• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 2,462 Views, 79 Comments

More Than A Dream - nanashi_jones

What's a person to do when she may be a pony? What's a person to do when the pony is Twilight Sparkle? What's a person to do when Equestria is doomed and only she, and five strangers, can stand in the way? What's a person to do?

  • ...

Chapter 10

Twisting and turning in front of the mirror, Aurora sighed. She couldn’t do this.

She wore a sari of rich, deep purple and accented by a much lighter violet choli top. The whole outfit was trimmed in shining gold fabric with looping designs, making her look rich and impressive. The sari was folded “professional-style,” like Nani had taught her. Keiko had come in with Rarity and a spare Canterlot stylist to put up Aurora’s dark hair and apply careful makeup that accented her eyes. Amethyst jewels sparkled from her ears and golden bracelets winked along her wrist. The simplest thing she had on were the sandals, which were still made of expensive-looking material.

“I bet I’m wearing the cost of my entire college education,” Aurora said.

“I’d see that bet,” Twilight said, trotting in from the bathroom in a similar outfit.

Since returning from their victory over the Smiling Pony, three days had passed wherein the girls were hailed as heroes of the land alongside their pony friends. There’d been a parade and an impromptu We’re Still Alive party thrown by Pinkie Pie, but tonight was going to be the official celebration where everyone would be honored. Pinkie and Diane were deep in talks to make it “the crunkest thing that ever was.”

No longer sharing a body and tethered by spirit magic, the humans still found themselves staying close to their former spirit-bonded ponies out of habit. They were all put up in royal suites with their companions, who acted as guides and semi-official diplomats. Aurora had opted for Twilight’s personal library and quarters with an appropriately sized bed brought in.

“I mean, I thought I had a nice one at home, but this...” Aurora shook her head. “Why are we doing it like this again?”

Twilight went up next to Aurora, checking her matching sari and jewelry, which had the same color in slightly different tones to complement her mane and coat.

“In honor of your cultures and traditions.”

“My tradition is usually a suit, something professional. I like to look, y’know, put together. This is... Way outside that,” Aurora sighed.

“I know, but let Rarity and Keiko have their moment.”

Aurora sighed again, wondering if she really deserved this. It looked too much. She was an “okay” academic, not a gorgeous desi actress.

“Did Diane manage to convince them that parachute pants were part of a sacred family observance?” Aurora said, turning to see how much of her back showed through the draped fabric.

“No,” Twilight giggled. “But you remember what happened with the dashiki.”

Aurora nodded. Technically, she was second generation Indian and mostly just thought of herself as Californian with some impressive, deeper roots. Diane, as she’d found while talking to the girl, was as American as they came.

Keiko and Rarity had apparently not gotten to that conversation.

When Keiko had presented the African garb, which did look very nice, Diane had nearly peed herself laughing. Pinkie had to be the one to explain half of Diane’s family came up through Haiti waaaaaaay back while the other half was just from “all over” the Midwest.

Rarity and Keiko had shared a look then announced they’d come up with something.

“Well. My grandmother would like it. Though she’d have worn a t-shirt instead of a choli,” Aurora commented.

“From what I remember, she was a pretty amazing woman.”

“A real trailblazer for her times. And she had a great sense of humor.” Aurora sighed, her heart aching, but not profoundly. It was the longing for good company long past. “I miss her.”

“She left a good legacy in you,” Twilight said, pressing her hoof in comfort against Aurora’s leg.

Aurora bent down and hugged the unicorn.

“Thanks.” She cocked her head. “You’re too kind, you know that?”

Twilight smiled a laugh. “You took care of my spirit for a month, fought off a dream monster intent on destroying my world and inadvertently got me back to my body at the end. A compliment is the least I could do.”

“Hey girls are- Whooooa,” Iris whistled. “Lookin’ good, ‘Ro.”

“Thanks, Iris,” Aurora said, turning and taking in the other girl’s ensemble. “You too.”

“Eh. I wear armor well. What can I say?”

While Diane had briefly confused the fashionista’s plans, Iris had straight up blocked any ideas about her “heritage.”

“My parents are from Washington and I got an abuelita in Arizona. That’s it. That’s my heritage. I wanna wear what Rainbow’s wearing.”

Rainbow wore a gold-washed trunk plate accented by a sky blue drape and gold bracers and sandals. Iris matched in a top that was a golden breastplate that went just above her midriff. What looked like a toga beneath was cast to one side over a deep blue knee-length skirt slit high on the thigh. The gold of her bracers and sandals shone in the light of the library’s windows.

Aurora thought Iris wore armor very well, indeed.

Her pegasus double flew in, beckoning with impatient hooves.

“Hey guys! Yeah, we all look awesome. Now will ya hurry it up? There’s a party happening!” she rocketed back through the open door.

Aurora and Twilight shared a look. Aurora hiked up her skirt so her legs could move freely as Iris reached out a hand to guide her along. Pony and humans moved at a brisk trot through the winding corridors of Canterlot, then down a flight of stairs to the Grand Gardens where music from a formal quartet already drifted out from massive speakers.

The gathering wasn’t unlike Cadance and Shining’s wedding reception: outside and attended by ponies of every stripe imaginable. From upper crust Canterlot elite all the way to residents of Ponyville who knew some of the heroes. Included among those stripes were Zecora, who was at the table of honor with the all the girls, and Spike, who had made a full recovery.

Once she and Iris separated with a wave, Aurora went to the zebra as Twilight trotted to where Celestia presided.

“Zecora, I’m so glad you’re here!”

The shamaness smiled, nodding. She wore a pony-style caftan of rich gold and deep brown with little green designs along the hem. It looked impressive when coupled with her gold jewelry.

“What else was I to say in response to such a joyous day?”

During the week, Aurora and the girls had spoken with Celestia about how Zecora had gotten them through some of their difficulties, as well as foiling the Smiling Pony’s attempts at further decimating Equestria. Celestia had pushed through new laws the next day protecting lands such as the Everfree forest so that if any officials got influenced by a paranoia-inducing dream monster again, they’d have to go through considerably more red tape to act.

For her efforts, it had been nothing for Celestia to extend a full, royal invitation to the shamaness.

“Well, I’m glad you made it. Save me a dance?”

Zecora nodded, sipping from her glass with an ebullient smile. Aurora worked down the row, noting the seats with everyone’s names on cards to mark designated sitting. She spied Spike next to her and Twilight’s chairs and he clutched a sapphire bigger than he was. He also sported a red bowtie Rarity made for him long ago. It dazzled with jewels.

“Hey Aurora!” he called. “Swell party huh?”

Spike was looking much better than last she’d seen him, scales shining and eyes bright. This may have been due to the expert care of the Canterlot physicians, but Aurora put her money on the giant sapphire that Keiko and Rarity had dug up just for him before they’d left the castle on their quest.

“It sure is,” Aurora responded. “I still can’t believe she pulled that jewel up so quick.”

Spike shrugged. “A gentleman never asks and a lady never tells,” he replied loftily.

“Well, Mr. Gentleman, save me a dance for later.”

“Sure thing!”

The other girls were milling and mixing. Ashley towered easily over everypony and person in a dark orange dress with light green accents that went particularly well with her boots and hat. She let loose a loud laugh as she and Applejack spoke with some earthy-looking business ponies.

Keiko wasn’t too far away from the cowgirls in a summer kimono with a lovely depiction of flowers along the hem as she chatted up a stylish stallion with large sunglasses. Rarity matched in a similar outfit, trotting back from the drink table to refresh her human and herself.

Toward the back and away from the crowds, closer to the animals of the gardens, were Fluttershy and Nova. They matched in green dresses accented by yellow block designs up their length and bright blue beads in their hair. As birds perched in their mane and hair, Nova spoke with an elderly looking buffalo chieftan, who smiled at what she said.

Pinkie and Diane were behind the DJ’s booth where Pinkie was spinning along with an electric-blue maned unicorn as Diane flipped through records. Both girls were in poofy, rainbow colored skirts and short, dark blue jackets over simple white blouses.

Aurora smiled wide. Her friends. All gathered and having the time of their lives.

“Good evening everypony!” Celestia said some twenty minutes later, her voice carrying easily over the crowded courtyard. “It is my distinct pleasure to bring attention and acclaim to a most unlikely group of heroes. They were not of this land, but they embraced our Equestrian values and exemplified them to save us in one of our darkest hours. I am honored tonight to welcome Earth’s bearers of the Elements of Harmony!”

A spotlight shone over to the girls, who all sat in their designated seats next to their respective ponies. They all waved in the wake of the applause.

Celestia went on to cite the combined work of everypony. She paid kudos to Princess Cadance for getting her to the girls in the castle. She acknowledged Zecora for aiding them along their way, as well as preserving the Everfree forest. She even spoke warmly of Spike’s bravery in the face of Queen Chrysalis. Zecora and Spike were presented with medals, signifying their achievements in going above and beyond the call of their kingdom.

A spotlight marked every pony, and dragon, in turn. The light caught spectacularly on the medals Zecora and Spike received.

The Elements of Harmony of Equestria were then called to receive their acclaims for their continued efforts in protecting the land. More medals were placed on waiting necks. Rainbow muttered about “running out of places to put these things” and was shushed by Applejack as the girls received a thunderous applause before returning to their seats.

Celestia then turned to the night sky, and after a reverent moment, what at first appeared to be a twinkling star resolved as Luna came into view. Floating down, a large case drifted in her magical wake. She settled next to Celestia and a chair appeared, allowing both sisters to project their presence at once.

“Within this case are the Elements the people of Earth earned, proving you carry the power of Harmony within your hearts,” Celestia proclaimed. “They are tied to you, as you are to them. May they guide you well in your days to come.”

Ashley took the case easily from Celestia’s magic. During the rehearsal in the throne room, the other girls had taken one look at the weighty box and voted the Amazon of the group as handler.

“Now, we would honor you as the heroes that you are. Please, rise and come forth.”

They’d rehearsed this too, though it didn’t compare to the attention they felt now.

“Ashley Jane Apple!”

Ashley smirked at her full name being said so loudly and decorously and stepped forward, removing her hat to let the medal drop about her neck. Replacing her Stetson, she nodded and moved to the Princesses’ side.

“Nova Valeria Eve!”

Nova rose unsteadily, taking a deep breath. Fluttershy flashed her a supportive smile and the girl grinned back, moving on surer feet to the dais, where she was honored.

“Diane Rosario Smith!”

Diane winked at everypony and strode up, waving a little to the crowd as she hopped up the steps. Her body language shifted to formality at the twinkle of amusement in Celestia’s eyes, letting the medal drape easily.

“Keiko Sally Jewele!”

Keiko blushed at her middle name, but rose like the lady she was and glided demurely to the stage.

“Iris Belle Speede!”

Iris clapped a hand on Aurora’s shoulder, then marched up to receive her acclaim.

Once all the girls were standing around the princesses, Celestia smiled a little broader.

“And last... Aurora Hetal Amaryllis!”

Aurora steeled herself and rose, smiling at all the ponies, but grinning the widest at Twilight. Twilight whistled loudly, cheering from her seat.

Aurora bowed in front of the Princess of Sun and Day and felt the medal settle on her shoulders.

“You’ve come quite far,” Princess Celestia whispered just for Aurora to hear. “Sitara would be very proud.”

Aurora’s head jerked up.

Sitara had been her grandmother- Nani’s given name. How could Celestia possibly have known that? Aurora tried searching the Sun Princess’s features, but she was only met with a beaming, enigmatic smile.

Their gaze held as Aurora processed, then breathed a laugh. Sure. Almighty, magical pony princess just knows. Roll with it. Blushing, she turned to present herself to the assembly.

“Mares, gentlecolts and ponies of all walks,” Celestia echoed. “I give to you, the heroes of Equestria!”

The applause was like a physical force that rocked them back. Trumpets erupted at either side and a complement of royal pegasi streaked through the air. Rainbow Dash twisted in her seat, rocketing into the sky and on the way down released a gorgeous Sonic Rainboom.

When the noise had moved from absolutely deafening to only an overwhelming roar, Diane leaped into the air.

The festivities ran so late that Celestia had to beg a break lest she not have enough energy to do her royal duty to raise the sun. This wasn’t as big a problem for Luna, who had finally loosened to the point that she and Ashley were leaning together swapping stories about... Well, Aurora couldn’t hear, but they were really talking it up.

“Yo,” Iris said, plopping down next to Aurora, a glass of Canterlot wine in her hand.

Aurora had a similar glass, which she had nursed carefully, but managed to get a serious buzz off of anyway. Ponies liked their drink hard, apparently.

“Hey,” Aurora said, not so drunk and tired that she couldn’t hold a conversation.

Iris didn’t speak further though, instead just keeping company and watching ponies who were intent on enjoying themselves to the last drop. The music had eased into a softer edge with happily inebriated couples and friends dancing slowly on the floor nearby.

Diane was swishing a blushing Nova back and forth while laughing softly. Rarity swayed at another corner, sleepy-eyed, but still aware with Spike asleep on her back, his claws hooked firmly in her mane. By the drinks table, Keiko spoke merrily to the unicorn DJ, who had perched her red shades atop her head to better converse. Pinkie was managing the music, her tongue out in fierce concentration. Zecora and Twilight leaned into one another by the buffet table, murmuring inaudibly. Applejack had passed out on a garden bench, her hat pulled over her face as she dozed. Fluttershy was curled up at Applejack’s hind legs, a rabbit sleeping in her mane.

“We’re still going home, right?” Iris asked.

“I am. I have a doctorate to get back to,” Aurora responded, placing her glass next to her foot. “This has been... Beyond amazing though.”

Iris nodded. They people and pony watched in silence again.

“Why couldn’t we...” Iris said quietly. “Y’know? Stay?”

Aurora looked at her friend. Clearly the girl had given this some thought.

Aurora sighed, smiling.

“Sure,” she said. “Stay and be heralded as heroes for the rest of our days. Welcomed at every point. Seeing talking ponies and magic and all kinds of impossible things every day... We wouldn’t even have to work- just be allowed our leisures. Why would we want to go back?”

“That’s my point,” Iris said, looking at Aurora.

Aurora met her gaze and let her smile fade a bit, though her expression remained earnest.

“Because this isn’t home,” Aurora said. “It’s Disney World. It’s England. It’s someplace you go, not someplace you stay.”

“It could be,” Iris said. “I mean, we’re pretty well known. We could...”

Aurora placed her hand high up on Iris’s back, where the toga exposed bare neck and shoulder. She rubbed at the area comfortingly. The other girl shook a bit, emotion mixing with her spirits.

“I’m going to miss them too,” Aurora said.

“No you’re not,” Iris grunted, as a few tears beat out her resolve. “You don’t even like them.”

Aurora gave Iris her best Professor Knows look. Iris turned to it, shrugged, sighed.

“Yeah, okay. Sorry. That’s...” Iris sighed again and sniffed, rubbing at her nose. “I’d just be living off one good win for the rest of my life. And that’s not how I roll.”

She huffed at a lock of her hair. “Besides, I’d have to go full vegan here! No more burgers? Forget that!”

Iris nodded. “Yeah. We should go,” she affirmed.

Aurora pulled the other girl close, embracing her. “I’m going to miss them too,” she whispered.

Iris swallowed, hiding in the shoulder of Aurora’s outfit.

“I don’t cry,” Iris mumbled.

“I know,” Aurora said.

Iris didn’t cry for another two minutes before she coughed, wiping at her eyes and straightened, sniffing.

Aurora passed a napkin without looking at the girl and gave her a minute to compose herself. Once Iris had dotted at the worst, she looked at the gathered ponies she knew. She chuckled.

“You know, this all started ‘cause you believed me.” She watched Rainbow Dash flutter down to dance on top of the speakers to Pinkie’s amusement. “Everyone else thought I was cra- confused. And I kind of was. So... Why did you believe me?”

Aurora picked up her drink and spun the little glass between her hands. She idly wondered why hoofed creatures would make glasses this way, but she figured it was some strange universal thing: a lot of wine glasses were stemmed. Not for hands, but because that’s how you knew it was a wine glass. Chicken and egg logic and she was distracting herself.

“Besides Twilight banging around in my soul, you mean?” Aurora asked, her lidded gaze watching the same scenes as Iris.

“Well, duh. You were, like, the most against the whole thing, but you still kept going. How is that?”

Aurora was silent again.

When she spoke, her voice took on a distant quality. “Because... Because of the way you looked at me. Because of how you held my hand.” Aurora demonstrated by slowly wrapping hers around Iris’s. “Nobody had held my hand like that since Nani, my grandma. You were so firm and sure.

“It was in your gaze too. You weren’t being certain I was a part of your delusions, you were certain I was your friend and you treated me like one.”

Aurora shrugged.

“That’s rare for me. So, I took a little trust. Enough for me to leap out. And you guys caught me.”

“Buckin’ ay,” Iris said with a nod. Then frowned. “Am I going to keep doing that? I thought we didn’t have pony brains in us any more.”

Aurora laughed and polished off her drink.

“Probably. We’ll just have to all stay in touch when we get back. You know. So we can find out.”

Iris smiled.

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

“You know what’s a better plan?” Aurora asked, rising. She gave her glass to a passing waiter. “Dancing. C’mon.”

“Jeez, I’ve seen you dancing with everyone tonight! What’s up with that?” Iris laughed, taking Aurora’s hand.

“I like to dance! It’s fun!” Aurora said, leading her onto the dance floor.

Iris learned that night that while Aurora had much in common with her pony, she was a much better dancer than Twilight Sparkle. Aurora told her that was because Twilight didn’t have her Nani, who had been both a dancer and a martial artist and that made her the coolest.
Another day passed in relaxation before Aurora, Ashley, Nova, Keiko, Diane and Iris were called to the Major Spellcasting Chamber.

Dressed back in the washed and cleaned clothes they’d arrived in (luckily, Aurora’s clothes had all been retrieved and restored), they were relieved when they saw the heavy, purple-cast doors. It had felt like they’d walked the entirety of the castle to get there.

When the doors parted, seemingly on automatic, the room impressed as much as everything else they’d seen in this magical world.

They could tell it would be large from the size of the doors, but their jaws still dropped as they took in the sheer height and artistry of the room. The ceiling was accented by gothic ramparts far away and the shape looked hewn from solid stone. Not a tile nor a crack could be found, making the whole space seem preternaturally perfect. Even the windows gazing out to the Equestrian mountain range appeared to have grown up with the room, as much a part of it as the circle in the floor.

Surrounding the circle and running up the walls were white, chalk equations that looked a bit familiar to the humans.

“Wow,” Applejack said. “This what you been workin’ on Twi?”

“Well,” the Princess’s protege responded. “Aurora and Diane helped.”

“I thought... Pinkie was consulting last time,” Rarity said.

“Nah,” Pinkie said. “My girl, Di Job, had this down. It was only a little advanced calculus!”

“Thanks for the love, Pinkenstein,” Diane said.

“Any time, Di Town Billie Brown!”

That earned a groupwide chuckle at their goofy friends.

“Why’re we doing it like this?” Iris asked, once the giggles had past. “Why not just have Rainbow whip up another Sonic Rainboom?”

“Because that was a different spell,” Twilight said. “It needed different components and had different parameters. This is just going to be a heavy-duty teleportation spell.”

“Oooh, so we’re technically getting a royal escort?” Keiko said with a flashed grin at Celestia, Luna and Cadance.

“Pretty much,” Cadance replied. “It should be easy. We’re just lending our power to Twilight.”

“And your expertise,” Twilight chimed in. “This was a group effort.”

“The effort was all yours, my faithful student,” Celestia said. “You and your friends. We merely acted as sounding boards.”

“Indeed, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said. “Your spellcraft grows in leaps and bounds.”

Aurora saw something behind Luna’s bearing as she addressed Twilight. It reminded her of when one of the professors she’d TA for would spot a student who was doing really well with the material and mentally cut them from the class for closer inspection. She could only guess what plans were cooking behind Luna’s royal visage.

“So, is everything set?” Aurora asked, trying to keep from being nosy.

The royals nodded.

“Then I guess...” Aurora looked down at Twilight, who had walked up next to her. “Goodbye?”

Twilight nodded. After a thoughtful moment, her face clouded in worry.

“Aurora, back in Everfree, you asked if...”

Aurora shook her head, catching Twilight’s meaning and appreciating her diplomacy.

“Forget it,” Aurora said. She knelt down to look into Twilight’s eyes, no longer seizing at the familiarity and instead relishing in it. “How could I ever give up an experience like this? How could I ever give up you?”

Twilight’s large eyes filled with tears and she hopped up to hug the fellow student.

“I’ll find a way to visit,” Twilight said. “Consider it a promise.”

“How about you work on a way for us to visit you? That’d probably go over better.”

“Probably,” Twilgiht laughed. “But only if you work from your end. You’re bringing back a little of Equestria after all. That can change things.”

Aurora glanced at the case slung casually over Ashley’s shoulder.

“I dunno. Think I can handle magic?”

“I know you can.”

A sniff came from the corner and Aurora and Twilight turned to see Pinkie and Diane swapping a handkerchief back and forth.

“Don’t mind us,” Diane said.

“We have super bad allergies. That’s all! Swear!” Pinkie said.

The girls laughed again, longing.

“Keep kickin’ flank,” Rainbow said, bumping her hoof against Iris’s knuckles.

“Right back atcha. Gotta keep the awesome quotient up, yanno?”

“I hope you won’t mind if I modify some of your older designs for my purposes,” Keiko said, as she knelt in front of her fellow fashionista.

“So long as you put that fabulous spin of yours on them. I saw that notion from my fall stock- Inspired,” Rarity replied, eyes twinkling.

Ashley examined a piece of paper with careful notes jotted on it.

“These look pretty solid, I’ll be sure to start on ‘em when I get back. You gonna use that lasso trick I taught ya?”

“You betcher boots I will,” Applejack replied crisply with a smile. “And just so ya know, you don’t have to name ‘em all. Just take some time. Get to know your orchard one-on-one.”

“I’m sorry I never got to meet your animal friends,” Nova said, holding Fluttershy’s hooves.

“It’s okay,” Fluttershy responded. “Maybe if Twilight works something out we can save that for next time.”

“I’d really like that. I’ll be sure to say hi to Eugene for you.”

“He was such a nice squirrel,” Fluttershy agreed.

Pinkie looked up at Diane, who’d composed herself after Aurora and Twilight’s sweet moment. Beckoning the little pony up, she gave her a near-rib-cage crushing hug.

“Whaddya think?” Diane said.

“Celestia willing, we’ll meet again,” Pinkie said, sighing into Diane’s afro. “This was more than a dream after all, so maybe it’ll be more than a dream again! The search for more ponies!”

“Oh, you’re good,” Diane complemented.

“Years of practice, sister,” Pinkie said with a wink.

“Alright everypony! And, heh, every person,” Twilight called out. “It’s time.”

Everyone gave their last hugs and well wishes and gathered in the carved circle.

“I thought you didn’t need the circle this time,” Iris said to Twilight.

She doesn’t,” Aurora replied. “We do. So we know where to stand.”


Celestia looked to Luna, who nodded and flew over the group to match her sister. Cadance took her place across from Twilight. The remaining ponies moved back so they stood around Twilight, but not so they interfered.

Twilight’s horn came to life first and was soon joined by Cadance, followed by Luna, and lastly, Celestia. Purple-white light sparked up from the line in the ground.

“Goodbye! We’ll never be able to thank you enough!” Twilight said.

“Safe travels, friends,” Luna called.

“Take care!” Cadance tossed in.

“Be well,” Celestia added with a nod.

The ponies shouted their farewells and the girls called theirs back as Aurora and Twilight’s eyes locked one last time. A sparkle twinkled in both and they smiled as a globe of purple/pink/blue/white light engulfed the girls and they vanished.
Aurora saw only black.

“Um. I kind of don’t want to open my eyes,” she said.

“Me neither,” Ashley agreed.

“Wait, you guys have your eyes closed?” Iris asked, chuckling.

“But, Iris, you asked me to hold your hand while you closed-”

“Thanks, Di! I know!”

“Good. Wanted to make sure you didn’t have teleportation amnesia.”

“My eyes are closed as well,” Keiko said.

“Me too,” Nova commented.

Aurora sighed.

“Okay, we’re all standing, so that’s a good sign and I can hear wind through trees so that’s good too. I say we open our eyes on three.”

Her hand quested out and she found Ashley’s firm grip on one side and Keiko’s supportive hand on the other.

“One... Two... Three.”

Eyes opening all around, the girls smiled and laughed. Diane jumped excitedly and Iris leaned against Ashley with a whoosh of air.

They were back almost exactly in the center of the old circle that had sent them to Equestria.

Aurora was smiling along with the others until her scan of the same copse of trees that they’d left revealed one, important detail.

“Where are our cars?”

Twenty minutes and two miles later, the girls were walking along the country road approaching the nearest gas station.

“I’m not mad, Diane,” Aurora said for the fifth time. “Just... Angry at myself. I should have checked with Twilight that you weren’t able to account for the time dilation.”

“I could, it just would have been waaaaay harder and we might’ve gotten all pukey when we landed and I’d just ate and really, accounting for all those varying weak forces is a lot to keep in your mind at once and-”

“Thanks Di! We’re good!” Iris said, hiking along.

She looked over at Ashley. “Want some help with that thing?”

“Thanks,” Ashley said, sweating under her load. While their Elements weren’t that heavy, the sturdy case provided also had some magical seals. Hauling it to a car is one thing. The six mile hike was quite another.

Lowering the box down, Ashley waited for Iris to take the other handle. Iris lifted, and with the weight divided, Ashley’s arm relaxed a bit.

“Much better,” Ashley said. “Thanks again.”

“No prob,” Iris grunted.

“At least our calves will look fabulous,” Keiko commented. “I mean, who’d have thought we’d be doing all this walking?”

“It’s tradition,” Aurora said.

“Hm?” Keiko asked.

“We just went on an epic quest. Those tend to happen on foot.”

“Like Lord of the Rings?” Nova asked.

“Yeah!” Iris said. “Only, they had that pony for like, ten seconds. We had ours for a few days, but... I guess they didn’t count.”

The girls laughed as the gas station came into view. Inside, they borrowed the store phone and called to home, to work, to family and found out just how much they’d changed while they’d been gone.
Aurora bumped the door shut with her hip. Inside the living room, Iris was sprawled on the couch, slamming at the controls on her console.

“Hey ‘Ro,” Iris said without looking away.

Aurora could see a pantsless leg covered by a sock dangling off one side of the plush green couch she and Iris had bought to commemorate their moving in together. Sighing, Aurora put her satchel down and walked into the kitchen rather than come around and find Iris in just a t-shirt and socks. Again.

Aurora was more easygoing than she used to be, but Iris was very... Comfortable with her body in a way her roommate wasn’t. Aurora hadn’t said anything about it. She didn’t really mind it. She thought it more a charming quirk than anything else. At least, that’s what she told herself in the name of compromise.

“Hey Iris,” she responded.

In the kitchen, she poked around, seeing what was in the fridge for a snack before she settled down to further work on her thesis.

The girls had moved in together three months after what had happened with the ponies and Equestria. It would have been two, but they practically lost a month explaining where they’d been to police, institutional care, their parents, the whole nine yards. Not that they expected anyone to believe them.

So, they stuck to the absolute basic facts. They’d met each other thanks to a mutual acquaintance and then were called upon by said mutual acquaintance to assist with a matter which had taken them away for the better part of two weeks.

No, they had no idea what their cars were doing in the middle of nowhere. Yes, they took private transport. No, they don’t remember what because it was private. Yes, they tried to contact friends and family, but were so caught up in what was going on, they couldn’t get to anyone.

Lots of questions, and very few answers. And many times, with the same spread hands and earnest smile the girls each said, “I’d tell you more, but you probably wouldn’t believe me.”

Eventually, everyone gave up. Six girls had lost a few days and come back. Nobody was dead. Nobody was richer. They might as well have gone to Vegas; it made about as much difference. The police stopped calling, professors assigned make-up work, and Iris was even given a clean bill of mental health as she’d clearly just been under a lot of stress.

During the explanations, Aurora found out that she and Iris went to the same college. Working with her parents, Aurora got some off-campus housing. Then, working with Iris’s sponsor and her own scholarship program, Aurora was able to secure funds for a simple apartment a few blocks from campus for a not-unreasonable price. All the girls often met there as it was more central than Keiko’s apartment or Ashley’s farmhouse. Not that they didn’t visit those places as well.

Unsurprising to all save Aurora, who was cherishing each phone call, shared text, Facebook message and contact, the girls all remained steady friends, regularly spending time with one another. They had movie nights, a soon-to-be monthly sleepover where they got in serious “girl time” and Aurora even managed to convince everyone to give Dungeons and Dragons a try. Though they’d never seen each other before, thanks to those ponies, they felt like now they had friends for life.

Such connections weren’t the only souvenirs from their adventures.

Aurora and Iris kept an eye on the Elements by having the case masquerade as a steamer-trunk coffee table. Keiko, now known in the fashion circuit as “Rarity Jewele” had debuted a few modified dresses the girls remembered from their pony lives. Ashley had started yielding a fifty percent increase in produce since enacting Applejack’s recommendations. Nova gained a reputation for handling the fiercest of animals with the gentlest touch. Diane started her own online party planning business, touting her specialty of kids’ events.

Beyond such changes, life went on.

“Nova called,” Iris said. “She and Di are good for the Changeling game on Friday.”

“Oooo, good!” Aurora grinned. “I love when Diane runs. She has such a well-developed understanding of the world and its mechanics!”

“Uh huh,” Iris responded. “So, while you’re doing that, AJ’s gonna help me with some sprints. Throw in some obstacle courses, you know?”

“Sounds good to me.”

Iris had come back from Equestria an even more determined athlete, but now she appeared to have quietly acquired other aspirations. Aurora hadn’t missed the Air Force brochures laying on the counter or next to the mail. She never said anything though. She knew how Iris was.

“How’s the game going?” Aurora said, instead.

“I will conquer this level or...” Her jet exploded on screen. Iris sighed. “Die trying.”

“Good luck. And I know that pantsless helps but if you could...?”

“Hm? Oh. Yeah, I’ll go put some boxers on.”

Aurora smiled. “Thanks.”

Studies, paperwork, dinner all came and went. Aurora read in a chair as Iris played a new game. Late night came and Aurora placed her bookmark.

“I’m done,” Aurora said.

“Kay,” Iris replied. “You wanna do something together later on?”

“I can run time trials for you, if you’d like,” Aurora said.

“Ooooor, we could go to the library and you can show me some more cool books,” Iris said with a grin.

Aurora smiled at her friend. “I’d like that.”

“Figured you would. ‘Night ‘Ro.”

“Goodnight, Iris.”

In her bedroom, Aurora placed the book on her bedside table and undressed. Once she’d changed into her PJs, she went to brush her teeth. No phantom limb anymore. Especially since she now knew it was phantom magic horn.

In bed, she confirmed her alarm was set then fumbled around for her phone.

“Where is it?” she mumbled.

Drumming her fingers on her bedside table, she thought hard on it. She thought she left it on her bed after she took it out of her purse...

She felt a bump against her drumming fingers and looked over to see the phone was right there.

Oh. She must have... Not noticed it in the low light. Of course.

As she picked it up and dialed in her back-up alarm, she recalled how she hadn’t seen it on her bedside table.

She stared at her phone.

“Definitely the low light,” she said.

Once the phone was in easy reach, she lay down with a yawn.

Her mind must have been playing tricks on her. That was all. She rolled over and waved her hand near the lamp’s on/off switch. Unseen, a small spark of purple just beyond her fingers wrapped the switch and turned the lamp off.

Just my mind playing tricks... she thought, groggily.

Aurora drifted off to sleep, unaware that inside the steamer trunk in the living room, the amethyst jewel atop her tiara sparkled.