• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 1,440 Views, 40 Comments

Coffee In Canterlot - Ausbrony

This is a short, contest fic I wrote about my OC, Mocha Latte. Mocha is a unicorn living in Canterlot and this is a fic about her chance encounter with a mysterious stallion, Ironshod.

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A Date to Remember

A Date to Remember

By the time Ironshod awoke, the blacksmith he was doing some errant work for was already hard at work, pounding away at a fresh lump of Mythril.

“Mornin’ there lad!” the old stallion greeted him when he walked in. “Didja sleep well enough?”

“Yeah…” Iron replied, stifling a yawn. “Did you even sleep at all?”

“I don’t need much,” Silver replied. “So my boy, what did you have planned for today?”

Ironshod actually looked a little embarrassed. “Well… I thought I might go and see Miss Mocha…” he said quietly.

Silvermane let out a hearty laugh and slapped a hoof onto Iron’s shoulder. “That lass really is something else.” He leaned in close and decided to give the huge stallion some advice. “Ah happen to know that she likes music,” he said. “She also likes quiet places to just sit and enjoy the scenery…”

“How do you know all this?” Iron asked, though grateful for the advice.

“Ah’ve known that girl fer years,” he said. “She’d always come around to deliver mah orders or to just talk… Ah think she’s been a wee bit lonely as of late.” Silvermane gave Iron a stern look. “Ye jus’ make sure that ye treat her right… or yill answer to me!”

Ironshod nodded. “I will Sir!” he replied and bowed his head. “And thank you”.

Silvermane’s horn lit up and a leather pouch floated over to them. It had a generous sum of Bits within it. “Take this,” he said. “It’s yer pay up til now… and a little extra so you can spoil that lass a little.”

“Thank you Master Silvermane.” Ironshod thanked him. “I am most grateful.”

“Och, never you mind with all that, now git goin!”

Ironshod nodded and headed out, towards Mocha’s café.


The mare in question blinked as sunlight streamed through her window. “Urgh, I don’t wanna…” she groaned and rolled over in her bed. She had been up late playing music with Octavia and now her head had a steady beat from the resulting headache. Groaning again, she slowly dragged herself out of bed and into her bathroom. She glanced in the mirror and didn’t like what she saw, a headful of bed-mane and dark rings under her eyes.

She filled her sink with cold water and lowered her head into it. “Ahh, that feels much better” she thought as she soaked her throbbing head in the cool water. After a few moments, she removed her soaked head and levitated over a warm towel, ruffling it about and drying herself off. She headed downstairs to her café to make a morning pick-me-up when there was a knock at the door. She glanced at the clock on the wall and the café wasn’t due to be open for another half an hour.

“I wonder who it might be?” she muttered to herself as she unlocked the door and opened it. Much to her surprise, Ironshod was standing there.


When she had opened the door, Iron was rather surprised. Rather than the graceful mare that he had met yesterday, this mare had a mane that decided it felt like ignoring gravity today and a face that looked like she’d slept underwater.

He raised an eyebrow at her appearance, leaving Mocha to wonder what on Equestria he was staring at. She glanced behind her and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror behind the bar. And awkward silence arose for a moment before she shrieked and slammed the door in Iron’s face.

Ironshod stood there, an amused grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. But no, it was rude to laugh at a lady’s appearance… no matter how funny it was.

Mocha emerged a few minutes later, her coat and mane neatly brushed and her eyes free of dark lines. It was amazing what a quick brushie and a shot of espresso could do.

“Um, I’m terribly sorry about that,” she said. “Would you like to come in?”

Ironshod nodded and followed her inside. She was still clad in her evening robe, giving her a very intimate appearance. Her mane was down and flowed freely, rather that the bun she had it in yesterday. She walked behind the counter and poured herself a flat white.

“Would you like anything?” she asked Ironshod, who shook his head in response. She took a sip and let out a satisfied sigh. “That’s much better…” She looked at Ironshod, who had been utterly silent up until now. “So…” she said in between sips. “What brings you here this morning?”

“Well,” he began. “I was hoping… that you might like to… spend the day with me?”

This was rather surprising, though Mocha was utterly delighted. “Um, sure,” she said bashfully. “What did you have planned?”

“Well… that’s a secret!” Ironshod teased.

“Well now I’m even more interested” Mocha said. Can you give me a few minutes to get ready?”

Ironshod nodded and Mocha dashed upstairs to her apartment to get dressed. It looks like today was going to be a good day after all^^.


True to her word, Mocha Latte returned after only five minutes. “Sorry to… keep you… waiting,” she puffed, sounding quite out of breath.

“You didn’t have to rush” Iron smiled. “We are in no hurry.”

“It’s rude to keep somepony waiting,” she said indignantly. “But nether-the-less I am ready to go. Wherever it is we are going.”

“I think that you will enjoy it,” Ironshod said confidently. Well, he hoped she would.


Once they had left, Ironshod led her to the marketplace, where the first part of the day would commence. “I thought that we should get some breakfast first” he said, as Mocha’s rumbling tummy voiced its total agreement.

“Heh heh…” Mocha laughed awkwardly. “I guess the decision is unanimous.”

They headed to a stand that sold crepes, pancakes and other delicious-looking foods. Mocha ordered a crepe with whipped cream and strawberries, whilst Iron had ordered a stack of pancakes that reached for the heavens.

“Wow Iron, those pancakes are almost as tall as you,” Mocha giggled, taking a bite from her crepe. Ironshod just shrugged and dug in, devouring the pancakes in next to no time.

He looked up and saw a bit of cream stuck to Mocha’s nose. “Heh!” he laughed as a joke crossed his mind. “I always did like a little cream with my coffee.”

“Huh?” Mocha focused her eyes on the bridge of her nose and then thought about what he had just said. Her face went completely red and she flustered about adorably, grabbing a napkin to wipe her nose with.

Iron smiled at the utterly cute display and then finished his breakfast. This was turning out good so far; he hoped he could keep up the pace.


As they headed for the next location, Mocha decided to ask a few questions.

“So how did you wind up working for old Silver anyhow?” she asked. “The North is a long way to travel just to work at a Blacksmith.”

“It’s not quite like that,” Iron explained. “I originally left to come to Equestria and start a new life, but I ran short on money… and that was when I met Silvermane. He offered me both a place to stay and paid work until I had saved enough bits to continue my journey.”

“I see…” Did that mean he was going to leave? This brought Mocha’s mood crashing right back down to earth.

“I’ll need a fair bit,” he continued. “So Canterlot is where I’ll be staying for a good while yet”.

“I see.” Mocha said again. She perked up a bit, but why did she feel so down in the first place? Did she like him that much?

She had known him for less than a day, so why?

She had been so deep in thought that she didn’t hear him talking.

“Mocha!” he said a little louder, startling her.

“Oh! Um, yes?” she stammered, embarrassed that she had just zoned out like that.

Ironshod pointed to a large building, “I said that we’re here,” he said again.

Mocha looked up and noticed that they were at the Canterlot Gardens. She had only ever been here once before. “The Gardens?” she said, curious as to his choice.

“Yes,” he replied, short and sweet as always. “I thought we could walk around enjoy the quiet scenery, followed up by a picnic lunch”.

That’s all it took for Mocha’s mood to soar right back up again. She nodded happily at the suggestion. “Sure, that sounds like a fine idea.”

The Gardens were beautiful and it was a known fact that the Princesses would often visit during their free time. Flowers off all colours bloomed as far as the eye could see and magnificent trees provided both ample shade and home to many critters.

“This is so much different to where I’m from,” Ironshod said as they walked. “There is a lot less white here”.

“It snows here too.” Mocha said, “But only during the winter.”

After walking about for a little over an hour, the two of them found a spot under a large willow tree and Ironshod began to set up. He took a blanket from his saddlebag and spread it out across the ground and then began to bring out some sandwiches and flasks of juice he had bought earlier.

It was just so peaceful as they sat and simply enjoyed each other’s company. The warm sun and the gentle autumn breeze ensured perfect weather and the only sounds around were the occasional bird chirp or another couple walking by.
Mocha and Iron talked about everything and anything and by the time the sun began to dip towards the horizon, Mocha felt like they had known each other for a lifetime.


A pallet of reds and oranges adorned the sky by the time the two of them returned to Mocha’s café.

“I want to thank you for today,” Iron said. “It has been most enjoyable”.

Mocha shook her head, “I should thank you. I had so much fun.” She opened the door and motioned for him to follow. “But I think I should do something for you,” she said. “You’ve shown me a wonderful time today so allow me to return the favour.”

“You needn’t do that,” Ironshod said. “Spending time with you is its own reward.”

Mocha blushed and turned towards the stage at the back of her café. “Saying things like that may get you into trouble mister!” she said coyly. She walked up onto the stage and using her magic, picked up a violin. “I want to play something for you… may I?”

“I didn’t know you could play an instrument,” Ironshod said, surprised once more by this beautiful mare. “Please do!”

Mocha nodded and put the instrument to her neck and slowly drew the bow across the strings. After testing that the violin was tuned properly, she began to play.

The song she plays...

Once she had finished, she lay the violin down and looked to Ironshod. He was just staring at her, his eyes wide.

“Was… it okay?” she asked hopefully.

“It was better than okay,” he said, his baritone voice full of marvel. “That was as beautiful as the mare that played it.”

Now it was Mocha’s turn to have her eyes go wide a she blushed. “T-thank you!” she said quietly. “That makes me really happy.”

“If… if you want to, you can come by anytime and I’ll play for you,” she said, still blushing furiously. “That is, if you want to?”

Ironshod nodded and smiled as warm as the sun. “I’ll do that,” he said and Mocha’s heart just exploded in happiness.

There was a moment of silence between them before Iron turned his head towards the door. “I should get back to work before Silver fires me or something… but tomorrow night maybe… I could come by?”

Mocha nodded. “Yes!” she almost shouted and then put a hoof to her mouth. “I, uh, I mean yes, that would be nice.”

Iron grinned at the adorable mare and she led him to the door. “It doesn’t matter what time,” she said. “I’ll wait up, no matter how long.”

Ironshod nodded and on the spur of the moment, leaned in to kiss her on the cheek… except that she turned her head to say something else and their lips connected.

Mocha’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates but then closed slowly as they kissed and she wished that time would just stop at this moment forever.

Ironshod opened one eye and saw his lips locked with hers and suddenly pulled back, blushing.

“Oh! Uh, sorry?” he said, not quite sure what to say.

Mocha just turned her head shyly, but didn’t break eye contact. “I’ll see you tomorrow night then?” she said, clearly unoffended by what just happened.

Ironshod just nodded “Until tomorrow then.” he replied and continued to watch her until the door closed. He turned on his hooves with a grace that defied his size and headed back to the smithy. “I guess my stay here just got a whole lot better,” he smiled and began to whistle as he walked down the street.

Mocha on the other hoof had collapsed to the floor of her café in a blushing, giggling pile of pony.

Tomorrow and every day after that could get here fast enough!!


Comments ( 34 )

'twas good, 'twas good

"could play and instrument,"
an ?
I only mention this because it's one of the few tiny things that I noticed.....GREAT fic! =D

Short and cute!

Two things. One, excellent choice for music. I myself have used a couple of hers in my own story.
The first one was a brilliant find, as it was used for the Element Bearers.

And two......WHY IN THE HIGH HILLS OF BUCK DID YOU END IT THERE???? Ahem. Just curious, as this is a brilliant story!

Kind of felt rushed. You made me interested in OC's, which is a feat, but the whole thing felt like it was forced. I totally think love can blossom that fast, but it needs to be subtler.:coolphoto:

Um at one point you wrote "nether the less" and I noticed a few other mistakes. re-read and edit this master-piece for spelling, grammar and...something else I forgot. Also that scene at the end- BWAHAHA! :rainbowlaugh:

2466124 - Lindsey Sterling is awesome. Nuff said.

2466518 - It was a contest piece for Ned Arkenstone on Deviantart, so I had to keep it short. But she liked it so much that she added the fact that Ironshod made a stopover in Canterlot once he arrived in Equestria part of his canon storyline:raritystarry:

2467268 - Yeah... my grammar sucks and MS Words spell-check is just as stupid.

And for more info on Ironshod head Here!!

Also go and read Ned' stuff, she's awesome!!

My brain imploded from the greatness. As always, great fic! I knew you were a good writer when I read "A Pony out of Place"

2544833 - Thankyou!!!:twilightsmile:

2546164 You don't need to thank someone for stating a fact.

2547166 - I thank anyone who compliments my writing. I know I'm not half as good as some people on this site but I try my hardest to provide a good story.

2548275 I personally think that you're better even than Blackwing or Rust! I am going to be stabbed to death for that comment...

2548290 - Y'know, it probably sad that I have no idea who they are.

:twilightsmile: - Research time?

Yes Twi, research teim!

:twilightsmile: - Whoo!

2549732 Are you familiar with "Chess Game of the Gods"?

2549755 - Nope. I was just giving some of their stories a quick glance before I head off to work. If you think I'm as good as them, then I'm very flattered. Thanks!

2606691 - Thanks, I really put some heart into this one and I like how it turned out.

Well, I for one can say,
Ya cannae say ya've done a bad jahb at thisun', laddie.
I like the cut o' its jib.
Got heart in it.


2613236 - I seriously need to do a Silvermane story. He is so much fun to write!

2613331 Oooo... Yes more Silvermane. :moustache::moustache::heart: I request more of this trio... if it pleases you.:fluttershysad:

P.s. FIM said that the User "Ned Arkenstone" does not exist... :fluttercry:

3280018 - I will do a Silvermane story eventually. and yeah, it seems Ned's profile disappeared... not sure why.

3280031 More stories, yay!:yay:
Sucks about Ned's profile though.

It seems that Ned Arkenstone doesn't exist anymore.
Sad :pinkiesad2:

3906919 - She does exist, just not on FimFiction. Long story short, things went done and she had to leave, but I'm still hopeful that we can do that collab fic.

3908164 ok thank for informing me.:pinkiesmile:

OK, really good story, is there some oyher story with Ironshod? I found that OC's sheet, bit it was extremely vague. And he seems like kind of character you can mage good story with.

4247470 - You'll find nothing on FimFiction about him. he belongs to a friend of mine Ned Arkenstone

He has a canon storyline, but even I'm not too sure of the details. I simply found a gap in what I could find and inserted this piece there. Turns out that she liked to so much that this story is considered canon now as far as Ironshod's story goes.

I love this! Short but brilliant! Bravo, Bravo! :twilightsmile:

5395513 - Thankyou, I loved writing this.

In all honesty, both the writing & the way the characters act in this piece feel very mechanical to me. From the comments it sounds like it's a good story, and maybe it does get better later, but I had to put it down about a third of the way through because of that.

Great story! Really like your character too! :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile:

8479218 - Thanks! I really loved writing this one!

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