• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,446 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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Enter Ponies

Chapter 2 – Enter Ponies

So where was I? Oh yeah, about how I discovered My Little Pony. I hope you know at least a little about the show, otherwise I might as well be speaking about this in another language. Basically there are three types of ponies: earth ponies, Pegasus ponies, and unicorn ponies. There are others, but I’ll just keep it simple for now. In the show there are six ponies, two of each type, that go around helping each other and the land that they live in. Follow me so far? I hope so.

Now I have a confession to make. I don’t really know how exactly I got into the show. I guess it’s a combination of my being so involved with it and the fact of my memory going away. There are times now that I forget that the place I live in I once thought was just a cartoon, just a place I’ve lived in all my life. There were several episodes that stood out in my mind that could have made me like the show, although I can’t choose a particular one. I do remember seeing a lot of pony art online and how that made me wonder what all the fuss was about. After watching the show I realized that I liked it.

Ok, maybe the word “like” isn’t the best way to describe it. I think “mildly obsessed” is better. I mean I like cats but I don’t have a house full of them where I am now. Oh sure I looked like an average person on the outside. I didn’t go around wearing pony themed clothes often, and I really only talked about the show to my friends that I knew like it too. But once you walked into my apartment, things were very different. My place was like a pony shrine! There were art prints lining the walls, figures and plush ponies on every imaginable ledge and even other things like a pony themed lamp and bedding. You couldn’t be anywhere where something pony related was absent.

Then something happened, and I really can’t tell you how or why or even when exactly. But one day I decided that I couldn’t just watch the show or look at art pictures or read fan fiction. I wanted to do more, to contribute something. I guess it was around this time that I realized that there was a brony fandom that shared a similar love for My Little Pony as I did. I made it my mission to do something for the newfound fandom, and I knew just how.

I decided to create a character that would best represent me as a pony, a ponysona. So one day after work I sat down at my computer and began to type out a little biography. It started simple enough with describing to pony me. I’m not sure why I chose to have a raspberry colored pelt, a purple mane and tail, and green eye, but that’s what I came up with. They all seemed to blend perfectly and look nice yet not too girly. I also knew that I wanted to be a unicorn. I loved characters like Twilight Sparkle who were able to use magic without breaking a sweat and thought it would be cool to do that as well. I also knew that my pony would be a mare.

I was going along fine until I hit a wall. I didn’t know what to call her or what her cutie mark would be. If you’re reading this and have not seen the show, a cutie mark is like a magical tattoo that identifies a pony’s talent and is a really big thing. Ponies often have the habit of looking at your mark to learn a little about you before saying hello. At first that seemed odd to me, but then I got used to it. Anyway, I was thinking about my talent and realized that I got a degree in Creative Writing so I should have a name and a mark relating to it. Then my mind focused on having something relating to a quill. After all, ponies don’t use pens or computers. Soon after, I came up with the idea of a quill with a line of ink coming from it. Then I got the name Quill Flourish and as easy as that my writer’s block was over.

From that point on, the rest of my character creation came easily. I created an entire history of my character, including how I developed my talent by winning a school essay contest which was based on my life as a human which gave the mark and how I went to college studying Creative Writing only it was in Canterlot of course. As for my personality, I used my own. This was easier said than done as trying to put down everything about how you act and feel towards different things can be tricky. Finally I had Quill Flourish created, her whole being on paper.

After that I began to do all sorts of things with my ponysona. I began to learn how to draw online and started making pictures of her having fun. I also began to write stories of her adventures and how she seemed to get into strange situations which she used for her writing. I even joined a role playing site where I played as Quill where I could live my life as her. The more things I did involving her, the more I felt like I was her and she was me.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t some person that thought that they were a pony and went about acting or talking like one. I knew I was a human who had a human life and a job. No amount of drawing, writing, or role playing could ever magically change me into a pony or somehow make Quill Flourish appear at my door. But there were times I would look at something I wrote or Quill’s smiling face on an art I just drew or a fun encounter I had playing her and I would wonder what life would be like if I wasn’t an average human living a regular sometimes boring life. I wonder what new friends, things to learn, and encounters I’d have as a pony. I guess you could say I got a little jealous about how happy and carefree those ponies were.

There were even some nights I would dream of being Quill Flourish saying hello to the other ponies, having fun, or even having wild adventures. These dreams were so real that when I did wake up I had to take a few seconds to think if I was still dreaming or not. I admit that I wished some nights that I would stay in that dream.

What I didn’t know that I do now is that the universe at times can be magical, making things possible that would seem impossible and granting a person’s deepest desires. And that was exactly what happened to me one seemingly normal night.