> Equestria Noir Case 22 "Heart of the Dragon" > by Jacoboby1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 "Families" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria Noir Case 22 “Heart of the Dragon” By Jacoboby1 and ShatteredIllusions Chapter 1 “Families” I was on something soft, that’s what I figured. The last thing I remembered was working in the office late, finishing up last week’s case file. I must’ve fallen asleep. Did somepony move me to the couch? I heard soft breathing, somepony else was asleep? I reached over a hoof and felt somepony’s coat. The other inhabitant moved into my touch. Just what was going on here? I blinked open my grey eyes and I found myself staring at a sleeping Twilight… I was in bed with Twilight? Her amethyst eyes opened and she and I stared at each other for a moment. And then… AAAHH!!! We both fell back at the sight of one another. Twilight glared at me and asked, “Private! Did you sneak into my room?” “I fell asleep at the office!” I cried defensively. “I don’t know how I ended up here!” Twilight shook her head and said peevishly,“Look I love you, but you can’t just pop up in my bed whenever you feel like it.” “Says the mare who teleported me in her sleep,” I snapped, crossing my forelegs. “Oh,” Twilight said with a faint blush. It was then that I noticed Twilight’s mane. “What?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. “Twilight, your mane is styled just like Rarity’s…” I said in disbelief. Twilight ran a hoof through her violet mane and found it was in Rarity’s trademark curl. She then pointed to my mane and said, “And yours looks just like….” We both frowned and shouted at the same time “SPIKE!!!!” “Oh hey guys what’s up,” Spike asked as he walked into the room and noticed that we were both giving him the evil eye. He looked down at the small camera he had, the one I used on cases, and quickly hid it behind his back. ”Um, this isn’t what it looks like,” he explained sheepishly __________________________________________________________ “Come on guys it was just a joke!” Spike shouted from inside the room we put him in. We used Trixie’s room as a temporary punishment area. Twilight descended from the stairs, her mane back into it’s usual style. “Ugh,” she said with a shake of her head. “I don’t know what he was thinking!” “Aren’t you the one who’s supposed to make sure he doesn’t come up with hair brained schemes like this?” I accused, still upset by Twilight's earlier false accusations. Twilight frowned and argued, “It’s not my fault that I had to finish up reading those books last night.” “I was doing important work too,” I snapped. “Where’s Trixie anyways? Isn’t your student supposed to watch Spike when you’re gone?” “For your information, Trixie went up to Canterlot all day yesterday,” Twilight said with a smirk. “In fact, wasn't Spike with you yesterday afternoon?” “Okay, but it’s not my fault he’s acting like this,” I argued. “Are you sure it wasn’t all a ploy just to have an excuse to sneak into my bedroom?” she asked with narrowed eyes. “Of course not!” I fired back. Slowly, we realized how stupid we were being and sighed. I flattened my mane out and said, “Look, we shouldn’t be fighting like this. Spike was the one who did this, so we should find out why.” “You’re right,” Twilight said. “I’m sorry for going crazy; I’m just a little cranky from being up all night studying.” ““I’m sorry for being a total jerk and accusing you of being irresponsible,” I said, and then planted a kiss on her nose. “I’m sorry for thinking you set this up with Spike,” Twilight apologized, kissing my cheek lovingly. “Let’s find out what this is all about.” I unlocked the door and both of us walked into the bedroom. Spike was sitting on the bed with his arms around his legs. He looked up at us for a minute with guilty green eyes and then back down. Twilight was the one who spoke first, in a firm but motherly voice, “Spike, just what were you thinking tossing Private and I in the bed together?” Spike met her eyes and explained, “I just, I wanted to help you guys out.” “You wanted to help us out?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t really know why I did it,” Spike admitted, meeting my eyes. “I came by the office after Twilight fell asleep and I just saw you sleeping there. I remembered that Twilight always slept better when you're there. So I thought, ‘maybe I could help Twilight since she’s been studying so much.’ Then when I saw how great you were together, I thought it would be nice if it was Rarity and I…” “So you did this just to fulfill a fantasy of you and Rarity sleeping together?” Twilight asked a little flabbergasted. “You guys just looked so comfortable with one another,” Spike said, looking down. “I just wanted to help you guys out. You guys have always been like parents to me when I’ve never known mine. I thought you'd want to be closer.” Twilight and I smiled at each other. We moved to sit on either side of Spike. I put a hoof on his back and said, “Hey, we appreciate you trying to help us get closer.” “Still you can’t just do stuff like that without asking us. What you did crossed some boundaries, ” Twilight scolded gently. “Also, we need you to dispose of any pictures you took.” “Aw,” Spike groaned, picking up the camera and handing me the film. “Trixie was going to give me two sapphires for the one of Twilight.” Twilight and I raised our eyebrows at that. filing that away for later, Twilight asked, “Earlier you said that we were like your parents?” Spike smiled up at Twilight and replied, “Well, you were the one who hatched me after all. Then Private was the one who showed me how to treat a mare right, and how to act like a gentledragon. If you guys aren’t my parents, then I don’t know who is.” Twilight and I just hugged Spike like parents would to their child. Spike tried to pretend he didn’t like it too much. However, we both knew how much he really cared about us. Spike looked up at Twilight and asked hopefully, “So, am I off the hook?” “You’re still grounded for a whole week, mister,” I said in a fatherly tone. Twilight smiled at that and we eventually left Spike to begin the task of getting rid of the photos. I slapped my fedora on my head to get rid of Spike’s mane style. Hopefully I’ll get back to regular hat mane within the day. I noticed Twilight was looking at me and I asked, “What?” “It’s just, the way Spike talked about us, it kind of got me thinking about, well…” she replied, blushing bright red. I caught on to her meaning and blushed myself. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t dream of us getting married and having foals together. In truth, I’ve been looking around jewelry stores all week in the hopes of finding the perfect ring. I just knew that Twilight was the one, I just needed the courage to get down on my knees and pop the question. Twilight noticed my quietness and walked to me. I gazed into her violet eyes for a moment, then smiled and said, “You know, the idea isn’t unappealing.” Twilight flushed a little and said, “I agree…” We tilted our heads about to kiss when suddenly a knock was heard at the library door, a very loud knock. Twilight and I broke apart and answered the door. A frantic Rainbow Dash gasped, “Private, Twilight, come on! It’s an emergency!” “What’s wrong?” I asked, my tone serious. “It’s Sweet Apple Acres! The trees have caught fire! We need everypony there now!” ________________________________________________________ Sweet Apple Acres was in total chaos when we arrived. Ponies everywhere were doing their best to quell the flames. Earth Ponies were throwing buckets of water at the trees. Unicorns were levitating water onto them as well. Rainbow was directing the weather team to gather storm clouds, desperately trying to quell the flames. Twilight ran to aid the other unicorns. I noticed something strange about the fire. Instead of it being orange, the flames were green, like Spike’s fire… “Move y'all!” I heard Applejack cry as Lyra and Bon Bon aimed a hose at a nearby tree. “Let’s get these fires out before they spread all over! Hurry!” “Applejack!” I called running up to the farm pony. “What happened? How did this start?” “Ah dun know,” Applejack replied, shaking her head. “Ah woke up this mornin' tah find some of the trees on fire. Now get a bucket and run down to the river! We need every hoof we can get!” I nodded and levitated a bucket with my magic. I ran to the creek and filled it up. I tossed the water onto a nearby flaming tree and soon a raincloud provided by Flitter took care of the rest. It was then that something caught my eye; so, I bent down and picked it up. It was a small glass sphere with a lid on top of i, that looked like it could hold something. I slipped it into my trench coat to examine later. I looked over to see Twilight almost causing a rain shower of her own by levitating water directly from the lake and dropping it onto the fire. The trees were almost all dealt with when I heard a cry. Ponies around me turned as Rarity cried, “Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were inside the barn! They were playing and I only turned away for a second, When I looked back I saw the barn catch fire! I can’t get to them!” “Raiden!” I called up above, my best friend stopped in the air looking down at me. “Get a rain cloud to the barn right now!” Raiden nodded and grabbed a rain cloud as I ran to the barn. Sure enough, the place was on fire. I saw smoke billowing out from inside. I used my magic to open the door and was immediately met with a thick black cloud of smoke. “Somepony help us!” I heard Sweetie Belle calling from the second floor. "Ah don't wanna be filly fritters!" Applebloom wailed. “Hold on girls!” Raiden called flying in. But soon he came back out. “I can’t see anything in there! There’s smoke everywhere!” “Hurry up!” I heard Applebloom cried, followed by a cough. “Ah can’t breathe or see in here!” “Hold on you two!” Rarity cried “We’ll get help I promise you! Just try to find each other!” What are we gonna do? Raiden can’t get in from the window. The fire on the first floor was making it impossible for me to consider jumping in a second time. I tried going in but was met by a wall of flames. I then looked and saw a small necklace on the ground next to the barn door. I grabbed it with my magic and pulled it to me just as a beam fell and rubble blocked the path into the barn. “Guys!” I turned around to see Spike running towards us “Raiden toss me in there!” “No way dude!” Raiden said, shaking his head “You’ll get trapped too!” “Dragons are fireproof!” Spike said. “I can save them just toss me in!” “Spikey Wikey!” Rarity cried as Raiden bent down to pick him up. Rarity looked on worriedly as Spike was lifted up to the window. I watched on equally as nervous as Spike went in to the burning barn. We watched for a good ten minutes. I looked over at Rarity who’s hooves were together. She kept saying under her breath “Be safe, be safe, be safe…” Suddenly a burst of light came out of the window and I saw before my very eyes a violet shape shoot out of the window. Rarity, Raiden and I looked wide eyed as Spike flew through the air. Wings were on his back as he floated down to earth, carrying Sweetie Belle and Applebloom on his back. The fire finally died out as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle ran to their respective sisters. They were covered in soot and were coughing a little, but they were otherwise unharmed. Twilight and I ran to Spike and looked at his tiny wings on his back. They were small, violet on the outside with green webbing and small claws on the ends. Twilight smiled and asked, “Did you know you would be getting these when you ran in like a real hero?” Spike blushed and replied, “Well no, I’ve been having this back itch that I couldn’t get rid of. Once I got inside the fire it was suddenly gone. Also, am I a little taller?” he asked hopefully. Spike had grown about half an inch since he left the fire, but it was only a small amount and not really noticeable. But, this was his big day, I rubbed Spike on the head and said, “I think maybe you’re taking a little too much after me pal.” Spike smiled and laughed a little at my touch. He then spread one of his small wings and said, “They just came out in the fire. I just felt so comfortable there, like somepony was holding me close…” I gave Twilight a look and asked, “Did you notice that the fire was green?” Twilight nodded and replied, “Yeah, it’s kind of like Spike’s fire now that I think about it” “I didn’t cause the fire!” Spike cried. “I was with you guys the whole time!” “We would never think you would do something like that, Spike,” I reassured him. “Though you have to admit, it is odd that the fire would resemble your own so closely.” “So what’re ya gonna do now?” Applejack asked as she walked over. “I’ll call in a favor with ERPD’s arson crew,” I said firmly. “You can do that?” Twilight asked. “I was on the Arson crew for two weeks when before I accidentally destroyed their lab.” “How do you accidentally do that?” “Uh…” _____________________________________________________ “This 'ere is the stupidest idea you’ve ever come up with!” “Come on, County, I’m just showing Raiden around. What could happen?” “He’s a civilian! Ya know we could get in trouble for this!” “Hey guys, what does this do?” “Raiden, don’t touch that, that’s the gas-“ BOOM!!!! “Ooops…” “Well, maybe Badge will take it lying down?” “PRIVATE!!!!” “Yeah, and cows can fly, City Boy. ____________________________________________________ “Let’s just say I was covering for somepony else.” Twilight and Applejack narrowed their eyes in suspicion, while Raiden tried his best to look innocent. “Anyway, after that I helped them solve a big case and they called it even. I still have some old contacts that I can hook up with,” I added quickly “They’ll be able to figure out exactly how and where it started.” I looked up as Rarity walked over to Spike, a huge smile on her face. “Oh Spikey Wikey, words cannot describe the gratitude I feel towards you for rescuing my sister,” she gushed. Spike blushed a little and replied, “Ah, it was nothing, Rarity. I just did what any fire proof magical creature would do.” Rarity giggled. “Well, it was very gallant none the less,” she said as she bent her head down to examine his wings. “Why what beautiful wings you have grown.” Spike flapped them self-consciously as his foot scuffed the ground. “They just grew back inside the fire. I’m lucky they grew out when they did.” “But above all,” Rarity said lowering her head to plant a kiss on the baby dragon’s cheek. Spike tensed up as Rarity said, with a hint of a blush, “I’m happy you’re safe, my Spikey Wikey.” Applejack chuckled and left with Rarity to help access the damage. I poked Spike and he fell over stiffly. Twilight and I laughed a little. My marefriend said, “Some things never change I guess.” I decided now would be a good time to examine the necklace. I held it in my hoof and looked at it. It was gold, like real carat gold, with an apple made out of studded rubies hanging from it. Whatever this was, it was definitely from somepony with money. I pocketed it and was about to talk to Twilight… When the sky darkened. I looked up slowly and saw a huge cloud of smoke. I followed the smoke and it lead to a large mountain peak off in the distance. Twilight’s eyes went wide as she stared. “Oh no…” I looked at her worriedly. “Tell me that doesn’t mean what I think it means?” “Something tells me we won’t need an arson crew to find out what started the fire,'” Twilight said. ________________________________________________________ Twilight, Spike and I used the hot air balloon to move up towards the peak. I had already made a call to the arson team to get to the barn. Applejack’s insurance would help cover the damages as well. Luckily it was early in the growing season so the trees were replaceable. However, right now, we had a far bigger problem. We landed on the peak where a large cave was. Years ago Twilight and her friends came here when a dragon set up shop. Through Fluttershy’s determination they managed to drive it out. Apparently, other dragons did not get the memo. I peeked inside the cave and said, “Alright, we are only going to scout ahead and then we’ll write a letter to Celestia to see if we can’t get more aid” Spike looked inside the cave and sniffed the air “Something smells, familiar almost…” “Spike, shh!” Twilight shushed as the three of us ventured into the dark of the cave. Smoke moved above us as we went deeper. I didn’t want to used our horns in case we woke up the inhabitant of the cave. I saw a light ahead of me and my eyes went wide. There were two dragons sleeping over a pile of jewels. One of them was large, with a deep violet coat and red spines going down his back. It’s claws looked fierce and his wings large enough to cover a small house. The other was smaller and lither. It’s scales were black as night and the spines were green and on it’s head was a pair of green horns as well. Smoke came out of their nostrils as they slept. I looked at Twilight and gestured for us to walk out slowly. Twilight did, but her tail brushed against Spike’s nose. The baby dragon tried to hold back but couldn’t, and he sneezed. Suddenly the larger dragon opened his yellow eyes and growled low. I felt a terrible fear in my stomach as I stood frozen in terror. Then the smaller one opened a pair of jade green eyes. It looked at us and joined it's larger counterpart in growling low. “You dare trespass, ponies!” the larger one growled, it’s voice sounded male. Twilight walked forward and spoke as diplomatically as she could, “I am Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia, and your smoke is heading into our home. We’d appreciate it if you found some way to alleviate it. The smaller one grinned a malicious smile and said, “Well, here's a solution.” Her voice was definitely female. “We could always get rid of the lousy ponies if they decide to bother us.” Her tail moved up, and I saw a sharp blade at the end of it. I hated to imagine what it was used for. “Easy, Shar’drel,” the male growled. “We do not need to start wars unnecessarily.” He then turned his yellow eyes to us and continued, “On the other claw, we do not appreciate those that trespass in our home.” “While we understand that, there are ponies that live down there. You don’t have to move, but if there is any way to stop the smoke it would be appreciated greatly.” Twilight said, trying to sound brave. “Yag’ranel fled here a few years ago,” Shar’drel said. “We, however, are proud dragons and not intimidated by a bunch of ponies we could easily gobble up.” The male gave her a glare and then went back to looking at us. “I am Thal’lan,” he said in a deep voice, “ruler of the Southern Mountain Clans.” He then gestured to his companion and continued, “This is Shar’drel, my finest warrior.” I decided to speak up, “My name is Private Phelps Eye, servant of the Princesses, and the element of Tenacity.” Thal’lan raised an eyebrow and said, “I had not heard of that element in centuries.” “Yeah!” Spike said, peeking from behind me. “Twilight’s the Element of Magic to!” Thal’lan and Shar’drel looked at Spike, shock evident on their faces, or at least as far as I could tell. Adult dragon faces are a little hard to read for a guy who’s only ever known a baby one. “Who are you, little one?” Thal’lan asked, his voice showing… disbelief? “I’m, uh Spike,” he said, spreading his tiny wings trying to look a little intimidating. “Assistant to Twilight Sparkle and Private Eye. Also savior of the Crystal Empire, and lover of gems.” He then looked at the pile and asked, “Speaking of which, are you gonna eat that emerald there?” Shar’drel looked about to protest but Thal’lan raised his tail to her muzzle. He just stared as Spike took an emerald and began eating it. Spike, noticing Thal’lan’s expression, asked, “What?” “Have we met before?” Thal’lan asked, his eyes…watering? “I don’t think so,” Spike replied shaking his head. “I didn’t see you at the Dragon migrations, and I was raised by Twilight since I was an egg. She helped hatch me,” he said proudly. Twilight smiled a little. Thal’lan lowered his massive head and stared at Spike with his yellow eyes. “Do you know where your egg was found?” he asked. Twilight was the one who answered, “He doesn’t know and neither do I. I was just given him as an egg.” “What’s with all these questions anyways?” Spike asked, looking up at the dragon. “I don’t know where I came from. I went on a whole quest to discover that, but it didn’t end so well. Maybe someday I will find where I came from,” “You need not look too far,” the large dragon said. Twilight and I looked at him wide eyed. Spike’s eyes grew even wider as he asked, “What are you saying?” “Does the name Fran’salel ring any bells?” Thal’lan asked. Spike thought for a long moment and said slowly, “Actually, it's a name I remember hearing in my dreams sometimes.” He met the dragon’s eyes and asked, “Is the name important or something?” Thal’lan got quiet for a moment then replied, “She was the dragoness who gave birth to you.” “She was my mom?” Spike cried. Twilight and I dropped our jaws in shock. This guy knew Spike’s birth mother? What the hell! “How do you know her?” Spike asked, shock evident in his voice. “Because Spike, I… am your father,” Thal’lan said slowly. > Chapter 2 "Fathers" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 “Fathers” Silence fell in the room as Thal’lan’s words sunk in. Twilight and I just stood there in shock, jaws hanging open. This guy was Spike’s dad? I couldn't begin to imagine what was going through Spike’s head at this point. Spike looked down, dropped the emerald he was eating, and just stared at the ground. For the longest time he didn’t say anything. What would anypony expect? He spent his entire life not even knowing if his parents were still alive. Now one comes along claiming to be his father? How would he react I wondered? My answer came when Spike lifted his green eyes to Thal’lan, who looked desperate to hear his son’s response. "Where the heck were you?” he cried, angrily. “I…” Thal’lan said, closing his yellow eyes. “Seventeen years of not knowing if you even existed and now you decide to show up!” Spike said, glaring at his father. “I lived my entire life without a father to tell me who I am! If you are even really are my dad then you sure are a lousy one!” “Spike…” Twilight said, as she walked to him, wanting to comfort him. Spike just moved out of her hooves and marched right up to Thal’lan. “What do you have to say for yourself?” he asked, maintaining his glare. Thal’lan lowered his head to face Spike, his yellow eyes betraying deep guilt. “There are no words I can say to express how sorry I am. I believed you dead when I returned to the cave to find your mother dead and your egg gone.” “My mom is dead?” Spike asked, looking at his father with new eyes. Thal’lan nodded sorrowfully. “Yes, she was killed when raiders entered the cave. I had only left to try and find more gems. I was only gone for an hour but…” He closed his yellow eyes and I saw a single teardrop fall from his eye. “Dragons do cry," Spike said, staring at the teardrop. “When we lose the ones we love, of course we do," Thal’lan said. “So what exactly happened?” I asked, looking at the dragon. Shar’drel replied, “Perhaps it would be better if I explain it, to keep Thal’lan from getting too emotional.” All parties agreed and Shar’drel began, “Fran’salel was a good friend and my king’s mate. Our clan rules the mountains south of here. Seventeen years ago, Fran’salel and Thal’lan picked a private cave and laid a small clutch of eggs. You, young Spike, were among the eggs laid.” “I have brothers and sisters?” Spike asked, about to faint before I caught him. “You had brothers and sisters,” Thal’lan interjected, somberly. “When Thal’lan came back from looking for gems he discovered,” Shar’drel paused and closed her anguished green eyes, “that pony raiders had ransacked the cave and murdered Fran’salel” “The eggs?” Spike asked nervously. “Two were smashed,” Shar’drel replied bluntly. “One hatched into a dragoness, yours, however, was missing.” “How did I end up at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns?” Spike asked. “I never knew that was where you ended up,” Thal’lan said. “Twilight used her magic to hatch me,” Spike reiterated. Twilight shook her head. “I tried asking once at the school, but all they said was that somepony gifted your egg to the school. I’ll be asking again when we get back," she assured Spike, looking very determined and slightly scary. “I believed you dead when I found your egg missing,” Thal’lan explained. “I couldn’t bear to hope that maybe you'd survived. Only to find out seventeen years you were here without a father…” Spike looked down and said, “So, you didn’t abandon me?” “Of course not,” Thal’lan said firmly. “If I'd known you were here, I would’ve torn this town apart to get to you. Spike, my son, all I ask is that you know who I am. I cannot hope for more, not after leaving you alone all those years.” He slowly looked away. Spike reached out and put a claw on the large dragon’s violet scales. The ones they shared. Thal’lan looked down at his son and stared. Spike swallowed and tried to sound cool, “So um, how long do you plan on staying here?” “We were on our way back home,” Shar’drel answered for Thal’lan. “This was, as ponies call it, a pit stop on our way.” “Do you think I could stay and at least get to know you a bit before you head out?” Spike asked, looking up at his dad. Twilight and I looked at each other. I noticed the apprehensive expression on her face. She really was worried about him. So was I, but I was better at hiding it. “I would like that,” Thal’lan said, as his face curled into a smile. “Can I, Twilight?” he asked his adoptive mother. “I mean, he’s only in town for a little bit and I’d like to get to know him,” Twilight still looked apprehensive, but she sighed and said, “Okay, Private and I are going to continue investigating the fire. You stay safe now.” “Fire?” Thal’lan said “Are you speaking of the fire at that barn?” “The flames were green does that tell you anything?” I asked. Thal’lan tapped his chin and replied, “If the fire was green that means it was magical fire. It’s a special brand of fire with many magical properties, not the least of which includes teleportation of small objects.” “I can do that!” Spike said proudly. “It’s how I send letters to Princess Celestia and back!” “Only the trees weren’t teleported,” I pointed out. “They were burned to the ground, and when Spike leapt into the flames he grew a little and got these.” I pointed to Spike’s small wings. “Magic fire can burn regular objects,” Thal’lan explained “but when Spike went into it, he grew. This means that the fire came from a dragoness. A dragoness’ normally uses that to hatch an egg, or to help a dragon develop themselves. The fire allowed Spike to grow because that’s what Fran’salel would have done.” “She would’ve lit Spike on fire?” I asked, a little shocked. “The pain of growing wings would’ve driven him to madness otherwise,” Thal’lan said. “The fire gives the body something else to focus on while they grew.” “You sure know a lot Thal’lan,” Spike said, gazing up at him with admiration. “Do you think you could teach me stuff?” Thal’lan’s eyes nearly watered again before he replied, “Of course, my son. Of course…” “We should get going then,” I said, walking out with a troubled Twilight by my side. She wasn't the only one. Something just seemed a little off about all this, Spike’s father suddenly shows up just as a fire breaks out? Of all the times… Why did he decide to come to Ponyville now? ____________________________________________________________ Twilight and I were quiet as we made the fly back. She sat with her hooves over the edge of the balloon basket. I could tell a lot was going on in her head. I reached over and put a comforting hoof on her back “Twi, you okay?” I asked, looking at her with concern. She shook her head and replied, “I mean, Spike just said we were like his parents. I knew that someday he’d find out about his real parents. I just didn’t think it would be this soon.” “You really care about him, Twilight,” I said soothingly. “Nopony can say that’s a bad thing.” “I know, it's just that, he seemed so eager to stay with Thal’lan when he found out. I’m worried that he might not want to stay in Ponyville anymore.” I felt a little crestfallen myself. I’ve always liked Spike, his cheery nature, his dedication and care for Twilight, and above all his friendship with me. I cared about the little dragon as a sort of second little brother. To hear that maybe he wouldn’t want to stay, especially with what I have in mind for his mother figure on the horizon, broke my heart a little. I had to remain strong though, for Twilight’s sake. “Spike is the only one who can decide who he wants to stay with. All we can really do is hope that he makes the right decision. A parent can’t fully decide the fate of their child, only they can,” I said gently. She smiled at me and said weakly, “Thanks, I’m glad you’re with me through all this.” “Let’s get down and see if we can’t solve this fire fiasco,” I said, pulling on the rip cord so that we could descend from the mountain. _____________________________________________ We landed back at Sweet Apple Acres to find the police there already. The arson crew was hard at work, searching amongst the ashen trees for any sort of clue. When Twilight and I climbed out of the balloon we were nearly assaulted by a flurry of cameras and reporters. A million questions were fired at us all at once. One reporter shouted, “Detective Private Eye! What can you tell us about the recent fire at this farm?” Twilight and I looked at each other. I'd dealt with the press before, so I gave her a look that told her to let me handle it. I looked at the reporter and replied, “The fire has been quelled, thanks to the help and cooperation of our townsfolk. We are currently investigating the cause of it, and more details will be made available when we have them.” More of them shouted some questions before one reporter thrust a tape recorder in Twilight’s face. “Is it true that this fire was potentially caused by a dragon?” Twilight looked at me, I shook my head subtlety and she said firmly, “We cannot confirm or deny the involvement of a dragon in this attack. More details will be made available when we have them. ” “One more question,” I said, giving them a limit so as to keep any embarrassing questions from being brought to light. They all shouted for attention before finally I pointed at one. He was a young earth pony stallion with a short blond mane and an aqua colored coat. A newspaper was his cutie mark and a tape recorder was in his hoof. He smiled and said, “News Spot from PNN, is it true that you, Twilight Sparkle, are in fact harboring a dragon?” “Well, yes. His name is Spike,” Twilight answered. “Are you aware, Miss Sparkle, that your dragon may be the cause of this fire?” “That-“ “You were overheard saying it was similar to his fire, were you not?” “Now hold o-“ “Do you confirm that your dragon could have done this?“ “HE WOULD NEVER!” I looked over to see Rarity running up to stand beside me. Her face was absolutely fuming. She glared at the reporter and snapped, “I don’t know how reporters like you ever make it past Journaling School, but I’ll have you know that my Spikey Wikey would never do anything to harm ponies or to destroy property willingly!” “Is it not true, Miss…” “Rarity.” “Miss Rarity,” News Spot went on, “that he did grow large and try to destroy the town only a year ago?” Rarity glared at the reporter and retorted, “That was a year ago and any being can change. Spikey Wikey was saving the lives of my dear sister and her friend during the fire! He’s a hero and should never be seen as otherwise! Now get, all of you, before I tell some friends of mine in Canterlot just what I think of your slanderous reporting!” With that the crowd scattered, not wanting to face the wrath of a furious Rarity. She smiled at our stunned faces and said, “Well, that takes care of your reporter problem.” “Thanks, Rarity,” Twilight said with a smile. “I’m glad you came to defend Spike like that.” “Anything for my Spikey Wikey,” Rarity said with a smile, a hint of blush on her cheeks. So, it seems her feelings for Spike had reached a new level. “I just don’t want ponies to try and pin the blame on him for what happened.” Twilight simply smiled and I ducked under the police tape into the crime scene. Standing there near a burnt tree was a pegasus. He looked to be in his early forties, with an ashen colored coat and long red hair. He was clad in a black trench coat with a black fedora on his head. This was Flame Broil, head of the arson department at the ERPD. He looked at me and said, in a heavy New Orneigh’s accent, “Private, it has been a long while.” “Good to see you again, Flame Broil,” I said, shaking the stallion’s hoof. I'd always liked Flame Broil, maybe it’s because my mom’s dad came from his hometown. He was the stallion that made my stay at Arson bearable. “Got ourselves a fine mess over 'ere,” he said, gesturing to the trees. “It was definitely done with dragon fire, but somethin' was mighty odd bout it.” “How so?” Twilight asked, coming to stand beside me. “Well, little lady,” he said, looking at Twilight, “normally a dragon fire would’ve completely incinerated this tree here.” He pointed to the ashen tree and explained, “This is where the fire started, judging by the ash pile up. When a dragon starts a fire it has a focal point where it all shoots out and hits dead on. Anything hit by that jet would've been completely vaporized.” “So what you’re saying is that somepony simply used dragon fire to light the tree and the leaves, but it wasn’t a dragon?” I asked, drawing on what little of arson I know. “Indeed, my friend,” Flame Broil said. “It’s as if they simply lit a match with dragon fire and tossed it on. Of course that’s impossible since match fire is nothing compared to true dragon fire.” I then reached into my trench coat and pulled out the glass sphere. “What do you make of this? I asked. I found it by the trees while I was helping to fight the fire.” Twilight stared at the sphere in shock and exclaimed, “Private! That’s a dimension sphere!” “A what?” both Flame Broil and I asked. “It’s a piece of ancient technology,” Twilight said. “I read about it in a book once, it was used as a portable storage unit. A long time ago, Alicorns put a spell on them to create a pocket dimension inside the sphere. It allowed them to store pretty much anything they could need” “Anything at all?” I asked incredulously. “Yeah, watch,” Twilight said, suddenly levitating my hat off my head. Her horn glowed as she put my hat over the sphere’s opening. The hat began growing smaller and a vacuum like sound came from the sphere. Suddenly my hat was sucked inside and disappeared. “Wow…” I said, then gave her a look. “I’d like my hat back please.” “Alright, let’s see if I remember how the spell went to extract…” Twilight muttered. Her horn glowed again and suddenly a bunch of junk fell out. I found my hat and took it, slapping it on my head before it could get further crushed. “This is amazing tech” I said, “How come more ponies don’t use them?” “They are extremely rare,” Twilight explained, in her typical teacher fashion. “After the Alicorns’ civilization fell apart most of their magical items vanished with them. This is an incredibly ancient and valuable find.” I sifted through the junk, let’s see. A couple of old cookies, some screws, a torch, and a business card… Flame Broil lifted the torch and sniffed the ashen top. “Definitely dragon fire, Ah recognize the smell of the ash.” “Where’d you learn so much about fires?” Twilight asked him curiously. “I was a volunteer fire fighter back in New Orneighs,” he explained. “After a few years of that, ya get used to the flames, little lady.” “This torch must’ve carried the dragon fire,” I deduced, and then lifted the business card with my hoof. “FlimFlam Bros. We put two Fs in Farming Fundamentals?” Why is it every business I run into seems to have as dumb of a slogan as mine? “The Flim Flam Brothers?” Twilight gasped in shock. “That explains everything!” “Grannie Smith mentioned them when I first came to town,” I recalled aloud. “Who exactly are they?” “A couple of cons that came through town about a year ago,” Twilight explained, her voice showing disdain. “They tried to take Sweet Apple Acres by showing off this big machine that could make Apple Cider seemingly faster. Only their competitive natures got the better of them and even though they won the contest, nopony was willing to buy cider with rocks in it.” Now they were starting to sound familiar. I had heard rumors of those two jerks going from town to town trying to sell their latest gizmo. I remember County sending me a letter from Appaloosa that told me of one time they dropped by. Suffice to say, County made quick work of them. “Unfortunately, this is all circumstantial,” I said, “We need hard evidence, like a witness who saw them. I wonder who was working around here when the fire started?” Twilight shook her head. “I have no idea. We’ll have to ask around to see what we can find out.” I nodded and turned to Flame Broil. “Thanks for the help,” he said. He smiled and replied, “Mah pleasure, anythin' for the stallion who kept some moral integrity when everything went to shit.” _______________________________________________________ “Step right up folks!” Flim shouted, the yellow lanky unicorn standing on a makeshift stage in Ponyville. He pointed to a large contraption hidden under a dust cover. “See the amazing wonder that will modernize transportation forever! Trains, carriages, even sky chariots will become obsolete next to this wonder!” “That’s right, Flim,” his brother said. He looked exactly alike except for a mustache on his face. He tipped his straw hat to the gathering crowd. “This latest wonder of industry will guarantee a fine and smooth transition to wherever you wanna go!” The crowd looked excited and whispered fervently, speculating about what was hidden under the cover. Flam and Flim started their horns and shouted, “Presenting the…” The crowd hushed as they stared at the object in anticipation. “THE SEGWAY!!!” *Cricket Noises* “It’s uh…” Caramel said, staring at it. “It’s certainly,” Cheerilee paused, “interesting….” “It’s a scooter…” Scootaloo deadpanned. “Not just any scooter, mind you!” Flam shouted, trying to regain the hype from before. “This baby has a motor inside and is guaranteed to move at a brisk four and a half miles per hour!” The crowd didn’t buy it, literally or figuratively. Flim said, “And the starting price is fifty bits!” “I wouldn’t pay one bit for that piece of crap!” Cloudchaser called. “This is worse than your cider stunt!” Noteworthy added. “Disa has gotta be the mosta stupid scam I ever heard!” Potso called, glaring at the brothers. “Uh, it comes with a free Frogert…?” Flam offered Everypony was about to start throwing rotten fruit at the brothers when I called out, “Hold it!” I briefly wondered how angry mobs always seemed to end up with rotten fruit, or pitchforks and torches. “Oh, finally a pony with good sense!” Flim shouted. “He’s probably interested in our fine product, right Flam?” “I hear you, Flim,” his brother answered, as Twilight and I walked up to the stage. Their eyes became pin pricks where they saw the look on my face. “Found your business card,” I said, holding the plastic bag wrapped card. “Your manager said you would be passing through town.” “Oh, well we’re always happy to have a potential customer,” Flim said, sweating nervously. “Right Flam?” “Right, Flim,” his brother replied with a nod. “So, uh, what can we interest you in?” “You can interest me in an explanation of what I just heard from a friend of mine, Pinkie Pie. She saw you two during the fire.” Flim and Flam looked at each other, and then reached into their pockets and pulled out small cupped beverages. “Frogert?” they offered in unison. Okay, ponies have tried to bribe me before, but this is just sad… > Chapter 3 "Old Grudges" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 “Old Grudges” Now look at what we've got here, brother of mine. It's the same in every town! Detectives trying to pin on us a crime, but no evidence to be found! We could have just been watching that fire, over there! So we'll just step behind our lawyers and get them to take caaaaare! 'Cause we've got legality! Rights as ponies you must see! It's held under, the Geneighva Conventiioooon! Innocent until proven Guiltaaaaaayyy!!! I’ll admit, that was a rather…musical defense. I looked on the brothers as I sat in the interrogation room at the detention center. They smiled at me, as if I would be so dumfounded by their song I would let them go automatically. They weren’t too bright, were they? I leaned forward and said, “First of all, your lawyers won’t be here for several hours since you left them behind in Fillydelphia. As for the fire, my friend Pinkie Pie saw you two running away right after the fire started, I asked around and nopony remembers seeing you two watching the fire.” I put the glass sphere on the table and said, “Also, don’t try to be cute and say you’ve never seen this before. I’ve already had DNA testing done on it. One, or both of you, fondled this thing in your magic. Very carefully, judging by how the powder was positioned on it.” Flim and Flam looked at each other and Flam spoke up, “You still don’t have any proof that we were the ones who set the fire!” “Yeah,” his brother agreed. “It could’ve been anypony’s torch!” “I never mentioned a torch,” I said with a smirk that caused Flim to sweat and his brother to facehoof. “So, no more games,” I said firmly. “Tell me why you set fire to Sweet Apple Acres and maybe I’ll be reasonable.” “Alright,” they both said at the same time. “We were just hired to light the trees on fire,” Flam said. “The stallion said it wouldn’t be traced to us,” his brother added. “He gave us the torch and we used the sphere that we bought years ago from a collector up in Manehattan to carry it around. “We came by to the farm early this morning and set fire to the trees,” Flim said. “What about the barn?” I asked. “The ones with the fillies inside it who almost got burned alive?” I tried to make my voice sound as dangerous as possible. I knew these idiots would talk. It was just a matter of playing into their fear of taking responsibility for their big talk. “Look, we didn’t light the barn!” Flim stated hurriedly “We left after the trees were caught on fire. We hid behind the barn until the chaos started, but that was about as close as we got.” Flam crossed his forelegs and complained, “Especially since Somepony lost our payment for the job!” Payment? I reached into my trench coat and pulled out the necklace from earlier. “Does this ring any bells?” “That’s the necklace we lost!” Flim cried in shock. “Where did you find it?” “Near the barn,” I explained. “Fire and soot messed with the DNA on it, but I managed to pull a little bit of yours from it.” “That was ours!” Flam shouted. “He gave it to us as a down payment!” “Who gave it to you?” I demanded. “He didn’t say who he was,” Flam said. “I just remember getting a letter about three weeks ago that said if we did this we would be paid enough money to get our Segway business of the ground.” Yeah, somehow I don’t think that’ll catch on. “He also said that if we didn’t perform the task, he would tell everypony about what happened in the southern mountains,” Flim said. “What happened?” I asked. They looked at each other and then back at me. “We’d, like to exercise our right to remain silent on that event, detective.” Well, there was nothing I could do about that. They’d just musically sue me over it. “Well, what can tell me about your client?” I asked. They shook their heads. “Aside from the fact he knew about what happened, we don't know anything else about him. He just sent us the necklace as a sign he trusted us to succeed.” I looked at the necklace, the apple covered in rubies. As I stared at it I noticed… it had a small hinge on one side. I stepped out of the interrogation room and opened it. Inside was a picture of a beautiful earth pony mare with an orange coat and long red hair. Her eyes were a verdant orange. Wait, orange coat, earth pony, red hair? This was Lilyblossom! Applejack’s mother! __________________________________________________________ “It certainly is mah Ma,” Applejack said as Twilight and I stood in front of her. We were at Sweet Apple Acres, the arson crew was still looking over some of the damages. Applejack lifted her green eyes to me and said, “She died not long after Applebloom was born, but Ah was old enough to remember what she looked like.” “Did this necklace belong to your father?” Twilight asked. Applejack nodded and replied, “Yep, only Ah remember it bein' just a little locket, none of these gaudy rubies attached to it.” “They are far from gaudy, dear Applejack,” Rarity said as she walked over. She held out a hoof for the necklace and asked, “May I?” “Sure Rarity,” Applejack said. I gave the locket to the white mare and she looked at it with an expert eye. She nodded and looked up. “Applejack is right, these rubies were added to it after it was made,” she explained. “When did your dad lose it?” Twilight asked. “Sometime durin' the whole feud with Uncle Orange,” Applejack said gravely. “He was mighty depressed 'bout losin' it, but Ma told him it was just a necklace and that she still loved him no matter what.” “Simply romantic, darling,” Rarity said with a sigh. “So let’s recap,” I said. “Your mom got this for your dad, he lost it sometime during the feud, and somebody stuck all these rubies and stuff on it later?” “Ah’d reckon,” Applejack said with a nod. “Mah ma was pretty and stuff but she never cared for jewels or prissy stuff.” She gave a small smile at Rarity and said, “No offense, Rares.” Rarity simply raised her nose and said, “While I do appreciate the apology, I would like you to take at least a passing interest once in a while.” Applejack tapped her hoof on her chin and then replied, “Nah.” “Well, it was worth a shot anyway,” Rarity said, rolling her blue eyes. “Anyway,” Applejack continued, “Pa lost it not long before Uncle Orange left town. Ah never expected it to show up again, ‘specially in the hooves of some no good con ponies.” “Well, they are going away for arson,” I said. “Suffice to say their days of travel are over for at least a few years. I think I have an idea of who might have sent it, but it will take a while before I can confirm my hunch.” “That’s the least those swindlers deserve,” Applejack said with a look of disgust. Rarity then looked at us and asked, “Have either of you seen Spikey Wikey? I was hoping to let him have his pick of my gem pile for saving the life of Sweetie Belle.” Twilight and I looked at each other. Twilight slowly said, “You remember that smoke that came up from the dragon mountain?” “Yes, of course,” Rarity said. “You and Private went to investigate before anypony could stop you. I’m relieved both of you made it okay.” “Well as it turns out,” I began, and then went on to explain what happened at the mountain. Rarity and Applejack jaws dropped at the same time when we finished the story. “Ya mean tah tell me that Spike’s pa is up there?” Applejack blubbered Rarity’s face contorted to a frown and she didn’t say anything. I nodded at Applejack’s question and replied, “He’s spending the day catching up with him. Spike seems to at least want to try and connect.” Applejack turned to Twilight and asked, “You okay with this, Sugercube?” “Of course I am,” Twilight answered too quickly. “Why wouldn’t I be?” “Just makin' sure yer handling this all right,” Applejack said gently, walking to her friend and putting a hoof on her shoulder. “You and Spike have been together fer years, but ya can’t force him to stay in the nest forever.” “I know,” Twilight said with a sigh. “It’s just hard to take it all in.” “Just try and think of things from Spike’s point of view,” Applejack said. “He’s meetin' his dad fer the first time in his life, but that doesn’t mean he loves ya any less.” “Thanks,” Twilight said. “I’m glad for all the support.” “Think nothin' of it,” Applejack said, smiling at her friend. “Ah’m just doin' what any good friend would do.” I noticed Rarity walking down the path alone. I looked at the girls “Could you two excuse me for a second? I think Rarity has something on her mind and I wanna help,” I said. “Always runnin' tah help others it seems,” Applejack said with a chuckle. “Ah’ll stay 'ere and look after yer marefriend. I could use some help fixin' up the barn anyway.” Twilight smiled and told her friend, “Anything to help.” The two mares set off towards the barn as I followed Rarity’s hoof prints. I found her sitting by herself, plucking at a flower’s pedals, saying, “He’ll stay, he’ll go, he’ll stay, he’ll go.” “Rarity?” I said softly. She dropped the flower and looked over at me. “Oh Private, I didn’t see you there.” “You okay, Rarity?” I asked. “You were awfully quiet and I know something’s wrong when that happens.” “Forgive me, darling,” she said, looking down at the flower which had half it’s pedals gone. “I’m simply thinking of Spikey Wikey.” “You two have started being together, right?” I asked, trying to sound positive. “You should be happy that he’s happy.” “I am, though I can’t help but worry,” Rarity said, sounding conflicted. “Part of me always knew that someday Spikey Wikey would meet another dragon. I hoped it would’ve been before I developed feelings for him, but I guess you can say, too little too late for that.” “You’re worried he might leave with Thal’lan,” I deduced. “I am,” Rarity confirmed. “When Spikey Wikey first left for the dragon lands I was heartbroken that he would consider leaving us behind. I guess you could say that’s when I started to really realize how I felt for him. I’m terribly selfish to think such a thing. After all, if Spike is happy living among dragons, than who am I to control what he wants?” I just looked at Rarity as she poured her heart out. “He’s the sweetest and kindest being in the entire world,” Rarity mused. “He’d make any dragoness truly happy. Yet, through all the time I’ve known him, his eyes never averted from me. He didn’t care that I treated him before as little more than a servant. So long as I was happy, he was happy.” A slight tear fell from her eye. “What if my happiness would cost him a life where he could be happy himself?” “That’s just what being a stallion, or in Spike’s case male dragon, is all about really,” I said, levitating out a tissue for her to wipe her eyes with. She did so as I went on, “Spike cares about you, that’s why he puts forth as much effort as he can to make you happy. Being the element of generosity can’t be easy, but he’s generous towards you.” I smiled and winked. “Isn’t that what you wanted in a significant other all along?” She smiled and nodded. “You are right, whatever Spike’s decision, I will honor it. If he should wish to leave and discover himself I will always love him from afar. I cannot ignore all he’s done for me any longer.” “Atta girl,” I said with a smile. “Now why don’t you run back home and get those gems ready for him? I’ll pick up Twilight and see if we can’t find our mysterious client.” “Good luck, Private,” Rarity said with a smile. “Also, thank you for supporting Spikey Wikey before his father came. I’m sure whatever children you have with Twilight will be lucky to have such a wonderful father.” Children? With Twi… Oh Luna! Rarity giggled as my face turned red. “You’re just as easy to tease as your beloved. I shall be off, if you see my hero, please send him my way.” With that Rarity trotted off much more cheerful then she was before. My thoughts did turn to what she said though, kids…with Twilight. _________________________________________________________ Her looking up at me, a small unicorn filly held in her forelegs, as she laid down on the floor. Me gently nuzzling her on the cheek, I look behind her, another filly? Black, violet mane, teal eyes that blink at me, feathers… ___________________________________________________________ “Private?” I blinked out of my state and looked over at Twilight who nudged me in the shoulder. “You were kind of staring off into space, are you feeling alright?” she asked with concern. “Yeah, uh,” I smiled and replied “I’m fine.” “Alright,” she said with a nod still looking skeptical. “How’d it go with Rarity?” “She’s just handling the situation like we are,” I explained. “Luckily there was no need for her to go total drama queen.” “HEY GUYS!” We looked over to see Spike running down the path to us. Twilight teleported over to him and picked Spike up in her forelegs. Spike flushed at his mother figure holding him like this as she said, “I was so worried. Are you okay? Did you have fun?” “Hey. I’m okay, Twilight,” Spike said, gently squirming out of her grip. I walked over as he said, “Thal- I mean, Dad was great! He showed me how to use my wings, how to use my fire on my claws, all these really awesome things! I can’t wait to show you guys!” “Sounds like you and Dad really bonded,” I said, rubbing his head affectionately. “Hey, cut it out” he said, acting annoyed but smiling nonetheless. “Yeah, it was great, turns out that I have a sister! She’s somewhere out in the dragon lands! Her egg didn’t get smashed!” “That’s great, Spike!” Twilight said with a smile. “I can’t wait to meet her someday.” “Neither can I,” Spike said. “It would be nice to have another dragon to hang out with.” “Speaking of hanging out,” I said with a smile, “Rarity was hoping you would drop by.” “She-“ He turned red as an apple. “She was?” “Well, well, Spike,” Twilight said, giving him another hug. “Seems like my little dragon has become quite the gentledrake.” “Gosh” Spike said, rubbing his claw at the back of his head in embarrassment. “I’ll go and see her right away.” “What about Thal’lan and Shar’drel?” I asked. “They’re going to stay for a little while longer,” Spike said. “Shar’drel doesn’t like it though. For some reason I always get the creeps around her.” “Well, don’t keep your lady waiting, Spike.” I then continued in a mock gentlestallion voice, “'Tis an insult of the highest caliber, my good boy!” “I wonder if Fancypants will consider that accurate?” Twilight mused. “I’ll see you guys later!” Spike said. “Good luck on the fire investigation!” He then took off down the path, his new wings flapping a little in excitement. I looked over at Twilight, and saw her eyes were filled with tears. I smiled and slid a foreleg over her shoulder. Twilight spoke into my shoulder, her tears staining my trench coat, “He’s growing up so quickly, I can’t believe it…” “Hey Twi,” I said, gently nuzzling her, “they all gotta grow up sometime.” “I know.” She then left my embrace and wiped her eyes. “I just hope I raised him right.” “You’d be a great mom one day.” Did I say that out loud? “Huh?” Twilight gave me a look. “I mean, uh, we should get to the detention center don’tcha think?” Twilight just nodded and we walked down the path together. I felt a little embarrassed at having mused that out loud. It’s what I really thought, though. I wanted to start a life with her, a family… Twinkle… ____________________________________________________________ “It’s been a long time.” “The last time we saw each other you were breaking into my office.” “I had the proof and they had the warrant.” “You humiliated me that day, now I’m in stripes.” “You put yourself in here the moment you thought yourself free of consequences.” “You speak of my bastard…” “Most fathers would’ve held at least a little sentiment.” “Tangerio was no son of mine. Neither is this Barbra Seed I keep hearing about in the tabloids.” “What? Mad that I may have dropped a hint to the press to keep you from snaking your way out of prison?” “That was you?” “I may have said a thing or too when a reporter asked, you’d be surprised what they are willing to give for a good story. Especially one about a criminal as notorious as you are.” “Just speak your piece! What do you want?” “I want information.” “What kind of information?” “Why is it, that the Flim Flam brothers were hired to set fire to Sweet Apple Acres?” “They are daft fools! They know they could have gotten arrested fo-“ “Don’t act so innocent.” “What?” “I know you hired them…” “And your proof?” “A necklace I found. I believe you’ll recognize the picture.” “Lilyblossom…” “The mare that fell in love with your brother.” “Grr…” “Interesting fact about this necklace, it was originally made for Applebuck after they got engaged. However, once the feud started he lost it somewhere. Then a small jewelry shop up in Manehattan was suddenly commissioned to add rubies to it, the very same weekend it went missing according to Granny Smith.” “So what? Again, this proves that some fool tried to make it more appealing to pawn it off.” “No, you wanted it to be more appealing, to try and win her over.” “What?” “You tried to prove to her that you were always the superior brother, the richest, the most famous, but she still turned you down.” “You dare slander me.” “She never loved you, she loved your brother because he was just like his daughter, honest and true to his heart.” “Just who do you think you are? Spouting out these vicious comments!” “I’m the stallion who put you away in the first place, Mandarin Orange…” > Chapter 4 "Reaching for the Truth" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 “Reaching for the Truth” I sat across from Mandarin behind the glass. Prison had not been kind to the business stallion. His once well-kept green mane was now messy. His eyes showed he spent many a night not sleeping. Probably while plotting revenge against me or something. Right now, those blue eyes were glaring at me. “Your little stunt cost me everything!” He growled. “You set yourself up” I said back. “Now I know for a fact you were the one that took this necklace. The question is, what was so important that you had it sent to the Flim Flam brothers?” “Fine!” He glowered “I’m already in hell anyways! Did you know your foul grandmother arrested my wife?” Grandma, you are awesome. “That’s beside the point,” I said. “The fact of the matter is, they somehow got a hold of some dragon fire and used it to barbecue a large set of trees. The letter they had on them is proof enough of your involvement.” “So what?” he said, looking at me with evil eyes. “You have proof that I tried to stop this false success that my niece had? What more do you want?” “I want to know why the barn was lit, with your other niece and her friend inside…” I gave him a cold stare. His blue eyes blinked and then he yelled, “I had nothing to do with that! Those fools were supposed to just light the trees on fire!” “So you didn’t have the barn lit on fire?” I asked. “Are you kidding me?” he asked. “Have you seen how fast the Apples can raise a barn? That would’ve cost them next to nothing to fix up, thanks to insurance and no shortage of volunteers. No, I told them to hit the lifeblood of the farm, the trees themselves.” So Mandarin didn’t light the barn on fire? If the Flim Flam Brothers didn’t light it, then who did? “Another thing I’m curious about,” I said, leaning back in my chair “the brothers let slip that you had some blackmail on them. Something about an event in the southern mountains?” Mandarin frowned even more. “I figured that would come up.” “Just what happened?” I asked. “About Seventeen years ago,” Mandarin explained, “I funded an expedition to the southern mountains. I was hoping they would return with some artifacts to sell off. Back then the Flim Flam Brothers were a couple of high school drop outs hoping to make a quick sack of bits. They arrived there and found a large dragon cave. The treasure was gone and there was a body of a dragon in the cave.” That had to have been Spike’s mom. So they weren’t the ones that killed her? He continued, “When they came back with nothing I fired them on the spot. We then decided to bury the embarrassing incident and forget it ever happened.” “They didn’t bring back anything all?” I asked. “They tried to swindle me into buying some fake jewels they made before arriving,” Mandarin said with a frown. “I gave them an earful about their incompetence.” Can’t argue with that at least. I went on, “So where’d you get the dragon fire for the torch?” “The idiots brought it back lit from the expedition. They then kept it around in that sphere of theirs when they needed the light or the fire. They gave it to me to try and stop my wrath. It didn’t work exactly,” Mandarin explained. “So they didn’t get off the hook?” I asked. “No, of course not. They did start acting odd though.” “Why do you say that?” “Well, when I began pressing them about whether they found anything substantial, they said they had a dragon egg for a while, but it was taken by somepony on the expedition. They wouldn't tell me who though.” Now this was interesting… ____________________________________________________________ Perspective: Spike I arrived at dad’s cave early that morning. I hadn’t want to wake Twilight up, especially with her and Private on the case. So, I just left a note and took the balloon to fly up here. I entered his cave smiling a little, today was the day he promised to teach me how to do tricks with my fire. This is going to be so- I tripped over something and landed on my stomach. I groaned at being a klutz and looked at what I tripped over. It was a scale… I picked it up in my claws for a better look. The scale was purple, like mine and dad’s scales. I felt something on my claws and turned it over. There was a weird green slime on the other side of it. I gave the stuff a sniff and immediately covered my nose in regret. “Uggh,” I said to myself, “this stuff smells worse than a Timber wolf’s breath.” I set the scale down and went on. I looked up to see Dad and his friend Shar’drel arguing. I know Twilight said I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but I’m guessing Private’s curiosity rubbed off on me. “We are wasting our time here!” Shar’drel growled “We should’ve left yesterday! Now the ponies know we are here!” “If we had left I never would’ve gotten to meet my son,” Dad argued. “I’m only saying to give me the day to ask him.” “He’s too soft hearted,” Shar’drel sneered. “He’ll never accept it.” “Accept what?” I said, walking towards them as if I just joined the conversation. “Spike,” my dad said with a smile, bending his muzzle down to me, “thank you for coming again today.” “Of course,” I said, smiling in turn. “Like I’d miss a chance to spend time with my dad” “Your words bring warmth to my heart, my son,” he said, and then turned to Shar’drel. “We will discuss this later.” Shar’drel just glared and turned around, walking to the gem pile. I gave my dad a look and asked, “What were you guys talking about?” “We were simply discussing departure plans,” he said, shaking his head, “but that’s not important. Let me show you how you can direct your fire.” The next hour saw me learning under my dad. He taught me so much about being a dragon. Turns out I can use my tongue to manipulate how my fire moves. I also learned this really cool way to shoot small fireballs really fast. I liked to call it “Flaming Spit wads of Doom” which earned a laugh from dad. I sat down near the cliffside on my dad’s back, looking up at the clouds. Dad sat down as well and looked back at me. His yellow eyes gazed at me as he asked, “Spike, are you truly happy living with ponies?” I pondered it for a moment, sure I love Twilight and Private like my parents, but I was just so different from them. They never could teach me what it means to be a dragon. So I finally said, “Yeah, I’m happy, but…” “But?” he asked, raising a brow. “I just don’t feel I belong,” I admitted. “I mean, what’ll happen when I get bigger and I can’t even fit into the library anymore? I got big once before and everypony hated the sight of me. I was more scared then really mean…” “Your growth was simply premature,” Dad said soothingly. “It happens to all dragons once in a while when we are young.” “That’s the thing!” I said looking at him, “before you came along I didn’t even know that about myself! You've already taught me so much about what I am. However, I can’t look away from everything Twilight's done for me for as long as I have been alive.” Dad just looked at me. “Plus I have friends here, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, especially Rarity. Even if I stay, will they still be my friends when I get big?” “Spike, I’ll be honest with you,” Dad said, with firm eyes, “ponies can be cruel creatures. You’ll always be seen as a dragon to them. Nothing you can do can change that fact about yourself.” I looked down, dad was right. I’ll always be a dragon. Rarity said she liked me, but how long will that last? Twilight will probably be spending more and more time with Private as well. I’ll just be a third wheel like always… “Son, If you ever wish to leave this place, there is always a home among my clan to the far south,” Dad offered. “You’d really do that dad?” I asked, looking up at him. “Only if you want to come,” he said with a smile. “I’d love to spend the rest of my years raising my only son.” I looked down, then back up and asked, “Can I think about it? Just until you leave?” “Take as much time as you need my son,” Dad said, gently moving to nuzzle me. “I’ll honor whatever you choose.” “Thanks Dad,” I said with a smile, and then hopped off his back. “I’d better get going, Twilight is probably up now and I gotta help her with the case.” “Just be careful, Spike,” Dad warned. “I’ll be fine,” I reassured and then made my way to the hot air balloon. Dad wants me to head with him to the dragon lands? Should I…? I wonder what Twilight will say? Probably that I’m crazy for even considering it. Rarity… I didn’t want to think what Rarity will say… ______________________________________________________ Perspective: Private I looked up at Twilight as she hung up the phone in our office. “I checked the schools records; turns out Wander bought it from a trader passing through Canterlot.” “Good thing he’s grateful for helping get that Nightspeller business sorted out,” I said, looking up at her. “Did you manage to track down the trader at all?” “I did manage to look up a number from a police record on him,” Twilight said, tossing me a file. I opened it to see a picture of a grey stallion with a Chineigh esk cap and glasses on him. “Turns out he’s in custody for selling a certain Alicorn Amulet.” “He’s the guy who had Spike’s egg?” I asked, sifting through his file. “Yep, says here in his store records he sold one purple spotted egg to Wander Wave about seventeen years ago.” “The question is who he got it from,” Twilight said, lifting the phone to her ear and putting in the number. “Here’s hoping that he’s open” Twilight paused and said, “Hello, this is Twilight Sparkle. Yes The Twilight Sparkle.” She laughed a little. “I’d like to make an inquiry about a sale you made about seventeen years ago” She then went on to explain that she’d offer him some tomes of magical theory if he told her. He was happy to oblige and Twilight listened to his response. She sighed and said, “Well, thanks anyway.” She hung up the phone. “No such luck, turns out he wipes his sales records every five years to keep clients safe or something.” “So that’s a dead end,” I said with a sigh. I then heard a knock on the door, and shouted, “It’s open!” The door opened and Applejack enter. She looked hurried and said, “Ah was lookin' through the wreckage of the barn like ya asked Private. Ah found this as there, Ah think the police must’ve missed it!” She held up another torch, I levitated it with my magic and moved it over to the chemistry set in the corner. I’ve always had a fair talent for working with chemicals. These came in handy being a private detective when you didn’t have anypony to do the lab work for you. I applied a small liquid of resignation powder to the ash on top of the torch. “This’ll show us exactly what fire lit this torch last time,” I explained. “I don’t have Flame Broil’s talent for arson but this should do the trick.” The powder hit the torch and the end came on fire with a bright green flame. I recognized it as the fire used to light the barn. “Dragon fire,” I said slowly, and then turned to Twilight. “Flim and Flam say they got the torch from their client. Mandarin said he only gave one torch away.” “Hey, lookie here at these markings,” Applejack said, pointing to the torch’s handle. “These seem mighty fancy for just some torch.” I then pulled the other torch out of Twilight’s saddlebags near the door. I compared the two torches and saw that they were both carved with what looked like claw marks. I looked at Twilight and asked, “Got any books on this sort of carving?” I tossed her the unlit torch. Twilight levitated a book out of the bookshelf and sifted through it at lightning speed. “Ah ha!” she said after a while, “this carving style is used in torches found in dragon keeps and caves! Dragons often kept torches lit in their caves so they wouldn’t have to breath fire to see all the time.” “So the only way the criminal could’ve gotten this was from some dragon cave?” Applejack asked. “Come to think of it, I saw similar torches in Thal’lan’s cave up at the mountain.“ I said tapping my chin. “So the only pony who could’ve gotten it had to have gone on the expedition,” Twilight said. “Too bad he never kept a list of who went.” I blew the fire out. “Although…” I focused all my magic into a scanning spell. Hopefully, just maybe. Well, this was very interesting. ____________________________________________________________ Perspective: Spike I raised my claw to try and knock on Carousel Boutique’s door for the fourth time today. I wanted to get back to Twilight and Private with the case, but Rarity wouldn’t leave my mind. I wanted to tell her about what Dad said, but I was too scared. I was worried what she might say, what she might suggest. She’d freak out at first, but then try and beg me to stay. This made it harder… I couldn’t say goodbye, I know what’ll happen if I tried that. I gotta look at this without bias or anything else blocking it. If I go with Dad, I’ll learn what it means to be a dragon. It doesn’t have to mean I’ll be gone forever, right? I’m sure dad will let me visit! But then, what if Rarity finds somepony who will stay? Can I really expect her to wait on me? On a dragon like me? You’ll always be seen as a dragon to them. Nothing you can do can change that fact about yourself. I remembered Dad’s words. Rarity deserved to be happy with somepony. She deserved a stallion that’ll take care of her and treat her like the wonderful mare she is. Then why was it so hard to think that? Rarity, I’m sorry… I have to go, it’ll only be a little while. I’m sure you’ll find somepony great. Somepony… that isn’t a dragon. I walked away from the shop without knocking, that turned into a run as I wanted to put as much distance between myself and the shop as possible. I can’t do this! I can’t look her in the eye and tell her I’m leaving! I’m sorry, Rarity! I’m sorry I’m such a coward! I’m… “Oof!” I hit something and fell back. I looked up to see an aqua colored earth pony looking down at me. He had a reporter’s cap and an old fashioned camera around his neck. He looked down at me and said, “So you are the infamous Spike the dragon.” I got up and dusted myself off. “Sorry bout that, my mind was wandering, and you are?” “News Spot,” he said firmly. “PNN, and what exactly are you doing out of your cage and walking about?” What the heck? “Twilight doesn’t keep me in a cage!” I fired at him. Ponies started looking as we fought. “She rightly well should,” he said rudely “I find it a little too convenient that the fire was caused by a dragon and you happen to be here.” “Case you didn’t notice!” I fired back. “I saved Sweetie Belle and Applebloom!” “You can’t fool me, dragon!” he said, glaring at me. “We all know how dangerous your kind is, I’m sure your dear master ordered you to do so. She didn’t want anypony to think you were dangerous after all.” “That’s Horseapples and you know it!” I growled. “Twilight is not my master either! She’s the pony who raised me!” “So what?” he asked, a smirk on his face. “So you can pretend to be a pony? Doubtful, all you are is a pet that can walk and talk. Did you really think your owner ever thought of you otherwise?” I wanted to punch this guy to paste. But, I knew that wasn’t the right way to handle this. Still, what right did he have to call me a pet? I’m far from Twilight’s dog! “No comment,” I said, walking past him and trying to contain my urge to claw him. He turned as I walked away “I know what your kind really are! I’m going to expose it to the world that your kind can’t be trusted!” Like I’ve never heard that one before… ________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Twilight and I walked down the street of Ponyville in hopes of finding our culprit. What we saw was Rarity standing in front of Sugar Cube Corner looking worried. Pinkie, who was standing in the door way shook her head sadly. “I’m sorry, Rarity, I haven’t seen Spike anywhere. I was going to give him a “you found your dad” party, but he hasn’t dropped by,” she said. “Thank you, darling,” Rarity said, her own voice a little saddened. “If you do see Spikey Wikey, tell him I’m worried about him and wish to see him.” “Okie Dokie Lokie,” Pinkie said with a nod, and then looked back in the shop and gasped. “No Pumpkin Cake! We don’t eat kitchen knives!” She zoomed inside to deal with the crisis” Rarity turned and saw us. Twilight spoke up, “You’re looking for Spike?” Rarity nodded and replied, “I was hoping to have him try out a new bow tie I made for him. He never came by the shop all day though, so I grew worried.” “Come to think of it,” I said, putting my hoof on my chin, “I haven’t seen Spike all day myself.” “I do hope nothing’s wrong,” Rarity said with a shake of her head. “I wanted to thank him for saving Sweetie Belle. Also…” She blushed a little and gave a nervous laugh. “I mean, for saving Sweetie Belle obviously.” “If we see him we’ll let you know,” Twilight said with a smile. “Also, we’ve been investigating the fire; did you see anypony by the barn during the chaos?” Rarity put a hoof on her chin and replied, “I do remember seeing a stallion fleeing the scene when I ran up to the barn. I didn’t catch a good glimpse tho-“ She’s cut off when she looked behind me. “Him! I remember seeing him by the barn!” she exclaimed. Twilight and I turned around to see News Spot grumbling to himself. Rarity continued, “I thought he seemed a little familiar! Now I remember where I saw him and it wasn’t on the television!” “Thanks, Rarity,” I said, then trotted up to News Spot. He was about to pull out his recorder when I held up a hoof. “I really don’t think you want to have this conversation recorded...” ____________________________________________________________ “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” News Spot said as he sat in the detention center. “I have rights you know! You’ll hear about this from me in tomorrow’s paper!” “This is one story that I really don’t think you wanna reveal,” I said. “You were at the barn that day, an eyewitness puts you there.” I then levitated out the torch and continued, “There’s also traces of flash powder on here, which came from your camera, which I can see is an older model that requires you putting in the powder.” “I was merely reporting the crime of the dragon!” he shouted. “Why would I set fire to a barn?” “I think you failed to understand the gravity of your situation,” I said, giving him a glare. “There were fillies inside the barn, innocent foals, just playing before you decided to use the torch.” I raised my hoof to silence his continued protests. “Don’t try to deny it; I compared your DNA with the DNA on the torch. It’s a match.” “There weren’t supposed to be kids in there!” News Spot shouted. “I didn’t know!” “Why did you do it though?” I asked with an edge to my voice. “Was it really just so you could perform a smear campaign on dragons?” “Look!” he cried, sweating, “I was attacked by a dragon two days ago! He said that he’d gobble me up because of that damn expedition!” “The one to a certain dragon cave?” I asked slowly. “Yes!” News Spot said, suddenly scared, “He said that I stole from his cave or something! He said that if I didn’t set fire to the barn he’d eat me! I tried to snag some pictures of the Flim Flam brothers but only managed to snag junk!” He reached into his pockets and threw out some pictures. I lifted one up and gave it a look. For some reason I could see the outline of something large in the shot, but the smoke shrouded the majority of the subject and all I got was a murky shadow. I looked back to News Spot and said, “So, that also explains why you tried to blame Spike for the fire.” “That bloody dragon has caused me nothing but trouble,” he growled. “I couldn’t even sell his damn egg since Flame Broil took it!” “Flame Broil?” I asked, “He was there?” “We hired him when we passed his hometown,” he explained “We were carrying explosives and it was good to have a fire expert in case we needed to use them. Flame Broil went inside first and came out with a dragon egg. Told us the others were smashed and the cave was empty! I wanted to sell the egg myself but he bailed on us with it before I could!” Flame, so you’re the pony I have to thank for bringing Spike to that trader? I then went back to the matter at hoof. “This dragon, what did he look like?” “He was huge!” News Spot described. “He had these red spines on his back and violet scales! He had huge teeth that threatened to gobble me up!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out another picture. “I snagged this shot of him when we first met!” I looked at the picture and my eyes went wide… Thal’lan!? ___________________________________________________________ Twilight and I dismounted the hot air balloon and ventured back into the cave. Twilight was absolutely fuming, to be honest I was too. How could Thal’lan hide something like this? Especially from his own son! I stepped on something and looked down. A violet scale was there, about the size of my head. I lifted it up and saw there was a strange green slime on the back of it. How strange, the stuff smelled like Timber wolf's breath and oozed down the side. I took a sample of the stuff inside a vial to study for later using a swab. I looked up and saw a brief flash of green light coming from the cave center. Twilight and I moved closer and saw Thal’lan standing there, rubbing his side. I saw another scale with the same green slime fall down his side. Shar’drel looked up and narrowed her green eyes. “It seems ponies have no concept of invitations,” she growled. Thal’lan turned his yellow eyes towards us, “Is there something you require?” “Yes!” Twilight yelled “Why didn’t you tell us you forced somepony to light the barn on fire!” “What are you speaking of?” Thal’lan asked, taken aback. “News Spot told us that you threatened to kill him if he didn’t light the barn!” I growled a little. “He described you perfectly! Plus he has a picture of you! What do you have to say for yourself?” “You dare accuse him, foul ponies!” Shar’drel growled. “Know your place!” “I can fight my own battles Shar’drel!” Thal’lan practically roared, then he glared at us. He lowered his head to meet my grey eyes. “I see no fear in you, nor do I smell it. You are either brave, foolish or telling the truth” “It’s the last one,” I said, glaring back at him. “I’ve faced down things a lot scarier than you” “I’ll have you know, detective,” he said, moving his head back up, “that I never spoke to this News Spot.” “Then how do you explain the picture?” Twilight shouted. “Magic can alter pretty much anything,” Shar’drel added. “Also, you came by just when the fire started!” Twilight yelled. “That’s not a coincidence! I knew there was something off about you, but I never appreciated liars! When Spike finds out abo-“ “Twilight, that’s enough!” All eyes turned to the entrance of the cave. There stood Spike, looking at us, his green eyes showing great hurt. “Spike,” Twilight said, covering her mouth with a hoof. “Spike, listen,” I said, walking to him and raising my hoof consolingly. He slapped it away with his claw. “Spike?” I said in shock. “News Spot always hated dragons!” Spike growled. “He probably saw my dad nearby and thought that would be a good cover story to his lame newspaper! So, that’s where he could’ve got the picture!” “Spike,” Twilight said, looking at him, “we were just…” “What?” Spike asked, glaring at Twilight. “Accusing my dad of something he didn’t do? I know he may not have been around for very long, but didn’t you both teach me we should always value family, no matter what?” “Spike, I…” I didn’t know what to say. “No you listen Private!” He shouted. “I was just spending time with my dad! If you guys felt jealous then you should’ve just said so! You wanna know the truth Private? Sometimes you can be wrong!” “Spike” I stared and shook my head “Just what are you saying?” “That it isn’t fair that just because my dad happened to come by means he’s a prime suspect!” “That’s my job Spike!” I yelled at him “I’m supposed to…” “The last time you thought like this you ended up firing Twilight!” “Spike that’s going too far!” Twilight shouted. “Forget it Twilight!” Spike growled “Don’t talk down to me when I’m right!” “Spike…” Twilight said, looking hurt “Spike just…” “All this time, it made me realize something” Spike said slowly. “Spike…” Both Twilight and I unconsciously said at the same time. “I don’t belong here,” Spike said with a shake of his head. “I never did. News Spot and this confirmed that…” “That what…?” Twilight asked with dread. “That I’m better off leaving Ponyville behind, this time for good.” > Chapter 5 "True Blood" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 “True Blood” I just stared at Spike; no words could make up for what he said. Twilight looked absolutely heartbroken. She walked up to Spike and said, “Spike, please tell me you don’t mean it.” “I do, Twilight,” Spike said, looking at her. I could tell he was fighting to keep in control. “I can’t stay here forever, you know that. Eventually I’ll get big again and… I don’t even want to think about it.” “That’s still ages away!” Twilight said pleadingly. “You can’t leave! You’re my-“ “Twilight,” Spike said shaking his head, “I know it’s hard, but you have to have known I couldn’t stay your assistant forever.” Twilight’s eyes filled with tears. I walked to Spike and glared at him. “You’d better think long and hard about the consequences of this!” “Sorry, Private,” he said, meeting my glare. “You’re not my dad, don’t pretend to be.” The words hit me like a sledgehammer. I was about to say more, but then shook my head. This has gone on enough. I reached over to Twilight, put a foreleg over her shoulder and gently began leading her out of the cave. “Come on, Twilight, let’s go home.” She just walked beside me, fighting the urge to break out in tears. I looked back at Spike, how could he even think this? After all he said about us being his family… ________________________________________________________ Twilight was silent the whole balloon ride back. I could tell she was trying to process all that happened. I was just as quiet, just trying to take all that was said. Twilight then started sobbing quietly as we touched down on the ground. I saw her starting to tear up and I pulled her into me and held her gently. “It’s okay, Twilight,” I said consolingly. “No, it’s not okay!” Twilight said, her voice muffled as she pressed her head into my chest. She began sobbing all the more as she spoke in a voice that's best described as whimpering. “How can Spike just say that? Doesn’t he care that I’ve looked after him all these years? Doesn’t he love me anymore?” “This is hard for him too,” I said, gently stroking her back as she cried into me. I rocked her gently in my forelegs as she sobbed “He still loves you; it just came out in a bad way.” I gave her a gentle kiss on the head, trying desperatly to help her realize she has somepony who still cares. “Am I a horrible pony for wanting him to stay?” she asked, looking up at me with red puffy eyes. She sniffed a little, her sobs were subsiding a little but I knew one push could send her back. “Of course not,” I said, nuzzling her. I tried to catch her tears on my muzzle as I did. “You loved him like a little brother and a son. He’ll never forget that, but I know from personal experience it’s hard to let go.” She put her head back on my chest and kept sobbing, saying things in between sobs that I couldn't make out. This whole thing shook Twilight to the core. I gently began rocking Twilight more as her tears stained my trench coat. I closed my eyes in an attempt to keep myself from getting emotional as well. Twilight didn't need me to start crying too. She needed me whenever it became too much for her. Spike, you idiot. I hated seeing Twilight like this; nopony should make a mare as wonderful as her cry. Twilight calmed down a little and looked at me. Her violet eyes were still red and puffy, eyes I never liked to see on her. “Private,” she said, nuzzling into me a little, “Thanks for being here. I don’t know how I would’ve handled this without you.” I lifted her head so our eyes met. I wiped the tears from those beautiful eyes gently. I then said “You always told me that I can’t handle everything alone. I feel I’m just following your advice.” In truth, I felt just as terrible inside. But, Twilight needed me like this. I remember times when our roles were reversed, and she was always there to comfort me. The very least I can do, is stay by her side through this. I hoped...maybe I could stay there forever. Twilight slowly smiled, I felt relief in my heart for it. “I love you,” she said, softly and then putting her nose in my neck. “Private, just stay here.” She said tenderly "I just, need you with me during all this" “I'm here for you, Twi,” I said, gently kissing her on her head. “I'm always here. Whenever you need me...” Others may have called us clingy in that moment. But the truth was, we both just took care of each other. We loved each other to the point where we run to each other if anything becomes too much. I never want to leave her... ______________________________________________________ I set some coffee down on Twilight’s desk in the office. She drank from it greedily, as I went back to the chemistry set. I examined the green goo I got off the dragon's scale. “Twi, do you know what this stuff is?” I finally asked. She looked up at me, using her mind would get it off the fact her assistant was leaving. “Let me have a look,” she replied. I levitated it over to Twilight. She used her magic to pull books from the shelf, and started sifting through them at blinding speeds. She stopped at one book and compared the picture to the substance. Her eyes went wide and she exclaimed, “This is Ectoplasm!” “Ecto what now?” I asked. “It’s a substance created from the formation of spirits,” she explained. “Timberwolves have them because they are really spirits possessing wood and branches. That’s why it smelled like that before.” “So what was it doing on a scale?” I asked, rubbing my chin. “Something’s going on that Thal’lan isn’t telling us.” I looked back at her and asked, “What is the stuff used for?” Twilight shook her head and replied thoughtfully, “Probably some form of dark magic, although, I’ve never heard of it being put on scales.” I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. I saw Rarity standing there, her breathing was heavy and her mane looked slightly frazzled. “Rarity, are you okay?” I asked with concern. “Sorry, darling,” she said, fixing her mane. “I’ve been running around all day looking for Spikey Wikey.” A sour expression came to my face that didn’t go unnoticed by the white unicorn. “Rarity, you may want to sit down,” I said with a sigh. I was not looking forward to this conversation. Rarity sat down on the office’s coach and I explained everything. Rarity’s face turned from surprised, to hurt, to sheer anger. “How can my Spikey Wikey say such horrid things?” she cried. “Well, we did accuse his father of manipulating News Spot,” I said, trying to keep my frustration at myself for being so careless out of my tone. “He must’ve been thinking about leaving for a while.” “That’s still no excuse!” Rarity yelled. “How could he just leave?” Suddenly her anger turned to tears. “He didn’t even say goodbye… Is that why he’s been so elusive…?” Twilight walked to Rarity and hugged her friend tight. Rarity cried dramatically into her and poured her heart out. “Is it because I played with his feelings? Is it because I didn’t appreciate him enough? Am I responsible somehow?” “Rarity, it’s not your fault he’s leaving,” Twilight said, holding Rarity gently. “What about not saying goodbye…” Rarity’s sobs turned pitiful. “How can he… after all… how can he just leave me?” “Rarity...” Twilight said, in slow realization “You love Spike, don’t you?” “With all my heart, darling,” she said, sobbing softly into Twilight. “Hearing this, just him leaving without saying goodbye, is the worst thing ever.” She looked up at Twilight with tear stained eyes and sobbed, “I do love him, and I never got to tell him.” Twilight just held Rarity. I smiled at the scene. Twi’s willing to look away from her own sorrow if it means helping her friend. Yet another reason why I love her so much… Rarity calmed down after a minute and wiped her eyes with a silk handkerchief. She looked at us a little guiltily “I’m sorry you both had to see me like that. I just cannot believe Spikey Wikey wouldn’t even say goodbye to me.” “I think he just didn’t want to make it hard on himself,” I said sagely. “You’re right though, it isn’t an excuse.” Twilight put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. Rarity sighed and said, “Whatever his decision, I will honor it. This is his father after all; he deserves to spend as much time with him as he can.” I smiled gently at Rarity. “I’m sure he’ll come back to visit sometime.” “Then I will wait for him as long as it takes,” Rarity said firmly. “Celestia as my witness, I will never forget my Spikey Wikey!” Twilight smiled at her in turn. Just then somepony knocked again. I opened the door to see Flame Broil there with some papers. “Finished up all the paper work, Private. Luckily the Apple family has some good insurance that’ll help them recover.” “Thanks a lot, Flame Broil,” I said, taking the papers and levitating them onto my desk. The older stallion saw a distraught looking Rarity and asked, “Did I come at a bad time?” “It’s fine, Flame,” I explained. “One of our friends is moving away, we’re all just trying to cope.” “I am sorry to hear that,” Flame said honestly. “Friends are a dear thing for anypony to have. I hope you ladies find some measure of peace after this.” He smiled comfortingly at Rarity and Twilight. Twilight wiped her eyes and said, “It’s hard, I've raised him since he was just an egg.” Flame blinked. “An egg?” I nodded and replied, “Remember that purple spotted egg you found on the expedition? Well turns out it made it’s way to Celestia’s School of Gifted Unicorns. The result was our friend Spike.” Flame Broil nodded and confessed, “I remember that egg. It caused me a heap of trouble, but glad to see it ended up in good hooves.” “Now dear Spikey Wikey is going to live with his father,” Rarity said, a little sad but better than before. “We’re all just trying to handle it.” Flame blinked again and asked, “Wait, his pa?” “Yeah,” I said with a nod. “He came by shortly before the fire started. Spike’s going back to the dragon lands with him now.” Flame suddenly shook his head “That’s impossible!” “Why do you say that?” I asked, staring at him in confusion. “Because his pa…” _________________________________________________________ Perspective: Spike I made my way back up to dad’s cave after gathering my things and Peewee from the library. The phoenix chick was on my shoulder as we landed in front of the cave. He looked at me and chirped a worried song. “I’m fine, Peewee. I’m going to live with my own kind, and find my own way in this world,” I said, trying to sound firm. Peewee looked at me with his golden eyes, and I could tell what he was thinking. “Look, it’s just better this way, okay? Twilight won’t have to worry about watching me all the time, and she can just be happy with Private. They can move on with their lives without me getting in the way.” He chirped a retort and flapped off me, glaring at me a little. “Private may think he’s being subtle but I know he’s a ring away from marrying Twilight,” I said, looking firmly back at him. “I don’t want to be a third wheel in their relationship.” He chirped some more. “What now?” I glowered. He hopped up to my bag and pulled out a gem. He pointed to it and glared at me. I knew what he was saying. “Don’t you dare bring up her!” I growled. He screeched angrily at me. “She’d be happier with a stallion not a dragon!” I yelled at the chick. “Rarity is better off without me dragging her down! All I’ve ever been is a burden on everypony. Applejack even thought so…” He looked at me for a bit, and then nuzzled my leg. I petted him with my claw and said, “Hey, it’s okay. I’m sorry too. I’m just thinking about everypony else. I didn’t want to say goodbye to Twilight back at the cave, but I was just so mad that she accused dad like that. It completely ruined what I thought was a perfect reunion…” He gave another chip and gazed up at me. His eyes asking me, “Do you really want this?” “It’s not about what I want Peewee,” I said, turning to enter the cave. “It’s about what’s best for everypony…” I walked inside, Peewee at my shoulder. The little guy had started to learn how to fly a few months ago, so he occasionally hovered alongside me. Right now though, I just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. I rounded a corner and saw a green light coming from deeper in the cave. I looked deeper and saw that Shar’drel was standing over dad. Her claw had a weird green and purple lined aura around it, wait. Dad was lying face down on the ground, and he wasn’t moving. Shar’drel’s bladed tail flicked in annoyance, as she muttered, “That little brat is taking too long to come. I can't hold him together for much longer.” “What’s going on here?” I cried, running forward. The female black dragon suddenly stopped using the magic and turned towards me, a slimy smile on her face. “Well, if it isn’t the little Prince Spike, your father is resting right now,” she growled. “I know what you did!” I exclaimed, pointing at her. “That’s dark magic! I recognize it from when I was in the Crystal Empire! What are you doing with my father?” I felt Peewee fly off me, but I was too focused on Shar’drel to care. “Oh dear,” she said mockingly. “It seems I’ve been found out. You are a clever little wyrm, aren’t you?” I ignored her and demanded, “What are you doing to my father?” She replied with an evil smile that reminded me of Sombra, "I am creating a new Thal’lan, and you are the key ingredient, my dear.” ________________________________________________________ “Thal’lan is dead?” Rarity, Twilight and I shouted at the same time in absolute shock. Flame nodded and said, “I was the first into the cave. When I went inside and found both of them dead right in front of me. I investigated the corpses and found that buried under the momma was an egg. She must’ve tried to protect it in her last moments.” “So you mean to tell me,” I said, in absolute shock, “that Thal’lan died with his mate? That Shar’drel’s story…” “Was a lie!” Rarity cried furiously, her anger back with a vengeance. “Then whoever this Thal’lan imposter is, he will rue the day he would trick my Spikey Wikey!” “We gotta get to the cave!” I exclaimed, and then looked at Flame. “Keep the officers in town, in case Shar’drel comes and attacks.” Flame nodded as I ran out the door. Rarity and Twilight were on my hooves as we made a mad dash towards the balloon. I only hope we can reach them in time. Hold on Spike, dad’s coming for you! _______________________________________________________ Perspective: Spike “What?” I asked, shaking my head in disbelief. “Just what is going on? What did you do to my dad?” Shar’drel frowned slowly and growled, “He brought this on himself. He was the fool who refused to adhere to the prophecy!” “What prophecy are you talking about?” I asked confused. “What does any of this have to do with me?” She smiled evilly and replied, “Years before you were even born, our elder foretold that a great dragon would come forth from Thal’lan’s line. He would lead the dragons and they would unite under him in a new golden age. I was to be the mother of that dragon, your father was supposed to seed me…” “You?” I stared at her and asked, “You were in love with my dad?” “Love,” she scoffed. “Bah! A frivolous emotion that tainted ideals have brought about!” She growled “No, there was no love, only destiny. I was the strongest in our clan, the best and proudest. I was the one destined to give birth to the legendary dragon, but your father thought otherwise…” She glanced over at Dad’s stiff form. I stood my ground and asked, “What does this have to do with me? So what, you got gypped out of some lousy prophecy! Just why is dad there and why are you using dark magic on him?” She just glared at me and continued her rant, “Your mother stole my chance to bring about the legendary dragon. This fool chose her over me! A mere common wyrm was chosen over the most powerful dragon in the clan!” Her claws scratched the ground, leaving deep gigantic gashes. “I tried to convince your mother that it was folly to think such emotions as love matter. Love makes a dragon weak; our world is unforgiving and only the strong can survive, as it should be.” “You’re wrong!” I said pointing at her. “It’s no wonder dad chose my mother over you! You don’t know the first thing about motherhood!” “At least I am not somepony’s pet,” she sneered. “When your mother laid your egg I planned on stealing it to raise as my own. However, I arrived too early. I ordered Fran’salel to give me your egg, but she refused. I was trying to persuade her with force, when your foolish father threw himself in front of the attack, and he met his end, Then I killed Fran’salel for taking what was rightfully mine.” “You…” I growled, feeling a deep rage inside of me. “You’re the reason I don’t have any parents! You murdered my mother and father! The two dragons that were to teach me everything! To help me find out who I am! What about my sister?” “Your sister is alive, I took her egg because she had the greatest magical potential in her.” she said with a slow smile. “I left her with another dragon colony after I found out she was not the legendary dragon. I then began researching a spell, hidden in the darkest and most ancient of magics, and found one.” She walked over to Dad and bent over him “Your father here is merely a construct; his memories are intact right up to just an hour before he died. I saw the ponies coming on the expedition and after they left I used the spell to revive Thal’lan. He was so devastated seeing his dear mate’s corpse after the ponies left.” “You tricked him!” I shouted. “That’s why he thought that ponies killed mom! He didn’t know that he was dead too!” “You are quite perceptive,” she said with a smirk. “Sadly, the spell is unstable and requires that a powerful dragon’s blood be sacrificed in order for the construct to remain. The blood also needs to be that of a relative, your sister’s blood was insufficient since she did not have one tiny detail that you have…” “And that is?” “That you, Spike, are that dragon from the prophecy.” Me? I’m some sort of legendary dragon who’s supposed to unite the dragons and bring them into a new age? Me…? “Of course, I plan to correct this little error,” she said, glaring at me. “I will kill you, take your blood and use it to revive Thal’lan, this time with memories of me as his mate. Then the legendary dragon can come about the proper way…” She lifted her bladed tail. “Now…be a good boy and die…” I leapt out of the way as the tail swung past me. I looked over and saw the blade easily cut through a rock. Dad wasn’t any help; I had to get outta here! I looked to Peewee and cried. “Go get Twilight and the others now!” Peewee nodded and flew away as fast as he could. I turned back to Shar’drel as she opened her mouth hugely wide. I leaped behind a rock just in time to dodge a jet of green flame. The dragon fire from the farm? This had to have been from her! She was behind everything! She could’ve easily have made dad speak to Newspot! Guys…Twilight…Private…Rarity… I was wrong… All of this was just a trick to get me away from Ponyville. To continue the sick dreams of that witch! I won’t let her hurt anybody else anymore!! I leaped out from behind the rock and landed on Shar’drel. I raised my claws and stabbed into her snout. She let out a screech of pain and I fell off. My wings helped me land better and I fired a jet of fire at her. This didn’t affect her much when it hit her, right, Dragon scales, fire proof, kind of dumb of me. She raised her tail and hit me with the blunt end. This sent me flying into a nearby wall and I hit it hard. I saw stars for a moment and looked up just as Shar’drel pinned me to the wall with her claws. “You’ve been a thorn in my side for seventeen years, your father constantly moaning over whether his precious children survived. I’m going to end it all right now." She opened her jaw to snap at me… BANG!!! The bullet hit one of her horns and she turned to glare at Private levitating his black revolver, Twilight and Rarity were standing beside him. “Oh, this is cute,” Shar’drel said, laughing “Have you come to claim your lost pet?” “Spike is no pet, you monster!” Twilight growled “We figured out your little scheme!” “Now,” Private said keeping Blackbird trained on her, “you've got not only two very angry adopted parents, but his marefriend to worry about…” Guys… _____________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private I fired two shots at Shar’drel’s claws, causing the dragoness to let go of Spike. The bullets didn’t penetrate her scales, but the impact was enough to hurt it seemed. Spike ran over to us and Twilight bent down to embrace him tightly. Spike cried into Twilight, “I’m so sorry Twilight, I didn’t mean to say all that I…” “Shh,” Twilight said soothingly. I looked up at Shar’drel and saw that she was suddenly being assaulted by gems. They were being thrown as projectiles by Rarity’s magic. She glowered at the dragoness and yelled, “Nobody hurts my Spikey Wikey and gets away with it, you bitch!” I then opened my trench coat. I did bring along one weapon I knew may help. I pulled out Silver Wolf, the long sword that Voidera gave me, with my magic. I was part of my fencing club at school so I knew how to use a sword. I crouched low and ran at the distracted dragon. I sliced one of her legs with Silver Wolf, the blade cutting through her scales like skin. Did Voidera know that I’d need to fight dragons one day? If so, thank you for that pal. I then thrust the blade into her hind leg and she screeched in pain. She lowered her head to chase after me, her teeth snapping as she got closer. I swung and cut her across the muzzle. She then opened her mouth and fired off a jet of fire at me. Twilight’s horn glowed and a barrier formed around me that protected me from the flame. When the fire dissipated I moved forward and tried to strike her again. Before I could slice her, she slammed her tail into me and I fell back. I managed to hang onto Silver Wolf with my magic, but I felt a little woozy. Shar’drel began to swing at me again but a fireball hit her, drawing her attention away. I looked over to see Spike glaring at her. “You can hurt me all you want, but you leave my friends alone!” he yelled bravely. “I only need your blood anyway!” Shar’drel glowered, and then raised her tail again…. “SPIKEY WIKEY!!!” It all happened in slow motion. The tail came slowly swinging down on Spike. Rarity then leaped in front of the blade, knocking Spike away. The blade slowly cut Rarity across the chest, sending the unicorn flying back. Spike let out a cry as he saw Rarity land on the ground, hurt from the attack. Rarity’s head hit the ground hard, she fell unconscious. Spike ran to Rarity and bent over her. “A foolish mare,” Shar’drel said. “Giving her heart to a pet, love is truly a pathetic emotion…” Spike looked at Rarity, fought tears at the sight of her, dirty, hurt and unconscious on the ground. Then Spike began to shake. He turned, his eyes true slits as he glared at Shar’drel, and then… He grew… > Chapter 6 "The Dragon Side of Me" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 “The Dragon Side of Me” I looked up as Spike grew into a full sized dragon. His body was easily the size of a small house, his tail growing longer and more pronounced as well. His neck grew and his snout extended giving his sharp teeth an even more deadly vessel. His wings also grew to an impressive length, looking like they could easily crush a small house. Along his back his spines grew and sharpened. He then opened his green slitted eyes…and let out a fierce roar at Shar’drel. Shar’drel’s eyes became pin pricks. “Such power…no!” she roared. “No son of Fran’salel can have this much power! I am the one who was to give birth to the tru-“ Spike suddenly swiped his tail and hit her hard across the face. Shar’drel fell back and then roared angrily, leaping at Spike. I looked to Twilight and called, “Help Rarity!” She ran over to her friend while I glanced down at Silver Wolf. I had to help Spike somehow. He may be powerful now but he’s never fought a dragon before. Neither have I though. I tried to get closer but Shar’drel unleashed a torrent of fire in my direction. Spike threw his massive body between myself and the flame. He glared at Shar’drel “You hurt my friends! Kill my parents! Ruin my life!” he roared fiercely. “You will pay for all of it!” “You’re nothing more than a pathetic pet!” Shar’drel roared and then once more tried to tackle Spike. Spike curled his claws into a tight fist and slammed them into Shar’drel’s muzzle, sending her flying again. I looked over at Twilight as she moved Rarity to a safe spot. I ran to them and pulled some bandages from my trench coat. As I began bandaging Rarity's chest, Twilight put an ear to her mouth. “She’s still alive, but she’s lost some blood.” She lifted the unicorn’s head gently with her magic and examined it. “Just a bit of bruising, nothing’s bleeding there, thank Celestia.” I looked back at Spike who'd gotten cut across the cheek by Shar’drel’s tail blade. The dragoness charged him, head-butting him in the stomach. Spike fell back a few feet but then as Shar’drel was about to swing her tail again, Spike caught it in his teeth and bit down hard enough for me to hear the crunch of teeth on bone. Shar’drel screeched in pain and tried to pull it from Spike’s mouth. I’ve never seen Spike so… ferociously before. This beast side of him, was it always there? Shar’drel fired at Spike, causing the dragon to open his mouth. The two dragons began circling one another. Shar’drel growled low, “I should’ve found that stupid egg of yours and smashed it myself! Your low-born mother ruined everything!” “You ruined yourself Shar’drel” Spike responded with a fierce roar. “The very minute you dared to touch Rarity, that’s when you lost the right to even live.” “Oh is she your handler now?” she asked mockingly “Or have you put yourself under the delusion that you love her?” “Rarity…” He said, looking down for a moment. “All they’ll ever see you as is what you are now,” continued Shar’drel tauntingly. “A monster, a freak, and that’s all you’ll ever be to anybody! The very second you were taken into these accused ponies’ lives was the minute you turned your back on what it means to be a dragon! To be strong! To be powerful and to take what you want! That is the essence of a dragon! You spit on that very name by protecting these insects!” Unable to take the sound of her voice anymore, I took up Silver Wolf again and charged towards Shar’drel. I yelled as I leaped into the air and swung the sword down on her tail. She screamed as the blade cut through her hardened scales like a knife through butter. I completely severed her blade from her tail and she glared at me. I glared back at her as blood stained my trench coat. “Spike is far stronger then you ever will be Shar’drel! Instead of running away and trying to bring about a fantasy that will never happen he embraced his current circumstances and became a far better being then you could ever be!” Shar’drel roared at me, “Foul pony! I will kill you my-“ “YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Spike roared and then lifted his claws; he then sliced Shar’drel across the muzzle, leaving deep gashes. Then he slammed his tail into her stomach, causing the dragon to stagger. Spike wouldn’t let up as he began pummeling the dragon with tail and claw attacks. I looked over and saw Rarity awakening from unconsciousness. Her blue eyes looked upon the scene with horror. I couldn’t imagine what she must be thinking. Finally Shar’drel fell to the ground in front of him; Spike pressed his claw on her neck to prevent her from getting up. Shar’drel didn’t have fear in her eyes, only smugness as she was held down. “Go ahead, prove that you are a dragon and kill me. I know that a weak minded, worthless excuse for a dragon wouldn’t be able to.” “Watch me,” Spike growled and raised his claw into a ginormous fist. Spike was going to kill her? OUR SPIKE?!?! Spike brought his fist to the top of the arc and was about to slam down on her…when suddenly Rarity got up from her spot and grabbed on to one of his legs “Spikey Wikey NO!!!” she cried, causing Spike to stop in his tracks. ______________________________________________________ Perspective: Rarity I held onto Spikey Wikey and wouldn’t let go. How dare that bitch do this to him! Force him to don this beastial form and fight. I fought back tears as I begged, “Spikey Wikey, please don’t do it…” “Rarity, I,” he said, lowering his head to me but still keeping that bitch of a dragon down with his claw. I looked up at him and said, “I’m okay, Spikey Wikey, you don’t need to kill her, please.” “After all she’s done?” he asked, shaking his head. “Rarity she doesn’t deserve to live! She stole away the life I could’ve had” “If she didn’t do what she did we never would have met,” I said, smiling a little. I then gave him a firm but sad look. “I know you have a deep hatred for her, Spike, and so do I, but you are not a killer! My Spikey Wikey would never kill anybody! He’s the most gentle and kind dragon in the world! If being a dragon means being a brute, then I don’t know if you should follow that path.” I held onto him and asked “If you do, how can I still love you…” “Rarity, you said…” Slowly, Spikey Wikey started to shrink, until he was back to the dragon I knew and… loved. I just held him tightly to me, his little arms wrapped around me as well. I fought tears as I held him. “Spikey Wikey, I’m so sorry. I do love you; I should’ve said that long ago!” I admitted. “Don’t cry, Rarity” he said, looking at me. “I’m sorry, you’re right, I’m not a killer, nor will I ever be!” I smiled and just held him. Shar’drel was none too happy with our reunion though. She got up and glowered down at me and Spike. “You foul, tainted, useless and unbelievably annoying ponies!” she roared “And you,” she pointed at Spike, “you turn you back on what it means to be a dragon, for a MARE!” “You’ll never understand, Shar’drel” Spike said, letting go of me and looking up at her. “You never grew up with them. Ponies have shown me a way to live without fighting for gems or holing up in a cave. They’ve shown me we can improve our society by working together. All you’ve ever cared about was your stupid prophecy.” Do I hear… chanting? “Which is why I will change the dragons! I will make them so that they can see this new life! One of love, of caring for one another, and above all, one of harmony!” I looked over at Private as the chanting got louder. I saw a cord of light come from his chest and hit me. I felt that familiar and warm sensation as Tenacity linked with Generosity. I looked over at Twilight and she was connected as well, her element appearing on her head. We swirled around Private and… I blinked as I saw probably the most elegant looking stallion I’ve ever seen. Like me, he was a unicorn, and shared a mane and coat color with me. His mane was styled differently, of course, but if you put us side by side you could mistake us for brother and sister. The stallion slowly smiled at me, and turned towards Twilight. His expression was, rather cold to the others though. Then I saw another strange pony, this one a unicorn mare that greatly resembled Twilight. It's what she could look like, if she took my advice on mane care. She looked at my unicorn with a warm but firm look. My stallion looked about ready to say something to her, but then Twilight’s mare put a hoof to his mouth. Her green eyes gazed into his blue ones, I couldn’t tell what they were saying, but…they seemed close. The two unicorns turned towards Spike and a cord of light extended from Private to Spike. I raised my hooves in sync with my stallion. How did my body know what to do? As Private lifted his blade into the air, all four of us unicorns filled it with our magic. Spike, his eyes glowing as well, blew a stream of fire onto the blade and it was set aflame. Private held his blade in both of his hooves, and swung it with all of his might. A torrent of green fire shot forth from the blade and moved itself into a roaring dragon. Shar’drel didn’t even have time to blink as the flames hit her dead on. It knocked the evil witch far outside the cave into the air. I looked on and saw her flying into the sky far away from Ponyville, followed by a large explosion that lit up the entire night sky. I thought I saw a little shadow fall into the Everfree forest, that had to have been her. If she survived, she knows now not to mess with Ponyville ever again. The chanting started to quiet and I looked back at the apparitions. The mare was walking away, and the stallion was calling her, “IZANAMI!!!!” With that, the chanting stopped, and the unicorns vanished… _________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Tenacity activated again, the sensation though; I thought I felt something, foreign. Guilt? Seems like every time I try to use the darn thing something weird happens. Just how much mystery does this power hold? The chanting subsided and I landed on the ground. I looked over to see everypony was okay. Shar’drel was gone, Thal’lan was still unconscious but okay, everypony and dragon was uninjured. So I guess you could call it a win. Spike looked up at Rarity and said, “Rarity, I’m so-“ He was cut off when Rarity slapped him across the face. Twilight and I dropped our jaws at this. Spike just rubbed his cheek and said, “I…guess I deserve that.” “You had me worried sick!” Rarity cried, glaring at Spike. “I looked all over town for you! Then I hear you were leaving and you didn’t even bother to say goodbye!” Spike’s eyes betrayed his guilt, I was about to step in when Twilight stopped me with a leg. Spike needed to hear this. “Rarity, I-“ Spike said “Was it something I did?” she asked, her blue eyes filled with unshed tears. “What do you mean?” Spike asked, looking confused. “Was it because I didn’t appreciate you enough?” Rarity asked frantically. “Was it because of how I treated you before you told me of your crush? Was it anything I said or did? Spikey Wikey, do you hate me…?” “No, that’s not it at all!” Spike cried. “I just knew that if I took one look in your eyes I would never want to leave!” Rarity blinked, a faint blush showing on her cheeks. Spike looked at Rarity “I know it was awful, but that was the only reason I couldn’t say goodbye. Rarity, I could never even think of it. I never could hate you. Rarity, from the moment I first saw you I’ve loved you! I always have! I… I just didn’t want you to have to wait for me.” “Wait for you?” Rarity said, just looking at Spike. “If I did leave, how can I expect you to want to wait for me while I was away? You deserve a great stallion to look after you. I couldn’t have asked you to wait so long; you deserved to be able to move on with your life. Find a prince that’ll love you always…” Slowly, Rarity reached forward and hugged Spike tenderly. Spike’s face flushed bright red. Rarity then smiled down at Spike and said, “My Spikey Wikey, I’ve met the prince, turns out he’s overrated. However, the dragon was much kinder and sweeter than the prince ever was. I think… I would’ve waited for the dragon for a hundred years if he asked me to.” Spike and Rarity then pulled into a kiss. YEEEESSS!!! WHOO!!! Finally they come together! Whoo hoo!!! This calls for a celebration!!! Pinkie! What did I say about getting in my narration? That a running gag can only go as far as….it can run! YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Dang it, Pinkie!! Hehehe… That pink pony… I shook my head and saw Spike let go of Rarity. Spike looked at Twilight, then at me, and said, “I owe you guys the biggest apology of all. I went on about seeing you guys as my family. Then I say all those horrible things, I just got so caught up in having my dad back, I didn’t want to think that maybe there was something wrong with him.” Twilight just walked forward and hugged Spike tightly. I too walked forward and held him as well. “Spike,” I said, “You've got nothing to be sorry for, and we should’ve handled the case better.” “I guess you could say we didn’t want to let you go,” Twilight said, putting her head on top of Spike’s. “You guys…” Spike hugged us both tightly. Rarity smiled wide at the sight of our pseudo family holding each other. We must’ve looked like an odd sight. For a minute, I imagined Twilight and I holding somepony else entirely. “Such kindness…” All four of us looked as Thal’lan raised his head slowly, cracks were forming in his scales and green light was coming from them. Spike broke from our embrace and ran to him exclaiming, “Dad, you’re okay!” “I’m, afraid not….” Thal’lan’s voice was haggard and tired, like he just ran his entire life. He moved his head slowly to Spike and said “The spell, fading, I will not last long…” “You’re a construct,” Twilight said. “They don’t last long, a few years at most.” “Shar’drel erased my memories of exactly how I died,” Thal’lan explained. “Had I known…I would’ve… tried…harder…” “Dad,” Spike cried as his eyes grew watery. “No! We just met, you can’t die!” “Spike…” Thal’lan’s claw raised Spike’s face so their eyes could meet “It doesn’t matter how long one has… but…what one does with that time. In such a short time…I’ve gotten to know the son I lost… and seen… how great of a dragon he’s become…” Spike looked at himself and replied, “I’m so small though, and I don’t know anything about what it means to be a dragon. I don’t know anything about me! I don’t even know what my real name is!” “Spar’kran,” Thal’lan answered “Your name, was going to be Spar’kran… Your mother picked it for you…” “What does it mean?” I asked, knowing the significance one’s name can have. “It means… Watcher,” Thal’lan says. “She meant for you… to watch…the world enter a new age, with your aid…” “I’m some sort of legendary dragon?” Spike said shaking his head. “It’s all so much to take in.” “Spike…” Thal’lan said weakly “I don’t have much time to explain, but… find Ran’sea, your sister. She’s a dragon white as snow… with spines of green… like yours.” “Where can I find her?” Spike asked desperately. “Her clan had moved far to the north,” he went on. “Near a place called… the Crystal Empire, but… that was years ago. Search for her Spike… she will… help you.” He let out a fierce cough and a scale fell off him, like the one from before a green slime showed on him. He was dying… “Dad, there’s so much I wanna say. So much I wanna do,” Spike said, his tears showing. Thal’lan began crying himself; one of his tears fell to the ground and hardened. He picked it up gently and held the tear before Spike. “This… will allow us to be together…When a dragon is to pass…he leaves behind his last gem…a tear.” Spike took the gem in his claws and held it tenderly. Thal’lan then looked at me and Twilight. “You two…protect…my son…he needs…the guidance…of parents as kind as you two…” I gave Thal’lan a firm look. “I promise you, we will keep him safe, and raise him to the best of our ability.” Thal’lan smiled. “I’m…glad…to see…Spike happy…with both of you.” Rarity went up next and said, “We haven’t been formerly introduced… I’m Rarity.” “My son’s chosen?” Thal’lan asked with a smile. “I’ll admit… it’s…unorthodox to see a pony love…our kind…but…I will be happy…to see a mare as lovely…and kind as you are…love…and care for…my son….” “With your blessing,” Rarity said, slinging a leg of comfort over Spike, “I promise to remain by Spikey Wikey’s side forever.” “Funny…my mate called me…Thally Wally…” He said with a light hearted but weak chuckle. “Dad,” Spike just looked at his father. “I must…go Spike…but…I’m happy…to have met you…my son…” Thal’lan then began walking away. He slowly stood a few feet away and began talking, seemingly to the air. “Oh ancestors of my kind…guardians of my line…creators of me and those I love…I return to you…I come at the end of a long…and fulfilled life…I speak…my true name…Thallos Alan…Precursor to the Light…I have fulfilled my destiny…my son will lead this world…to a new light…I go…knowing the world has it’s savior….” Then Thal’lan unleashed a torrent of fire. Before my very eyes the dragon literally burst into green flames. I watched in awe as a dragon was formed from the flame. The dragon was soon joined by another, was that Spike’s mom? I watched as Spike stepped forward, both dragon souls flew down to the little dragon. They opened their mouths and released a jet of fire. Spike watched as they carved two swirling dragons into the tear. The dragons then wrapped themselves around Spike. Spike smiled and held the flaming constructs. The flaming dragons then looked at us, and then spread their wings and flew out. All four of us watched as the souls flew towards the rising sun. I wonder, does Celestia know where dragons went? Spike looked at the tear and said, “I’m going to make them both proud. I’m going to be the dragon that dad wants me to be. But above all, I’ll do it, with my friend’s right beside me.” With that, Spike held the tear to his chest, looked out to the rising sun, and then opened his mouth. Spike let out a roar that echoed throughout the mountains. Right then and there, I felt proud of Spike. He made himself a true dragon; he lifted himself beyond the preconceived notions of dragons and made himself something great. I wonder, is this what dad felt? Is this what I will feel, when my own child comes into the world? > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue “Okay! Now!” I called. Twilight, Rarity, and I all used our magic on rocks to cover the cave entrance. This way Thal’lan’s body would never be disturbed again. Also it would probably discourage dragons from taking roost here. Here’s hoping it’ll stay this way. Twilight and I high hoofed at our work and we turned to find Rarity with Spike. Spike was talking to her. “It’s only for a couple of days, I gotta head back to where the dragons migrated.” “Whatever for Spikey Wikey?” The white unicorn asked in turn. Spike raised his claw and Peewee came to rest on it. “Just, I feel that Peewee should be with his real parents. While they are still alive, you should spend as much time with them as you can. Twilight walked over to him with a smile. “That’s very mature of you Spike. You’re growing up so much.” She hugged Spike tightly. “Mom cut it out!” Spike said, and then blinked. Twilight gave Spike a look, and then just hugged him all the more. Rarity stood by me and looked over. “They really are close, aren’t they?” “Family isn’t just bound by blood or species,” I said sagely. “Love is what brings a family together.” “I’m sure you’re hoping that Spike gets to call you dad,” Rarity said with a mischievous smile. I blushed brightly and tried to change the subject. “How’s the wound?” Rarity ran a hoof on her bandaged chest. “It stings a little, but I’ll be fine darling, I’ve been through far worse. Although I will admit it will be hard to explain to Lotus and Aloe at my next appointment.” I smiled and then looked as Twilight and Spike walked over to me. Spike looked down, then back up at me. “I owe you a big apology Private, I didn’t mean to say all those things.” “You already apologized to me and Twilight,” I said, gently putting my hoof on Spike’s shoulder. “You don’t need to do it again.” “I know, but...” Spike scuffed his foot on the ground. “I just, would you come with me? To take Peewee home?” I blinked at this offer, and then looked at Twilight. She smiled and said, “I think it would be a good thing for you two to spend time together. Also I trust you to look after him should anything dangerous occur.” I smiled and said, “Sure, I’ll walk with you.” Spike looked to Rarity. “I’m sorry to be leaving so soon, but…” Rarity shook her head. “It’s alright Spikey Wikey, I will wait as long as it takes to see you again.” She then bent her head down and kissed him on the cheek. Spike blushed as Twilight and I laughed. I then looked at Twilight. “Twi, um, if it’s not too much to ask could you watch Tailspin?” Twilight blinked. “Me? But isn’t Sparkler supposed to be his foal sitter?” I smiled. “I look after yours, you look after mine” Twilight blushed, obviously feeling the weight of what I’m asking her. But she slowly smiled and said, “That’s fair, besides, it would be nice to get to know your little brother some more.” “For now,” I said, looking at everypony, “Let’s go home.” ___________________________________________________________ Spike and I took a riverboat down towards the dragon lands. Cranky was giving me the oddest looks as he led us. I’m thinking he may have some memories from our encounter via time travel. Oh well, at least it didn’t cause the universe to explode. Just gave the old donkey a headache. Spike and I eventually made it to a forest near the badlands. Spike and I spent most of the trip talking about anything Spike had questions about. Well, that I could answer being a pony and all. Eventually, we got to this point in our conversation. “Private?” “Yeah Spike?” I answered as we walked in the forest. “Do you think Rarity and I will really be able to stay together?” He asked, looking up at me. “After all, I’ll outlive her eventually. I’m not even a full grown dragon yet.” “Spike, don’t you remember what your dad said?” I asked. “It’s not how long you have with someone that counts. It’s what you do in that time that matters.” “Well said Private Eye,” I heard a deep voice speak up. Spike and I looked up in a nearby tree to see Voidera looking down at us. I blinked at the sight of the Dracorn. His red eyes showed a bit of merriment at our expressions. I then spoke up, “Were you following us?” “Actually I was just in the neighbourhood.” Voidera flew gently down and stood in front of us. “Philomena is about to select a mate and I wanted to be here for her.” “This is a Phoenix breeding ground?” Spike asked, looking at Peewee who hid behind Spike at the sight of Voidera. “Indeed,” the Dracorn nodded. He then looked at Peewee and raised one of his white shoed black hooves. He then made a strange sound with his mouth that resembled a bird’s call. Peewee then hopped from behind Spike and onto the leg. “How did you do that?” I asked, staring at the Dracorn. “Philomena was originally my pet,” he explained. “I learned to imitate her calls when I was very young. A fine specimen you have here.” Voidera gently rubbed the little phoenix with his other hoof. Peewee chirped happily. “We’re taking him back to his parents,” Spike explained. “A noble endeavour,” Voidera complimented. “I recognize his plumage; I think I know where to take him.” He then reached with his hoof to allow Peewee to hover back on Spike’s shoulder. I walked beside the Dracorn. “You certainly know a lot about phoenixes.” Voidera smiled as Spike hopped on my back to ride. “They were my companions when I was in the tower. A family decided to make a nest there and I observed them. They are truly fascinating creatures, their songs are said to inspire heroes to perform to the best of their ability. Their mate hoods have been known to last centuries as well. So many wondrous things about these birds I could spend a lifetime explaining.” I pondered the Dracorn for a bit. I knew very little about him, to see an Alicorn take interest in something as small as animal life just seemed, strange. Until the summit I thought of their kind as everypony else did, as pure beings of great power. But, they seemed normal just like the rest of us. “We are here.” Voidera stopped and pointed at a nearby nest. A phoenix couple was sitting in a tree. Their nest filled with newly hatched eggs. “That’s them?” I asked Spike. He nodded. “Yeah, I remember them from when I came here during the dragon migration.” Spike then hopped off my back and looked at Peewee. “Now go on buddy, go meet your parents.” Peewee gave a sorrow filled song and nuzzled Spike. “It’s okay I’ll be fine Peewee, you can’t stay with me forever. You gotta go with your parents,” Spike said earnestly, obviously feeling sorrow himself for parting with a friend. Peewee just nuzzled Spike all the more, desperate to change his mind. Spike took Peewee on his claw and looked at the baby phoenix. “I know it’s hard Peewee, but we’ll meet again one day I know it. For now, you deserve to grow up with the parents that miss you terribly. Now go on.” Peewee gave Spike a long look, then slowly hovered towards the nest. The two phoenixes looked at the little bird. Peewee gave a long song of chirping and whistling. The parents gave songs of joy and gently helped Peewee into the nest. The nuzzled the chick and Peewee gave chirps of joy at being reunited with his family. Spike looked down and I put a hoof on his shoulder. “It couldn’t have been an easy thing Spike. But you know this is for the best.” “I know, but I’m happy for Peewee.” He looked at me “He gets to be with his family, his real family. Something I never had.” Voidera studied Spike for a moment then said, “You are wise for one so young.” The Dracorn then smiled. “Do not worry little one, a phoenix never forgets an act of kindness.” He walked to Spike and put a hoof on his other shoulder. “Peewee will remember you, and your friendship will last all eternity.” “You really think so?” Spike asked smiling. “When you get to be as old as I am,” Voidera smirked a little. “You tend to pick up on things.” “Hey um,” Spike looked at us. “Can I just have a minute?” “Sure Spike” I smiled and Voidera and I walked away. I looked up at the Dracorn after we were in private and said, “You knew I’d need to fight dragons one day, didn’t you?” Voidera looked at me and said, “I trust your weapon aided you in the fight?” “Yeah, but you didn’t answer my question,” I pressed, not willing to dance around the issue. Voidera slowly nodded. “Yes, I modified the sword into one that would be strong against dragons. That is the power of Alchemy.” “But how did you know?” I asked slowly. “Call it a hunch,” Voidera said firmly. “I believed that in your line of work eventually you’d need something to fight more powerful foes. Bullets can only deal with so many problems.” “You know more than you are letting on.” I studied the black Dracorn for a minute. “Just what are you preparing me for?” Voidera was quiet for a long moment. His red eyes just gazed at me for a minute. Then, he finally said, “What I am preparing you for, I cannot say. If I were to tell you, it would give the enemy an advantage by seeing you act differently. All I will say Private Eye, is that you must not forsake your love. No matter how much…things change.” With that he spread his wings and took off into the air. That no good half dragon jerk! He’s just going to leave me hanging like this! As if I’d forsake Twilight for anything! But what did he mean by things changing? I looked back at Spike and saw him look at me. “You okay Private? Where’d Voidera go?” “He had some business to attend to,” I half lied. “You okay Spike?” Spike nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Peewee’s happy and we can head home.” I smiled a little at Spike and said, “It’s okay Spike, you don’t have to pretend not to care.” Spike sighed. “I am going to miss the little guy though. He was a good pal to have whenever Twilight was pulling all-nighters.” I rubbed Spike on the head smiling. “Don’t worry pal, so long as you remember, our friends are never truly gone when they leave us. So long as we remember them in our minds,” I tapped his head. “And in our hearts.” I tapped his chest with a hoof. “They are never truly gone.” “Thanks Private,” Spike smiled and hugged me. I gently hugged the little guy back before I saw something shiny in his backpack. “Pack a gem for the road Spike?” I asked. “Actually, I’ve been working on this for a while.” Spike reached into his backpack and pulled out a small ring… “Spike is that…” I said, my mouth agape. “I wanted to do something for you and Twilight,” he explained. “That was originally why I went looking for you the night before this case started. I got so caught up in everything I forgot to give it to you.” He lifted my hoof with his claw and set the ring in it. “I know you wanted to marry Twilight for a while. I figured, this would at least help seal the deal.” I regarded the ring. It was a gold band with a diamond at the top. A pair of amethyst gems was encircling the diamond and they resembled two dragons chasing each other. “This is amazing Spike, you made this yourself?” “Well I had a little help from Rarity,” Spike admitted. “Along with some gems from Pinkie’s rock farm. But, the actual carving was all me.” “Spike…” I just shook my head. “I don’t know what to say.” “Just that you promise to look after Twilight,” Spike said. “Sooner or later I’m gonna have to leave the library. She needs a great guy like you to take care of her. I know you two love each other, I’d like to have…both parents.” I smiled and hugged Spike again. “Thanks pal, I promise that as soon as everything else is taken care of, I’ll get down and propose.” “Thanks Private,” Spike said, hugging me tightly. I looked at the ring for a while, just taking in the fact I held it in my hoof. This would make Twilight mine should she accept it. We’d be husband and wife… There was no doubt in my mind I loved Twilight. No doubt now I wanted to marry her. Nothing was ever going to change that! ____________________________________________________________ Perspective: Lunard I moved throughout the dark forest towards where the crash happened. I could practically smell the taint in this forest. I thought with Sombra gone most of the accursed dark magic would vanish. But no, it seems my dear Celestia has been lax in her rule. Some things never change it seems. I walked to the crash site to find a large but wounded black dragon standing there. Her scales had suffered a lot of damage and she’s lost a lot of blood. She glared at me as I approached. “Not more ponies! Not more insolent rats with hooves trying to destroy our kind!” “You are Shar’drel,” I said coldly. “I must say, you seem to have suffered a terrible ordeal.” “Don’t throw pity at me you insect!” Shar’drel growled. “I don’t know who you are, or where you came from. But I know I will not have my pride destroyed by you!” “It seems your pride is all you ever held dear,” I said with a neutral expression on my face. “Now it seems to be gone…” I then sniffed. “You’ve been touched by Tenacity’s power too…” “It was those bloody unicorns!” She roared. “They stole the brat from me and nearly killed me! I was lucky that I landed in the trees here to soften the fall!” “I never rely on luck,” I said, my horn glowing. “What do you plan to do pony?” She growled. “Kill me here?” “No, not kill you here…not yet” I said, suddenly the dragon was lifted into the air. “But, I do plan on extracting what you learned…also any information you have on constructs…” “No!” she writhed and twisted in my magic. Such desperation, seems that Voidera is not so different from these beasts after all. “I will not bow to an insolent dog!” “I am no dog, dragon,” I said, using my magic to pour into her brain. Images of what happened came into my mind. I saw three ponies. One of them was a grey which resembled Sombra in some ways…strange. The other was a white unicorn, hardly any magical ability if these images are to be believed. The last…the lavender one… Hold on, she is a descendent from Izanami. The physical similarities were striking. Same cutie mark, similar mane and the fact she was a unicorn this had to be her. So, this is what you’ve been working on my dear daughter. Preparing a mongrel to ascend? Such a thing is a heinous crime. No mongrel is to become a true Alicorn! Such a thing is impossible! Disgusting! No being of taint can have the purity of an Alicorn! None! I set down the dragon, her mouth drooling as the mine dive’s side effects took hold. She’d be little more than a vegetable. Her memories and knowledge are all in me…but…her body can still be useful…. I summoned a long blade of sapphire colour. My blade Moonsunder is still here. It has slain countless foes in it’s lifetime. Now…it shall put down a dog… I plunged the blade into the dragon’s heart. Shar’drel screamed for a minute before falling down to the ground defeated. Hardly worthy of Moonsunder, but it was a quick death, necessary. Now…. Let us see what we can do with her… As for the mongrel…she will be useful… We will work through her… To bring about a true age. An age where no mongrel will exist A new age of the Alicorns It shall begin… With the final judgment of Prometheus…