by getting rid of this story and Like An Atom Bomb at some point. Maybe AppleKuu, too; I always wondered how that mess got past moderation...

5789548 ...Jesus fuck, the comment you're replying to is almost two years old.

I know, I know. I just wanted to tell somebody that. I should have typed all that up in a blog post, but for whatever stupid reason, it didn't come to mind while I was typing it. But yeah, I'm soon going to be getting rid of this and a lot of other unfunny pieces of nothing I've written... Because you wanted to know that. Obviously.

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