The Worst Mother in Equestria

by HopeFox

First published

Young, alone, and pregnant with the foal of a married stallion, Ditzy Doo is certain that she is going to be the worst mother Equestria has ever seen.

Young, alone, and pregnant with the foal of a married stallion, Ditzy Doo is certain that she is going to be the worst mother Equestria has ever seen. Ditzy's new friends in Ponyville will do their best to help, but only one pony can help Ditzy to overcome her own fears.

A non-canon Lunaverse story, based on the events of Family Matters. Knowledge of the Lunaverse is not required, although this story may contain minor spoilers for Family Matters.

Part of the Lunaverse monthly writing event for May 2013: First Meetings.

The Worst Mother in Equestria

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Ditzy Doo weaved her way carefully through the warm summer skies on the outskirts of Ponyville, a lightly laden wagon floating behind her. She carefully avoided clouds and birds as she kept her gaze on a tiny spot in the distance. The temperature would not have bothered most pegasi, but Ditzy was sweating more than she had expected as she flew. Once or twice in her flight, a song found its way to her lips, but each time it died after a few bars. In spite of the beautiful sunny weather, she felt as grey as her coat.

After twenty minutes of flight, she touched down at a safe distance from a thatched-roofed cottage that was situated unnervingly close to the edge of the Everfree Forest. She walked the rest of the distance, grunting slightly as she fought against the weight of the wagon, now that it was subject to gravity once more. As much as she hated thinking about it, work was getting harder and harder for her. She had only signed on with the post office for a period of four months, and she was glad that she only had one month to go.

Ditzy’s grey mood lifted a little when she saw a family of squirrels outside the cottage, standing around a yellow pegasus mare. It was hard for a pony to feel too depressed when she had friends like Fluttershy.

“Hello, Bright Eyes!” Fluttershy called out, waving a hoof in greeting. Of course, a call from Fluttershy was like a whisper from any other pony, but Ditzy waved back and moved forward to greet her friend.

“Hey there, Fluttershy,” she replied, leaning forward and brushing her head against Fluttershy’s. She felt Fluttershy tense up a little – her friend was very shy about physical contact, and had only known Ditzy for a few months – but she still returned the gesture. The warmth of Fluttershy’s nuzzle made Ditzy smile, just for a moment.

“I’ve got your mail, and your deliveries from Barnyard Bargains and Quills and Sofas,” said Ditzy as she unhitched herself from the wagon. She shook out her flanks, wincing in discomfort. “That harness feels like it’s getting tighter every day,” she complained.

“Oh dear,” said Fluttershy, hurrying to Ditzy’s side and nuzzling her flank gently. “Maybe you shouldn’t be working anymore. You need to rest and make sure you get enough to eat.”

Ditzy ground a hoof into the dirt in front of her, trying to keep herself from snapping at her delicate friend. “I don’t need to rest, Fluttershy. I’m going to keep working for another month. Doctor Stable said that it’s perfectly healthy for me to work.”

Fluttershy shrank back a few steps, despite Ditzy’s carefully even tone. “Oh, alright. I’m sorry I mentioned it. It’s just… well… my mother always said that a mare shouldn’t fly in her last two months of pregnancy, and you said you were due in the autumn, and… oh, I’m so sorry, I’ve said the wrong thing, haven’t I?”

Ditzy’s brief good mood evaporated, and she hung her head sadly. “It’s not your fault, Fluttershy. I just don’t want to think about the foal right now. Everything is complicated and dreadful, and I just want to get on with my life.” She pressed one leg against her swollen barrel, feeling the bulk of the foal growing inside her. “Flying is starting to take a lot out of me, but I’ll manage.”

“You’re still living in that temporary cloud home, aren’t you, Bright Eyes?”

Ditzy nodded. “I think it’s the best option I have right now. Mobile cloud homes are cheap, they don’t take up real estate in Ponyville, and they’re just fine for my needs.”

“But you have to fly there and back every day. It’s not good for you.” Fluttershy looked nervously between Ditzy and her cottage, chewing on her lip for several moments. Finally, she took a deep breath and held her head up. “Do you want to come and live with me? Just until the foal comes, I mean. I’d feel better knowing that you weren’t flying all the time, and then I could look after you if there’s any trouble.”

Ditzy’s breath caught in her throat. “You’d do that for me, Fluttershy? We’ve only known each other for a few months. I can’t… you don’t want me in your life, believe me. I only ruin things. I’ve made a mess of my life and I’ll make a mess of yours if you try to help me.” And I’m not even telling you my real name, or how I got pregnant in the first place, and how many lives I ruined in the process.

Fluttershy seemed taken aback by Ditzy’s protests, but she nudged her head gently against the grey mare’s neck. “It’ll be alright. I already feel like I know you better than anypony else, except for Rainbow Dash. My cottage might not look big, but there’s plenty of room for two ponies without stepping on each other’s tails all the time. And, um, money isn’t a problem. I just couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to you while you were flying around all day. Please?”

The resistance slowly drained out of Ditzy’s body, and she sagged, leaning against Fluttershy in exhaustion. “Thank you, Fluttershy. That’s the kindest thing anypony has ever done for me. I’d love to live with you until I foal. I… I can’t do this alone. Thank you.”

Ditzy helped Fluttershy unload her deliveries, then hitched herself to the wagon again and flew back to town, promising to return with her few worldly goods after finishing her shift.

Fluttershy’s kindness couldn’t have come at a better time, and it almost made Ditzy Doo forget that she was the worst pony in Equestria.

Ditzy Doo dragged herself into the cottage after her final day of work. It had not come a day too soon. With an estimated four weeks until her foaling, everything was becoming more difficult. She could not remember ever having been so exhausted all the time, or so hungry. She walked slowly over to Fluttershy’s couch and collapsed onto it, flicking sweat from her brow with a wingtip.

Almost immediately, Fluttershy was at her side, dabbing her forehead with a damp cloth. “Oh, Bright Eyes, you’re home! I’ve been so worried about you this last week. I’m so glad your contract is over and you can stay home now.”

Ditzy leaned her head back, smiling weakly at Fluttershy. “Thank you, Fluttershy. Silver Script said that he’d be happy to hire me again as permanent staff once I’m ready to go back to work. He’s been really good to me.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” said Fluttershy, trotting back into the kitchen as they conversed. “Are you going to take him up on the offer?”

“I think I will!” lied Ditzy, forcing a cheerful grin onto her face. “Walking the mail route has been a great way to get to know all the ponies in Ponyville. I’ve made some good friends here. None as good as you, though.” That much was true, at least. While living away from Fillydelphia, away from her family, was still a bit terrifying, there was something satisfying about making her own way in the world, and earning an honest living. There were times when Ditzy didn’t know whether to think of herself as a filly or as a mare, but those times had been further apart since living in Ponyville. Doing the rounds of the town as a mailmare, performing a service for the community, made her feel a bit more like an adult.

The ponies of Ponyville were a friendly herd, too, much more approachable and welcoming than she had anticipated. Nopony passed comment on a young mare going through pregnancy with no obvious partner. She hadn’t expected such acceptance after being called a harlot in Fillydelphia, even if it only happened once. Hardly anypony had called her names here at all, or even asked her about her foal once she made it obvious that she didn’t want to talk about it.

A delicious smell wafting from Fluttershy’s oven woke Ditzy from being lost in her thoughts. “Fluttershy, did you make those muffins again?” she called out to the kitchen.

“I did!” said Fluttershy, as she flitted into the living room with a tray of muffins balanced on her hooves. “Just the way you like them. Peanut butter, hay and pumpkin seeds.”

Ditzy scooped up the tray and quickly wolfed down two of the muffins. “Fluttershy, you are the best friend ever!” she said, carelessly talking with her mouth full. “I just don’t know what went right with these muffins, but I can’t get enough of them!”

“You’re most welcome, Bright Eyes,” said Fluttershy, smiling to her friend as she settled into an armchair. “Your body is probably telling you that it needs nutrients for your foal. I’ve read that pumpkin seeds are high in copper and other minerals. We have to make sure your little baby grows up big and strong, don’t we?”

Ditzy grunted noncommittally, not even noticing the fourth muffin she’d eaten. “I guess. You’re pretty excited about the foal, aren’t you, Fluttershy?”

“Oh my goodness, yes!” Fluttershy pressed her front hooves to her chest, smiling beatifically. “It’s just the most wonderful thing, seeing new life come into the world. I was tending to a family of foxes just this spring, and I helped Mrs Fox have her kits. They were so beautiful, such tiny animals. I check in on them once a week, and Mr and Mrs Fox are such good parents!” Fluttershy walked over to Ditzy’s side and nuzzled her shoulder gently. “I know you’re worried about being a mother, but you’ll do fine, I promise. Animals always know what to do when the time comes, and so will you.”

Ditzy sighed, resting her head against Fluttershy’s neck. “I wish I could believe that, Fluttershy,” she said morosely. “I just feel like I’m going to be the worst mother in all of Equestria. Look at me. I’m barely more than a filly myself. How can I raise a foal when I can hardly even look after myself?”

Fluttershy ran a hoof along Ditzy’s blonde mane, whickering softly. “You won’t be alone, Bright Eyes. I’ll help you. And so will lots of ponies, I’m sure of it. Even when it feels like you’re alone in the world, there’s always going to be somepony who will come and help you when you need it. Like how Rainbow Dash looks after me. I’m certain your foal will have lots of good friends as they’re growing up.”

Ditzy nodded and nuzzled against Fluttershy’s neck, then craned her head around to devour another muffin. Hopefully Fluttershy was right, and her foal would be surrounded by good, supportive ponies while growing up. In fact, Ditzy intended to make sure of it.

When Ditzy Doo woke up one morning in autumn, her body was letting her know in no uncertain terms that the foal was due that day. She groaned as she staggered into the kitchen, her mane a complete mess.

Fluttershy hastily set the kettle aside and hurried to meet Ditzy, helping her to ease into a chair. “It’s today, isn’t it?” she gushed, wings flapping excitedly. “Oh, I’m so happy for you, Bright Eyes! We need to get you to the hospital! You wait right there – here’s a cup of tea – and I’ll be back in just a moment.”

Ditzy sat in the kitchen, grumpily sipping at her tea and wishing nothing more than that this whole ordeal was over. A few minutes later, Fluttershy returned, looking rather out of breath, and led Ditzy out into her backyard. Ditzy leant heavily on Fluttershy as they walked, feeling sweat pouring from her brow.

In the cleared area behind Fluttershy’s cottage, amidst the squirrels, rabbits and lazily sunbathing lizards, stood a hansom cab, decorated with pastel yellow curtains covering all of its windows. Hitched to the front of the hansom was Fluttershy’s friend Rainbow Dash, stamping her hooves and twitching her tail.

“Rainbow Dash?” asked Ditzy, surprised to see her here. The two pegasi had not gotten along well when they first met, and only their mutual friendship with Fluttershy kept them civil with each other. “You’re helping me get to the hospital?”

“Eh, sure, why not?” replied Rainbow Dash with a shrug. “I’m just doing a favour for my pal Fluttershy. And, well, you know… foaling is tough. I don’t want any part of it, but if I can make the whole business a bit easier for somepony else, I should do that.”

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash,” said Ditzy, as Fluttershy helped her into the cab. “I won’t forget this.”

Fluttershy settled into the cab next to Ditzy, and they leaned against each other companionably as Rainbow Dash began to move. She began with a trot, then broke into a gallop for a few seconds before lifting off the ground, towing the cab behind her as she flew towards Ponyville.

Even drawing a vehicle laden with two ponies, Rainbow Dash was an exceptionally fast flier. They reached the centre of Ponyville in just ten minutes, and she touched down lightly in the town square. Five minutes later, they had pulled up into the loading dock of Ponyville Hospital, and Fluttershy and Ditzy were walking into the waiting room of the maternity ward.

Fluttershy quickly secluded herself behind a magazine in one corner of the waiting room, trying to avoid the gaze of the nurses or other patients. Ditzy Doo sat down near a pink unicorn mare, who looked a little bit younger than Ditzy’s mother. The mare reached over and patted Ditzy’s shoulder reassuringly. “Cheer up, dearie,” she said, with an accent reminiscent of the rural villages near Manehatten. “Foaling’s not as bad as the stories make it out to be. You’ll be in and out of here in no time.”

Ditzy smiled nervously at the mare. “It’s not?” she asked. “It feels like it’s the end of the world already.”

The unicorn mare laughed nasally, shaking her head. “Not in the slightest. I’m here for my second foal. My eldest is about your age.” She winced and patted Ditzy’s shoulder again. “Sorry, didn’t mean to, uh… your age and all that…”

Ditzy sighed, slumping back in her chair. “No, go ahead. I already know I’ve made a mess of my life, I don’t care what anypony says about it.”

“Oh, now, don’t be that way, sweetheart,” chided the mare, shuffling over into the seat next to Ditzy. “These things happen. The Princess knows I was running about at your age, getting into trouble. It doesn’t make you a bad pony, just an unlucky one.” She offered her hoof to Ditzy. “Name’s Pearl. It’s okay if you’re scared the first time, but it really isn’t all that bad. I even told Magnum – that’s my husband – not to bother coming with me. He’d only worry himself sick for no reason.”

Ditzy shook Pearl’s hoof gingerly. “Bright Eyes. Thanks for the support. I didn’t really get to talk to my parents much about this – I kinda left home all of a sudden.”

“Doesn’t surprise me at all, dearie,” said Pearl, patting Ditzy’s hoof gently. “Any luck with the father?”

Ditzy stared at the floor. “He’s married.”

Pearl raised an eyebrow. “To somepony else?” Ditzy nodded glumly. “Eh, these things happen, don’cha know. I’m not going to tell you off for whatever happened when you’re sitting right here, about to foal.”

“But you should!” cried Ditzy, turning to face Pearl properly. “You should hate me for what I did! He was married! I knew he was married, and I still had sex with him! Over and over again! He even brought me back to his house, and he had pictures of his wife and daughter, and I just didn’t care!” She put her front hooves on Pearl’s shoulders, gazing at her with teary eyes. “They found out about it… my parents made a scene… his wife called me a harlot, and she’s right, I am! I think they’re going to get divorced. I just ruined a filly’s family, and why? Just because I’m a stupid whore who can’t keep her hooves to herself?”

Pearl calmly placed a hoof on Ditzy’s forehead, applying a gentle pressure while Ditzy spent herself. When she finally ran out of words and simply stood panting, Pearl shook her head with a rueful grin. “You know, you sound just like my daughter. Whenever anything goes wrong, she’s always convinced that it’s the worst possible thing, when it’s really not. Just last week, she heard a rumour that Duke Blueblood’s son was engaged to be married, when of course she’s wanted to marry him ever since she was little. It’s not the end of the world, Bright Eyes.”

“But this isn’t just an accident,” insisted Ditzy, almost upset that Pearl wasn’t angry at her the way she should have been. “I did something terrible, something unforgivable. I’m not fit to be a mother.”

“Sweetheart, we all make mistakes,” Pearl said gently. “This sounds like a pretty big one. But you’re not a terrible pony. I can see that from here. And I think you’ll be a great mother. I didn’t know what I was doing with my Rarity, but she turned out just fine. You’ll do your best and learn from your mistakes, and I promise you, raising a foal is one of the most amazing things you’ll ever get the chance to do. You won’t regret it.”

Ditzy whickered softly to herself, trying to take in everything that Pearl had said. “That’s… a lot to think about, Pearl,” she said, looking lost. “Maybe I should just lie down and mull this over.”

She started to fold her legs to settle on the floor of the waiting room, but Pearl shoved her nose under Ditzy’s chest, keeping her upright. “That’s your body saying the foal’s ready, dearie. You need to get into the ward before you can lie down.”

Ditzy forced herself to stay on her hooves as she staggered into the maternity ward, fighting off the almost overpowering urge to lie on the floor. “And don’t worry!” called Pearl behind her. “Everything’s going to be just fine!”

Ditzy Doo was expecting the maternity ward to be like every other ward in the hospital – a brightly lit, sterile white room filled with identical beds and distressing-looking machines. Instead, she found herself in a small, cosy room lit by sunlight from windows and a skylight, with wood panelling on the walls and a layer of clean straw on the floor. “This is the maternity ward?” she asked out loud, leaning against the doorway. Fluttershy stood behind her, ready to accompany her friend.

A nurse pony hurried up to Ditzy as she entered the ward. “Yes, this is the maternity ward, Miss Bright Eyes,” she said, smiling reassuringly. “Just lie down on the straw and relax. I’m Nurse Redheart, and I’ll be taking care of you today.”

Ditzy obediently lay down in the middle of the straw, stretching out her legs in front of her and furling her wings tightly by her sides. “Wow, that feels so much better already,” she said, sighing contentedly. “All that standing and walking was making my whole body ache. What’s with the straw? This doesn’t even look like a hospital ward.”

Nurse Redheart carefully pushed a bowl full of water over towards Ditzy, where she could drink from it while lying down. “Nine out of ten foalings proceed without any need for medical intervention. The emergency ward is just next door if you need it, but most likely, you’ll spend the whole time in here. Studies have shown that the scent and texture of fresh straw provide the most relaxing environment for new mothers.” She shrugged. “Nopony knows why; it’s just one of those things.”

Ditzy took a slurp of water from the bowl, then looked around the room again. “This is kinda nice, yeah. I’m feeling better already.” She took note of a window that faced the outside yard of the hospital, seeing that it was large enough to accommodate her body. “Uh, nurse? Do you think you could open that window all the way? I could do with just a little bit more fresh air.”

The nurse obligingly trotted over to the window and pushed it open. Ditzy stared at her hooves, guilt gnawing at her heart. Fluttershy had been so kind to her, and so supportive, that it seemed like a betrayal to go ahead with her plan now. But all of the kindness in the world wouldn’t change the fact that she was going to be the worst mother in Equestria.

Fluttershy seemed to sense her friend’s distress, and lay down next to Ditzy, placing her front legs next to hers. “It’s going to be alright, Bright Eyes,” she whispered soothingly. “You’ll have your new foal before you know it, and then you’ll be a family together.”

Ditzy whinnied to herself as the foaling began, from guilt as much as from pain. Nurse Redheart carefully talked her through the process, telling her how to move her legs, and when to push and when to relax. Fluttershy kept her hooves and head close to Ditzy at all times, whispering encouragement, and simply providing her reassuring presence.

The pain grew almost unbearable over the next twenty minutes, and then, suddenly, it stopped. Ditzy’s vision swam momentarily, and she pressed her head against the floor, trying to steady herself. “What happened?” she mumbled. “Is it over?”

“Congratulations, Miss Bright Eyes,” said Nurse Redheart. “Are you ready to meet your new foal?”

Ditzy blinked and raised her head, looking up at the window. This was her chance. All she had to do was to take the foal, pass it to Fluttershy, and fly out the window. Fluttershy would never catch her, and by the time Rainbow Dash knew what was going on, Ditzy would be out of sight. She would fly to Las Pegasus, withdraw the rest of her savings, find a new home and a new job, and start a new life. The foal would be just another baby abandoned at the hospital by a mother using a fake name, and they’d never be able to trace her. Somepony would adopt the foal, or it would go into a group home. Anything would be better than being raised by her, Ditzy Doo, the stupid, selfish pony who broke up marriages and destroyed families. She had planned this since before she came to Ponyville, and now was the time to act.

A warm bundle was pressed into Ditzy’s grasp, and she turned her head back to examine it. Resting between her front legs was a tiny violet filly, with a messy shock of golden hair falling to either side of a stubby horn on her forehead. The filly’s eyelids fluttered, and she gazed up at Ditzy with big golden eyes, almost the same shade as her mother’s.

Slowly, almost afraid to breathe, Ditzy lowered her muzzle to the filly’s head and began to lick her clean. The filly whinnied gently as she pressed herself up against her mother, still staring at her with those giant eyes that invited nothing but love and devotion.

When Ditzy finished licking her foal clean, she looked up to see Fluttershy gazing at them with an expression of rapt fascination. Nurse Redheart looked much more professional, but still delighted. “She’s so adorable,” cooed Fluttershy. “What’s her name?”

“Her name?” wondered Ditzy out loud. “Of course she has to have a name. Such a dinky little filly…”

Ditzy didn’t even realise that she had made a decision. “Dinky Doo. Her name is Dinky Doo, like her mother, Ditzy Doo.” The foal seemed to perk up at the mention of her name, and bumped her nose against Ditzy’s. She responded by putting her muzzle under the foal’s chest, urging her to try standing up.

Fluttershy looked surprised. “Ditzy Doo? But you said your name was Bright Eyes. Why would you…?”

Ditzy smiled ruefully at Fluttershy, then slowly hauled herself upright. “Because I’m a very silly pony who was going to do something very foalish. It’s alright, I know better now.” She met Nurse Redheart’s gaze briefly, and the nurse nodded knowingly. Nothing more needed to be said between them.

Dinky Doo tried to stand on her shaky legs, but fell back onto her rump, whinnying softly. On her second attempt, she stood up for long enough to walk underneath her mother and nurse from her. Ditzy closed her eyes and whickered contentedly. Everything really was going to be just fine.

Nurse Redheart led the new mother and daughter into an enclosed yard within the hospital grounds. The yard was covered in grass, and had a pair of picnic tables at one end. At one of the tables sat Pearl, sipping from a tall glass of orange juice and nibbling at a plate of hay and chocolate biscuits. A white unicorn foal, with pink and purple hair, ran around the yard under Pearl’s watchful eye. As Ditzy watched the scene, the foal ran up to Pearl and promptly fell flat on her face. Pearl allowed the foal to find her own way back onto her hooves, then stood up and allowed the foal to nurse to her heart’s content.

Ditzy ambled over to the table, with Dinky walking shakily by her side. “Pearl!” she greeted her, smiling brightly. “You were right. Nothing went wrong. It wasn’t scary at all.”

The older mare grinned. “Told ya so. Why, your little filly is just the most adorable creature I’ve ever seen. Go on, let her run around for a bit. This is the exercise yard for new foals. She’ll be strong enough to walk home with you after a few hours of running around in here, so take a seat and have a bite to eat. You look like you need it.”

Ditzy gratefully sank onto the seat next to Pearl, and lipped at the hay she offered her, while Dinky ran off into the grass. “Thanks, Pearl. You’re a lifesaver. It’s good to have somepony who’s been through all of this before.” She smiled down at the foal Pearl was nursing. “This is your new daughter, then?”

“Sure is,” said Pearl. “Her name’s Sweetie Belle. Isn’t she the prettiest little thing? My mother had hair like that, and she’s got her father’s coat. Go on, sweetie,” she said to the foal, as she finished nursing. “You go and have a run.” Sweetie Belle stumbled off into the long grass again, and was soon met by Dinky Doo. The two unicorn fillies peered inquisitively at each other, then touched their noses together and giggled, before running off and chasing each other around the yard.

Ditzy watched the foals playing, and let out a contented sigh. “You know what, Pearl?” she said, between sips of orange juice. “I think I can actually do this. I can be a decent enough mother.”

“Glad to hear it, Bright Eyes,” said Pearl cheerfully. “What changed your mind?”

Ditzy sighed softly. “I guess it all changed when I saw Dinky, and saw how much she looked like me. I mean, she’s got her father’s coat, and of course she’s a unicorn like him, but she’s got my hair, and my eyes. I was just like her once. She needs her mother, just like I needed mine. That’s when I realised I couldn’t leave her.”

Pearl raised an eyebrow. “Were you going to?”

Ditzy stared at the ground, pawing at the grass with one hoof. “My name’s not Bright Eyes, it’s Ditzy Doo. I… I was going to… I just thought she’d be better off without me. There had to be somepony out there who could take care of a little pony better than I could. But she’s not just any little pony, she’s my little pony. And I’m her momma, and I’ll do… I’ll do anything for her, even if I have to raise her all by myself…”

“Well, of course you don’t have to raise her all on your own!” said Pearl, poking Ditzy lightly in the shoulder. “This is Ponyville. We look after each other. Speaking of which, do you know what you’re getting into, raising a unicorn foal?”

Ditzy scratched her head. “It can’t be much different from raising a pegasus foal, right? Mom said I was hard to control when my pegasus magic started kicking in, and I’d fly around the kitchen running into things.” She chuckled quietly. “I guess I never really grew out of that.”

“Believe me, raising a unicorn foal is a whole different barrel of oats. When their magic comes through – usually at about four to six weeks old – they start manifesting all kinds of weird spells. Not even spells, really, just random magical effects. There’s the usual levitation, and magic from her special talent – Rarity kept finding her way into my jewellery cabinet no matter how secure I made it – but some of it is just weird magic out of nowhere. And if you don’t know unicorn magic yourself, you won’t know what to expect.”

Pearl paused, putting a hoof to her chin. “You aren’t the only new mother in this situation, either. A pegasus couple just moved down from Cloudsdale a few weeks ago with their new unicorn colt. Snails’s magic hasn’t come through yet, but it’s due any day now, so why don’t you and Shutterbug come around to our house, say next Tuesday, and we have our own little regular mothers' group? Dinky and Snails can play with Sweetie Belle, and I can teach both of you how to handle their wild surges when they happen. What do you say to that?”

Ditzy looked at Pearl, then over at Fluttershy, who was perched at the edge of the yard, trying not to be noticed by Pearl or the hospital staff. “I’d say that just about makes me the luckiest mother in Equestria, Pearl. To have such a beautiful, adorable daughter, and friends who are willing to do so much to help me… I didn’t think I deserved this, after everything I’d done. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Ditzy relaxed at the picnic table, watching her daughter play with the other filly, and smiled to herself. She was a mother now, and that was a good thing. She’d made some bad decisions in the past, but now was her chance to start making good ones.

Whatever it took, Ditzy Doo was going to find a way to be the best mother in Equestria.